Members’ Update United Kingdom November, 2014 Dear Member, Welcome to the latest update for UK members of the EDTNA/ERCA and a special welcome to all new members, especially those of you who joined at the UK Seminar earlier this month. rd Since my last update both the 43 EDTNA/ERCA International Conference in Riga and the UK Seminar in Ashford have happened – and both have been a huge success. In both cases plans are now well underway for next year’s events! I would also like to thank those of you who voted and supported my recent election to the Executive Committee of the EDTNA/ERCA – the result of which is a need to start looking for a new UK Brand Ambassador! 43rd EDTNA/ERCA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE rd th The 43 EDTNA/ERCA International Conference took place in the beautiful Latvian capital, Riga between Saturday 6 th and Tuesday 9 September. Around 1000 people from throughout Europe and beyond attended the Riga Conference for a quality scientific programme put together by the Scientific programme committee chaired by Helen Noble. For those of you who weren’t able to make it to Riga, or were there but missed something, most of the presentations from the programme are available from the EDTNA/ERCA web site. At the International Conference three new EDTNA/ERCA Handbooks were launched. Of key importance is the new Vascular Access Cannulation and Care – ‘A Nursing Best Practice Guide for Arteriovenous Fistula’ which was the result of collaboration between EDTNA/ERCA and Fresenius Medical Care and extensive research covering over 9000 dialysis patients across Europe. This guide is probably the first real evidence based guide to fistula cannulation produced, with implications for practice in all haemodialysis environments – it should become indispensible on any HD Unit! Also of key importance to the HD community is the second guidebook launched in Riga; ‘A Guide to Implementing Renal Best Practice in Haemodialysis’ – which is based on best practice guidelines from across Europe and was an EDTNA/ERCA and Baxter-Gambro collaboration. The third new guidebook launched in Riga ‘e-Health in Nephrology – A Guide to Clinical Practice’ was sponsored by Sanofi and looks at how information technology can help us care for our patients in the internet age. If you haven’t got your hands on these books, either in Riga or at the UK Seminar they are available to all members either as hard copy to order or PDF to download from the Members’ section of the EDTNA/ERCA web site. During the Conference the EDTNA/ERCA Annual General Meeting also took place, at which time Maria Saraiva stood down as Association President and Marianna Eleftheroudi, from Greece took over as president for the next year. At the same meeting I took up my place on the Executive Committee following the election in the summer. A number of Brand Ambassadors also stood down at Conference, including Angela Henson the International BA for Australia and New Zealand. A full list of those now forming the leadership of EDTNA/ERCA and current vacancies can be found on the EDTNA/ERCA Web site. EDTNA/ERCA Secretariat Källstorps Gård / Högs Byväg 118 / SE-246 55 Löddeköpinge / Sweden Phone: +46 46 70 96 24 / e-mail: [email protected] / EDTNA/ERCA Pilatusstrasse 35, CH-6003 Lucerne, Switzerland Members’ Update United Kingdom November, 2014 EDTNA/ERCA UK SEMINAR The 2014 EDTNA/ERCA UK Seminar took place at the International Hotel, Ashford on 2 nd rd & 3 November and was a huge success with over 120 attendees and excellent support from the British Kidney Patient Association (BKPA) and renal industry. The theme of the Seminar was ‘Working in Teams to Deliver Quality Patient Care’ and the scientific programme featured some excellent and important presentations. National Clinical Director Dr. Richard Fluck gave us an invaluable review of current changes in policy and their effects on renal care in England. A key change is the anticipated move of haemodialysis services from specialist commissioning under NHS England to being commissioned by Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). Dr Paul Stevens and EDTNA/ERCA CKD Nurse Consultant Karen Jenkins introduced us to the new NICE guidelines for acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease respectively. Maria Teresa Parisotto from Germany presented the research which underpins the new Vascular Access Guide launched in Riga, and copies of the guidebook were available at the Seminar and disappeared from the stand like hot cakes! There were also excellent presentations from David Keane on accurate dry weight assessment, Joe Bailey on anticoagulation monitoring in haemodialysis, Dr. Enric Vilar on haemodiafiltration and Vivienne Wint on oxidative stress in haemodialysis. Nephrologists Dr Chris Farmer and Dr Nasir Abbas conducted a lively but well-natured debate on adequacy of dialysis versus optimum quality of life. Peritoneal dialysis was covered with talks from Rosalind Campbell on encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis, increasing social support for patients at home from Linsey Worsey and glucose degradation in warmed PD fluids by Caroline Judge. Day two began with a session devoted to diabetes led by Professor David Wheeler, immediate past president of the Renal Association and including a talk on insulin dosing in haemodialysis from Jo Reed and improving care for diabetic feet by Caroline Judge. Lisa Burnapp from NHSBT presented the vision for increased transplantation up to 2020, Elizabeth Clarke explained the new PIVOTAL IV Iron study and Mandy Cuthbert looked at aids to compliance with phosphate binders. Sally Taber and Fiona Loud from BKPA spoke on the work of the BKPA and the Kidney Health Delivering Excellence report. Finally there were sessions devoted to encouraging patient autonomy including a presentation of the Dialysis Decision Aid by Kidney Research UK and Hilary Bekker, A shared haemodialysis Q&A session by Tania Barnes and Melinda Howard and a talk on remote monitoring from Siobhan Doyle. Some excellent posters were also presented with the best poster prize being awarded to Sian Fothergill for her poster on improving transplant work-up coordination and the best beginner’s prize going to Angela Nagle for her poster detailing how shared care was introduced to a busy main haemodialysis unit. The industry exhibitions included stands from; Asahi Kasei, B.Braun, Cambridge Healthcare Supplies, Janssen, LINC Medical, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma, Nx Stage, Renal Services UK, Sanofi and Stanningley Pharma. Additonally XtraMed assisted in the running of the buttonhole workshops and Fresenius Medical Care sponsored the vascular access session. There were also stands from BKPA and Kidney Research UK – Thanks to them all for their excellent support. EDTNA/ERCA Secretariat Källstorps Gård / Högs Byväg 118 / SE-246 55 Löddeköpinge / Sweden Phone: +46 46 70 96 24 / e-mail: [email protected] / EDTNA/ERCA Pilatusstrasse 35, CH-6003 Lucerne, Switzerland Members’ Update United Kingdom November, 2014 The Sunday evening once again featured an excellent gala dinner, this time with entertainment from crooner Tom Fitzpatrick, which I know was enjoyed my many present. A heartfelt thank you to all who helped to make this year’s Seminar such a success – all the delegates and speakers, the industry exhibitors, BKPA, the assistance of Caroline Judge and Karen Jenkins in running reception, chairing sessions and moderating posters and of course Dave Randall for all he did behind the scenes – before, during and after the event. POSITIONS VACANT! Would you like to volunteer for EDTNA/ERCA? There will be a vacancy on the Executive Committee (EC) – if you are interested in applying for this exciting opportunity please contact me. I am also looking for a volunteer to take over from me as UK Brand Ambassador when my term finishes this time next year. As Brand Ambassador you will be responsible for running the UK Seminar from 2016. You will also have involvement in the BRS Conference programme where there is customarily an EDTNA/ERCA badged session. The UK Brand Ambassador also represents EDTNA/ERCA on the BRS Council and is expected to send out regular updates to members – like this one. Finally all Brand Ambassadors participate in the programme of the International Conference by staffing the EDTNA/ERCA booth and possibly chairing sessions and moderating posters. Training is provided at conference for new BAs and there are regular tariff-free teleconference calls between the Bas and a dedicated member of the EC to support them. It would work best if my replacement were able to work alongside me in the coming year so that they can have a full handover of all that is involved. If you would like to know more please contact me. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 2015 BRS CONFERENCE Tuesday 30th June - Thursday 2nd July 2015 University of Leeds Leeds, LS2 9JT - 44th EDTNA/ERCA International Conference September 26–29, 2015 Maritim Hotel & Internationales Congress Center Dresden, Germany Conference Theme: Quality and Safety in Renal Care: Shared Responsibility among Health Care Professionals and Patients - 2015 EDTNA/ERCA UK SEMINAR November 1st & 2nd 2015 International Hotel, Ashford, Kent. Seminar Theme: Putting the Patient at the Centre of the Multi-Disciplinary Team - [email protected] Yours sincerely, Marissa Dainton Marissa Dainton [email protected] EDTNA/ERCA Secretariat Källstorps Gård / Högs Byväg 118 / SE-246 55 Löddeköpinge / Sweden Phone: +46 46 70 96 24 / e-mail: [email protected] / EDTNA/ERCA Pilatusstrasse 35, CH-6003 Lucerne, Switzerland Members’ Update United Kingdom November, 2014 SCENES FROM THE 2014 EDTNA/ERCA UK SEMINAR 2014 EDTNA/ERCA UK Seminar: Best Poster Presenter Sian Fothergill (left) and Best Beginner’s Poster Presenter Angela Nagle (right) receiving their prizes from Marissa Dainton. Below – the Seminar in full swing. EDTNA/ERCA Secretariat Källstorps Gård / Högs Byväg 118 / SE-246 55 Löddeköpinge / Sweden Phone: +46 46 70 96 24 / e-mail: [email protected] / EDTNA/ERCA Pilatusstrasse 35, CH-6003 Lucerne, Switzerland
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