Quarterly report at September 30, 2014 Contents Quarterly report Comments on operations Summary of consolidated operations and net debt Significant events Comments on operations Performance by geographical area E-business Net debt Transactions with related parties Disputes and pending proceedings Significant events after September 30, 2014 Outlook Compliance with simplified rules pursuant to arts. 70 and 71 of the Issuers Regulation 6 9 11 15 22 22 23 24 25 25 26 Financial statements 27 Notes 32 This financial report has been prepared in English for the convenience of international readers. The original Italian documents should be considered the authoritative version. November 7, 2014 Quarterly report at September 30, 2014 Italcementi S.p.A. Via G. Camozzi, 124 - 24121 Bergamo - Italy Share Capital € 401,715,071.15 Bergamo Companies Register Company subject to management and coordination activity by Italmobiliare S.p.A. The illustrations in the report refer to i.nova, the new Italcementi Group branding system based on an innovative re-organization of the product offer into 11 performance families targeting specific customer requirements, a completely new approach in the worldwide construction materials sector. Italcementi S.p.A. Directors, Officers and Auditors Board of Directors (Until approval of financial statements at 12.31.2015) Giampiero Pesenti Pierfranco Barabani Lorenzo Renato Guerini Carlo Pesenti Giulio Antonello Giorgio Bonomi Fritz Burkard Victoire de Margerie Federico Falck Italo Lucchini Emma Marcegaglia Sebastiano Mazzoleni Jean Paul Méric Carlo Secchi Elena Zambon Paolo Santinoli Board of Statutory Auditors 1 1 1-4-5-6-7 1-2 Chairman Executive Deputy Chairman Deputy Chairman Chief Executive Officer-CEO 3-4-7 7 4-7 1-5-6-7 4-7 1 5-6-7 7 8 Secretary to the Board (Until approval of financial statements at 12.31.2014) Standing Auditors Substitute Auditors Maria Martellini Luciana Gattinoni Mario Comana Chairman Carlo Luigi Rossi Luciana Ravicini Fabio Bombardieri Chief Operating Officer Giovanni Ferrario Manager in charge of the financial reports Carlo Bianchini Independent Auditors (Until approval of financial statements at 12.31.2019) KPMG S.p.A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 Member of the Executive Committee Director responsible for supervising the Internal Control & Risks Management System Lead independent director Member of the Remuneration Committee Member of the Control & Risks Committee Member of the Committee for Transactions with Related Parties Independent director (pursuant to the Code of Conduct and law no. 58 of February 24, 1998) Secretary to the Executive Committee Comments on operations 5 www.italcementigroup.com The quarterly report as at and for the nine months ended September 30, 2014, has been drawn up in compliance with article 154 ter, paragraph 5, of Legislative Decree no. 58 of February 24, 1998, and subsequent amendments. It is also compliant with the measurement and recognition criteria of the International Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards (IAS/IFRS). The changes in accounting standards and interpretations with respect to the financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2013, are set out in detail in the notes. The main change relates to IFRS 11 “Joint arrangements”, which defines the various types of joint arrangement (joint operations and joint ventures), in order to establish the appropriate accounting treatment. Until December 31, 2013, the Group consolidated joint ventures using the proportionate method, whereas the new IAS 28 (“Investments in associates and joint ventures”) and IFRS 11 require joint ventures to be consolidated using the equity method. Although application of the new standards as from January 1, 2014, has had a limited impact, in order to ensure a presentation consistent with the previous year, assets and liabilities as at December 31, 2013, and income and expense for the first nine months of 2013 have been re-stated. In the third quarter of 2014, the Group completed the plan to streamline the corporate structure and strengthen the Group through the mandatory conversion of Italcementi savings shares into ordinary shares, an increase in Italcementi’s share capital and a voluntary public tender offer by Italcementi on Ciments Français minorities. In the first quarter of 2014, Suez Cement Company SAE acquired the residual 50% of the capital of International City for Ready Mix, a company in Saudi Arabia in which Italcementi S.p.A. already held 50%. The Saudi company has been fully consolidated in 2014; in 2013, it was consolidated using the proportionate method. Since January 1, 2014, operations in Sri Lanka have been reclassified, in the operating segment disclosure and related comparatives, from Trading to India. Summary of consolidated operations and net debt In the first three quarters of the year, world economic growth continued to be slower than expected. Moreover, between the second and the third quarters, the divergences between the main regions widened. Specifically, growth consolidated in the USA, whereas the economic mood in the Eurozone remained weak, despite encouraging signs in leading indicators in the first half of the year. These indicators worsened recently, reflecting the unresolved difficulties of a number of countries (Italy, Greece, and also France), the tensions between Russia and Ukraine and the crisis in the Middle East. All this is also having adverse effects on the conditions of the more solid Eurozone economies, starting with Germany. In this context, inflation has fallen to exceptionally low levels, with the contained dynamic in commodity prices as an additional contributing factor; consequently, the risk that a deflationary spiral could be triggered in a number of countries remains significant. Monetary policy on the two sides of the Atlantic continued to reflect the cyclical differences between the USA and the Eurozone. The US Federal Reserve is engaged in a cautious strategy to withdraw from quantitative easing, while the European Central Bank has intensified expansionary pressure, contributing to a phase of depreciation for the euro, which, looking ahead, could stimulate a recovery in the Eurozone. 6 In the construction industry, divergences continued to widen in the results reported by the regions where the Group operates, and by the individual countries in these regions. Among the mature countries, the recessionary trend in Italy in particular was confirmed, if at a more moderate pace, while the signs of weakening observed in France since the beginning of the year intensified. Conversely, the improvement in the general domestic economic situation had positive repercussions for the construction sector in Spain, where an upturn in activity was reported thanks to the non-residential component. In North America, the recovery accelerated in the summer quarter, although the pace was slowed by the weakness of infrastructure investment. In the Group’s main emerging countries, progress was reported in Egypt, India and Kazakhstan, but remained weak in Morocco, where the continuing weakness of private demand had a negative impact on segment performance. Q3 Q3 2014 Recurring EBITDA % of revenue Non-recurring income (expense) EBITDA % change Q3 2013 published re-stated (in millions of euro) Revenue Q3 2013 1,067.3 1,059.4 0.7 1,060.9 164.4 174.1 (5.5) 174.5 15.4 16.4 1.8 (8.0) n.s. (8.0) 166.3 166.1 0.1 166.5 4.3 (105.1) 16.5 15.6 15.7 (100.8) (105.3) Impairment (4.4) (30.2) 85.5 (30.7) EBIT 61.1 30.5 >100.0 30.7 5.7 2.9 (27.9) (40.8) 31.7 (40.8) - (5.9) n.s. (5.9) 6.5 4.4 47.7 4.3 39.8 (11.8) n.s. (11.7) % of revenue Amortization and depreciation % of revenue Net finance costs Impairment on financial assets Share of profit (loss) of equity-accounted investees Profit (loss) before tax % of revenue Income tax expense Profit (loss) for the period 15.7 2.9 3.7 (1.1) (23.9) (25.1) 4.6 (25.2) (1.1) 15.8 (36.9) n.s. (36.9) 0.7 15.2 (50.2) 13.3 n.s. 14.1 (50.1) 13.3 attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests n.s.: not significant In the third quarter of 2014, Group cement and clinker sales volumes were slightly up on the year-earlier period. However, there was a slowdown in ready mixed concrete and aggregates, although this eased compared with the previous quarter. Revenue (+0.7% on the third quarter of 2013) benefitted from the positive trend in sales prices, to grow by 1.2% at constant exchange rates and on a like-for-like basis. 7 www.italcementigroup.com Recurring EBITDA was down 5.5% on the third quarter of 2013, despite the positive price effect (mainly driven by Egypt), largely due to an overall negative volume effect and the increase in some operating expense arising from specific trends in Egypt. The exchangerate effect was negative, if contained, and contributed to the decrease in recurring EBITDA when expressed in euro. EBIT was 61.1 million euro, double the figure of the year-earlier period thanks to the positive change in non-recurring items, lower amortization and depreciation and a decrease in impairment. The third quarter also reported lower net finance costs and income tax expense compared with the third quarter of 2013. This generated a profit for the period of 15.8 million euro compared with the loss of 36.9 million euro in the year-earlier third quarter. Nine months ended September 30 Recurring EBITDA % of revenue Non-recurring income (expense) EBITDA % of revenue Amortization and depreciation Impairment EBIT % of revenue Net finance costs Impairment on financial assets Share of profit (loss) of equity-accounted investees Profit before tax Nine months to 09.30.13 published 3,215.0 (3.1) 3,217.5 472.3 (0.6) 473.1 Nine months to 09.30.13 re-stated 3,115.7 469.3 15.1 14.7 (in millions of euro) Revenue % change Nine months to 09.30.14 14.7 (0.1) (13.0) 99.2 (13.0) 469.2 459.3 2.1 460.1 15.1 14.3 (299.3) (317.0) 5.6 (317.8) 14.3 (9.0) (33.7) 73.3 (34.2) 160.9 108.6 48.1 108.1 5.2 3.4 (102.9) (85.9) (19.8) (85.7) (26.8) (14.9) (80.7) (14.9) 9.6 2.1 >100.0 2.4 40.7 10.0 >100.0 10.0 3.4 1.3 0.3 Income tax expense (104.5) (90.0) (16.1) (90.1) Loss for the period (63.8) (80.0) 20.3 (80.1) (112.6) (135.2) 16.7 (135.2) 48.9 55.2 (11.5) 55.1 18,311 18,667 % of revenue 0.3 attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests Employees at period end (heads) Net debt 18,617 September 30 2014 June 30 2014 December 31 2013 2,173.5 1,851.7 1,934.0 In the nine months to the end of September 2014, cement and clinker sales volumes were stable compared with the year-earlier period, while a decrease was reported in ready mixed concrete and aggregates. Revenue was down 3.1% (-0.8% at constant exchange rates and on a like-for-like basis). Revenue benefited from a globally positive evolution in prices, relating in the main to trends on the Egyptian market. 8 Recurring EBITDA (-0.6%) was backed by the positive sales price effect and containment of costs, which outweighed the negative volume effect and increase in some operating expense, largely caused by specific conditions in Egypt. The comparison with the first nine months of 2013 was penalized by a negative exchange-rate effect of 12.4 million euro, counterbalanced by income of approximately 11.5 million euro on carbon emission rights (not present in 2013). EBIT (+48.1%) benefited from a positive change in non-recurring items, lower amortization and depreciation and lower impairment. There was an increase in net finance costs, impairment on financial assets and higher income tax expense compared with 2013. The nine months to the end of September 2014 closed with a loss of 63.8 million euro compared with a loss of 80.0 million euro in the year-earlier period. Significant events As illustrated in the previous interim report, in March the Italcementi S.p.A. Board of Directors approved a plan to streamline the corporate structure and strengthen the Group. The plan, consisting of the mandatory conversion of Italcementi savings shares into ordinary shares, an increase in Italcementi’s capital, and a voluntary public tender offer by Italcementi on Ciments Français minorities, was completed in July 2014. The operations are summarized below; for full details, reference should be made to the press releases issued over the period in question. On June 2, mandatory conversion took place (0.65 ordinary shares for each savings share) of all 105,431,378 Italcementi savings shares into 68,530,395 Italcementi ordinary shares, with the same characteristics as ordinary shares outstanding at the date on which conversion became effective. As from June 2, 2014, only Italcementi ordinary shares trade on the Borsa Italiana S.p.A. electronic stock exchange (Mercato Telematico Azionario); at that date, Italcementi share capital stood at 282,548,942 euro, consisting of 245,647,959 ordinary shares with no par value. On July 3, at the close of the voluntary Public Tender Offer for all the shares of the subsidiary Ciments Français S.A. (CF) at a price of 79.5 euro per share “ex dividend”, Italcementi held 97.73% of capital (83.83% at the start of the operation) and 98.65% of CF voting rights (91.03% at the start of the operation). Since the share still held by CF minorities had decreased to below 5% of capital and voting rights, Italcementi applied the squeeze-out procedure (retrait obligatoire). Under this procedure, on July 15, 2014, CF shares were delisted from the Paris stock exchange (NYSE-Euronext Paris); the CF shares subject to the squeeze-out were assigned to Italcementi S.p.A., which opened a time deposit at the disposal of entitled parties. To fund the public tender offer on Ciments Français S.A. minorities described above, on June 5, 2014, the Italcementi S.p.A. Board of Directors approved a share capital increase for 499,979,628.82 euro, including the share premium, with the offer to all shareholders of 3 new shares for every 7 shares held, at a per-share price of 4.825 euro. The increase closed on July 7 with the full subscription and payment of the 103,622,721 shares on offer, for an overall amount of 499,979,628.82 euro, of which 119,166,129.15 euro attributable to the nominal value. Since that date, the share capital of Italcementi S.p.A. has therefore been 401,715,071.15 euro, represented by 349,270,680 ordinary shares with no par value. 9 www.italcementigroup.com Italcementi Finance S.A., the Group treasury company, arranged a 450 million euro 5-year syndicated revolving credit facility with a pool of 14 international banks. The new facility replaced the existing 920 million euro syndicated facility due to mature in September 2015, which was cancelled. At the end of July, after a review that began in March, the Moody’s rating agency confirmed the Italcementi Ba3 corporate family rating with the outlook passing from stable to positive, also in light of the positive outcome of the project to streamline and strengthen the Group described above. An identical rating was confirmed for the EMTN program and for the subsidiary Italcementi Finance. After the acquisition of full control of Ciments Français and its subsequent delisting, Moody’s announced the withdrawal of the rating for the company, while retaining the Ba2 rating on Ciments Français bonds maturing in 2017. The TX Active active principle was selected for the 2014 edition of the European Inventor Award, the annual innovation “oscar” organized by the European Patent Office (EPO), for the best European patents. In June, TX Active was one of the three finalists presented in Berlin, and the only Italian nomination for 2014. 10 Comments on operations Sales volumes and internal transfers Q3* Cement and clinker Aggregates** (millions of metric tons) (millions of metric tons) 2014 % change vs. 2013 Historic 2014 Ready mixed concrete (millions of m³) 2014 % change vs. 2013 Like-for-like Historic % change vs. 2013 Like-for-like Historic Like-for-like Central Western Europe 3.6 (4.6) (4.6) 7.1 (5.8) (5.8) 1.8 (8.8) (8.8) North America Emerging Europe, North Africa and Middle East 1.4 10.3 10.3 0.4 4.9 4.9 0.2 7.6 7.6 3.2 11.6 11.6 0.4 (18.6) (18.6) 0.6 2.9 (0.2) Asia 2.7 0.5 0.5 n.s. n.s. n.s. 0.3 (8.1) (8.1) n.s. 0.9 23.7 23.7 - - - n.s. n.s. Eliminations (0.9) n.s. n.s. - - - - - - Total 10.9 0.9 0.9 7.8 (6.2) (6.2) 2.9 (5.4) (5.9) Cement and clinker trading * Amounts refer to companies fully consolidated and proportionately consolidated ** excluding decreases for processing n.s. not significant In the cement and clinker segment, a contained increase was reported in sales volumes compared with the year-earlier period. Performance was positive in Emerging Europe, North Africa and Middle East, largely thanks to Egypt, in North America and in Trading. In Asia, the growth reported in Kazakhstan and Thailand more than counterbalanced the downturn in India. Central Western Europe saw declines in France-Belgium and in Italy, offset only in part by the positive dynamics in Spain and Greece. In the aggregates segment, the overall decrease in sales volumes arose largely from the downturn in Central Western Europe, principally in France-Belgium. The effects of the slowdown in Morocco were mitigated in part by the improvement in North America. The decrease in sales volumes in ready mixed concrete arose from the performance of Central Western Europe (penalized by performance in Italy and France-Belgium) and Morocco. The trend was offset by the progress in Egypt and in North America. 11 www.italcementigroup.com Nine months ended September 30* Cement and clinker Aggregates** (millions of metric tons) (millions of metric tons) 2014 Historic Central Western Europe North America Emerging Europe, North Africa and Middle East 2014 % change vs. 2013 Ready mixed concrete (millions of m³) 2014 % change vs. 2013 Like-for-like Historic % change vs. 2013 Like-for-like Historic Like-for-like 10.9 (0.9) (0.9) 21.2 (3.9) (3.9) 5.4 (10.8) (10.8) 3.3 1.2 1.2 0.9 (16.9) (16.9) 0.6 1.5 1.5 (4.5) 10.1 3.0 3.0 1.1 (31.0) (31.0) 1.9 (1.8) Asia 8.3 1.9 1.9 n.s. n.s. n.s. 0.8 1.8 1.8 Cement and clinker trading 2.8 15.7 15.7 - - - n.s. n.s. n.s. Eliminations (2.7) n.s. n.s. - - - - - - Total 32.6 0.0 0.0 23.2 (6.3) (6.3) 8.6 (7.2) (7.8) * Amounts refer to companies fully consolidated and proportionately consolidated ** excluding decreases for processing n.s. not significant In cement and clinker, sales volumes were stable compared with the first nine months of 2013. Despite reductions in France-Belgium and Italy, Central Western Europe reported only a small decline, thanks to upturns in Spain and Greece. All the other main areas reported progress, with the largest contributions coming from Egypt and Trading. The decline reported in aggregates was the result of a general downturn with the exceptions of Italy and Greece. In ready mixed concrete, the fall in sales volumes was largely determined by the contraction in Central Western Europe, where the Group has a larger presence, and in Morocco. This decline was countered in part by the lively performances of the other countries (Egypt, Thailand, Kuwait and North America). Revenue and operating results (sub-consolidated by area) Q3 Revenue (in millions of euro) EBITDA 2014 2014 % change vs. 2013 Central Western Europe 524.7 (8.2) 60.8 (15.6) North America Emerging Europe, North Africa and Middle East 141.9 10.3 25.8 (0.8) 249.1 22.2 52.6 (0.9) 53.0 Asia EBIT % change vs. 2013 2014 62.3 (3.5) 15.8 n.s. 25.8 (0.6) 8.9 (9.1) (0.1) 28.2 0.0 63.6 2014 % change vs. 2013 140.2 2.2 28.3 23.8 28.2 23.5 17.3 Cement and clinker trading 52.0 25.3 2.2 (12.6) 2.2 (13.3) (1.9) n.s. Others 76.0 7.5 (5.3) (>100.0) (5.3) (>100.0) (7.1) (70.0) Interarea eliminations (116.5) n.s. - - - - - - Total 1,067.3 0.7 164.4 (5.5) 166.3 0.1 61.1 >100.0 n.s. not significant 12 Recurring EBITDA % change vs. 2013 Revenue was 1,067.3 million euro (1,059.4 million euro in the third quarter of 2013), an increase of 0.7% from the year-earlier period, determined by growth in business operations (+1.2%) and a positive consolidation effect (+0.1%), net of a negative exchange-rate effect (-0.6%). Revenue performance was affected by the fall in sales volumes of ready mixed concrete and aggregates, whose effect was more than counterbalanced by an overall positive sales price dynamic, driven largely by Egypt despite the significant rise in operating expense. At constant exchange rates, the strongest increases in absolute values were in Egypt, North America and Trading, while the largest reductions were in France-Belgium and Italy. The negative exchange-rate effect referred chiefly to the Egyptian pound and the Kazakh tenge. Recurring EBITDA was 164.4 million euro, down 5.5% from the third quarter of 2013. As noted above, the negative exchange-rate effect was a contributing factor. The positive trend in sales prices made up in part for the negative volume effect and unfavorable trend in some operating expense, caused largely by the significant increase in fuel costs in Egypt. Looking at individual performance, the most significant progress in recurring EBITDA compared with the third quarter of 2013 was in Kazakhstan (in part as a result of insurance compensation received for prior-year claims), Italy, India and Spain, while the largest decrease was in France-Belgium. EBITDA was 166.3 million euro (166.1 million euro in the third quarter of 2013), benefiting from net non-recurring income of 1.8 million euro (net expense of 8.0 million euro in the third quarter of 2013). EBIT was 61.1 million euro (30.5 million euro in the third quarter of 2013) after amortization and depreciation expense of 100.8 million euro (105.3 million euro in the year-earlier period) and impairment of 4.4 million euro (30.2 million euro in the third quarter of 2013). Nine months ended September 30 Revenue (in millions of euro) 2014 Recurring EBITDA % change vs. 2013 2014 EBITDA % change vs. 2013 2014 EBIT % change vs. 2013 2014 % change vs. 2013 Central Western Europe 1,584.4 (6.6) 189.2 (0.1) 192.3 11.3 55.4 n.s. North America Emerging Europe, North Africa and Middle East 326.9 (1.0) 19.7 (40.9) 19.7 (42.2) (29.9) (99.6) 762.0 7.5 192.2 (3.2) 192.7 (4.9) 113.0 (11.4) Asia 399.7 (5.2) 66.2 6.7 66.2 5.7 34.4 39.5 Cement and clinker trading 153.8 14.4 7.7 17.5 7.7 17.1 2.4 (44.6) Others 239.3 3.4 (6.7) 61.5 (6.7) 64.3 (11.8) 50.8 Interarea eliminations (350.5) n.s. 0.9 n.s. (2.7) n.s. (2.6) n.s. Total 3,115.7 (3.1) 469.3 (0.6) 469.2 2.1 160.9 48.1 n.s. not significant 13 www.italcementigroup.com Revenue was 3,115.7 million euro (3,215.0 million euro in the first nine months of 2013), down by 3.1% from the year-earlier period, arising from a business downturn (-0.8%) and a negative exchange-rate effect (-2.4%), against a marginally positive consolidation effect (+0.1%). Revenue reflected the decline in sales volumes, although this was mitigated by an overall positive trend in sales prices, chiefly driven by Egypt. At constant exchange rates and on a like-for-like basis, progress was reported in Egypt, Thailand, North America and India, while the largest downturns were in Central Western Europe (notably Italy and France-Belgium) and Morocco. The negative exchange-rate effect arose largely from the depreciation of the Egyptian pound, Thai baht and Indian rupee. Recurring EBITDA, at 469.3 million euro, was substantially unchanged from the yearearlier period. The result arose from the fall in sales volumes, the increase in some operating expense, mainly in Egypt, and the negative exchange-rate effect, as well as from the positive sales prices effect, containment of overheads and income from carbon emissions rights trading. At constant exchange rates, the strongest progress in recurring EBITDA was in Italy and Thailand; there were downturns in France-Belgium, North America and India. After net non-recurring expense of 0.1 million euro (net expense of 13.0 million euro in 2013), EBITDA was 469.2 million euro, up 2.1% on the first nine months of 2013. EBIT, at 160.9 million euro, rose by 48.1% from the year-earlier period (108.6 million euro). The increase reflected lower amortization and depreciation (299.3 million euro against 317.0 million euro) and lower impairment (9.0 million euro against 33.7 million euro). Finance costs and other items Finance costs net of finance income amounted to 102.9 million euro, an increase of 19.8% from the year-earlier period (85.9 million euro). Net borrowing expense increased from 92.9 million euro to 96.8 million euro. 2013 also benefited from positive derivatives on hedging, not present in the current year. Impairment on financial assets totaled 26.8 million euro (14.9 million euro in the first nine months of 2013), and referred chiefly to the impairment on the equity investment in West China Cement. The share of profit (loss) of equity-accounted investees reflected profit of 9.6 million euro (2.1 million euro in the first nine months of 2013), including 7.5 million euro for the Asment company in Morocco. Loss for the period In the nine months ended September 30, profit before tax was 40.7 million euro (10.0 million euro in the year-earlier period). Income tax expense was 104.5 million euro, up 16.1% from the year-earlier period (90.0 million euro). There was a loss for the period of 63.8 million euro (a loss of 80.0 million euro in 2013). The loss attributable to owners of the parent was 112.6 million euro (a loss of 135.2 million euro); profit attributable to non-controlling interests was 48.9 million euro (55.2 million euro). 14 Total comprehensive income In the nine months ended September 30, 2014, the Group posted other comprehensive income of 148.2 million euro (other comprehensive expense of 141.9 million euro in the year-earlier period). This arose largely from the increase in the translation reserve (+161.4 million euro) and fair value gains on available-for-sale financial assets (+13.3 million euro), net of the increases in the net liabilities for employee benefits (-21.6 million euro) and fair value losses on cash flow hedges (-14.2 million euro). Considering the loss for the period of 63.8 million euro illustrated in the previous section, and the items described above, the Group posted total comprehensive income of 84.4 million euro (expense of 2.8 million euro attributable to owners of the parent and income of 87.1 million euro attributable to non-controlling interests). This compared with total comprehensive expense of 221.9 million euro in the first nine months of 2013 (expense of 209.3 million euro attributable to owners of the parent and expense of 12.6 million euro attributable to non-controlling interests). Amounts and comparative data are provided in the “Statement of comprehensive income” in the section “Financial statements”. Performance by geographical area Central Western Europe Q3 (in millions of euro) Revenue Recurring EBITDA EBIT 2014 Italy 153.6 (7.5) 2.2 n.s. 4.2 n.s. (15.2) 68.5 France / Belgium 342.1 (9.5) 57.0 (22.2) 56.9 (20.3) 34.4 (28.5) Spain Others (1) Eliminations Total 2014 % change vs. 2013 EBITDA % change vs. 2013 2014 % change vs. 2013 2014 % change vs. 2013 27.2 5.9 2.0 >100.0 1.7 >100.0 (1.8) 86.4 7.3 (5.4) 21.1 n.s. (0.4) - 44.5 - (0.4) - 34.7 - (1.6) - (19.7) - 524.7 (8.2) 60.8 (15.6) 62.3 (3.5) 15.8 n.s. n.s. not significant (1) Greece Nine months ended September 30 (in millions of euro) Italy France / Belgium Spain Others (1) Eliminations Total Revenue Recurring EBITDA EBITDA EBIT 2014 % change vs. 2013 452.1 (9.7) 16.8 n.s. 20.9 n.s. (34.7) 67.0 1,045.0 (6.1) 163.4 (18.5) 163.8 (17.0) 95.4 (25.6) 80.9 4.4 8.5 >100.0 7.9 n.s. (1.5) 94.4 22.1 (15.6) 26.3 n.s. 0.5 - n.s. - (0.3) (0.1) 90.8 n.s. (3.8) (0.1) 24.8 n.s. 1,584.4 (6.6) 189.2 (0.1) 192.3 11.3 55.4 n.s. 2014 % change vs. 2013 2014 % change vs. 2013 2014 % change vs. 2013 n.s. not significant (1) Greece 15 www.italcementigroup.com In Italy, in the third quarter the cement market continued to slacken, worsening compared with the first half of the year, which benefited from better weather in the early months of the year. The third quarter also suffered compared with the year-earlier period, which reported a slight market upturn after the sharp contraction of the first five months of 2013. The construction section has been experiencing a crisis for seven consecutive years and no signs of a turnaround are to be seen. The recessionary economic situation, constraints on public finance and the credit squeeze are hindering an upturn both in real estate and in infrastructure investments. In the third quarter of 2014, our overall cement and clinker sales volumes were down 2.2% on the third quarter of 2013, generating a reduction of 1.7% for the nine months to the end of September, a performance less negative than that of the market according to our estimates. Recurring EBITDA in the cement segment for the first nine months was penalized by the negative volume and price effects, although these effects were almost entirely counterbalanced by significant savings in variable and fixed costs, achieved through energy cost cutting and the restructuring measures introduced under the “Progetto 2015” program. Furthermore, the income from carbon emission rights drove an improvement in recurring EBITDA compared with the year-earlier period. The negative trend also continued on the ready mixed concrete market, which was severely penalized by the contraction in the residential sector (with the exception of maintenance) and by the significant downturn in public works, compounded by the difficulties in access to credit for corporate borrowers. In this context, in the third quarter, Group ready mixed concrete sales were down 16.8% on the year-earlier period, with a reduction for the nine months to the end of September of 22.5%, with a larger downturn in major works. Conversely, aggregates sales volumes in the third quarter rose by 30.7% and by 11.3% in the nine months, thanks to increased sales to third parties. In the first nine months of 2014, the ready mixed concrete and aggregates segment reported negative recurring EBITDA, with a slight downturn compared with the year-earlier period. The negative trend in sales volumes and increase in allowances for doubtful receivables were mitigated only in part by the significant savings in overheads achieved thanks to the current re-organization. In France-Belgium, cement consumption in the third quarter of 2014 was down across all segments of the construction sector. Compared with the third quarter of 2013, overall Group cement and clinker sales volumes in France (including marginal export volumes) were down 11.6% (-6.4% in the nine months); in Belgium they were down 6.9% (+3.7% in the nine months). In France, ready mixed concrete sales volumes in the third quarter fell by 6.2% (-5.9% in the nine months), whereas Belgium reported an improvement of 5.5% (+3.5% in the nine months). In aggregates, there was a downturn of 9.0% in the France-Belgium area (-4.2% in the nine months). Overall, recurring EBITDA in the third quarter and the nine months was penalized by the fall in sales volumes in the three segments and by fierce competition, especially in the cement and ready mixed concrete segments. 16 In Spain, third-quarter cement consumption confirmed the signs of stabilization in the construction sector already observed in the first half of 2014, after the sharp downturns reported in previous years. In this context, the Group kept the reduction in domestic cement sales volumes to 4.5% (-3.9% in the nine months), while overall cement and clinker sales volumes showed a significant improvement of 20.2% (+19.6% in the nine months), buoyed by important growth in exports. Sales volumes in ready mixed concrete and aggregates fell respectively by 15.5% (-32.6% in the nine months) and by 18.8% (-36.1% in the nine months). Operating results in the third quarter and the nine months showed a material improvement, driven by export volumes and good control of operating expense. These effects outweighed the negative impact of competitive pressure on domestic cement sales prices. In the Other Countries, Greece confirmed the signs of recovery, supported by a number of major infrastructure projects. Thanks to the healthy performance of the domestic market, overall cement and clinker sales volumes rose by 22.7% in the quarter (+30.7% in the nine months). A significant improvement was also reported in sales of ready mixed concrete (+18.7% in the third quarter and +43.7% in the nine months) and aggregates (+22.1% in the third quarter and +17.9% in the nine months). Recurring EBITDA was steady in the third quarter and positive in the nine months to the end of September, thanks to higher sales volumes, containment of costs and management of carbon emission rights. North America Q3 (in millions of euro) Total Revenue Recurring EBITDA EBITDA EBIT 2014 % change vs. 2013 2014 % change vs. 2013 2014 % change vs. 2013 2014 141.9 10.3 25.8 (0.8) 25.8 (0.6) 8.9 % change vs. 2013 (9.1) Nine months to September 30 (in millions of euro) Total Revenue 2014 % change vs. 2013 326.9 (1.0) Recurring EBITDA 2014 % change vs. 2013 19.7 (40.9) EBITDA EBIT 2014 % change vs. 2013 2014 19.7 (42.2) (29.9) % change vs. 2013 (99.6) In the third quarter of 2014, cement consumption on the Group markets showed important progress, substantially offsetting the extremely unfavorable dynamic of the first half of the year due to severe meteorological conditions and the continuing weakness of the Puerto Rican market. In this context, Group cement sales volumes in the third quarter were up 10.3% (+1.2% in the nine months) with an increase in average revenue per unit compared with the yearearlier period. 17 www.italcementigroup.com Ready mixed concrete and aggregates sales volumes in the third quarter rose by 7.6% (+1.5% in the nine months). Sales of aggregates were positive in the third quarter compared with the year-earlier period (+4.9%), but continued to fall sharply in the nine months to the end of September (-16.9%), after the completion in the third quarter of 2013 of a major electric power plant project. Recurring EBITDA in the third quarter was substantially stable compared with the third quarter of 2013, since the increase in revenue driven by sales volumes and sales prices was offset by an increase in some operating expense. Recurring EBITDA was down in the nine months, in part due to the rescheduling of some maintenance operations compared with 2013. Emerging Europe, North Africa and Middle East Q3 (in millions of euro) Egypt Morocco Others (1) Eliminations Total Revenue Recurring EBITDA 2014 % change vs. 2013 2014 % change vs. 2013 144.1 46.4 13.1 76.0 (0.7) 29.0 - 0.0 - 249.1 22.2 EBITDA EBIT 2014 % change vs. 2013 2014 % change vs. 2013 12.4 13.2 13.5 1.0 36.6 (1.8) 36.6 (1.8) 27.1 (2.3) 3.0 - (29.4) - 3.3 - (22.4) - 0.1 - (97.0) - 52.6 (0.9) 53.0 (0.1) 28.2 0.0 n.s. n.s. not significant (1) Bulgaria, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia Nine months to September 30 (in millions of euro) Revenue 2014 Recurring EBITDA % change vs. 2013 2014 % change vs. 2013 EBITDA 2014 EBIT % change vs. 2013 2014 % change vs. 2013 Egypt 436.6 18.2 76.7 (2.3) 76.7 (2.3) 40.6 6.2 Morocco Others (1) 236.7 (4.5) 103.3 (5.2) 103.3 (8.4) 75.0 (10.4) 88.7 - (3.2) - 12.2 - 10.5 - 12.6 - 10.4 - (2.6) - n.s. - 762.0 7.5 192.2 (3.2) 192.7 (4.9) 113.0 (11.4) Eliminations Total n.s. not significant (1) Bulgaria, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia In Egypt, the economic situation continued to be affected by the political unrest of the last few years, which has created an ongoing need for financial support from other countries in order to provide essential services for the Egyptian population. Fuel shortages are still a severe problem, with evident repercussions for clinker and cement production. Moreover, since September, the price of industrial fuel has risen compared with the end of 2013; electricity prices have increased too, by about 20%. During the third quarter under review, grey cement consumption increased according to estimates, confirming the growth of the first half of the year, driven both by the residential market, where important new projects began, and by the non-residential market. 18 Group overall cement and clinker sales volumes in the third quarter made important progress (+21.6%), generating an improvement of 9.3% in the nine months, above all thanks to domestic sales volumes. Performance was also positive in sales volumes of ready mixed concrete, with growth of 22.0% in the third quarter and 7.3% in the nine months. In the third quarter and the nine months to the end of September, recurring EBITDA, in local currency, was up on 2013. The increases in variable costs (for clinker, fuel and electricity purchases) and in employee expense and maintenance costs were outweighed by the positive sales price and sales volume effects. Nevertheless, operating results in the nine months expressed in euro were penalized by the depreciation of the local currency. In Morocco, the fall in cement consumption reported in the first half continued in the third quarter of 2014, due to the slowdown in private investment in social building and in public works. In this market context, Group domestic cement sales volumes in the third quarter were down 1.7% (-3.3% in the nine months), although average sales prices confirmed the positive dynamic of 2013. Overall cement and clinker sales improved by 4.9% (-1.1% in the nine months), although this was supported by clinker exports where margins are smaller. Sales volumes of ready mixed concrete and aggregates were strongly affected by fierce competitive pressures and fell respectively by 27.8% (-27.2% in the nine months) and by 18.6% (-31.0% in the nine months). Operating results in the third quarter and the first nine months of 2014 were slightly down on 2013, due to the reduction in domestic sales volumes in the three segments, offset in part by the favorable sales price dynamic in the cement segment. Looking at the Other Countries, in Bulgaria, despite an estimated small decrease in the third quarter, the construction market reported healthy growth in the nine months. Group domestic cement sales volumes rose by 12.8% in the third quarter (+13.2% in the nine months). Meanwhile, overall cement and clinker sales fell by 24.4% in the third quarter and 18.0% in the nine months due to the fall in exports, adversely affected by the crisis in Russia. Recurring EBITDA decreased in the third quarter. The containment of operating expense and positive effect of carbon emission rights drove an improvement in recurring EBITDA in the nine months to the end of September. In Kuwait, estimates show an increase in cement consumption, supported by infrastructure investment. Group cement sales volumes rose by 9.5% in the third quarter, but were down by 14.6% in the first nine months, owing to dry dock maintenance work (February-April), which put a halt on unloading and storage operations. Ready mixed concrete sales volumes improved by 4.2% in the third quarter and 5.9% in the nine months. The increase in variable costs (cement purchases) generated a reduction in recurring EBITDA in both the third quarter and the nine months. 19 www.italcementigroup.com Asia Q3 (in millions of euro) Revenue Recurring EBITDA 2014 % change vs. 2013 Thailand 67.8 India Others (1) 58.9 Eliminations Total 2014 % change vs. 2013 (4.7) 16.7 14.6 7.1 13.5 - (8.2) - 140.2 2.2 EBITDA EBIT 2014 % change vs. 2013 2014 % change vs. 2013 (3.1) 16.7 (3.1) 11.5 1.3 55.5 7.1 57.3 2.8 n.s. 4.6 - >100.0 - 4.4 - >100.0 - 3.0 - n.s. - 28.3 23.8 28.2 23.5 17.3 63.6 n.s. not significant Kazakhstan (1) Nine months to September 30 (in millions of euro) Revenue 2014 Recurring EBITDA % change vs. 2013 2014 EBITDA % change vs. 2013 2014 EBIT % change vs. 2013 2014 % change vs. 2013 Thailand 201.0 (1.9) 49.0 32.5 49.1 32.7 34.1 80.9 India Others (1) 170.0 (3.7) 13.8 (42.6) 13.8 (43.9) 1.2 (88.1) 28.7 - (28.4) - 3.4 - >100.0 - 3.3 - >100.0 - (0.9) - 78.4 - 399.7 (5.2) 66.2 6.7 66.2 5.7 34.4 39.5 Eliminations Total (1) Kazakhstan In Thailand, according to estimates, the cement market slowed in the third quarter compared with the year-earlier period, and showed a marginal decrease in the nine months. Group domestic cement sales volumes in the third quarter were down 6.7%, with a reduction in sales prices after two positive quarters, although growth of 2.0% was reported for the nine months. Thanks to healthy performance in exports, overall cement and clinker sales volumes were up 1.2% in the third quarter and 3.2% in the nine months. Ready mixed concrete sales volumes fell 6.2% in the third quarter, but were up 6.8% in the nine months to the end of September. In the third quarter, recurring EBITDA in local currency was substantially steady with the year-earlier level. It showed strong growth in the nine months thanks to the impact of volumes, prices and cost containment, and also to the investment in the second half of 2013 in a waste heat recovery system at the Pukrang cement plant. Despite a significant negative exchange-rate effect, recurring EBITDA also showed important growth expressed in euro. In India, on February 6, the Indian Parliament approved the division of Andhra Pradesh, where the Group operates, into two separate states. Both state governments have been appointed, but to date not all legislative and fiscal questions have been settled in full. 20 Estimated cement consumption in southern Indian (the Group core market) fell in the third quarter, limiting progress in the nine months. Group domestic sales volumes were also affected by market performance, and were down 7.5% in the quarter (-1.1% in the nine months). Considering cement exports and clinker sales, overall volumes fell 3.6% in the third quarter and rose by 2.2% in the nine months. Backed by the positive trend in prices, third-quarter recurring EBITDA was up on the yearearlier period, although the improvement was not sufficient to counter the negative trend of the first half. Consequently, operating results at September 30 were down on the first nine months of 2013, largely to due to the increase in operating expense. In Kazakhstan, after the devaluation in February, in the nine months the local currency depreciated by approximately 21% compared with the average exchange for the first nine months of 2013. With demand continuing to increase, Group overall cement sales volumes rose by 17.9% in the third quarter, but were down in the nine months (-10.7%). Limited ready mixed concrete sales volumes fell 21.4% in the third quarter and 30.4% in the nine months. Recurring EBITDA improved in the third quarter and the first nine months, in part thanks to receipt of insurance compensations for prior-year claims. Trading Q3 (in millions of euro) Total Revenue 2014 % change vs. 2013 52.0 25.3 Recurring EBITDA 2014 % change vs. 2013 2.2 (12.6) EBITDA EBIT 2014 % change vs. 2013 2014 2.2 (13.3) (1.9) % change vs. 2013 n.s. n.s. not significant Nine months to September 30 (in millions of euro) Total Revenue 2014 % change vs. 2013 153.8 14.4 Recurring EBITDA 2014 % change vs. 2013 7.7 17.5 EBITDA EBIT 2014 % change vs. 2013 2014 7.7 17.1 2.4 % change vs. 2013 (44.6) Intragroup and third-party cement and clinker sales volumes increased by 23.7% in the third quarter from the year-earlier period, generating an improvement of 15.7% over the nine months. Operating results were down in the third quarter, but improved in the nine months thanks to the volume effect in trading operations and higher margins on some markets. These positive effects were only partially offset by the gradual termination of ready mixed concrete operations with the Tasiast mines. 21 www.italcementigroup.com E-business In the first nine months of 2014, the BravoSolution group reported growth in revenue and EBITDA. Consolidated revenue in the nine months was 48.0 million euro (+9.2%); EBITDA was 4.0 million euro (3.5 million euro in the year-earlier period), while EBIT was negative at 0.2 million euro (negative EBIT of 0.4 million euro in the year-earlier period). For the full year, despite an unfavorable economic situation and still uncertain outlook, the Group expects to report an increase in full-year revenue, together with higher earnings compared with 2013. Net debt Net debt at September 30, 2014, was 2,173.5 million euro, an increase of 239.5 million euro from December 31, 2013 (1,934.0 million euro). This was due to the seasonal trend in working capital and to the fact that capital expenditure in the period was higher than cash flow from operations. The increase of 321.8 million euro from June 30, 2014 (1,851.7 million euro) arose chiefly from the effect of completion in July 2014 of the outlays for the public tender offer and subsequent squeeze-out on the entire share capital of Ciments Français. Capital expenditure in the first nine months of 2014 was 391.2 million euro, well above the figure for the year-earlier period (238.0 million euro). Expenditure was largely for industrial investments, relating in particular to current strategic projects in Italy, India, Bulgaria, France-Belgium and Egypt. Financial ratios September 30, 2014 June 30, 2014 Net debt 2,173.5 1,851.7 1,934.0 Consolidated shareholders' equity 3,817.7 3,854.2 3,783.0 (absolute amounts in millions of euro) "Gearing"% Net debt Recurring EBITDA "Leverage" Recurring EBITDA Net finance costs* "Coverage" December 31, 2013 56.9 48.0 51.1 2,173.5 1,851.7 1,934.0 626.2 635.9 629.2 3.5 2.9 3.1 626.2 635.9 629.2 127.9 133.0 123.2 4.9 4.8 5.1 * Finance income/costs relating to financing and treasury management “Leverage” and “Coverage” have been computed on 12-month rolling-year income statement data. 22 Transactions with related parties With reference to the Italcementi Group’s consolidated situation, transactions with related parties referred to: - the parent Italmobiliare S.p.A. and the companies in the Italmobiliare Group (subsidiaries, as well as joint ventures and associates and their subsidiaries); - subsidiaries of Italcementi S.p.A. not consolidated on a line-by-line basis; - joint ventures and their subsidiaries; - associates and their subsidiaries; - other related parties. Transactions with related parties reflect Italcementi S.p.A.’s interest in leveraging the synergies within the Group to enhance production and commercial integration, employ competencies efficiently and rationalize use of corporate divisions and financial resources. All transactions with related parties, whether financial or relating to the exchange of goods and services, are conducted at normal market conditions. In the Italcementi S.p.A. consolidated financial statements, amounts for transactions with related parties are immaterial. Italcementi S.p.A. provides Italmobiliare S.p.A. and Italmobiliare’s subsidiaries with personnel administration services, and receives and provides services for the efficient use of the two companies’ capabilities and professional competences, in the interests of the Group. It also provides Italmobiliare S.p.A. with a share-register management service and administration services for shareholders' meetings. On June 2, 2014, after the conversion of savings shares into ordinary shares, the Italmobiliare S.p.A. equity investment in Italcementi S.p.A. was diluted to 45.03% of share capital net of treasury shares, consequently interrupting the tax consolidation regime with Italmobiliare S.p.A. as the consolidating company, in compliance with current laws. A new national tax consolidation has therefore been formed for some Italcementi S.p.A. subsidiaries, with Italcementi S.p.A. as the consolidating company. The new tax consolidation is effective for the three years 2014/2016 and has adopted a “Regulation for enactment of intercompany relations in connection with participation in the national tax consolidation” substantially in line with the regulation formerly adopted by Italmobiliare S.p.A.. Transactions with subsidiaries not consolidated on a line-by-line basis, with associates and with the subsidiaries of joint ventures and associates are of a trading nature (exchange of goods and/or services) and a financial nature. In the first nine months of 2014, transactions with other related parties were with the Italcementi Cav. Lav. Carlo Pesenti foundation, Finsise S.p.A., companies of the SIKA group and the Gattai, Minoli & Partners law firm. Italcementi S.p.A. disbursed 600,000 euro to the Italcementi Cav. Lav. Carlo Pesenti foundation to cover management costs. Under the contract for the supply of administrativecorporate services and other services, Italcementi S.p.A. charged the foundation 117,000 euro, while CTG S.p.A. charged services for an amount of 19,000 euro. Finsise S.p.A., whose majority shareholder is director Italo Lucchini, provided administrative, financial, contractual, tax and corporate re-organization consultancy services, for a consideration of 270,000 euro, under contractual arrangements. The Italcementi group supplied goods and 23 www.italcementigroup.com services to companies of the SIKA group, owned by director Fritz Burkard, for approximately 2.1 million euro and received goods and services for approximately 22.0 million euro. The law firm Gattai, Minoli & Partners, of which Italmobiliare S.p.A. director Luca Minoli is a partner, provided legal services to Italcementi S.p.A. and other Group companies for approximately 152,000 euro. In the nine months to September 30, no atypical or unusual transactions took place. Disputes and pending proceedings An update is provided below on the developments in current disputes during the period. Italy On June 18, 2013, Italy’s Competition & Market Authority (AGCM) notified Calcestruzzi S.p.A. that a procedure had begun for the redetermination of the fine of 10.2 million euro imposed in 2004 and partially revoked by rulings of the Lazio Regional Administrative Tribunal (TAR) and the Italian Council of State. On January 13, 2014, Calcestruzzi was informed of the AGCM decision to re-determine the fine at 8,125,509 euro, and furthermore to request payment of the additional sums pursuant to art. 27 paragraph 6 of law 689/81, amounting overall, according to a preliminary estimate, to more than 7 million euro. Calcestruzzi filed an appeal with the Lazio TAR requesting a suspension, which was granted on February 13, 2014, when a hearing to discuss the merits of the case was also scheduled for November 19, 2014. Acting for the AGCM, the Avvocatura di Stato (Government Legal Service) lodged an appeal with the Council of State against the suspension. On June 7, 2014, the Council of State partially upheld the Avvocatura appeal by annulling the TAR ruling relating to the basic fine (8.1 million euro) and confirming the TAR ruling with regard to the additional amounts (approximately 7 million euro), payment of which is therefore not currently due. Calcestruzzi applied to the AGCM for the amount currently due (8.1 million euro) to be paid in instalments pursuant to article 26 of law 689/81. The AGCM accepted the request, arranging for payment to be made over 30 months, with application of an annual legal interest rate of 1%. This is without prejudice to the effects of the TAR ruling on the merits of the appeal presented by Calcestruzzi. Spain On May 14, 2014, after a petition was filed by a local association, the court of Malaga annulled the integrated environmental authorization issued in 2007 for the Malaga production plant of the Spanish subsidiary Financiera Y Minera (“FyM”), on the grounds that the Regional Authority had issued the authorization erroneously in the absence of a prior environmental impact assessment. FyM appealed against the ruling, and is also considering whether to apply for a new authorization subject to execution of an environmental impact assessment. With regard to the other current disputes described in the Annual Report at December 31, 2013, and in the subsequent interim reports, no developments worthy of note have occurred. 24 Significant events after September 30, 2014 In October, the start-up of the new kiln marked the entry into operation of the new production plant of the Devnya Cement cement works. Devnya Cement is the Group’s Bulgarian subsidiary, located near the port of Varna in eastern Bulgaria. This operation, which flanks the project at the Rezzato plant in Italy, completes the strategic investment program to strengthen the Group in Europe. It is one of the largest investments in Bulgaria in the last 25 years, and will make it possible to respond adequately to both domestic demand and demand in neighboring regions of Eastern Europe. The overall investment amounted to more than 160 million euro; once the current test and commissioning phase has been completed, the cement plant will be fully operational from the start of 2015. The new state-of-the-art plant deploys a “dry” process, with the capacity to produce approximately 4,000 metric tons of clinker a day, for an annual capacity of approximately 1.5 million metric tons, making it one of the largest facilities of its type in Europe. Particular attention has been paid to energy efficiency, with the possibility to use alternative fuels, and to environmental impact mitigation systems, enabling a significant reduction in carbon emissions. The Group’s attention to sustainable development policies, which also underlie this investment, has led to the recognition of Devnya Cement by the Ministry of the Environment as “Green Business 2013”, as well as awards in the “Investor of the Year” and “Investor in Human Capital” categories. In early November, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi officially switched on the new kiln at the Italcementi cement plant in Rezzato, which has undergone an extensive revamp in the last two years to become of the top-performing plants in Europe from the production and environmental viewpoints. The Rezzato plant revamp, for an investment of approximately 150 million euro, is part of the Pact for the Environment signed by Italcementi and the Ministry in July 2009, which set out an investment program for the renewal of the Italcementi S.p.A. industrial network and attainment of ambitious environmental target. The commitment also includes Italgen, the Group company that produces energy entirely from renewable sources. The start-up of the new Rezzato kiln marks the start of operations at a revamped industrial location with an annual cement production capacity of more than one million metric tons and significant environmental benefits: a 75% reduction in emissions when the plant is fully operational, a 20% reduction in power consumption, an 8% reduction in use of raw materials, application of catalytic products that eliminate pollutants, on a surface area of 90,000 m2 (the largest such surface for a production facility anywhere in the world). Outlook In an economic scenario featuring signs of a recovery on the North American market, continuing weakness in demand in the main Eurozone countries and volatility in some of the emerging countries, the Group confirms that it expects to report an improvement in fullyear recurring EBITDA compared with 2013. After completion of the significant investments for the revamps of its strategic sites in Italy and Bulgaria and commencement of the energy diversification program at its main cement plants in Egypt, the Group expects to keep year-end net debt in line with initial projections. 25 www.italcementigroup.com Compliance with simplified rules pursuant to arts. 70 and 71 of the Issuers Regulation Italcementi S.p.A. has adopted the opt-out regime envisaged by the Consob Issuers Regulation, exercising the right to derogate from the obligations to publish disclosure documents required in connection with significant merger transactions, spin-offs, acquisitions and disposals, capital increases by contributions in kind. In compliance with this regime, the company provided appropriate disclosures to the market. Bergamo, November 7, 2014 For the Board of Directors The Chairman Giampiero Pesenti 26 Financial statements 27 www.italcementigroup.com Income statement Q3 2014 % Q3 2013 re-stated % Change % Q3 2013 published 1,067,308 100.0 1,059,411 100.0 7,897 0.7 1,060,871 (in thousands of euro) Revenue Other revenue 6,226 10,191 10,245 Change in inventories 5,367 (2,479) (2,497) 14,637 8,388 8,389 Raw materials and supplies Internal work capitalized (435,621) (408,776) (407,652) Services (265,058) (265,228) (267,268) Employee expense (206,280) (206,733) (206,812) Other operating income (expense) (22,135) (20,671) (20,762) Recurring EBITDA 164,444 Net gains from sale of non-current assets 15.4 174,103 16.4 (9,659) -5.5 174,514 1,316 1,893 1,893 Non-recurring expense for re-organizations 596 (8,109) (8,108) Other non-recurring income (expense) (84) (1,804) (1,803) EBITDA 166,272 Amortization and depreciation Impairment EBIT Finance income Exchange-rate differences and derivatives Impairment on financial assets Share of profit (loss) of equity-accounted investees Profit (loss) before tax Income tax expense 15.7 189 0.1 166,496 (105,326) (105,075) (4,386) (30,208) (30,708) 5.7 30,549 2.9 30,560 100.0 30,713 5,918 3,877 3,925 (39,750) (38,452) (38,420) 5,940 (6,271) (6,271) - (5,907) (5,907) 6,545 4,430 4,281 39,762 3.7 (23,929) Profit (loss) for the period 166,083 (100,777) 61,109 Finance costs 15.6 15,833 (11,774) -1.1 51,536 n.s. (25,092) 1.5 (36,866) (11,679) (25,196) -3.5 52,699 n.s. (36,875) 50,821 -101.3 (50,142) Attributable to: Owners of the parent 666 (50,155) Non-controlling interests 15,167 13,289 n.s.= not significant 28 1,878 14.1 13,267 Nine months to 09.30.14 % Nine months to 09.30.13 re-stated % Change % Nine months to 09.30.13 published 3,115,743 100.0 3,214,962 100.0 (99,219) -3.1 3,217,517 (in thousands of euro) Revenue Other revenue 22,580 30,201 30,336 Change in inventories (4,957) (16,296) (16,797) Internal work capitalized 27,883 23,962 23,963 (1,240,605) (1,280,121) (1,276,972) Services (782,021) (793,647) (797,982) Employee expense (629,232) (643,862) (644,058) Other operating income (expense) (40,103) (62,877) (62,938) Recurring EBITDA 469,288 Raw materials and supplies 15.1 472,322 14.7 (3,034) -0.6 473,069 Net gains from sale of non-current assets 2,696 8,052 8,052 Non-recurring expense for re-organizations (919) (19,231) (19,230) (1,889) (1,804) (1,803) Other non-recurring income (expense) EBITDA 469,176 Amortization and depreciation Impairment EBIT Finance costs 459,339 14.3 9,837 2.1 460,088 (299,302) (317,018) (317,808) (9,003) (33,671) (34,171) 160,871 Finance income 15.1 5.2 108,650 3.4 52,221 48.1 108,109 18,181 32,461 32,730 (118,147) (118,937) (118,984) Exchange-rate differences and derivatives (2,976) 556 526 Impairment on financial assets Share of profit (loss) of equity-accounted investees (26,844) (14,854) (14,854) 9,645 2,120 2,428 Profit before tax 40,730 Income tax expense (104,499) Loss for the period (63,769) 1.3 9,996 0.3 30,734 >100 (89,975) -2.0 (79,979) 9,955 (90,100) -2.5 16,210 20.3 (80,145) Attributable to: Owners of the parent (112,645) (135,224) 22,579 Non-controlling interests 48,876 55,245 (6,369) (135,212) -11.5 55,067 29 www.italcementigroup.com Statement of comprehensive income Nine months to 09.30.14 % Nine months to 09.30.13 re-stated % Change (63,769) -2.0 (79,979) -2.5 16,210 (80,145) (40,066) 18,494 (in thousands of euro) Loss for the period Other comprehensive income (expense) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss subsequently Remeasurement of the net liability (asset) for employee benefits Remeasurement of the net liability (asset) for employee benefits - equity-accounted investees (21,573) 18,493 % Nine months to 09.30.13 published - 1 (1) - 5,114 (1,739) 6,853 (1,739) (16,459) 16,755 (33,214) 16,755 Translation reserve on foreign operations Translation reserve on foreign operations equity-accounted investees 161,385 (165,572) 326,957 (165,611) 4,492 (5,968) 10,460 (5,929) Fair value gains (losses) on cash flow hedges Fair value gains (losses) on cash flow hedges - equityaccounted investees Fair value gains (losses) on available-for-sale financial assets Fair value gains on available-for-sale financial assets equity-accounted investees (14,213) 15,844 (30,057) 15,844 - 160 (160) 160 13,256 (3,389) 16,645 (3,389) - 110 (110) 110 Income tax (expense) Total items that might be reclassified to profit or loss subsequently (304) 131 (435) 131 164,616 (158,684) 323,300 (158,684) Total other comprehensive income (expense) 148,157 4.8 (141,929) -4.4 290,086 (141,929) 84,388 2.7 (221,908) -6.9 306,296 (222,074) 206,590 (209,331) Income tax (expense) Total items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss subsequently Items that might be reclassified to profit or loss subsequently Total comprehensive income (expense) Attributable to: 30 Owners of the parent (2,753) (209,343) Non-controlling interests 87,141 (12,565) 99,706 ## (12,743) Condensed statement of changes in net debt September 30, 2014 Cash flow from operating activities before change in working capital 274,497 September 30, 2013 re-stated 298,426 Change in working capital (27,119) (51,053) Cash flow from operating activities 247,378 247,373 (328,962) (224,692) (58,633) (8,501) (in thousands of euro) Investments in PPE, investment property and intangible assets Change in liabilities for purchase of PPE, investment property, intangibles Cash flows net of investments in PPE, investment property and intangible assets (140,217) 14,180 Financial investments (equity investments) (3,398) (4,814) Proceeds from sale of non-current assets 14,878 19,501 Dividends paid (82,106) (83,701) Change in share capital 488,688 - Change in equity interests in subsidiaries (458,115) - Others Change in net debt (59,242) 22,416 (239,512) (32,418) Financial position September 30, 2014 June 30, 2014 December 31, 2013 (499,096) (1,049,273) (in thousands of euro) Current financial assets re-stated Change 09.30.14 12.31.13 % (544,983) 45,887 (8.4) Current financial liabilities 538,222 770,383 418,044 120,178 28.7 Non-current financial assets (89,408) (78,256) (94,061) 4,653 (4.9) 2,223,829 2,173,547 2,208,885 1,851,739 2,155,035 1,934,035 68,794 239,512 3.2 12.4 September 30, 2014 June 30, 2014 December 31, 2013 re-stated Change 09.30.14 12.31.13 % 3,817,749 3,854,239 3,782,998 34,751 0.9 Non-current financial liabilities Net debt Equity (in thousands of euro) Total equity Net debt at September 30, 2014, determined in compliance with Consob communication no. DEM/6064293 of July 28, 2006 (i.e., excluding non-current financial assets) amounted to 2,262,955 thousand euro (2,028,096 thousand euro at December 31, 2013). 31 www.italcementigroup.com Notes Foreword This quarterly report as at and for the nine months ended September 30, 2014, has been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of article 154 ter, paragraph 5, of Legislative Decree no. 58 of February 24, 1998, and subsequent amendments. It has also been prepared in compliance with the measurement and recognition criteria of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Basis of presentation The consolidated financial statements are based on the accounts of the consolidated companies as at and for the nine months ended September 30, 2014, adjusted where necessary to ensure alignment with the IFRScompliant classification criteria and accounting policies adopted by the Group. The accounting policies used to prepare the quarterly report as at and for the nine months ended September 30, 2014, are consistent with those used to prepare the Group financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2013, and, in addition, with the policies and interpretations endorsed by the European Union and applicable as from January 1, 2014. x Amendments to IAS 32 “Financial instruments: presentation”, which require disclosure of offsetting rights and related agreements (e.g., guarantees). x IFRS 10 “Consolidated financial statements”. The new standard replaces IAS 27 “Consolidated and separate financial statements” and SIC 12 “Consolidation – Special-purpose entities”. IFRS 10 introduces a new control model, applicable to all entities in which an investment is held, based on the Group’s power over the entities, its exposure or rights to variable returns arising from its involvement with the entities and its ability to affect those returns through its power over the entities. x IFRS 11 “Joint arrangements”. The new standard replaces IAS 31 “Interests in joint ventures” and SIC 13 “Jointly controlled entities – Non-monetary contributions by venturers”; it sets out the accounting policies for entities taking part in joint arrangements. The standard provides for joint arrangements to be classified as joint operations if the Group has rights to the assets and obligations for the liabilities relating to the arrangement, or as joint ventures if the Group only has rights to the net assets of the arrangement. Classification depends upon the structure of the arrangement, the legal status of any separate entities, the terms of the contractual arrangement and other facts and circumstances. x IFRS 12 “Disclosure of interests in other entities”, which organizes, strengthens and replaces disclosure requirements concerning interests in subsidiaries, joint arrangements, associates and unconsolidated structured entities. x As a result of the introduction of the above standards, IAS 27 renamed “Separate financial statements”, which deals exclusively with the preparation of separate financial statements, and the amendments to IAS 28 “Investments in associates and joint ventures” will come into force. x Amendments to IAS 36 “Impairment of assets” to modify disclosure requirements relating to recoverable amounts in cases where recoverable amounts are based on fair value less costs to sell and in cases where an impairment loss is recognized. x Amendments to IAS 39 “Financial instruments: Recognition and measurement” to govern the continuation of hedge accounting in the event of novation of derivatives following the introduction of new legislation/regulations. The results of operations and financial position in 2013 used for the comparison with 2014 have been restated by applying IFRS 10, 11 and IAS 28 as from January 1, 2013. 32 Exchange rates used to translate the financial statements of foreign operations Exchange rates for 1 euro: at 09.30.14 Average rate Full year 2013 at 09.30.13 September 30, 2014 Closing rate December 31, 2013 Currencies Albania lek September 30, 2013 140.03258 140.29165 140.24368 139.42000 140.53302 Saudi Arabia riyal 5.08138 4.97905 4.93798 4.71974 5.17242 141.30690 5.06464 Australia dollar 1.47598 1.37571 1.34602 1.44420 1.54230 1.44860 Brazil real 3.10282 2.86477 2.78983 3.08210 3.25760 3.04060 Canada dollar 1.48192 1.36747 1.34778 1.40580 1.46710 1.39120 Dubai UAE dirham 4.97641 4.87640 4.83620 4.62160 5.06539 4.96032 Egypt pound 9.57441 9.12954 9.04490 9.00270 9.58716 9.31174 GB sterling 0.81182 0.84908 0.85182 0.77730 0.83370 0.83605 India rupee 82.26243 77.81509 75.65233 77.85640 85.36600 84.84400 241.94676 202.03991 199.62962 228.91800 212.43863 207.63300 Kuwait dinar 0.38300 0.37687 0.37428 0.36280 0.38954 0.38237 Libya dinar 1.68268 1.67945 1.67639 1.53887 1.70192 1.68691 Kazakhstan tenge 11.20520 11.16728 11.14837 11.02540 11.25385 11.19109 407.70479 399.27747 397.15626 382.06400 412.68878 410.75460 Mexico peso 17.77195 16.95204 16.69569 16.99770 18.07310 17.84620 Mozambique metical 41.33354 - - 38.69270 - - 4.93326 4.83385 4.79397 4.58237 5.02187 4.91746 Morocco dirham Mauritania ouguiya Qatar riyal People's Repub.China renminbi 8.35441 8.16286 8.12103 7.72620 8.34910 8.26450 176.77415 171.46177 169.22070 164.14000 180.38636 178.27150 USA dollar 1.35487 1.32764 1.31669 1.25830 1.37910 1.35050 Switzerland franc 1.21801 1.23085 1.23133 1.20630 1.22760 1.22250 43.90713 40.79178 40.01738 40.80000 45.17800 42.26400 2.93310 2.52634 2.45182 2.87790 2.96050 2.74840 Sri Lanka rupee Thailand baht Turkey lira Significant events and changes in the scope of consolidation As illustrated in the half-year report as at and for the six months ended June 30, 2014, at a meeting on March 6, 2014, the Italcementi S.p.A. Board of Directors approved a plan to streamline the corporate structure and strengthen the Group, envisaging: - the mandatory conversion of Italcementi savings shares into ordinary shares at a conversion rate of 0.65 ordinary shares for each savings share; an increase in Italcementi share capital through a rights issue for a maximum amount of 499,979,628.82 euro including the share premium; a voluntary public tender offer on Ciments Français minorities in order to delist Ciments Français shares from the Paris stock exchange; the price was fixed at 79.5 euro per share. 33 www.italcementigroup.com The following transactions were completed during the third quarter: Share capital increase On July 7, 2014, the Italcementi S.p.A. share capital increase was completed with the subscription of the outstanding 1,394,330 rights; the operation saw the full subscription and payment of the 103,622,721 shares offered, for an overall amount of 499,979,628.82 euro, of which 119,166,129.15 euro attributable to the nominal value. The share capital of Italcementi S.p.A. therefore stands at 401,715,071.15 euro, represented by 349,270,680 ordinary shares with no par value. Voluntary public tender offer on Ciments Français The offer period (June 13 – July 3, 2014) for the simplified public tender offer on Ciments Français shares closed on July 3. At that date, Italcementi held 97.73% of the capital and 98.65% of the voting rights of the French company. Since CF minorities held less than 5% of the capital and voting rights, Italcementi applied to the AMF (the French financial markets authority) for activation of the squeeze-out procedure. The squeeze-out was completed on July 15, at the same price as that paid under the offer, i.e., 79.5 euro per share, for a maximum of 808,794 shares representing 2.27% of Ciments Français capital. Italcementi opened a bank deposit with BNP Paribas Security Services for an amount corresponding to the compensation due to the shareholders who did not take up the offer; on the same day, Ciments Français shares were delisted from the Paris stock exchange. Italcementi S.p.A. is now the sole shareholder of Ciments Français. Changes in the scope of consolidation Suez Cement Company SAE purchased the residual 50% of the capital of International City for Concrete in Saudi Arabia; the Saudi company is now 100% controlled and has been consolidated since January 1, 2014 (in 2013 it was accounted for with the proportionate consolidation method). 34 Revenue Revenue amounted to 1,067,308 thousand euro in the third quarter of 2014 and 3,115,743 thousand euro in the nine months ended September 30, 2014. A breakdown of consolidated revenue by business segment and geographical area is set out below: by business segment: Q3 2014 % Q3 2013 % Cement and clinker 703,336 65.9 679,234 64.1 3.5 Ready mixed concrete and aggregates 299,534 28.1 319,272 30.1 -6.2 (in thousands of euro) Miscellaneous Total (in thousands of euro) Cement and clinker % change 64,438 6.0 60,905 5.8 5.8 1,067,308 100.0 1,059,411 100.0 0.7 Nine months 09.30.14 % Nine months 09.30.13 % % change -1.0 2,054,228 65.9 2,074,576 64.5 Ready mixed concrete and aggregates 878,455 28.2 947,422 29.5 -7.3 Miscellaneous 183,060 5.9 192,964 6.0 -5.1 3,115,743 100.0 3,214,962 100.0 -3.1 Q3 2014 % Q3 2013 % % change Total by geographical area: (in thousands of euro) Central Western Europe 499,212 46.8 552,401 52.2 -9.6 North America Emerging Europe, North Africa and Middle East 141,807 13.3 128,499 12.1 10.4 242,992 22.8 197,346 18.6 23.1 Asia 138,179 12.9 137,063 12.9 0.8 28,204 2.6 28,265 2.7 -0.2 Cement and clinker trading Others 16,914 1.6 15,837 1.5 6.8 1,067,308 100.0 1,059,411 100.0 0.7 Nine months 09.30.14 % Nine months 09.30.13 % % change 1,507,832 48.4 1,637,369 50.9 -7.9 North America Emerging Europe, North Africa and Middle East 326,722 10.5 330,050 10.3 -1.0 736,490 23.6 683,883 21.3 7.7 Asia 394,969 12.7 421,276 13.1 -6.2 95,184 3.1 91,325 2.8 4.2 54,546 3,115,743 1.7 100.0 51,059 3,214,962 1.6 100.0 6.8 -3.1 Total (in thousands of euro) Central Western Europe Cement and clinker trading Others Total 35 www.italcementigroup.com Raw materials and supplies Raw materials and supplies amounted to 1,240,605 thousand euro, as follows: (in thousands of euro) Nine months 09.30.14 Nine months 09.30.13 Change Raw materials and semifinished goods 381,632 359,226 22,406 Fuel 271,994 268,492 3,502 Packaging, materials, machinery 184,104 183,763 341 92,863 96,605 (3,742) 304,947 345,041 (40,094) 5,065 26,994 (21,929) 1,240,605 1,280,121 (39,516) Nine months 09.30.14 Nine months 09.30.13 Change (2,030) Finished goods Electricity, water, gas Change in inventories of raw materials, consumables, other Total Services Services totaled 782,021 thousand euro, as follows: (in thousands of euro) External services and maintenance 254,013 256,043 Transport 354,618 353,468 1,150 26,036 28,281 (2,245) Legal fees and consultancy Rents 56,229 56,802 (573) Insurance 25,978 27,301 (1,323) Other 65,147 71,752 (6,605) Total 782,021 793,647 (11,626) Employee expense Employee expense for the nine months to September 30, 2014, totaled 629,232 thousand euro, as follows: (in thousands of euro) Nine months 09.30.14 Nine months 09.30.13 Change Wages and salaries 425,383 435,923 (10,540) Social security contributions and pension fund provisions 132,186 134,700 (2,514) 71,663 73,239 (1,576) 629,232 643,862 (14,630) Other costs Total Number of employees: Nine months 09.30.14 Nine months 09.30.13 Number of employees at period end 18,311 18,667 Average number of employees 18,458 18,835 (heads) 36 Other operating income and expense Other operating expense net of other operating income amounted to 40,103 thousand euro, as follows: (in thousands of euro) Nine months 09.30.14 Nine months 09.30.13 Change Other taxes 57,184 58,717 (1,533) Allowance for doubtful receivables 12,622 14,569 (1,947) Provision for environmental restoration, quarries, other 33,207 27,494 5,713 (62,910) (37,903) (25,007) 40,103 62,877 (22,774) Miscellaneous income Total “Miscellaneous income” in the first nine months of 2014 included net gains of 11.4 million euro from carbon emission rights trading, which were absent in the year-earlier period. Non-recurring income and expense (in thousands of euro) Nine months 09.30.14 Nine months 09.30.13 Net gains from the sale of non-current assets 2,696 8,052 Non-recurring expense for re-organizations (919) (19,231) Other non-recurring income (expense) Total non-recurring income (expense) (1,889) (1,804) (112) (12,983) Impairment This caption reflects an amount of 9.0 million euro, consisting largely of impairment losses on property, plant and equipment for 7.8 million euro in Bulgaria and 3.5 million euro in Libya, net of impairment reversals of 5.3 million euro on industrial plant and land in Italy. 37 www.italcementigroup.com Finance income costs, exchange-rate differences and derivatives Finance costs net of finance income and exchange-rate differences and derivatives amounted to 102,942 thousand euro (85,920 thousand euro at September 30, 2013), as follows: (in thousands of euro) Interest income Nine months 09.30.14 Income Costs 15,079 Interest expense 1,617 Other finance income 1,485 18,181 21,410 2,920 1,555 (30,170) (37,614) (118,147) Gains/(losses) on interest-rate derivatives Net exchange-rate differences and derivatives Total finance income (costs), exchange-rate differences and derivatives 32,461 (118,937) (1,600) Gains/(losses) on exchange-rate derivatives Net exchange-rate differences (82,878) 1,451 Capitalized finance costs Other finance costs Costs 9,600 (90,897) Dividends and other income from equity investments Total finance income (costs) Nine months 09.30.13 Income (267) (38,184) (6,924) 36,808 7,747 - (2,976) 556 - - (102,942) - (85,920) “Other finance costs” includes net finance costs of 5,920 thousand euro on employee defined benefit plans (5,041 thousand euro at September 30, 2013). Impairment on financial assets This caption reflects the reduction in value of 24.7 million euro with respect to the carrying amount on the associate West China Cement, of which 13.4 million euro from the reclassification to the income statement of the negative fair value reserve formed in previous years. The caption also includes an amount of 2.2 million euro relating to the Syrian company Al Badia Cement, whose carrying amount has been written down in full. Share of profit (loss) of equity-accounted investees The share of profit (loss) of equity-accounted investees was as follows: (in millions of euro) Asment Cement (Morocco) Vassiliko (Cyprus) Ciment Quebec (Canada) Innocon (Canada) Others Total 38 Nine months 09.30.14 Nine months 09.30.13 7.5 7.0 (0.3) (6.1) 2.7 0.3 - 1.7 (0.3) (0.8) 9.6 2.1 Income tax expense Income tax expense for the period was 104,499 thousand euro, as follows: Nine months 09.30.14 Nine months 09.30.13 Current tax 110,087 91,511 18,576 Deferred tax (6,161) (882) (5,279) (in thousands of euro) Prior-year tax and net non-recurring tax items Total Change 573 (654) 1,227 104,499 89,975 14,524 Non-recurring transactions The following table itemizes the most significant non-recurring transactions and their impact on the Group’s equity, financial position and results of operations: Nine months 09.30.14 Profit (loss) for the period Equity (in thousands of euro) amount Carrying amounts % 3,817,749 amount % (63,769) Net debt amount % 2,173,547 Net gains from sale of non-current assets 2,696 0.1% 2,696 4.2% Non-recurring expense for re-organizations (919) 0.0% (919) 1.4% - 0.0% (1,889) 0.0% (1,889) 3.0% - 0.0% (112) 0.0% (112) 0.2% 7,431 0.3% Other non-recurring income (expense) Total Figurative amount without non-recurring transactions 3,817,861 (63,657) 7,431 0.3% 2,180,978 Nine months 09.30.13 Profit (loss) for the period Equity (in thousands of euro) amount Carrying amounts Net gains from sale of non-current assets Non-recurring expense for re-organizations Other non-recurring income (expense) Total Figurative amount without non-recurring transactions % 3,856,358 amount % (79,979) Net debt amount % 2,023,363 8,052 0.2% 8,052 10.1% (19,231) 0.5% (19,231) 24.0% (1,804) 0.0% (1,804) 2.3% (12,983) 3,869,341 0.3% (12,983) (66,996) 16.2% 12,284 0.6% - 0.0% - 0.0% 12,284 2,035,647 0.6% Net debt Net debt at September 30, 2014, amounted to 2,173,547 thousand euro (1,934,035 thousand euro at December 31, 2013). It reflected gross financial liabilities for 2,762,051 thousand euro and gross financial assets for 588,504 thousand euro. At September 30, 2014, non-current financial liabilities amounted to 2,223,829 thousand euro and included the bonds issued on the European market by Italcementi Finance S.A. for an aggregate nominal amount of 1,250 million euro: a ten-year bond issued in 2010 for 750 million euro, 350 million euro issued on February 14, 2013, and 150 million euro issued on May 14, 2013. The latter two issues mature on February 21, 2018. Capital expenditure Capital expenditure for the nine months to September 30, 2014, totaled 391.0 million euro, as follows: (in millions of euro) Investments in intangible assets Nine months 09.30.14 Nine months 09.30.13 Change 6.3 8.1 (1.8) 322.7 216.6 106.1 58.6 8.5 50.1 Total expenditure on PPE, investment property, intangibles 387.6 233.2 154.4 Investments in non-current financial assets Change in liabilities for purchases of non-current financial assets Total expenditure on financial investments (equity investments) Total 3.6 (0.2) 3.4 391.0 4.8 4.8 238.0 (1.2) (0.2) (1.4) 153.0 Investments in property, plant and equipment and investment property Change in liabilities for purchases of PPE, investment property, intangibles 40 The manager in charge of preparing the company's financial reports, Carlo Bianchini, declares, pursuant to paragraph 2 article 154-bis of the Consolidated Law on Finance, that the accounting information contained in this report corresponds to the document results, books and accounting entries. November 2014 Project of LSVmultimedia Olginate - Lecco Performance, not only cement Classic products Professional products Ultra-resistant products Thermal products Quick-setting products Fluid products Acoustic products Special products for water Aesthetic products Photocatalytic products Transparent products i.nova, the new Italcementi Group branding system based on an innovative re-organization of the product offer into 11 performance families targeting specific customer requirements, a completely new approach in the worldwide construction materials sector. italcementi S.p.A. Via G. Camozzi, 124 24121 Bergamo - Italy Tel: +39 035 396111 Fax: +39 035 244905 www.italcementigroup.com
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