STANDARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS APPLICATION 2015-2016 School Year Please read directions on opposite side. Deadline - Friday, December 12, 2014 4637 Student's First Name Student's Last Name Has he/she ever been a CPS student? Grade in Fall 2015: Yes Is your child a multiple? (twin, triplet, etc.) Yes No Gender: No Male Female Inter-American applicants only: What is your child's primary language? (For 3 year-old Pre-K, use P3.) (For 4 year-old Pre-K, use P4.) (For kindergarten, use KG.) (For all other grades, use number.) English Spanish (Choose one only. See reverse for more information.) Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY) CPS Student ID (If non-CPS, LEAVE BLANK) / / Please indicate whether or not your child is Hispanic/Latino and his/her race. For informational use only. Is your child Hispanic/Latino? Yes Race (choose one or more) No White Black/African-American American Indian/Alaska Native Parent/Guardian Last Name Student's Primary Address Asian Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Parent/Guardian First Name Direction Street Name (P.O. boxes not accepted) City State Zip Code Street Type Apt# Student's Current School Parent/Guardian Email Address CAPITAL letters only. Write number 1, letter I, letter L, letter O and number Ø. Primary Phone Secondary Phone - - - FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - Select up to 20 schools from the list provided. Write the school code in the spaces provided below. IMPORTANT SIBLING INFO SIBLING SCHOOL CODE # Sibling CPS ID# Sibling Last Name Sibling CPS ID# Sibling Last Name If you have a child already enrolled in a school to which you are applying, provide that SIBLING SCHOOL CODE # sibling's CPS ID # and last name in the space to the right. SCHOOL CODE # If you do not have a child already enrolled in a school to which you are applying, you can use the sibling SCHOOL CODE # school code boxes to apply to additional schools. SCHOOL CODE # SCHOOL CODE # SCHOOL CODE # SCHOOL CODE # SCHOOL CODE # SCHOOL CODE # SCHOOL CODE # SCHOOL CODE # SCHOOL CODE # SCHOOL CODE # SCHOOL CODE # SCHOOL CODE # SCHOOL CODE # SCHOOL CODE # SCHOOL CODE # SCHOOL CODE # I affirm that the information provided on this form is true and correct. I affirm and understand that the address provided on this form is my child's primary address and may be used for assigning a tier in the student assignment process. I understand that I will have to provide proof of this address at the time of enrollment, and that the validity of my child's application is dependent on that proof. If applicable, I affirm that the applicant is a sibling of the student(s) indicated. I approve CPS to use this address to update my child's information in the system of record (IMPACT), and understand this application does not guarantee acceptance into any of the schools. I understand that my child may be subject to immediate removal from the school if admission was gained based on a falsified application. REQUIRED Signature of Parent/Guardian DIRECTIONS FOR COMPLETING STANDARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS APPLICATION We encourage you to apply online at If you prefer a paper application, complete the application on the reverse side. If you submit an online application, do not submit a paper application. Your completed paper application MUST be submitted to the Office of Access and Enrollment, Attn: Standard Elementary Schools Application, 125 S Clark St., 10th floor, Chicago, IL 60603. DO NOT SEND YOUR APPLICATION TO THE SCHOOL(S) TO WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING. Processing cannot be guaranteed for applications that are not submitted to the Office of Access and Enrollment. Applications must be postmarked by December 12, 2014. If you have an email address, you will receive an email confirmation once your application has been processed. If you mail your application, we strongly recommend that you: (1) have a postal official postmark your envelope in front of you, (2) send your application via registered or certified mail so that you will have a receipt, and (3) include a selfaddressed, stamped postcard/envelope with your application. The postcard/envelope will be returned to you to indicate that your application has been received. Contact the Office of Access and Enrollment if you do not receive your postcard/envelope within two weeks. Use this application to apply to elementary magnet, magnet cluster, and open enrollment schools only. 1. Use blue or black Ink only, CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY, do not photocopy, do not staple, do not allow letters or numbers to touch the lines of the squares. 2. If you are applying to Inter-American, please identify your child’s primary language – English or Spanish – in the box indicated. Please select only one language. At the time of registration, your child will participate in a language screening to confirm your language selection. If your child does not demonstrate fluency in the language for which they are applying, your child will lose his/her seat in the class. 3. If your child is currently enrolled in a Chicago public, charter, or contract school, identify his/her CPS ID number on the application. (The CPS ID number can be found on your child’s report card or on the Parent Portal, or can be obtained by contacting your child’s school.) If your child is not currently enrolled in a Chicago public, charter, or contract school, leave this section blank. 4. Indicate your child’s primary address, which is defined as the residence where your child sleeps at night. If you share joint custody and your child sleeps at night at only one residence the majority of the time, that is the child’s primary address, and that is the address that must be entered on the application. In cases of joint custody where a child’s residence is equally divided between two addresses, either address may be used. 5. Identify whether or not your child is Hispanic/Latino AND your child’s race. This is for informational purposes only. 6. Select up to 20 schools to which you want to apply for your child. Identify the schools by writing the code of the school in the boxes as indicated. The code for each school can be found in the Options for Knowledge guide or on the Office of Access and Enrollment website, (click ‘Apply’). If a school’s code is not listed, this means that the school is overcrowded and is not considering applications from outside of its attendance area for the 2015-2016 school year. If you have questions regarding school codes, contact the Office of Access and Enrollment at (773) 553-2060 or [email protected]. 7. Magnet schools, magnet cluster schools, and open enrollment schools give preference to sibling applicants. In order to be eligible to apply as a sibling, the applicant must have a sibling who is currently enrolled in the school to which he/she is applying, and the currently enrolled sibling must remain enrolled in that school for the 2015-2016 school year. Identify the enrolled sibling by listing in the indicated boxes the code of the school where the student is enrolled, along with the enrolled student's last name and CPS ID number. (The CPS ID number can be found on the student’s report card or on the Parent Portal, or can be obtained by contacting the student’s school.) If your child is applying as a sibling at more than two schools, please contact the Office of Access and Enrollment at (773) 553-2060 or [email protected]. If you do not provide identifying sibling information, the applicant will not be given sibling preference. 8. To be eligible for 3-year-old Pre-K, students must be three years old on or before September 1, 2015. To be eligible for 4year-old Pre-K, students must be four years old on or before September 1, 2015. To be eligible for kindergarten, students must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2015. To be eligible for 1st grade, students must be six years old on or before September 1, 2015, unless your child qualifies for a 1st grade age exception. For information on the 1st grade age exception, see page 11 in the Options for Knowledge Guide, or contact the Office of Access and Enrollment at (773) 553-2060 or [email protected]. If you do not apply for the grade that is appropriate for your child, your child’s application will be marked ineligible for the 2015-2016 application process. 9. Submit one application per student. If more than one application is received, your child will only be considered for the schools on the first application that is processed by the Office of Access and Enrollment. 10. If you change your address after you submit your application, you must submit a Contact Information Modification Form, available at (click ‘Apply’). In order for your new address to be used in the process of determining tiers and proximity boundaries, your form must be received by the Office of Access and Enrollment by February 13, 2015. 11. If you need to change your school choices, you must submit a Standard Elementary Application Modification form, available at (click ‘Apply’). Forms must be received by the Office of Access and Enrollment by February 20, 2015. Checklist: Please double check the following to ensure that your application has been completed correctly. o o o o All address fields completed (address number, direction, street name, street type and apartment number, if applicable). If the applicant is a CPS or charter school student, the Student ID is listed. If the applicant is a sibling, the sibling Student ID and last name have been accurately listed. The application is signed by the parent/guardian. Standard Elementary Schools Application SCHOOL CODES – page 1 of 2 A school code is provided for each elementary magnet, magnet cluster, or open enrollment school that has space to consider applicants for the 2015-2016 school year. You may select up to 20 schools. Write the correlating school code in the spaces provided on the Standard Elementary application. If you have a child already enrolled in a school that you are applying to, provide the sibling's CPS ID # and last name. If you do not have a child already enrolled in a school to which you are applying, you can use the sibling boxes to apply to additional schools. School Name ADDAMS AGASSIZ ALBANY PARK ALCOTT ES ALDRIDGE ARIEL ARMOUR ASHBURN ASHE AUDUBON AVALON PARK AVONDALE-LOGANDALE BARNARD BARRY BARTON BASS BATEMAN BEASLEY BEAUBIEN BEETHOVEN BEIDLER BELDING BELMONT-CRAGIN BENNETT BLACK BLAINE BOND BOONE BOUCHET BRADWELL BRENNEMANN BRENTANO BRIGHT BRIGHTON PARK BROWN, R BROWN, W BROWNELL BRUNSON BUDLONG BURKE BURLEY BURNHAM BURNSIDE BURR CALDWELL CALMECA CAMERON CAMRAS CARNEGIE CARROLL CARVER , G CASALS CATHER CHALMERS CHAPPELL CHASE CHAVEZ CHOPIN CLAREMONT CLARK, G School Code 2020AD 2030AG 6290AP 2040AL 2710AE 3640AI 2070AU 7100AH 6900AS 2110AB 2130AV 7560LG 2150BR 2160BY 2170BT 2180BS 2190BE 6660BM 2240BN 6540BH 2250BG 2260BX 3390BC 2280BV 7860BL 2300BK 6550BO 2320BQ 2430BF 2340BW 6600BB 2370BI 2390BI 7470BG 5040BA 2400BO 2410BN 2550MB 2440BD 2460BK 2470BL 2480BH 2520BS 2530BX 2580CA 7880CC 2610CM 8600CM 2630CE 2650CR 2690CV 4290CL 6730CJ 2740CH 2750CQ 2760CB 5640CZ 2770CI 7830CG 2230CX School Name CLAY CLEVELAND CLINTON CLISSOLD COLEMON COLES COLUMBUS COOK COONLEY COOPER CORKERY COURTENAY CROWN CUFFE CULLEN DALEY DARWIN DAVIS, M DAVIS, N DE DIEGO DE PRIEST DENEEN DETT DEVER DEWEY DISNEY DISNEY II DIXON DODGE DOOLITTLE DRAKE DRUMMOND DUBOIS DUNNE DVORAK EARHART EARLE EBINGER EDGEBROOK EDWARDS ERICSON ESMOND EVERETT EVERGREEN EVERS FAIRFIELD FARADAY FARNSWORTH FERNWOOD FIELD FINKL FISKE FORT DEARBORN FOSTER PARK FRANKLIN FRAZIER FULLER FULTON FUNSTON GALE School Code 2790CL 2800CE 2810CI 2820CS 6170CO 2830CC 2850CU 2860CK 2880CN 2890CP 2910CY 7910CA 2940CR 4090CF 4100CZ 6560DA 2960DR 7000DM 2970DV 7420DE 8050DP 3010DN 6740DT 3020DD 3030DY 8000DH 8045DI 3040DX 3050DG 3070DS 3100DQ 3120DJ 8010DB 6050DF 6760DV 7450EA 3130ER 3150EI 3170ED 3200EW 3240EC 3250ES 3260EV 7490EG 7990EE 4660FA 4640FR 3280FN 3330FW 3350FD 3760FK 3360FS 3400FD 3430FP 3420FM 5850FZ 3440FU 3450FT 3460FQ 3480GC School Name GALILEO GALLISTEL GARVEY GARY GILLESPIE GOETHE GOUDY GRAHAM GREELEY GREEN GREENE GREGORY GRESHAM GRIMES GRISSOM GUNSAULUS HAINES HALEY HAMILTON HAMLINE HAMMOND HAMPTON HARTE HARVARD HAWTHORNE HAY HEARST HEDGES HEFFERAN HENDERSON HENDRICKS HENRY HEROES HERZL HIBBARD HIGGINS HOLDEN HOLMES HOWE HOYNE HUGHES, C HUGHES, L INTER-AMERICAN IRVING JACKSON, A JACKSON, M JAHN JENNER JENSEN JOHNSON JOPLIN JUNGMAN KELLMAN KELLOGG KERSHAW KILMER KING (formerly Hinton) KIPLING KOZMINSKI LANGFORD School Code 4160GS 3490GL 5420GA 3520GY 3530GI 3560GO 3590GD 3600GH 2730GE 4410GR 3650GQ 3660GG 3670GZ 3680GK 3580GJ 3690GF 3700HA 2360HY 3730HM 3740HN 3750HD 2350LH 3780HR 3800HV 3830HW 3840HC 3890HS 3900HG 3910HF 3920HO 3930HI 3940HX 3720HB 3970HJ 4000HK 7210HG 4020HO 4030HL 4060HW 4080HY 4110HU 8060HH 4890IN 5350IR 4690JA 8090JM 4170JH 4200JN 6920JS 6940JO 2330JP 4230JU 3410KC 4240KG 4270KE 4300KI 7250HI 4350KP 4390KK 2900LD Standard Elementary Schools Application SCHOOL CODES – page 2 of 2 A school code is provided for each elementary magnet, magnet cluster, or open enrollment school that has space to consider applicants for the 2015-2016 school year. You may select up to 20 schools. Write the correlating school code in the spaces provided on the Standard Elementary application. If you have a child already enrolled in a school that you are applying to, provide the sibling's CPS ID # and last name. If you do not have a child already enrolled in a school to which you are applying, you can use the sibling boxes to apply to additional schools. School Name LARA LASALLE LASALLE II LAVIZZO LAWNDALE LEE LELAND LEWIS LIBBY LINNE LOVETT LOWELL LOZANO MADERO MADISON MANIERRE MANN MARINE MILITARY AT AMES MARQUETTE MARSHALL, T MASON MAYER MCAULIFFE MCCLELLAN MCCORMICK MCCUTCHEON MCDOWELL MCKAY MCNAIR MCPHERSON METCALFE MIRELES MITCHELL MONROE MOOS MORRILL MORTON MOZART MT VERNON MURPHY MURRAY NASH NATIONAL TEACHERS NEIL NETTELHORST NEW SULLIVAN NEWBERRY NICHOLSON NIGHTINGALE NIXON NORTHWEST NORWOOD PARK OGDEN HS OROZCO OTIS O'TOOLE OWEN OWENS PARK MANOR PARKER PARKSIDE School Code 3980LA 4420LL 8040LM 6260LZ 4430LW 7170LE 7320LD 4450LS 4470LB 4490LN 4530LV 4540LJ 4380LX 6310MA 4570MD 4580MI 4610MN 2090AM 4620MQ 7520MR 4650MS 4680MX 3770MF 4710ML 4720MM 6910MH 7390MW 4760MG 7040MT 4800MU 3190ME 5880MI 4840MT 4850MR 4870MS 4880ML 6800MC 5000MZ 4980MV 5020MH 5030MG 5050NA 6480NT 5060NI 5070NH 6100NS 5080NW 2200NC 5090NG 5100NX 4600NX 5120NP 8083OD 7610OO 5220OT 5230OL 5240OW 3470OC 5290PM 5270PC 5300PS School Name PEIRCE PENN PEREZ PERSHING PETERSON PICCOLO PICKARD PILSEN PIRIE PLAMONDON POWELL PRESCOTT PRITZKER PRUSSING PULASKI PULLMAN RANDOLPH RAVENSWOOD RAY REAVIS REILLY REINBERG REVERE ROBINSON RUGGLES RUIZ RYDER SABIN SALAZAR SAUCEDO SAYRE SCAMMON SCHMID SCHUBERT SEWARD SHERIDAN SHERMAN SHERWOOD SHIELDS SHOESMITH SHOOP SKINNER SMITH SMYTH SOLOMON SOUTH LOOP SOUTH SHORE SPENCER SPRY STAGG STEM STONE STOWE SUDER SUMNER SUTHERLAND SWIFT TALCOTT TALMAN TANNER TAYLOR School Code 5360PI 5370PN 2930PZ 5400PH 5410PT 5210PO 5430PD 4210PE 5440PZ 5450PQ 7010PH 5500PG 6460PI 5510PU 5520PL 5530PN 3550RA 5550RV 5560RY 5580RE 5590RY 5600RI 5610RR 6780RB 5660RJ 5390RZ 5670RX 7790SB 6720SZ 4250SC 5720SY 5730SA 5950SH 5800SU 5820SE 4920SR 5890SM 5900SI 5910SL 5920SO 5930SP 5940SW 3870ST 5970SF 5980SJ 3960SD 2015SO 6000SP 6010SY 7760ST 8678SM 6070SA 6080SX 6340SD 6110SU 6120SR 6130SF 6140TA 6680TL 6970TN 6150TY School Name TELPOCHCALLI THORP, J THORP, O TILL TILTON TURNER-DREW VANDERPOEL WACKER WADSWORTH WALSH WARD, J WARD, L WARREN WASHINGTON, H WATERS WEBSTER WELLS, I WENTWORTH WEST PARK WESTCOTT WHISTLER WHITE WHITTIER WILDWOOD WOODLAWN WOODSON YATES YOUNG School Code 3380TP 6180TR 6190TO 4740TI 6210TT 3110TU 6250VA 8030WK 6300WW 6320WL 6330WD 5470WA 6350WR 5380WH 6370WS 6380WT 5250WP 6390WB 5140WF 7260WC 6420WY 7440WE 6450WZ 6470WI 3860WO 7820WX 6510YT 6520YO
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