Impact Family Services Annual Report 2013 - 2014 charity number 1071132 Index 2013 - 2014 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 20 Page 21 Reference and administrative details Impact update Chair Chief Executive Officer Administration Team Child Contact Interventions Ear 4 U Family Support Team and Supported Contact Mediation Options and IDVA Separated Parents Information Programme Support 4 Separated Parents Helpline STDAPP Future Developments Accounts Produced in-house with environmental awareness and cost in mind, in black & white on chlorine free bleached paper from sustainable forests 2 Reference 2013 - 2014 Registered Company number 03453149 (England and Wales) Registered Charity number 1071132 Registered office 35 West Sunniside Sunderland Tyne & Wear SR1 1BU Trustees K Younghusband Chair Mrs J Heckles Vice Chair T Lee Gough Treasurer S F Lincoln Mrs D Mcknight P Stewart P Shreyhane M Atkinson L Watson appointed 1/03/14 appointed 1/10/13 Company Secretary G Docherty Auditors TTR Barnes Limited Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors 3-5 Grange Terrace Stockton Road Sunderland Tyne & Wear SR2 7DG Chief Executive Officer Hazel Hedley 3 Impact Family Services Update 2013 - 2014 Impact Family Services Update IFS is a charity based in Northern England that focuses on family and relationships, with particular reference to family breakdown/parental separation and the reasons for this. We have centres in Sunderland, South Shields and Scarborough and offer additional outreach services in Durham, Newcastle, Gateshead, Middlesbrough, Harrogate and York. During 2013 our services supported 3277 parents or children, broken down as: Supported Child Contact Centres: 332 parents and 327 children used our six centres. Families usually stay with us on average 3-6 months before moving on to having unsupervised contact in the community. The majority are new cases, although small numbers may return if community contact breaks down. Child Contact Interventions: this team works with more entrenched families when supported contact would not be suitable. They facilitate supervised contact and direct work with children including life-story work and wishes and feelings reports. During 2013 the team received 81 private referrals, involving 107 children and 162 parents; and 80 referrals from Cafcass, involving 104 children and 160 parents. Again the average family stays with us between 3-6 months, usually moving on to supported contact. Family Mediation Service: 488 assessments were carried out and 54 cases (108 adults) went on to successfully mediate. The process usually takes up to 3 months. Options Advocacy & Advice Service: Options is our outreach service for victims of domestic abuse that live in South Tyneside. 1003 referrals were received into the women’s support service during 2013. 583 engaged with the service. Many women stay with the service for an average of 3 months, although more complex and high risk cases can stay with us for 2-3 years. Respect Young Peoples Programme: This programme addresses child to parent violence and had 31 referrals. Of these 7 completed, 12 are currently active, 8 dropped out and 5 did not start. The popularity of this programme is growing, and in January 2014 we received 13 referrals and have a target to engage 75 families this year. Families usually work with the team over a 3 month period. Separated Parents Information Programme: 928 parents attended this programme during 2013. The programme consists of two sessions of 2.5 hours duration or one session of 4.5 hours and encourages parents to look at the effects of conflict on their children . South Tyneside Domestic Abuse Perpetrators Programme: 19 men completed the programme in the twelve month period and another 36 men were open at various stages. The full programme is 34 weeks from first assessment to completion. 4 Chair Report from the Chair 2013 - 2014 I concluded our previous report by saying that the year ahead would be challenging for Impact. I was right. Changes to Family Law and Government cuts to legal aid have had consequences for both the public and the service. Hazel has outlined in her report the effects on mediation and those in need of protection from violence and those who are trying to seek resolutions to contact problems. It does not help to resolve difficult family issues by having litigants appear in Court unrepresented with all the issues being dealt with in a confrontational manner. Fund raising is becoming increasingly challenging for Impact, as it is for most charities. Hazel and her team have been brilliant in finding funding sources, although this year we were obliged to dip into our reserves to continue the services we provide. We were able to look at our business and introduce changes to help to improve the situation. There have been changes to the Board of Trustees. Our two Scarborough Trustees have stepped down my thanks and good wishes go to them. I am pleased to welcome two new Trustees Malcolm Atkinson and Tom Lee-Gough who has taken on the office of Treasurer. I would like to thank all the Trustees for their help and support during this year. My thanks go to Hazel and her staff and volunteers for their hard work and dedication. They have met and taken on the changes that have been made and adapted to the many changes in the service. I know that Emma Clark was awarded South Tyneside CVS volunteer of the year award. I congratulate her. This was wonderful for her and reflected well on Impact. For myself I feel that all the volunteers deserve praise and thanks for their dedicated work. They are the greatest asset that the voluntary sector has. They give of their time to help others. My thanks to all those who have made donations to Impact. On a personal note I would like to thank those who put money into my collection bucket at the bag pack. It was a great chance for me to work with the volunteers. I enjoyed it. I would hope that the coming 12 months will see an improvement in things and that the service will continue to help and assist those who are in need of it. The work this charity does is so important. Keith Younghusband Chair 5 Chief Executive Officer 2013 - 2014 Chief Executive Officer’s Annual Report 2013-14 The financial year 2013-14 has been a challenging year for Impact Family Services. Although we continued to meet our charitable objectives and have been able to develop, maintain and grow most core services, this meant using a small amount of reserves to achieve this. Last year we referred to the Government’s fundamental and far-reaching restructure of the family justice system. Major changes in this area have continued during 2013-14, which have impacted upon organisations such as Impact Family Services who support separated families and those impacted by domestic violence and abuse. The Legal Aid restructure has had significant impact on both parents using the family courts for child contact issues and for women who have fled domestic violence but do not have the evidence to prove this. The aim of the changes in terms of child contact issues was to encourage parents to avoid using family courts “as a first port of call” and instead explore alternative dispute resolution services, such as mediation, and other out of court settlements. The reality however was a sharp increase in ‘litigants in person’ in the family court system. Here at Impact Family Services there was a sharp decline in referrals to our Family Mediation Service and to a lesser extent to supported child contact centres. The other extreme was that the Courts and Cafcass saw a steep increase in referrals which resulted in a bumper year for us in terms of both supervised child contact interventions and parents ordered to attend the Separated Parents Information Programme (SPIP). For victims of domestic violence and abuse the impact of legal aid changes has perhaps been more damaging. Although legal aid remains available for victims who meet certain criteria, research informs us that a woman usually experiences an average of 35 incidents before even disclosing the abuse. Our Options service has therefore witnessed a rise in the number of service users seeking our support who are no longer able to access free legal advice. Their circumstances are often further compounded by additional risks linked to child contact issues. The CEO, working alongside the Trustees, has had to adapt the strategic and operational activities in line with wider social policy change. This is to enable us to attract and secure more sustainable income streams, whilst making best use of the human resources available to achieve the most effective and efficient delivery of our services. We were fortunate in securing a three year contract with Cafcass to deliver the SPIP to parents having attended Sunderland, South Tyneside or Gateshead Courts in the North East and for those attending Harrogate, York and Scarborough Courts in North Yorkshire. The latter brought much needed financial security to our staff based in Scarborough, whom had joined the charity in September 2012. 6 In May 2013 we brought together our staff from our head office in Sunderland and the Family Support Team, who were been based in the child contact centre at Pallion. We moved to larger premises at 35 West Sunniside, which meant that we are able to offer all our services under one roof. We received funding from BIG Awards for All towards the refurbishment of the new head office, particularly aimed at rooms to support parents. Chief Executive Officer 2013 - 2014 In September we were also tasked with being a pilot for the new out of court Dispute Resolution Separated Parents Information Programme (DRSPIP), meaning we could offer this programme free of charge to parents in our North East catchment area when there were child contact issues but the parents had not ventured to court. This allows us to promote the new service via our child contact and mediation services as well as in the wider community. This tied in well with funding from Northern Rock Foundation to pilot a new scheme called First Steps Dispute Resolution Service, which takes a whole family approach to parental separation. We received grant funding from the Tyne & Wear Community Foundation towards running our child contact centres, piloting a new programme for women called ‘Just Me’ and from their P&G Fund a special pot of money which we can use for victims of domestic violence who have to move home. Additionally we received £3000 from the organisation ‘North’ and this, added to our own fundraising activities, means that we can offer domestic violence victims a range of invaluable support including lock changes, removals, kennel fees and help with carpets and blinds. We have launched a small counselling service for women using Options and also have volunteers who are offering benefits advice and free legal advice. February 2014 saw the launch of the new Northumberland and Tyne & Wear Support for Separated Parents Helpline (S4SP) in partnership with Cafcass. This is a free phone Helpline which is answered by experienced staff who are able to steer parents towards out of court solutions in their area. The Helpline will be evaluated during 2014-15 by the Cafcass Policy & Research Team. During the final quarter of the year the organisation went through a small restructure in order to make it more streamlined for 2014-15, ensuring the right staff are in place to meet our targets within the funding available. We go into the next financial year with confidence and look forward to the opportunities that will come our way. We are particularly keen to further develop our partnership work. Hazel Hedley Chief Executive Officer 7 Administration 2013 - 2014 The Administration Team No organisation can work effectively without the support of an efficient and quality admin team, who are the backbone of the organisation. We would like to sincerely thank each and everyone of them for supporting practitioners and making the organisation run smoothly – from booking venues for SPIP’s; financial returns to funders and contractors; to being the face of Impact when people walk through the door! Volunteers We are fortunate to have a small army of volunteers who work alongside staff in our service delivery. Options: volunteers are involved in our new counselling service; running groupwork programmes, admin and supporting victims on a one to one basis Supported Child Contact Centres: volunteers are involved in running our child contact centres on a Saturday, supporting parents and children to make contact a safe and enjoyable experience for many. We are always looking to recruit new volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering opportunities please contact: Options – Julie Robinson, Co-ordinator on 0191 4567577 Child contact centres, North East – Margaret Welch, Family Support Manager on 0191 4567577 Child contact centre, Scarborough – Helen Evans on 01723 377388 Volunteers are offered training opportunities, supervision and an experienced mentor. All volunteers are subject to a DBS check at enhanced level. We really appreciate their support and recognise that the service could not operate without them. 0 to ve 5 £ e onat e done . I’ d o t ike ou hav d thoul d l e ou ly an “...I w ou for alin court u gave m er yo aft ky hs than nt mont unds but few days spe s of po kids a ..” sand with my ing your .contact centre call ther using ou time ro m a f Quote 8 fa Child Contact Interventions 2013 - 2014 Child Contact Interventions Some separating families have a range of complex issues which often need some intervention via CAFCASS and the Family Courts. Impact is contracted by CAFCASS to undertake a range of work with families to help them with their decision making. The team consists of 2 full-time social workers, sessional social workers and family support workers, supported by students on placement from the Durham University Master of Social Work programme. Written reports are made of our observations of contact which are used in the Family Court to help make more informed decisions about the children. The team offers a range of contact options so that individual family needs can be met, such as: Supervised child contact: with the supervisor in constant sight and sound of the child. We offer venues that provide privacy and confidentiality to each family and sessions are structured to provide maximum safety to all concerned and maximum stimulation for children. Contact is time limited with a planned aim to regularly assess and review progress and the possibility of safer future outcomes. Written feedback of each session is provided. Preparation for contact sessions: for a child and/or parents as required. These often include life-story work where a child has little or no knowledge of their non-resident parent or birth family. The work will focus on establishing what a child knows about their family and then building upon it. The team will work in a child focused and age appropriate way to help the child understand their identity. Life-story work can be used as a stepping stone for future contact arrangements. Indirect contact: used where direct contact is either unsafe, unworkable and/or not in the child’s best interests. The parent or other family member can contact a child through a third party by way of letters, cards, gifts and emails. Two members of staff will be responsible for supervising and managing each case to determine the type and frequency of indirect contact that safeguards and promotes a child’s best interests. Escorted Contact: is introduced after a regular, safe and sustainable pattern of contact has been established. It involves the child and non-resident parent being accompanied on visits to places such as local parks, shops and restaurants by a member of staff. Each centre has a proposed list of suitable sites to visit which have been risk assessed. Interventions are available via our Child Contact Intervention teams for both Cafcass referrals and private paying families. These services are available in Sunderland, Scarborough, Newcastle and Middlesbrough. Referrals can be discussed with staff in both Sunderland and Scarborough offices. Changes to the family justice system have resulted in an increase in the use of these interventions and we have experienced an exceptionally busy year breaking all records in terms of number of referrals, successfully working with 161 families, involving 533 individual family members. 9 Ear 4 U 2013 - 2014 Ear 4 U Ear 4 U is the name of our service that works with children and young people, which has the following three elements: Respect Young People’s Programme (RYPP): is a programme for families where young people (10 to 15 years old) are aggressive towards people close to them – like their brothers, sisters, parents or carers. This includes behaviour like hitting, making threats, damaging things in the home and financial and emotional abuse. Both parents and young people want help that is brief, effective and avoids blaming them – they want to end up feeling better, not worse. In the RYPP, both parent and young person are seen as part of the solution. The RYPP provides support, insight, simple solutions and improvements to family relationship problems, many of which have been building up for years. RYPP is funded by the National Lottery Realising Ambition fund and is a partnership between Respect, the Social Research Unit Dartington and the Youth Foundation. Funding was received in 2012 and the programme is funded until 2016. Respect are working with 5 partners across northern England to test the programme and Impact Family Services are delighted to be part of this pilot. RYPP is available to families living in both Sunderland and South Tyneside. We accept self referrals and referrals from other agencies who are working with families. Our target for 2014-15 is to work with 75 families every year. Two workers are involved in the direct service delivery, usually one supporting the parent and the other with the young person, although a number of sessions are delivered jointly. We are finding the programme to be really successful and making a huge difference to a number of families in our region. It has also attracted a lot of media attention and we have had articles in the local newspapers, local and national radio and TV. Ear 4 U – Grangetown School. Impacts Ear 4 U Team have been delivering a unique project in Grangetown Primary School for the last three years. The project focuses upon a group of children who are identified by the school as having additional needs to allow them to meet their full potential. This can be because of a level of learning difficulties, disability, home circumstances or a mixture of all. The model has been developed in conjunction with the Deputy Head to ensure that it meets the needs of the children involved. The project works with the children via a Behaviour & Emotional Support Group, one to one support and a core programme of anti-bullying. The school have consistently reported that the project impacts positively upon the children involved, both on personal confidence levels and academic achievement. The school received outstanding in their Ofsted report for the emotional support given to the children and our project was named in the report. The one to one work has also been invaluable for those children subject to Child Protection Plans: 10 Ear 4 U 2013 - 2014 ‘The work feeding into the Core Group meetings and CP Plans has been invaluable in supporting our most vulnerable pupils and I feel as a school we have supported these pupils in a way which ordinarily would not have been implemented by Children's Services. We have been able to "plug the gaps" in support offered to our children’. Lesley Cole – Deputy Head The project has been so successful that the school has now identified that for the new academic year they wish to employ someone full time in the role. We wish them every success with this. Anti Bullying Packages: we deliver a number of preventative courses throughout the year in schools across the City of Sunderland. We also monitor training provided to pupils around anti bullying awareness and friendship buddy training. All sessions are delivered within the school setting and aim to create a whole school approach in reducing bullying behaviour and other social issues with children and young people. ool h sc I e h ed . y t in app l m e m s tr nti ow d ve I wa or u e , h sed o sh om. e do cam es y he hro n th ody so m T “ t ba ged o . Nob otten y Cyrus g Mile rt n ba s hu y life fist d m p…?” u ha 11 Family Support & Supported Contact 2013 - 2014 The Family Support Team & Supported Child Contact Centres A supported child contact centre is a safe, friendly, neutral venue where children of separated families can spend time with one or both parents and sometimes other family members. Contact sessions usually last for one and a half hours, there are often other families in the contact room. Our contact centres have comfortable warm rooms equipped with toys that cater for wide age ranges and cultures. The most important people in the centre are the children and we hope that they will have good memories and feelings about their visits. During 2013 we operated supported child contact centres in Sunderland, Scarborough, South Tyneside, Newcastle, Durham and Middlesbrough. Each centre has a lead member of staff who is supported by a team of volunteers. We receive an annual grant from Cafcass for each centre and additionally each parent is charged a small fee for using the facilities. In addition to this funding Mary Hind, Centre Co-ordinator, ran the Great North Run in 2013 and raised £400, which we used to refurbish our Sunderland centre. All of our centres are accredited by the National Association of Child Contact Centres (NACCC), which means that we work to their national standards to provide high quality and safe services. The Family Support Team oversee the running of our supported centres and facilitate the SPIPs in both the North East and North Yorkshire areas. The team consists of the Manager, a Co-ordinator and Support Workers for both Mother’s and Father’s. Additionally we have a team of loyal and dedicated volunteers, without whom we could not run these guidance and support services. These posts are funded by Northern Rock Foundation (Mother’s) and Tudor Trust (Father’s). Impact has been one of 26 supported contact centres nationally that have taken part in a new pilot project. The NACCC Safe Referral system allows parents to make a referral on-line via NACCC’s website. These are then carefully screened to ensure they are suitable for a supported contact centre. The final decision to accept a family, or not, always lies with the centre itself. 169 families used our centres during 2013-14. The staff team work closely with families using our centres, addressing issues which may stop the contact moving on and encouraging them to try family mediation and SPIPs to help them focus on the needs of the children. We are also finding the Parenting Plan is a useful tool for parents to use when making decisions about the children. The organisation has always financially supported our child contact centres and recognised their worth to separated families. However, as a result of financial constraints during the year the Trustees and Senior Management Team reviewed its services and value for money. It was decided the Middlesbrough and Durham centres would close as they had the fewest families using them; were furthest away in terms of distance and are areas where we do little or no other work. The Co-ordinator was made redundant and redeployed into the admin team. We hope that this restructure will allow our supported child contact centres to survive for the foreseeable future. 12 nd so g each e p s y e ‘Th hatin ave e m i t much hey don’t h other t to love me .’ tine e 11 Nina, ag Mediation 2013 - 2014 Family Mediation Service There is now a strong emphasis from Courts and the Government on families resolving issues in mediation: Family Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process which supports joint decision making away from the court setting. Each individual remains in control of the decision making process and reach proposals with their former partner with the help of an impartial third party, a fully trained Mediator. You don’t have to be married or have children to use the service. Mediation is also available for same sex former partners, grandparents and other family members. Mediation can assist with things such as: Property and finances, including pensions, assets and liabilities Planning a separation, divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership Parenting arrangements The time children spend with family members What to say to children Finding out the views of children and young people There is an expectation that parting couples try mediation to see if they can make decisions themselves prior to making a court application. Impact offers Family Mediation in Sunderland, South Tyneside, Gateshead and Scarborough. We have a team of qualified Family Mediators and 3 trainees who are supervised by a Professional Practice Consultant. (PPC) During 2013-14 the overwhelming changes in family justice in England and Wales had a significant impact on family mediation services nationally, with many closing. Impact experienced a 50% decrease in referrals but were fortunate that our business model and staff experiences meant that we were able to divert staff time in to other areas of the organisation. In March we said goodbye to Stefan Klidzia who had been our PCC for 7 years. Our sincere thanks go to Stefan. From April Jackie Norton replaced him. Jackie already worked with us as a family mediator, and brings with her many years of experience as a PPC and a trainer nationally for National Family Mediation. The Children & Family Act 2014 came into being on 22nd April 2014 and there is now a compulsion for separating couples to attend a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) before applying to Court. Legal Aid is still available for Family Mediation. Following receipt of a referral an initial meeting with each party is held where information is given about mediation and parties can make an informed decision about whether mediation could be a good way forward. There is no obligation or commitment to continue with the process, but it is always a good idea to attend to find out more about mediation, a Mediator can also assess your eligibility for legal aid. Impact Family Mediation Service looks forward to supporting more families during 2014-15 and are already looking to increase the number of Family Mediators available. 13 Options & IDVA 2013 - 2014 Options and IDVA The Options Service, is an outreach women’s service in South Tyneside for victims of domestic violence and abuse. The project saves lives and increases the safety and well being of women and children. Other than calls to the police, Options is the first point of contact for the majority of victims of domestic abuse, including self referrals or referrals from child protection social work teams, housing department, refuge, and Victim Support. Living with domestic violence and abuse impacts negatively on all family members in numerous ways, yet it is often hidden inside the family home only coming to the attention of statutory agencies when things have escalated into the child protection arena. Women can suffer from a range of abusive behaviours including psychological, physical, sexual, emotional and financial impacting on both physical and mental health; getting or keeping a job; and parenting capacity. Research also informs us that children living in a household where DV is an issue tend to do less well at school; have difficulty forming friendships and relationships (including later in life); more likely to become involved in offending behaviour, teenage pregnancy and substance misuse. Impact took over the running of Options in August 2012 and we have worked with the team to understand the latest research and best practice and listened to service users to enable us to develop the service accordingly. The majority of this work has taken place during 2013-14 and by the end of the year we have a structure which we feel can meet the needs of a range of victims, yet takes into consideration current funding restrictions and funding opportunities. We can offer one to one support, a range of group work programmes and have launched a new counselling service, “The Place To Be” specifically for Options clients. Options offers a duty system which ensures that women are offered an appointment within 48 hours of referral. An initial assessment of risk and need is carried out using the Home Office approved Risk Indicator Checklist (RIC) and bespoke packages offered to meet individual need – choosing from a range of one to one support and group work: supporting women through the court process; assisting with safe child contact issues; help with refuge space or rehousing; accessing legal advice/ injunctions, counselling; finding temporary care for pets; keeping victims informed of bail conditions and results of court hearings. In addition Options also hosts the borough’s Independent Domestic Violence Advocate Service, which works closely with the police and partner agencies to support high risks victims, including support via the Specialist Domestic Violence Court. During the financial year 2013-14 we saw the number of women using our service increase by 52.1%, from 265 to 403 compared to the previous year. We have seen changes in the range of needs of our service users and we believe at least in part this is due to changes in the availability of legal aid for family law, which means that women can no longer access legal advice and are having to make unsafe child contact arrangements for the children. We have been fortunate to recruit volunteers who are able to provide legal and benefits advice. 14 Options & IDVA 2013 - 2014 We have also been heavily involved in fundraising opportunities, such as bag packing in the local supermarket and hosting evening events. Monies raised have gone into our ‘emergency pot’ which can provide lock changes or taxis to refuges to women and children when risks are at their highest. Via the Tyne & Wear Community Foundation we also received a pot of funding from Proctor & Gamble which can help victims buy essential items when they have to move home. The local firm ‘North’ also donated £3000 for this fund. In July 2013 we commenced using the CAADA Insights data management system, which means by June 2014 we will have a full year of reporting on the effectiveness of our interventions. Our Options Co-ordinator is also undertaking a Women’s Service Manager qualification and we are working towards gaining Leading Lights accreditation, all through CAADA. The Options Service is predominantly funded by South Tyneside Council Public Health Department. However another important funder has been the Northern Rock Foundation over the past six years and it with great sadness that we say goodbye to a foundation that has helped so many local charities over the years. The loss of NRF funding has meant that we have had to restructure the team and have lost one part time keyworker post. We have an outstanding bid to the National Lottery Reaching Communities funding stream and we are working with South Tyneside Adult & Community Learning regarding funding our group work. Currently the team consists of a full time Co-ordinator; 1.6 IDVA; 0.4 keyworker and 0.4 Admin worker and a host of fabulous volunteers, without whom we would not be able to offer our services. Here is some feedback from our service users: “I would like to say thank you for the support given and guiding me to a better place – I have a full new lifestyle and feel amazing” It has opened my mind to domestic abuse and the ways a perpetrator behaves and the effects it has on children – I believe this programme is an absolute godsend to women like me”. “I told myself that the children were not affected by the abuse, but now I understand that they are. Doing this course has helped me talk better to my children and we are all happier” During 2014-15 we would like to begin developing services for children effected by domestic violence and abuse in the home and further develop our group work programmes, volunteering opportunities and partnerships with other providers. 15 Separated Parents Information Programme 2013 - 2014 Separated Parents Information Programme Separated Parents Information Programmes (SPIPs) are designed to help parents learn more about the challenges of post-separation parenting, including the effects on children of ongoing conflict. It aims to provide tips and support about how best to help children in this situation and enables parents to take steps towards their own solutions. The majority of parents who attend find it very helpful, it is always important that both parents attend a SPIP. The SPIP can be 2 sessions, lasting between 2 – 2 ½ hours each, normally over a period of two weeks and participants must attend part one before part two. In some areas it can be 1 session of 4½ hours. This programme is available to parents who have been party to a court application in a Family Court regarding child contact arrangements in private law cases and the court has directed them to attend. Impact contracted with Cafcass to deliver the SPIP in Sunderland, South Tyneside, Gateshead, Harrogate, York and Scarborough. In September we were tasked with being a pilot for the new out of court Dispute Resolution Separated Parents Information Programme (DRSPIP). We can offer this programme free of charge to parents in our North East catchment area as a pre-court way of resolving issues. We are able to promote this new service via our child contact and mediation services as well as in the wider community. Impact received an unprecedented number of referrals for SPIPs and in total over the year we delivered the programme to 928 parents or significant other adults. This is broken down as follows: North East: 407 court ordered and 33 DRSPIP, total 440 North Yorkshire: 488 court ordered Many thanks to all the staff who contributed to the success of this programme. More than 96% of people who attended said that they enjoyed the programme and got something useful out of it. 16 S4SP Helpline 2013 - 2014 Support 4 Separated Parents Helpline (S4SP) In February 2014 Cafcass commissioned services were approached about taking part in an exciting new pilot project to provide a Freephone telephone helpline service for separating families who live in Northumberland and Tyne & Wear. Impact Family Services expressed an interest in the project and have worked closely with the Cafcass Head of Service to develop it and roll it out. The S4SP Helpline operates Monday to Friday from 11 am to 7 pm and we have a rota of qualified and experienced staff to handle calls. We have commissioned Quay 2 Media to support us in the publicity of the project and we will be producing newsletters to report to partners about it’s progress. There have been numerous press releases as well as radio interviews and even an advert on the back of buses in the area! The aim of the helpline is to provide advice and support on a range of dispute resolution alternatives, such as family mediation, and separated parent’s information programmes. We also signpost to locally delivered services who have the expertise to help and encourage parents to achieve the best outcomes for their children, and where possible avoid using the family courts. A DVD advertising the service has been shown in post offices across Northumberland. 17 STDAPP 2013 - 2014 South Tyneside Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme (STDAPP): STDAPP is a partnership between Impact and Barnardo’s Streetlevel Project, with both organisations providing a ‘virtual team’. It is a voluntary programme for men who acknowledge they have behaved abusively in their intimate relationships and want to change. The programme was launched in September 2006, with both organisations being involved from the development stages, along with statutory agencies: Northumbria Police, Public Health, Probation Service and the Local Authority. STDAPP received Respect Accreditation in December 2011. Upon receipt of a referral checks are made with the local authority safeguarding teams and Northumbria Police. Four one to one meetings then take place to assess suitability for the programme, risk assessment and motivation. If suitable the man proceeds onto a four week pre-group programme before joining a rolling 26 week core group programme. Once the assessment process commences a referral is made to Options for partners/ex partners. STDAPP and Options Co-ordinators work closely together in order to manage risk. The four members of Impact staff are involved in: provision and participation in clinical supervision; one to one assessments; co-facilitating pre group programme; co-facilitating core group programme; participation in practitioner meetings; participation in management and strategy meetings; report writing; attendance at child protection meetings; attendance at MARAC and participation in joint risk assessment meetings with Options Women’s Service. Both STDAPP and Options are overseen by a Steering Group which meets bi-monthly. It is chaired by the Public Health Commissioning Manager. Also represented on the group are: a DI Northumbria Police; Team Manager Northumbria Probation Trust; South Tyneside DV Co-ordinator; Team Manager Health & Social Care; CEO Impact Family Services; Assistant Director Barnardo’s; Service Manager Barnardo’s; STDAPP Co-ordinator and the Options Co-ordinator. This multi agency approach ensures a co-ordinated response to tackling issues linked to domestic abuse and our approach supports Children & Young Peoples Plan, Community Safety Plan, Violence Against Women & Girls Strategy and the Public Health agenda. Since 2011 Impact has received funding from the Henry Smith Charity via the Tyne & Wear Community Foundation for our involvement in STDAPP. We are delighted that they agreed to fund us for a further three years from April 2014. Additionally The Lankelly Chase Foundation gave us a grant towards paying for evening sessional workers. Funding from these two vital sources has allowed us to continue this essential work in making men accountable for their behaviour and increasing the safety of women and children. 18 STDAPP 2013 - 2014 Men attending the project are offered four one to one assessment meetings, followed by four weeks in a pre group, before entering a 26 week rolling group work programme. Pre groups are held every 8-12 weeks, depending upon numbers and new men join the core group at the beginning of a module. (with the exception of modules on children or sexual respect) There are 6 modules of 4 weeks duration and the 7th module is two weeks. The areas covered are: Defining, Analysing & Ending Abusive Behaviours (2 modules); Effects on Children; Respect, Trust and Support; Sexual Respect; Honesty, Accountability and Partnership; Future Conduct. During 2013-14 we received 84 referrals and 16 men completed the programme. The majority of referrals are received from local authority social workers, followed by self referral (mainly from men involved with child protection agencies) and thirdly referrals from Family Court/Cafcass for men seeking contact with a child/children when a relationship has ended. As a charity that works exclusively within the framework of families and relationships we have an expertise and understanding of the links between domestic abuse and family breakdown, and of the impact this has on children’s development and emotional well-being. The reality is that approximately half the men referred to the programme are not ready to acknowledge their abusive behaviour and either drop out in the one to one stages or are found to be not suitable for the programme. Of the 84 referrals we received there were 46 children involved + 2 unborn; 34 of the children had social work involvement; 9 were subject to a child protection plan; 18 were Looked After Children and 7 Children in Need. to e m or d e e elp sitiv of h o s d p a a e ions. h t a s e n m s in y i clus e of m a gr ation wa con ed m and o r p itu ble ve ssur ht i e s at t a h a a g h n t g t i e o “T k a ne as r ng r ngs as ay s i h i loo re re to e do t th ould tive mo ping ramm am ou I w posi een g m d I o ju pr ngs ointe n all ad a as b e Th thi ly p All i as h d h h an the itive ong. e e f m pos e wr gram y li wer s pro on m.” ser ice u i v r e e th pact o m PP s TDA t S a im pful from l uote Q e h 19 Future Developments 2013 - 2014 Future Developments The Trustees remain committed to the development of services and projects that fit within the core objectives of the Charity. We work with children and families where separation and/or domestic violence is an issue. We also deliver anti bullying workshops to children in a school setting which looks at developing healthy relationships. In future we will develop new services where funding has been identified, and explore opportunities for further partnership work. We have identified a need for the following services: The BIG Project: A partnership between Barnardo’s, Impact and Gentoo. This is a voluntary perpetrator programme for men who admit they have used abusive behaviours within an intimate relationship and wish to change. It would be available in the City Of Sunderland and we are working with Northumbria Police, Sunderland Council and Health Authority to identify funding. In addition we will explore partnership working with Wearside Women in Need to support the women involved. Gateshead Family Hub: We are working in partnership with CAB Gateshead, Relate (Northumberland & Newcastle) and NE Counselling Service to explore the development of a one stop shop. This service is for parents who are separating/separated and offers a range of support and dispute resolution services within Gateshead. We have appointed an independent consultant to research the need for this project and will use the findings to apply for funding. South Tyneside GPDV Link Project: South Tyneside Council have received funding from the Police & Crime Commissioner to develop a new service to link with GP surgeries in the borough. This will develop earlier intervention and referral into DV support services for victims. Options will lead on this piece of work. (September 2014) Change 4 Women: This is an exciting new development which is being funded by Esmee Fairbairn Foundation and is a partnership between Impact, Respect and the University of Manchester. We are working with women who have identified themselves as using abusive behaviour in their intimate relationship. We want to build upon the limited research already done in this area, to further understand the issues and develop programmes to support change. We have received 18 months funding from June 2014 to develop this work, report on the findings and share this with other interested parties via a conference to be held in Manchester. National Lottery – Reaching Communities: We have bid for funding for the Options Service, including the development of programmes for children affected by DV. We anticipate the outcome by November 2014 South Tyneside Business & Employment Skills: We are working with Adult & Community Learning to develop a range of programmes for family members who have been affected by either separation or domestic abuse. 20 2013 - 2014 Impact Family Services Statement of Financial Activities for the year end March 2014 INCOME 2013/2014 £733,320 OUTGOING RESOURCES Wages and Salaries £581,849 Travel expenses and refreshments £ 6,859 Training £ 4,940 Rent and Rates £ 39,177 Heat, light and power £ 8,304 Telephone and IT costs £ 21,758 Printing, Postage and stationery £ 7,836 Office Repairs and Maintenance £ 15,090 Insurance £ 3,832 Depreciation £ 3,050 Grants payable and client expenditure £ 14,713 Advertising and fundraising costs £ 7,670 Professional fees, consultants and subscriptions £ 29,826 Other costs £ 3,904 Bank charges £ TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENDED £759,358 BALANCE FROM RESERVES £ 26,038 550 21 Funding Streams 2013 - 2014 Impact Family Services have a number of important partnerships with whom we work to either deliver services or support us financially. During 2013-14 the following partnerships took place: CAFCASS NACCC Local Family Justice Boards Northumbria and North Yorkshire Family Courts South Tyneside Domestic Violence Forum Sunderland DV Partnership Northern Rock Foundation Tyne & Wear Community Foundation Henry Smith Charity Lankelly Chase Legal Aid Agency South Tyneside Council Sunderland Counselling Services Barnardo’s Chase Homes Morrison’s South Shields Respect Grangetown Primary School Newcastle City Council Middlesbrough Council University of Durham Stewart Parker – Richard Nelson LLB Gateshead CAB Relate Northumberland and Newcastle NE Counselling Services Lions Ladies Scarborough Yorkshire Coast Homes Proudfoot Scarborough Crown Property Hull University Yorkshire Coast College Scarborough Sixth Form North Yorkshire County Council Impact Family Services 35 West Sunniside Sunderland SR1 1BU Impact Family Services Beach Road South Shields NE33 2QA Impact Family Services 2 Pavilion Square Scarborough YO11 2JN
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