RegisteredPublic Accountant TONI H RATIM FINAIICIAL STATEMENT YEAR2006& 2007 PERKUMPULAN INISIATIF I Content Page lndependentAuditors Report Statementof RepresentationLefter Condensed Statementsof FinancialPosition 1 CondensedStatementsof Activities 2 Statementof Cash Flows 3 Nofesto FinancialStatements 4 Nofes to Financial Position 6 Nofes to ActivitiesRepods 7 J T ONI H RATIM Reglstered, Publlc AccountsnJ No:021iTHR-LAVXII/2008 INDEPENDENTAUDITORS'REPORT To, PerkumpulanINISIATIF Jl. GunturSariIV No. 16 Bandung We haveauditedthe accompanying balancesheetof PerkumpuianINISIATIF as at 31 December2006 and 2007 and the related statementof activities, and cashflows for year then ended.Thesefinancialstatements are ihe responsibilityof the foundation's management. Our responsibilityis to expressan opinionbasedon our audits. We conductedour auditsin accordancewith auditing standardsestablishedby the IndonesiaInstituteof Accountants.Thesestandardsrequire that we plan and perfonn the audit to obtain reasonableassurancethat the financial statementsare free of material misstatement.An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosuresin the financial statement.An audit also includesassessing the accountingthe principlesused and significantestirnates made by management,as well as evaluating the overall presentationof the financial statements. We believethat our auditsprovidea reasonable basisfor our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statementsreferredto abovepresentfairly, in all material respects,the financialpositionof PerkumpulanINISIATIF as at 31 Decernber2006 and 2007, and the resultsof its activities,its cash florvs the years then ended,in confonnity with generallyacceptedaccountingprinciples. BandungDecember17,2008 Kantor Akuntan Publik Toni H. Ratirn KEP-103/KM.6t2003 NIAP:01.1.0782 Jl' ciputat No' 14 B Lt.3 Pondok_Pinang KebayoranLama JakartaSelatan 12310 rr pasteur Nor0##l;,t;'].:fJ 022_7676276s t 40?64JowoBorot ; [email protected] 67"6.ite: LETTER OF STATEMENT OF CHIEF OF INISIATIF ASSOCIATION ON RESPONSIBILITY ON FINANCIAL REPORT OF 31 DECEMBER 2OO7 AND 2006AND FOR TIIE DUE DATE OF 3l DECEMBER 2OO7AND 2006 INISIATIF ASSOCIATION We, the undersignedbelow: L Name DidingSakri Office Address Jl. Guntursari IV No. 16Bandung40264 Home Address RT 01/08Kel. CibeLniying CijotangMandiri1116 Kab.Bandung Kec.Cimenyan 2. Handphone 08l 560 8 9 8 4 0 Position Chiefof ExecutiveBodyof INISIATIF Name Fitri Fitriah Office Address Jl. Guntursari IV No. l6 Bandung Home Address Komp.GPA Jl. Anis Blok E,8No. 7 Baleendah Bandung Handphone 081320718032 Position FinanceManager t ? 40264JqwoBorot [email protected] Herebycertifiesthat: 1. Being responsibleto the processof preparationand providingFinancialReportof INISIATIF. to 2. FinancialReportof INISIATIF hasbeenpreparedand providedwith accordance the accountingprinciplethat generallyappliedin Indonesia. 3. a. All the information in the Financial Report of INISIATIF has been writen and correctly. comprehensively b. FinancialReportof INISIATIF doesnot containany incorrectfact or information, ad"does not eliminatingany informationor fact. 4- Being responsibleto the internalcontrol systemof INISIATIF. aretrue,completeandcorrect. We certiff that all of our statements Chiefof ExecutiveBodv of INISIATIF FinanceManager Fitri Fitriah - Hote No ASSETS GI,RRENT ASSETS Cashand CashEquivalents PrepaidExpenditures Receivable 3. 4. 5. 1,330,1 15,885.37 173,562,900.00 142,600,920.00 Total Current Assets FIXED ASSETS Al Cost AccumulatedDepreciationFixedAssets Book Value Fixed Assets 555,744,340.09 102,011,800.00 171,167,020.00 705.37 7. 78,406,350.00 23,841,427.67 il,5il,922.33 46,799,800.0O 9,450,979.17 37,349,920.93 10,912,773.37 91,584,725.00 -TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIESAND NETASSETS LIABIUTIES CunentLiabilities Total Liabilities HETASSETS Unrestricted TemporaryRestricted Total Net Assets 91,584,725.00 9. 1,222,906,584_33 467,O25,270.0O 1,689,931,954.33 342,483,670.0G 432,203.585.83 774,687,255.93 TOTAL LIABILITIESAND NET ASSETS (The accompanying notesform an integral part of these financial statements) Note No GHA}IGES rl HETASSETS Rp=mrg rnd G*ts Unrestricted e,s'gl-es +crn Coftrtnirn ftfrr R,eret-r,es ]'cnd hrap ad Gi*rs Unrcstricted F'tl.ftcsd = rfires rd 10. 11. l_o(ssUnrestricted L6 Unresticted From Asset Unrestricter 12. Lr l.e* Assets Unrestricted .le'sr d 777,068,021.50 499,331,334.17 837,624,338.50 42,799,575.93 1,747,646,450.00 7,276,190.OO 1,058,075,860.00 8,848,980_00 1,066,924,940.00 G-ts Temporary Restricted c tgrn Gfilts f,lfg Rercncs Td fumrs and @im Temporary Restricted g+:Cres Eeerff.res hcCtlecre*e 1,425,216,380.00 478,743,650.00 189,475,980.00 63,386,260.00 f ,6{4,692,360.00 542,129,910.00 and Lcs Temporary Restricted and Loss from Asset Temporary Restricted ln NetAssets Temporary Restricted MREASE/I}ECREASE 13. 14. 1,7il,922,ilO.O0 15. 1,677,302,380.00 77,620,260.00 IN NET ASSETS 677,519,830.00 389,405,010.00 432303,585.83 ET ASSETS,BEGINNINGOF YEAR IlY,Tsfrbted Tenporary Restricted TOTAL NETASSETS, BEGINNINGOF YEAR 385,282,245.83 389,405,010.00 774,687,255.83 342,483,670.00 0.00 342,483,670.00 }GT ASSETS, END OF YEAR l.firestricted TernporaryRestricted TOTAL NETASSETS, END OF YEAR 837,624,338.50 77,620,260.00 915,244,599.50 42,798,575.93 389,405,010.00 432,203,595.93 HET ASSET$, END OF YEAR 1,689,931,8il.33 (The accompanying notes form an integral paft of these financial statements) 774,687,255.83 Cash Flows From Operating Activities lncreasedin Net Asset 918,581,081.50 IncreaseDepreciationEquipment 14,390,500.00 9,450,979.17 932,971,581.50 443,341,490.00 DecreasePrepaidExpenditure lncreasein Account Receivables D'ecneaseAccount Payable (71,551,100.00) 433,890,510.83 (102,O11,800.00) 28,566,100.00 (171,167 ,020.00) (84,008,430.00) 89,897,800.00 (126,993,430.00) (183,281 ,020.00) liihdcash Provided by Operating Activities 805,979,151.50 260,060,470.00 Cf,dh Flors From Investing Activities =llctFlmes of Equipment Sae of Equipment D-r'Ct'aseof Land (31,606,606.13) 0-00 0.00 (46,299,800.00) 0.00 0,00 iler C6h used by Investing Activities (31,606,606.13) (46,799,800.00) hcrease/(tlecrease Net in Cash and Gash Equivalent 774,371,545.37 213,260,670.00 Ceh and Gash Equivglent, Beginning of Year 555,744,340.00 342,483,670.00 1,330,115,995.37 555,7U,340.0O Cah and Cash Equivqlent, Ended of Year , (Theaccompanying notesforman integralpaft of thesefinancialstatements) PERKUMPULAN INISIATIF NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 3I.2OO7 AND 2006 !. cfrfR{L ,- The Organizations. Perkumpulan Inisiatif formally established on September 9, 2005. Actually the activity of Perkumpulan Inisiatif beg4n since July 2000. In the beginning activities of Perkumpulan Inisi*if legally under Indonesia Partnership on Local Governance Inisiatif (IPGI), a program based an network with the aim to promote local government governance using parmership approach. On October 292002, yayasan Inisiatif has established to maintain IPGI program. On June 19,2005 Perkumpulan lnisiatif has been established to extend and continuing the activity with major concern in upgrading the marginal society and also to be the group of individuals which have the tame visions. Manasement of The Inisiatif. Board of trustee of Inisiatif based on minutes no.9 from Notaris Siti Mardiah Mubarik SH. dated September92005 is as follows: Chairman Mr. SapeiRusinST. Members Mr. NanaSukarna,S.Sos. Mrs. DR. Teti Armiati Arpo The Structure of Board of Management Chairman : Mr. Diding Sakri, ST- TreasuryManager : Mrs. Fitri Fitriah, Amd. Secretary : Mrs. Ai Sva'adah-Amd. SL{VIIVTARY OF SIGMFICAI\ T ACCOUN TIN G POLICIES Presentedbelow are significant accounting policies adopted in preparing the financial statementsof the foundation, which are in conformity with generally acceptedaccounting principles in Indonesia. a- Basis of preparation of the financial statement The financial statementhave been prepared on the basis of accrualsand the historical costsThe statementof cash flows are prepared basedon the indirect method by classifing cash flows on the basis of operating, investing and financing activities. For the purpose of the statementof cash flows, cash included cash on hand and cash in banks. b. Fired assetsand depreciation Fixed assetsare statedat cost less accumulateddepreciation. Fi-xedassetsexcept land rights, are depreciatedusing straight line method over their estimated useful lives as folows Types offixed assets Motor Vehicles Estimateduseful lives Depreciation rate 4 years 4 years 25.00Vo 2s.00% The cost of maintenanceand repairs is charged as an expenseas incwed. Expenditures which exterd the future life of assets or provide further economics benefit by increasing capacity or quality of prorluction are capitalised and depreciatedbasedon applicable depreciation rates. expensesrecognition Revenuesand expensesare recognized on the date as the revenues and expensesincured. d. L se of estimates The preparation of furancial statementsin conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requrres management fo make esfimates and assumptions that affectthereported amounts of assetsand liabilities and disclosure of contingent assetsand liabilities at the date of the financial statementand the reported amounts of revenues and expensesdwing the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. NOTESTO FINANCIALPOSITION 3. Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and Cash Equivalentsbalancesis as follows: Cash on hand : eash on hand (office) 291.970.00 1,616,250.00 Total cash on hands 291,970.00 1,616,250.00 Cash in Banks : 1. Bank NIAGA 224-01-01032-00-1 2. Bank NIAGA 224-01-09949-00-2 3 Bank NIAGA 224-01-00891-004 4. Bank NIAGA 224-01-00890-00-8 5 Bank NIAGA 224-01-01240-00-2 1-5 5 Bank N|AGA224-01-20896-1 ; Bank Permata341-1398-38-1 3 Bank PermataU1-1Y7-55-8 9 Bank NIAGA 224-01-20702-112 1i Bank NIAGA224-01-01077-00-1 Total cash in banks Tine Deposits Bank NIAGAtime deposit Totaf Gash and Gash Equivalents 6,422,030.00 339,340.00 72,949,710.0O 0.00 180,977,875.37 128,306,790.00 101,770.00 59.440.00 319,592,930.00 21,084,030.00 729,823,915.37 600,000,000.00 t,330,t15,985.37 149,317,970.00 61,436,830.00 76,il9,110.00 25,773,590.00 0.00 0.00 157,607,550.00 2,596,370.00 0.00 80,746,670.00 554,128,090.00 0.00 555,74,340-OO Prepayments Prepaymentsbalancesis as follows ; 1. Prepaidrent 2 Prepaidprogra:n lotal prepayments f- 31,250,000.00 14?,312,900.09 173,562,900.00 0.00 102,011,800,00 102,011,800.00 142,600,920.00 142,600,920.00 171,167,020.00 78,406,350.00 23,U1,427.67 46,799,800.00 9,450,979.17 54,564,922.33 37,348,920.83 10,912,773.37 91.584.725.00 10,912,773.37 91,584,725.00 Receivables Receivablesbalancesis as follows 1 Loansto employee Total receivables 7 . Equipment Equipmentbalaneesis as follows Cost of Equipment Accumulateddepreciationof equipment Book vafue of equipment 171,167,O20-OO Liabilities Liabilitiesbalancesis as follows 1 Currentliabilities 2. OtherLiabilities Total current liabilities 6 9. Net assets 1. Unrestricted Unrestricteduses of the net assets balance, policy. compliedwiththe organization 2. TemporaryRestricted Temporary restricted of net assets for specific purposes Total net assets 1,222,906,594.33 407,O?5,27Q,Q0 342,483,670.00 43_2,203,595,93 1,689,931,854.33 774,697,255.93 0.00 1,425,216,390.00 1,425,216,390.00 1,120,000.00 477,623,650.00 478,743,650.00 171,695,980.00 17,780,000.00 189,475,990.00 63,386,260.00 0.00 63,386,260.00 774,M5,291.50 2,622,740.OO 497,155,634.17 2,175,700.QO 777,069,021-50 499,331,334.17 TIC}TES TO ACTIVITIESREPORTS tO. Contributionrevenue revenuebalanceis as follows: Contribution ''!. luranAnggotaPerkumpulan lNlSlATlF Z luranAnggota Total lt- qffrr Fwenue Clfer revenuebalanceis as follows: ' Ofhce Z Other Total t2. Expensesand loss from unrestricted assets E+enses and loss from unrestricteduses of the net cets balanceis as follows: '1 Ofhceexpense L Bankadm expense Total 13-R*enue from Grants Rerenuefrorhgrantsbalanceis as follows: 1 LGSP- USAID 2 3 4. 5. 6. TIFA FOUNDATION LINI EROPA-IDHR NATIONAL DEMOCRATICINSTITUTE(NDD TTIEASIA FOUND.A,TION FORDFOUNDATION Jumlah 22,508,750.00 36,465,000.00 118,316,800,00 147,8e6,000.00 440,503,250.00 662,818,420.00 259,239,600.00 210,896,440.00 300,000,000.00 0.00 607,078,050.00 0.00 1,747,646,450.00 1,058,075,960.00 7 14.Otherrevenue Other revenuefrom interestrevenuebalanceis as follows: 1. RK NiagaNo. 224-01-01032-00-1 2, RK NiagaN o. 224-01-09949-00-2 3. RK NiagaNo. 224-01-00891-00-4 4. RK NiagaNo. 224-01-01240-00-2 5. RK NiagaNo. 224-01-20896-1 1-5 Jumlah 1,458,770.00 933,020.00 482,500.00 1,769,910.00 2,631,990.00 809,720.00 7,735,500.00 304,760.00 0.00 0.00 7,276,190.00 8,849,980.00 15. Expenses and loss from temporary restricted assets Expense and loss from temporary restricted assets is as follows : 1. Propoor Village Financial ManagementProgram 2- lncreasing Public Preassureto Promote Environment: Law Enforcement through Developing Coalition of Communities 3. Participatory Budgeting and Expenditure Tracking 4. Develop a Guidelines to lmprove The Performance of Local Development Planning Meeting 5. Local Public Service Improvement Jlrougir : l. Fiscal and Authority Decentralizalion. 2. Poverty Reduction Strategy and Action Plan and 3. Health InsuranceProgram Jumlah 1,677,302,390.00 677,5{9,830.00 16. Net Assets 1. Unrestricted Unrestricteduses of the net assets balance, policy. complied with the organization 1,222,906,594.33 342,483,670.0O 467,025,27A.00 432,203,585.83 774,687,255.93 2. TemporqryRestricted Tempoiary restricted of net assets for specific purposes Total Net Assets 259,841,610.00 579,815,260.00 2,216,650.00 531,835,590.00 254,506,000.00 143,467,590.00 101,736,260.00 481,403,250.00 1,689,931,95/1.33 0.00 0.00 8
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