General Rules & Conditions: Show Horse Council of Australasia Competition Rules apply in Rings 1 and 2 View the rules at: An Off The Track Qualifier will be held – winner eligible for State Final State Final of the “Off-The-Track” Series Yes – the NSW State Final will be held at this show! Saturday 15th November 2014 at Moruya Showground Ring tickets $3 each Current SHC Card or $10 insurance applies per rider Photo credit: Wombledog Photography AND Wombledog will cover this event • Everyone and their animals who enter the showground do so at their own risk. • A Novice is a horse or rider who has not placed first in a similar solo event at any show. • Horses may compete as EITHER Show Horses OR Show Hunters. • Horses may compete in EITHER Child’s OR Adult’s Hack classes. • Stallions and colts may only be shown by a handler 18 and over, and may not compete in Show Hunter, Show Hack or Rider classes. Except in the ASH ring where ASH rules apply. • Helmets must be worn at all times by riders. Except in the ASH ring where ASH rules apply. • Proof of registration must be in evidence on the day of the show. • Protests must be accompanied by a $50 Bond to the Ring Steward, and within 1 hour of the infraction. Bond refunded if the protest is upheld. • All Dogs must be on a leash and NONE may enter the ring at ANY time. • Random swabbing may occur at this event • Camping fees apply to all those camping overnight. email [email protected] or the Show FB page ASH Ring – Contact: 02 4474 2465 Contacts for the Show: 02 4474 2517 or mobile 0409 745 638 For details - Off-The-Track Series - Contact: Toni Guenther 0409 832 776 For Stabling and Camping Enquiries: 02 4473 9265 9.00AM Start RING 1 Led Open Hack 101 102 Hack over 15 hh NE 16hh Hack over 16 hh Champion Led Open Hack – Must compete in Supreme Led Reserve Champion Led Open Hack Led Open Galloway 103 104 Ridden Show Hacks Pony hack NE 13hh – split if over 6 entries Pony hack over 13hh – split if over 6 entries 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 Champion Led Open Pony – Must compete in Supreme Led Reserve Champion Led Open Pony Champion and Reserve Open Hack Ridden Show Galloways Led Open Galloway over 14hh NE 14.2hh Led Open Galloway over 14.2hh NE 15hh Champion Led Open Galloway – Must compete in Supreme Led Reserve Champion Led Open Galloway Led Open Pony 105 106 RINGS 1 & 2 BREAK - Off The Track – NSW FINAL - Separate Judging Panel Open to eligible Thoroughbreds who have WON or been Runner Up at an OTT Qualifying Event. Entry form attached. All Rings to break for Judging of Supreme Led Exhibit Rings 1 Off The Track - Series Qualifier Open to eligible Thoroughbreds who have not previously won an OTT Event – Open to registered Thoroughbreds any height, any age, must have had a race start or barrier trial in any country. Judges from Rings 1 & 2 preside. See Form attached. Senior Riders 107 Novice rider 13 and under 15 108 Novice rider 15 and under 18 109 Open rider 13 and under 15 110 Open rider 15 and under 18 Champion and Reserve Senior Rider Adult Riders 111 Novice rider 18 years and over 112 Rider 18 and under 25 113 Rider 25 and under 35 114 Rider 35 fabulous years and over Champion and Reserve Adult Rider 123 124 125 126 127 128 Novice hack over 15hh Hack over 15hh NE 15.2hh Hack over 15.2hh NE 16hh Hack over 16hh NE 16.2hh Hack over 16.2hh Child’s hack over 15hh Adult’s hack over 15hh 2nd chance hack over 15hh (has not won 115-121) Novice Galloway hack Galloway over 14hh NE 14.2hh Galloway hack over 14.2hh NE 15hh Child’s Galloway hack over 14hh NE 15hh Adult’s Galloway hack over 14hh NE 15hh 2nd chance Galloway over 14hh NE 15hh (has not won 123-127) Champion and Reserve Open Galloway Hack Ridden Show Ponies 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 Novice Show Pony hack NE 14 hh Pony hack NE 12hh Pony hack over 12hh NE 12.2hh Pony hack over 12.2hh NE 13hh Pony hack over 13hh NE 13.2hh Pony hack over 13.2hh NE 14hh Child’s Show Pony NE 14hh Adult’s Show Pony NE 14hh 2nd chance Pony hack NE 14hh (has not won 129-136) Champion and Reserve Show Pony Supreme Ridden Exhibit – All Ridden Champions are eligible Beautiful Garlands by: Juanita 9.00am start Ring 2 Led Show Hunter Pony 201 202 Led Show Hunter Pony NE 13hh Led Show Hunter Pony over 13hh Champion Led Show Hunter Pony – Must compete in Supreme Led Reserve led Show Hunter Pony Led Show Hunter Galloway 203 204 Led Show Hunter Galloway over 14hh NE 14.2hh Led Show Hunter Galloway over 14.2hh NE 15hh Champion Led Show Hunter Galloway – Must compete in Supreme Led Reserve led Show Hunter Galloway Led Show Hunter Hack 205 206 Led Show Hunter Hack over 15hh NE 16hh Led Show Hunter Hack over 16hh Champion Led Show Hunter Hack – Must compete in Supreme Led Reserve led Show Hunter Galloway Led breeds 207 Thoroughbred 208 ANSA 209 Warmblood 210 Arabian pure or derivative 211 Welsh pure or part 212 Riding pony 213 Any other breed or unregistered horse Champion Led Breed – Must compete in Supreme Led Reserve Led Breed All Rings to break for Judging of Supreme Led Exhibit 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 Novice Show Hunter Pony Show Hunter Pony NE 12hh Show Hunter Pony over 12hh NE 12.2hh Show Hunter Pony over 12.2hh NE 13hh Show Hunter Pony over 13hh NE 13.2hh Show Hunter Pony over 13.2hh NE 14hh Child’s Show Hunter Pony Adult’s Show Hunter Pony 2nd chance Show Hunter Pony NE 14hh (has not won 218-225) Champion and Reserve Show Hunter Pony Show Hunter Galloway 227 228 229 230 231 232 Novice Show Hunter Galloway Show Hunter Galloway over 14hh NE 14.2hh Show Hunter Galloway over 14.2hh NE 15hh Child’s Show Hunter Galloway Adult’s Show Hunter Galloway 2nd chance Show Hunter Galloway (has not won 227-231) Champion and Reserve Show Hunter Galloway Ridden Show Hunter Hack 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 Novice Show Hunter Hack Show Hunter Hack over 15hh NE 15.2hh Show Hunter Hack over 15.2hh NE 16hh Show Hunter Hack over 16hh NE 16.2hh Show Hunter Hack over 16.2hh Child’s Show Hunter Hack Adult’s Show Hunter Hack 2nd chance Show Hunter Hack (has not won 233-239) Champion and Reserve Show Hunter Hack RINGS 1 & 2 BREAK - Off The Track – NSW FINAL - Separate Judging Panel Ridden breeds 241 Thoroughbred 242 ANSA 243 Warmblood 244 Arabian pure or derivative 245 Welsh pure or part 246 Riding pony 247 Any other breed or unregistered horse Champion and Reserve Ridden All Breed Show Hunter Pony Supreme Ridden Exhibit – All Ridden Champions are eligible Beautiful Garlands by: Juanita Junior Riders 214 215 216 217 Novice rider under 13 Rider 6 and under (may be led) Rider 7 and under 9 Rider 9 and under 13 Champion and Reserve Rider under 13 years 9.00AM Start RING 3 This ring run under ASH Rules. Horses must be foal recorded or registered with ASHS. Membership cards and registration papers must be produced on request ASH Led 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 Gelding/colt/filly 2 yrs & under Gelding/colt/filly 3 yrs Mare 4 yrs & over NE 15 hh Mare 4 yrs & over + over 15 hh Gelding 4 yrs & over NE 15 hh Gelding 4 yrs & over + over 15 hh Stallion Champion ASH Led – Must compete in Supreme Led Reserve Champion Led ASH ASH YOUTH RIDERS 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 Rider 10 yrs & under Rider 11 – 13 Rider 14 & under 18 ASH Hack Rider 10 yrs & under ASH Hack Rider 11 – 13 ASH Hack Rider 14 & under 18 ASH Working Rider 10 yrs & under ASH Working Rider 11 – 13 ASH Working Rider 14 & under 18 Champion and Reserve ASH Youth Rider All Rings to break for Judging of Supreme Led Exhibit ASH HACK (Stock horse or English attire accepted snaffle bit except Class 99) 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 Hack colt or gelding 3 yrs and under Hack filly 3 yrs and under Hack stallion or gelding 4 yrs & over NE 15 hh Hack stallion or gelding 4 yrs & over + over 15 hh Hack mare 4 yrs & over NE 15 hh Hack mare 4 yrs & over + over 15 hh Hack any sex, ridden in a curb bit Champion and Reserve ASH Hack ASH WORKING 315 316 317 318 319 Novice ASH Working horse Any Sex - 3 yrs & under Stallion Mare Gelding Champion & Reserve ASH Working Horse 320 ASH Pleasure horse TIME TRAILS 330 331 332 333 334 Ridden Junior Colt or Gelding 3 years & under Filly 3 years & under Open 4 years & over Open Station Horse – any sex, any age Champion Ridden ASH Hack & ASH Working horse are eligible for Supreme Ridden Exhibit 9.30AM Start RING 4 Beginner Ring This ring is for less experienced riders who are new to showing and wish to gain valuable guidance and experience without the added pressure of the open rings. This ring is to learn and have fun! You must choose between B1 or B2 B1 = Walk & Trot ONLY B2 = Walk & Trot and able to Canter Beginner Handler – Rider leads their horse (unsaddled) 401 Best Presented Handler 402 Handler Under 6 Years (May be accompanied) 403 Handler 6 & under 9 404 Handler 9 & under 12 405 Handler 12 & under 15 406 Handler 15 & under 18 407 Handler over 18 Champion and reserve Beginner Handler B1 – Beginner Rider – (Walk & Trot Only) 408 Rider under 6 (May be accompanied) 409 Rider 6 & under 9 410 Rider 12 & under 15 411 Rider 15 & under 18 412 Rider over 18 Champion and reserve B1 Beginner Rider B2 – Beginner Rider – (Walk & Trot and able to Canter) 413 Rider under 6 (May be accompanied) 414 Rider 6 & under 9 415 Rider 12 & under 15 416 Rider 15 & under 18 417 Rider over 18 Champion and reserve B2 Beginner Rider B1 – Beginner Hacks (Walk & Trot Only) 418 Pony Hack – NE 14 hh (may be split) 419 Galloway Hack – 14-15 hh 420 Hack over 15 hh Champion B1 Beginner Hack B2 – Beginner Hacks (Walk & Trot and able to Canter) 418 Pony Hack – NE 14 hh (may be split) 419 Galloway Hack – 14-15 hh 420 Hack over 15 hh Champion B2 Beginner Hack Open Fancy Dress – All Horses & Riders Eligible 421 Fancy Dress – Rider/s under 12 years 422 Fancy Dress – Riders/ 12 years and over Racing Name Show Name Eurobodalla Hack & ASH Show 15 November 2014 Racing Career if known and history of horse from racing to showing: What's your horses’ story? Brands or Microchip No or sight Registration Card Name of Rider: Name of Exhibitor/s Address Contact Number Email Address I/we the undersigned, hereby declare the above exhibit/s are entered subject to the rules, regulations and conditions of the SHC Show I am entering. I/we hereby declare that the information that has been provided on this form is true and correct. I/we have read and accept the rules of the Off the Track series competition. Signed: Date: STATE FINAL ENTRY FORM MORUYA, NSW Saturday 15 November 2014 Complete this form and bring it to the Secretary’s Office on Show Day Racing Name OTT Qualifying Event and result Show Name Date Racing Career if known and history of horse from racing to showing: What's your horses’ story? Please tell us about your horse Brands or Microchip No or sight Registration Card Entry Fee $44.00 - To accompany this form Name of Exhibitor/s Address Contact Number Email Address I/we the undersigned, hereby declare that the information that has been provided on this form is true and correct. I/we have read and accept the rules of the Off the Track series competition. Signed Date Off the Track ACT/NSW Series 1. The event is open to all thoroughbreds that have officially raced or trialled either locally, nationally or internationally. All horses are required to be 4 years and over and 14.2hh. All horses will be registered with RISA. (Racing Information Service Regulations) *Registrations will be checked. 2. Racing name to be used. When entering an Off the Track (OTT) event, if the horses name is different to their racing name or if the horse never raced please provide the following details (if known). • Racing name • Brands, colour and markings • Sire and dam • And one of the following: Microchip number Life number Registration Certificate Number 3. Qualifying Shows must be affiliated with Federal Council of Agricultural Societies or Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc. 4. OTT Qualifying classes will be judged as ridden or a combination of ridden and led. 5. Once a qualifier has been won, the horse cannot compete in other qualifiers within the season. Horses that have achieved Runner Up are able to continue in the competition unless they win an OTT Qualifier class. 6. Qualifying winners gain automatic entry into the OTT Series Final for the state they qualified in. 7. Rider to be 14 years and over on the day of qualifying show. 8. Horses will be judged as a good example of a Thoroughbred rather than riding horse/hunter types with the following being taken into consideration. • Thoroughbred qualities • Conformation • Manners, paces and performance • Injuries caused through racing such as blemishes are allowed 9. Judges decision is final in qualifiers and final. 10. Qualifier prizes: WINNER: $50, Sash or Rosette, and Embroidered Rug Set, RUNNER UP: Sash or Rosette, and Prize Pack. 11. Horse and Owner must reside in ACT or NSW to compete in the Off the Track ACT/NSW Series. Off the Track ACT/NSW Series FINAL 1. Entry Fee : OTT Final entry fee of $44 applies and competitors must be members of SHC 2. Horses will have qualified at a qualifying show in the current season – in the state in which the horse resides (i.e. ACT/NSW Residence Horses compete in ACT/NSW Qualifiers.) Entry form to be submitted with Entry Fee. 3. Horse to be entered in racing name (where possible). 4. Expected to walk, trot and canter with change of rein; workout will include a Gallop on one or both reins. 5. Judge may ride qualified horses in the final. 6. If judge does not ride exhibits, competitors will be asked to do an individual workout, show walk, trot, canter on both reins and gallop. The horse will finish with a halt and salute to the judge/s. 7. In the event of one rider going through to the final with more than one horse they must nominate a substitute rider. 8. An exhibitor may not knowingly exhibit a horse that has been bred, sold, leased or produced by the judge or his/her employer 9. An exhibit may not show a horse judged by any member of his/her immediate family 10. An exhibit may not show under a judge that they have produced an equine for within the last 24 months 11. Winner and Runner Up of the ACT/NSW Off The Track Final will be eligible to represent ACT/NSW at the NATIONAL OFF THE TRACK FINAL 12. Winner and Runner Up will be awarded a State Representative badge to wear during the National Final. 13. Condition - The Winner and the Runner Up MUST compete at the National Event or forfeit prize money. • Prizes: • Trophy • Off The Track Saddle blanket and cap • Also prizes for Runner Up and top ten finalists Winner - $1000 cash prize Embroidered Woollen Rug Winners Rosette & Garland Name of affiliate conducting the event: Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc, it’s Constituents and Affiliated Club In consideration for being permitted to participate in any way in horse sport activities, I/we, the undersigned, understand, acknowledge and accept that: Horse sports are a dangerous recreational activity and horses can act in a sudden and unpredictable (changeable) way, especially if frightened or hurt. There is significant risk that serious INJURY or DEATH may result from horse sport activities and in particular this activity/event. I/we confirm the Recreational Service Supplier has explained this document to me/us and I/we am/are aware of the implications, intent and effect of agreeing to and signing the document. I/we furthermore confirm I/we am/are aware of the obvious risks associated with activities involving horses and I/we knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of the Recreational Service Supplier (hereafter referred to as the “Releasees”) or others and I/we voluntarily PARTICIPATE at my/our OWN RISK and assume sole responsibility for any injury, death or property damage I/we may suffer that arises from my/our participation in horse sport activities. I/we understand and acknowledge the dangers associated with the consumption of alcohol or any mind altering drugs before and during the activity and I/we take full responsibility for any injury, loss or damage associated with their consumption. I/we agree not to drink alcohol or take drugs prohibited by law before or during this activity/event. I/we agree to follow the directions given to me and that any misconduct or refusal by me to follow any direction can result in the CANCELLATION of participation in the activity and my/our immediate removal from any horse NO MATTER where that may occur. I/we understand that any such non-compliance may result in injury, death and/or permanent disability and I/we agree to indemnify the Releasees against all claims made by any person as a result of my/our failure to comply. I/we agree to wear an approved helmet in accordance with SHCA rules and agree that I/we am/are solely responsible for ensuring that I/we wear a suitably approved helmet and take sole responsibility for my/our actions. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS AND AGREE NOT TO SUE the Recreational Service Supplier, their officers, officials, volunteers, coaches, agents and/or employees, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the activities (all of whom are referred to as “Releasees”) WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, OR loss or damage to person or property, WHETHER CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE. Agreement to exclude, restrict or modify your rights: I/we agree that the liability of the above named Supplier for any personal injury that may result from the supply of the recreational services that may be suffered by me (or a person for whom or on whose behalf I am acquiring the services) is completely and unconditionally — (a) excluded; I/we have had sufficient opportunity to read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement or where required, explained to me/us, fully understand its terms, understand that I/we have given up substantial rights by signing it, and sign it freely and voluntarily without inducement, undue pressure or influence of any kind. Name of Event: Eurobodalla Hack and ASH Show Signature of Participant: Name and address of Participant Date: 15 November, 2014 Dated: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of witness: Dated: Name and address of witness: Non Member Day Fee: $10 Please complete this form and bring it with the fee to the Ring Secretary prior to the start of the show.
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