Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, November 16 2014 Dear Friends, Sat. Nov. 15 Pr & Hom: Fr. Nick Pagano Eternal Joy of George Saretsky Nov. 16 8:30 AM Pr & Hom: Fr. Larry Hehman Eternal Joy of Trish O’Dea Nov. 16 11:00 AM Pr & Hom: Fr. Nick Pagano All Parishioners Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:1-6/Mt 25:14-30 Sun. Sun. Mon. Nov. 17 5:00 PM 12:00 Noon Pr & Hom: Fr. Nick Pagano Eternal Joy of Brad Braun Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5/Lk 18:35-43 Tues. Nov. 18 9:30 AM Wed. Nov. 19 6:30 PM Pr & Hom: Fr. Nick Pagano Eternal Joy of Elizabeth & Paul Zimmerman Rv 4:1-11/Lk 19:11-28 Thu. Nov. 20 9:30 AM Fri. Nov. 21 Sat. Sun. Sun. Pr & Hom: Fr. Larry Hehman All Souls Novenna Rv 3:1-6, 14-22/Lk 19:1-10 Pr & Hom: Fr. Nick Pagano Eternal Joy of Be5y Garre5 Rv 5:1-10/Lk 19:41-44 12:00 Noon Pr & Hom: Fr. Larry Hehman Eternal Joy of Be5y Huzl Rv 10:8-11/Lk 19:45-48 Nov. 22 5:00 PM Pr & Hom: Fr. Nick Pagano Eternal Joy of Rita Ste. Marie Nov. 23 8:30 AM Pr & Hom: Fr. Larry Hehman All Parishioners Nov. 23 11:00 AM Pr & Hom: Fr. Nick Pagano Eternal Joy of Joseph Mavri Ez 34:11-12, 15-17/1 Cor 15:20-26, 28/Mt 25:31-46 We welcome Robert & Susan Yarborough, Jennifer Irwin, and Jean Almaria as new members of PAX CHRISTI. Not yet registered as a member of PAX CHRISTI? Registra on forms can be found at the counter in the Welcome Area of the church. Please complete one and drop it in the Offertory or mail it to: 4001 Victoria Way, Lex, KY. 40515. Prayer for a new Bishop O God, Eternal Shepherd, you tend your church in many ways, and rule us with love. Please inspire Pope Francis to choose the man we need to be the shepherd of your flock in the Diocese of Lexington. Give him a spirit of courage and right judgment, a spirit of knowledge and love. By governing with fidelity those entrusted to his care, may he build your church as a sign of salva$on for the world. We pray, too, for Fr. Bob Nieberding, our administrator, that he will follow faithfully the spirit of guidance under your Spirit during this interregnum. Through Christ our Lord. AMEN This week’s first reading is about a worthy wife. It is a reading that is oen chosen for weddings. This reading gives me the opportunity to address marriage, and the church’s teaching on marriage. There has been a lot of talk in the news about the recent Synod of Bishops, and whether or not the Church will change its teachings. I don’t know what the Bishops will do, but I have an obliga$on to inform you of the current teachings of the church. For a marriage to be valid in the eyes of the church, a bap$zed person must be free to marry, which means that there can be no previous bond of marriage recognized by the church. If a bap$zed non-Catholic was previously married according to the rules of that faith tradi$on, the Catholic Church recognizes that marriage as valid, and the bap$zed non-Catholic must request and secure an annulment prior to entering into a marriage recognized by the church. For bap$zed Catholics free to marry, they must be married in a Catholic Church in front of a priest or a deacon, and two witnesses, who are at least fourteen years of age. Excep$ons to his canonical rule may be given by the Bishop for serious reasons. Civil marriages by bap$zed Catholics are not recognized as valid marriages by the Catholic Church. Individuals in civil marriages, and co-habita$ng couples--couples living together without a marriage covenant—are to refrain from receiving the sacrament of the Eucharist at mass. In addi$on to being free to marry, a person must enter into the marriage state with the inten$on of being faithful, understanding that the marriage only ends with the death of a spouse, and with the willingness to have children, if God so allows. In short, a person entering marriage must have the 4 F’s: free, faithful, forever, and frui.ul. Staff at PAX CHRISTI is available to assist you if you are unsure of the validity of your marriage, and to assist you with filing in the annulment process, if that is needed. The staff is also available to assist couples who are having difficul$es in their marriages through programs such as Retrouvaille, or just want to improve the quality of their married life, through programs such as Marriage Enrichment. “Blessed are you who fear the LORD, who walk in his ways!” Peace and Prayers, Fr. Nick Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, November 16 2014 November Is Gratitude Month (from The Good Steward Newsle5er - November 2014, by Daniel Conway) The month of November begins with a celebra$on of saints and sinners (All Saints and All Souls) and concludes with the uniquely American feast of Thanksgiving, a “harvest fes$val” that recalls God’s abundant goodness to us. November is a $me to be especially grateful for the people (living and dead) who have gone before us and for the goodness and beauty of the earth that feeds, clothes and shelters us as we journey to our heavenly home. Gra$tude is an emo$on that is truly libera$ng. Have you ever met a genuinely grateful person who was biEer, mean or resen.ul? It’s impossible to be truly thankful for what we have while being consumed with anger for what we don’t have. Jealousy of others’ gis can’t be sustained when we’re focused, gratefully, on all the gis God has given to us. Misery results from an obsessive biEerness that is exclusively focused on self. Joy is the spontaneous result of thankfulness, an aHtude that turns our aEen$on away from our own wants and needs to what others have generously given us, or done for us, out of love, friendship or simple fairness. Everyone should have a Gra$tude List that starts with God, who has given us every good gi we possess, and goes on to include the people and communi$es who have enriched our lives. Parents and family should be high on our Gra$tude List even if things at home weren’t (or s$ll aren’t) perfect. Friends are a great blessing, and many of us are privileged to have co-workers who make tough jobs easier. All these should be on our list. Life itself is a tremendous gi that we should be thankful for. Respect for all life, especially the sacredness of every human life, begins with a profound “thank you” to God, the author of all life. When we forget to thank God for this most precious gi, when we act like we ourselves are somehow responsible for decisions concerning life and death, terrible things happen. Saying thank you for the great gi of life is the first (and perhaps most important) step on the road to peace—in our hearts, in our families and neighborhoods, and in our world. Good health should be on everyone’s Gra$tude List even when we, or those we love, are suffering from a serious physical or emo$onal illness. The miracle of healing should always be a source of thankfulness, especially for those of us who have witnessed first-hand what can happen when the skill of healthcare professionals is complemented by the power of prayer. Freedom should also be high on our list. As daily news reports remind us, if we take our liberty for granted, we risk losing it. Gra$tude to the men and women who defend us and keep us safe—here at home and throughout the world—should be something we express oen and from the heart. Love demands our gra$tude and so does friendship. Think of how lonely this world would be without the power of love freely given to us from the moment of our concep$on to the hour of our death. Every one of us is loved by God in the most in$mate and personal way. God knows our name. He reaches out to us and cares for us as only a loving father can. Scripture says that God is love, so when we thank others—spouse, family, friends and even strangers—for the gi of love, we are expressing gra$tude for God’s gi of self to us. This loving and selfless gi was most perfectly realized in Jesus who became human and died for our sake. He is the source of all our hope, the joy of all desiring. Giving thanks to him—and for him—is the secret to true and las$ng joy. November is gra$tude month. It is a $me when we are invited to reflect gratefully on all the gis we have received from a good and gracious God. Gra$tude is the first characteris$c of a Chris$an steward, but it never stands alone. The grateful steward is accountable for all his or her gis, and generous too. Finally, a steward who is truly grateful seeks to return God’s gis with increase, to be produc$ve and “give back” a hundredfold. Thanksgiving for the abundant harvest—for all the gis we have received—acknowledges that the blessings we have received are not to be hoarded or buried but to be grown, matured and then shared generously with others. The earth and all it contains belongs to everyone. Grateful stewards are green, not with envy but with loving care for the environment that is God’s gi to us. This November let’s offer hear.elt thanks to God for all his gis. Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, November 16 2014 STEWARDSHIP MINUTE “ Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a li,le, I will set you over much…” - 1 Corinthians 3:9 God expects us to nurture and develop the gis He has given us and then generously give back with increase. He doesn’t want us to waste or hoard the gis He has given us; He expects us to grow our gis, use them wisely and be generous with them. If you are going into the hospital or are in the hospital, you need to no6fy us so that a priest can visit you or if you wish to be placed on the prayer list. Federal Privacy regula6ons (HIPAA) prevent the hospital from no6fying the church. To request a change in the bulletin prayer request listing, call 273-9999 or e-mail [email protected]. Also, please let us know when someone should be removed from the prayer list. Unless otherwise noted, all names listed here are parishioners. Please Pray For…Theresa & Billy Allison (parents of Tamara Fitch) Paul Ana (brother of Marge Zimmerman) Dick AnsGss (friend of Bob Rode), James Banta, David & Vivian Barker, David Bayes, Linda Bond, Naomi Carlson (mother of Beth Dienno), Bea Clark (mother of Jaye Baesler), Milissa Cole (daughter of Martha Cole), Luke Coleman (son of Mr. & Mrs. Tony Coleman), Barbara & John Cooley, Pa5y Cox, Nuria Cruz, Martha & Bob Edwards (family of Chip & Joan Tenfelde), Steve Fairchild (friend of Steve & Michele St. Angelo), Mark Farrow (neighbor of Susan Harbour), Earl & Jean Fields (friends of John & Helen MaHngly), Jeanie Fraley, (friend of Marge Zimmerman), Mary Garrison, Ethan Goode (great-grandson of Lucille Barry), Janet Harper (friend of Joan Tenfelde), Eileen Hardesty, Don & Karen Hoppenjas (brother and sister-in-law of Joan Tenfelde), Charlie Humphries (brother of Teresa Christopher), Caitlin Loeser (granddaughter of John & Agnes Carty), Russell & Be5y Long, Al & Regina MarGn (friend of Duby O’Dea), Walter MaKngly (brother of John MaHngly), George MaKngly (brother of John MaHngly), George Moser, Carol North (mother of Leta Mayhew), Sydney O’Dea (granddaughter of Duby O’Dea), Joseph Olivio (grandson of John & Agnes Carty), Judy Ooton (sister of Syl Hansen), Andrew Osborne (friend of John & Helen MaHngly), Pam Rich (daughter of Nancy Caywood), Steve & Isa St. Angelo (parents of Steve St. Angelo), Dana Samples (friend of John & Helen MaHngly), Barbara Screeney, Joan Shuey, Ann Stewart (friend of Susan Harbour), Serena Streetman (friend of Bianca Parks), Tracy Thompson (daughter of Felicia May), Ma5hew Tynan (son of Lori Tynan), Joe Vissing (friend of Tommy TuEle) Evelyn Jane Wrigley (mother of Margie Wilden). PARISH Nov 18 Nov 19 Nov 23 Nov 26 Nov 27 Nov 28 Nov 30 Dec 4 Dec 6 Dec 7 Dec 8 Dec 13 Dec 14 Dec. 16 Dec. 17 CALENDAR Who’s Knocking Program 7:00 PM LexBible 7:15 PM Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service (Central Bap$st) 5:00 PM Thanksgiving Mass/Potluck 6:30 PM Office Closed—HAPPY THANKSGIVING Office Closed First Sunday of Advent No FaithWalk Tate’s Creek High School Winter Choral Presenta$on SpagheH Dinner/Silent Auc$on 6:30 PM Prime Timers Christmas Gathering 2:00 PM Women’s Book Club (Christmas Party) 7:00 PM Giving Tree Party in Mon$cello Advent Sta$ons 9:45 AM Advent Reconcilia$on Service 7:00 PM Advent Mass/Potluck 6:30 PM Weekly Scheduled AcGviGes: Sunday Sunday Tuesday Faith Walk Children’s “Angel” Choir Prac$ce Book Club Adult Choir Prac$ce Wednesday Funeral Choir Prac$ce Thursday Gamblers Anonymous Centering Prayer Group Friday Rosary Saturday Reconcilia$on 9:45 AM 12:15 PM Aer 9:30 AM Mass 7:30 PM 10:30 AM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 11:30 AM 3:30-4:30 PM FINANCE COUNCIL 2014-2015 Opera$ng Budget $530,000 2014-2015 NEED Budget $590,000 2014-2015 NEED Budget per week $11,346 November 8th/9th Offertory $7,931 Thanks for your support to PAX CHRISTI. KROGER REWARDS Go to Connect our number with your plus card. Pax ChrisG is NPO number 39740. Every purchase counts, so enroll today! Advertiser of the Week THANK YOU: This bulle$n is furnished to the Parish without charge. The adver$sements that appear completely defray all publishing costs with which the church would otherwise be burdened. Please patronize these sponsors as a thank you for their kind generosity. Comfort Systems USA Commercial/Industrial HVAC Alan Sawyers 502.333.2254 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, November 16 2014 FOLLOWING THE WORD Adults: What giN haven’t you developed as hoped? What could you sGll do? When the weather’s bad… If Lexington Catholic High School is closed for the day, Pax Chris$ ac$vi$es are also canceled; however, Mass will be held. Children: What giN has God given you? What do you want to do with it? Women’s Spirituality Book Club Next MeeGng December 8th at 7 PM Sunday Moring Faith Walk Retreat House , 3989 Toronto Court Nov 30 NO FAITHWALK. Resumes Dec 7 Youth Group Meetings/Events Nov 16 Safe Environment discussions w/ police, fire, EMT Nov 23 High School Youth Ac6vity watch email/bulle6n New members always welcome! Come join us during our Holiday Open House. Come for Christmas goodies to share and meet us as we con$nue to discuss Unwri=en by Charles Mar6n Ques$ons: Melissa Holland [email protected] SAFE ENVIRONMENT SUNDAY November 16th CHRISTIAN INITIATION Know someone interested in the Catholic Faith? Contact Harley Sinclair at [email protected] Christmas Caroling at Sayre Christian Village December 14, 1-3pm We need a Minimum of 10 Youth to proceed with this event! Respond to Joan Webb by NOV 26. [email protected] or 224-7570 Thanksgiving CelebraGons November 23, 5:00PM Ecumenical Service, Central Bap$st Church November 26, 6:30 PM Mass & Parish Thanksgiving Dinner at PAX CHRISTI November 27, 9:00 AM Thanksgiving Day Mass at PAX CHRISTI All Sunday morning Faith Walk Sessions will provide age appropriate discussion and materials on Safe Environment. Parents are welcome but not required to aEend these sessions with their child. Parents may also opt out of having their child present for these discussions. A no$ce will be emailed to each family instruc$ng them on how to opt out of these presenta$ons. YOUTH GROUP — SAFE ENVIRONMENT We have scheduled speakers for the Youth Group which meets from 7:00-8:30 PM. Chris Van Brackel (Police); Roy Highland (Fire); and Jonathan Drake (Paramedic/ER Nurse) will talk with our youth about safe prac$ces and how to be alert to their surroundings. Parents are welcome to accompany their youth to this presenta$on. PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN Parish volunteers, parents, grandparents, and all other parishioners are asked to par$cipate in a Protec$ng God’s Children . There are PGC seminars offered throughout the Lexington Area. The next one scheduled here at Pax Chris$ is on Sunday, November 16th from 1-4:00 PM. Register to aEend this one or others that might be more convenient for you by going to Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, November 16 2014 OUT AND ABOUT November 21 Perform a Spiritual Work of Mercy! Friday, November 21st at 3:00 P.M. (EST) - Pray "The Way of the Cross for the Holy Souls in Purgatory" with Calvary Cemetery staff at the Via Dolorosa Mausoleum, 874 West Main Street, Lexington, KY. Calvary is the Cemetery of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lexington. All are invited to join us. November 20-23, Three Day Weekend at Cliffview. Is God calling you to a Cursillo weekend? Cursillo, a diocesan apostolate, is offering a “Three Day Weekend” for men 20-23 November at Cliffview. The Weekend presents a broad method to live out our Catholic faith through piety, study, and action. There will be a Weekend for women in the near future. Want to know more? Contact Lastenia Fraley, [email protected], 859.806.2150. Visit our web site: November 21-23, St. Meinrad Retreat Building up the Church in Love: The Essentials (Acts 2:42) Friday, November 21- Sunday, November 23, 2014 Session Faculty: Fr. Vincent Tobin, OSB Fees: Single: $ 235 Double: $ 375 November 25 “A Day of Gratefulness” at Nazareth Retreat Center A Day of Gratefulness, Preparing for Thanksgiving Day. We will spend the day surfacing the moments of gratitude in our daily lives, the ones we are aware of and the ones which pass us by. This silent retreat will include input, quiet time and shared prayer to prepare us to truly celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. This retreat is $30 (includes lunch). Contact:Sister Carol McKean 502 -348-1513 or [email protected]. November through March: Holiday Wreath Stands The Holidays are approaching and many of you want to place wreaths at your loved-ones’ graves. Wreaths, artificial flowers, or other semi-permanent décor are permitted at Calvary Cemetery,. Please see Cemetery staff for a wreath stand. December 6, Magnificat Women’s Breakfast-Come Alone or Bring a Friend!Annette Baber from Utah, will share her amazing story at a Magnificat Breakfast to be held at Christ the King, Hehman Hall, 299 Colony Blvd, on Saturday, 12/6/2014 from 9AM to Noon. After a serious mental health crisis, Annette, raised as an Orthodox Jew, experienced a conversion and became a Catholic. Mass at 8:00 a.m. Bring a dish per last name: A-F: casseroles/meat items; G-M: muffins/bread items; N-Z: fruit (ready to serve). To register, send a $15.00 check by December 3 (payable to Magnificat) to Deedee Simon, 1641 Linstead Dr., Lexington, KY 40504 (859-608-9740). Questions: contact Sue at (859) 539-1655 or Pat at [email protected]. December 6 The Gift of Friendship EVERYONE is welcome to attend Lexington Cursillo School Saturday, Catholic Center, 1310 West Main, Lexington, 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. This School will focus on the gift of Friendship. The School provides basic formation in holiness, doctrine, technique and the spirit of service. Dcn. Bill Wakefield (Cursillo Spiritual Director) will deliver the doctrine talk. A technique talk follows. A light brunch will be provided. Cost: Love Offering. You do NOT have to be in Cursillo to attend. FOOD, FELLOWSHIP, AND FORMATION. RSVP, Inquires: Mary Rose Bauer [email protected] or 859.408.5001 February 6-8 & March 15-17 Marriage Encounter Weekends Take your good marriage and make it GREAT with a Marriage Encounter Weekend! February 6-8 at the Holy Spirit Center in Norwood OH. March 15-17 at Eastgate Holiday Inn in Cincinnati and April 17-19 at Crown Plaza in Dayton. More info and reservations at Contact: Dave& Jan Stockelman 513-251-1940. SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, March 21, 2015, Second Annual CMSL Catholic Men's Conference, For the Sake of HIS Name. Lexington Catholic High School. Featured Speaker George Weigel. Who’s that knocking at my door? A program offered at PAX CHRISTI on Tuesday evenings November 18th at 7pm. The series will address three religions who come visi$ng our homes. The series look at the history, main characters, beliefs and methods of The Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses), the Church of Scientology and the Mormon Church. Come to learn who they are and what they really believe. Malone’s Christmas Fundraiser On all BHG Gi Card purchases made at between Nov 28th & Dec 24th, 2014, buyers can donate 20% of their purchase to Pax Chris$ (or another par$cipa$ng non-profit). This dona$on applies only to ONLINE purchases. Bluegrass Hospitality Group gi cer$ficates are good at any Malone’s, Sal’s Chophouse, Harry’s, Drake’s, Aqua, Malone’s Banquets & Malone’s at Home! CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF LEXINGTON MINISTRY FOR THE BEREAVED HOPE FOR THE HOLIDAYS A Holiday program for those who mourn. How can I make it through the holidays while missing the one I love? Whatever your age, whoever has died, whatever the cause of death, holidays lived in the absence of a loved one can be a very difficult time. This program offers words of faith, support, personal testimonies, and powerful tools to aid you though the holidays. Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary Sunday, Dec 7, 2014 Do you have an item for the bulle$n? Use our general use PAX CHRISTI email address: [email protected] Check us out on Facebook PAX CHRISTI Catholic Church Visit our webpage: Program 3:003:00-5:00 Celebrate Mass at 5:30 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: DEACON BOB KOTZBAUER@859-273-3645 CONNIE KOTZBAUER @859-351-1498 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, November 16 2014 SAVE THE DATES KNIT ? CROCHET ? SEW ? JEWLER ? NEEDED: lap blankets - any size, shawls, rosary bracelets, or other appropriate items for our parish family and friends that are in need of the healing touch of God and our prayers. Spirit Ministry packages these items with a letter telling of our parish concern and prayers for them, and includes a selection of Catholic prayers for their use. The overall response has been of deep gratitude, and has touched not only the recipient but also their families. Your help is needed and appreciated. Please bring items to church office or to welcoming table. Nov 23 Nov 26 Nov 27 Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service Parish Thanksgiving Mass/Dinner Thanksgiving Day Mass 5:00 PM 6:30 PM 9:30 AM BOOK of REVELATION, Bible Study LexBible this year will look at the Book of Revela$on. We will use the Ascension Press DVD’s as the ini$al part of the presenta$on, and then do a more in-depth review of the text. The class will begin on at 7:15pm aer the 6:30 mass. As last year, anyone who wants to watch the video, it will start at 6:30pm. Classes are held on Wednesdays following the 6:30 PM Mass. Dates are: Nov 19; Dec 3, 10, 17; Jan 7,14. PAX CHRISTI’S CHILDRENS’ CHOIR Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service Central Baptist Church Sanctuary Sunday, November 23, 2014 5:00 PM -6:00 PM This annual event involves many Chris$an communi$es of Lexington including Pax Chris$ Roman Catholic, Providence Chris$an (DOC), Gethsemane Lutheran, Episcopalian Church of the Resurrec$on, Phillips Memorial CME, Walnut Hill Presbyterian, St. Andrews An$ochian Orthodox and Central Bap$st Church. Join us for a night of gra$tude, fellowship and worship with many brothers and sisters in Christ. A light fellowship will follow the worship in the foyer. Prac6ce for the children’s choir is on Sundays aGer the 11am Mass from 12:15pm to 1:15pm. If interested or for more informa6on, contact Sara Pinkerton at [email protected]. Music News… Nov 15/16 5:00 pm 8:30 am 11:00 am Friends Friends Choir Nov 22/23 5:00 pm 8:30 am 11:00 am Choir Friends New Vision Nov 26 Wed Nov 27 Thu 6:30 pm 9:30 am Friends Friends Nov 29/30 5:00 pm 8:30 am 11:00 am Friends Choir Friends Our ResurrecGon Choir prac$ces on Wednesday mornings from 10:30-11:30 AM and is always open to new members! Contact Tom Garrison at [email protected]. All you need is a desire to sing!
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