150422: #iwasverige Swedish trends for source separating systems Erik Kärrman SP Urban Water Management 150422: #iwasverige 20 years of source separation systems in Sweden - Blackwater gravity systems - Blackwater vacuum systems - Collective pipe-systems - Vacuum to tank - Urine separation systems 150422: #iwasverige Same driving forces now and then - Recycling of nutrients - Environmental protection - (Water savings) Future national regulations and goals - Requirements to appy source separation in areas with sensitive recipients (?) - Nutrient recycling (both P and N) in national environmental goals (?) 150422: #iwasverige Blackwater systems - examples Skogaberg, Göteborg - - - 130 households connected, built in 2002 – 2005 Separate gravity blackwater system with conventional toilets and insink-erators Concentration of nutrients have been tested The sewer system is still running 150422: #iwasverige Munga, Västerås (279 households) Slamavskiljare ‐ gemensam slamavskiljt BDT vatten Markbädd ‐ gemensam behandlat BDT vatten Mälaren BDT vatten Hushåll ‐ Vattenverk ‐ lokalt Fordon BDT slam Kungsängens ARV Markarbete biogas renvatten rötat slam klosettvatten Sluten tank ‐ gemensam Lagring & hygienisering klosett‐ vatten Åkermark hygieniserat klosett‐ vatten 150422: #iwasverige Other blackwater systems Vibyåsen, Sollentuna. - Built for 130 households in early 1990th with a gravity system. The system was removed in 2002. Bälinge, Uppsala - collective vacuum system, built in late 1960th, with appx 1000 vacuum toilets. Still running, but around half of the toilets have been removed 150422: #iwasverige Separating system in H+, Helsingborg 150422: #iwasverige How? Blackwater through vacuum toilets Food waste through In-sink-erators with vacuum or gravity Greywater gravity system Avfallsslagen leds separat till uppsamlingstankar på Öresundsverket. Möjlighet till separat behandling av varje avfallsslag eller i kombinationer. 150422: #iwasverige Why? Food waste and wastewater with nutrients and energy recycling The resources can be handled efficiently with a separating system A sustainable recycling system Minimisation of hazardous substances 150422: #iwasverige Waste to resource Increased production of biogas for fuels Increased recycling of nutrients to agriculture Potential use of greywater Dagens kostnader blir morgondagens resurs! 150422: #iwasverige Blackwater vacuum to tank • • • • Today around 1000 applications in 5 Swedish municipalities with a growing trend Can be used in existing buildings More problems with new installations Good experiences from the users but need for service contracts 150422: #iwasverige Hygienization with liquid composting - Hygienization with liquid composting and urea added - Use as a fertiliser in agriculture 150422: #iwasverige Urine separation - Many applications in the 1990th - A few remains: e.g. Understenshöjden with 44 appartments in Stockholm. Built in 1995 150422: #iwasverige Summary of trends - Blackwater systems have been installed in Sweden sporadically since late 1960th. - The trend is an increasing numbers of systems for single houses (vacuum to tank) - A couple of new applications of collective systems are planned (H+ and Västerås) - Most of the installations of urine separation systems were made in the 1990th. Many are today removed. - New beginning with urine separation? 150422: #iwasverige THANK YOU! … and special thanks to Marinette Hagman, SWR/NSVA Lena Blom, Göteborg’s stad Marika Palmér Rivera, Knivsta kommun Ebba af Petersens, WRS Mats Johansson, Ecoloop
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