Feb. 21, 1950 H. N. DlMlcK 2,498,256 INTERMITTENTLY OPERATED VACUUM HORN Filed July 24, 1945 2 sheets-'sheet 1 \ Feb.. 21, 1950 2,498,256 H. N. DlMlcK INTERMITTENTLY OPERATED VACUUM HORN 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 Filed July 24, 1945 :gli E 57% ß T T Ü R. N E y 2,498,256 Íjatentefl Feb. v21, 195.0 UNITED STATES PlßgTlEZNTj OFFICE ¿498,25€ INTERMITTENTLY OPERATED VACUUM HORNl HenryÀ N. D'îmiek‘, Portland," oreg'.; assig'nor to' Hyster Company, Portlandg‘O'i‘egr, a corporation of `Oregon A' Application July 24, 1945», iSerialfNo. 606,785 5'Claims. 1_. `This invention relates'to a novel Y`vaou1iin‘horn for'producing an audible Warning signal. The general 'object of 'the invention' is toïpro vide-a vacuum horn for'vehicles, and the like, whichl does not employ‘delicate «parts or mecha nism's‘requiring 'frequent adjustment or replace-> ment,V which lis rugged and reliablev in'operation', (C15116L22) ' 2 frequent intervals adequately to Warn all"vvö`rlí--Í men in the vicinity Withoì'ltcl‘eátihg'the a'i’iîioyi ance of a constant, uninterruptedsound.> The presentïhorn is also-'obvioù’sly applioabl'e to any installation Where an automatic intermittent Warning is desired» If such installation does 'not have a source of vacuum available, a'n'iotor driven and Which lWill produce a' loud warning'fsig‘nal. vacuum pump., lor lthe like, may be included 'in or A'-further object is'to'provide‘a horn of the type described 'having' associated 'therewith a’ simple Connected YWith- the device; and ' inexpensive `mechanism vfor' automatically producing periodic or intermittent operation’ of the h'orn. With these and other objects 'in View, the'in vent-ion resides in‘ the' construction and arrange ment 'of l'parts shov'v'n'in the accompanying draw; I The nom itse1f_.comprises,ím general, a'pair of circular, mating housing parts II and`l2 s'e' cnred together by marginal screws I3 which 'also serve to clamp` a diaphragm lit> and"gasketv I5 between the parte. The housing parts II an'd‘fiZ thereby. forni air chambers IG'a-nd I'I on opposite sides of" the diaphragm. The 'iil’i'ëítïifllaei"'> IÈ "Con-4 ings' illustrating a preferred' embodiment ‘ of ' the tains air under atmospheric pressure atïall' times invention. FigureA 1 is ato-p plan Viewv of a' vacuui'n‘hor'n' embodying the Vprinciples 'of the present inven but is protectívely covered by4 a removable inspec tion plate I8 ~whichneed not make an air tight connectionwith the housing 'part I I.' Coi’iirnu’nil calling' With the veha??ber' IT iS a lVacuufn’lin'e"I9 tion,A - .Figure -2”'is a viewtakenA onv the' line 2i-2bf Figure l, showing the horn' in rear elevation', and ‘y Figure -~3 is yan enlargedy longitudinal 'sectional view; Figuree‘is a ldiagram showing the connections between the different components of the 'assem bly. The present horn’ isv a' Warning device of gen eral 'application that ‘is" intended prii'narilyv for use' onvehicles such as straddle trucks in lum ber yards. These‘truck’s' constitute a particu# larlyserious hazard to workmen' handling lumber because the Adriver of the truck is'perch'ed high conti‘ölledïby a valve plunger 2li in a Valve 2|.' The ‘valve 2i' 'is in Vturn connected'with a fitting 272" establish-ing Communication With a branchï pipe 2Í3v`ar`1d a li?'e 24 leading to an eri'gìne'íntakë manifold >o'r other source` of vacuum. A' valve 25'in this ’line is mounted in the truck'cab for" the use @fine driver. ~ ` V The housing part' l2 carries a horn tube l`3Il^`in axial alignrnent`~vvith an annular`re'cess 3l and the margin ofthe opening 32 is a raised anni1la'rî_` face 33 adapted'toseat'a reciprocatin'g'disc 34,' The'di'sc'sliiis‘ fixed @nene end of 'a spindle 35‘ ings is obstructed by the’load carried under the screwed into a diaphragm bushingk 36 mounted on >the'diaphragm i4; andV a nut 31 'on the bu‘s'h‘-4 can thereby turn the valvev so that the horn'will continue to operate while the truck is in use. sure "on both‘sid‘es of the diaphragm, so' as'to in the air Wherehis view of immediate'surround ing clamps th'eldiaphragrh ti'gl'itlil between" a' truck. For the safety' of the kother Workmen it spacer‘SS 'anda' gasket ‘39 bearing 'against an' enr has been found' necessary to' provide such trucks lar'g'ed head Mlîon the'bushing; The disc 34 may" with' a Warning device which operates automati cally When the-truck' is in use. The present `horn 40 be adjusted' longitudinally with' respect tothe' face'33'by means'of'a screwdriver slot 4I inthe is operated entirely by a vacuum line connected spindle' 35; such adjustment'being maintained by with the intake Vmanifold of the engine of the means of lock'nut 42.' The disc 34': is preferably’ truck and is provided with» anion` and off valve adîusted'to' have a light contact'with the face in the cab of the truck. The operator of the truck Associated with the horn on a common mount ing bracket is a vacuum motor connected with the horn vacuum line andarranged to open and close a' valve periodically'connecting the vacuum line> With'` the horn. By means of this unitary mechanism,` an intermittent signal is produced in' which the sounding'iintervals ~may be varied 33 vwhen 'the system'is open to' atmosphericv presi allow` for vibration in both directions from a mid position. When`~ atmospheric' pressure exists n _ the chambers iß'and I'I, the parts 'assume vthe-posi" tion‘shown 'in Figure 3. When the valves 2 I `'and 25'are opened', the pressure is reduced in chamber I'I causingtl'ie diaphragm I4 and the disc'34 to rn'ove'to the'ri'ght 'under the force of atmospheric byfad'justing the'spe'ed of the' motor. Thus the horn mayautomatically'be blown 'at sufñcientl‘y 55 pressure 'in 'chamber >I 6. Upon' a slight movement ‘2,498,256 4 of the disc 34 to the right, air will enter the that the pneumatic motor 47 operates under at chamber I1 through the opening 32 faster than mospheric pressure, exhausting through the it can leave by way of the pipes I3 and 24 and pipes 23 and 24 into the engine intake manifold the pressure in chamber I1 will rapidly build up, in the manner of the ordinary windshield wiper returning the diaphragm and the disc 34 to their 5 motor. original positions shown in Figure 3. The rapid Various changes in the construction and ar repetition of this cycle produces a musical note rangement of parts will occur to persons skilled in the horn 3D. in the art, and all such modifications are in A bracket 45 is provided for mounting the horn cluded in the invention, the same being limited and the valve 2l. The bracket 45 also carries 10 only by the scope of the appended claims. a post 45 for mounting a pneumatic motor 41 Having now described my invention and in to produce intermittent operation of the horn. what manner the same may be used, What I claim In the present embodiment the pneumatic motor as new and desire to protect by Letters Patent is: 4'! consists of a conventional windshield Wiper vacuum motor secured to the post 46 by means of a clamp 48 and a screw 49. This motor is con nected with the vacuum line 24 by means of the pipe 23 and is provided with the usual speed con trol valve 50 and a shut-off valve 5l. For the present purpose the shut-olf valve El is left per 20 manently on and the speed control valve 50 is ad justed to produce the desired frequency of sound ing intervals. The numeral 52 indicates the oscillating shaft l. In an intermittent vacuum horn, a mount ing bracket, a vacuum line connection. mounted on said bracket, a valve mounted on said bracket in communication with said vacuum line connec-tion, a vacuum motor producing oscillatory mo tion mounted on said bracket, a vacuum line from said vacuum connection to said motor, a vacuum line from said valve for connection with said horn, and means operated by said motor to inter mittently open and close said valve. of the motor 41 to which the Windshield wiper arm would ordinarily be attached. In the pres 2. In a vacuum horn, a mounting bracket, a valve mounted on said bracket, a vacuum line ent arrangement, the shaft 52 carries an arm 53 clamped thereon by means of a clamp screw 54 plunger- for opening andclosing said valve, an from said valve for connection with said horn, a oscillating shaft vacuum motor mounted on said and carrying a cam roller 55 mounted on a pin 56 in a roller slot in the end of the arm. Mount 30 bracket, valve means for controlling said motor, a cam driven by said motor, and a lever pivoted ed in the path of the cam roller 55 and bearing on said valve and bearing upon said plunger in upon the valve plunger 20 is a channel shaped the path of said cam to constitute a cam follower cam follower 60 pivoted at 6l to the valve hous for operating said valve in accordance with the movements of the cam. ous oscillation of the cam arm 53 through an arc 35 3. In an intermittent vacuum horn, a mount of 180° or less to depress the valve plunger 2D ing bracket, a valve mechanism mounted on said and sound the horn on each stroke of the cam, ing 2|. The motor 41 thereby produces continu the duration of each sounding interval being de termined in part by the speed of oscillation of the motor and in part by the position at which the arm 53 is clamped on the motor shaft. If de sired, the motor may be shut off at the valve 5l when the cam is in a position to hold the valve plunger 28 depressed, to cause the horn to emit a continuous instead of an intermittent sound. The valve 5I also may be closed when the cam is raised as in Figure 3 to prevent mischievous operation of the horn by unauthorized persons. ' Figure 4 shows the connections between the different components of the assembly. When valve 25 is opened, the partial vacuum condition in the engine manifold draws a partial vacuum in the main pipe line 24 and also in the branch line 23. When the horn valve 2| is o-pened, atmos pheric air is drawn through horn tube 3U and pipe I9 to vibrate the horn diaphragm in the manner described. When shut-on valve 5l is opened, the partial vacuum condition in line 23 is communicated to the variable speed pneumatic bracket for controlling said horn, a variable speed oscillating shaft vacuum motor mounted on said bracket, means operated by said motor for pc a. riodically opening and closing said valve, and valve means to vary the speed of said motor to control the sounding interval of said horn. 4. In an intermittent vacuum horn, a valve for controlling the sounding of said horn, a vacuum motor for operating said valve intermittently, means to adjust the speed of said motor to vary the frequency of sounding intervals, an oscillat ing arm driven by said motor and arranged to open said valve at `each stroke thereof, and means to adjust the position of said arm with respect to said motor and said valve to vary the dura tion of the sounding intervals. 5. In an intermittent vacuum horn, a valve for controlling the sounding of said horn, a vac uum motor having an oscillating shaft, an arm for actuating said valve intermittently, means for securing said arm on said motor shaft in ad justed position to control the duration of each sounding interval, and means to adjust the speed motor 4'! to oscillate the cam arm 53. The valve 60 of said motor vto vary the frequency of sounding 5l is preferably a quick opening and quick clos ing slide valve, so that it may be operated to stop the pneumatic motor 4'! instantly to leave the cam arm 53 in a particular position, intervals. HENRY N. DIMICK. Thus the valve plunger 2D may be held depressed so that 65 the horn 30 Will sound with a steady tone instead . of an intermittent tone whenever the valve 25 in the cab of the truck is opened. Valve 58 ís preferably a slow acting needle valve to serve as a throttle or speed control valve for the pneumatic motor 41. Thus the valve 58 pro vides for adjustment of the frequency of the sounding interval, which adjustment is not dis turbedby operating either of the manual shutoff valves 25 or 5l. It is understood, of course, REFERENCES CITED The following references are of record in the ñle of this patent: Number UNITED STATES PATENTS Name Date 1,046,164 1,419,435 1,786,214 .1,888,684 1,943,671 2,038,847 Fanning __________ __ Dec. 3, Woodring ________ __ June 13, McCune et al ______ __ Dec. 23, Middleton ________ __ Nov. 22, Hewitt et al _______ __ Jan. 16, 1912 1922 1930 1932 1934 Morrow __________ __ Apr. 28, 1936
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