Konsultprofil - Henrik Nygren • INTRODUKTION Henrik har med över 16 års erfarenhet inom mekanisk produktutveckling och verkat inom flera olika branscher skaffat sig gedigna kunskaper om hur man lyckas med att utveckla och industrialisera nya produkter. Han har även arbetat med att sänka utvecklingskostnader genom införandet av effektiv utvecklingsmetodik. Sedan avslutad examen år 1999 har han bland annat arbetat med utveckling av fordon, konsumentprodukter och elektronikskåp för utomhusbruk. Han bor på Ekerö tillsammans med fru och två döttrar. Fritiden spenderas till största del tillsammans med familj och vänner. En annan fritidssysselsättning som han ägnar mycket tid åt är att renovera sitt hus. När tid finnes, så tar han gärna en löparrunda eller en tur på längdskidor. Han arbetar systematiskt, målmedvetet och är som person positiv och lätt att samarbeta med. • KOMPETENSOMRÅDEN - Senior Produktutvecklare / Mekanikkonstruktör - Plastkonstruktion - Konstruktion av formbunda detaljer - Metodutveckling CAD • METODER OCH VERKTYG Catia V5. Masters best practice modeling with techniques such as Core/cavity, Chuncky modeling and multibody modeling. Catia V4 SolidWorks Unigraphics SmarTeam-PDM Enovia-PDM Teamcenter-PDM DFA/DFM/FMEA ProE/Wildfire 5 Windchill-PDM • UTBILDNING - Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering 180p, Royal Institute of Technology (1994-1999) - Exhangestudent, University of Wisconsin, Madison (1996-1997) - Bachelor of Science, 80p, Royal Institute of Technology, Gotland (1993-1994) - Teknisk linje, Gymnasiet, Säveskolan, Visby (1990-1993) BEROTEC AB STOCKHOLM • SPRÅKKUNSKAPER - Svenska - modersmål - Swedish - Mother tounge - Engelska - mycket god i tal och text - English - Fluent Sida 1/3 Kontakt: Magnus Lindman TELEFON: +46 (0)771-44 11 11 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBB: www.berotec.se Konsultprofil - Henrik Nygren • ANSTÄLLNINGAR - Mechanical Engineer, Henrik Nygren Engineering AB, Berotec (2015-Present) - Senior Development Engineer, Knightec AB (2012-2015) - Mechanical design leader/ Mechanical designer, Electrolux AB, Dishcare (2010-2012) - Mechanical design leader/ Mechanical designer, Electrolux AB, Floorcare (2005-2010) - Mechanical designer, Gesab Engineering AB (1999-2005) • EXEMPEL PÅ UPPDRAG Senior consultant satelliteoffice, Knightec Scania 2012 -2015 Responsible to provide the satellite office (10 members) with support and training on general mechanical design and more deeply on how to design plastic parts. Examples of conducted educations: Material properties for the most commonly used plastics and their uses, basic material Chemistry for polymers and elstomers, Injection moulding tooldesign and how it affects the design. Education and support on how to design plastic parts was provided "on-demand" to the whole satellite office. The satellite office was also provided with different methods on how to build stable models in CATIA V5, such as Core/Cavity and Multi-body Modelling. Senior consultant, Specialist Plastic design Knightec 2013 -2015 Responsible to lead and develop an expert group in toolbound plastic design. To educate the Company through holding semainars and build up a resource library in the internal network. Write quotations and answer questions on plastic design from customers. Support the compnay with questions concerning plastics. Domain Area Manager, Mechanical designer Electrolux AB, Dishcare 2010 -2012 Design responsible globally for doors on dishwashers. Development leader for user interface and basic structure of doors. Mechanical design leader/ Mechanical designer Electrolux AB, Floorcare 2005 -2010 Worked both as development leader and as mechanical designer in development of new vacuum cleaners and coffe makers. Main task was to design injection moulded plastic and rubber parts, but also responsible for execution of FMEA, DFA and production adaptation. Responsible for CATIA and SmarTeam support and also to develop a methodology to build stable parts in CATIA for the R&D department. Developed and introduced, together with the industrial design department, a new way of how the interface between the departments should work during the different stages of a development project. Assisted the industrial design department in thier communication with other R&D departments in the Electrolux group. Sida 2/3 BEROTEC AB STOCKHOLM Kontakt: Magnus Lindman TELEFON: +46 (0)771-44 11 11 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBB: www.berotec.se Konsultprofil - Henrik Nygren Consultat Gesab Engineering AB 1999 -2005 Worked as a consultant in mechanical design for development projects. Some of the customers: Electrolux AB, Segerström Automotive AB, Emerson Energy Systems, Scania AB och Collins & Aikman. • KURSER I URVAL - Enovia, 2012. - Best practice modeling, Catia V5, 2009. - Lean Development, 2008. - Tolerance chain calculation, 2008. - Advanced sufaces, Catia V5, 2006. - Designing plastics, 2004. - Basic training, Catia V5, 2003. - Geomertical dimensioning and tolerancing, 2000. - Basic training, Unigraphics, 2000. - Basic training, Catia V4, 1999. BEROTEC AB STOCKHOLM Kontakt: Magnus Lindman Sida 3/3 TELEFON: +46 (0)771-44 11 11 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBB: www.berotec.se
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