1 Title Page 2 3 4 5 6 Phylogeny and Taxonomical investigation of Trichoderma spp. from Indian region of Indo-Burma Biodiversity hot spot region with special reference to Manipur Th. Kamala, S. Indira Devi*, K. Chandradev Sharma and K. Kennedy 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development, An Autonomous Research Institute Under Depart ment of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govern ment of India, Takyelpat Institutional Area, Imphal, Manipur-795001, India. *Corresponding author: S. Indira Dev i Scientist, IBSD, Takyelpat, Imphal E. mail: [email protected] Phone: +91 3852446120 ext. 24 Fax: +91 3852446122 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1 50 Abstract 51 Towards assessing the genetic diversity and occurrence of Trichoderma species from the Indian region of Indo 52 Burma Biodiversity hotspot, a total of 193 Trichoderma strains were isolated from cultivated soils of nine 53 different districts of Manipur comprising of 4 different agroclimatic zones . The isolates were grouped based on 54 the morphological characteristics. ITS-RFLP of the rDNA region using three restriction digestion enzymes; 55 Mob1, Taq1 and Hinf1 showed interspecific variations among 65 isolates of Trichoderma. Based on ITS 56 sequence data, a total of 22 d ifferent types of representative Trichoderma species were reported and 57 phylogenetic analysis showed 4 well separated main clades in which T. harzianum was found to be the most 58 prevalent spp. among all the Trichoderma spp. Combined mo lecular and phenotypic data leads to the 59 development of a taxonomy of all the 22 d ifferent Trichoderma spp., which was reported for the first time fro m 60 this unique region. All these species were found to produce different extro lites and enzymes responsible for the 61 biocontrol activities against the harmfu l fungal phytopathogens that hampers in food production. This potential 62 indigenous Trichoderma spp. can be targeted for the development of suitable bioformulat ion against soil and 63 seed borne pathogens in sustainable agricultural pract ice. 64 Keywords: Trichoderma; Hypocrea; Internal t ranscribed spacer (ITS); extro lites, chitinase 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 2 80 1. 81 The genus Trichoderma was widely studied due it rapid growth, capability of utilizing diverse substrates and 82 resistant to noxious chemicals [1]. They are often the predominant components of the mycoflora in soils of 83 various ecosystems, such as agricultural fields, prairie, forest, salt marshes, desert etc. [2]. Several Trichoderma 84 species are significant biocontrol agents against fungal phytopathogens and act as stimulators for plant health [3, 85 4]. Trichoderma species produce diverse metabolites, most notably commercially important cellulose, 86 hemicellulases, antibiotics, peptaibiotics, as well as the toxins (such as Trichodermamides) and Trichothecenes 87 that display in vitro cytotoxicity [5, 6, 7, 8]. Introduction 88 Due to the ecological importance of Trichoderma spp. and its application as a biocontrol agent in the 89 field, it is important to understand its biodiversity and biogeography. However, accurate species identification 90 based on morphology is difficult because of the paucity and similarity of morphological characters [9, 10] and 91 increasing numbers of mo rphologically cryptic species [11, 12]. 92 identification [13]. Therefore, with the advent of molecular methods and identification tools based on sequence 93 analysis of mu ltip le genes, it is now possible to identify every Trichoderma isolate and recognize it as a putative 94 new species [9, 14, 15]. The current diversity of the holomorphic genus Hypocrea/Trichoderma is reflected in 95 approximately 160 species, the majority of which have been recognized by molecular phylogeny of pure 96 cultures and herbaria specimens [16, 15]. 97 The natural mechanisms promoting high fungal diversity have remained unclear, but it seems likely that 98 differential preference for soil and climat ic conditions and host plants play the key role [17]. A series survey of 99 Trichoderma spp. were conducted in different regions such as China by Zhang et al., 2005 [18], Siberia and 100 Himaliyan by Kulling et al., 2000 [19], Egypt by Gherbawy et al., 2004 [21] and Central and South American 101 region by Druzh inina et al, press. Their studies led to the identification of several new species [23, 24] and 102 furthermore revealed a unique species in all these regions . This could be the result of geographic/climat ic b ias of 103 some species. In this study we intended to determine the occurrence and species diversity of Trichoderma 104 collected fro m unique biodiversity hotspot region of NE Ind ia. 105 2. Materials and methods 106 2.1. Geography of sampling sites This has already resulted in incorrect 107 Sampling was done fro m nine d ifferent districts of Manipur co mprising of four d istinct agro -climatic 108 zones viz. i. Subtropical plain zone, ii, Sub-tropical hill zone. iii, Temperate sub-Alpine zone and iv, Mid 109 tropical hill zone., which differ in their geographic location, altitude and climate (Fig.1). Subtropical Plain Zone 110 comprises of Imphal West (711m above sea level; averag e rainfall, 1259.5 mm), Imphal East (790; 1413.0 111 mm), Thoubal (790m; 1318.39 mm); Bishnupur (828m; 1204.2mm) and some portion of Senapati district 112 (2500m; 671-1454mm). Sub-Tropical Hill Zone comprises of Churachandpur (1764m; 3080 mm) and Chandel 113 district (787m; 1650.00-3430.85mm). Temperate Sub-Alpine Zone co mprises of Senapati and Ukhrul district 114 (1338m; 1763.7 mm). While Mid Tropical Hill Zone comprises o f Ukhrul, some portion of Imphal and 115 Tamenglong district (1260m; 3135mm). Trichoderma isolates investigated in this study were isolated fro m the 116 total 90 soil samples collected fro m nine d ifferent districts of Manipur (10 samples fro m each districts pooled 117 fro m 5 spots). 3 118 AGRO CLIMATIC ZONES OF MANIPUR 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 Fig. 1. Map of Manipur showing different agroclimat ic conditions 131 2.2. 132 Rose Bengal agar [25] was used as a selective med iu m for the isolation of Trichoderma species, using soil 133 dilution plat ing method. 1lt. of Trichoderma selective med iu m co mprises of MgSO4 7H2 O (0.2g), K2 HPO4 134 (0.9g), KCl (015g), NH4 NO3 (1.0g), Glucose (3.0g), Rose Bengal (0.15g) and Agar (20g). Putative Trichoderma 135 colonies were purified by two rounds of subculturing on potato-dextrose agar (PDA). Pure cultures were 136 maintained in mineral o il at 4ºC and also at -20ºC by suspending the fungal spores in 10% (w/v) skim milk 137 incorporated with silica powder. At the same time the cultures were lyophilized and stored in ampules. 138 2.3. 139 For morphological analysis, strains were grown on PDA at 27ºC for 7-8 days. Growth rates were determined at 140 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40ºC for 72h on PDA [26]. Microscopic observations were done using trinocular microscope 141 (Carl Zais A xio ImageM2, Germany). Conid iophore structures and morphology were examined on 142 macronematous conidiogenous pustules, or fro m fascicles when conidia were matured. Conidial morphology 143 and size were recorded after 14 days of incubation. Trichoderma species were identified according to Gams and 144 Bissett [27] and Samuels et al. [28, 29] 145 2.4. 146 The extraction of genomic DNA was perfor med with minor modification as described by Hermosa et al. (2000) 147 [30]. The ITS reg ion of the nuclear small-subunit rRNA gene were amp lified in an automated thermocycler Isolation and storage of pure cultures Morphological analysis DNA extraction and amplification 4 148 (Bio-rad-C1000 TM Thermal Cycler) using the primers ITS1 (TCCGTA GGTGAACCTGC GG) and ITS4 149 (TCCTCCGCTTATTGA TATGC) as described by White et al., 1990 [31]. The PCR reactions were performed 150 in a total volu me of 50µl, containing 1x standard PCR incubation buffer, 0.5 µM o f each p rimer, 200µM of each 151 of the four deo xyribonucleotide triphosphates, 1.25 U Taq poly merase and 20ng genomic DNA with the PCR 152 condition of 94ºC for 1 min ., annealing at 52ºC for 60 sec and 90 sec elongation at 74ºC and final extension of 7 153 min. at 74ºC in 30 cycles. A negative control with all the reaction mixtures except the DNA template was 154 included with each set of the PCR amplification reactions. Prior to digestion, a 10 µl aliquot of each PCR 155 product, together with the 100bp ladder (Biogene) which acts as a reference marker, were resolved by gel 156 electrophoresis on 1.5% resolution agarose gel for 40 min. at 70V. Finally, the PCR products were visualized 157 under UV light using Gel imaging system (Bio Rad, Chemi Doc, MP) 158 2.5. 159 For restriction frag ment length polymorphis m (RFLP) analysis, PCR products of 65 Trichoderma isolates were 160 digested with three restrict ion enzy mes viz., Taq1, Hinf1 and Mbo1 in 20µl reaction mixtures consisting of 161 10xbuffer (2.0µl), enzy me (0.4µl), PCR product (6.0µl) and MQ water (11.6µl). Reaction mixtures of Mbo1 162 enzy me were incubated for 1 hr at 37°C, Taq 1 for 1 hr at 65°C and Hin f1 for 7 hrs at 37°C. The RFLP bands 163 were separated by 2.5% (w/v) agarose gel electrophoresis stained with ethidiu m bro mide. ITS-RFLP data were 164 recorded by scoring all DNA bands and compiled in a b inary matrix. 165 2.6. Sequence assembly and align ment 166 Amplification products obtained from PCR reactions with unlabeled ITS primers (ITS1 & ITS4) were used for 167 sequencing and DNA sequences obtained from each forward (ITS) and reverse (ITS4) primer were inspected 168 individually for quality. The consensus sequences of each strain were obtained using Gene Runner software 169 Version 3.05 (Hastings software Inc. Hasting, NY, USA; http://www.generunner.net). All sequences were 170 aligned using Clustal W with default settings [32]. 171 2.7. Phylogenetic analysis 172 Sequence align ment was conducted with the CLUSTA L W program [33]. All characters were equally weighted 173 and alignment gaps were treated as missing data. Relat ive support for sp ecific Clades resulted in the tree was 174 estimated by bootstrap analysis with 1000 replicates [34]. Nucleotide divergences were estimated using the 175 Kimu ra‟s two parameters method. Sequence data analysis was carried out by a stepwise approach. 176 2.8. Extrolites 177 Culture extracts were made fro m the Potato dextrose Broth mediu m. The extracts were analysed by HPLC and 178 GC-MS data. Authentic analytical standards were employed for retention time and retention index comparison 179 with the extro lites detected. 180 2.9. En zy me production 181 Screening of chitinase activity was performed using chitin detection mediu m according to the method given by 182 Agarwal and Kotasthane [35]. Chit in detection med iu m co mprises of (all amounts are per lit re) 4.5g of co llo idal 183 chitin, 0.3g of MgSO4 7H2 O, 3.0g of (NH4 )SO4 , 2.0g of KH2 PO4 , 1.0g of c itric acid monohydrate, 15g of Agar, Restriction digestion 5 184 0.15g of bro mocresol purple and 200 ml of Tween-80; pH adjusted to 4.7. Protease activity of Trichoderma 185 isolates was determined using Skim milk agar med iu m [36]. For screening of ß-1,3-g lucanases activity, mediu m 186 amended with laminarin was used according to the modified method given by El-Katatny et al., 2001[37]. 187 188 3. Results 189 A total of 193 Trichoderma spp. were isolated from the cultivated soil of Manipur using Rose Bengal agar 190 med iu m. This region consists of 4 different agroclimat ic conditions with varied soil types and topographical 191 identity (Table.1, Fig. 1). Out of the total collection, 65 Trichoderma isolates were selected based on their 192 morphological identification and their genomic DNA were amp lified using the ITS 1 and 4 primers of the 193 rDNA region. 194 3.1.ITS-RFLP 195 The phylogenetic diversity of 65 Trichoderma strains was analyzed using ITS restriction frag ment length 196 polymorphis m (ITS-RFLP) of the ribosomal spacer (rDNA) reg ion. The amp lified rDNA frag ment length 197 ranged from 548-607bp. The ITS region provided greater resolution for distinguishing isolates of Trichoderma 198 spp. ITS-RFLP carried out by using MboI and Hindf1 illustrated distinct bands to differentiate among the 199 groups as compared to the samples treated with TaqI (Fig. 2). Trichoderma harzianum and Trichoderma 200 aureoviride exh ibited a high level of intraspecific poly morphis m. 201 A 202 203 [M=Marker, 1=T114, 2=T149, 3=T116, 4=T155, 5=T74, 6 =T40, 7=T161, 8=T184, 9=T12, 10=T1, 11=T15, 12=T39, 12=T39, 13=T11, 14=T66, 15=T168, 16=T21, 17=T17, 18=T10, 19=T135, 20=T70, 21=T41, 22=T47, 23=T2, 24=T83, 25=T78, 26=T179, 27=T186, 28=T62, 29=T176, 30=T36, 31=T22, 32=T75, 33=T8, 34=T80, 35=T38, 36=T108, 37=T77, 38=T9, 39=T37, 40=T20, 41=T68, 42=T86, 43=T71,44=T34,45=T69, 46=T89,47=105, 48=T121, 49=T100, 50=T81, 51=T85, 52=T101, 53=T112, 54=T88, 55=T137, 56=T158, 57=T110, 58=T153, 59=T142 , 60=T72, 61=T162, 62=T54, 63=T119, 64=T61, 65=T174 ] 204 B 205 [M=Marker, 1=T62, 2=T71, 3=T1, 4=T11, 5=T12, 6=T17, 7=T40, 8=T47, 9=T70, 10=T74, 11=T174, 12=T41, 13=T75, 14=T77, 15=T80, 16=T86, 17=T89, 18=T100, 19=T101, 20=T161, 21= T162, 22=T15, 23=T66, 24=T83, 25=T39, 26=T112, 27=T137, 28=T142, 29=T176, 30=T54, 31=T10, 32=T81, 33=T35, 34=T36, 35=T38, 36=T37, 37=T68, 38=T69, 39=T186, 40=T88, 41=T110, 42=T179, 43=T168, 44=T105, 45=T121, 46=T21, 47=T22, 48=T61, 49=T8, 50=T108, 51=T19, 52=T20, 53=T15 8, 54=T34, 55=T155, 6 56=T78, 57=T2, 58=T85, 59=T116, 60=T72, 61=T119, 62=T184, 63=T153, 64=T114, 65=T149] 206 207 C 209 [M=Marker, 1=T41, 2=T1, 3=T68, 4=T8, 5=T9, 6=T80, 7=T37, 8=T62, 9=T36, 10=T38, 11=T184, 12=T12, 13=T114, 14=T162, 15=T39, 16=T11, 17=T34, 18=T17, 19=T81, 20=T61, 21=T22, 22=T40, 23=T105, 24=T121, 25=T2, 26=T85, 27=T72, 28=T78, 29=T119, 30=T15, 31=T149, 32=T69, 33=T66, 34=T83, 35=T110, 36=T186, 37=T174, 38=T108, 39=T112, 40=T155, 41=T20, 42=T158, 43=T137, 44=T142, 45=T176, 46=T179, 47=T54, 48=T35, 49=T10, 50=T88, 51=T71, 52=T116, 53=T161, 54=T168, 55=T47, 56=T70, 57=T21, 58=T74, 59=T75, 60=T77, 61=T86, 62=T89, 63=T100, 64=T101, 65=T153] 210 Fig. 2. Restriction digestion of 65 Trichoderma isolates. A. Taq1, B. Mbo1 and C. Hinf1 208 211 3.2.Phylogenetic inference 212 The phylogenetic tree obtained by sequence analysis of ITS region of 65 Trichoderma strains is represented 213 in Fig.3. The ITS sequence was chosen for this analysis because it has been shown to be more informative 214 with various sections of the genus Trichoderma [38, 39]. A maximu m parsimony analysis of the alienable 215 ITS-sequences of the 65 Trichoderma strains demonstrated a total of 4 d istinct clades and all the Clades were 216 phylogenetically d istinct fro m each other. Clade A co mprises main ly of T. harzianum representing the 217 occurrence of biggest group of Trichoderma spp. which was supported by a bootstrap value of 88%. Further 218 Clade A is divided into 2 subclades A1 and A2. A1 comprises of T. harzianum, T. aureoviride, T. 219 asperellum, T. caribbaeum and H. intricata. A2 comprises of T. petersenii, T. spirale, T. piluliferum, T. 220 ovalisporum, longibrachiatum, T. tomentosum, T. hamatum, T. gamsii and H. intricata. Whereas Clade B 221 had close match with T. amazonicum species supported by a bootstrap value of 90%. T. a mazonicum was 222 unique as it formed a separate branch basal. Clade C represents four strains of H. ru fa along with T. 223 erinaceum, T. album and H. nigricans supported by a bootstrap value of 82%. Whereas Clade D co mprises 224 mainly of T. aureoviride, T. atroviride, T. koningiopsis, H. virens and T. inhamatum with bootstrap value of 225 99%. 7 IBSD-T77 T richoderma harzianumJX518913 IBSD-T137 T richoderma harzianumJX518930 IBSD-T86 T richoderma harziznum JX518919 IBSD-T74 T richoderma harzianumJX518911 IBSD-T17 T richoderma harzianum JX518897 IBSD-T142 T richoderma harzianumJ X518931 IBSD-T12 T richoderma harzianum JX518895 IBSD-T70 T richoderma harzianum JX518909 52 IBSD-T54 T richoderma harzianumJX465708 IBSD-T47 T richoderma harzianumJX518904 IBSD-T 105T richoderma aureovirideJX518926 IBSD-T40 T richoderma harzianumJX518902 Clade A1 IBSD-T101 T richoderma harzianumJX518925 IBSD-T83 T richoderma atrovirideJX518917 IBSD-T75 T richoderma harzianumJX518912 Clade A IBSD-T89 T richoderma harzianumJX518920 IBSD-T1 T richoderma harzianumJX518889 22 IBSD-T112 T richoderma harzianumJX518927 IBSD-T11 T richoderma harzianumJX518894 IBSD-T15 T richoderma atrovirideJX518896 IBSD-T100 T richoderma harzianumJX518924 IBSD-T39 T richoderma asperellum JX518901 65 IBSD-T62 T richoderma caribbaeum JX518905 IBSD-T2 Hypocrea intricata JX518890 33 IBSD-T162 T richoderma petersenii JX518935 IBSD-T176 T richoderma spirale JX518937 IBSD-T179 T richoderma piluliferum JX518938 29 24 IBSD-T71 T richoderma ovalisporum JX518910 23 Clade A2 IBSD-T110T richoderma longibrachiatumJX518921 18 IBSD-T81 T richoderma tomentosum JX518931 59 IBSD-T114 T richoderma hamatum JX518928 88 IBSD-T174 T richoderma gamsii JX518936 90 IBSD-T78 Hypocrea intricata JX518914 IBSD-T41 T richoderma amazonicumJX518903 Clade B IBSD-T153 T richoderma erinaceumJX518923 IBSD- T21 T richoderma albumJX465711 IBSD- T168 T richoderma albumJX465704 82 94 IBSD-T20 Hypocrea rufa JX518898 63 Clade C IBSD- T158 Hypocrea rufaJX518934 87 IBSD T 8 Hypocrea rufa JX518891 IBSD-T162 T9 Hypocrea rufa JX518892 IBSD-T108 Hypocrea nigricans JX465710 IBSD-T116 T richoderma koningiopsis JX518922 99 IBSD-T184 T richoderma koningiopsis JX518923 IBSD- T149 Hypocrea virens JX518932 IBSD- T155 Hypocrea virens JX518933 83 IBSD- T161 Hypocrea virens JX465699 42 IBSD-T66 T richoderma atrovirideJX518906 IBSD-T88 T richoderma atroviride JX465700 IBSD-T186 T richoderma atroviride JX518940 IBSD-T61 T richoderma atroviride JX465707 IBSD-T22 T richoderma atrovirideJX465709 IBSD- T10 T richoderma aureoviride JX518893 IBSD- T121 T richoderma aureovirideJX518929 IBSD- T69 T richoderma aureovirideJX518908 Clade D IBSD- T35 T richoderma aureoviride JX518899 IBSD T 68 T richoderma aureoviride JX518907 20 IBSD- T36 T richoderma aureovirideJX518900 IBSD-T72 T richoderma aureoviride JX465701 IBSD-T119 T richoderma aureoviride JX465702 IBSD-T35 T 85 T richoderma inhamatumJX5189187 IBSD- T38 T richoderma inhamatum JX465703 IBSD- T80 T richoderma inhamatum JX518926 IBSD-T72 T 34 T richoderma inhamatumJX465706 IBSD- T37 T richoderma inhamatumJX465705 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 226 227 Fig.3. Phylogenetic tree of the 65 Trichoderma isolates inferred by maximu m parsimony analysis of ITS1 and ITS 4 sequences. The numbers given over branches indicates bootstrap coefficient. 8 228 3.3. Species identification 229 Out of the total isolates obtained from nine geographically distinct areas of Manipur, 65 isolates were 230 preliminarily identified at the species level by mo rphological characteristics and later identified by Internal 231 transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. Altogether 22 d ifferent Trichoderma species were identified as: T. 232 harzianum, H. rufa, H. intricate, T. aureoviride, T. atroviride, T. asperellum, T. amazonicum, T. caribbaeum, 233 T. ovalisporum, T. inhamatum, T. tomentosum, T. longibrachiatum, T. koningiopsis, T. erinaceum, T. 234 hamatum, Hypocrea virens, T. petersenii, T. gamsii, T. spirale, T. piluliferum, T. album and H. nigricans. The 235 species wise distributions of Trichodema isolates in 9 different districts of Manipur were represented in Fig.4. 236 The identification, origin and NCBI GeneBank accession numbers and isolation details are given in Table 1. 237 238 Fig. 4. District wise distribution of d ifferent Trichoderma and Hypocrea species in Manipur 9 Table.1. Identificat ion, orig in, NCBI GeneBan k accession numbers and isolation details of the 65 Trichoderma strains. Sl. No. Isolation Code Species Gene Bank Accession No. Collection site Source Soil type GPS location Latitude Longitude 25º00´N 94º15´E Altitude (m) 790 24°30'N 93°45'E 790 1. IBSD T1 T. harzianum JX518889 IW Soil Alluvial 2. IBSD T2 H. intricata JX518890 IW Soil Alluvial 3. IBSD T8 H. ru fa JX518891 IE Soil Alluvial 4. IBSD T9 H. ru fa JX518892 IE Soil Alluvial 23°55'N 24º 30´N 92°59'E 93º 50´E 790 790 5. IBSD T10 T. aureoviride JX518893 IE Soil Alluvial 24º 30´N 93º 50´E 790 6. IBSD T11 T. harzianum JX518894 IE Soil Alluvial 23º 55´N 92º 59´E 790 7. IBSD T12 T. harzianum JX518895 IE Soil Alluvial 8. IBSD T15 T. atroviride JX518896 IE Soil Alluvial 92°50'E 23º 30´N 23°55'N 93º 54´E 790 787 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. IBSD T17 IBSD T20 IBSD T21 IBSD T22 IBSD T34 IBSD T35 IBSD T36 IBSD T37 IBSD T38 IBSD T39 IBSD T40 IBSD T41 IBSD T47 IBSD T54 IBSD T61 IBSD T62 IBSD T66 T. harzianum H. ru fa T. album T. atroviride T. inhamatum T. aureoviride T. aureoviride T. inhamatum T. inhamatum T. asperellum T. harzianum T. amazonicum T. harzianum T. harzianum T. atroviride T. caribbaeum T. atroviride JX518897 JX518898 JX465711 JX465709 JX465706 JX518899 JX518900 JX465705 JX465703 JX518901 JX518902 JX518903 JX518904 JX465708 JX465707 JX518905 JX518906 TH IE TH IE B B B B B B B B B B B B B Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Clay loamy Alluvial Clay loamy Alluvial Red gravelly sandy loamy loamy Alluvial Alluvial loamy Red gravelly sandy Alluvial loamy loamy Alluvial Alluvial Red gravelly sandy 24º45´N 23°56'N 93°45'E 24º 30´N 23º45´N 24º30´N 24º30´N 24º15´N 24º30´N 24°0'N 24º44´N 92°59'E 24º44´N 24º44´N 24º44´N 24°37'N 24º44´N 93º 45´E 92°59'E 23°45'N 93º 50´E 93º45´E 93º45´E 93º45´E 94º15´E 93º45´E 93°15'E 93º78´E 23°55'N 93º78´E 93º78´E 93º78´E 93°29'E 93º78´E 790 795 790 790 790 790 790 790 790 914.4 828.18 790 828.18 828.18 828.18 1788 828.18 10 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. IBSD T68 IBSD T69 IBSD T70 IBSD T71 IBSD T72 IBSD T74 IBSD T75 IBSD T77 IBSD T78 IBSD T80 IBSD T81 IBSD T83 IBSD T85 IBSD T86 IBSD T88 IBSD T89 IBSD T100 IBSD T101 IBSD T105 IBSD T108 IBSD T110 IBSD T112 IBSD T114 IBSD T116 IBSD T119 IBSD T121 IBSD T137 IBSD T142 IBSD T149 IBSD T153 IBSD T155 IBSD T158 IBSD T161 IBSD T162 IBSD T168 T. aureoviride T. aureoviride T. harzianum T. ovalisporum T. aureoviride T. harzianum T. harzianum T. harzianum H. intricata T. inhamatum T. tomentosum T. atroviride T. inhamatum T. harzianum T. atroviride T. harzianum T. harzianum T. harzianum T. aureoviride H. nigricans T. longibrachiatum T. harzianum T. hamatum T. koningiopsis T. aureoviride T. aureoviride T. harzianum T. harzianum H. virens T. erinaceum H. virens H. ru fa H.virens T. petersenii T. album JX518907 JX518908 JX518909 JX518910 JX465701 JX518911 JX518912 JX518913 JX518914 JX518915 JX518916 JX518917 JX518918 JX518919 JX465700 JX518920 JX518924 JX518925 JX518926 JX465710 JX518921 JX518927 JX518928 JX518922 JX465702 JX518929 JX518930 JX518931 JX518932 JX518923 JX518933 JX518934 JX465699 JX518935 JX465704 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B S S U CH CH U IW C C C C C C C C C C C T Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Loamy Alluvial Alluvial Alluvial Loamy Red gravelly sandy Alluvial Loamy Red gravelly sandy Alluvial Alluvial Loamy Red gravelly sandy Loamy Alluvial Alluvial Lateritic black regur Red ferruginous Red ferruginous Residual Transported Red ferruginous Alluvial Red gravelly sandy Loamy Loamy Alluvial Loamy Alluvial Alluvial Alluvial Loamy Alluvial Loamy Alluvial 24º44´N 24º44´N 24º44´N 24°37'N 24º15´N 24º44´N 24º44´N 24º0´N 24º15´N 24°3'N 25°41'N 24°0'N 24º45´N 24°0'N 24º44´N 24º44´N 24º37´N 24º37´N 24º44´N 24.0'N 24°20'N 24º30´N 25°0'N 24º40´N 24º40´N 24°40'N 24º40´N 24º40´N 24º40´N 24°37'N 24º40´N 24º40´N 24°40'N 24°45'N 24º 59´N 93º78´E 93º78´E 93º78´E 94°15'E 93º30´E 93º78´E 93º78´E 93º78´E 93º15´E 94°0'E 94°24'E 94°0'E 94º15´E 93°15E 93º78´E 93º78´E 93º29´E 94º15´E 93º15´E 93°15'E 93°15'E 94º47´E 93°45'E 93º50´E 93º50´E 93°50'E 93º50´E 93º50´E 93º50´E 93°29'E 93º50´E 93º50´E 93°50'E 94°15'E 93º30´E 828.8 828.18 828.18 1061 828.18 828.18 828.18 828.18 914.4 914.4 2113 1507 790 914.4 828.18 828.18 1061 1561 914.4 914.4 918 3110 790 787 787 790 787 787 790 1065 787 787 790 795 1260 11 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. IBSD T174 IBSD T176 IBSD T179 IBSD T184 IBSD T186 T. gamsii T. spirale T. piluliferum T. koningiopsis T. atroviride JX518936 JX518937 JX518938 JX518939 JX518940 T T C T T Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Alluvial Alluvial Loamy Alluvial Alluvial 24°59'N 24°59'N 24°40'N 24°59'N 24º 59´N 93°30'E 93°30E 93°50'E 93°30E 93º30´E 1260 1265 795 1260 1260 239 * Letters indicate the following locations: IW, soil samples fro m Imphal west district; IE, Imphal east district; TH, Thoubal district; B, Bishnupur district; S, Senapati district; U, Ukhrul district; CH, Churachandpur district; C, Chandel district and T, Tamenglong district. 12 240 Table. 2. Different enzy matic activity exh ibited by 22 representative strains of Trichoderma T. harzianum (T12) Chit inase (mm) 79.33±0.66 Protease (mm) 23.33±1.20 β-1,3-Glucanase (mm) 53.66±0.66 2 H. ru fa (T158) 70.33±0.33 32.00±1.52 31.33±0.66 3 H. intricatum (T78) 69.66±0.88 30.33±0.33 39.33±0.66 4 T. aureoviride (T67) 79.66±2.02 30.33±0.33 46.00±0.57 5 T. atroviride (T22) 41.33±0.88 12.33±1.45 30.66±0.66 6 T. asperellum (T39) 49.33±0.66 27.33±1.45 40.66±0.33 7 T. amazonicum (T41) 47.66±0.33 15.66±0.66 39.00±1.00 8 T. caribbaeum (T62) 70.33±0.33 13.66±0.66 41.66±0.33 9 T. ovalisporum (T71) 70.33±0.33 20.33±0.33 30.33±0.33 10 T. inhamatum (T37) 41.00±0.57 14.66±0.33 18.66±1.85 11 T. tomentosum (T81) 72.66±1.20 10.33±0.33 32.33±0.33 12 T. longibrachiatum (T110) 67.66±1.45 20.66±0.33 34.66±1.33 13 T. koningiopsis (116) 77.33±0.66 13.33±1.20 38.66±1.85 14 T. erinaceum (T153) 50.66±0.66 11.00±0.57 18.00±1.00 15 T. hamatum (T114) 58.00±2.51 29.00±0.57 9.66 ± 0.33 16 H. virens (T149) 63.33±1.66 29.66±0.88 25.66±0.33 17 T. petersenii (T162) 78.66±0.66 37.33±1.45 11.33±0.66 18 T. gamsii (T174) 51.66±1.66 31.00±0.57 40.33±0.33 19 T. spirale (T176) 78.33±1.66 42.66±1.45 34.66±0.33 20 T. piluliferum (T179) 52.00±1.52 31.00±1.52 27.33±0.66 21 T. album (T168) 60.33±2.90 16.00±0.57 41.00±0.57 22 H. nigricans (T108) 63.00±2.51 36.33±0.33 51.66±0.66 Sl. No 1 Trichoderma 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 13 250 3.4. Production of different cell wall degrading en zy mes 251 Each of the representative species of 65 Trichoderma strains were determined for the production of different 252 enzy matic activ ities viz; Chit inase, Protease and β-1,3-glucanase. These enzymat ic activ ities for each one of the 253 representative strains of 22 d ifferent Trichoderma spp. are given in Tab le.2. Ch itinase enzy me that can degrade 254 chitin, a major co mponents of structural polysaccharide of the fungal pathogen cell wall were evaluated by using the 255 chitin detection mediu m. The diameter of the purple color zo ne formation indicates the presence of chitinase activity 256 and its zone diameter ranged fro m 41 to 79.66mm in which T67 (T. aureoviride) showed the highest chitinase 257 activity. The production of extracellu lar protease enzyme was determined for all the strain s in skim milk agar plate. 258 The diameter of halo zone format ion ranged from 10.33 to 42.66 mm, in wh ich T176 ( T.spirale) was the highest 259 producer of protease enzyme. β-1, 3 glucanase which hydrolyzes the O-glycosidic linkages of β-glucan chains in 260 the fungal cell wall is one of the important defense mechanism exh ibited by Trichoderma to fight against fungal 261 pathogens. 262 clearance zone diameter ranging fro m 11.33 to 53.66mm. T12 ( T. harzianum) produced the highest β-1,3- glucanase 263 enzy me activity. All the 22 representative strains of Trichoderma spp. exhib ited β-1,3- g lucanase activity with a 264 265 3.5. Taxonomy 266 Various phenotypic differences were observed among the 22 investigated group of Trichoderma spp. All the species 267 were ab le to grow between 15ºC to 30ºC with different growth rates. Trichoderma species belongs to the Division 268 Ascomycota, Subdivision Pezizo mycotina, Class Sordario mycetes, Subclass Hypocreomycetidae, Order Hypocreales 269 and Family Hypocreaceae. 270 Trichoderma harzianum Indira & kamala 271 Synonyms: Trichoderma inhamatum Veerkamp & W. Gams 272 Teleomorph: Hypocrea lixii Patouillard 273 Diagnosis: It is a slow gro wing species with green co lony. Hyphae forms cottony white, with watery wh ite in colour, 274 mycelia sparse and produced floccose aerial myceliu m, conidiophore pyramidal with short vertical intervals and 275 short base secondary branch, phialide ampulliform to flask-shaped (L/W 4.8-8.5 X 2.5-3.5 µm), conidia (L/W 2.7- 276 3.5 X 2.5-3 µm) globose or subglobose and no scar. Chlamydospores were produced in old cultures which were 277 globose to subglobose, terminal or intercalary, stro mata 1.0-1.5 mm diameter, surface s mooth, solitary or aggregated, 278 pulvinate, nearly circu lar in outline, ascospore (L/W 4.3 - 4.4 X 3.9 X 4.0 µm) green in colour. Pig ment often form 279 yellow colour diffusing in mediu m and no distinct odor detected. (Fig. 5.1) 280 Optimum growth temperature: 30°C 281 Optimum pH: 7.00-8.00 282 Extrolite: Peptaibols, anthraquinones, harzianopyridone 283 284 Enzyme production: Ch itinases, β-1, 3-g lucanase, Protease 285 Hypocrea rufa Indira & kamala 14 286 Synonyms: Sphaeria rufa Persoon 287 Anamorph: Trichoderma viride Persoon 288 = Trichoderma lignorum Tode Harz 289 = Trichoderma glaucum Abbott 290 Holotype: France, Pyrenees Altantiques: Isle, de la Sauveterre de Bearn, elev, 100m, on decorated wood, 25 Oct 291 1998, Samuels & Candoussau (BPI 748312, cultures: G. J. S. 98-134, CBS110086. 292 Diagnosis: They are fast growing species with whitish to tan to reddish brown and become darker and cushion 293 shaped after prolonged growth. Conidiophore conspicuous and extremely variable (curved to sinuous), phialide 294 unpaired, l/w (1.2) 2.0-4.5 (-13.0) µm, conidia L/W 1.0 – 1.4µm, pulvinate to hemispherical pustules (< 1-3 mm). 295 Chlamydospore not observed, stromata fleshy, ascospore hyaline, L/W 4.2-5.2 X 4.0-4.5 µm, 2-celled fractured at 296 the septum within asci, no distinct odor detected. No distinct pigments detected. (Fig. 5.1) 297 Optimum growth temperature: 25°C - 30°C 298 Optimum pH: 4.00 299 Extrolites: Peptaibols 300 Enzyme production: Protease, chitinase, β-1,3 glucanase 301 302 303 Trichoderma aureoviride Indira & kamala Synonyms: Chromocrea aureoviridis Plowr & Cooke 304 Teleomorph: Hypocrea aureoviridis Chaverri 305 Diagnosis: Fast growing with optimu m growth temperature between 20°C to 25°C. Co lonies uniformly flat and 306 velvety, colony colour cool white, yello w pig ment produced. Hyphae form uniform lawn over the white co lony, 307 mycelia aerial comp rising short hyphae in the form of a uniform lawn over the colony . Conidiophore arises from 308 substrate hyphae or fro m aerial hyphae, 50-100 µm long, smooth, typically branched along the length in a verticillate 309 fashion. Conidia L/W 3.5-5 x 2.5-3 µm, green, clavate to ellipsoidal or subglobose shape, often with a truncate or 310 slightly protuberant base smooth, held in drops of pale green to colorless. Stro mata solitary to gregarious, 1-5 mm 311 diam circular to elliptic in outline, centrally but broadly attached, at first yello w but becoming slightly rufous with 312 age. Ascospore L/W 3.5-4.0 X 3.3-3.7 µm, green, more or less monomorphic and subglobose, thick walled. Pig ment 313 intense yellow, no distinct odor detected. (Fig. 5.1) 314 Optimum growth temperature: 20°C 315 Optimum pH: 4.00 316 Extrolites: Chrysophanol 317 318 Enzymatic production: Protease, chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase 319 Trichoderma atroviride Indira & kamala 320 Synonyms: Trichoderma parceramosum Bissett 321 Teleomorph: Hypocrea atroviridis Dodd 322 Diagnosis: Co lony characteristics uniformly dispersed not pustulate or in conflict, sharply delimited and more o r less 323 dense central disk within which most conidia form, co lony color green after sporulation, colony radius 42-60mm in 15 324 three days incubation. Hyphae white, sharply delimited with a more or less dense central disk within wh ich most 325 conidia form, mycelia formed uniform mat. Conidiophores branching typically unilateral although paired branches 326 are common, branches typically arouse at 90° or less with respect to the branch above the point of branching, paired 327 branching systems, phialide 6.0-9.7µm long, straight or sinous, sometimes hooked, whorls of 2-4, often cylindrical 328 and narrow neck, conidia L/W 1.0-1.3 µm, subglobose to ovoidal, chlamydospores abundant within 7 days, globose 329 to subglobose, terminal or intercalary, stromata L/W 0.9 – 2.4 µm in diameter, solitary to gregarious, adjacent 330 stromata often fused, ascospores L/W 4.3-4.4 X 3.9 X 4.0 µm dimo rphic, hyaline, thick walled, finely spinulose, 331 distal part globose to subglobose, Sweet (coconut) odor typically noticed. (Fig. 5.1) 332 Optimum growth temperature: 25°C - 30°C 333 Optimum pH: 4.00 334 Extrolites: Atroviridin 335 336 Enzymatic production: β -1,3glucanase, protease, chitinase 337 Hypocrea intricata Indira & kamala 338 Anamorph: Trichoderma intricatum Samuels and Schroers 339 Diagnosis: Colonies grows very fast filling the petri plate within 1 week up to 90mm diameter, dark green hyphae 340 dense cottony with aerial myceliu m, conid iophore formed around the margin of the colony in a more or less 341 continuous, 2.0-4.0 µm wide cottony pustules, with a discernable main a xis, conidia abundant in the aerial myceliu m 342 formed concentric ring with dark green colour, broadly ellipsoidal to ovoidal, smooth, phialides L/W 6.0-9.7 X 1.8- 343 3.5 µm, legeniform and somewhat swollen in the middle to cylindrical, straight, rarely slightly hooked or sinuous, 344 stromata at first semi-effused, 0.5-10mm in diameter brown ish orange to light brown with a white marg in, (0.5 -10 345 mm d iameter), chlamydospore not observed, ascospore L/W 4.3-4.4 X 3.9 X 4.0µm, hyaline, finely spinulate, 346 dimorphic, distal part subglobose, proximal part wedge-shaped to oblong or slightly ellipsoidal. No diffusing 347 pigments and no distinct odour were detected (Fig. 5.1). 348 Optimum growth temperature: 30ºC 349 Optimum pH: 4.00 350 Extrolites: Peptaibols 351 Enzyme production: β -1,3glucanase, Protease, chitinase 352 353 Trichoderma inhamatum Indira & kamala 354 Synonyms: Trichoderma harzianum Rifai 355 Telomorph: Hypocrea lixii Pat 356 Diagnosis: Colony cottony white at the beginning and later become light green after sporulation reaching upto 45-50 357 mm rad ius in four days incubation. Mycelia co mpletely or nearly filling the petri dish, conidiophores 2.0-4.0µm 358 wide narrow, flexuous, branches, lack of sterile appendages, phialide 359 chlamydospore not observed, conidia L/W 3.0-3.5 X 2.2-2.5 µm, fo rmed abundantly within 72 h at 25°-30°C on 360 PDA. Yellow p ig mentation produced and no odor detected. (Fig. 5.1) uncrowded, frequently paired, globose, 16 361 Optimum growth temperature: 25°C - 30°C 362 Optimum pH: 4.00 363 Extrolites: Peptaibols 364 365 Enzymatic production: β-1,3-glucanase, protease, chitinase 366 Trichoderma koningiopsis Indira & kamala 367 Teleomorph: Hypocrea koningiopsis Samuels 368 Diagnosis: Colony color compact to cottony white at early stage, later form deep green to dark green, seldom yellow 369 colouration. Conid ial p roduction sometimes restricted to the margin of the colony, sometimes forming cottony 370 pustules, colony radius upto 51-63 mm fo rming 2-3 concentric rings. Hyphae form dense lawn. Mycelia aerial with 371 broad concentric rings, sometimes forming cottony pustules. Conidiophore branched with long internodes between 372 branches, branches arises slightly less than 90° with respect to the main axis. Phialides L/W 5.5-9.0 X 1.3-3.3 µm, 373 straight, sometimes hooked or sinuous, narrowly lagenifo rm or somet imes swollen in the middle, intercalary 374 phialides present (5.5-9.0µm long). Conidia L/W 3.5-4.5 X 2.2-3.5µm deep green to dark green, seldom with yellow 375 coloration, ellipsoidal, lacking a visible basal abscission scar, smooth (3.5-4.5µm) dry. Ch lamydospores abundant to 376 sparse, terminal to intercalary, globose to subglobose, 9.0-9.5µm d iameter. St ro mata scattered, circular in outline, 377 1.5-2.5 mm diam, broadly attached, margins sometimes free, convex to plane, pulvinate. Ascospores L/W 3.7-4.7 X 378 2.2-3.5µm d imorphic, hyaline, thick walled, finely spinulose, distal part globose to subglobose (2.5 -3.5µm), 379 proximal part oblong to wedge-shaped (3.7-4.7µm) (Fig. 5.1). 380 Optimum growth temperature: 25°C -30°C 381 Opimum p H: 4.00 382 Extrolites: Peptaibols 383 Enzyme production: Protease, chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase 384 385 386 17 387 388 389 390 391 18 392 393 394 395 396 Fig. 5.1. Morphology, conodiophore, spore and chlamydospore of different Trichoderma strains represented in A,Hypocrea B, C and virens D respectively: (Fig. 5) 1. T. harzianum, 2. H. rufa, 3. T. aureoviride, 4. T. atroviride, 5. H. intricata, 6. T. inhamatum, koningiopsis. Anamorph:7.T.T. virens (Miller, Giddens & Foster) Arx, Nova Hedwigia Beth, 87: 288, 397 398 399 Hypocrea virens Indira & kamala Anamorph: T. virens Miller, Giddens & Foster 400 = Gliocladium virens Miller 401 = Trichoderma flavofuscum M iller 402 =Gliocladium flavofuscum Miller 403 Diagnosis: Colony growing fast upto 90mm diameter within three days incubation, floccose with effuse conidiation 404 typically covering the entire surface of the plate, conidiophores hyaline, smooth-walled, l/w 12.4-133.0 x 4.2-6 405 µm, conidia produced concentrically or near the marg in of the plate, metulae (subtending hyphae) cylindrical (l/w 406 8.5-13.8 x 2.7-4.8 µm), stromata 0.8-1.0mm, solitary and scattered, pulvinate, light yellow, nearly circular in 407 outline, Ph ialides lageniform to ampulliform, length 8.6-9.9 µm, base 2.1-2.7 µm wide, width at the widest 3.4-4.5 408 µm. Conidia green, smooth, broadly ellipsoidal to obovoid, 4.2 -4.9 x 3.6-4.2 µm. Chlamydospores abundant, 409 terminal or intercalary, subglobose, 6.3-12.4 x 6.1-10.1 µm. A yellow pig mentation of the agar was sometimes 410 present on PDA (Fig. 5.2). 411 Optimum growth temperature: 25ºC -30ºC 412 Optimum pH: 4.00 413 Extrolites: Peptaibols 414 415 Enzyme production: Protease, chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase 416 Trichoderma album Indira & kamala 417 Synonyms:Trichoderma polysporum Rifai 418 Diagnosis: Fast growing with uniform spreading mycelia and colour changes to light green, after sporulation, 419 hyphae somewhat cottony, green conidia forming in thick and broadly ellipsoidal, Mycelia aerial, branched 420 conidiophore, phialide somewhat swoolen in the middle. No d istin ct pigments formed and no distinct odour was 421 detected (Fig. 5.2). 422 Optimum growth temperature: 25°C - 30°C 423 Optimum pH: 4.00 19 424 Extrolites: Peptaibols 425 426 Enzymatic production: Protease, chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase 427 Trichoderma hamatum Indira & kamala 428 Synonyms: Verticillium hamatum Bonorden 429 =Pachybasium hamatum Bonord. Saccardo 430 =Phymatotrichum hamatum Bonorden 431 =Monosporium ellipticum Daszewska 432 Diagnosis: Colony grew moderately, reaching up to 5 cm in diameter after 3 days incubation, very white and often 433 grew densely, produce some aerial myceliu m wh ich is fluccose in nature, produce disperse cushion shaped. Hyphae 434 white with dense central disk, mycelia grew mostly close to the agar, conidiophore compact tufts with large colour 435 variation, pale yello w and greenish yellow to greyish green, phialides densely clustured on wide main axis, conidia 436 l/w 4.2-5.0 X 2.7-3.0µm, green ellipsoidal, 2.7-3.0µm, smooth, Chlamydospores terminal and intercalary , 437 subglobose to globose with10-13µm d iam., 48-53 mm colony radius at 25°C-30°C, not growing at or above 35°C. 438 No diffusing pig ments and no odor produced (Fig. 5.2). 439 Optimum growth temperature: 25°C - 30°C 440 Optimum pH: 6.5 441 Extrolites: Dermad in 442 443 Enzymatic production: β-1,3-glucanase, chitinase, protease 444 Trichoderma petersenii Indira & Kamala 445 Teleomorph: Hypocrea petersenii Samuels 446 Diagnosis: Colony formed conspicuous concentric ring, colony diameter 33 -45 mm, co lony typically formed 447 abundant conidia with concentric rings, conidia formed dark g reen colour. Hyphae cottony white, myceliu m aerial, 448 conidiophore often visible in pustules, entirely fertile and plu mose, symmetrical, co mprising a recognizable main 449 axis. Phialides l/w 8.8-9.2 X 4.0-4.2 µm, typically straight, legeniform, cylindrical or slightly swoolen in the middle, 450 held in whorls of 3 to 4, intercalary phialides not seen, conidia l/ w 4.2-5.0 X 2.7-3.0 µm, ellipsoidal to broadly 451 ellipsoidal, s mooth. Chlamydospore abundant to sparse or lacking, terminal or intercalary, globose to subglobose 452 (6.5-12mm diameter). Stro mata 0.8-1.0mm, scattered to gregarious, at first thin, semi-effused, tan with a lighter- 453 coloured margin, velvety, gradually becoming thicker, pulvinate to discoidal and reddish brown. Ascospores l/w 3.0- 454 4.0 X 2.7-3.7 µm, hyaline, finely spinulose, dimorphic, distal part subglobose, proximal part wedge -shaped to oblong 455 or slightly ellipsoidal. No pig ment formed and no distinctive odor detect ed (Fig. 5.2). 456 Optimum growth temperature: 25°C - 30°C 457 Optimum pH: 4.00 458 Extrolites: Peptaibols 459 Enzyme production: Protease, β-1,3-glucanase, chitinase 460 20 461 Trichoderma asperellum Indira & Kamala 462 Telomorph: Hypocrea asperella Starback 463 Diagnosis: Colony grew moderately forming upto 5 concentric rings of dense conidial production, hyphae formed 464 lawn, mycelia sparse and grew close to the agar, aerial myceliu m lacking, conidiophore regularly branched and 465 typically paired, phialide straight, conidia l/w 1.0-1.7 µm, g reen to dark green, cushion shaped tufts, subglobose or 466 ovoidal, finely spinulose. Chlamydospore abundant within one week, terminal or infrequently intercalary, hyphae, 467 subglobose to ovoidal, smooth, pale green. No d istinct pigments and no distinct odour were detected (Fig. 5.2). 468 Optimum growth temperature: 30°C 469 Optimum pH: 4.00 470 Extrolites: Peptaibols 471 472 Enzyme production: Protease, chitinase, β-1, 3-glucanase 473 Trichoderma longibrachiatum Indira & Kamala 474 Teleomorph: H. orientalis Samuels 475 Diagnosis: Colony continuous, confluent pulvinate aggregates, colony radius 65-70 mm within three days of 476 incubation, conidial mass dark green, sometimes mottled with wh ite flecks, co nidia formed within 24 h at 30°-40°C 477 tending to form concentric rings, hyphae sometimes mottled with white flecks and often with inconspicuous wefts of 478 yellow hyphae on the surface of the conidial mass. Conidiophore consist of a strongly developed central axis, often 479 paired, the main axis was 2.2-3.2µm wide, Ph ialides l/w 4.8-8.5 X 2.5-3.5 µm, solitary, rarely in verticils, 480 intercalary. Conidia ellipsoidal to oblong, green in colour. Chlamydospores generally abundant, terminal and then 481 subglobose to globose or intercalary. Pig ment yellow d iffusing through the agar, no distinct odor detected (Fig. 5.2). 482 Optimum growth temperature: 30°C- 35°C 483 Optimum pH: 6.5 484 Extrolites: Peptaibols 485 Enzyme production: Protease, chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase 486 487 Trichoderma caribbaeum Indira & Kamala 488 Teleomorph: Hypocrea caribbaea Samuels & schroers. 489 Diagnosis: Colony radius 40-45mm, g reen after sporulation with faint concentric rings or poor conidial production, 490 conidia formed slowly on PDA, after 72-96h at 20°C, hyphae uniform cottony, mycelia abundant areial, 491 conidiophore projecting from the pustules, entirely fertile or sparingly branched, Phialides l/w 6.4-7.5 X 3.1-3.4µm, 492 held in cruciate to verticillate whorls of 3 or 4 arising singlely, straight, lageniform, somewhat swollen in the middle, 493 Conidia l/w 3.1-3.2 X 3µm, green without yellow colorate, ellipsoidal to nearly oblong, smooth. Chlamydosphore 494 produced sparingly, terminal on hyphae, subglobose, stromata 0.5-10mm in diameter, scattered, light brown to 495 brownish orange, irregular or nearly circular, more or less pulvinate, ascospore l/w 4.2-5.2 X 4.0-4.5µm, cylindrical, 496 apex thickened, with a minute pore, hyaline, finely spinulose, dimorphic, d istal part subglobose to slightly conical. 497 No pig ment diffusing through the agar and no distinct odor detected (Fig. 5.2) . 498 Optimum Growth Temperature: 25°C - 30°C 21 499 Optimum pH : 4.00 500 Extrolites: Peptaibols 501 502 Enzyme production: Protease, chitinase, β-1, 3-glucanase 503 Trichoderma amazonicum Indira & Kamala 504 Teleomorph: Hypocrea amazonica Cooke 505 Holotypus: Cultura sicca BPI880413, culturia viva IB 50 506 Etymology: „A mazonicu m‟ for its origin in the A mazon basin. 507 Diagnosis: Co lony forms cottony, colony radius reached 59-69 mm at 25°C, green conidia formed in thick and dense 508 concentric rings, colony formed loose pustules, tending to aggregate towards the distal parts of the colony, few arial 509 hyphae, mycelia co mpletely filling the petri dish with dense conidia. Conid iophore pyramidal fashion, branches arise 510 at almost 90° with respect to the main axis, phialide flask-shaped (6.4-7.7 x 3.3-3.5µm), conid ia (3.2-3.4 X 3, l/W 511 1.2-1.20, globose, scar generally visible, Ch lamydospore-like structures formed in clusters, hyaline & thin-walled. 512 No diffusing pig mentation, slightly fru ity odor found (Fig. 5.2). 513 Optimum growth temperature: 25°C - 30°C 514 Optimum pH: 4.00 515 Extrolites: Peptaibols 516 517 Enzyme production: Protease, chitinase, β-1, 3-glucanase 518 Trichoderma gamsii Indira & Kamala 519 Diagnosis: Colony characteristics at first yellow, then gradually changed to green, pustules cottony to dense, conidia 520 forming abundantly conspicuous concentric rings, dense white, colony diameter (> 45mm after 72 hr). Hyphae 521 forming mat like structure. Conidiophore neither extensive nor uniformly branched, phialides l/w 8.5-9.0 X 4.0-4.2 522 µm, solitary, co mmon, lageniform. Conid ia l/w 3.2-5 X 2.5-3 µm, smooth, ellipsoidal, warted. Ch lamydospores 523 typically abundant, subglobose, terminal hyphae (8.0-11.5µm). So metimes with a pale yellow diffusing pigment, 524 typically with a strong coconut-like odor (Fig. 5.2). 525 Optimum growth temperature: 25°C -30°C 526 Optimum pH: 4.00 527 Extrolites: Peptaibols 528 529 Enzyme production: Protease, chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase 530 Trichoderma spirale Indira & Kamala 531 Diagnosis: Colony formed more or less distinct concentric rings. Pustules typically formed, pulvinate to subglobose, 532 gray-green (0.5-1.5mm), co mpact, colony colour yellowish green. Hyphae formed uniform lawn, mycelia cool white 533 fluorescent light with pustules formed around the periphery of the colony and a synanamorph forming abundantly in 534 the aerial myceliu m. Conid iophore formed a sterile hair fro m the base from which arise short, broad fertile branches. 535 Phialides l/w 8.8-9.2 X 4.0-4.2 µm, arise singly, directly fro m any of the branches, or they arise in whorls at the end 22 536 of branches, phialides often doliform then clustered in grap e-like fashion, when not densely clustered they are 537 ampulliform. Conidia l/w 3.5-4.5 X 2.5-3.0 µm, green in color, oblong to narrowly ellipsoidal (2.5-3.0µm), smooth. 538 Chlamydospores typically abundant, intercalary, often formed in chains of several globose to subglobose (7.0- 539 15.0µm) d iameter. A yello w p ig ment tending to diffuse through the agar within 48 h (Fig. 5.2). 540 Optimum growth temperature: 30°C 541 Optimum pH: 4.00 542 Extrolites: Peptaibols 543 Enzyme production: Protease, chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase 544 545 Trichoderma tomentosum Indira & Kamala 546 Synonyms: Trichoderma cerinum 547 Diagnosis: Fast growth , conidia first appeared within 72 h at 25 -30̊ C in a dense central disk, after 144 h conidia 548 formed into pronounced concentric rings. Colony formed pustules in a na rrow band around the edge of the colony, 549 colony cool white fluorescent light, Colony radius reached upto 45-50mm. Hyphae formed dense, mycelia cool white 550 with conidia formed pustules in a narrow band around the edge of the colony and synanamorph were forme d 551 abundantly in the scantily formed aerial myceliu m, Conidiophore comprised an unbranched or infrequently branched 552 sterile hair fro m the base, Phialide l/w 4.5-5.5 X 2.8-3.5 µm, tending to be short and broad, almost ovoidal with a 553 distinct neck and grape-like clusters at the tips of fertile branches, conidia l/w 3.0-3.5 X 2.2-5.2µm, grey-green, 554 broadly ellipsoidal, s mooth, chlamydospore scattered on CMD, g lobose to subglobose, terminal or intercalary. No 555 diffusing pig ment and distinctive odour detected (Fig. 5.2). 556 Optimum growth temperature: 25°C - 30°C 557 Optimum pH: 4.00. 558 Metabolite production: Peptaibols 559 Enzyme production: Protease, chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase 560 561 562 Trichoderma piluliferum Indira & Kamala Teleomorph: Hypocrea pilulifera Lu 563 Diagnosis: Fast growth, initially formed wh ite colony and subsequently green, colony diameter reaching upto 40-50 564 mm, colony rough in nature, olive green colour in later stages. Hyphae and mycelia rough and spiny. Conidiophore 565 more or less symmetrical near the tip, branches arising at 90°. Phialides l/w 8.8-9.2 X 4.0-4.2 µm, botryose 566 arrangement of plu mbroad phialides on a broad conidiophore. Conidia l/ w 4.3-4.5 X 3.6-4.0 µm, hyaline, smooth 567 and rough, rounded, globose, sometimes with papilla. Ch lamydospores terminal and intercalary in chain (Fig. 5.2). 568 Optimum growth temperature: 25°C - 30°C 569 Optimum pH: 4.00. 570 Extrolite: Peptaibols 571 572 Enzyme production: Proteasse, chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase 573 Trichoderma ovalisporum Indira & Kamala 23 574 Synonyms: Trichoderma koningii 575 Diagnosis: Fast growth, colony characteristics cottony having grey -green pustules, each pustules comprising 576 intertwined hyphae, phialides and conidia, colony colour intermittent light forming green conidia, conidia ovoidal to 577 broadly ellipsoidal or subglobose, L/W 1.1-1.3(-1.6), formed abundantly in faint concentric rings within 72 h at 578 25°C-30°C on PDA, hyphae 3.0-4.5 mm, mycelia nearly o r co mpletely filling the petri d ish, confluent green pustules 579 forming in the centre of the colony, conidiophore conspicuous, arised at or near 90° with respect to the main axis, 580 secondary branches producing phialides directly, main axis rages from 1.7- 2.0 to 4.0 -6.2 µm wide, phialides paired 581 or arising in whorls, typically arising at 90° with respect to the cell below, flask -shaped, intercalary phialides formed, 582 chlamydospore:scattered, subglobose, terminal in submerged hyphae, l/w (6.0-)7.0-10.0(-12) x (4.0-)6.2-8.7-10.5) 583 µm. No p ig ment and no odor detected (Fig. 5.2) . 584 Optimum growth temperature 25°C - 30°C 585 Optimum pH: 4.00 586 Extrolites: Peptaibols 587 588 Enzyme production: Protease, chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase 589 Synonyms: Hypocrea lentiformis, Reh m 1898, Chromocrea nigricans S. Imai 1935 590 Diagnosis: Colony radius 45-50 mm formed pustules in culture, conidiophore aggregated forming weakly developed 591 pustules, phialides straight, 7.6 µm length, 2.0 µm width at the base, 2.8 µm width at the widest shape, conidia 3.2 X 592 2.8 µm (L/W), globose to subglobose, chlamydospore: 7.8 X 9.0 µm. Pig ment yellow, distinct odor not detected 593 (Fig. 5.2). 594 Optimum growth temperature: 30°C 595 Optimum pH: 4.00. 596 Metabolites: Peptaibols 597 598 En zy matic production: Protease, chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase 599 Diagnosis: Colony formed flat lawns in concentric rings with some tendency to form flat pustules reaching colony 600 radius 60-65 mm within 3 days incubation and dark green in colour. Hyphae formed flat lawns, mycelia concentric 601 rings with some tendency to form flat pustules, conidiophore branches arising at angles of 90°C or less with respect 602 to the main axis, the main axis of the conidiophore (2.2-3.0µm wide). Ph ialides arised fro m branches near the base 603 splitary or in whorls of 2 or 3, nearly cy lindrical to swollen in the middle (6.0-8.0µm long), conidia 1.3-1.5 (l/W), 604 ellipsoidal to broadly ellipsoidal (1.3-1.5), smooth, sometimes yellow associated with conidia in pustules. 605 Chlamydospore terminal to intercalary, globose to subglobose (10.0-13.0µm). No diffusing pigment was detected. 606 More or less strong odour detected (Fig. 5.2). 607 Optimum growth temperature: 25°C - 30°C 608 Optimum pH: 4.00 609 Extrolites: Peptaibols 610 Enzyme production: Protease, chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase Hypocrea nigricans Indira & Kamala Trichoderma erinaceum Indira & Kamala 24 611 612 613 614 25 615 616 617 618 26 619 620 621 622 27 623 624 625 626 28 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 Fig. 5.2. Morphology, conodiophore, spore and chlamydospore of different Trichoderma strains represented in A, B, C and D respectively: 8. H. virens, 9. T. album, 10. T. hamatum, 11. T. petersenii, 12. T. asperellum, 13. T. longibrachiatum, 14. T. caribbaeum, 15. T. amazonicum, 16. T. gamsii, 17. T. spirale, 18. T. tomentosum, 19. T. piluliferum, 20. T. ovalisporum, 21. H. nigricans and 22. T. erinaceum 635 636 637 638 639 29 640 4. Discussion 641 The present study on the occurrence and diversity of Trichoderma spp. from Manipur was carried out for the first 642 time fro m this region. The samples were collected fro m d ifferent sub-tropical agroclimatic zones comprising both 643 hills and plains and were allowed to grow in Trichoderma specific med ia. Despite the fact that Trichoderma spp are 644 major group of organisms found fro m the mycoflora in t ropical forest and cultivated soil, their actual d istribution, 645 presence and association with different plants and soils has not been fully investigated. The results fro m this study 646 stress the importance of the use of mo lecular identifications tools to describe the occurrence of Trichoderma 647 diversity fro m this region. Detection of polymorphis m using PCR-RFLP analysis of the rDNA ITS region has been 648 successfully used for identifying several species of Fungi [40, 41]. In this study, fro m the total 193 Trichoderma 649 isolates obtained from 9 different districts, 65 Trichoderma isolates were selected according to their morphological 650 identification and they were grouped using ITS-RFLP using three restriction `en zy mes viz. Taq1, Mob1 and Hindf1. 651 The ITS region sequences data of the 65 Tricoderma isolates gave 22 different species which were represented by 652 both Trichoderma and Hypocrea spp [42]. 653 (anamorph) and Hypocrea (teleo morph) are a single holo mo rph genus. In previous studies that used cultivation - 654 dependent methods to quantify Hypocrea/Trichoderma in various habitats. The result obtained from phylogenetic 655 analysis of ITS sequences of 65 Trichoderma isolates showed 4 distinct clades. Considering the phylogenetic 656 analysis based on ITS sequences, T. harzianum represents the dominant group of Trichoderma spp. reported fro m 657 this region [9, 44, 45, 46]. The bulk of evidence [43] strongly suggests that Trichoderma 658 The 22 different representative Trichoderma spp. were H. rufa, H. intricate, T. atroviride, T. asperellum, T. 659 amazonicum, T. caribbaeum, T. ovalisporum, T. inhamatum, T. tomentosum, T. longibrachiatum, T. koningiopsis, T. 660 erinaceum, T. hamatum, H. virens, T. petersenii, T. gamsii, T. spirale, T. piluliferum, T. album, and H. nigricans. In 661 this study, we also detected a remarkable diversity of genetically sibling species from the Harzianum clade in nearly 662 all soil samples [47, 48]. The second abundant species identified in the present study was Trichoderma aureoviride. 663 Major interrelated factors affecting microbial diversity in soil include physicochemical propert ies of soil. The relative 664 effects of these factors differ in d ifferent soil types, horizons and climat ic zones [48]. The diversity and occurrence of 665 Trichoderma species reported fro m four different agro-climatic zones of Manipur v iz; i. Sub-tropical p lain zone, ii. 666 Sub-tropical h ill zone, iii. Temperate sub-alpine zone & iv. M id tropical h ill zone clearly indicates that the climatic 667 topography and soil type plays a major factor in the species distribution of Trichoderma. The sub-tropical plain zone 668 comprises of four districts namely Imphal East, Imphal West, Thoubal and Bishnupur district. A total of 11 different 669 species of Trichoderma occured in this zone namely T.atroviride, T. ovalisporum, T.album, T.tomatosum, 670 T.harzianum, H.intricata, T. hamatum, H.ru fa, T. aureoviride, T. inhamatum and T.amazonicum and common soil 671 types occur in this region were alluvial, clay loamy, red gravelly sandy and loamy soil. Sub -tropical hill zone covers 672 two main d istricts namely Churachandpur and Chandel. I n this district a total of 10 d ifferent types of Trichoderma 673 species were found to occur viz; T.harzianum, T.longibrachiatum, T.piluliferem, T.petersenii, H.virens, H. rufa, 674 H.nigrecans, T.aereoviride, T.koningiopsis, and T.erinaceum with the occurrence of alluvial and loamy soil types. 675 The temperate sub-alpine zone comprises of two districts namely Senapati and Ukhrul. In this type of zone only few 676 types of Trichoderma variety were present namely T. harzianum and T.aureoviride having soil type of lateritic b lack 30 677 regur and red ferruginous . Whereas, the mid tropical hill zone covered only one district namely; Tamenglong district , 678 part of Ukhru l and some portion of Imphal and Tamenglong district with the report of occurrence of 5 types of 679 species viz; T. atroviride, T.album, T. koningiopsis, T.gamssi and T. spirale. The soil type main ly comprises of 680 alluvial soil. The occurrence of highest genetic diversity of Trichoderma species was reported from Bishampur 681 district with a total of eleven types of Trichoderma spp. followed by Chandel district with nine spp. and Tamenglong 682 and Imphal East districts with five and four respectively. 683 All the 22 representative strains of Trichoderma were found to produced three important enzymes viz, 684 Chtinase, Protease and β-1,3-glucanase. The production of chitinase enzymes by these 22 representative strains 685 which were represented by the purple color zone formation ranges fro m 41 to 79.66mm in d iameter. Harman et al 686 [3] described the types of chitinase detected from T. harzianum, T. atroviride and T. virens. Howell [49] tested the 687 role of chitinases in mycoparasitism and believed that chitinase is a key enzyme in this process. The protease 688 activity ranged from 10.33 to 42.66 mm clearance zone diameter in skim milk agar mediu m. Benetez et al. [50] 689 demonstrated that protease from T. harzianum play an important role in biological control. Szekeres et al [51] 690 reported the role of protease in the mycoparasitism and has reinforced with the isolation of new protease 691 overproducing strains of T. harzianum. β-1,3-g lucanases have been found to be directly involved in the 692 mycoparasitism interaction between Trichoderma species and its host [52]. Production of four β-1,3-g lucanases and 693 their ro le of hydroly zing the O-glycosidic linkage of β -1,3- glucan chains in the fungal cell wall by T. harzianum has 694 been described by Kitamoto et al. [53]. This work on diversity analysis of Trichoderma strains will provide a better 695 identification of Trichoderma spp. with biocontrol mechanis ms which can be used for the development of suitable 696 bio-formu lation in sustainable agriculture. 697 698 699 700 Acknowledgement 701 work programme. 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