S TOC K HOL M CIV I L SOCI ETY W EEK 2 015 Program Stockholm Civil Society Week 2015 October 12–16 Monday, October 12 Open Seminar Day 1: Civic Space 09:00–12:30 Plenary Session I: Civic Space in the World Today – Trends, Protection, Promotion Moderator: Mr. Erik Lysén, Director of International Affairs, Church of Sweden This introductory session offers a variety of stakeholders’ analyses of civic space in the world today. It examines the drivers and consequences of shrinking space and the responses so far. It also looks at promoters of open and opening civic space and provides recommendation on how to promote an enabling environment for civil society. 09:10–09:30 1. Welcoming • Ms. Ulrika Modéer, State Secretary for International Development Cooperation, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Government of Sweden • Ms. Charlotte Petri Gornitzka, Director General, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) 09:30–10:30 2. Key Note Speech Mr. Maina Kiai, UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association; Civic Space in the World Today 10:30–11:00 Coffee Break 11:00–12:30 3. Panel Discussion • Ms. Maria Leissner, Secretary General, Community of Democracies • Mr. Douglas Rutzen, President, International Center for Not-for-Profit Law • Ms. Annica Sohlström, Secretary General, Forum Syd • Ms. Monica Asuna, Senior Economist and Head of the Aid Effectiveness Secretariat, National Treasury, Government of Kenya • Ms. Maria Teresa Lauron, Co-Chair, CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness, and Chair, Asia Pacific Research Network • Mr. Jerzy Pomianowski, Director, European Endowment for Democracy 12:30–13:30 Lunch Break 13:30–15:00 Plenary Session II: Civic Space at the Global Level: Influence, Legitimacy and Democracy in Global Governance Moderator: Mr. Erik Lysén This plenary session with a multi-stakeholder panel examines civic space at the global level covering questions such as; How are assembly and association rights exercised in the context of global policy processes and of multilaterals? What is and what should be the role of civil society in promoting global democratic governance through multilaterals and other global governance bodies and processes? What do we need to do differently to strengthen civil society’s role in global democratic governance? 13:30–14:00 1. Key Note Speech Mr. Hans Agné, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Stockholm University; How do CSOs change world politics? Influence, legitimacy and democracy in global governance 14:00–14:50 2. Panel Discussion • Mr. Alan Fowler, Prof. (Emeritus), International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam • Mr. Richard Ssewakiryanga, Co-Chair, Multi-Stakeholder Task Team on CSO Development Effectiveness and Enabling Environment, and Co-Chair, CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness • Mr. Maina Kiai, UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association • Ms. Kristina Henschen, Secretary General, Union to Union and Chairperson, CONCORD Sweden • Mr. Andrés Pablo Falconer, Head of Partnerships, Global Partnership for Social Accountability, the World Bank 14:50-15:00 3. Introduction to Parallel Sessions Moderator: Mr. Erik Lysén 15:00–15:30 Coffee Break 15:30–17:00 Parallel Sessions; The Regional Dimension These parallel sessions will provide situation analyses at the regional and national levels with focus on causes and consequences of shrinking and opening civic space. They will also explore responses and provide recommendations. Conclusions from the parallel sessions will be followed up in plenary by the Moderator. 1. Africa Moderator: Ms. Eva Christina Nilsson, Secretary General, Swedish Mission Council 2. Europe Moderator: Mr. Goran Miletic, Programme Director Western Balkans, Civil Rights Defenders 3. MENAModerator: Ms. Ann Svensén, Secretary General, Swedish Development Partner (IM) 4. AsiaModerator: Ms. Elisabeth Dahlin, Secretary General, Save the Children Sweden 5. The AmericasModerator: Mr. Magnus Björk, External Cooperation Advisor, Forum Syd 19:00–21:00 Reception with Buffet at Moderna Muséet Visiting address: Skeppsholmen, Stockholm Tuesday, October 13 Open Seminar Day 2: Civil Society Support 09:00–12:30 Plenary Session III: Supporting CSOs, Civil Society and Beyond Moderator: Mr. Erik Lysén This plenary session offers a variety of stakeholders’ analyses of changes underway in civil society in terms of actors and strategies. It examines how these changes affect civil society support and cooperation within civil society, including the impact on “traditional” partnerships between value-based civil society actors (e.g. trade unions, children’s rights’ organizations, religious actors etc.) 09:00–09:10 1. Introductory Remarks • Ms. Karin Fällman, Senior Policy Specialist, Civil Society Unit, Sida • Moderator: Mr. Erik Lysén 09:10–10:10 2. Key Note Speech Mr. Richard Youngs, Senior Associate, Democracy and Rule of Law Program, Carnegie Europe; Civil Society S upport: Do we need to re-think how we cooperate with civil society? 10:10–10:40 Coffee Break 10:40–12:20 3. Panel Discussion • Mr. Burkhard Gnärig, Executive Director, International Civil Society Center • Mr. Bo Forsberg, Secretary General, Diakonia • Ms. Lena Ingelstam, Director, Department for Partnerships and Innovations, Sida • Mr. Gustav Lovén, Social Sustainability Manager, H&M • Ms. Ida McDonnell, Policy Advisor, OECD • Ms. Poonam Joshi, Director of London Office, Fund for Global Human Rights 12:20–12:30 4. Introduction to Parallel Sessions Moderator: Mr. Erik Lysén 12:30–13:30 Lunch Break 13:30–15:00 Parallel Sessions; Challenges in the Cooperation with and Support to Civil Society Conclusions from the parallel sessions will be followed up in plenary by the Moderator. 1. Re-thinking International Civil Society This session provides an analysis of changes affecting international CSOs and ICSO strategies to develop and stay relevant. Moderator: Ms. Pia Stavås-Meier, Deputy Secretary General, Plan Sweden 2. Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships This session explores the Why and the How of Partnerships between Civil Society, Governments, Private Sector and other Stakeholders. Moderator: Jakob Lundberg, Head of Development and Policy, We Effect 3. Outreach to new Civil Society Actors v/s developing already existing sectorial/value-based partnerships This session explores partnerships within civil society and the possible need to reach out to new civil society actors v/s developing already existing sectorial- or value-based partnerships. Moderator: Mr. Osiel Ibáñez, Head of Production, Selam 4. Civil Society and Political Mobilisation This session provides an analysis of the relationship between civil and political societies, explores tensions and distrust between civic activists and political parties but also identifies possibilities for mutual strengthening. Moderator: Rev. Dr. Gunilla Hallonsten, Acting Director of International Affairs, Church of Sweden 5. Civil Society in a changing technological Landscape This session explores the benefits of information and communications technologies for civil society but also looks at the downsides of online harassment, digital surveillance etc. The example of targeted femdefenders is highlighted. Moderator: Mr. Marcin de Kaminski, Policy Specialist, Sida 15:00–15:30 Coffee Break 15:30–17:00 Plenary Session IV 15:30–16:30 1. Reporting Back from the Parallel Sessions Moderators or Reporters from the Parallel Sessions 16:30–16:45 2. Conclusions • Ms. Karin Fällman, Senior Policy Specialist, Civil Society Unit, Sida • Moderator: Mr. Erik Lysén 16:45–17:00 3. Concluding Remarks • Ms. Charlotta Norrby, Head, Civil Society Cooperation, Sida • Mr. Stefan Eriksson, Ambassador, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Government of Sweden Wednesday, October 14 Parallel Events 09:30–12:00 Focus Seminar hosted by the MFA Sweden: Voices of African Academics on Development Challenges in Africa. Dialogue on Regional Perspectives on Development in Light of the New Policy Framework for International Development Cooperation Moderator: Ms. Ursula Berge, Policy Manager, Union for Professionals Session Description: In light of the work with elaborating a new Policy Framework for International Development Cooperation, the MFA Sweden has invited the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) to host this seminar. NAI’s seminar is a part of a broader consultative process, highlighting African academics’ perspectives on lessons learned from previous development efforts and possible solutions to the challenges of the continent. NAI’s seminar features a panel discussion and thematically organized video interviews with prominent African scholars, discussing topics such as poverty reduction, job creation, building institutional capacity. The seminar will end with an open floor discussion with the CSOs. 09:30–09:40 Welcoming Mr. Pereric Högberg, Head, Africa Department, the MFA Sweden 09:40–09:50 Introduction on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and on the African development landscape Ms. Jenny Nilsson, Director, Africa Groups of Sweden 09:50–11:15 Panel Discussion and thematically organized video interviews with prominent African scholars • Mr. Adebayo Olukoshi, Director Africa Region, International IDEA • Mr. Graham Philpott, Director, Church Land Program South Africa • Mr. Emmanuel Gyimah-Boadi, Director, Afrobarometer • Ms. Sirkku Hellsten, Researcher, Nordic Africa Institute Participants: CSOs and selected representatives from Sida and the MFA Sweden 10:30–10:45 Coffee Break International Donor Group Meeting Separate Agenda Participants: International Donor Group Members 11:15–11:45 Questions & Answers 11:45–12:00 Concluding Remarks, main lessons and observations Moderator Participants: CSOs and selected representatives from Sida and the MFA Sweden 12:00–13:00 Lunch Break 13:00–15:30 Focus Seminar hosted by the MFA Sweden: Swedish Development Cooperation with Swedish Civil Society, Consultations on upcoming strategies under the responsibility of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Sweden International Donor Group Meeting cont. Participants: International Donor Group Members International Donor Group Meeting cont. Participants: International Donor Group Members 13:00–14:00 CSO Strategy Consultation 14:00–14:30 Coffee Break 14:30–15:30 I nformation and Communication Strategy Consultation International Donor Group Meeting cont. Background documents will be circulated by the MFA Sweden Participants: International Donor Group Members Participants: CSOs and selected representatives from Sida and the MFA Sweden 19:00-21:00 Working Dinner for the International Donor Group Thursday, October 15 Parallel Events 09:00–15:30 Focus Seminar hosted by Sida’s Civil Society Unit: Evaluation of CSO Support; What can we learn for the future? Host: Ms. Elisabeth Berg Khan, Programme Manager Specialist, Civil Society Unit, Sida 09:00–10:30 1. The Multi-Year Evaluation of the Swedish CSO Strategy International Donor Group Meeting Participation in the Focus Seminar: Evaluation of CSO Support; What can we learn for the future? • Welcome and Introduction: Ms. Charlotta Norrby, Head, Civil Society Unit, Sida • Presentation of The Multi-Year Evaluation of the Swedish CSO Strategy: Mr. Christian Carlbaum, Sipu; Mr. Jethro Pettit and Ms. Rosemary McGee, Institute for Development Studies (IDS) • Reflections from the Project Advisory Group • Questions and discussion Participants: Swedish CSOs, Sida, the MFA Sweden, International Donor Group Members 10:30–11:00 Coffee Break 11:00–12:30 2. Exchange of experiences with the Netherlands and Norway – Learning and changes ahead; What can we learn from CSO evaluations? Moderator: Ms. Eva Christina Nilsson, Secretary General, Swedish Mission Council Panellists: • Mr. Cornelius Hacking, Senior Policy Officer, Civil Society Division at the MFA, The Netherlands • Ms. Charlotta Norrby, Head, Civil Society Cooperation, Sida 3. Closing Remarks for the Plenary Sessions Mr. Per-Ola Mattsson, Deputy Director, Head, Section for Methods in Development Cooperation, Department for Aid Management, the MFA Sweden Participants: Swedish CSOs, Sida, the MFA Sweden, International Donor Group Members 12:30–13:30 Lunch Break International Donor Group Meeting cont. Participation in the Focus Seminar: Evaluation of CSO Support; What can we learn for the future? 13:30–14:30 4. Parallel Sessions; The presentation of the MultiYear Evaluation of the Swedish CSO Strategy by Sipu and IDS continues in three parallel presentations of the evaluation’s country findings: 1. Nicaragua: Mr. Christian Carlbaum, Sipu and Mr. Jethro Pettit, IDS Meeting of the Multi-Stakeholder Task Team on CSO Development Effectiveness and Enabling Environment 2. Pakistan: Mr. Hugh Goyder, IDS Separate Agenda 3. Uganda: Ms. Patta Scott-Villiers and Ms. Rosemary McGee, IDS Participants: Task Team Members Participants: Swedish CSOs, Sida, the MFA Sweden 14:30–14:45 Coffee Break 14:45–15:30 Parallel Sessions cont. Meeting of the Multi-Stakeholder Task Team on CSO Development Effectiveness and Enabling Environment cont. Separate Agenda Participants: Task Team Members 19:00-21:00 Working Dinner for the Multi-Stakeholder Task Team on CSO Development Effectiveness and Enabling Environment Friday, October 16 Parallel Events 09:00–16:00 Development Forum 2015 (Utvecklingsforum 2015) Venue: Stockholm City Conference Centre, Folkets Hus, Barnhusgatan 12-14 (Subway station: T-Centralen) See separate Program Meeting of the Multi-Stakeholder Task Team on CSO Development Effectiveness and Enabling Environment cont. Participants: Task Team Members Notes Stockholm Civil Society Week 2015 Civil society plays a vital role in development; in enabling people to claim their rights, in promoting rights-based approaches, in shaping policies and in the provision of services. Yet, we experience a worrying trend towards shrinking space and resources for civil society, globally. In 2014, there were serious threats to civic freedoms in at least 96 countries around the world. Many civil society organizations (CSOs) have faced increased control and restrictions in relation to financial support as well as a growing tide of administrative requirements on the funding provided. At the same time as CSOs are under pressure, new civil society actors and protests emerge. New forms of organization have taken shape, and new partnerships are developed. Some are positive for democracy and inclusive, sustainable development – others are not. How do we understand these changes and how do we react to them? How can we reverse the trend of shrinking space, and how can we provide effective and efficient support to changing civil societies? These crosscutting themes are addressed at Stockholm Civil Society Week 2015. Stockholm Civil Society Week 2015 contains a series of events aimed at improving our understanding of and support to civil society. With hundreds of guests from CSOs, governments, academia and the private sector we hope to challenge you with different perspectives but also to link you across and within stakeholder groups. Stockholm Civil Society Week 2015 is an opportunity to learn from other practitioners and scholars and to join forces in support of civil society.
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