Page 1 PRE- and POST-NUPTIAL AGREEMENTS – INCREASINGLY RELEVANT? th 29 April 2009 CHRISTOPHER SHARP QC St John’s Chambers, BRISTOL Contents A. Introduction page 2 B. The Ante-Nuptial Agreement 2 Hyman v Hyman [1929] AC 601 4 The Issues 4 The Facts 4 The Decision 5 C. Another Rationale 8 D. Things have changed since 1929 11 E. Pre-Nuptial Agreements: some case law 13 F. Post-Nuptial Agreements: some case law 27 MacLeod v MacLeod 28 G. The Case Law Summarised 32 H. Pre-nuptial agreements and ante-nuptial settlements distinguished 33 I. The Position Elsewhere 34 J. Straws in the Wind? 36 K. What considerations are essential to give the best L. chances of a pre- or post-nuptial agreement being effective? 39 Conclusion 41 Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 2 __ A. Introduction Barely a month goes by just now without a clutch of articles on the status, or the drafting, of agreements designed to regulate the financial affairs of a married couple, whether entered into before or after the ceremony of marriage. Most recently the discussion has been informed by Baroness Hale’s words of wisdom in delivering the decision of the Privy Council in MacLeod v MacLeod [2008] UKPC 64 [2009] 1 All ER 851. This decision indicated that there would be ‘no change’ in respect of what she called “ante-nuptial agreements” but which the rest of the world calls “pre-nupts”, but the position in respect of agreements entered into once the parties have “committed themselves to the rights and responsibilities of the married state” gives rise to a number of interesting and, to an extent, novel considerations. The developing case law has identified differing judicial attitudes to three classes of agreement: - the pre- or ante-nuptial agreement (see the cases cited below) - the post nuptial agreement entered into before separation, i.e. after the ceremony but before marital breakdown (eg MacLeod); and - the post-separation agreement (eg Edgar v Edgar) B. The ante-nuptial agreement It is commonly said that pre- or ante-nuptial agreements are not worth the paper they are written on and that the court will guard jealously its jurisdiction to control the financial affairs of parties following divorce. While there is or has been some truth in this proposition, the supposed rationale is largely based upon a decision now nearly 80 years old and reached in a different era. It is instructive, so as to understand how we got here, to look at the jurisprudential history. Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 NOTES Page 3 Until 1857 no Court could dissolve a marriage which was validly contracted. In order to effect such a dissolution it was necessary to have recourse to a private Act of Parliament (within which Act financial provision might be included). In 1857 the Legislature for the first time gave to the Courts the power to dissolve the marriage tie by a decree of divorce. The legislation which introduced that power also gave to the court a power to make financial provision, albeit of a limited nature, and importantly (for current purposes) for the wife by the husband. On July 18, 1923, the Matrimonial Causes Act of that year became law, whereby for the first time a wife was given the right to obtain a divorce solely on the ground of adultery by her husband. By s. 190 of the Supreme Court of Judicature (Consolidation) Act, 1925 (in words derived from s.32 of the 1857 Act and which clearly point the way to s. 23-25, and ss.5 and 10, of the 1973 Act), it was provided (emphasis supplied):"(1.) The court may, if it thinks fit, on any decree for divorce or nullity of marriage, order that the husband shall, to the satisfaction of the court, secure to the wife such gross sum of money or annual sum of money for any term, not exceeding her life, as having regard to her fortune, if any, to the ability of her husband and to the conduct of the parties, the court may deem to be reasonable, .... and may, if it thinks fit, suspend the pronouncing of the decree until the deed or instrument has been duly executed. "(2.) In any such case as aforesaid the court may, if it thinks fit, by order, either in addition to or instead of an order under sub-section (1.) of this section, direct the husband to pay to the wife during the joint lives of the husband and wife such monthly or weekly sum for her maintenance and support as the court may think reasonable." Hyman v Hyman [1929] AC 601 Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 4 Against such a background the House of Lords came, in April 1929 to hear the case of Hyman v Hyman. Since Hyman is still used as identifying the basis from which the law relating to agreements 1 between parties to control their own affairs has developed , and indeed was considered by the Privy Council in MacLeod, it is important to look at it to see how valid it is as a foundation for the modern approach, and what its remaining legacies may be. The Issues The issues which exercised the House (and had exercised the Full Court of Appeal from whom the appeal came) continue to exercise some commentators to-day. On the one hand was the sanctity of marriage and on the other the sanctity of the freedom of parties to contract and to have that contract upheld by the court. In addition, and importantly, the House was concerned with the consequences of the change in status which derives from divorce, and whether there was a matter of public interest arising from that which required the court as a matter of public policy to ensure its jurisdiction was not ousted. The Facts Hyman was not in fact a case of a pre-nuptial or ante-nuptial agreement but, like MacLeod, a post-nuptial agreement, albeit an agreement (unlike MacLeod) entered into after the marriage had broken down. What it was contended the agreement did, however, was to preclude the wife from seeking the exercise of the court’s powers over and above the provision made for her under the terms of the agreement. It sought to oust the court’s jurisdiction (and the husband sought to rely on such a term despite his adultery). The parties were married in 1912, there were no children. In 1919, by which date the husband was living in adultery with another woman (but this – without more, eg bestiality or incest – did not then entitle the wife to seek a divorce), the parties entered into a See eg Wright v Wright [1970] 1 WLR 1219 per Sir Gordon Wilmer and N v N (Jurisdiction) [1999] 2 FLR 745 per Wall J 1 Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 5 deed of separation whereby the husband agreed to pay some capital sums and a guaranteed weekly income to the wife for life (i.e not simply for joint lives). In exchange she covenanted (inter alia) not to bring any proceedings for financial provision against the husband. Following the change in the law in 1923, however, she brought proceedings for divorce on the basis of his adultery and for maintenance. The husband contended she was barred from pursuing the financial claim by reason of her covenant. The judge at first instance, and subsequently the Court of Appeal, held she was entitled to bring the claim. The Decision Their Lordships did not all speak with one voice. Lord Shaw focussed on the perceived sanctity of the status of marriage and the proposition that an agreement which prevented the court from reviewing an agreement between spouses, when the marriage is dissolved by virtue of adultery (or other grounds which then involved fault) was contrary to public policy, and in effect a licence to commit adultery. He said: “The true principle is that whenever the aid of a Court is invoked to grant a judicial allowance and there is presented to it an agreement as in bar of the exercise of the right or the discharge of the duty under statute then the Court is bound to look at such an agreement and to decline to be turned from the performance of its judicial duty or the exercise of its judicial rights when the agreement so tabled is of a nature repugnant to and defiant of those obligations which are inherent in the sanctity of marriage itself. To hold otherwise would bring the law into confusion and Courts into contempt, for, as already indicated, it would be using Courts of law for purposes essentially subversive of society. …… the principle, so put, applies all round, that is to say, not only to applications for alimony in cases of divorce but in those also of judicial separation.” Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 6 This was not however the basis upon which the majority put the decision. Lord Atkin held that the state had an interest in the way in which a wife was provided for and the parties could not contract out of the court’s jurisdiction, granted by the legislature, to review the consequences of her change in status. This interest, however, derived largely from the status of a married woman and the obligation of the husband to provide for a wife - a duty of the husband which could be enforced by the wife, while a wife, by pledging his credit as agent of necessity but which was also a public obligation, and could be enforced against him by the State under the Vagrancy Acts and under the Poor Relief Acts. When the marriage was dissolved the duty to maintain arising out of the marriage tie disappeared. In the absence of any statutory enactment the former wife would be left without any provision for her maintenance other than recourse to the poor law authorities. In Lord Atkin’s opinion the statutory powers of the Court were therefore granted partly in the public interest to provide a substitute for a husband's duty of maintenance and to prevent the wife from being thrown upon the public for support. If that were true, the powers of the Court in this respect could not be restricted by the private agreement of the parties. “The wife's right to future maintenance is a matter of public concern, which she cannot barter away.” Lord Hailsham LC took a similar position, also basing himself on the importance of divorce as something which changes status (in a way in which judicial separation does not) with the court having jurisdiction to adjust financial provision in consequence upon the change in status. He too adverted to the consequences for the public purse of an unsupported spouse. He said: “Such a decree does not merely affect the relationship of the husband and the wife one to another, but it also changes the status of each of them. In my view, the effect of the section to which I have called attention is to give power to the Court as incidental to the exercise of these powers and as a condition of their exercise to compel the husband to Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 7 make adequate provision for the support of the wife. Such a provision is not made solely in the interests of the wife, but also in the interests of third parties who may deal with the wife or who may, as in the case of Poor Law Guardians, become responsible for her sustenance. If this be the proper inference from the language of the statute, I am prepared to hold that the parties cannot validly make an agreement either (1.) not to invoke the jurisdiction of the Court, or (2.) to control the powers of the Court when its jurisdiction is invoked.” Manifestly things have moved on in some respects (although, interestingly, the possibility of a party to a marriage becoming a charge on the public purse when he or she should be supported by their former spouse was a factor which emerged again in the policy considerations considered by the Privy Council in MacLeod). Nevertheless the underlying refusal of the courts and the legislature to allow parties to contract out of the freedom to have recourse to the courts was subsequently enshrined in s 34(1) of the Matrimonial Cause Act 1973. That section reads: 'If a maintenance agreement includes a provision purporting to restrict any right to apply to a court for an order containing financial arrangements, then— (a) that provision shall be void; but (b) any other financial arrangements contained in the agreement shall not thereby be rendered void or unenforceable and shall, unless they are void or unenforceable for any other reason … be binding on the parties to the agreement.' C. Another rationale Parliament has given the courts a power under Part II of the 1973 Act to make financial provision and property adjustment orders after dissolution of marriage. That power is to be exercised having regard to all the circumstances of the case and the court has a quasi- Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 8 inquisitional role to establish those circumstances, in the course of which the parties are obliged, by virtue of the obligation for full and frank disclosure (and the overriding objective), to assist. Orders made by the court, even if by consent, do not draw their authority from the agreement of the parties but from the order of 2 the court (de Lasala v de Lasala [1980] AC 546 ). The court has an obligation to satisfy itself that the outcome reached is fair and equitable. It cannot do this without exercising its investigative powers. Marriage changes things for the parties. The introduction of children can wholly change a party’s economic independence and the parties’ inter-relationship. Dissolution of marriage can have devastating results. Vulnerabilities can be exploited and unfairness can be perpretrated. In such circumstances external regulation of the parties’ affairs, with the possibility of protection of the vulnerable, 3 must be advisable . Under s.190 of the Supreme Court of Judicature (Consolidation) Act, 1925 one of the factors in the exercise of the court’s discretion when exercising its jurisdiction (so jealously guarded) was (as now) the “conduct of the parties” and this included the fact of the agreement itself. Lord Hailsham said this: “In my opinion, the fact that the deed of separation has been entered into by both parties, the fact that it was executed by the wife voluntarily and upon independent legal advice, the fact that the wife was prepared to accept the provision then made as adequate at the time, the benefits which she obtains in the shape of the guarantee by Mr. Walter Hyman [H’s brother] and in the continuance of the weekly payments after her husband's death, all form part of that conduct of the parties which by the express terms of the statute is to be taken into account by the Court in 2 3 see also Thorpe LJ Xydhias v Xydhias [1999] 1 FLR 683 at 691 see eg per Baron J NG KR (pre-nuptial contract) [2009] 1 FCR 35 at para [129] Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 9 determining what it thinks reasonable. It may very well be that when the facts come to be investigated, the Court will say that a sum of this magnitude, so secured, voluntarily accepted as a sufficient maintenance ten years ago, and faithfully paid ever since, is a sufficient provision, and that the Court will not deem it to be reasonable to order any further payment to be made: this is not the question which your Lordships are considering.” Similarly Lord Atkin observed: “This is not to say that in any particular case the Court must make an order; still less that in this case it must do so. I could well understand the Court coming to the conclusion that the parties' pre-estimate of the wife's reasonable needs was judicious, and that the allowance, continuing as it does after the husband's decease, and being independent of any fluctations in the amount of his fortune, needed no supplement. But the present objection of the husband to the Court considering the matter at all in my opinion cannot prevail “ Thus one sees the beginning of the concept that the court will, or may, take into account as part of their conduct the agreement of the parties and the circumstances in which it was reached which was to develop later through cases like Edgar v Edgar in 1981 and Brockwell v Brockwell [1975] Fam Law 46 and which showed that the existence of an agreement, and the weight to be given to it, are both factors to be taken into account in the overall balance when the court is deciding (on the facts of the individual case) whether or not to exercise its discretion under s 25 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 to make orders for financial provision under ss 23 and 24. The courts have for some time given significance and weight to agreements reached between the parties, with full disclosure and independent advice. In Edgar v Edgar (1981) 2 FLR 19 at p.25 Ormrod LJ said in relation to a post-separation agreement, but in words which have some resonance in the context of pre-nuptial and pre-separation agreements too: Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 10 “To decide what weight should be given in order to reach a just result, to a prior agreement not to claim a lump sum, regard must be had to the conduct of both parties, leading up to the prior agreement, and to their subsequent conduct, in consequence of it. It is not necessary in this connection to think in formal legal terms, such as misrepresentation or estoppel, all the circumstances as they affect each of two human beings must be considered in the complex relationship of marriage. So, the circumstances surrounding the making of the agreement are relevant. Undue pressure by one side, exploitation of a dominant position to secure an unreasonable advantage, inadequate knowledge, possibly bad legal advice, an important change of circumstances, unforeseen or overlooked at the time of making the agreement, are all relevant to the question of justice between the parties. Important too is the general proposition that, formal agreements, properly and fairly arrived at with competent legal advice, should not be displaced unless there are good and substantial grounds for concluding that an injustice will be done by holding the parties to the terms of their agreement. There may well be other considerations which affect the justice of this case; the above list is not intended to be an exclusive catalogue.” (emphasis supplied) See also X v X (Y and Z intervening) [2002] 1 FLR 508 in which Munby J held that an agreement between the parties (after the breakdown of the marriage) was a very important factor in considering what was a just and fair outcome. The court would not lightly permit parties to an agreement to depart from it, and a formal agreement, properly and fairly arrived at with competent legal advice, should be upheld by the court unless there were good and substantial grounds for concluding that an injustice would be done by holding the parties to it. The court must, however, have regard to all the circumstances, in particular to the circumstances surrounding the making of the agreement, the extent to which the Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 11 parties themselves attached importance to it and the extent to which the parties had acted upon it D. Things have changed since 1929 Since 1929 there has been profound social change, particularly in the recognition that marriage is a partnership of equals and that the role of man and woman within the marriage are commonly interchangeable (look again by contrast at the wording of the 1925 Act set out above). Further (as Baroness Hale points out in MacLeod) there is no longer an enforceable duty upon husband and wife to live together – albeit that the decree of restitution of conjugal rights was only abolished by the Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Act 1970. Against this background and at a time of increasing international mobility and cross-border divorces it is becoming increasingly argued that it is anomalous that in England and Wales we deny parties that independence which we grant to parties in commerce to make decisions about their own future. As increasing international mobility results in married couples bringing before English courts the agreements they have entered into elsewhere, so the pressure will grow and is growing for the courts here to recognise these agreements at some level. It is plain that even in 1929 the fact of the agreement was recognised as a relevant consideration in the discretionary function of the court. Nevertheless, it is certainly also true that allowing a contractual free for all without any protection given by the courts to those who enter into agreements at a time of vulnerability, or without the opportunity to review the appropriateness of agreements following changes in circumstances (eg the birth of children), could lead to great injustice. In MacLeod Baroness Hale (referring to Baron J’s decision in NG v KR (pre-nuptial contract) [2009] 1 FCR 35 that the variation power in s.35 of the 1973 Act that applies to separation agreements does not apply to pre-nuptial agreements) makes the point that if such agreements cannot be varied then it would be unfair to render then enforceable. Any reform of the law, therefore, Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 12 would surely have to accommodate some provision to protect 4 parties from such injustice . We therefore need to look at how the law has developed and establish what the current law is. It will be seen that pre-nuptial agreements, at least in shorter 5 marriages, are beginning to have a more significant role . As we have seen post-separation agreements will be given significant weight. Post-nuptial but pre-separation agreements will now (following MacLeod) also carry greater weight. Practitioners are more likely to be called upon to advise upon or draft such agreements and so it is essential that, to avoid the consequences of later litigation against the lawyer, we have a clear idea of how far one can go. E. Pre-nuptial agreements: some case law The development of the law in England and Wales has been slow and not always consistent. It is important to distinguish the forum shopping cases from the court’s attitude to the influence of a prenuptial agreement on the substantive exercise of the discretion under the MCA 1973 and the s.25 exercise. The forum cases are very fact dependent and largely turn on different considerations to the s.25 principles which govern the granting of financial relief after divorce in England and Wales. Their relevance therefore lies in the obiter comments made by judges. The two cases below which most clearly show the way in which a pre-nuptial agreement will be applied by the courts are M v M and K v K. The recent case of Crossley (the principles of which in respect of case management and the use of a Notice to show cause were subsequently applied by Eleanor King J in S v S (Ancillary Relief) [2009] 1 FLR 254) may show the way forward. 4 5 in Florida the court can vary such pre-nuptial agreements. See the observations of Baron J in NA v MA [2007] 1 FLR 1760 at para [12] Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 13 F v F (Ancillary Relief: Substantial Assets) [1994] 2 FLR 45: Thorpe J The parties were German. The husband’s significant wealth derived from his family’s business which he had sold before the marriage. The parties settled in England. W applied for interim maintenance. H sought to rely upon antenuptial contracts drawn up in Germany, the effect of which would be to provide the wife with a sum restricted to the equivalent of the pension of a German judge.At 66G Thorpe J said: The other special condition which has to be considered in this case, albeit briefly, is the existence of the antenuptial contracts. It is not in dispute that contracts of this sort are commonplace in the society from which the parties come. They are much emphasised by the husband in his affidavits, since if strictly applied they would have the ridiculous result of confining the wife to the pension of a German judge, whatever that may be. Equally, in the affidavits the wife is urgent in protesting the circumstances in which they came to be signed. I regard the protestations of both in relation to these contracts as having an urgency that the documents themselves do not demand. In this jurisdiction they must be of very limited significance. The rights and responsibilities of those whose financial affairs are regulated by statute cannot be much influenced by contractual terms which were devised for the control and limitation of standards that are intended to be of universal application throughout our society. It is said that these contracts would be strictly enforced against the wife in Germany. I have declined to enlarge the arena to allow evidence from German experts in that field. I cannot think that even in Germany the wife would not have the right to deploy a case either that there was some inequality of bargaining power, alternatively undue influence, or that they are inconsistent with social policy in Germany. For the purposes of my determination I do not attach any significant weight to those contracts. Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 14 S v S (Divorce: Staying Proceedings) [1997] 2 FLR 100: Wall J It was the wife's second marriage and the husband's third. The husband who was born in Austria was also a national of Turkey and Israel and had enormous wealth. His business was managed from New York. He held a US work permit and his status there was a non-resident alien. He had permission to reside in the UK indefinitely but was resident in Bermuda for tax purposes. The wife was Swedish and had lived in New York since 1974 with her first husband by whom she had had two children. After the divorce proceedings in 1984 the wife and her daughters left New York to live in London. The parties had met in 1983 and by 1986 were discussing marriage, but the husband who had children from his previous marriages was not prepared to marry again without protecting his estate by limiting her rights against him in the event of divorce or death. During the negotiations the wife was represented independently. The prenuptial agreement was executed in the State of New York on 17 November 1986. The agreement provided, inter alia, that it was governed by the laws of the State of New York; provision was made for the wife whereby the husband was obliged to set up a trust fund which was to be released to the wife in the event of divorce. After the marriage, the parties lived together in New York and London but the wife was primarily based in London. In 1996 there were marital difficulties and the wife decided to petition for divorce in England and her petition was filed on 8 November 1996. the husband applied for it to be stayed. He had meanwhile started proceedings in New York. Wall J said: “I am aware of a growing belief that, in the despatch of a claim for ancillary relief in this jurisdiction, no significant weight will be afforded to a prenuptial agreement, whatever the circumstances. I would like to sound a cautionary note in that respect. No one could have more profound respect than I for the observations of Thorpe LJ. In F v F (Ancillary Relief: Substantial Assets) [1995] 2 FLR 45, 66G he said: ‘In this jurisdiction [prenuptial agreements] must be of very limited significance. The rights Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 and Page 15 responsibilities of those whose financial affairs are regulated by statute cannot be much influenced by contractual terms which were devised for the control and limitation of standards that are intended to be of universal application throughout our society.' There is a danger that these wide words might be taken out of context. There is no doubt that, where the English court proceeds to determine an application for ancillary relief, s 25 of the 1973 Act precludes any choice of foreign law, however vividly the circumstances of the case might protest its relevance. So the application is of English law and under s 25(1) regard must be had to all the circumstances of the case. In F v F itself, the result of a strict application of the effect of the prenuptial agreements would have been, as the judge said, 'ridiculous'. In those circumstances they inevitably constituted circumstances of negligible significance. But there will come a case - were I to refuse a stay, might this be it? - where the circumstances surrounding the prenuptial agreement and the provision therein contained might, when viewed in the context of the other circumstances of the case, prove influential or even crucial. Where other jurisdictions, both in the USA and in the European Union, have been persuaded that there are cases where justice can only be served by confining parties to their rights under prenuptial agreements, we should be cautious about too categorically asserting the contrary. I can find nothing in s 25 to compel a conclusion, so much at odds with personal freedoms to make arrangements for ourselves, that escape from solemn bargains, carefully struck by informed adults, is readily available here. It all depends.” Wall J’s observations were described by Thorpe LJ in Ella v Ella (below) thus: “All those observations were interesting in their day, and remain interesting, but they are essentially obiter to the judge's fundamental decision on forum.” Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 16 This decision in which the parties’ agreement was an important consideration in identifying the appropriate forum may be contrasted with R v R (Divorce: Stay of Proceedings) [1994] 2 FLR 1036 (Ewbank J) where the parties were Swedish, married in Sweden and entered into marriage contracts registered in Sweden (effecting an opt out of Swedish community of property law). They came to England and lived here and W intended to remain here. H returned to Sweden and sought to stay W’s English petition. The judge dismissed the application holding that considerations of fairness dictated England as the appropriate forum not least because W would be restricted in what she could obtain in Sweden by the agreements. Contrast N v N (Foreign Divorce; Financial Relief) [1997] 1 FLR 900 another Swedish case, where Cazalet J found that H should not have leave to pursue a financial claim against W in England. The connection with England post-dated the divorce in Sweden. Although there was a prenuptial agreement (reached in Sweden), it would be no more than a material consideration under s.25 in determining an application for financial relief in England. It would not conclude the matter here but would be binding in Sweden. He saw H as seeking, in effect, to circumvent the consequences of that agreement. More recently the CA has considered the question of forum following a prenuptial agreement in: Ella v Ella [2007] 2 FLR 35 (CA) This case should not be regarded as providing much guidance on the agreement’s effect on substantive relief under the MCA 1973. The parties had strong connections with Israel, but also with England where they lived. W got pregnant before marriage and was very keen to have the baby within wedlock. The marriage was in Tel Aviv but immediately before the marriage the parties entered into a prenuptial contract which provided that the law of Israel should apply to any questions affecting property as between the spouses, that its provisions would apply in any place or at any time and that Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 17 separation of property would apply. The agreement was reached at a time of considerable emotional turmoil for the parties, the wife was not independently advised and the contract was drawn up by the notary who had acted for the husband for some time. The CA upheld the decision that English proceedings be stayed, the prenuptial agreement being a major factor making Israel plainly the appropriate forum (and given that if the wife did not there receive "substantial justice", she could seek remedy here by application under Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984, Part III). It was important to appraise the relevance of the prenuptial agreement to the determination not of the wife's potential application for ancillary relief but of the entirely different issue as to forum N v N (Jurisdiction) [1999] 2 FLR 745: Wall J This was not a financial claim (there had been a consent order) but is relevant in establishing that a pre-nuptial agreement is not specifically enforceable in English law (even where part performed). Before their marriage in 1996, the Orthodox Jewish parties entered into an antenuptial agreement which dealt primarily with property matters, but which also required them to attend and comply with the ruling of the Beth Din in the event of any matrimonial dispute. The short marriage which produced one child failed and although a decree absolute of divorce was granted under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 in 1998, H did not apply to the Beth Din for a get (a bill of divorce in Jewish law). A consent order was made in relation to ancillary relief and the contact dispute remained outstanding. According to Jewish law H and W remained married and this had particularly serious consequences for W. She sought to compel H to initiate the get by asserting that he was in breach of both the terms of the antenuptial agreement and his agreement, recited in the contact order, to progress the obtaining of the get expeditiously. H argued that the court had no jurisdiction to grant such relief and applied to strike out the summons. Wall J dismissed W’s summons on the basis that the court lacked jurisdiction to grant the relief she sought. On the basis of public policy, he held antenuptial agreements as a class are not specifically enforceable in English law. The existence of an agreement and its evidential weight are factors to be taken into account when the court is deciding whether or not to exercise its discretion under s 25 of the Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 18 Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 to make orders for financial provision under ss 23 or 24. Each individual clause is unenforceable on public policy grounds and there is no power in any statutory provision to compel the parties to implement part of the agreement. M v M (Prenuptial Agreement) [2002] 1 FLR 654: Connell J The parties, both Canadians, entered into a prenuptial agreement very shortly before their marriage in Canada. W was pregnant, and anxious to get married; H, who had been very distressed by the breakdown of a previous marriage, was not prepared to marry again without a prenuptial agreement. The agreement signed by both parties provided that, in the event of marital breakdown, H would pay W £275,000. After 5 years of marriage the couple separated and W sought relief for herself and the 5-year-old child of the marriage. She argued that she should not be bound by the agreement, having been pressured into it at a time when she was very vulnerable, and that she was entitled to a lump sum of £1,300,000. W’s total net worth was about £300,000, including the value of a property occupied by her mother, H’s net worth was about £7,500,000. By the date of the hearing, which followed a complex forum dispute, W had incurred costs of £326,888 and H had incurred costs of £442,092. The judge awarded W a lump sum of £875,000, and an order for periodic payments for the child of £15,000 pa plus school fees and expenses. He held that it did not matter whether the court treated the prenuptial agreement as a circumstance of the case or as an example of conduct which it would be inequitable to disregard; under either approach, while the court was not in any way bound by the terms of a prenuptial agreement, the court should look at it and decide in the particular circumstances what weight should, in justice, be attached to the agreement. This agreement did not dictate W’s entitlement, but had been borne in mind as one of the more relevant circumstances of the case and had tended to guide the court to a more modest award than might have been made without it. It would have been as unjust to H to ignore the existence of the agreement and its terms as it would have been to W to hold her strictly to those 6 terms . Other relevant factors in departing from equality were the 6 It appears she had been advised against signing by independent lawyers, there had not been full disclosure by H and expert evidence before the judge suggested she would not have been held to the agreement in the courts of British Columbia. Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 19 comparative shortness of the marriage and the fact that H had created the family wealth. K v K (Ancillary Relief: Prenuptial Agreement) [2003] 1 FLR 120: Roger Hayward-Smith QC The husband and wife, who had one child, separated after 14 months of marriage. Prior to the marriage the wife discovered she was pregnant and the mother exerted pressure on the husband to marry her. The husband had wanted a long engagement but the couple agreed to marry and entered into a pre-nuptial agreement at the instigation of the wife's father. The wife had assets of about £1 million, most of which were held in trust, and the husband had assets of at least £25 million. Before signing the agreement the couple received independent financial advice and the solicitors were informed of the pregnancy. At an earlier directions hearing, the court refused to allow the wife to inquire into the husband's financial affairs on the ground that he would be capable of meeting any order that the court might make. The wife sought a lump sum of £1.6 million and periodical payments of £57,000 pa for herself in addition to the agreed £15,000 pa maintenance for the couple's child. The husband offered a lump sum of £120,000 plus a further £600,000 in trust to provide a home for the wife and child until the child finished full-time education. According to the pre-nuptial agreement, if the couple were to dissolve their marriage within 5 years of the date of the agreement, the wife was to receive £100,000 from the husband (to be increased by 10% pa compound) and the husband was to make reasonable financial provision for any children. No valuations of the husband's assets were given during the negotiations relating to the agreement. The agreement made no reference to periodical payments for the wife. The judge looked at the consequences of the agreement on capital and on income differently, largely governed by the effect of the birth of the child. As to capital W had understood the pre-nuptial agreement, was properly advised as to its terms and signed it willingly without Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 20 pressure. There had not been full disclosure, but the husband did not exploit his dominant financial position. Both parties entered into the agreement in the knowledge that the wife was pregnant with their child, and there had been no unforeseen circumstances arising since the agreement which would make it unjust to hold the parties to it. The meaning of the agreement was clear as to capital provision for the wife and there were no grounds for concluding that an injustice would be done by holding the parties to its terms. This was a short marriage and the wife had contributed nothing towards the husband's wealth. The husband had been pressurised into the marriage by the wife's family, and had agreed to marry her on the understanding that her capital claim in the event of the swift breakdown of the marriage would be governed by the agreement. The agreement should, therefore, be considered by the court as one of the circumstances of the case under s. 25 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973. Entry into the agreement constituted conduct which it would be inequitable to disregard under s. 25(2)(g) of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973. The wife should receive a lump sum of £120,000 in accordance with the agreement and the husband's offer and should have no further capital claims upon him for herself. However, as to income, even if the pre-nuptial agreement were to be construed as precluding a claim for maintenance by the wife, it would be unjust to the wife to hold the parties to that part of the agreement because of the on-going contribution she was making in caring for the child of the marriage. Given the time she must invest in bringing up the child, and the prejudicial effect this would have on her earning capacity, it would be unjust to the wife to suggest, either because of the short duration of the marriage or because of the pre-nuptial agreement, that she should have no maintenance. The judge carried out a detailed analysis of all the circumstances. The wife was 28 years old, with limited earning capacity. Her income from all sources was likely to be around £40,000-£50,000 pa. In the circumstances (including the length of the marriage, the pressure put on the husband to enter into the marriage, the interference of the wife's father in manipulating the wife's finances, the wife's postseparation spending spree, the husband's substantial wealth, the disparity between the financial position of the parties, the lack of Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 21 contribution of the wife to acquisition of the husband's wealth, the wife's present and future contribution in bringing up their child, and the likely return the wife would achieve on her capital) it would be fair to expect the husband to pay the wife periodical payments to enable her more easily and more comfortably to bring up their child. The husband should pay an additional £15,000 pa during the child's lifetime, or until he ceased full-time education, or until further order. Interestingly, and again reflecting the existence of the child, the judge then mitigated the effect (on W) of his capital order, to provide accommodation during the child’s dependency. The child of parents between whom there was great disparity of wealth was entitled to be brought up in circumstances which bore some sort of relationship to the current resources and standard of living of the wealthier parent. The length of the marriage was irrelevant in this context. It was not unreasonable of the wife to want to live in an expensive area, nor were her objections to the properties proposed by the husband entirely unreasonable. The husband should pay £1.2 million to provide a home and furniture for the wife and their child until the child ceased to be in full-time education. On that event, the capital should revert to the husband. This figure was not out of line with the value of properties the couple had lived in in the past, and would not be too great a burden on the husband's finances J v J (Disclosure: Offshore Corporations) [2004] 1 FLR 1042: Coleridge J. In a case of substantial wealth in which H had hidden his assets in a “complex corporate undergrowth” and where the judge found H’s credibility to be damaged by his conduct of the proceedings, he had this to say about a pre-nuptial agreement on which H relied: “[41] I should also, as a preliminary point, deal with the prenuptial agreement. I mention it only to put it to one side in this case. Nowadays, occasionally, their existence can be of some significance but not in this case. This contract was signed on the very eve of the marriage, without full legal advice, without proper disclosure and it made no allowance for the arrival of children. It must, in my judgment, Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 22 therefore, in this jurisdiction fall at every fence, quite apart from the fact that the terms were obviously unfair, preventing the wife from claiming against the husband's assets.” Obvious lessons can be learned from these damning words. Crossley v Crossley [2007] EWCA Civ 1491 is a recent and interesting decision. Thorpe LJ with whom Ken and Wal LJ agred held tha there is a discretionary power in a judge to require a party to show cause why a contractual agreement should not rule the outcome of an ancillary relief claim, not just when the contract is made post-separation and in contemplation of an application, but also when the contract has been made prenuptially or postnuptially but before the breakdown of the marriage. The facts were that H was 62 and had an independent fortune declared to be £45 million in December 2001. W was 50 and her declared fortune was £18 million. H had been married once before and had four children. W had been married three times before and had three children. The parties met in June 2005 and became engaged in September. There were negotiations between experienced lawyers to settle a prenuptial agreement. The prenuptial agreement was dated November 16, 2005 and provided essentially that each party should walk away with what he or she had brought in and that neither party should apply for any order for financial provision. They married in January 2006 but by March 2007 they had separated. In August 2007 W petitioned for divorce and then issued Form A. H promptly issued a summons which sought an order for the wife to show cause why the claims should not be resolved by reference to the prenuptial agreement. Bennett J ordered that the parties did not have to produce the customary documentation annexed to their Forms E, on disclosure of assets in ancillary relief proceedings, and neither party was to prepare a questionnaire pursuant to rule 2.61B(7)(c) of the 1991 Rules. Instead, he ordered the W's solicitor to write a detailed letter setting out the W's case concerning alleged non-disclosure of other assets by the husband. W appealed submitting that: (i) the judge erred in directing the husband's summons to be heard as a preliminary issue; Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 23 (ii) the judge erred in failing to apply the 1991 Rules, which were mandatory; (iii) the judge was wrong to find the overriding objective in rule 2.51D permitted him to ignore rule 2.61B, and (iv) the judge was wrong to prevent W from filing a questionnaire. On grounds (ii) and (iii) Thorpe LJ was wholly unpersuaded that these individual rules were intended to be some sort of straitjacket precluding sensible case management. “I would particularly stress the overriding objectives that govern all these rules, carefully and fully drafted in Rule 2.51D…. It is very important that the judge in dealing with the case should seek to save expense. It is very important that he should seek to deal with the case in ways proportionate to the financial position of the parties. It is very important, more so today than it was when these rules were drafted, that he should allot to each case an appropriate share of the court's resources, taking into account the need to allot resources to other cases. In his general duty of case management he is required to identify the issues at an early date and particularly to regulate the extent of the disclosure of documents and expert evidence so that they are proportionate to the issues in question.” On the issue of the pre-nuptial agreement H’s counsel accepted that the court must conduct the section 25 exercise by reference to all the statutory criteria. He accepted that the existence of the agreement cannot oust the court's obligation to apply section 25. He accepted that a prenuptial agreement is only one aspect of the case. However, he emphasised that this was a childless marriage of very short duration, for a substantial portion of which the parties were living apart. The marriage was between mature adults, both of whom had been previously married and divorced; both parties had, and had prior to the marriage, very substantial independent wealth. The prenuptial agreement provided for the retention by each of the parties of their separate properties and division of joint property if any, and finally that there was no such joint property. Thorpe LJ observed: Upon those facts Mr Turner, correctly in my view, adds that the combination of these factors gives rise to a very strong Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 24 case that a possible result of the section 25 exercise will be that the wife receives no further financial award…… All these cases are fact dependent and this is a quite exceptional case on its facts, but if ever there is to be a paradigm case in which the court will look to the prenuptial agreement as not simply one of the peripheral factors in the case but as a factor of magnetic importance, it seems to me that this is just such a case.” Radmacher v Granatino [2008] EWCA Civ 1304 The wife sought permission to appeal the orders made by Baron J in NG v KR (Pre-nuptial contract) [2008] EWHC 1532 (Fam) [2009] 1 FCR 35. The marriage had been celebrated in England between the French H (who had very limited assets) and the German W who had inherited a substantial amount of wealth which provided her, the trial judge found, with an income of £2 million per annum. She had at least £54m liquid. The marriage lasted 8 years. 4 months prior to marriage the parties had entered into a pre-nuptial agreement in Germany to which the judge had, in the Court of Appeal’s words, given ‘very limited weight’. It had provided that the husband would not benefit after any divorce. The judge made lump sum and periodical payments orders. Baron J gave five reasons for giving little weight to the agreement: 1. the husband had had no independent legal advice prior to his entry into the contract. 2. the wife had given no (or no full) disclosure of the extent of her resources prior thereto. 3. there had been no negotiations between the parties or their representatives prior to entry into it. 4. that, in the events which had happened, it would be manifestly unfair to hold the husband to its terms. 5. that the arrival of the couples two daughters had so changed the landscape as to require it to be put to one side. Baron J compared the facts in the case with the six safeguards set out in the Green Paper Supporting Families (see below) and found them wanting. Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 25 The judge did, however, recognise, in the light of the expert evidence before her that both in Germany and in France the contract would be fully enforced against the husband so as to preclude any financial recovery for himself. She said that in awarding a lump sum of £5,560,000 she had reduced the award to allow for the agreement. Wilson and Lawrence Collins LJJ allowed the application for permission because, they found, the wife had a reasonable prospect of success and the case raised an important point of principle regarding how the contract should influence any awards made. Thorpe LJ has indicated an intention to preside. However, the Court attached conditions to the permission, as allowed under CPR 52 because of the ‘compelling reason’ that the wife had to date sought to evade payment of any of the orders made by Baron J. The Court therefore ordered that the wife pay in the lump sum as security, and make the periodical and other payments outstanding, including security for costs. Whether she will do so remains doubtful. F. Post-nuptial agreements: some case law Hyman was, of course, such a case (see above) and the classic later cases such as Edgar v Edgar (1981) 2 FLR 19 (see above) are well known. Both Hyman and Edgar were post separation agreements. In Edgar there was a valid and enforceable separation deed (but the court had still to decide its influence on the wife’s ancillary relief claim). In cases such as Xydhias and X v X (Y and Z Intervening the court was concerned with agreements to compromise court proceedings. In NA v MA [2007] 1 FLR 1760 Baron J considered the effect of a post-nuptial agreement drafted by the husband after he discovered W had committed adultery with his best friend. He had not provided full disclosure of his assets, and had made clear that W must sign or the marriage was at an end. Attendance notes of her solicitors showed she was greatly distressed and signed against advice. The judge found that W had been placed under undue influence (the Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 26 law on which she reviews) but held that even if the agreement were not overturned the court must be satisfied that it was fair. She held the agreement was not premised on fairness, and it would not be fair even to use its terms as a starting point with which to assess the fairness of any award. The importance of the existence of concluded agreements has been stressed not only in Edgar and X v X (Y and Z Intervening) (see above at page 10) but also recently in the Court of Appeal in Soulsbury v 7 Soulsbury [2008] 1 FLR 90 , and most recently by Eleanor King J in S v S (Ancillary Relief) [2009] 1 FLR 254. However as Eleanor King J pointed out in S v S (at para [23]) the case law establishes that the agreement is only one of the s.25 considerations and even where it is of ‘magnetic importance’ the court should only ever consider it against the backdrop of all the s.25 factors. It is of course trite law, now, that no agreement can oust the jurisdiction of the court. MacLeod v MacLeod [2008] UKPC 64, [2009] 1 All ER 851. The Privy Council judgment in MacLeod appears to give a concluded post-nuptial agreement, reached with appropriate disclosure, independent advice and absent any of the other factors vitiating the validity of a contract, a weight of even greater significance. The facts were that both parties were American and had been married before, but there was a significant difference in their wealth. They married in Florida in 1994 and on the day of the wedding they entered into a pre-marital agreement to be constued according to Florida law. Under Florida law this agreement was valid and binding. This agreement was subsequently reviewed on two 7 In Soulsbury the wife agreed (orally by telephone) to refrain from claiming maintenance (there had been a previous joint lives order) if H left her £100,000 in his will. The agreement was not approved by a court. He executed the will but remarried on the day of his death thereby revoking the will. The second wife refused to make the payment but the court upheld the agreement holding that it was not an agreement to oust the jurisdiction of the court, nor a compromise of an ancillary relief claim (which would have to be enshrined in an order) but a unilateral contract which bound his estate. Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 27 occasions, the second being in 2002 by which time they had 5 children and had lived in the Isle of Man since 1995. The 2002 agreement confirmed the 1994 agreement but made substantial variations to it in W’s favour, but made no express provision for the children (who would be dealt with separately under Florida law). The Deputy Deemster in the Isle of Man found that W entered the agreement freely, voluntarily, with a full understanding and having had proper legal advice which she chose not to follow. H had complied with his obligations under the agreement (transferring property to W and making various payments to her). The marriage however broke down by August 2003. W sought to resile from the agreement but H sought its enforcement (save that he proposed that W should have a housing fund during the children’s minority which would revert to him on their majority). The Manx court ordered an outright payment to W of a larger sum than H had proposed. When the case reached the Privy Council the sole question was whether the housing needs of W and children should be met by an outright lump sum or a by a trust, as proposed by H, with the reversion to him. The Privy Council upheld the agreement, found for H on the trust fund and remitted the case for the drafting of the trust deed. The Board concluded that a post nuptial agreement (here, the 2002 agreement) was very different from a pre-nuptial agreement: “The couple are now married. They have undertaken towards one another the obligations and responsibilities of the married state. A pre-nuptial agreement is no longer the price which one party may extract for his or her willingness to marry.” (para [35]). The Board believed that the public policy grounds for ruling that a post-nuptial agreement was null and void, because it provided for the consequences of a future separation, should disappear since the enforceable duty of spouses to live together no longer exists. Therefore, unless the agreement is invalid for the usual contractual reasons (absence of intention to create legal relations, absence of Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 28 consideration [overcome by the execution of a deed], illegality, misrepresentation, undue influence, etc) it will be valid and enforceable. However, such an agreement falls within the meaning of a ‘maintenance agreement’ within the meaning of s.34(2) MCA 1973 8 and as such is subject to the court’s power under ss.35 and 36 to vary or revoke any financial arrangements contained in it, or to insert in it financial arrangements for the benefit of one of the parties to the agreement or of a child of the family Further, by s.34(1) any provision in an agreement purporting to restrict any right to apply to a court for an order containing financial arrangements is void, although any other financial arrangements contained in the agreement shall not thereby be rendered void or unenforceable and shall, unless they are void or unenforceable for any other reason (and subject to sections 35 and 36), be binding on 8 “maintenance agreement” means any agreement in writing made, whether before or after the commencement of this Act, between the parties to a marriage, being— (a) an agreement containing financial arrangements, whether made during the continuance or after the dissolution or annulment of the marriage; or (b) a separation agreement which contains no financial arrangements in a case where no other agreement in writing between the same parties contains such arrangements; “financial arrangements” means provisions governing the rights and liabilities towards one another when living separately of the parties to a marriage (including a marriage which has been dissolved or annulled) in respect of the making or securing of payments or the disposition or use of any property, including such rights and liabilities with respect to the maintenance or education of any child, whether or not a child of the family. Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 29 the parties to the agreement. Moreover, s.35(6) specifically preserves the right of a party to such a maintenance agreement to apply to the court for an order making financial provision. 9 Where the court is considering an application for ancillary relief under Part II of the Act, and applying s.25 in considering the weight to give to the agreement, it should apply the same tests and principles as in a variation application – viz looking for a change in circumstances in the light of which the financial arrangements had been made, such as would make those arrangements manifestly unjust; or for a failure to make proper provision for a child (and see s.35(2)). A further public policy gloss was imposed (an echo of Hyman – see above) that even if there were no change in circumstances, it would be contrary to public policy if the agreement cast upon the public purse an obligation which should properly be shouldered within the family. The Board also agreed that the circumstances in which the agreement was made may be relevant to an ancillary relief claim, and endorsed the observations of Ormrod LJ in Edgar (see pages 9 and 10 above) about effect of the conduct of each party and that “all the circumstances as they affect each of two human beings must be considered in the complex relationship of the marriage”. In the circumstances of the instant case, although there had been a change of circumstances in that the parties had separated, this was plainly contemplated and provided for, but the agreement had not made proper provision for the children (as opposed to the mother). 9 s.35(6) provides: For the avoidance of doubt it is hereby declared that nothing in this section or in section 34 above affects any power of a court before which any proceedings between the parties to a maintenance agreement are brought under any other enactment (including a provision of this Act) to make an order containing financial arrangements or any right of either party to apply for such an order in such proceedings. Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 30 The Manx court, by ordering the lump sum for the wife, had made additional provision for the mother, so the Board accepted H’s proposal for a trust fund which would revert to him after the children’s need for housing had ended. G. The Case Law summarised - Neither pre-nuptial nor post-nuptial agreements can exclude the jurisdiction of the court - They will be taken into account as either a relevant circumstances under s.25(1) or as a matter of conduct under s.25(2)(g) MCA 1973 - They will not be the sole consideration as the court must consider all factors under s.25 - Pre-nuptial agreements (entered into before the parties have committed to the marital relationship, and often at times of vulnerability, but in particular because they are legislating for “an uncertain and unhoped for future”) remain contrary to public policy and thus not valid or binding in the contractual sense. - The weight to be given them will be entirely fact dependent – as Wilson J said in S v S (and it remains true to-day) – “It all depends”. - The rule as to public policy which affects ante-nuptial agreements does not apply to post-nuptial agreements - There is an increasing inclination to give effect to the informed agreement between parties of equal bargaining power to arrange their own affairs. - The mere fact that one party might have done better by going to court is not of itself generally a ground for permitting that party to resile from what was agreed - 10 The passage of time, changes in circumstances and (in particular) the arrival of children in a relationship may have significant consequences upon what is fair. 10 See eg per Munby J in X v X (Y and Z Intervening)at p.536. Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 31 H. Pre-nuptial agreements and ante-nuptial settlements distinguished Pre-nuptial agreements are not to be confused with ante-nuptial settlements. An ante-nuptial settlement is an instrument made in contemplation of marriage and settling property (including both income and capital) of which the parties to the marriage (or their children) are the beneficiaries. Such settlements (assuming they are in contemplation of the marriage of the husband and wife whose marriage is in question) have been variable since the Matrimonial Causes Act 1859 (s.5) and remain so now under s.24(1)(c) of the 1973 Act. Such a jurisdiction involves the exercise all the conventional considerations of the court’s discretion. A pre-nuptial agreement for current purposes, on the other hand, involves an agreement in contemplation of the failure of the relationship, seeking to legislate for the manner in which the parties’ financial resources should be disposed, what limitations should be imposed upon the parties to apply for the exercise of the court’s discretion or what jurisdiction or forum they should submit to. Wall J in N v N (Jurisdiction) [1999] 2 FLR 745 put it this way: The difference between an antenuptial settlement and an antenuptial contract or agreement is that the former seeks to regulate the financial affairs of the spouses on and during their marriage. It does not contemplate the dissolution of the marriage. By contrast, an agreement made prior to marriage which contemplates the steps the parties will take in the event of divorce or separation is perceived as being contrary to public policy because it undermines the concept of marriage as a life-long union. I. The position elsewhere In nearly every other jurisdiction outside England and Wales (and perhaps Eire where divorce is a relatively new concept in any event) agreements between spouses have significantly greater weight than Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 32 here. In Australia parties entering upon marriage may make binding financial agreements (Family Law Amendment Act 2000) but the statute sets out the circumstances in which such agreements may be set aside. In most European jurisdictions the property consequences of divorce are dealt with by marital property regimes. Further afield in China by art 19 of the marriage law of 2001 the parties to a marriage may make binding arrangements about the property regime of their marriage. 11 In most jurisdictions where such agreements have a significant role there are nevertheless provisions enabling the court to set aside the agreement (eg) for failure to disclose all assets, or if there is evidence of fraud, duress, unfairness, or lack of representation at the time of signing the agreement. Further, for instance in Florida, the courts have power to vary ante-nuptial agreements (see MacLeod at para [35]) In England and Wales in 1998 the government produced a Green Paper “Supporting Families” in which it was proposed that written pre-nuptial agreements should be binding for those wishing to use them (but not obligatory). However, the proposals were set about with qualifications to protect the interests of an economically weaker party and the interests of children so that the agreement would not be binding where: - there is a child of the family - where the general law of contract would make the agreement unenforceable - where one or both parties had no independent advice - where the court considered enforcement of the agreement would cause significant injustice (to one or both parties or a child) - where there was not full disclosure - where the agreement was made less than 21 days before the wedding. 11 See J. Posnansky at [2007] Fam Law 444. Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 33 The Law Commission, which is addressing the status and enforceability of agreements made between spouses and civil partners (or those contemplating marriage or civil partnership) concerning their property and finances (see: Tenth Programme of Law Reform, Law Com No 311 (2008) para 2.17), is currently advertising for someone to join their Property, Family and Trust Law to work on the marital property agreement project. The post is initially for 3 years with a closing date for applications of 1 May 2009. It follows that it would seem unlikely that there will be any final recommendations for some time! J. Straws in the wind? In Miller v Miller; McFarlane v McFarlane [2006] 2 WLR 1283 the House of Lords addressed the question of how the courts should deal with “non-matrimonial property” which the parties bring to the marriage either from before its inception or by inheritance – take for example the inherited estate or farm which is expected to be handed on down the generations, or family heirlooms. One of the factors referred to by Lord Nicholls (para 25) as a relevant matter, in addition to the matters to be taken into account set out in White, in his view was the way the parties organised their financial affairs. However, in Miller Baroness Hale does make a point which is of importance to prenuptial agreements and resonates with the principle which derives from White (that the origin of wealth becomes less relevant the longer the marriage) that “What seems fair and sensible at the outset of a relationship may seem much less fair and sensible when it ends.” Circumstances change and unless a prenuptial agreement provides for changing circumstances there is a real danger of injustice arising. In Charman v Charman [2007] EWCA Civ 503 Sir Mark Potter, giving the judgment of the Court of Appeal, ended the judgment with a section on law reform in this field including a plea for considering a greater role for pre-nuptial agreements and the ability of the parties to govern their own affairs. At para 124 he said: Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 34 ……..Almost uniquely our jurisdiction does not have a marital property regime and it is scarcely appropriate to classify our jurisdiction as having a marital regime of separation of property. More correctly we have no regime, simply accepting that each spouse owns his or her own separate property during the marriage but subject to the court's wide distributive powers in prospect upon a decree of judicial separation, nullity or divorce. The difficulty of harmonising our law concerning the property consequences of marriage and divorce and the law of the Civilian Member States is exacerbated by the fact that our law has so far given little status to pre-nuptial contracts. If, unlike the rest of Europe, the property consequences of divorce are to be regulated by the principles of needs, compensation and sharing, should not the parties to the marriage, or the projected marriage, have at the least the opportunity to order their own affairs otherwise by a nuptial contract? The White Paper, "Supporting Families", not only proposed specific reforms of section 25 but also to give statutory force to nuptial contracts. The government's subsequent abdication has not been accepted by specialist practitioners. In 2005 Resolution published a well argued report urging the government to give statutory force to nuptial contracts. The report was subsequently fully supported by the Money and Property Sub-Committee of the Family Justice Council. In Crossley v Crossley Thorpe LJ made these similar general observations: I would classify, in the circumstances of this case, the contract into which the parties entered in December 2005 as in many respects akin to a marital property regime into which parties enter in civil law jurisdictions in order to provide for the property consequences of a possible future divorce. It can be categorised as something akin to a contract for the separation of goods within the French legal system. It does seem to me that the role of contractual Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 35 dealing, the opportunity for the autonomy of the parties, is becoming increasingly important. As counsel have pointed out, the possibility of legislation for prenuptial contracts was raised by this government in I think 1998, and although the responses to the white paper consultation were few in number, there was certainly not in any way a disincentive to further progress. Since then Resolution has formulated a very convincing paper for the legislation of prenuptials, and much of the debate concerning possible reform of section 25 of the Matrimonial Causes Act has emphasised the opportunity for some statutory acknowledgment of the importance of prenuptials. There is in my judgment an even stronger argument for legislative consideration, given the resolution of the European Union to formulate some regulation to tackle the difficulties that arise from different approaches in the member states. There is an obvious divide between the provisions of the civil law jurisdictions and the absence of any marital property tradition in the common law systems. Undoubtedly there would be some narrowing between this European divide if greater opportunity were given within our justice system for parties to contract in advance of marriage, to make` provision for the possibility of dissolution. The approach that Bennett J took in this case seems to me to accord with a developing view that prenuptial contracts are gaining in importance in a particularly fraught area that confronts so many parties separating and divorcing. The fact that the Court of Appeal so readily granted permission for the wife to appeal in Radmacher v Granatino notwithstanding the wife’s persistent and continuing contempt of court, and that Thorpe LJ had indicated a wish to preside, suggests (perhaps) that the Court of Appeal is eager to continue to stress the relevance of ante-nuptial agreements, but at the very least it is clear that it is regarded as an area on which more needs to said judicially at an appellate level. However, it is equally clear from MacLeod that a clear message has been given (albeit obiter) that ante-nuptial agreements remain (in Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 36 the absence of legislation) contrary to public policy and thus not valid or binding in the contractual sense. Moreover, it is to be observed that Baroness Hale expressed no disapprobation for Baron J’s decision in Radmacher 12 . As for post nuptial agreements, the decision in MacLeod has now provided authoritative guidance, and it is plain that subject to the Court’s powers to vary to obviate a manifestly unjust outcome (or to ensure that appropriate provision is made for a child) the courts will uphold valid agreements. K. What considerations are essential to give the best chances of a pre- or post-nuptial agreement being effective? It will be more effective after a short marriage than a long one, and where there are no children. Following from NG v KR it is clear that the Green Paper Supporting Families is a good starting point. There must be: - full disclosure - independent competent legal advice - a sensible gap between the agreement and the wedding (at least 21 days) There should be: - no disparity of bargaining power, but if this is unavoidable, then manifestly no exploitation of it by one over the other and certainly no pressure by one party on the other; - a recital to the effect that the parties wish to enter into a legal agreement with the intention to enter legal relations which will be treated as binding on them; - a recital setting out why the parties are entering the agreement (eg to provide security and a reasonable home for W and children, to protect inherited assets, to 12 NG v KR [2009] 1 FCR 35 Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 37 limit the expectation of the parties if the marriage does not last more than (say) 5 years, etc); - a recital setting out why the agreement is regarded as fair, perhaps identifying the limits of the parties’ mutual dependence, and recording that independent advice has been obtained, full disclosure has been given and so on, with a schedule of assets and resources attached; - definition of any property regarded as non-matrimonial property (unmatched contributions, discrete business assets, inherited property etc); - provision for regular (say 5 yearly) reviews and in particular reviews following the birth of children, absent which there must at least be provision in the event of children being born. It is, of course, essential that such reviews do occur, and there should be provision made for what is to occur if the reviews do not occur. If the parties divorce after fifteen years, and ten years after the last review, and circumstances have changed significantly without any significant change in the original terms, the agreement may be regarded as having limited value. However, in light of the decision in MacLeod, and since the reviews, if they give rise to new agreements, will have been conducted after the parties are married, such post-nuptial agreements will have significantly more weight and a better chance of being enforced. When such factors are satisfied, then even an agreement entered into prior to the commitment of marriage is likely to be a ‘magnetic factor’ in the exercise of the s.25 discretion. However, it is very clear that an agreement that provides that the weaker party shall receive nothing will be of little or no value. Given that the financial circumstances of parties may change from the situation when the advice was first given, and additional wealth may accrue, there may be some practical value in a) ensuring that professional indemnity insurance is adequate at the outset when Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009 Page 38 drafting such agreements, and b) that at least while one remains in a professional relationship with the client, that the relevance and appropriateness of any such agreements are kept under review. L. Conclusion There can be little doubt that there is a distinct inclination amongst at least some of the senior judiciary to give greater weight to decisions taken by adults, properly informed and advised, to regulate their own financial futures. However, there are also those who recognise that there is immense potential for exploitation, perhaps even unconscious exploitation, of a position of emotional or financial strength at times of great potential vulnerability when love or the stress of separation blind parties to the advice they are given, or even the need for such advice. It is noticeable that it is judges like Baron J who deal with the raw emotion at first instance who perhaps most keenly recognise this. Manifestly, therefore, while it seems probable that properly prepared agreements, especially those entered into after marriage (it will take legislation to change the position in respect of pre-nuptial agreements), will take an increasingly important role, it is essential to remember that any decision in an ancillary relief case will be taken after considering all relevant factors under s.25, that the circumstances in which an agreement was entered into will be carefully examined, and that the court will, in its search for a fair outcome, jealously guard its right to adjust the terms of agreements which produce (in the circumstances as they have developed) manifest injustice or inadequate provision for children. CFS QC 10.04.09 Pre- and Post Nuptial Agreements – Increasingly Relevant? © Christopher F. Sharp QC 2009
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