Solar Electricity Information Pack

Solar Electricity Information Pack
Solar Designs | Solar Installations | Solar Advisory
If you are considering going solar for your home, business or organization, look
no further than Greenicles Energy Limited– we are professional solar electricity
systems designers and installers with brilliant technical background and
experience in solar energy and project management.
Greenicles provide honest, reliable and high standard services from the
quotation stage to the final installation. We use only quality materials and
components and ensure that your solar power systems operate as they ae
designed to. We will always carry you along at each step of the way so you
understand what we are doing and make your new solar electricity system an
enjoyable experience.
The Basics: Understanding Solar
Solar electricity is one of the most easily explained technologies.
Solar cells are made up of semi-conducting elements, usually silicon, which have
the ability to conduct electricity as direct current (D.C) when exposed to light.
Solar electricity is generated when solar cells are exposed to sunlight. The
electricity current created by a cell is small so multiple cells are connected
together, to form an array of cells called solar panels, which generate much
more electircity currents.
Solar panels have no moving parts, hence they require little or no maintenence.
In countries where the electricity grid is unreliable, solar technology is a very
viable economic option, especially in Africa where the sun’s radiation level is
high all through the year.
Solar electricity systems can either be used as an alternative to the main
electricity from the electricity grid or as a back-up power system in times of
power outages.
A typical solar PV system is made up of solar panels, a charge controller, a
battery bank and an inverter.
The charge controller maintains proper charging voltage to the batteries. the
amount of electricity generated by the solar panels.
The battery bank provide storage for the electricity generated. Since the solar
panels generate electricity only when there is sunlight, the batteries store
electricity to be used at night or when there’s no sunshine.
Most appliances use alternating current to operate. The inverter converts the
Direct Current (D.C) generated by the solar panels to Alternating Current (A.C)
Solar Designs | Solar Installations | Solar Advisory
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: Who can use solar power?
A: Anyone who uses electricity can use solar power to meet all electrical needs, use as
a back-up system or as a supplementary power system.
Q: How do solar electricity systems work?
A: The working principles of solar technology are quite simple. A typical system is made
up of solar panels, a charge controller, batteries and an inverter, all connected together.
Solar panels generate free electricity from the sun. They convert sunlight into electricity
(direct current) which could be used instantly and/or stored in a bank of batteries. The
charge controller regulates the amount of generated electricity stored in the batteries.
While the inverter which is connected to the batteries converts the direct current into
alternating current used by your appliances and lightings.
Q: How much electricity do solar systems generate?
A: The amount of electricity generated by a solar power system depends on the
geographical location, panel efficiency, panel power rating and number of solar panels
installed. Nigeria has one of the best solar irradation worldwide because of favourable
weather and climate conditions. We will work with you to determine the correct system
size you require.
Q: Why do I need Batteries?
A: Not all solar electricity systems require batteries. Batteries are only needed where
there is unreliable power supply from the National Grid or at remote locations. The
batteries store electricity to be used either at night or when there is no sunlight.
Q: How long do solar panels last for?
A: The manufacturers' warranty conditions typically guarantee that solar panels will last
for, at least, 20 years.
Solar Designs | Solar Installations | Solar Advisory
Q: What size of solar system do I need?
A: The size of the solar power system needed will depend on your electricity
consumption and whether or not you intend to use solar for your entire power supply or
just part of it or simply as a back-up system. We will work with you to determine this.
Q: How regularly do I need to clean the panels?
A: On sloping roofs, panels will be cleaned by the rain as the glass on the panels is selfcleaning. However, we could also recommend the panels should be manually cleaned
every 6-9 months. This can usually be carried out from the ground using a low pressure
washer and a long lance (with no detergent or abrasives).
Q: How much space does a solar system require?
A: The amount of space required for a solar power system will depend on the number of
panels to be installed. We will work with you to determine this.
Q: How Much maintenance is required for solar systems?
A: Very little maintenance is required for solar systems.
Q: How long does it take to install a solar electricity system?
A: The planning, system design and ordering of products will take only a few weeks. The
installation process will normally take 2–5days or longer depending on the system size
and logistics.
Q: How much shading is too much for solar panels?
A: Unfortunately, the power output of solar panels significantly reduces when they
operate under any form of shade from trees, buildings e.t.c. Shading should be
completely avoided during installation.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any other questions or queries.
Solar Designs | Solar Installations | Solar Advisory
Tel: 08181067850
Email: [email protected]
P.O Box 7624 Marina, Lagos
Solar Designs | Solar Installations | Solar Advisory