Curriculum Vitae Anne Örtqvist (application/pdf, 211.49 KB)

Anne K. Örtqvist
Date of birth
Work (academic)
Telephone (work)
Telephone (mobile)
Curriculum Vitae
Anne Kristina Örtqvist
28 February 1986
Dept. of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB),
Karolinska Institutet
+46 (8) 524 82 220
+46 737 355 309
[email protected]
References (academic)
Catarina Almqvist Malmros, professor/senior physician, MEB,
Karolinska Institutet and Astrid Lindgren’s Children’s hospital,
[email protected]
References (clinical)
Olof Öhrström, senior physician, Visby Lasarett,
[email protected]
Astrid Seeberger, associate professor/senior physician, Karolinska
University Hospital, Hudding, [email protected]
1. Master of Science in Medicine (MD)
Karolinska Institutet
2. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Dept. Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, on thesis
“Early life origins of asthma – genetic and environmental factors in twin and kin”
3. Current positions
2015.05 –
Post-doctoral research fellow at the Dept. Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
Karolinska Institutet
2015.06 –
Junior doctor at the dept. Surgery, Visby Lasarett, Gotland
4. Previous positions
2010.05 – 2015.04
May 2015
Anne K. Örtqvist
Curriculum Vitae
PhD candidate at the Dept. Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet
2007.09 – 2013.06
Medical program, Karolinska Institutet
2013.07 – 2013.08
Junior doctor at the dept. Surgery and Orthopedics, Visby Lasarett, Gotland
Head leader at sports camp for children with type 1 diabetes, through a collaboration between
SportCamp AB and Astrid Lindgren’s Children’s hospital
2006.08 – 2008.09
Head waiter at catering company Matsällskapet AB catering
2006. 08 – 2008.05
Event guide at event company Eventyr AB conference travels
2005 – 2007 (summers)
Head leader at SportCamp ABs summer camps
2005.08 – 2006.06
Au pair, Sydney, Australien
5. Distinctions and Awards
Recipient, Swedish Heart Lung foundation, travel grant to present study published in
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2013, Athens, Greece
Recipient, Swedish Research Council and SINGS, travel grant to participate in the
European Respiratory Society annual conference, Barcelona, Spain
Recipient, Swedish Asthma and Allergy foundation Scholarship, in memory of
Kerstin Hejdenberg, for dedication in research project investigating the interplay
between genetics and environment in asthma
Selected, nominated by the Swedish Nobel Foundation, representative of Karolinska
Institutet’s medical students to participate at the ”61th Meeting Of Nobel Laureates
dedicated to Physiology/Medicine”, Lindau, Tyskland
Recipient, Kungsholmen’s music high school Scholarship for academic promise in the
arts and sciences
Commissions of trust
Member of SIMSAM (Swedish Initiative for Research on Microdata in
the Social And Medical Sciences) workgroup, to organize a workshop in register-
May 2015
Anne K. Örtqvist
Curriculum Vitae
based research at the Swedish Society of Medicine Annual Meeting in December
2015, representing the SIMSAM MEB family design node
2013-2014 Student representative, Epidemiology Programme Steering group, Karolinska
2013-2014 Student representative, Pre-Dissertation Boards, Dept. Medical Epidemiology and
Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet
6. Teaching qualifications
2012-2014 Teaching assistant at Vetenskaplig Utveckling (VetU, Scientific development),
medical program. Karolinska Institutet. Lectures in evidence based medicine on term
2011, 2013 Co-supervisor for medical students during their degree project (examensarbete) in term
7 of the medical program, Karolinska Institutet
7. Scientific publications/conferences
Original peer-reviewed articles, published
1. Örtqvist AK, Lundholm C, Carlström E, Lichtenstein P, Cnattingius S, Almqvist C. Familial
factors do not confound the association between birth weight and childhood asthma. Pediatrics.
2. Lundholm C, Örtqvist AK, Lichtenstein P, Cnattingius S, Almqvist C. Impaired fetal growth
decreases the risk of childhood atopic eczema: a Swedish twin study. Clin Exp Allergy. 2010
3. Örtqvist AK, Lundholm C, Wettermark B, Ludvigsson JF, Ye W, Almqvist C. Validation of
asthma and eczema in population-based Swedish drug and patient registers. Pharmacoepidemiol
Drug Saf. 2013 Aug;22(8):850-60.
4. Örtqvist AK, Lundholm C, Kieler H, Ludvigsson JF, Fall T, Ye W, Almqvist C. Antibiotics in
fetal and early life and subsequent childhood asthma – a nationwide population-based study
including sibling design. BMJ (Clinical research ed). 2014;349:g6979.
5. Almqvist C, Örtqvist AK, Gong T, Wallas A, Ahlen KM, Ye W, et al. Individual maternal
and child exposure to antibiotics in hospital - a national population-based validation study. Acta
paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992). 2015;104(4):392-5.
6. Almqvist C, Örtqvist AK, Ullemar V, Lundholm C, Lichtenstein P, Magnusson PK. Cohort
Profile: Swedish Twin Study on Prediction and Prevention of Asthma (STOPPA). Twin research
and human genetics : the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies. 2015:1-8.
7. Ullemar V, Lundholm C, Örtqvist AK, Gumpert CH, Anckarsater H, Lundstrom S, et al.
Predictors of Adolescents' Consent to Use Health Records for Research and Results from Data
May 2015
Anne K. Örtqvist
Curriculum Vitae
Collection in a Swedish Twin Cohort. Twin research and human genetics : the official journal of
the International Society for Twin Studies. 2015:1-10.
Review articles
1. Tedner SG, Örtqvist AK, Almqvist C. Fetal growth and risk of childhood asthma and allergic
disease. Clin Exp Allergy. 2012 Oct;42(10):1430-47.
Other scientific work
1. Örtqvist AK. Hämmad fostertillväxt ökar risken för astma. Läkartidningen 2009; 106:3234
(Pediatrics 2009;124(4):e737-43)
2. Örtqvist AK. God validering av astma med svenska populationsregister. Läkartidningen 2013;
110:2164 (Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2013 Aug;22(8):850-60)
3. Örtqvist AK. Ingen ökad risk för astma av antibiotika under fosterlivet. Läkartidningen
2014;111:C96C (BMJ (Clinical research ed). 2014;349:g6979)
4. Örtqvist AK. Sambandet mellan antibiotika tidigt i livet och risken för astma hos barn – en
syskonstudie. Best practice. In press, 2015 (BMJ (Clinical research ed). 2014;349:g6979)
Scientific conferences
Oral presentation (w. Catarina Almqvist Malmros): “Unique registers and advanced
family designs to address causes and consequences of common childhood disorders”,
Swedish Society of Medicine Annual Meeting, Stockholm
Oral presentation: “Validation of asthma and eczema in population-based Swedish
drug- and patient registers”, Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Meeting, Athens
(Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2013 Aug;22(8):850-60)
Poster presentation: “Child growth data today - and hopes for tomorrow”, Swedish
Society of Medicine Annual Meeting, Stockholm (degree project from Medical
program at KI)
Oral presentation: “Tracking and collection of child and school health records for
epidemiological research”, Nordic Meeting in Epidemiology and Register-based
health research, Reykjavik (degree project from Medical program at KI)
Oral/ poster presentation: “Stort och Smått - en tvillingstudie om sambandet mellan
fostertillväxt och astma”, Swedish Society of Medicine Annual Meeting, Stockholm
(Pediatrics 2009;124;e737-e743)
Oral presentation: “Genetic and shared environmental factors do not confound the
association between birth weight and childhood asthma: a study among Swedish
twins”, European Respiratory Society, Wien (Pediatrics 2009;124;e737-e743)
May 2015