Volume 39 Issue No. 47 16 November 2014 Grace Bible-Presbyterian Church 5 Jalan Haji Salam, Singapore 468745 Tel: 6442-2440 Fax: 6876-0346 URL: www.gracebpc.org.sg/home email: [email protected] Grace to you and Peace from God Our Mission: “Passion for Christ, Heart for the Lost” (Phil. 1 : 21; Matt. 28 : 18—20) ORDER OF WORSHIP Pre-Worship Hymns 386, PPT “My Heart is Filled” Sis Chea Ruei Jean & Sis Joanna Hor Prelude Silent Meditation Call to Worship Opening Hymn Bro John Tan 1 “Rejoice, the Lord Is King” *Gloria Patri Hymn PPT “My Heart is Filled” Responsive Reading “Great Commission” - Acts 1:1-9 Offerings ** Doxology Scripture Reading Jonah 1:1-17 Hymn 540 “We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations” Pastoral Prayer Message “Running Away From God” Closing Hymn 386 REV TAN ENG BOO “Here Am I, Lord” Benediction Threefold Amen Welcome & Announcements * Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen ** Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen MYANMAR MISSION TRIP (5-9 NOV. 2014) “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth” (Psalms 121:1-2) Thank God for helping and blessing us during our four-day mission trip visit to Yangon. It was the first time that I have gone on a mission trip sis Geok Hwa, bro John Tang and sis Jee Eng. Thank God for this “first-time” experience of working together as a group to train others for the ministry. Sis Jee Eng also shared that it was the first time that she has gone on a mission trip with Gracians. Orphanage children happy to display their craft work Sis Geok Hwa, bro John Tang, sis Jee Eng and myself worked together as a team to show how a children’s program can be carried out using different methods and activities. We conducted 3 sessions to achieve this objective. During the sessions, we demonstrated how Bible lessons could be presented using various methods as well as how Bible verses could be reviewed and memorized using various activities and craft. We also demonstrated how new songs should be taught in an effective way. Thank God that the feedback from Rev Moses was that his Bible College students (32 of them) were happy to be exposed to the variety of methods and activities that they could use for the ministry. The students later taught the orphanage children using some of the same methods that they had observed us using with them earlier. Thank God for answering the prayers of fellow Gracians. a) We experienced cool and rainy days for most of the time we conducted training at the Bible College except for the day that we visited some places of interest in Myanmar. This was a great blessing for us as last year, the weather was really unbearably hot for both myself and my friend Bee Teen. b) We were all kept safe and in good health. Bro John Tang’s injury- a deep cut at the heel and ankle portions of his foot caused us some anxiety. This was especially so because the weather was rainy and wet and in some areas, there was even flooding. However, bro John managed to keep his foot dry. He was also able to give his injury some rest by not walking about too often. Bro John Tang, sis Geok Hwa and sis Jee Eng demonstrating a memory verse review session Sis Jee Eng teaching a Bible Lesson using flash cards. Lecturer David our interpreter in the foreground. c) Rev Moses was able to understand our requests and prepared his students well for the training sessions as planned. Apart from some disruptions to our training schedule on the last day, we were still in general able to successfully carry out the training sessions. Rev Moses, his Bible college faculty and students were very hospitable. We were not only warmly welcomed but we were also fed well during the days that we were there. The group also ate well at the hotel pre-booked for us by Rev Moses. Thank God for a good time of fellowship with Rev Moses’ family as well as the faculty and students. This year, Rev Moses together with Pastor’s friend, Rev No Pum took time off their busy schedules to bring us to some places of interest in Yangon. At the Taukkyan War Cemetery (a memorial Allied soldiers from the British Commonwealth who died in battle in Burma during the Second World War) It was a sobering experience for me to note the ages carved on the grave stones of some of the young British soldiers who died in Burma (the old name of Myanmar) during the war. On the gravestones of Christian soldiers were also inscribed interesting messages. One in particular, had the message “Well done thou good and faithful servant.” It is my hope that when I face God in the future, He will say to me, “Well done thou good and faithful servant.” We also visited the National Races Village in Yangon which displayed in great detail the different lifestyles, religion and the landmarks of each of the 8 major national ethnic races in Myanmar. It was not only an eye opener for us but also an enjoyable trip. It reminded me of the fact that whatever we were doing for God in Myanmar was really “a drop in the ocean” as compared to the great needs of this vast country. Last but not least, Rev Moses has asked me to convey a word of thanks to church members who contributed love gifts to his ministry in Yangon. Hannah Yeo Mission team in Rev Moses’ Bible school Prayer Page “Men Ought Always To Pray and Not To Faint” (Luke 18: 1) Praise and Prayer Items in Brief Pulpit Ministry– 23 Nov 2014. Pray for the Lord’s anointing on Pastor. Chairman – Dn Lee Chang Loong. Pray for our instrumentalists: Bro Edwin Lian and Bro Jeremy Hor. Pray for the Lord’s blessings upon the pulpit ministry. Usher Ministry– 23 Nov 2014. Pray Sis Eng Meng Hoon, Sis Evonne Tee, Sis Elsie Chan and Bro Lee Kee Min. Pray for their safety in the Lord’s work. Our Missions Batam, Indonesia Filadelfia - Shelter Home and Kindergarten: planning, strength. good h ealth and Sis Chew Gim: Her waiting will be over soon as the Lord assigns her to her next task. Sis Wendy Leow in Cambodia: Pray for her assimilation into the Cambodian church and her ability to help new believers. Our Church Grace Children’s Christmas Party -- 13 December Thank God for members and regular worshippers coming forth to give a hand in this task. Pray for fine weather that day and for safety for everyone. Pray for clear presentation, understanding and positive response to the Gospel. This Sunday’s pulpit ministry by Rev. Lee Christmas Event-20 December: Pray that a singing group be Pray for Christmas gathering for children on 1st & 2nd Dec by Queenstown Lutheran church formed for this occasion. Olyvia's health: often nose bleed, allergic rhinitis, blocked nose Preacher Rudi, myself, Maria, Fransina Progress of primary building Our missionaries Sis Catherine Ng: She requests prayer for the year-end activities, Missions to Yangon 5-9 Nov: Praise the Lord for safety and a fruitful ministry in Yangon with Rev Moses Lianchu and Rev No Pum. renovation: Pray for the Session and Building committee as they meet on 14 Dec to decide the final course of action. Church Missions committee: Pray for new committee members for 2015 and planning for next years outreach and foreign missions. MEETING UP WITH REV ANDREW KAM IN YANGON It has been a while since I last saw Rev Andrew Kam in Yangon, Myanmar. Thank God for the opportunity to meet him during this mission trip. We also visited his home and mission. See photo below of the flooded compound. 4 Nov till midnight, the whole area where he lives was flooded. It was about a meter high. Thank God the flood waters did not enter the main hall. The rooms on the ground floor were all flooded. There was heavy rain for three days when we were in Yangon. Pastor Andrew told me that when the rain started in the morning of Life is quite tough for him at the moment having to deal with the flood. He said it would take another two days (8-9 Nov) for the flood waters to subside. Presently he has the orphanage as well as some mission stations in the outskirt of Yangon as well as in Chin State. He did not mention anything about his ministry downtown where Grace church gave half a year support JanuaryJune 2014 for the rental of a hall for his Sunday services. It was, however, good to meet up with an “old friend”. Pastor TESTIMONY By Sis Gim Choon After coming back from Malacca, Richard and I asked God to teach us to trust Him more. True enough, God put us to a test. A G.P. diagnosed me with mumps on Sunday. Come Monday, I had my usual medical appointment at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. My blood test showed viral infections, and I had to be hospitalised straight away. The 1st antibiotics drip did not work for the first 3 days. Thank God, the 2nd antibiotics drip was more suitable for me. My doctor warned that if the virus travelled to my blood streams/ heart, I would need a major surgery. Throughout the ordeal, I thank God for the timely texted bible verses and telephone calls from Gracians, for a Christian room mate who prayed for me at odd hours, for Loretta who explained to me the biopsy the doctor considered prescribing (suspected Lymphoma), for prayer band and other Christians who prayed for me, and for the visitors – they became good testimonies for God as 1 nurse, 1 cleaner, and 1 patient asked about their presence and prayers. And last but not least, my family members. Although it was a tough week, God kept me in good spirits. Praises and glory be to God as He walked with me during these times. Psalm 30:2 says, “O LORD my God, I cried unto thee and thou hast healed me.” ***************** 16 Nov 2014 is International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Christians worldwide. Persecution for the Christian faith is as real in our world as it was for the Jewish believers in the early church to whom Peter wrote. He prayed, “May the God of all grace, . . . after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you” (1 Peter 5:10). These prayer points can help guide us as we pray: • Pray for the safety and faith of the secret believers in countries where it is illegal to share about Christ. • Pray for the health, perseverance, and encouragement of believers who are imprisoned for the gospel. • Pray that those whose loved ones have died due to martyrdom will rely on God for their strength. “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church”—Tertullian Devotion For Kids How does the sea otter make itself a snack? The LORD rescued me. Psalm 118:13 The sea otter stays busy collecting food because it eats as much as a third of its weight in food every day. The first thing a sea otter does is dive under the water, sometimes as far as three hundred feet deep. With one paw, it grabs a rock. With the other paw, it grabs a clam or an abalone. Do otters eat rocks? No, but they do use them to prepare their meals. When the otter swims up to the surface of the water, it flips over onto its back. It places the rock on its stomach, holding it with one paw. With the other paw, which holds the clam, the otter begins to bash the clam snack against the rock. Eventually the shell breaks open, and the otter gobbles the tasty treat that’s inside. Sometimes things just seem to go right, and our tasks are easy. Other times we don’t have the right tools, and our jobs seem a lot harder to accomplish. But no matter what kind of experience we’re facing, we know that as God’s children we don’t have to tackle these challenges on our own. Our Father is with us every step of the way. The Bible says it simply, truthfully, and best: “The LORD rescued me” (Psalm 118:13). By Nancy S. Hill CHURCH ACTIVITIES WED SAT SUN Prayer Meeting 8.00 p.m. Adult Fellowship 5.30 p.m. (Last Saturday of every month) Worship Service 9.30 a.m. Junior Worship 9.30 a.m. Bible Class 11.30 a.m. NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Kindly turn off your mobile phones or put them on silent mode! “The Lord is in His holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before Him.” LAST WEEK’S COLLECTIONS Dn Victor Goh away from 15 - 25 Nov 2014. AF Meeting on Sat 29 Nov at 5.30 pm in APPOINTMENTS church. Mr Heng San will share on “Mad About Sex: The Design, Deviance, Detour Prayer Meeting — Wednesday to destiny & Are Penguins Gay?” Attendance on 12 Nov: 9 Hannah Yeo takes devotion on 19 Nov. Sign up at the church notice board and get Worship Service next Sunday: involve in the Children’s Christmas Speaker : Rev Tan Eng Boo Party in church on Sat 13 Dec. Chairman : Dn Lee Chang Loong Pianist : Bro Edwin Lian Session meeting will be held on Sun 14 Organist : Bro Jeremy Hor Dec in church at 1.30 pm. Ushers Christmas in Grace, Sat 20 Dec from This Week : Bro Augustine Tham /Sis Lydia Lee 10.00 am to 3.00 pm. for a day of activiSis Winnie Chia/Bro Allan Lim ties. Plan to bring your friends. Sis Desiree Chia Church Camp 2015: The dates have been Next Week : Sis Eng Meng Hoon confirmed 14-17 June (Sun-Wed), it will Sis Elsie Chan / Sis Evonne Tee be held at Traders Hotel, Penang. Our Bro Lee Kee Min plan is to leave for Penang after the comPA bined morning worship in church. All-in This Week : Bro Chea Ruei-E camp fee per person is S$450. Excluding Next Week: Bro James Tan air fare (for those who buy own tickets) the camp fee is S$300. Church has pre-booked Junior Worship (7—10 years old) group air-tickets (Jetstar) but this is limited This Week : Bro Lee Min Sen to the first 40 persons. Next Week : Bro John Tang Rev (Dr) Patrick Tan has gone for a biPre-Primary Worship (3-6 years old) opsy on Thurs to determine the extent of This Week : Sis Ruth Wong / Mervin Tan the prostate cancer. Pray for him. Next Week: Sis Lim Sue San / Sis Ling Ling Elder Cheow Hock (Sis Tabitha's father) Flowers and Refreshment who is undergoing cancer treatment reThis Week : Richard Tan & Gim Choon ceived good news from the oncologist that Next Week : Chan Beng Hock the tumours have shrank significantly. Do Refreshment Duty continue to pray for him. Offerings Tithes Building Fund $ 1,928.70 $ 1,680.00 $ 120.00 This Week : Sis Grace Lian / Sis Chea Ee Wen Next Week : Sis Lai Ngoh / Sis Han Geok Tin Pastor: Rev. Tan Eng Boo : 9784-2761 (Hp) email: [email protected] Elder: Seah Soon Huat : 9835-2178 (Hp) email: [email protected]
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