14TH NOVEM N MBER 2014 2 FROM THE PRIN NCIPAL esian School Exchange Programme Indone GVGS has a strong g commitmen nt to internatio onalism and tto teaching In ndonesian lan nguage. For m many years now n the Scho ool has develo oped close partnerships with two sister Schools S in Ind donesia, Binta ang Mulia in Bandung B and Krista Mitra School S in Sem marang. The relationship includes regular exchanges e be etween the Sc hools where students s and staff s visit in recciprocal arrang gements annu ually. In 2012, we comme enced initial conversations c with Muhamm madiyah 2 Se enior High Sch hool in Surabaaya, Java abo out the possib bility of building a relationsh hip with their school. s The Sc chool is a libe eral co-educattional Muslim Senior Schoool with enrolme ent of 1000 sttudents from Year Y 10 to 12 2. The Schooll has a strong g focus on le earning with 90% 9 of the stu udents attendding universitie es in Indonessia and overse eas after comp pleting Year 12. 1 The academic program mme is rigorou us with studen nts currently llearning four languages inccluding Indone esian, English,, Arabic and Mandarin. M ool in 2013 to o build our rellationship. In March this ye ear we were ddelighted to welcome w Ibu Mas’ad M Two off our staff vissited the Scho Princip pal of Muhamm madiyah 2 Sch hool as she vis sited GVGS. D During the visit she met with h Board Chairr Mrs Prue Dobson and we agreed to form m an agreemen nt to work tow wards mutual student s exchan nges based on n language an nd cultural excchange. cLeod Deputyy Principal is currently in Surabaya S acccompanying tw wo of our Year 10 studentts as they pa articipate in th he first Mr Mc outbou und GVGS exxchange with Muhammadiya M ah 2 School. While he is there he will attend a a Boardd meeting and d spend dayss in the School visiting classsrooms and ge etting to know the students a and staff. Year 9 Showcase Tonigh ht GVGS will h host the annual Year 9 Sho owcase. This event is an opportunity for our families tto celebrate th he wonderful year y of learnin ng growth and developmentt. The event allows a our stud dents to share e some of the e many and vaaried activities s in which the ey have been in nvolved throug gh the program mme. As usua al, we are expe ecting a large gathering of parents. p The ev vening will co ommence with h a range of student s presen ntations remin niscing about their year. Affter the prese entations, guests will share an a evening BB BQ meal prep pared and serv ved by the stu udents around Kings Lake. We W thank the students and staff for their efforts in prep paring for the e evening. We also a thank the P&F for hosti ng refreshments on the eve ening. Early Commencem C ment Programme Today marks the ffinal day of the t 2014 aca ademic year ffor GVGS students and staff. s While our staff are e currently fin nalising assess sments, marking exams and completing reporting, the ey are also pre eparing to com mmence the nnew academic c year. Our sttudents are cle early reinvigora ated by the ch hangeover pro ocess and therre is a sense of o energy abo out the School . We particula arly acknowled dge the Class of 2015 who are about to commence c the first week o of their Year 12 1 programme e. We wish th em every suc ccess in this exciting e ation. phase of their educa w on Tuesd day 18th Nove ember, the Early Commence ement Progra amme (ECP) will w begin. Forr all students in Years 7 to 11 and Next week our tea aching staff this day marks the start of the 2015 acade emic year. Stu udents have th heir new textboooks and time etables and te eachers will com mmence instru uction in coursses for the Ne ew Year. ECP allows the scho ool to ensure that t the end of o the year is a flying start ra ather than a slow wind downn. ECP helps ensure that prrecious time is used producttively to promo ote student lea arning and gro owth. half of the sch hool communiity, we extend d our sincere tthanks to the teachers who have workedd hard to complete exam marking, m On beh report writing and arre now comme encing their ne ew academic p programmes with w their 2015 5 classes. S New Students The ea arly commence ement program mme is a time e when a numb ber of new stu udents join the e school. This year we will welcome w 13 sttudents who ha ave commencced with us in various yea ar levels. Thiss is an important time for our communiity to assist new n students to feel comforrtable. I am su ure we can relly on our students to provid de a caring and warm welco ome to our new w students in the days and weeks ahead.. Sempe er Ulterius Mr Mark Torriero Princip pal torriero [email protected] Ph: 03) 5821‐8155 Fax: 03) 5 5821‐9337 [email protected] www.gvgss.vic.edu.au http://hom melink.gvgs.vicc.edu.au CO OMING EVENTS 8/11-22/11 UK Excchange visit 8/11-19/11 Indone esia Exchange e visit 29/10-21/11 VCE Unit 3 and 4 Exams E 14/11 ment and Repo ort Writing Day y (No studentss) Assessm Commun nity Outreach Programme P att Mooroopna P PS Peer Sup pport Training in Year 9 Precinct 15/11-29/11 Cana ada Exchange visit 17/11 Change O Over Day (No students) 18/11 ECP Com mmences 20/11 Parents a and Friends Christmas C Mee eting – Cellar 47 7:00pm to o 9:30pm 21/11 Commun nity Outreach Programme P att Mooroopna P PS Middle Y Years Social 5:30pm 5 to 7:30pm Founde ers Hall and Foyer 5 Year R 22/11 Reunion Classs of 2009 in n Founders H Hall Foyer 25/11 AMEB Piano Exams – Founders Hall 26/11 HUG Dayy Fundraiser Junior Co oncert Band – 7:30pm to 9:3 30pm 27/11 Grandparrents Day 28/11 Year 5 Christmas present making da ay liv veable, enablling subsequ ent generatio ons to enjoyy the fre eedom we exp perience from day to day. GVGS was represented at the Shepparton RSL emembrance Day Service (Shepparton Cenotaph) by b the Re Middle Years Leaders. L It waas pleasing to o receive so many co omplimentary remarks by m members of the general public p an nd also by ex-servicemen e n/women. Co omments refle ecting their conduct, respect r and ttheir “impecca able” uniform were ommon. One ex-servicem en even com mmented on their co po olished shoes which gave hhim pride! Glenn James, a former VFL Grand Final Umpire and an a exerviceman, wa as the Guest Speaker. Gle enn grew up in the se Sh hepparton region and refflected on hiis recollection ns of Re emembrance Day and thee basic need for respect in all fa acets of life. Th hanks must be afforded to the Middle Years Y Leaderss who co onducted them mselves so addmirably whils st representing the sc chool in the co ommunity. Mr Shane McDo onald Curricular Proggrammes Director of Co-C CAMPIO C ON EDUC CATION N BOOK K AND A ST TATIONA ARY OR RDERS FOR R 2015 YEAR Y 8-12 STUDE ENTS Than nk you to the families and students who o collected th heir orders on the book collection da ays held this week w on the 1 0th and 11th Novembe er. Therre are a number of prepaid orders o still to be b collected. Thes se orders can n be collected from Main Reception R duriing busin ness hours. Mr Leon McLeod Depu uty Principal MIDDLE YE EARS SO OCIAL he Middle Years Y Social will be he eld on Friday 21st Th No ovember from m 5:30pm – 7:330pm at GVGS S in Founderss Hall. Alll Years 5 – 8 students are iinvited to atten nd. The cost will w be $1 10.00 which will w include a B BBQ dinner, drinks d and giftss and prrizes. The The eme this yearr is “Glow”. The T Year 8 Middle M Ye ears Leaders in conjunctionn with the Yea ar 10 Peer Su upport Le eaders will be b running thhe event, pro oviding musicc and en ntertainment and a there will be prizes pre esented throug ghout the night. Lots of fun to be had!! Tickets s are on sale from Middle Years Le eaders at receess and lunchtimes. On the night th here will be nno teacher su upervision bettween the end of sch hool and the start of the social at 5:3 30pm. Th herefore stude ents need to lleave school and a return dre essed an nd ready at 5:30pm. 5 We aalso ask pare ents to ensure e that students are collected by 7:300pm. RE EMEMB BRANCE E DAY SERVICE S E REPRESENTED BY MIDDLE YE EARS LE EADERS S th he 11th day off the 11th mon nth is a powerrful The 11 hour of th mom ment in time. It evokes many emotions in many peop ple and the younge er generation ns are certa ainly supportiing Rem membrance D Day in drovess. Originally Armistice Da ay, Rem membrance Da ay is a time to o reflect on the sacrifices th hat so many m Australia ans made in order o to make e this country so on Mr Scott Harriso ear 8 Coordinator Ye ADIDAS A ALL SC CHOOLS S STATE E ATHL LETICS CARNIV VAL Five of our mostt talented ath hletes represented Goulbu urn Valle ey Grammar School at th he Adidas Alll Schools Sta ate Athle etics Carnival last week. Isa abel Long, Lia am Schreck a and Lach hlan, Sam an nd Leia Varlley all competed, or rath her exce elled, against tthe state’s fine est athletes. Isabe el placed 7th in her 80m Hurdles H and 5th in her 200 0m nd Hurd dles. Lachlan Varley was 2 in the Sttate for Javellin, while e his brother S Sam managed d to win his Discus D event a and place ed 5th in his JJavelin event.. Younger Varley sister, Le eia, won her Discus ass well as her Shot S Put, and also finished 2 nd in Ja avelin. The m multi-talented Liam Schrec ck competed in seve eral events on the day includ ding Long Jum mp, Triple Jum mp, High h Jump, Hurdlles and 200m m Sprint. Liam m dominated tthe jump ping events w with a 1st in Lo ong Jump, a 2nd in the Trip ple th Jump p and a 6 in High Jump. Quallifying for Nattionals was Liiam in Long Jump J and Trip ple Jump p, Sam in Discus and Le eia in Discus, Shot Put a and Jave elin. An outsttanding acco omplishment for f these thrree athle etes. m, Sam and Leia will no ow compete at Nationals in Liam Adelaide from the 5th – 7th of De ecember. We wish w our athle etes all the verry best for this s next stage a and cong gratulate them m on their in ncredible ach hievements th hus far. Mr Nick N Sneyd PE Trainee T PE ELICAN SHOPP PE TUCK KSHOP Monday 17th No ovember Studen nt free Tu uesday 18th November Lisa Bolton B Help needed n t Wednesday W 19th November Fiona Cameron Jane Thorne T Th hursday 20th November N Kerrie Sweeney E Kate Eaton Help needed n Frriday 21st November Lisa Menhenett M Jenny Connelly Help needed Co ould parents please remindd their childre en that if they have an ny food allerg gies and are ordering theirr lunch, to pu ut the allergy sticker th hat we supplyy on to their lun nch order bag. With W the warme er weather moore students will w be bringing g food fro om home. If you have a salaad to go in the e fridge, reme ember to o drop it into the tuck shopp when you arrive a at Scho ool. It must be in a pla astic containeer, with your name on it, and NO glass please. Also remembber all foods requiring he eating ne eed to be left at the tuck sshop before sc chool or at re ecess. No o glass please e. Th he Tuckshop is i open from 88:00am every morning. Students arre welcome to come in aand purchase drinks, a toasted sa andwich or fruit, and can ordder their lunch h. Farewell to the Y Year 12’s from the Tucksh op Ladies s urs during Terrm 4 are:The Pelican Shopp pe trading hou Monday 8:30am to 11:30am sday 00pm Tues 1:00pm to 4:0 Wed dnesday 1:00pm to 4:0 00pm Thurrsday 1:00pm to 5:0 00pm Frida ay Closed ase note thatt the Pelican n Shoppe will be open as Plea usua al on Monday y 17th of Nove ember, betwe een 8:30am a and 11:30am. ents are welco ome to visit the shop during g opening hou urs. Pare Alterrnatively stude ents may visiit the shop on o a school d day durin ng shop ope ening hours and be fitte ed by staff. A down nloadable ord der form is available fro om the scho ool webs site, via the uniform tab,, which enab bles parents to spec cify the garme ent(s) which need n to be pu urchased and to calcu ulate the paym ment amount. he Tuckshop has recently installed a new n display frridge, Th no ow we have lo ots of yummy ssalads, rolls and a wraps ava ailable to o the students. Paym ment options include Cash, Cheque, EFT TPOS, Masttercard and VISA. Shou uld you have e any queriess regarding the purchase of unifo orm or the sale e of second ha and uniform please contact us by :ne 5821 9959 or Phon Ema ail to pelicansh [email protected] Mrs Sally Young, Ms Kerrie Sweeney, Mrs Rika Beetton Pelic can Shoppe Mrs Marlene Ru utherford uckshop Mana ager Tu LIIBRARY Y BYTES S he school yearr drawing near and Christm mas With the end of th orner, over th he next few weeks w the libra ary just around the co will be holding Christmas craft c activities s at lunchtim me. mmencing on Wednesday 19 1 th and 26th November M Mrs Com Kead dy will be runn ning sessions making Chris stmas Trees a and star stitching. The en on Friday 21st and 28th November M Mrs Dunh ham will be running se essions makin ng angels a and Chris stmas trees. I would also likke to extend an invitation to all the students s to he elp decorate our o library Chrristmas tree w with deco orations that th hey make at lu unchtime. New N Books s: 20 014 Written Portraits: Peeople, Places and Thingss that In nspire Me. This s is an antholoogy of short sttories by Australian Te eenagers. It includes the award winnin ng story “Eum mundi Market” M By one of our studennts Abbey Zito. ee it change from fr this – to this I would like to se Am mazing World d Atlas: Bringg the World to Life. This book pu ublished by Lonely L Planett Kids is dire ected towardss our yo ounger studen nts. It is a mixx of maps, mix x of history, cu ulture an nd amazing facts. There iss also the offfer to downlo oad a wo orld atlas game. Foor more information visit: lonelyplanetkids s.com. Boo ok review: Esc cape from m Mr Lemo oncello's Library L By Chris Grab benstein Kyle Keeley is tthe class clo own, popular with the oth her children and an arrdent fan of all a games: boa ard games, wo ord games and particcularly video games. g When n he learns th hat Luigii Lemoncello, the most famous and creattive game makker in the world has d designed the new n town libra ary, and there e is g to be a ccompetition in nvolving the library, Kyle is going determined win. Luck ky Kyle wins a coveted spott to be one off the first 12 kiids in the e library for an n overnight of fun, food, and d lots and lotss of games. But when morning com mes, the doors s remain locke ed. er winners musst solve every y clue and eve ery Kyle and the othe secre et puzzle to fin nd the hidden escape route. And the stakkes are very v high. een Charlie an nd the Chocollate Factory a and In this cross betwe A Nig ght in the Musseum, the auth hor uses humour to create his quirk ky characters. At the back of the book th here are —exxtra puzz zles, an authorr Question and d Answer secttion, and more e! This T Month h in Historry – World d Book online No ovember 1, 1914 1 - The firsst convoy of Australian A troo ops in World W War I departed Albany, Western W Austtralia. No ovember 4, 1922 1 - Tomb oof Tutankham mun, King of Egypt, E discovered. ovember 4, 1995 - Yitzhakk Rabin, Prime e Minister of Israel, No as ssassinated. No ovember 7, 1935 - Charlles Kingsford Smith, Australian av viator, disappe eared after leaaving Allahaba ad, India on a long distance flight. ovember 9, 1938 - Kristaallnacht, Jewis sh businessess and No sy ynagogues throughout Gerrmany were attacked a by Nazis. N No ovember 9, 1989 1 - Openinng of the Berlin Wall, Germ many. No ovember 11 - Remembrancce Day, armis stice was signe ed on this date in 1918 ending WW WI. ovember 11, 1880 - Nedd Kelly, Australian bushra anger, No ha anged. Ned Kelly K Timeline Scavenger Hu unt No ovember 17, 1869 - Suez C Canal opened. No ovember 22,, 1963 - U.S S. President John F. Ken nnedy as ssassinated. No ovember 23 3, 1923 - R Radio broadc casting bega an in Au ustralia. No ovember 25, 1880 - Joh n Flynn, foun nder of the Royal R Flying Doctor Service of Austtralia, born. No ovember 26, 1855 - The name Van Diemen's D Land d was offficially replace ed by Tasmannia. No ovember 27, 1849 - Te R Rauparaha, New Zealand Maori M ch hief, died. No ovember 29, 1929 - Ameerican Comm mander Richard E. By yrd and crew of o three becam me first to fly over o South Po ole. Ms Janette Burns Library Coordinator D DIABET TES AUS STRALIA A WALK TO WORK DAY Y TH FR RIDAY 14 NOVE EMBER R 2014 This event coincid des with Worlld Diabetes Day D and aims to e funds for Diabetes Australia. Walk to Work D Day raise prom motes regular walking as a healthy activ vity in the ho ope that it will reducce the inciden nce of diabe etes as well as improving physica al, mental and d social health h. Visit the Wa alk W website fo or further inforrmation. to Work Mrs Susanne Bennett se Nurs ABO OVE AND D BEYO OND Goulburn Vallley Suns Soccer S Tria al Dates fo or 2015 Se eason 003, 2004 – T Tuesday Nov 18th, 25th and d Dec U12 – Born 20 th 4 at 6:00pm U13 – Born 20 002 – Tuesdaay Nov 18th, 25 2 th and Dec 4th at 6:00pm 001 – Tuesdaay Nov 18th, 25 2 th and Dec 4th at U14 – Born 20 6:00pm U15 – Born 200 00 – Friday Noov 14th, 21st, 28 2 th start 6:00p pm 99 – Friday Noov 14th, 21st, 28 2 th, start 6:00 0pm U16 – Born 199 U18 – Born 19 998, 1997 – Friday Nov 14th, 21st, 28th start 6:00pm Pllease be at Mc cEwen Reservve at 5:30pm for registration n and player number allocation. Shhin pads mus st be worn orr your hild will not be e allowed to trrial. Please ma ake sure yourr child ch brrings a drink bottle. In Above and Beyyond we ende eavor to ackno owledge stude ents evements both iin school and ou utside school. Please P let us kn now achie of yo our child’s achie evements so th hat we can ackn nowledge them m in Abov ve and Beyond Alll queries to ad [email protected] mpeted last weekend w at tthe Maddy Cross in Year 10 com Victo orian State P Parachuting Championships C s at Nagamb bie, and received a bronze meda al in Intermed diate Formatiion Skyd diving. RJ J Shield Finals s Qualifiers froom our school are: Linal Amarasinghe Dinal Amarasinghe 22 A We congratulate c M Maddy on such h a fantastic effort. e COM MMUNITY NEW WS These notices are di distributed as a community c serv vice. These eve ents are not n run or sponssored by Goulb burn Valley Gra ammar School a and paren nts should conta act the organise ers directly for fu urther informatio on. Be eacon Com mmunity Connectio C ns Inc. Ca ar Boot Sale Whe en: Saturday 1 15th Novembe er, 8:30am to 2:30pm. 2 Trade ers set up u from 8:00am m Whe ere: Sheppartton Baptist Church Cnr. Longstaff a and Wyndham Street, Shepparton Costt: $10.00/Car,, tables available for hire. For more m informattion and to bo ook a spot contact Angela on 0409 9 701 486. The Tattura Footb ball Netballl Club The Tatura Football Netball Clu ub has appoin nted Ann Ausstin r netb ball as itts Director of Netball. Ann is a highly regarded playe er, coach and mentor. season trainin ng for A, B, B Reserve and 17 and Underr is Pre-s on 20, 2 24 and 26 November an nd 2 Decemb ber at the Tatu ura Park k Recreation R Reserve from 6:00pm – 7:15pm registratiion at 5:30pm. RJ R Shield Chess C Terra Finals and a RJ Shield Fiinals 15 When: W Sunday, 30th Novembber 2014 Tiime: 1:00pm– –5:30pm Co ost: Qualified players $30.000 Wildcard d entries $55.00 En nter at https://au.tornelo.ccom/tourname ents/tera-finalss-andrj--shield-finals--1. Or go to tornello ches ss and searcch RJ Sh hield Finals 20 014. No ovice tournam ment If you have not qualified but w would still like e to compete this t is the tournament for you!!! Co ost: $30.00 Where W and Wh hen: Held sam me day and tim me. Mooroopna Lawn n Tennis Club C Junio or Tourna ament Rou und Robin n Singles Da ate: Sunday 16 1 th Novemberr 2014 Ve enue: Mooroo opna Hardcourrts/Grass courts Tiime: Register 8.30am for 9aam start En ntry Fee: $10.00 per entry **Please pa ay on the day*** Cheques to be made out to M Mooroopna La awn Tennis Clu ub En ntries and En nquires to Maark Mills: Em mail: mkmills1 [email protected] m Phone: 0429 307 373 3 Closing Date: Thursday T 13thh November 20 014 Co ondition of Entry Ju uniors must be e required agee as at Decem mber 31, 2014. Canteen on n site Trophies Provided Regulation tennis attiree and shoes to be worn at all times En ntry Form Selection trials forr all grades are e on 4, 8 and 9 December. All players p intere ested in playying in the Goulburn G Vallley Netb ball League in n 2015 are invited i to atte end pre-seasson training and selecttions trials. Ev vent 15 and Under U Ev vent 13 and Under U Ev vent 10 and Under U DO OB…………… ………….. a also encou uraged to atte end 15 and Under playyers for 2015 are ain exposure tto elite training g and coachin ng in preparatiion to ga for 2016. ………………………… Na ame…………………………… Male/Female (c circle) 3 5824 2225 or Conttact Peter Leahy on 0408 241 559, 03 pjl36 [email protected] om Ad ddress………………………… ………………………… Po ost Code………. Ph hone number… ………………… ………………… …………. Ev vent Entered: SINGLES UNDER GRADE:……… G …and GOULBURN VALLEY GRAMMAR SCHOOL TUCKSHOP 2015 At GVGS we operate a tuckshop for the preparation and sale of snacks and lunches for students and staff. The policy of the Tuckshop is “to offer a range of nutritious food and snacks to students and staff at reasonable prices and to produce a surplus for the purpose of improving and providing school equipment and facilities”. In order to produce a surplus we depend on people who are able to voluntarily assist the staff in the tuckshop with preparing food and serving. You will not be required to handle any money. Volunteers usually feel quite comfortable doing these tasks and also have a chance to meet and chat with other Parents, grandparents your child and their friends and also interact with staff. All involvement with the Tuckshop is greatly appreciated. The suggested time is from 9:30am until approximately 1:30pm, or any time that suit you. If you are able to assist us at any time at the tuckshop, we ask that you fill in the information below and return it to the school office or tuckshop as soon as possible. A roster will be drawn up and forwarded to you early in the new school year. Thanking you. Marlene Rutherford 1. 2. 3. Please circle the day / days of the week you would prefer Please circle how often you would be able to assist MON - TUE - WED - THUR - FRI MONTHLY or [ ] times per TERM I would be prepared to go on the emergency list (to be called at short notice) YES / NO 4. I would like to be rostered if possible with a friend, neighbour. To share travel costs etc. Name of person/s to be rostered with ____________________________________ NAME: MISS/MRS/MS/MR _________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ POST CODE _____________ PHONE (Home) _____ _______________________ (Please indicate if this is a silent number) MOBILE _______________________ E mail ______________________________________ NAME OF STUDENTS at GVGS. ______________________________ YEAR LEVEL ….. __________________ TUTOR ______________________________ For further information please feel free to contact Mrs Marlene Rutherford, Tuckshop Manager, Phone 03-5821 8155 during school hours or 0403 473 448 Mobile.
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