AGENDA COUNTY OF OXFORD COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 9:30 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBER, OXFORD COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, WOODSTOCK MEETING #19 1. CALL TO ORDER Time ______ 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 4. ADOPTION OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING October 22 2014 5. PUBLIC MEETINGS 6. DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Presentation - Oxford Stewardship Award 7. CONSIDERATION OF DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 8. CONSIDERATION OF CORRESPONDENCE 1. Ontario's South Coast Airshow Committee October 22, 2014 Re: Expressing thanks for Support of Airshows Ontario's South Coast Airshow Committee - 102214 Resolution That the correspondence from the Ontario’s South Coast Airshow Committee, dated October 22, 2014, expressing thanks for the County of Oxford’s support of the June 2014 Snowbirds Airshow and the August 2014 OSCA Airshow, be received. County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda PAGE 2 COUNCIL AGENDA NOVEMBER 12, 2014 9. REPORTS FROM DEPARTMENTS CORPORATE SERVICES CS 2014-32 Re: Business Plan and Budget Review – 3rd Quarter Recommendation 1. That Report No. CS 2014-32 entitled “Business Plan and Budget Review – 3rd Quarter” be received for information. CS 2014-34 Re: Court Security and Prisoner Transportation (CSPT) Program Agreement Recommendation 1. That By-law No. 5631-2014, being a by-law to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Corporate Services to execute a Funding Agreement with the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, under the Court Security and Prisoner Transportation Program, be presented to Council for enactment. CS 2014-33 Re: Fees and Charges By-law Update Recommendation 1. That Schedule “A” to By-law No. 4889-2007, being a by-law to impose fees and charges for services that the County of Oxford provides that are not covered through direct taxation, be amended as set out in Report No. CS 2014-33 entitled “Fees and Charges By-law Update”. PUBLIC WORKS PW 2014-62 Re: Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (OnWARN) Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement Recommendations 1. That Public Works Report PW 2014-62 entitled Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (OnWARN) Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement be adopted; 2. And further, that a by-law be raised authorizing the CAO to execute the Agreement with OnWARN for the provision or receipt of assistance during emergency situations. County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda PAGE 3 COUNCIL AGENDA NOVEMBER 12, 2014 PW 2014-61 Re: All-Way Stop at Oxford Road 18 and Oxford Road 13 Recommendations 1. That County Council approve the installation of All-Way Stop signs at the intersection of Oxford Road 18 and Oxford Road 13 in the Township of Norwich; 2. And further, that the appropriate by-law to amend Oxford County By-law No. 374198 be presented to County Council; 3. And further, that the Ontario Provincial Police and the Township of Norwich be advised of the All-Way Stop condition. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Pending Items 11. MOTIONS 12. NOTICE OF MOTIONS 13. NEW BUSINESS/ENQUIRIES/COMMENTS 14. CLOSED SESSION (Room 129) 15. CONSIDERATION OF MATTERS ARISING FROM THE CLOSED SESSION 16. BY-LAWS BY-LAW NO. 5631-2014 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Funding Agreement with the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, for funding under the Court Security and Transportation Program, be presented to Council for enactment. BY-LAW NO. 5632-2014 Being a By-law to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to execute all documents necessary to effect the purchase of lands required for the County Road 8 reconstruction project. BY-LAW NO. 5633-2014 Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed. 17. ADJOURNMENT Time ______ NOTE: A County Council Elect Orientation session will follow the Council meeting. County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF OXFORD County Council Chamber Woodstock October 22, 2014 MEETING #18 Oxford County Council meets in regular session this twenty-second day of October 2014, in the Council Chamber, County Administration Building, Woodstock. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m., with Warden McKay in the chair. All members of Council present except Councillors Beres, Sobeski and Talbot. Councillor Talbot arrives at 7:09 p.m. Staff Present: P. M. Crockett, Chief Administrative Officer P. D. Beaton, Director of Human Services L. S. Buchner, Director of Corporate Services C. Fransen, Director of Woodingford Lodge G. K. Hough, Director of Community and Strategic Planning R. G. Walton, Director of Public Works B. J. Tabor, Clerk Warden McKay allows an opportunity for Council members to provide good news updates. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: RESOLUTION NO. 1: Moved by: David Mayberry Seconded by: Deborah Tait That the Agenda be approved. DISPOSITION: 3. Motion Carried DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF: NIL 4. ADOPTION OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Council Minutes of October 8, 2014 Page 2 October 22, 2014 RESOLUTION NO. 2: Moved by: David Mayberry Seconded by: Deborah Tait That the Council Minutes of October 8, 2014 be adopted. DISPOSITION: 5. Motion Carried PUBLIC MEETINGS: NIL 6. DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: NIL 7. CONSIDERATION OF DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: Not Required. 8. CONSIDERATION OF CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Long Point Region Conservation Authority October 2, 2014 Re: Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board Structure RESOLUTION NO. 3: Moved by: Deborah Tait Seconded by: David Mayberry That the County of Oxford confirm agreement with the Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA) Board of Directors' recommendation to its member municipalities to increase the size of the current Board from 10 to 11 members, thereby increasing Oxford's representation to three full members representing the Townships of Norwich, South-West Oxford and the Town of Tillsonburg, and, further, that the County convey their appreciation to the LPRCA Board of Directors for their consideration of Oxford's request to address the current one member combined representation for the Township of Norwich and the County of Brant. DISPOSITION : 9. Motion Carried REPORTS FROM DEPARTMENTS: COMMUNITY AND STRATEGIC PLANNING CASPO 2014-262 Re: Application for Draft Plan of Subdivision SB 14-01-8; 2143677 Ontario Inc. RESOLUTION NO. 4: Moved by: Deborah Tait Seconded by: David Mayberry That the recommendation contained in Report No. CASPO 2014-262, titled “Application for Draft Plan of Subdivision - SB 14-01-8; 2143677 Ontario Inc.”, be adopted. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried Page 3 October 22, 2014 Recommendation Contained in Report No. CASPO 2014-262: 1. That Oxford County Council grant draft plan approval to a proposed subdivision submitted by 2143677 Ontario Inc. (File No. SB 14-01-8); prepared by J.B. Chambers Consulting Engineers Limited; dated February 10, 2014 (revised July 30, 2014), for lands described as Block 29, Plan 243 and Lots 1 & 2, Plan 41M- 257, City of Woodstock, subject to the conditions attached as Schedule “A” to this Report being met prior to final approval. CORPORATE SERVICES CS Re: 2014-31 Shared Services Agreement – CMHA Client Transportation Program RESOLUTION NO. 5: Moved by: Sandra Talbot Seconded by: David Mayberry That the recommendation contained in Report No. CS 2014-31, titled “Shared Services Agreement – CMHA Client Transportation Program”, be adopted. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried Recommendation Contained in Report No. CS 2014-31: 1. That Council hereby authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Human Services to execute a shared services agreement as set out in Report No. CS 2014-31 with the Canadian Mental Health Association Oxford for shared transportation services to serve clients in the County of Oxford. PUBLIC WORKS PW Re: 2014-59 Speed Limit Consolidation RESOLUTION NO. 6: Moved by: Sandra Talbot Seconded by: David Mayberry That the recommendations contained in Report No. PW 2014-59, titled “Speed Limit Consolidation”, be adopted. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried Recommendations Contained in Report No. PW 2014-59: 1. That a By-law be raised to repeal By-law No. 3742-98 and to enact a new consolidated Bylaw to provide for speed limits on County Roads; 2. And further, that the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute the By-law and that Ontario Provincial Police and Woodstock Police Service be advised of the new By-law. PW Re: 2014-57 Use of Abandoned Railway Right-of-Way Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs Page 4 October 22, 2014 RESOLUTION NO. 7: Moved by: Marion Wearn Seconded by: Margaret Lupton That the recommendations contained in Report No. PW 2014-57, titled “Use of Abandoned Railway Right-of-Way Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs”, be adopted. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried Recommendations Contained in Report No. PW 2014-57: 1. That County Council approve the request from the Southern Sno Riders, a local snowmobile club, to use County land, specifically a portion of the former CN Rail right-of-way and a portion of the former CASO right-of-way for the period November 28, 2014 to March 31, 2015, as part of their trail network; 2. And further, that a by-law be raised authorizing the CAO to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Southern Sno Riders to permit use of County land. PW Re: 2014-60 Oxford Road 37 (Potters Road) Slope Failure Update RESOLUTION NO. 8: Moved by: Marion Wearn Seconded by: Margaret Lupton That the recommendation contained in Report No. PW 2014-60, titled “Oxford Road 37 (Potters Road) Slope Failure Update”, be adopted. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried Recommendation Contained in Report No. PW 2014-60: 1. That County Council approve $190,000 of emergency road repairs on Oxford Road 37 (Potters Road), as outlined in Report No. PW 2014-60, be financed from the Roads Reserve. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Pending Items No discussion takes place regarding the Pending Items list. 11. MOTIONS: NIL 12. NOTICE OF MOTIONS: NIL 13. NEW BUSINESS/ENQUIRIES/COMMENTS: Councillor Talbot apologizes for her tardiness tonight but explains that she was Acting Mayor for the City of Woodstock at the opening of KMH Cardiology and Diagnostic Centre on Norwich Avenue in Woodstock. She states what a great asset this facility will be to the community and that it will hopefully take some of the backlog away from the healthcare system. Page 5 October 22, 2014 14. CLOSED SESSION: RESOLUTION NO. 9: Moved by: Ted Comiskey Seconded by: Margaret Lupton That Council rise and go into a Closed session for the purpose of considering Report No. PW (CS) 2014-58 regarding matters that have not been made public concerning a proposed or pending acquisition of land. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried (7:16 p.m.) Council members and staff move to Room 129. Oxford County Council meets in Closed session, as part of a regular meeting, this twenty-second day of October, 2014 in Room 129, County Administration Building, Woodstock. A. CLOSED SESSION COMMENCEMENT TIME: 7:19 p.m., with Warden McKay in the chair. All members of Council present except Councillors Beres, Sobeski and Tait. Staff Present: P. M. Crockett, Chief Administrative Officer L. S. Buchner, Director of Corporate Services R. G. Walton, Director of Public Works B. J. Tabor, Clerk B. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF: NIL C. DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: NIL D. CONSIDERATION OF CORRESPONDENCE: NIL E. REPORTS FROM DEPARTMENTS: PUBLIC WORKS PW (CS) 2014-58 F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NIL G. NEW BUSINESS/ENQUIRIES/COMMENTS: NIL H. TIME OF COMPLETION OF CLOSED SESSION: 7:20 p.m. Page 6 October 22, 2014 RESOLUTION NO. 10: Moved by: Ted Comiskey Seconded by: Margaret Lupton That Council rise and reconvene in Open session. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried (7:20 p.m.) Council members and staff return to the Council Chamber. 7:21 p.m. with Warden McKay in the chair. All members of Council present except Councillors Beres and Sobeski. Staff Present: P. M. Crockett, Chief Administrative Officer P. D. Beaton, Director of Human Services L. S. Buchner, Director of Corporate Services C. Fransen, Director of Woodingford Lodge G. K. Hough, Director of Community and Strategic Planning R. G. Walton, Director of Public Works B. J. Tabor, Clerk 15. CONSIDERATION OF MATTERS ARISING FROM THE CLOSED SESSION: PUBLIC WORKS PW (CS) 2014-58 RESOLUTION NO. 11: Moved by: Donald Doan Seconded by: Marion Wearn That the recommendations contained in Report No.PW (CS) 2014-58 be adopted. DISPOSITION: 16. Motion Carried BY-LAWS: BY-LAW NO. 5628-2014 Being a By-law to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Oxford and Southern Sno Riders, to permit the use of County land, being a portion of the former CN Rail right-of-way and a portion of the former CASO right-of-way, as part of their trail network for the period November 28, 2014 to March 31, 2015 BY-LAW NO. 5629-2014 Being a By-law to provide for the dedication and naming of highways in the County of Oxford. BY-LAW NO. 5630-2014 Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed. Page 7 October 22, 2014 RESOLUTION NO. 12: Moved by: Margaret Lupton Seconded by: Marion Wearn That the following By-laws be now read a first and second time: No. 5628-2014, No. 5629-2014 and No. 5630-2014. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried RESOLUTION NO. 13: Moved by: Margaret Lupton Seconded by: Marion Wearn That the following By-laws be now given third and final reading: No. 5628-2014, No. 5629-2014 and No. 5630-2014. DISPOSITION: 17. Motion Carried ADJOURNMENT: Council adjourns its proceedings until the next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. 7:22 p.m. Minutes adopted on by Resolution No. WARDEN CLERK -~etOntario's South Coast 244411 Airport Road South-West Oxford, ON N4G 4H1 AIRSHOW~ October 22, 2014 Oxford County Warden and Council C/O: Brenda J. Tabor, Clerk County of Oxford 21 Reeve St, PO Box 1614 Woodstock, ON N4S 7Y3 COUNTY OF OXFORD RECEIVED OCT 2 8 20\4 REFER TO (,l;d/Yl µ. I. File:/ E.DMS: - - - - Dear Warden and Council: On behalf of Ontario's South Coast Airshow Committee we would like to thank the County of Oxford, the Warden, Mr. Don McKay and the Council Members for their support for the Snowbirds Airshow of June 14 and 15, 2014 and the OSCA Airshow on August 23, 2014. We would also like to thank the Oxford County Public Works department for the donation of the snow fencing for the airport as well as their time for set up and take down. With your support and assistance we were able to provide two successful airshows for Tillsonburg, Oxford County and surrounding areas. Sincerely, Andre Brisson Chair Ontario's South Coast Airshow Committee Report No: CS 2014-32 CORPORATE SERVICES Council Date: November 12, 2014 To: Warden and Members of County Council From: Director of Corporate Services Business Plan and Budget Review – 3rd Quarter RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report No. CS 2014-32 entitled “Business Plan and Budget Review – 3rd Quarter” be received for information. REPORT HIGHLIGHTS Delivery of the 2014 goals and objectives is progressing as planned Overall, operating and program revenues and expenses are on target for core services and completion of the annual goals and objectives Financial Impact Year-to-date this report anticipates positive year-end financial results. The Treasurer has coauthored this report, therefore agrees with the financial information. Risks/Implications There are no risks or implications that could result by adopting the recommendation contained within this report. Strategic Plan County Council adopted the County of Oxford Strategic Plan at its regular meeting held March 27, 2013. The initiative contained within this report supports the Values and Strategic Directions as set out in the Strategic Plan as it pertains to the following Strategic Directions: 5. ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results - Deliver exceptional services by developing and tracking key performance indicators against goals and report results. DISCUSSION Background In accordance with the reporting provisions contained within the Long Term Financial Sustainability Plan, staff have prepared progress updates for each of the approved goals and objectives within their business plans, accompanied by budget variance reports annotated to explain significant variances as of September 30, 2014. Comments Attachment No.1 presents the “3rd Quarter 2014 Business Plan Updates” including comments prepared by the respective departments. Page 1 of 2 Report No: CS 2014-32 CORPORATE SERVICES Council Date: November 12, 2014 Attachment No. 2 contains the “Budget to Forecast – 3rd Quarter 2014” variance reports with comments explaining any significant variances as at September 30, 2014. The first page of Attachment No. 2 is a consolidation of all of the departments indicating that there is a forecasted variance of 0.22% (2013 – 2.12%) which represents an anticipated surplus of $120,283 (2013 $1,136,214). This indicator should not be viewed in isolation, however, as is evidenced by the variance in capital projects which is somewhat offset by the variance in “Other” – represented mostly by capital project funding (transfers to/from reserves and debenture proceeds). Conclusions Overall the forecast figures present a potential surplus of $120,283. SIGNATURE Report Co-Author: Original signed by David McRoberts, CPA, CA Manager of Finance Departmental Approval: Original signed by Lynn S. Buchner, CPA, CGA Director of Corporate Services Approved for submission: Original signed by Peter M. Crockett, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENTS Attachment No. 1 – 3rd Quarter 2014 Business Plan Update (DM) Attachment No. 2 – Budget to Forecast – 3rd Quarter 2014 (DM) Page 2 of 2 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 3rd QUARTER 2014 BUSINESS PLAN UPDATE CAO/Clerk 2014 Goals/Objectives Review priorities and directions with Council in preparation for 2015 Business Planning and Budget process Walker Southwest Ontario Landfill EA process Transition to 2014-2018 Term of Council Strategic Plan Alignment 3.ii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future > Apply social, financial and environmental sustainability lenses to significant decisions by assessing options in regard to: Potential impacts to the vulnerable population in our community Life cycle costs and benefit/costs, including debt, tax and reserve levels and implications Responsible environmental stewardship Expected Completion Q2 Quarter Achieved/Comments Council adopted the Strategic Plan and established its priorities for the remainder of the 2010-2014 term of Council. In keeping with the priorities established by Council, a number of initiatives to advance the Strategic Plan where included within the approved 2014 Business Plan and Budget. 4.i. A County that Informs and Engages > Better harness the power of the community through conversation and dialogue by: Enhancing opportunities for public participation and a meaningful voice in civic affairs Ongoing 4.i. A County that Informs and Engages > Better harness the power of the community through conversation and dialogue by: Enhancing opportunities for public participation and a meaningful voice in civic affairs Q4 These Strategic Plan initiatives are underway as planned and as reported within this 3rd Quarter update. Oxford County remains an active member of the Joint Municipal Coordinating Committee work to monitor the EA process. In addition, Oxford County has twice formally commented on the draft Terms of Reference in 2014, has remained an active participant in the EA process and continues to raise the issues and concerns of County residents and our expert panel. Planning for the transition to the 2014-2018 Term of County Council is in progress. Work plan underway and on target. Page 1 of 20 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 2014 Vision to Action Community Engagement 2014 Vision to Action Public Information 2014 Vision to Action Excellence in Customer Service 2014 Vision to Action Monitor and Report 4.i. A County that Informs and Engages > Better harness the power of the community through conversation and dialogue by: Enhancing opportunities for public participation and a meaningful voice in civic affairs Fostering greater involvement in County and community events and/or program/project implementation 4.ii. A County that Informs and Engages > Better inform the public about County programs, services and activities through planned communication by: Enhancing the communication value County information 5.i. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > Enhance our customer service focus and responsiveness to our municipal partners and the public by: Implementing clearly defined customer service standards and expectations Regularly monitoring and reporting customer service performance 4.ii. A County that Informs and Engages > Better inform the public about County programs, services and activities through planned communication by: Implementing a County Report Card that engages and informs our community Q4 Q4 Q4 Staff team has developed an “Inform and Engage” document which outlines a variety of engagement tools, options and provides a information to guide staff in their use. Reported to Council Oct 8, 2014 through Report CAO 2014-15. Work plan underway and on target. Staff team has developed an “Inform and Engage” document which outlines a variety of engagement tools, options and provides a information to guide staff in their use. Reported to Council Oct 8, 2014 through Report CAO 2014-15. Work plan underway and on target. Staff team development of a Service Excellence program, launch in October 2014 and reported to Council Oct 8, 2014 through Report CAO 2014-15. Work plan underway and on target. Q4 Initial Strategic Plan reporting incorporated into the 2013 Annual Report with further enhancements planned through the Services That Work program. Strategic Plan Accomplishments reported to Council Oct 8, 2014 through Report CAO 2014-15. Work plan underway and on target. Page 2 of 20 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 2014 Vision to Action Service Delivery Reviews 2014 Vision to Action Employer of Choice 2014 Vision to Action Oxford Community Sustainability 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > Enhance our customer service focus and responsiveness to our municipal partners and the public by: Deliver exceptional services by: Regularly reviewing service level standards to assess potential for improved access to services / amenities Conducting regular service reviews to ensure delivery effectiveness and efficiency Developing and tracking key performance indicators against goals and efficiency Identify best practices and appropriate benchmarking 6.i. A County that is an Employer of Choice > Attract, retain and develop the highest quality staff through: Open communications, dialogue and understanding 3.iii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future > Apply social, financial and environmental sustainability lenses to significant decisions by assessing options in regard to: Potential impacts to the vulnerable population in our community Life cycle costs and benefit/costs, including debt, tax and reserve levels and implications Responsible environmental stewardship Q4 Services That Work program in progress. Interim report (CAO 2014-11) adopted by Council July 9, 2014. Service Profiles completed, Wave 1 Deep Dives underway, planning for Waves 2 and 3 in progress. Work plan underway and on target. Q4 Q4 Employee Engagement Survey conducted, compilation report rolled out to all staff, reported to Council October 8, 2014 (Report HR 2014-06). Results based action plan developed (Our People, Our Strength) reported to Council October 8, 2014 (Report CAO 2014-15). Work plan underway and on target. Community Based Steering Committee appointed. Report CAO 2014-04 adopted by Council March 26, 2014, Report CASPO 2014-165, adopted by Council June 25, 2014. Work plan underway and on target. Page 3 of 20 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 Strategic Communications & Engagement 2014 Goals/Objectives Support achievement of 2014 Vision to Action initiatives: Community Engagement Public Information Monitor and Report Service Delivery Reviews Excellence in Customer Service Employer of Choice Oxford Community Sustainability Complete a publication audit and develop strategy to ensure corporate consistency and effectiveness of all publications Complete an internal communication audit and a develop strategy to support strategic needs of the organization and incorporate appropriate industry best practices Strategic Plan Alignment Expected Completion Quarter Achieved/Comments 4.i. A County that Informs and Engages > Better harness the power of the community through conversation and dialogue by: Enhancing opportunities for public participation and a meaningful voice in civic affairs Fostering greater involvement in County and community events and/or program/project implementation 4.ii. A County that Informs and Engages > Better inform the public about County programs, services and activities through planned communication by: Enhancing the communication value County information Implementing a County Report Card that engages and informs our community 5.i. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > Enhance our customer service focus and responsiveness to our municipal partners and the public by: Regularly monitoring and reporting customer service performance Q4 Launch of the V2A update took place on October 8. This included the production of four publications to capture V2A achievements: i) Summary/update; ii) Inform and Engage strategy; iii) Service Excellence strategy; and iv) Employee Engagement strategy. Rollout included corresponding news release, web content, social media content, etc. Q4 Work is underway and on target. 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > Deliver exceptional services by: Regularly reviewing service level standards to assess potential for improved access to services / amenities Conducting regular service reviews to ensure delivery effectiveness and efficiency Developing and tracking key performance indicators against goals and efficiency Identify best practices and appropriate benchmarking Q4 Work is underway and on target. Communication planning continues to unfold for the above-mentioned strategy, as well as Service Delivery Reviews and Community Sustainability. Page 4 of 20 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 Tourism 2014 Strategic Plan Alignment Goals/Objectives 1.i. A County that Works Together > Strengthen, Enhance digital media presence diversify and broaden the economic/prosperity Tourism Oxford base through: Website Strategies to retain and support existing Social media businesses Implementation of increased collaborative promotion of investment the Geo-Adventuring opportunities Application (TecVana Strengthening tourism-supportive initiatives Digital Solutions). Promotion of local agriculture and “buy local” food initiatives 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance Enhance tourism market readiness the quality of life for all of our citizens by: promoting community participation and life-long Enhance Oxford involvement in recreational and cultural community awareness activities of local tourism product Expected Completion Q4 Quarter Achieved/Comments Enhanced Digital Media Presence: Tourism Oxford Website: Responsive website with calls to action, new imagery & travel packages developed. Content for new integrated website on target. Social Media: Increased social media followers through organic likes and paid advertising. New segmented mailing lists developed. And have increased subscribers through new contest, updated sign-up forms integration with Facebook page. Geo-Adventuring: Developer undertaking significant upgrades to software and planning Q3 launch of online promotional campaign featuring video of area attractions. Enhance tourism marketing readiness: 10 local businesses are now certified bicycle friendly. Culinary workshop scheduled for November 2014. Implemented Follow Fridays on twitter to increase social media conversations between tourism attractions. Enhanced Oxford community awareness of local tourism product: Oxfordlicious expanded including community events & libraries. Familiarization Tour held for local accommodations to visit area attractions. Social media advertisements created to gain new followers living in Oxford County. Page 5 of 20 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 Human Resources 2014 Goals/Objectives Develop core organizational competencies and position specific competencies (Support/Administrative; Individual Contributor; Supervisory / Management; SMT) Improve Human Resources section of County website to provide more comprehensive information to attract the highest quality applicants Review short term income protection plans Develop additional key human resources performance indicators and appropriate benchmarks for future results reporting Finance 2014 Goals/Objectives Facilitate completion of the Development Charges Review Study Strategic Plan Alignment 6. A County that is an Employer of Choice > i. Attract, retain and develop the highest quality staff Expected Completion Q1 Quarter Achieved/Comments Complete Q3. Roll-out to occur in Q4 6. A County that is an Employer of Choice > i. Attract, retain and develop the highest quality staff Q2 Expected completion Q4 6. A County that is an Employer of Choice > i. Attract, retain and develop the highest quality staff Q3 On target 5. A County that Performs and Delivers Results ii. Deliver exceptional services by: > Developing and tracking key performance indicators against goals and report results > Identifying best practices and appropriate benchmarking Strategic Plan Alignment Q3 On target 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: maintaining and strengthening core infrastructure 3.ii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future > implement development policies and community planning guidelines that: strategically grow our economy and our community Expected Completion Q3 Quarter Achieved/Comments Complete – Council passed nine new Development Charge By-laws to support the 2014 Development Charge Background Study Page 6 of 20 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 Review of Utility billings for water and wastewater throughout the County Internal Control Framework Implementation of new Payroll/HR/Scheduling software Archives 2014 Goals/Objectives Celebrate Archives Awareness Week (first week of April 2014) Process the Senator Donald Sutherland fonds 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > deliver exceptional services by: conducting regular service reviews to ensure delivery effectiveness and efficiency regularly reviewing service level standards to assess potential for improved access to services/amenities 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > deliver exceptional services by: conducting regular service reviews to ensure delivery effectiveness and efficiency regularly reviewing service level standards to assess potential for improved access to services/amenities 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > deliver exceptional services by: conducting regular service reviews to ensure delivery effectiveness and efficiency 6.i. A County that is an Employer of Choice > attract, retain and develop the highest quality staff through: Management and organizational excellence Strategic Plan Alignment 1.ii. A County that Works Together > Enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by Promoting community participation and life-long involvement in recreational and cultural activities 4.ii. A County that Informs and Engages > Better inform the public about County programs, services and activities through planned communication by implementing a County Report Card that engages and informs our community and celebrates our successes and our history Q2 Internal review complete, consultation with area municipal and external service providers to take place in 2015 Q4 On target Q3 Progress delayed pending Ceridian response to functionality issue regarding scheduling for 24/7 shift-related operations Expected Completion Q2 Q3 Quarter Achieved/Comments Complete – displayed until Q3 Complete – plan to assist with a special event to announce the Donald Sutherland fonds in 2015 Page 7 of 20 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 Information Services 2014 Goals/Objectives Ensure is accessible > ensuring new material posted to public websites meets Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A Strategic Plan Alignment 4.ii. A County that Informs and Engages > Better harness the power of community through conversation and dialogue by understanding and addressing public aspirations for a more livable community Expected Completion Q1 Quarter Achieved/Comments Substantially compliant with legislation as new sites and content is added - actively working to minimize the frequency of errors Implement address assignment tool > developing and maintaining tools to increase efficiency and data accuracy 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > Enhance our customer service focus and responsiveness to our municipal partners and the public by implementing clearly defined customer service standards and expectations Q2 Deferred – determined not cost effective at this time Updates and re-write of County staff Intranet application 6.ii. A County that is an Employer of Choice > Attract, retain and develop the highest quality staff by open communications, dialogue and understanding 4.ii. A County that Informs and Engages > Better harness the power of community through conversation and dialogue by enhancing opportunities for public engagement and meaningful voice in civic affairs 6.ii. A County that is an Employer of Choice > Attract, retain and develop the highest quality staff by management and organizational excellence Q3 Q4 completion Q4 Phased approach with high priority items first – final completion 2015 Q4 Deferred pending staff resources to implement – collaborative project with IS, Planning and Public Works 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > Deliver exceptional services by regularly reviewing service level standards to assess potential for improved access to services/amenities and conducting regular service reviews to ensure delivery effectiveness and efficiency 2014 – 2016 Ahead of schedule with final report to be presented to Council in Q1 2016 Ensure is mobile ready Implement spatial searching of electronic documents stored in Laserfiche Support corporate-wide service review process - project management and business analysis Page 8 of 20 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 Spatial data collaboration / data warehouse 3.ii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future > Implement development policies and community planning guidelines that strategically grow our economy and our community 5.i. A County that Performs and Delivers Storage Area Network Results > Enhance our customer service focus Server upgrade and responsiveness to our municipal partners and the public by Implementing clearly defined customer service standards and expectations 5.i. A County that Performs and Delivers Exchange server Results > Enhance our customer service focus upgrade and responsiveness to our municipal partners and the public by Implementing clearly defined customer service standards and expectations Network switch upgrade 5.i. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > Enhance our customer service focus at all three sites for Woodingford Lodge and responsiveness to our municipal partners and the public by Implementing clearly defined customer service standards and expectations 5.i. A County that Performs and Delivers Install Cisco wireless Results > Enhance our customer service focus system at all three Woodingford sites and responsiveness to our municipal partners and the public by Implementing clearly defined customer service standards and expectations 5.i. A County that Performs and Delivers Install Cisco wireless Results > Enhance our customer service focus system in OCEMS Ambulances and responsiveness to our municipal partners and the public by Implementing clearly defined customer service standards and expectations Develop digital signage 4.i. A County that Informs and Engages > policy Better harness the power of the community through conversation and dialogue by fostering greater involvement in County and community events and/or program/project implementation 5.i. A County that Performs and Delivers IT/COIN Strategy Results > Enhance our customer service focus and responsiveness to our municipal partners and the public by Implementing clearly defined customer service standards and expectations 2014-2015 In progress Q2 Completion Q4 Q3 Completion Q4 Q1 Complete Q2 Complete Q1 Complete Q4 In progress, project coordinated with Communications 2014 Q4 -2015 Q3 In progress Page 9 of 20 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 Customer Service 2014 Goals/Objectives Promote Customer Service Week Strategic Plan Alignment 5.i. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > Enhance our customer service focus and responsiveness to our municipal partners and the public by: implementing clearly defined customer service standards and expectations and regularly monitoring reporting customer service performance 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Acquisition and implementation of Asset Results > deliver exceptional services by: Management resources Identifying best practices and appropriate – if required benchmarking Developing and tracking key performance indicators against goals and report results 3.ii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Insurance tender Shapes the Future > Apply social, financial and environmental sustainability lenses to significant decisions by assessing options in regard to life cycle costs and benefit/costs including debt, tax and reserve levels and implications 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Enterprise asset Results > deliver exceptional services by: management review regularly reviewing service level standards to assess potential for improved access to services/amenities; and conducting regular service reviews to ensure delivery effectiveness and efficiency Expected Completion Q3 Quarter Achieved/Comments Complete Q3 Complete Q3 Council consideration in December 2014 Q3 Q3 – Managing physical assets using software solutions to document and provide analysis regarding day-to-day maintenance, renewal/rehabilitation and replacement activities – approved by Council Report No. CS 2014-22 Q4 – Tangible assets financial planning and analysis software solution – approved by Council Report No. CS 2014-30 Q2 – 2015 – mobile ready for managing physical assets software solutions – pending further systems review and assessment Page 10 of 20 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 POA 2014 Goals/Objectives Launch Remote Interpretation Program Increase Part I court time to once a week. Add a First Attendance date for Part III Issue RFP for Prosecution Services Review debt collection services results and issue RFP if required Public Works 2014 Goals/Objectives Roads and Bridges Oxford Road 16 Improvements, from Kintore to Zorra 31st Line – EA Trussler Rd Upgrading – Shared Section with Region of Waterloo, From Cedar Creek Rd to New Dundee Rd Road Design Strategic Plan Alignment 5.i. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > Enhance our customer service focus and responsiveness to our municipal partners and the public by implementing clearly defined customer service standards and expectations 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > deliver exceptional services by regularly reviewing service levels standards to assess potential for improved access to services/amenities 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > deliver exceptional services by regularly reviewing service levels standards to assess potential for improved access to services/amenities. to services/amenities 5.i. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > Enhance our customer service focus and responsiveness to our municipal partners and the public by regularly monitoring and reporting customer service performance Strategic Plan Alignment 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: maintaining and strengthening core infrastructure 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: working with community partners and organizations to maintain/strengthen public safety Expected Completion Q1 Quarter Achieved/Comments Completion Q4 Q3 Complete Q2 Complete Q1 Complete Expected Completion/ Future Phases $70,000 2014 $700,000 2015 $1,500,000 2016 $1,500,000 2017 $3,770,000 Total $100,000 2014 $900,000 2015 $50,000 2016 $1,000,000 2017 $2,000,000 2018 $4,050,000 Total Quarter Achieved/Comments Schedule change to 2015 On Schedule Page 11 of 20 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 Trussler Rd Upgrading – Shared Section With Brant County – Study Oxford Road 20 (North St., Tillsonburg) Phase A & D – design and construction Oxford Road 8, from Rd 59 to EZT 10th Line – construction Mill St (Rd 12), Upgrade Study Oxford Road 4 Corridor Study Facilities Courthouse HVAC Design Fleet Review the abilities of GPS Service Providers Environmental Services Waste Management Extend HHW Depot Operating Hours from 3 to 6 days per week 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: working with community partners and organizations to maintain/strengthen public safety 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: maintaining and strengthening core infrastructure $200,000 2014 $100,000 2015 $950,000 2016 $1,250,000 Total $2,963,500 2014 $5,225,750 2015 $2,570,400 2016 $10,759,650 Total $2,500,000 2014 $300,000 2015 $2,800,000 Total $150,000 2014 $50,000 2015 $1,000,000 2016 $1,000,000 2017 $2,200,000 Total $170,000 2014 $400,000 2019 $570,000 Total On Schedule $771,000 2014 $900,000 2015 $1,671,000 Total On Schedule 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > Deliver exceptional services by: conducting regular service reviews to ensure delivery effectiveness and efficiency $50,000 2015 On Schedule 5. ii A County that Performs and Delivers Results > Deliver exceptional services by: regularly reviewing service level standards to assess potential for improved access to services/amenities Effective Jan 1/14 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: maintaining and strengthening core infrastructure 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: maintaining and strengthening core infrastructure 3.ii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future > Implement development policies and community planning guidelines that: strategically grow our economy and our community 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: maintaining and strengthening core infrastructure On Schedule Property purchases being completed 2015 Construction to begin On Schedule On Schedule Q1 2014 Page 12 of 20 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 Compost Site/Curbside Collection/Program Operator New FTE Equipment Purchase – Heavy Equipment Loader Complete Integrated Waste Management Plan (IWMP) Update of Property uses bylaw including Hunting Oxford County owned Properties assessment Environmental Services Wastewater Treatment Ingersoll WWTP Upgrade -Phase 1 Design/Construction Woodstock WWTPReceiving StationConstruction Mount Elgin WWTP Upgrade – Construction Drumbo WWTP Upgrade -Design 5. ii A County that Performs and Delivers Results > Deliver exceptional services by: conducing regular service reviews to ensure delivery effectiveness and efficiency Q1 2014 Q1 2014 Completed 4.i A County that Informs and Engages > Better harness the power of the community through conversation and dialogue by: enhancing opportunities for public engagement and meaningful voice in civic affairs 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: working with community partners and organizations to maintain/strengthen public safety 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: working with community partners and organizations to maintain/strengthen public safety Q1 2014 Completed Q4 2014 Q1 2015 Q1 2014 In progress. Expected completion Q3 2015. 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: maintaining and strengthening core infrastructure $4,291,000 2014 $7,000,000 2015 $5,000,000 2016 $850,000 2023 $17,141,000 Total Q4 2014 On Schedule $1,158,000 2014 $16,000 2015 $245,000 2016 $65,000 2017 $1,484,000 Total $400,000 2014 $1,100,000 2015 $1,500,000 Total On Schedule 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: adapting programs, services and facilities to reflect evolving community needs 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: maintaining and strengthening core infrastructure 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: maintaining and strengthening core infrastructure Q4 2015 EA Completion in 2015, design and construction 2015/2016 Page 13 of 20 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 Water Services (includes Wastewater Collection) Woodstock new Well 12 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance - Construction the quality of life for all of our citizens by: maintaining and strengthening core infrastructure 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance Mt. Elgin new well – design and construction the quality of life for all of our citizens by: maintaining and strengthening core infrastructure 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Service Agreements Results > deliver exceptional services by: (Woodstock, Ingersoll and Tillsonburg) conducting regular service reviews to ensure delivery effectiveness and efficiency 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Backflow/Cross Results > deliver exceptional services by: Connection Bylaw regularly reviewing service reviews to ensure delivery effectiveness and efficiency 3.ii A County that Thinks Ahead and Water/Wastewater Wisely Shapes the Future > Apply Servicing Study (Beachville or social, financial and environmental Sweaburg) sustainability lenses to significant decisions by assessing options in regard to: responsible environmental stewardship Lansdowne/County Rd. 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance 4 Sanitary Pumping the quality of life for all of our citizens by: Station maintaining and strengthening core infrastructure 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Participation in Results > deliver exceptional services by: OnWARN regularly reviewing service level standards to assess potential for improved access to services/amenities Development of Source 3.ii. A County that Things Ahead and Protection Plan funding Wisely Shapes the Future > Implement model development policies and community planning guidelines that: actively promote the responsible use of land and natural resources $425,000 Q2 2014 $585,000 2014 $600,000 2015 $1,185,000 Total Q2 2014 Q1 2014 Q4 2014 On Schedule Ingersoll - Q4 2014 Woodstock and Tillsonburg – Q1 2015 Q1 2015 $73,000 2014 $60,000 – 2015 $133,000 Total Project to commence 2015 $145,000 2014 $1,350,000 2015 $1,495,000 Total Q3 2014 On Schedule Construction is Development dependent Q2 2014 Q4 2014 Report to Council September 10, 2014 Follow up report Q2 2015 Page 14 of 20 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 Embro OCF upgrades Woodingford Lodge 2014 Goals/Objectives Upgrade phase 1-door operators and key pads as part of Oxford County’s strategy to prevent and remove barriers and meets its requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) Upgrade Nurse Call system to ensure optimum safety of residents and meet requirements of Long Term Care Homes Act 2007 Implement Recommendation of Service Review Implement further Recommendations of the Building Condition Assessment 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: maintaining and strengthening core infrastructure Strategic Plan Alignment 1. ii. A County that Works Together > Enhance the quality of life for all our citizens by: Adapting programs, services and facilities to reflect evolving community needs $290,000 Q1 2014 Expected Completion Q1 Report to Council September 10, 2014 Quarter Achieved/Comments Completed July 2014 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > Deliver exceptional services by: Regularly reviewing service level standards to assess potential for improved access to services/amenities Q2 Finalized in Ingersoll and Tillsonburg Under way in Woodstock 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > Deliver exceptional service by: Conducting regular service reviews to ensure delivery effectiveness and efficiency 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > Deliver exceptional service by: Conducting regular services reviews to ensure delivery effectiveness and efficiency Reliant on completion of review Continue to Advocate for Regulatory Reform Q3 Project Completed September 2014 Page 15 of 20 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 Human Services 2014 Goals/Objectives Facilitate County of Oxford Affordable Housing Development Develop business plan for the integration of the ODSP program. Develop and implement new funding model for Child Care services Public Health & Emergency Services 2014 Goals/Objectives Refresh department strategic plan to align with Corporate strategic plan and identify 3-4 key strategic department goals for 2014 – 2016. Strategic Plan Alignment 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: maintaining and strengthening core infrastructure 3.ii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future > implement development policies and community planning guidelines that: strategically grow our economy and our community 3.ii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future > implement development policies and community planning guidelines that: strategically grow our economy and our community 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > deliver exceptional services by: conducting regular service reviews to ensure delivery effectiveness and efficiency; and identifying best practices and appropriate benchmarking Strategic Plan Alignment 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > deliver exceptional services by; -conducting regular service reviews to ensure delivery effectiveness and efficiency Expected Completion Q4 Q4 Q4 Expected Completion Q1 Quarter Achieved/Comments Investment in Affordable Housing (IAH Program) funding announcement from Province expected in December 2014. Ministry of Community and Social Services has stated that they have “no appetite” for this initiative. Provincial government announced that the merging of Ontario Works and ODSP would not be happening. Complete Quarter Achieved/Comments PHES Strategic Goals & Strategies have been prioritized and incorporated into the 2015 Business Plan. Actions teams to be identified and project plans developed. Page 16 of 20 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 2014 Healthy Communities Fund: Food Security: support local food policies in 4 townships Recreation Centre Policy: Environmental scan, community engagement Pedestrian Charter: environmental scan and community engagement Physical Literacy: survey all licensed daycares and providers. 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: - implementing a healthy community strategy -promote community participation and life-long involvement in recreational and cultural activities Q4 Food Security: project completed in Q1 target achieved through the formation of the Food Security subcommittee of the Oxford poverty Action Coalition. Group will continue to advocate for inclusion of food security policies at the municipal and regional levels. Recreation Centre Policy: project completed Q1 through the survey of regional facility managers and community engagement session three facilities were identified with an interest in pursuing a healthy food policy. The health unit staff will continue to support them in this action through staff time. Submitted funding proposal for 2014/2015 grants Pedestrian charter: Completed Q1 The survey identified a group of people in each municipality that can be engaged in furthering hie policy development project. The group will continue to be supported by health unit physical activity lead. Submitted funding proposal for 2014/2015 grants Physical Literacy: project completed Q1 Able to engage 8 registered home daycares through Oxford Community child Care. Anticipated that all 8 will complete policies by end of 2014. Ongoing work in this area will be supported by health unit physical activity lead Page 17 of 20 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 Replace and upgrade existing EMS technology platform to better ensure regulatory compliance, improve ability to benchmark, improve quality assurance processes and better document integration for internal purposes and reporting to other health care providers CASPO 2014 Goals/Objectives 5 Year Official Plan Review ● Commercial Policy Amendments ● Natural Heritage Amendments ● Urban Design and General Issues Amendments Growth Forecast Updates and land supply review 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > deliver exceptional services by: Q2 There was a delay in implementation due to unforeseen issues with the procurement of the new hardware required. The is has been resolved and the project will be fully implemented by end of Q4. Expected Completion Council consideration of draft amendments to be staged throughout 2014, with all to Council by Q4. Quarter Achieved/Comments -regularly reviewing service level standards to assess potential for improved access to services/amenities -identify best practices and appropriate benchmarking Strategic Plan Alignment 1.ii. A County that Works Together > enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: implementing a healthy community strategy 3.ii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future > implement development policies and community planning guidelines that: actively promote the responsible use of land and natural resources 3.ii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future > implement development policies and community planning guidelines that: ● strategically grow our economy and our community ● actively promote the responsible use of land and natural resources Growth Forecasts and employment land supply review Q1. Supplementary land supply review Q2 Ongoing. Ensuring OP compliance with new PPS (released Q1 2014) and related guidelines and SPPs will impact timing of various components. Completed Q1 Internal review completed Q2. External peer review may still be required. Page 18 of 20 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 Ingersoll Secondary Plan Source Protection Planning ● Source Protection Plan development ● Source Protection Plan implementation (Amendments to Official Plan Policies and Zoning Provisions and updating Development Review Process) Provincial Policy Statement Review updates 3.ii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future > implement development policies and community planning guidelines that: actively promote the responsible use of land and natural resources 4.i. A County that Informs and Engages > better harness the power of the community through conversation and dialogue by: understanding and addressing public aspirations for a more livable community 3.ii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future > implement development policies and community planning guidelines that: actively promote the responsible use of land and natural resources 3.iii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future > apply social, financial and environmental sustainability lenses to significant decisions by assessing options in regard to: responsible environmental stewardship 3.i. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future > influence federal and provincial policy with implications for the County by: advocating for financial fairness for rural and small urban communities Possible initiation in 2014 Awaiting further information On-going consultation with MOE expected until all SPPs approved by Province – late Q4 On-going. Catfish Creek SPP approved late Q3; estimated timing for MoE approval of remainder of Oxford’s SPP is now late 2015. Targeting Q1-Q2 for draft OP policies and updates to development review processes Timing is dependent on release of final draft by the Province – anticipated by Q1 Development review process updates for SWOX late Q4; remainder largely deferred to 2015 due to MOE delays in SPP approval PPS released in late Q1. Staff are working to incorporate the required PPS related updates into the current OP review. 3.ii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future > implement development policies and community planning guidelines that: actively promote the responsible use of land and natural resources Page 19 of 20 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 1 Conduct preliminary review of lands surrounding Large Urban Centres (Ingersoll, Tillsonburg, Woodstock) Library 2014 Goals/Objectives Undertake a Service Review of County Library Services Undertake pre-audit exercise for accreditation 3.ii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future > implement development policies and community planning guidelines that: ● strategically grow our economy and our community ● actively promote the responsible use of land and natural resources ● support agricultural land uses Strategic Plan Alignment 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > deliver exceptional services by: conducting regular service reviews to ensure delivery effectiveness and efficiency 5.ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results > deliver exceptional services by: regularly reviewing service level standards to assess potential for improved access to services/amenities 4.i. A County that Informs and Engages ˃ Better harness the power of the community through conversation and dialogue by: fostering greater involvement in County and community program/ project implementation Community fundraising campaigns in Tillsonburg and Ingersoll to assist with purchase of furnishings and service enhancements 6.i. A County that is an Employer of Choice > Revisit branch staffing model – clusters of rural attract, retain and develop the highest quality staff branches with staff through: Progressive policies and practices that: teams Value and engage staff Encourage creativity, innovation and problem solving Q4 Expected Completion Q3 Ongoing and in various stages of draft completion. Quarter Achieved/Comments Complete – service improvements will be planned for implementation in 2015 and 2016 Q4 Complete – audit scheduled to occur in Q2 2015 Q4 Tillsonburg Friends Group assisting – may be an ongoing program Ingersoll Advisory Committee is assisting in progress – expected completion Q2 2015 Q2 Delayed pending service review findings to be reported to Council in Q1 2015 Page 20 of 20 Budget to Forecast - 3rd Quarter 2014 REVENUES 2014 2014 Forecast Budget Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 2 Variance % Variance -122,783,076 -121,850,102 932,974 (0.77%) SALARIES AND BENEFITS 56,488,733 56,607,568 118,835 0.21 OPERATING AND PROGRAM EXPENSES 86,087,537 87,828,339 1,740,802 1.98 DEBT REPAYMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL ALLOCATIONS CAPITAL OTHER TOTAL County of Oxford 14,681,077 14,653,533 -27,544 -0.19 -15,180,012 -15,035,395 144,617 -0.96 30,266,633 43,295,143 13,028,510 30.09 4,396,854 -11,421,057 -15,817,911 138.50 53,957,746 54,078,029 120,283 0.22 Page 1 of 14 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 2 Budget to Forecast - 3rd Quarter 2014 2014 2014 Forecast Budget Variance % Variance SALARIES AND BENEFITS 318,876 324,603 5,727 OPERATING AND PROGRAM EXPENSES 169,652 180,321 10,669 1.76% 5.92 TOTAL COUNCIL 488,528 504,924 16,396 3.25 Operating expenses - underspent in training/conferences and public relations Page 2 of 14 Budget to Forecast - 3rd Quarter 2014 2014 2014 Forecast Budget Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 2 Variance % Variance SALARIES AND BENEFITS 484,196 491,755 7,559 OPERATING AND PROGRAM EXPENSES 199,867 174,747 -25,120 1.54% -14.38 TOTAL CAO 684,063 666,502 -17,561 -2.63 Operating expenses - overspent in legal for general opinions Page 3 of 14 Budget to Forecast - 3rd Quarter 2014 2014 2014 Forecast Budget Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 2 Variance % Variance REVENUES -54,255 -59,000 -4,745 SALARIES AND BENEFITS 165,250 146,572 -18,678 8.04% -12.74 OPERATING AND PROGRAM EXPENSES 308,692 333,725 25,033 7.50 OTHER -98,390 -100,000 -1,610 1.61 TOTAL TOURISM 321,297 321,297 0 0.00 Operating expenses - Program enhancements to incorporate additional funding approved by Council June 25, 2014. Some of that money was spent in salaries and benefits but it was all budgeted to Operating. Page 4 of 14 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 2 Budget to Forecast - 3rd Quarter 2014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS OPERATING AND PROGRAM EXPENSES CAPITAL TOTAL STRATEGIC COMM. & ENGAGEMENT 2014 2014 Forecast Budget Variance % Variance 142,599 150,820 8,221 55,077 55,267 190 5.45% 0.34 1,085 0 -1,085 0.00 198,761 206,087 7,326 3.55 Page 5 of 14 Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 2 Budget to Forecast - 3rd Quarter 2014 2014 2014 Forecast Budget Variance % Variance SALARIES AND BENEFITS 626,405 638,943 12,538 OPERATING AND PROGRAM EXPENSES 102,233 103,528 1,295 1.25 -742,471 -742,471 0 0.00 INTERDEPARTMENTAL ALLOCATIONS CAPITAL TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 1.96% 825 0 -825 0.00 -13,008 0 13,008 0.00 Page 6 of 14 Budget to Forecast - 3rd Quarter 2014 REVENUES 2014 2014 Forecast Budget Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 2 Variance % Variance -2,228,861 -2,063,980 164,881 (7.99%) SALARIES AND BENEFITS 3,791,822 3,875,577 83,755 2.16 OPERATING AND PROGRAM EXPENSES 3,405,360 3,652,709 247,349 6.77 DEBT REPAYMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL ALLOCATIONS CAPITAL OTHER TOTAL CORPORATE SERVICES 201,301 201,301 0 0.00 -3,574,755 -3,574,760 -5 0.00 584,699 654,078 69,379 10.61 -415,500 -710,500 -295,000 41.52 1,764,066 2,034,425 270,359 13.29 Revenues - Increased POA revenues, increased revenues in IT related to support services recoveries from area municipalities Operating and program - Payroll software implementation project delayed, IT/COIN/Network strategy carries over in 2015 budget Other - reserve transfer for payroll software implementation and IT/COIN/Network strategy carries over in 2015 budget Page 7 of 14 Budget to Forecast - 3rd Quarter 2014 REVENUES 2014 2014 Forecast Budget Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 2 Variance % Variance -8,062,203 -7,768,492 293,711 (3.78%) OPERATING AND PROGRAM EXPENSES 3,171,133 3,294,823 123,690 3.75 DEBT REPAYMENT 5,758,703 5,664,994 -93,709 -1.65 582,514 405,464 -177,050 -43.67 1,450,147 1,596,789 146,642 9.18 OTHER TOTAL GENERAL Other - increase in interest allocations to water and wastewater reserves Page 8 of 14 Budget to Forecast - 3rd Quarter 2014 REVENUES 2014 2014 Forecast Budget Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 2 Variance % Variance -57,010,640 -56,651,905 358,735 (0.63%) SALARIES AND BENEFITS 12,185,256 11,239,424 -945,832 -8.42 OPERATING AND PROGRAM EXPENSES 38,276,111 38,100,197 -175,914 -0.46 DEBT REPAYMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL ALLOCATIONS CAPITAL OTHER TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 5,812,434 5,842,982 30,548 0.52 -10,862,786 -10,718,164 144,622 -1.35 28,084,702 40,958,065 12,873,363 31.43 4,593,993 -8,157,409 -12,751,402 156.32 21,079,070 20,613,190 -465,880 -2.26 Salaries and benefits - overbudget due to a WSIB claim Capital - some projects deferred or not completed in year Other - represents reserve transfers and debenture issuances that have not occurred due to deferred or incomplete capital projects Page 9 of 14 Budget to Forecast - 3rd Quarter 2014 REVENUES 2014 2014 Forecast Budget Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 2 Variance % Variance -16,277,113 -16,234,371 42,742 (0.26%) 16,260,244 17,223,665 963,421 5.59 OPERATING AND PROGRAM EXPENSES 5,355,475 5,462,394 106,919 1.96 DEBT REPAYMENT 2,376,082 2,411,699 35,617 1.48 558,480 477,800 -80,680 -16.89 -298,001 -1,362,200 -1,064,199 78.12 7,975,167 7,978,987 3,820 0.05 SALARIES AND BENEFITS CAPITAL OTHER TOTAL WOODINGFORD LODGE Capital - Full component of nurse call system installed Other - pay equity came in under budget as well as other areas resulting in reserve transfers not being required Page 10 of 14 Budget to Forecast - 3rd Quarter 2014 REVENUES SALARIES AND BENEFITS OPERATING AND PROGRAM EXPENSES 2014 2014 Forecast Budget Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 2 Variance % Variance -25,621,905 -25,672,729 -50,824 3,608,167 3,653,905 45,738 0.20% 1.25 29,357,474 30,426,163 1,068,689 3.51 CAPITAL 551,642 690,000 138,358 20.05 OTHER 140,000 -1,050,000 -1,190,000 113.33 8,035,378 8,047,339 11,961 0.15 TOTAL HUMAN SERVICES Other - Investment in Affordable Housing (IAH) Project not completed, reserve transfer for capital not required Page 11 of 14 Budget to Forecast - 3rd Quarter 2014 REVENUES SALARIES AND BENEFITS OPERATING AND PROGRAM EXPENSES 2014 2014 Forecast Budget Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 2 Variance % Variance -12,896,329 -12,766,743 129,586 (1.02%) 15,605,063 15,558,881 -46,182 -0.30 4,183,463 4,238,212 54,749 1.29 DEBT REPAYMENT 305,943 305,943 0 0.00 CAPITAL 485,200 515,200 30,000 5.82 31,300 -28,700 -60,000 209.06 7,714,640 7,822,793 108,153 1.38 OTHER TOTAL PUBLIC HEALTH & EMERGENCY SERVICES Capital - vehicle computers under budget Other - transfer for vehicle computers not required as they came in under budget, WSIB reserve transfer not required Page 12 of 14 Budget to Forecast - 3rd Quarter 2014 REVENUES SALARIES AND BENEFITS OPERATING AND PROGRAM EXPENSES OTHER TOTAL PLANNING 2014 2014 Forecast Budget Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 2 Variance % Variance -180,078 -241,085 -61,007 1,266,105 1,272,582 6,477 25.31% 0.51 258,104 535,063 276,959 51.76 -30,000 -243,650 -213,650 87.69 1,314,131 1,322,910 8,779 0.66 Revenues - reallocation entry for land division service fees no longer being made Operating and program expenses - reallocation entry for land division service fees no longer being made, Official Plan costs and consulting costs not incurred Other - transfers from reserves for development projects and the official plan not incurred Page 13 of 14 Budget to Forecast - 3rd Quarter 2014 REVENUES 2014 2014 Forecast Budget Report No. CS 2014-32 Attachment No. 2 Variance % Variance -451,692 -391,797 59,895 (15.29%) SALARIES AND BENEFITS 2,034,750 2,030,841 -3,909 -0.19 OPERATING AND PROGRAM EXPENSES 1,244,896 1,271,190 26,294 2.07 DEBT REPAYMENT OTHER TOTAL LIBRARY 226,614 226,614 0 0.00 -109,062 -174,062 -65,000 37.34 2,945,506 2,962,786 17,280 0.58 Revenues - increased revenues from development charges Other - increased contribution to development charges reserve fund Page 14 of 14 Report No: CS 2014-34 CORPORATE SERVICES Council Date: November 12, 2014 To: Warden and Members of County Council From: Director of Corporate Services Court Security and Prisoner Transportation (CSPT) Program Agreement RECOMMENDATION 1. That By-law No. 5631-2014, being a by-law to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Corporate Services to execute a Funding Agreement with the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, under the Court Security and Prisoner Transportation Program, be presented to Council for enactment. REPORT HIGHLIGHTS Introduces a by-law to authorize the endorsement of a Court Security and Prisoner Transportation (CSPT) Program funding agreement for a portion of court security and prisoner transportation costs for 2015 and 2016. 2015 allocation under the CSPT program is $5,389.24 – represents 26.9% of projected costs 2016 allocation under the CSPT program is $6,736.55 – represents 30.6% of projected costs Implementation Points Subject to the County entering into a Funding Agreement with the Ministry, the Ministry will provide allocations of funding based on the County’s 2013 provincial court security and prisoner transportation costs. Funding allocations will be received in two installments in each of the funding years – the first by January 30 or upon the Minister’s signing of the funding agreement in 2015 and the second installment in April of each of the two years. Financial Impact The County’s Court Security and Prisoner Transportation Funding has been included in the 2015 preliminary budget. The Treasurer has prepared this report and supports the financial impact information. Page 1 of 3 Report No: CS 2014-34 CORPORATE SERVICES Council Date: November 12, 2014 Risks/Implications There are no risks or implications that could result by adopting the recommendation contained within this report. Strategic Plan County Council adopted the County of Oxford Strategic Plan at its regular meeting held March 27, 2013. The initiative contained within this report supports the Values and Strategic Directions as set out in the Strategic Plan as it pertains to the following Strategic Directions: 1. ii. A County that Works Together – Enhance the quality of life for all our citizens by working with community partners and organizations to maintain/strengthen public safety. DISCUSSION Background In October 2008, the Ontario government announced the upload of court security and prisoner transportation costs from municipalities, beginning in 2012 and phased in by an equal amount over seven years, to a maximum of $125 million annually at maturity by 2018. Under the Court Security and Prisoner Transportation (CSPT) Program the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services (Ministry) allocated funding for 2012, 2013 and 2014 based on each municipality’s relative share of total court security and prisoner transportation costs, as confirmed in the 2010 Court Security Information Survey. It was recently discovered that there were five or six Counties that were omitted from the CSPT program during the initial funding period and since all funds were allocated there is no opportunity to obtain what would have otherwise been allocated. An expenditure-based model is used to determine funding amounts for 2015 and 2016. All funding under the program is allocated based on each municipality’s relative share of total 2013 court security and prisoner transportation costs across the province. Comments An expenditure-based model is used to determine funding amounts for 2015 and 2016. Funding is allocated based on each municipality’s relative share of the total 2013 court security and prisoner transportation costs across the province. As a result, the County’s allocation for 2015 and 2016 are as follows: Calendar Year Allocation % of Projected Court Security Costs 2015 $5,389.24 26.9% 2016 6,736.55 30.6% Total $12,125.79 28.9% Page 2 of 3 Report No: CS 2014-34 CORPORATE SERVICES Council Date: November 12, 2014 Conclusions Securing a Funding Agreement for the CSPT Program will allow the County to receive $12,125 over 2015 – 2016 to offset the cost of providing court security and prisoner transportation in the Provincial Offenses Courtroom and offices. SIGNATURE Departmental Approval: Original signed by Lynn S. Buchner, CPA, CGA Director of Corporate Services Approved for submission: Original signed by Peter M. Crockett, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENTS None Page 3 of 3 Report No: CS 2014-33 CORPORATE SERVICES Council Date: November 12, 2014 To: Warden and Members of County Council From: Director of Corporate Services Fees and Charges By-law Update RECOMMENDATION 1. That Schedule “A” to By-law No. 4889-2007, being a by-law to impose fees and charges for services that the County of Oxford provides that are not covered through direct taxation, be amended as set out in Report No. CS 2014-33 entitled “Fees and Charges By-law Update”. REPORT HIGHLIGHTS Fees and Charges By-law No. 4889-2007 is subject to an annual review to ensure the County’s fees and charges remain relevant and cover costs. Implementation Points Proposed fees and charges included on the amended Schedule “A” to By-law No. 4889-2007 as attached to this Report are to take effect January 1, 2015. Financial Impact The proposed fees and charges are reflected in the 2015 preliminary budget. The Treasurer has authored this report, therefore agrees with the financial impact information. Risks/Implications The risk of not adopting the amended fees and charges would be a loss in revenue expected for cost recovery from direct users that will otherwise become part of the general tax levy. Strategic Plan County Council adopted the County of Oxford Strategic Plan at its regular meeting held March 27, 2013. The initiative contained within this report supports the Values and Strategic Directions as set out in the Strategic Plan as it pertains to the following Strategic Directions: 3. iii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future - Apply social, financial and environmental sustainability lenses to significant decisions by assessing options in regard to life cycle costs and benefit/costs - including debt, tax and reserve levels and implications. Page 1 of 3 Report No: CS 2014-33 CORPORATE SERVICES Council Date: November 12, 2014 DISCUSSION Background At the regular meeting of Council held November 28, 2007, By-law No. 4889-2007, being a bylaw to impose fees and charges for services that the County of Oxford provides, was passed. The By-law includes a requirement for review of the fees and charges on an annual basis. Comments All County departments have been asked to review the fees and charges associated with the services they provide for reasonableness and to consider any new services that may warrant a user fee or charge. Attached as Attachment No. 1 is Schedule “A” to By-law No. 4889-2007, as approved in November 2013 for fees and charges applied in 2014 (see column entitled “2014 Amount”), with proposed amendments for 2015 identified in red print. Staff is seeking Council’s approval of all fees and charges listed in the column entitled “2015 Proposed Amount”. The following provides explanation for the amendments: Provincial Offences Administration The fee for transcripts is regulated by the Province under Ontario Regulation 94/14 of the Administration to Justice Act. Tourism The fee for a Discovery guide advertisement on the back cover is proposed to increase to reflect a change in the guide design, now allowing members to use the back cover as it was previously reserved for County-wide material. The back cover is considered premium promotional space. Library New fees are being introduced in response to a Local History Policy that was adopted by the Library Board at their regular meeting held October 20, 2014 with service recovery fees to take effect on January 1, 2015. Planning Fees for planning services have historically been indexed annually based on the year over year increase in the consumer price index. Based on the significant fluctuations in that index over the past twelve months the 2015 proposed increase represents a 1.5% increase as opposed to the current 2.0%. A more fulsome review of planning fees will take place in 2015. Page 2 of 3 Report No: CS 2014-33 CORPORATE SERVICES Council Date: November 12, 2014 Others The remaining amendments to the schedule related to Public Works and Public Health reflect fees previously approved by Council as part of multi-year fee plans. Conclusions That the amended fees and charges would allow for cost recovery from direct users in 2015. SIGNATURE Report Co-Author: Original signed by David McRoberts, CPA, CA Manager of Finance Departmental Approval: Original signed by Lynn S. Buchner, CPA, CGA Director of Corporate Services Approved for submission: Original signed by Peter M. Crockett, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT Attachment No. 1 – Schedule “A” to By-law No. 4889-2007, as amended Page 3 of 3 Report No. CS 2014-33 Attachment No. 1 COUNTY OF OXFORD BY-LAW NO. 4889-2007 SCHEDULE "A" EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2015 Charge or Fee General Commissioners fee Photocopy - 8 ½" x 11" black Photocopy - 8 ½" x 11" colour Photocopy - 8 ½" x 14" black Photocopy - 8 ½" x 14" colour Photocopy - 11" x 17" Photocopy - 11" x 17" colour Photocopy - larger than 11" x 17" black Photocopy - larger than 11" x 17" colour Meeting investigation fee Provincial Offences Administration Original transcript1 Electronic transcript if ordered subsequent to the original transcript Copy of transcript already produced Commissioners fees related to a general affidavit for a provincial offences matter Provincial Offences photocopy or certified copy 2014 Amount $15.00 $0.25 $0.40 $0.35 $0.45 $0.50 $0.60 $10.00 $20.00 $25.00 $3.20 $0.55 no charge $1.00 2015 Proposed Amount $15.00 $0.25 $0.40 $0.35 $0.45 $0.50 $0.60 $10.00 $20.00 $25.00 per request per page per page per page per page per page per page per page per page per request $4.30 $20.00 $0.55 no charge $1.00 per page per transcript per page per page 1 $50 deposit is required when ordering an original transcript, includes electronic copy at no additional charge if requested at the same time, prescribed by the Administration to Justice Act , Ontario Regulation 94/14 Tourism Tourism membership Discovery guide advertisement - ¼ page Discovery guide advertisement - ½ page Discovery guide advertisement - full page Discovery guide advertisement - back cover GGIS Property data Zoning data Urban zoning maps - 24" x 36" colour Urban zoning maps - 36" x 48" colour Township base maps - 24" x 36" colour Township base maps - 36" x 48" colour County of Oxford map book Custom maps Custom data administration Digital Data Urban area municipality map - 11"x 17" black Urban area municipality map - 27"x 39" colour Consolidated Zoning map - colour Ortho-photography Images $175.00 $300.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $1.00 $0.50 $15.00 $20.00 $15.00 $20.00 $20.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $4.00 $20.00 $20.00 $50.00 $175.00 $300.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 Plus HST annual Plus HST Plus HST Plus HST Plus HST $1.00 Plus HST Plus HST $15.00 Plus HST $20.00 Plus HST $15.00 Plus HST $20.00 Plus HST $20.00 Plus HST $50.00 Plus HST $50.00 Plus HST $50.00 Plus HST Plus HST Plus HST $20.00 Plus HST $50.00 Plus HST per parcel per parcel per hour per Mega Byte per tile (sq. km) Page 1 of 5 Report No. CS 2014-33 Attachment No. 1 COUNTY OF OXFORD BY-LAW NO. 4889-2007 SCHEDULE "A" EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2015 Charge or Fee Library Overdue book Overdue book - maximum Local faxing Long distance faxing Overseas faxing Library card replacement Room rentals2 Any morning, afternoon or evening rental period Any two morning, afternoon or evening rental period Full day rental period Room rentals - Ingersoll, Norwich, Plattsville, Tavistock, Thamesford, Tillsonburg First hour of rental Each hour thereafter Local history/genealogy research fees3 First hour of research Additional 15 minute intervals 2 For all branches except those specifically identified 3 Fees include copying/printing of up to 15 pages single-sided, postage and handling. Additional copying and printing will be billed at the estabilished rates. Public Health Prenatal Series Dental Services Dental missed appointment Sexual health clinic Tuberculosis skin tests On-line Food Handler Exam Fee Food Handler Course fee Migrant worker housing application Daily sewage flow not exceeding 10,000 litres/day (Class 4,5) Class 2 system (leaching pit) Certificate of Approval required Septic tank only Change of use permit Performance level review (file and site inspection) Site review assessment (site inspection) Subdivision (per lot to maximum $1,500.00) Severence/minor variance/zoning (per lot) Environmental file search Urgent file search (mortgage appraisal less than 2 weeks) Emergency Services Informal Access Request Archives External research - after 15 minutes Photocopies from microfilm reader/printers - 11" x 17" Photocopies from microfilm reader/printers - 8.5" x 11" Microfilm reproductions - silver positive duplicate from 35mm negative Custom microfilming of original documents Digital image scanning - to 8.5" x 11" paper Digital image scanning to Compact Disc Digital image scanning custom in-house to 8.5" x 11" paper Digital image scanning custom in-house to Compact Disc Photograph reproduction - image scanned and printed to 8.5" x 11" paper Photograph reproduction - image scanned and printed to 8.5" x 11" paper Document conservation - cleaning and repair Document conservation - encapsulation Restoration of large map - 6' x 8' - minimum Restoration of book spine - minimum 2014 Amount $0.10 $2.00 $1.00 $1.25 $2.00 $2.00 2015 Proposed Amount $0.10 $2.00 $1.00 $1.25 $2.00 $2.00 $10.00 $12.00 $15.00 $10.00 Plus HST $12.00 Plus HST $15.00 Plus HST $20.00 $5.00 $20.00 Plus HST $5.00 Plus HST per day per item per page per page per page $30.00 $10.00 $60.00 $35.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $8.85 $55.00 $80.00 $765.00 $250.00 $150.00 $328.00 $219.00 $100.00 $80.00 $100.00 $164.00 $214.00 $60.00 $35.00 $20.00 per occurrence $20.00 $20.00 $8.85 Plus HST $55.00 Plus HST $80.00 $765.00 $250.00 $250.00 $328.00 $219.00 $100.00 $80.00 $100.00 $164.00 $214.00 $65.00 $65.00 $30.00 $0.50 $0.40 $45.00 $175.00 $5.00 $10.00 $7.50 $7.50 $12.00 $10.00 $60.00 $0.10 $1,000.00 $300.00 $30.00 $0.50 $0.40 $45.00 $175.00 $5.00 $10.00 $7.50 $7.50 $12.00 $10.00 $60.00 $0.10 $1,000.00 $300.00 per request per hour per page per page per reel per reel per 15 minutes per 15 minutes + $5.00 1st page per page after 1st page per hour per square inch per map per book Page 2 of 5 Report No. CS 2014-33 Attachment No. 1 COUNTY OF OXFORD BY-LAW NO. 4889-2007 SCHEDULE "A" EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2015 Charge or Fee Planning Plan of condominium Condominium (exempt from draft approval) Consent Each additional lot Consent & minor variance Each additional lot Consent - changes to approved conditions Consent - revised application (major) Consent - revised application (minor) Consent - validation order Official plan (major) Official plan (minor) Part lot control exemption Part lot control exemption - plus per new lot (1 to 6 lots) Part lot control exemption - maximum (7 and more lots) - same By-law Renewable energy application - major Renewable energy application - minor Subdivision Extension of draft approval Changes to application and/or draft approval 6 (major) Changes to application and/or draft approval 6 (minor) 4 plus a deposit to recover the costs for peer review of studies submitted in support of the application as required 5 for same owner, applicant and property 6 includes changes to conditions Public Works Consent Consent & minor variance Official plan Subdivision Subdivision - maximum Clearance of Conditions - consent Clearance of Conditions - subdivision Clearance of Conditions - maximum (consent or subdivision) Environmental Report Review Traffic Impact Studies Review 75 61 Litre Recycling bin 100 83 Litre Recycling bin Apartment Recycling bin (small) 430 360 Litre Multi-residential/Business Recycling totes 360 Litre Industrial/Commercial and Institutional Recycling totes Recycling lid for 61 and 83 Recycling bins Composters Entrance Admin fee Bag Tags9 Disposal of waste at Salford Landfill10 Construction and demolition material10 Freon Units ICI Hazardous Waste - authorized by-law 5274-2011 Culvert Install (includes admin fee)11 For 10m of 450mm culvert 2014 Amount 2015 Proposed Amount $1,230.00 $855.00 $1,865.00 $930.00 $1,940.00 $970.00 $120.00 $335.00 $170.00 $600.00 $4,120.00 $2,025.00 $560.00 $120.00 $785.00 $1,840.00 $355.00 $2,695.00 $435.00 $1,065.00 $530.00 $1,245.00 $870.00 $1,895.00 $940.00 $1,965.00 $985.00 $120.00 $340.00 $170.00 $610.00 $4,185.00 $2,055.00 $570.00 $120.00 $795.00 $1,870.00 $360.00 $2,735.00 $440.00 $1,080.00 $540.00 $200.00 $200.00 $100.00 $75.00 $1,500.00 $100.00 $75.00 $2,500.00 $200.00 $0.00 $4.50 $5.50 $3.50 $60.00 $60.00 $10.00 $100.00 $2.00 $65.89 $65.65 $15.00 $30.00 $200.00 $200.00 $100.00 $75.00 $1,500.00 $100.00 $75.00 $2,500.00 $200.00 $0.00 $4.50 $5.50 $3.50 $60.00 $60.00 $1.50 $10.00 $100.00 $2.00 $67.14 $68.93 $15.00 $30.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 4 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 per lot7 per subdivision per lot7 per lot7 plus peer review8 plus peer review8 per tag per tonne per tonne per unit per 25L container Page 3 of 5 Report No. CS 2014-33 Attachment No. 1 COUNTY OF OXFORD BY-LAW NO. 4889-2007 SCHEDULE "A" EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2015 Charge or Fee Public Works (Cont'd) Each additional meter Curb cut (includes admin fee) Minimum charge (7.6m) Each additional foot over 0.3m over 7.6m Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) and Watermain Authorizations Sanitary sewers including appurtenances Storm sewers including appurtenances Joint application for Sanitary and Storm sewers inc. appurtenances Sanitary forcemains Sanitary sewer pumping stations Watermains including appurtenances Disconnect fee at customer request Reconnect fee at customer request Service to shutoff/turn on for emergency or plumbing repair New Meter (< 25mm) - without radio transmitter New Meter (≥ 25mm) - without radio transmitter Radio Transmitter for Water/Wastewater readings Meter checked for accuracy at customer's request and found to be accurate (< 25mm)12 Meter checked for accuracy at customer's request and found to be accurate (≥ 25mm)12 Temporary hydrant connection Private hydrant maintenance Use of Bulk Water Station Water taken from bulk water station Connection to existing watermain within communities without development charges (up to 25mm)13 Hook up to an existing water service in communities without development charges (up to 25mm)13 Connection to existing watermain within communities with development charges (up to 25mm) Hook up to an existing water service in communities with development charges14 (up to 25mm) Increased material cost of water service >25mm Connection of a service to an extended watermain or sewer Grinder pump monthly maintenance charge Sewage Extra-Strength Rate (over and above By-law No.2719-87 limit including but not limited to Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Total Suspended Solids and Total Phosphorus). This rate may be part of an agreement with the County General hauled septage Hauled Wastewater (Domestic waste from a single source that is not general hauled septage, that meets the sewer use By-law No. 2719-87 whose source is within Oxford County and > 22,700 Litres either at one time or over the course of a year) Connection to existing sewer (Sewer depth 0 - 3.0 metres) Connection to existing sewer (Sewer depth > 3.0 metres) Permit for automatic sprinklers non-metered individual customer 2014 Amount 2015 Proposed Amount $125.00 $125.00 $500.00 $15.00 $500.00 $15.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $45.00 $45.00 No Charge $145.00 Actual cost $75.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $45.00 $45.00 No Charge $145.00 Actual cost $75.00 each occurrence each occurrence each Based on full cost recovery each $100.00 $100.00 each occurrence $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $25.00 $1.50 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $25.00 $1.50 each occurrence each occurrence plus $1.50/m3 per hydrant per year plus time and materials for repairs per key fob per m3 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 each occurrence for < 25mm and actual cost for ≥ 25mm $4,000.00 $4,000.00 each occurrence unless cost is specified in an existing by-law $2,500.00 $2,500.00 plus applicable development charges each occurrence $2,500.00 Actual cost Actual cost $2,500.00 Actual cost Actual cost Actual cost Actual cost each occurrence unless cost is specified in an existing by-law Based on full cost recovery Based on full cost recovery Based on full cost recovery when applicable as per By-law No. 52752011 $1.65 $3.30 $1.65 Plus HST per kg $3.30 Plus HST per cubic meter $1.65 $5,000.00 $8,000.00 $25.00 $1.65 Plus HST per cubic meter $5,000.00 $8,000.00 $25.00 Page 4 of 5 COUNTY OF OXFORD Report No. CS 2014-33 Attachment No. 1 BY-LAW NO. 4889-2007 SCHEDULE "A" EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2015 2014 Amount 2015 Proposed Amount Charge or Fee Public Works (Cont'd) Permit for automatic sprinklers in non-metered multiple unit customer $10.00 $10.00 per unit to a maximum of $250.00 Permit for automatic sprinklers metered customer No Charge No Charge Permits for outside water use for new sod, seed, or chemically sprayed lawns or for non-profit fund-raising events No Charge No Charge Swimming pool fill-up through a garden hose in non-metered communities $50.00 $50.00 Swimming pool fill-up through a fire hydrant connection in non-metered communities $130.00 $130.00 Manual read of Woodstock water/wastewater customer without radio transmitter $50.00 $50.00 per read Read water sub-meters on multi-unit properties $1.00 $1.00 per read 7 lot as defined as follows: Single family home = 1.0 Semi-detached = 1.5 Multi-residential (more than two units) = No. of residential units/2 8 Deposit for peer review $1,500.00 $1,500.00 9 One bag tag shall be used for each garbage bag (up to 76 x 96 cm) or each rigid container (up to 128 litres) and each such bag or container must weigh less than 20kg. Two bag tags shall be used for each rigid container with a volume between 129 and 240 litres and this container must also weigh less than 20kg. Three bag tags shall be used for each rigid container with a volume between 241 and 360 litres. Cost per tag will increase to $2.00 effective July 1, 2014. 10 Increase each year will be calculated based on previous six month average of the CPI 11 Culvert sizes larger than 450mm will be charged at actual cost and will be quoted to the applicant prior to installation 12 Meter checked for accuracy at customer's request and found not to be accurate 13 Communities without Development Charges (DC) - Bright, Mt. Elgin, Beachville, Innerkip, Brownsville, Dereham Centre, Embro, Hickson, Lakeside, Otterville, Sweaburg and Springford 14 Communities with Development Charges - Drumbo, Ingersoll, Norwich, Plattsville, Tavistock, Thamesford, Tillsonburg and Woodstock Page 5 of 5 Report No: PW 2014-62 PUBLIC WORKS Council Date: November 12, 2014 To: Warden and Members of County Council From: Director of Public Works Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (OnWARN) Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That Public Works Report PW 2014-62 entitled Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (OnWARN) Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement be adopted; 2. And further, that a by-law be raised authorizing the CAO to execute the Agreement with OnWARN for the provision or receipt of assistance during emergency situations. REPORT HIGHLIGHTS The purpose of this report is to gain County Council approval to participate in a mutual aid and assistance program for water and wastewater services in response to emergency events. Participating in the Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (OnWARN) will allow Oxford County to access additional resources to respond to a natural or humancaused disaster if needed or to provide assistance to affected communities when feasible. There are currently 39 Ontario municipalities/utilities that have signed the mutual aid and assistance agreement and are members of OnWARN. Participation in OnWARN is an additional tool that can be used to meet the County’s service delivery requirements under the Business Continuity Program and Continuity of Operations Plans. Implementation Points Following execution of the agreement, water and wastewater staff will populate a database identifying available resources that may be of use to other municipalities as well as areas where specialized equipment may need to be acquired from other sources during an emergency situation within Oxford County. Page 1 of 4 Report No: PW 2014-62 PUBLIC WORKS Council Date: November 12, 2014 Financial Impact There is no external cost to join or maintain participation in OnWARN. Financial costs related to developing and maintaining an up-to-date inventory of available resources are limited to staff time and can be undertaken with existing resources. As a member of OnWARN there is no obligation to provide assistance at any time, however should assistance be provided, all costs associated with the response are born by the municipality requesting the assistance. This includes any costs related to a claim under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). The Treasurer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information. Risks/Implications The OnWARN program is intended to reduce the impact of an emergency event on citizens by providing a framework for water or wastewater utilities to provide aid and assistance. All members must maintain minimum insurance requirements and must indemnify and hold harmless those that provide assistance. Strategic Plan County Council adopted the County of Oxford Strategic Plan at its regular meeting held March 27, 2013. The initiative contained within this report supports the Values and Strategic Directions as set out in the Strategic Plan as it pertains to the following Strategic Directions: 1. ii. A County that Works Together – Enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: - Maintaining and strengthening core infrastructure Working with community partners and organizations to maintain / strengthen public safety 3. iii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future - Apply social, financial and environmental sustainability lenses to significant decisions by assessing options in regard to: - Potential impacts to the vulnerable population in our community 5. ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results - Deliver exceptional services by: - Regularly reviewing service level standards to assess potential for improved access to services / amenities Page 2 of 4 Report No: PW 2014-62 PUBLIC WORKS Council Date: November 12, 2014 DISCUSSION Background Water/Wastewater Agency Response Networks (WARNs) were first developed in the United States in response to man-made and natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina in 2005. There was recognition that Water and Wastewater utilities require specialized resources and staffing and that other critical infrastructure such as fire services heavily depend on functioning water and wastewater systems. The purpose of a WARN system is to enable municipalities to provide mutual aid in preparing for, and responding to, interruptions in water and wastewater services resulting from natural and man-made disasters. The concept of a WARN program was introduced in Canada in 2008 and the Ontario version “OnWARN” was developed in 2011. OnWARN is a voluntary network of utilities helping other utilities to respond to and recover from emergencies. It matches specialized water/wastewater utility resources to specific needs during an emergency to aid in quickly locating emergency equipment and trained personnel. There are currently 39 municipalities/utilities that are members of OnWARN. The name and location of current members is provided in Attachment 1. Comments The County is in the process of developing a Business Continuity Program which includes a Continuity of Operations Plan for each service the County provides. Both water supply and wastewater treatment services have been identified under the Business Continuity Program as essential services. As such developing strategies to mitigate and reduce risks to service delivery is required. A mutual aid and assistance agreement is one more tool that the County can utilize to improve preparedness and response capabilities to emergency events. The CSA Standard Z1600-14 “Emergency and continuity management program” includes mutual aid and assistance agreements as a resource management tool. The primary benefit of OnWARN is that it establishes a legal framework of agreements and protocols in advance of an event. It facilitates access to resources and knowledgeable personnel in water & wastewater systems through its mutual aid and assistance agreement and doesn’t require the declaration of an emergency to access these. The agreement covers the key issues of legal and regulatory requirements, liability, availability of response, provision of services and health and safety requirements. The draft agreement is provided in Attachment 2. WARN programs has been successfully used in the United States and the Province of Alberta. Under OnWARN requests for assistance have been made on at least four occasions since the program’s inception in 2011. The majority of the requests are for specialized equipment rather than staffing resources. The large geographic coverage of the network is beneficial as it allows for assistance to be provided from areas outside of a regional event. In the event of an emergency where the required response exceeds the County’s resources, participation in OnWARN would allow the water and wastewater systems to recover more quickly and at a lower cost than would otherwise occur. Staff have reviewed the draft agreement provided by OnWARN and are satisfied with the insurance requirements, protection provided to responding municipalities and obligations incurred when requesting assistance. Page 3 of 4 Report No: PW 2014-62 PUBLIC WORKS Council Date: November 12, 2014 Conclusions As evidenced by its successful implementation and use in other parts of North America, as well as Ontario, participation in the Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network program is seen as a significant benefit to the County in the event of an emergency situation. Staff recommend that County Council approve the recommendation to join OnWARN. SIGNATURE Report Author: Original signed by Deborah Goudreau, P.Eng. Manager of Water Services Departmental Approval: Original signed by Robert Walton, P.Eng. Director of Public Works Approved for submission: Original signed by Peter M. Crockett, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 Current OnWARN members, October, 2014 Attachment 2 Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement for an Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (OnWARN), April, 2012 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1 for PW 2014-62 November 12, 2014 Attachment 2 for PW 2014-62 November 12, 2014 Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement for an Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (OnWARN) MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding (“Agreement”) is made and entered into by public and private water and wastewater utilities, owners and operating authorities in Ontario (“Utilities”), that have, by executing this Agreement, manifested their intent to participate in an Ontario program for water/wastewater mutual aid and assistance (“Mutual Aid and Assistance Program”). Statutory Authority for Municipal Utilities – This Agreement is authorized under Section 20 of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001 which provides that Municipal Utilities may contract with each other to provide services. ARTICLE I. PURPOSE Recognizing that emergencies may require aid or assistance in the form of personnel, equipment, and supplies from outside the area of impact, the signatory Utilities hereby establish the Mutual Aid and Assistance Program. Through the Mutual Aid and Assistance Program, Members coordinate response activities and share resources during emergencies. This Agreement sets forth the procedures and standards for the administration of the Mutual Aid and Assistance Program. ARTICLE II. DEFINITIONS A. Authorized Official – An employee or officer of a Member who is authorized to: 1. Request assistance; 2. Offer assistance; 3. Refuse to offer assistance; or 4. Withdraw assistance under this Agreement. B. Emergency - A natural or human caused event or circumstance causing, or imminently threatening to cause, loss of life, injury to person or property, human suffering or financial loss, or could reasonably be beyond the capability of the services, personnel, equipment, and facilities of a Member to fully manage and mitigate internally. C. Member – Any public or private water or wastewater utility, owner, or operating authority in Ontario (“Utility”) that manifests intent to participate in the Mutual Aid and Assistance Program by executing this Agreement. 1. Requesting Member – A Member who requests aid or assistance from another Member or Members under the Mutual Aid and Assistance Program. 2. Responding Member – A Member that provides aid or assistance during a Period of Assistance in response to a request for aid or assistance under the Mutual Aid and Assistance Program. 3. Non-Responding Member - A Member or Associate Member that does not provide aid or assistance during a Period of Assistance under the Mutual Aid and Assistance Program. D. Associate Member – Any non-Utility participant, approved by the OnWARN Steering Committee, that provides a support role for the Mutual Aid and Assistance Program. (For example: any non–Utility agency or association that does not officially sign this Agreement). An Associate Member is not entitled to vote on any matter as outlined and identified in this Agreement. Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network April 2012 Mutual Aid & Assistance Agreement Page 1 of 9 E. Confidential Information - Any document shared with any signatory of this Agreement that is marked confidential, including but not limited to any map, report, note, paper, opinion, or e-mail which relates to the system vulnerabilities of a Member or Associate Member, and any document that is protected under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, and Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004. F. Period of Assistance – A specified period of time when a Responding Member assists a Requesting Member. The period commences when personnel, equipment, or supplies depart from Responding Member’s facility and ends when the resources return to their facility (portal to portal). All protections identified in this Agreement apply during this period. The specified Period of Assistance may occur during response to or recovery from an Emergency, as previously defined. G. Incident Management System (IMS) – A system, consistent with internationally recommended practices, that provides standardized organizational structures, functions, processes and terminology for use at all levels of emergency response in Ontario. IMS addresses the need for coordinated responses to large-scale and complex incidents and has been developed with input from more than 30 emergency response organizations and stakeholders from Ontario. ARTICLE III. ADMINISTRATION The Mutual Aid and Assistance Program shall be administered through OnWARN Steering Committee. In addition to representing the interests of the Members, the OnWARN Steering Committee may include Associate Members as representatives. Under the leadership of the OnWARN Steering Committee Chair, the OnWARN Steering Committee shall plan and coordinate emergency planning and response activities for the Mutual Aid and Assistance Program. ARTICLE IV. PROCEDURES The OnWARN Steering Committee shall develop operational and planning procedures for the Mutual Aid and Assistance Program which may be undertaken in cooperation with Associate Members, at the sole discretion of the OnWARN Steering Committee, including but not limited to Emergency Management Ontario. These procedures shall be reviewed at least annually and updated as needed by the OnWARN Steering Committee. ARTICLE V. REQUESTS FOR ASSISTANCE A. Member Responsibility: Members shall identify an Authorized Official and alternates; provide contact information including 24-hour access (e.g. an after-hours number) and maintain information on resources that may be available from the Member for mutual aid and assistance response. Such contact information shall be updated annually or when changes occur, provided to the OnWARN Steering Committee. In the event of an Emergency, a Member’s Authorized Official may request mutual aid and assistance from a participating Member. Requests for assistance can be made orally or in writing. When made orally, the request for personnel, equipment, and supplies shall be prepared in writing as soon as practicable. Requests for assistance shall be directed to the Authorized Official of the participating Member. Specific protocols for requesting aid shall be provided in the required procedures (Article IV). Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network April 2012 Mutual Aid & Assistance Agreement Page 2 of 9 B. Response to a Request for Assistance – Members are not obligated to respond to a request. After a Member receives a request for assistance, the Authorized Official evaluates whether or not to respond, whether resources are available to respond, or if other circumstances would hinder response. Following the evaluation, the Authorized Representative shall inform, as soon as possible, the Requesting Member whether it will respond. If the Member is willing and able to provide assistance, the Member shall inform the Requesting Member about the type of available resources and the approximate arrival time of such assistance. C. Discretion of Responding Member’s Authorized Official – Execution of this Agreement does not create any duty to respond to a request for assistance. When a Member receives a request for assistance, the Authorized Official shall have sole and absolute discretion as to whether or not to respond, or the availability of resources to be used in such response. An Authorized Official’s decisions on the availability of resources shall be final. ARTICLE VI. RESPONDING MEMBER PERSONNEL A. Incident Management System - When providing assistance under this Agreement, the Requesting Member and Responding Member may be organized and may function under the Incident Management System. B. Control - While employees so provided may be under the supervision of the Responding Member, the Responding Member’s employees come under the direction and control of the Requesting Member, to address the needs identified by the Requesting Member. The Requesting Member’s Authorized Official shall coordinate response activities with the designated supervisor(s) of the Responding Member(s). The Responding Member’s designated supervisor(s) must keep accurate records of work performed by personnel during the specified Period of Assistance. C. Food and Shelter – Whenever practical, Responding Member personnel must be self-sufficient for up to 72 hours. When possible, the Requesting Member shall supply reasonable food and shelter for Responding Member personnel. If the Requesting Member is unable to provide food and shelter for Responding Member personnel, the Responding Member’s designated supervisor is authorized to secure the resources necessary to meet the needs of its personnel. Except as provided below, the cost for such resources must not exceed the Responding Member’s per diem rates for that area. To the extent food and shelter costs exceed the Responding Member’s per diem rates for the area, the Responding Member must demonstrate that the additional costs were reasonable and necessary under the circumstances. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, the Requesting Member remains responsible for reimbursing the Responding Member for all reasonable and necessary costs associated with providing food and shelter, if such resources are not provided. D. Communication – The Requesting Member shall provide Responding Member personnel with radio equipment as available, or radio frequency information to program existing radio, in order to facilitate communications with local responders and utility personnel. E. Status - Unless otherwise provided by law, the Responding Member’s officers and employees retain the same privileges, immunities, rights, duties and benefits as provided in their respective jurisdictions. F. Licences and Permits – To the extent permitted by law, Responding Member personnel who hold licences, certificates, or permits evidencing professional, mechanical, or other skills shall be allowed to carry out activities and tasks relevant and related to their respective credentials during the specified Period of Assistance. G. Right to Withdraw - The Responding Member’s Authorized Official retains the right to withdraw some or all of its resources at any time for any reason in the Responding Member’s sole and absolute discretion. Notice of intention to withdraw must be communicated to the Requesting Member’s Authorized Official as soon as is practicable under the circumstances. Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network April 2012 Mutual Aid & Assistance Agreement Page 3 of 9 ARTICLE VII. COST- REIMBURSEMENT The Requesting Member shall reimburse the Responding Member for each of the following categories of costs incurred during the specified Period of Assistance as agreed in whole or in part by both parties; provided, that any Responding Member may assume in whole or in part such loss, damage, expense, or other cost, or may loan such equipment or donate such services to the Requesting Member without charge or cost. A. Personnel – The Responding Member shall be reimbursed by the Requesting Member for personnel costs incurred for work performed during the specified Period of Assistance. Responding Member personnel costs shall be calculated according to the terms provided in their employment contracts or other conditions of employment. The Responding Member’s designated supervisor(s) must keep accurate records of work performed by personnel during the specified Period of Assistance. Requesting Member reimbursement to the Responding Member could consider all personnel costs, including salaries or hourly wages, costs for fringe benefits, and indirect costs. B. Equipment – The Requesting Member shall reimburse the Responding Member for the use of equipment during the specified Period of Assistance, including, but not limited to, reasonable rental rates, all fuel, lubrication, maintenance, transportation, and loading/unloading of loaned equipment. All equipment shall be returned to the Responding Member in good working order as soon as is practicable and reasonable under the circumstances. As a minimum, rates for equipment use must be based on the “Ontario Provincial Standard 127 Schedule of Equipment Rates”. If a Responding Member uses rates different from those in the “Ontario Provincial Standard 127 Schedule of Equipment Rates”, the Responding Member must provide such rates orally or in writing to the Requesting Member prior to supplying the equipment. Mutual agreement on which rates are used must be reached in writing prior to dispatch of the equipment. Reimbursement for equipment not referenced on the “Ontario Provincial Standard 127 Schedule of Equipment Rates” must be developed based on actual recovery of costs. If Responding Member must lease a piece of equipment while its equipment is being repaired, Requesting Member shall reimburse Responding Member for such rental costs. C. Materials and Supplies – The Requesting Member must reimburse the Responding Member in kind or at actual replacement cost, plus handling charges, for use of expendable or non-returnable supplies. The Responding Member must not charge direct fees or rental charges to the Requesting Member for other supplies and reusable items that are returned to the Responding Member in a clean, damage-free condition. Reusable supplies that are returned to the Responding Member with damage must be treated as expendable supplies for purposes of cost reimbursement. D. Payment Period – The Responding Member must provide an itemized bill to the Requesting Member for all expenses incurred by the Responding Member while providing assistance under this Agreement. The Requesting Member must send the itemized bill not later than (90) ninety days following the end of the Period of Assistance. The Responding Member may request additional periods of time within which to submit the itemized bill, and Requesting Member shall not unreasonably withhold consent to such request. The Requesting Member must pay the bill in full on or before the forty-fifth (45th) day following the billing date. The Requesting Member may request additional periods of time within which to pay the itemized bill, and Responding Member shall not unreasonably withhold consent to such request, provided, however, that all payment shall occur not later than one-year after the date a final itemized bill is submitted to the Requesting Member. E. Records - Each Responding Member and their duly authorized representatives shall have access to a Requesting Member’s books, documents, notes, reports, papers and records which are directly pertinent to this Agreement for the purposes of reviewing the accuracy of a cost bill or making a financial, maintenance or regulatory audit. Each Requesting Member and their duly authorized representatives shall have access to a Responding Member’s books, documents, notes, reports, papers and records which are directly pertinent to this Agreement for the purposes of reviewing the accuracy of a cost bill or making a financial, maintenance or regulatory audit. Such records shall be maintained for at least three (3) years or longer where required by law. Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network April 2012 Mutual Aid & Assistance Agreement Page 4 of 9 ARTICLE VIII. DISPUTES If any controversy or claim arises out of, or relates to, the execution of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, alleged breach of this Agreement, the disputing Members shall first attempt to resolve the dispute by negotiation, followed by mediation and finally shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the Ontario Arbitration Act. Any court of competent jurisdiction may enter the judgment rendered by the arbitrators as final judgment that is binding on the parties. ARTICLE IX. REQUESTING MEMBER’S DUTY TO INDEMNIFY The Requesting Member shall assume the defense of, fully indemnify and hold harmless, the Responding Member, its officers and employees, from all claims, loss, damage, injury and liability of every kind, nature and description, directly or indirectly arising from Responding Member’s work during a specified Period of Assistance. The scope of the Requesting Member’s duty to indemnify includes, but is not limited to, suits arising from, or related to, negligent or wrongful use of equipment or supplies on loan to the Requesting Member, or faulty workmanship or other negligent acts, errors or omissions by Requesting Member or the Responding Member personnel. The Requesting Member’s duty to indemnify is subject to, and shall be applied consistent with, the conditions set forth in Article X. ARTICLE X. SIGNATORY INDEMNIFICATION In the event of a liability, claim, demand, action, or proceeding of whatever kind or nature arising out of a specified Period of Assistance, the Responding Members shall have a duty to defend, indemnify, save and hold harmless all Non-Responding Members, their officers, agents and employees from any liability, claim, demand, action, or proceeding of whatever kind or nature arising out of a Period of Assistance. ARTICLE XI. WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE A. Workplace Safety and Insurance - The Workplace Safety and Insurance Act provides that if an Emergency is declared by the Premier of Ontario or the head of council of a municipality, and a person is sent to assist, the Crown (Government of Ontario) or the municipality, whichever declared the Emergency is considered the employer of that person for the purposes of assessing any accident costs. However, the worker’s regular employer (Responding Member) continues to be responsible for: Maintaining employment benefits as required by section 25 of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, Complying with the obligation to co-operate in the early and safe return to work of the worker (section 40), and, Complying with the obligation to re-employ the worker (section 41) if it applies. Any costs incurred by the worker's regular employer (Responding Member) in meeting these obligations are reimbursed by the Crown or the municipality, whichever is applicable. The Responding Member is responsible for providing Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) benefits and administering WSIB for its employees. The Requesting Member shall reimburse the Responding Member for all costs, benefits, and expenses associated with WSIB and other employee claims that arise from or are related to providing assistance under this Agreement. Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network April 2012 Mutual Aid & Assistance Agreement Page 5 of 9 B. Hold Harmless - The Requesting Member shall indemnify and hold the Responding Member harmless from and against any and all liability for loss, including, but not limited to, damage, cost or expense which the Responding Member may incur by reason of bodily injury, including death, to any person or persons, or by reason of damage to or destruction of any property, including the loss of use thereof, which result from furnishing Emergency assistance and whether or not due in whole or in part to any act, omission, or negligence of the Responding Member. Where payments are made to Responding Member's employees under WSIB or any similar law for bodily injury or death resulting from furnishing emergency assistance, Requesting Member shall make reimbursement to Responding Member to the extent such payment increases the Responding Member's WSIB or disability benefits costs, whether such increase in costs occurs in the form of an increase in premiums or contributions or in the form of reduction in dividends or premium refunds, or otherwise. In the event any claim or demand is made or suit or action is filed against Responding Member alleging liability for which Requesting Member shall indemnify and hold harmless Responding Member under the above paragraphs, Responding Member shall promptly notify Requesting Member thereof, and Requesting Member, at its sole cost and expense, shall settle, compromise or defend the same in such manner as it in its sole discretion deems necessary or prudent. ARTICLE XII. NOTICE A Member who becomes aware of a claim or suit that in any way, directly or indirectly, contingently or otherwise, affects or might affect other Members in respect of this Agreement, shall provide prompt and timely notice to the Members who may be affected by the suit or claim. Each Member reserves the right to participate in the defense of such claims or suits as necessary to protect its own interests. ARTICLE XIII. INSURANCE Each Member shall maintain an insurance policy or maintain a self insurance program that covers activities that it may undertake by virtue of membership in the Mutual Aid and Assistance Program. A. Members shall maintain at minimum the following insurance policies; a) Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance for bodily injury (including death) and property damage in an amount of not less than Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00). This CGL insurance must be written to a minimum of the current IBC 2100 form or the most recent version and such policy must include: i. the Responding Member as an additional insured; ii. a cross liability clause; iii. products and completed operations coverage; iv. broad form contractual liability coverage; v. non-owned automobile liability coverage; and vi. operation of attached machinery; b) Automobile third party liability insurance in an amount of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00); and c) All Risk Property insurance that covers any property on loan from a Responding Member. B. In the event of a claim requiring the Responding Member to incur costs as a result of providing assistance under this Agreement, the Requesting Member shall be responsible for reimbursing the Responding Member for the payment of every deductible amount provided in the insurance described in Article XIII (A), above. C. The Requesting Member covenants and agrees that the insurance obligations mentioned above will not be construed to and will in no manner limit or restrict the liability of the Requesting Member or its responsibility under Article IX. Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network April 2012 Mutual Aid & Assistance Agreement Page 6 of 9 ARTICLE XIV. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Subject to the terms and conditions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act and Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004, as appropriate, Members and Associate Members shall maintain in the strictest confidence and shall take all reasonable steps necessary to prevent the disclosure of any Confidential Information under this Agreement. If any Member, Associate Member, third party or other entity requests or demands, by subpoena or otherwise, that a Member or Associate Member disclose any Confidential Information disclosed under this Agreement, the Member or Associate Member shall immediately notify the owner of the Confidential Information and shall take all reasonable steps necessary to prevent the disclosure of any Confidential Information by asserting all applicable rights and privileges with respect to such information and shall cooperate fully in any judicial or administrative proceeding relating thereto. ARTICLE XV. EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement shall be effective once the Utility’s authorized representative executes this Agreement and the OnWARN Steering Committee Chair receives the executed Agreement. The OnWARN Steering Committee Chair shall maintain a list of all Members and Associate Members. ARTICLE XVI. WITHDRAWAL A Member may withdraw from this Agreement by providing written notice of its intent to withdraw to the OnWARN Steering Committee Chair. Withdrawal takes effect 60 days after the appropriate officials receive notice. Withdrawal from this Agreement shall in no way affect a Requesting Member’s duty to reimburse a Responding Member for cost incurred during a Period of Assistance, which duty shall survive such withdrawal. ARTICLE XVII. MODIFICATION No provision of this Agreement may be modified, altered or rescinded by individual parties to this Agreement. Modifications to this Agreement may be due to programmatic operational changes to support this Agreement, legislative action, creation of a mutual aid and assistance agreement, or other developments. Modifications require a simple majority vote of Members. The OnWARN Steering Committee Chair must provide written notice to all Members of approved modifications to this Agreement. Approved modifications take effect 60 days after the date upon which notice is sent to the Members. ARTICLE XVIII. SEVERABILITY The parties agree that if any term or provision of this Agreement is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or in conflict with any law, the validity of the remaining terms and provisions shall not be affected, and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced as if this Agreement did not contain the particular term or provision held to be invalid. Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network April 2012 Mutual Aid & Assistance Agreement Page 7 of 9 ARTICLE XIX. PRIOR AGREEMENTS This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements between Members to the extent that such prior agreements are inconsistent with this Agreement. ARTICLE XX. PROHIBITION ON THIRD PARTIES AND ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS/DUTIES This Agreement is for the sole benefit of the Members and no person or entity must have any rights under this Agreement as a third party beneficiary. Assignments of benefits and delegations of duties created by this Agreement are prohibited and must be without effect. Remainder of this page is intentionally left blank Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network April 2012 Mutual Aid & Assistance Agreement Page 8 of 9 ARTICLE XXI. COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be executed and delivered by the parties in counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original and may be delivered by facsimile, email or other functionally equivalent electronic means of communication, and those counterparts taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Now, therefore, in consideration of the covenants and obligations set forth in this Agreement, the Utility listed here manifests its intent to be a Member of the Ontario Mutual Aid and Assistance Program by executing this Agreement on this _______day of ____________________ 20_____. Utility: By: Title: Please Print Name By: Title: Please Print Name Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network April 2012 Mutual Aid & Assistance Agreement Page 9 of 9 Report No: PW 2014-61 PUBLIC WORKS Council Date: November 12, 2014 To: Warden and Members of County Council From: Director of Public Works All-Way Stop at Oxford Road 18 and Oxford Road 13 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That County Council approve the installation of All-Way Stop signs at the intersection of Oxford Road 18 and Oxford Road 13 in the Township of Norwich; 2. And further, that the appropriate by-law to amend Oxford County By-law No. 3741-98 be presented to County Council; 3. And further, that the Ontario Provincial Police and the Township of Norwich be advised of the All-Way Stop condition. REPORT HIGHLIGHT This report proposes that an all-way stop be implemented to alleviate potential traffic conflicts at the intersection of Oxford Road 18 and Oxford Road 13 in the Township of Norwich. Discussions have been held with the Township of Norwich and County operational staff. Financial Impact All operational costs can be accommodated within the approved 2014 Roads Operating Budget. The Treasurer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information. Risks/Implications The experience of the County with other all-way stop intersections indicate that risks to the County will be reduced. Staff, however, remain concerned about the future possibility of resident requests, for all-way stops in locations where they are not warranted and not viable. Page 1 of 3 Report No: PW 2014-61 PUBLIC WORKS Council Date: November 12, 2014 Strategic Plan County Council adopted the County of Oxford Strategic Plan at its regular meeting held March 27, 2013. The initiative contained within this report supports the Values and Strategic Directions as set out in the Strategic Plan as it pertains to the following Strategic Directions: 1. ii. A County that Works Together – Enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: - Working with community partners and organizations to maintain / strengthen public safety 4. i. A County that Informs and Engages - Better harness the power of the community through conversation and dialogue by: - Understanding and addressing public aspirations for a more livable community DISCUSSION Background Oxford Roads 13 and 18 have a rural intersection with posted speed of 80km/hr, similar geometric design characteristics, and are both major arterial roadways. The stop condition is currently assigned to the north-south approaches on Oxford Road 13. In the fall of 2005 an overhead flashing beacon with amber display for east-west traffic and red for north-south traffic was installed to address the collision frequency. The reported collisions at this intersection have reduced. An equipment auction depot on the northwest quadrant and farm land on the other quadrants do not impede visibility at this intersection. A review of this intersection was completed in November, 2006 and the consultant recommended no change at that time as the warrants were not met for all-way stops. In 2014, the County received a request from the Township of Norwich on behalf of residents requesting an all-way stop at this intersection. Residents indicated that they have experienced near misses and speeding vehicles on a regular basis. In 2006, staff considered the possibility of changing the stop condition to Oxford Road 18. Comments The Road 13/18 intersection is rural with 80km/hour roads both ways. There are no sight line issues based on the Geometric Design Standards Manual. The warrants for an all-way stop consider traffic volumes, traffic volume splits between the two roads and collision history. There have been no substantial changes to the warrants at this intersection since the review in 2006. The issue with this intersection is the number of collisions and near misses which are likely caused by speeding and lack of attention. County staff feel that an all-way stop will function without causing extended delays. The County has had discussions with the Township of Norwich and County operational staff and the Township of Norwich staff is in favour of an all-way stop condition. The stop signs and pavement markings can be funded through the 2014 roads operations budget. Based on the above, staff recommend that County Council approve the installation of the all-way stop due to existing public safety issues at this intersection. Page 2 of 3 Report No: PW 2014-61 PUBLIC WORKS Council Date: November 12, 2014 Conclusions Even though the warrants are not met 100% for an all-way stop condition, Public Works staff has reviewed this request thoroughly and agree that all-way stop control is appropriate for this intersection to reduce the traffic conflicts and close calls being experienced in the interest of public safety. This intersection may be a good fit for a roundabout in the future but the cost of this is not included in the 10 year capital plan. SIGNATURE Report Author: Original signed by Scott Boughner, C.Tech., CRS-S Supervisor of Roads Operations/Fleet Departmental Approval: Original signed by Robert Walton, P.Eng. Director of Public Works Approved for submission: Original signed by Peter M. Crockett, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Page 3 of 3 PENDING ITEMS Council Meeting Date 18-Nov-13 10-Sep-14 10-Sep-14 24-Sep-14 08-Oct-14 Issue 2014 Budget Meeting To Do List - Public Works Capital Project completion success measures - commitment budget vs cashflow budget Report PW 2014-50 - Acceptance of Liquid Waste at Oxford County Wastewater Treatment Facilities Report CAO 2014-12 - University of Ottawa - Woodstock Satellite Campus Proposal Resolution No. 5 - Deferring recommendation contained in Report No. PW 2014-55 - Woodstock Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Extension Project and By-law No. 5622-2014 to impose the cost to ratepayers Resolution No. 12 - procedures around water and sewer hook-up programs - new developed or boundary adjusted areas Pending Action Staff Report Staff to develop policy and report - Res. No. 4, 25-June-14, delegation request to pass resolution to not accept leachate from privately owned or operated landfills for treatment deferred until such time Staff to negotiate partnership agreement and report Gathering and provision of information to Havelock Corners Ratepayers Association delegation and report back to Council Staff Report Lead Dept. CS Time Frame 2014 - Q3 PW Spring 2015 CAO Spring 2015 PW 2014 - Q4 CS 2015 - Q1 COUNTY OF OXFORD BY-LAW NO. 5631-2014 BEING a by-law to authorize the execution of a Funding Agreement with the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, for funding under the Court Security and Transportation Program, be presented to Council for enactment. WHEREAS Section 9 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c.25 provides that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; AND WHEREAS, the County of Oxford wishes to enter into a Funding Agreement with the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services for funding under the Court Security and Transportation Program. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF OXFORD ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Corporate Services are hereby authorized and directed to execute a Funding Agreement between the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and the County of Oxford for funding under the Court Security and Transportation Program; 2. The Funding Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" forms part of this bylaw. READ a first and second time this 12th day of November, 2014. READ a third time and finally passed in this 12th day of November, 2014. DONALD E. MCKAY, WARDEN BRENDA J. TABOR, CLERK COUNTY OF OXFORD BY-LAW NO. 5632-2014 BEING a By-law to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to execute all documents necessary to effect the purchase of lands required for the County Road 8 reconstruction project. WHEREAS, the Table to Section 11 and Section 52 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, prescribes that specified highways are within the jurisdiction of the County of Oxford for all matters relating to those highways, including parking and traffic. AND WHEREAS, Section 9 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, provides that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act. AND WHEREAS, Council has adopted Public Works Report No. PW (CS) 2014-58, dated October 22, 2014. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the County of Oxford enacts as follows: 1. That the Chief Administrative Officer is hereby authorized and instructed to execute all documents necessary to effect the purchase of 0.317 ha of land being Part 5, part of Lot 21, Concession 10, part of PIN 00237-0029 on Reference Plan 41R-8888, Township of East Zorra-Tavistock, required for the County Road 8 reconstruction project. READ a first and second time this 12th day of November, 2014. READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of November, 2014. DONALD E. McKAY, WARDEN BRENDA J. TABOR, CLERK COUNTY OF OXFORD BY-LAW NO. 5633-2014 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed. The Council of the County of Oxford enacts as follows: 1. That all decisions made by Council at the meeting at which this By-law is passed, in respect of each report, resolution or other action passed and taken by the Council at this meeting, are hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed. 2. That the Warden and/or the proper officers of the County are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said decisions referred to in Section 1 of this By-law, to obtain approvals where required, and except where otherwise provided, to execute all necessary documents and the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to affix the corporate seal where necessary. 3. That nothing in this By-law has the effect of giving to any decision or resolution the status of a By-law where any legal prerequisite to the enactment of a specific By-law has not be satisfied. 4. That all decisions, as referred to in Section 1 of this By-law, supercede any prior decisions of Council to the contrary. READ a first and second time this 12th day of November, 2014. READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of November, 2014. DONALD E. McKAY, WARDEN BRENDA J. TABOR, CLERK
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