IX CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ANÁLISE TÉRMICA E CALORIMETRIA 09 – 12 de novembro de 2014 – Serra Negra – SP – Brasil Dr. Luis A. Pérez-Maqueda Title Kinetics of Solid-State Reactions: a Thermal Analysis Approach Luis A. Pérez-Maqueda, Pedro E. Sánchez-Jiménez and José M. Criado Summary Solid-state reactions, including solid-solid reactions, gas-solid reactions, decompositions, etc, are of paramount importance in nowadays technology. Thus, they are involved in processes such as preparation of ceramic materials, corrosion, resin curing, CO2 Ca-looping, thermal degradation of materials, etc. A very important aspect of those processes is the kinetics of the involved reactions. Knowledge of the kinetics of those processes is of great interest for different reasons. Thus, first of all, it allows modeling the behavior of the system under heating conditions different from those used in the lab for performing the experiments. Moreover, kinetic parameters provide an insight into the processes that takes place during the transformations. Those processes are usually quite hard to study with conventional experimental techniques and any additional information, as that provided from the kinetic analysis, allows a better understanding of the involved reactions. Thermal analysis techniques are very useful for obtaining experimental data required for the determining the kinetic parameters, as far as they provide information of the macroscopic evolution of the samples as a function of the temperature and time. Thus, conventional thermal analysis techniques such as thermogravimetry, differential thermal analysis, differential scanning calorymetry, dilatometry, etc are commonly used in those studies. Hyphenated techniques are nowadays becoming more popular as they provide complementary information. Obtaining kinetic parameters from a set of experimental Associação Brasileira de Análise Térmica e Calorimetria CNPJ: 02.246.490/0001-36 Rua Professor Lineu Prestes, 748 Instituto de Química, Bloco 8 térreo, sala 0801 Laboratório de Análise Térmica Cidade Universitária, USP, 05508-000 - São Paulo, SP IX CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ANÁLISE TÉRMICA E CALORIMETRIA 09 – 12 de novembro de 2014 – Serra Negra – SP – Brasil data requires of mathematical methods such as isoconversional analysis or model fitting procedures. In the case of complex processes deconvolution or non-linear regression procedures have been proposed. In this presentation, both experimental procedures and mathematical methods used in our lab for determining the kinetic parameters are presented, while a number of examples are presented. Mini-CV Address: Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas – Universidad de Sevilla). Americo Vespucio 49, 41092 Sevilla, Spain Born: July 1st, 1968 in Aberdeen (United Kingdom) Education: Ph.D. 1995 (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain) B.Sc. 1991 (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain) Present possition: Senior Researcher (Investigador Científico) CSIC Editor: Member of the editorial board of Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Scientific experience abroad: Center for Advanced Materials Processing (Clarkson University) 2 Years 96-97 Dep. Materials Science and Engineering (University of Florida) 2 months 1990 Institute of Hydro-Engineering (Polish Academy of Science) 2 months 1991 Institute of Inorganic Chemistry (Czech Academy of Science) , 4 weeks each 94, 98, 99, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 07, 08, 09 Walter Meissner Institute (Munich) 1 month each 2001, 2002 University of Colorado, Boulder CO (USA), 2 weeks, 2009 Sheffield University, UK, 1 month each, 2012, 2013 Research activity: Reactivity of Solids, Thermal Analysis, Kinetics, Mechanochemistry Associação Brasileira de Análise Térmica e Calorimetria CNPJ: 02.246.490/0001-36 Rua Professor Lineu Prestes, 748 Instituto de Química, Bloco 8 térreo, sala 0801 Laboratório de Análise Térmica Cidade Universitária, USP, 05508-000 - São Paulo, SP IX CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ANÁLISE TÉRMICA E CALORIMETRIA 09 – 12 de novembro de 2014 – Serra Negra – SP – Brasil Invited lectures: NANO’05. November 8-10, 2005. Brno, Czech Republic CEEC-TAC October 7-10/2011. Craiova, Rumania Congress: La investigación ante la sociedad del conocimiento. Sostenibilidad y medioambiente Alcoy November 2011 Czech thermal analysis meeting. Olomouc, June 2012 ICTAC 15 Osaka, Japan, August 2012 ESTAC 11, Espoo, Finland, August 2014 (forthcoming) Graduate Students Supervision: M.S. Students Supervised 1. Pedro E. Sánchez-Jiménez (2006) 2. Antonio Perejón Pazo (2009) 3. Cristina García Garrido (2011) 4. Rocío Rodríguez Laguna (2012) 5. Eva Gil Gonzalez (2013) PhD Students Supervised 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pedro E. Sánchez-Jiménez (2008) Antonio Perejón Pazo (2012) Mónica Benítez Guerrero (2012) Cristina García Garrido (expected 2014) Rocío Rodríguez Laguna (expected 2015) Eva Gil Gonzalez (expected 2016) Selected publications (from a total of 125 in ISI journals, h-index: 29 ): 1 S. Vyazovkin, A. K. Burnham, J. M. Criado, L. A. Perez-Maqueda, C. Popescu, and N. Sbirrazzuoli, "Ictac Kinetics Committee Recommendations for Performing Kinetic Computations on Thermal Analysis Data," Thermochimica Acta, 520[12] 1-19 (2011). 1 P. E. Sanchez-Jimenez, L. A. Perez-Maqueda, A. Perejon, and J. M. Criado, "Combined Kinetic Analysis of Thermal Degradation of Polymeric Materials under Any Thermal Pathway," Polym. Degrad. Stab., 94[11] 2079-85 (2009). 2 L. A. Perez-Maqueda, J. M. Criado, and P. E. Sanchez-Jimenez, "Combined Kinetic Analysis of Solid-State Reactions: A Powerful Tool for the Simultaneous Determination of Kinetic Parameters and the Kinetic Model without Previous Associação Brasileira de Análise Térmica e Calorimetria CNPJ: 02.246.490/0001-36 Rua Professor Lineu Prestes, 748 Instituto de Química, Bloco 8 térreo, sala 0801 Laboratório de Análise Térmica Cidade Universitária, USP, 05508-000 - São Paulo, SP IX CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ANÁLISE TÉRMICA E CALORIMETRIA 09 – 12 de novembro de 2014 – Serra Negra – SP – Brasil Assumptions on the Reaction Mechanism," Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 110[45] 12456-62 (2006). 3 L. A. Perez-Maqueda, P. E. Sanchez-Jimenez, and J. M. Criado, "Evaluation of the Integral Methods for the Kinetic Study of Thermally Stimulated Processes in Polymer Science," Polymer, 46[9] 2950-54 (2005). 4 J. L. Perez-Rodriguez, F. Carrera, J. Poyato, and L. A. Perez-Maqueda, "Sonication as a Tool for Preparing Nanometric Vermiculite Particles," Nanotechnology, 13[3] 382-87 (2002). 5 L. A. Perez-Maqueda, J. M. Criado, C. Real, J. Subrt, and J. Bohacek, "The Use of Constant Rate Thermal Analysis (Crta) for Controlling the Texture of Hematite Obtained from the Thermal Decomposition of Goethite," J. Mater. Chem., 9[8] 1839-46 (1999). 6 L. A. Perez-Maqueda, L. Wang, and E. Matijevic, "Nanosize Indium Hydroxide by Peptization of Colloidal Precipitates," Langmuir, 14[16] 4397-401 (1998). Associação Brasileira de Análise Térmica e Calorimetria CNPJ: 02.246.490/0001-36 Rua Professor Lineu Prestes, 748 Instituto de Química, Bloco 8 térreo, sala 0801 Laboratório de Análise Térmica Cidade Universitária, USP, 05508-000 - São Paulo, SP
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