P e a c e R i v e r E l e c t r i c C o op e r at i v e Washington DC Youth Tour E s s ay Co n t e s t 2015 Win an all-expenses-paid trip to our nation’s capitol! It’s as easy as 1-2-3! 1 – Complete the Youth Tour application 2 – Complete a 2-page essay 3 – Submit application and essay to your school guidance office Two students will tour Washington, DC, in the national electric cooperative Youth Tour event, joining 1,500 other students from across the U.S. S t u d e n t D e a d l i n e : S u b m i t to G u i d a n c e O f f i c e by: January 12, 2015 S c h o o l D e a d l i n e : S u b m i t to P e ac e R i v e r E l e c t r i c Co o p e r at i v e by: January 26, 2015 Yo u t h To u r E v e n t: June 13-18, 2015 >>>>>>>> Here’s How It Works: W HY A P P LY TO YOUTH TOU R ? Discover American history, learn how the U.S. political process works and see the important role electric cooperatives play in the local community TO ENTE R 11th grade students only Must attend an approved school in Peace River Electric Cooperative’s service area (see list below) Write a short essay and complete the Youth Tour application E S S AY FO R MAT Typed, single spaced, 12-point Arial font, on 8½” X 11” paper, 1” margin on all sides Minimum 700-800 words Text only: Do not include images, graphs or diagrams Essays will be graded for grammar, punctuation, spelling, originality and creativity E S S AY TO P IC To help celebrate Peace River Electric Cooperative’s 75th Anniversary, write an essay from the perspective of someone 75 years ago, when electricity first came to this area A P P LICATION P R OCE S S Submit application and essay to your high school guidance office Guidance office reviews applications and essays, and selects one student to compete as a semifinalist in the contest FINALI S T S ELECTION Peace River Electric Cooperative collects all application documents from participating schools Essays judged at Ruralite Services (Oregon), publisher of PRECO’s Florida Currents member magazine DEADLINE INFO January 12, 2015 – Last day for student to submit application and essay to guidance office January 26, 2015 – Guidance office chooses one semi-finalist; mails student application and essay to PRECO A P P R OVED S CHOOL S Brevard Bayside High School DeSoto DeSoto County High School Hardee Hardee County High School Highlands Avon Park High School Hillsborough Durant High School Lennard High School Indian River Vero Beach High School Manatee Braden River High School Lakewood Ranch High School Palmetto High School Southeast High School F o r m o r e i n f o r m at i o n , Go to www.preco.coop, www.youthtour.coop Contact: Mark Sellers, communications coordinator, at [email protected] or 1-800-282-3824 Osceola Harmony High School Polk Fort Meade Middle-Senior Frostproof Middle-Senior Mulberry High School Sarasota North Port High School P e a ce Ri v e r E l ec t r ic C o o pe r at i v e Washington, D.C. Youth Tour Essay Contest Applic ation Form and Parent’s Authoriz ation Name of Applicant: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian(s): _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ( __________ ) _________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________ Age: _____________ Circle One: Male Female School: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Graduation Date: ________________ (mm/yy) Cumulative GPA: ________ GPA Scale: ________ Please attach a list of all school, extracurricular, church, community, civic, work and/or volunteer activities that you desire to be taken into consideration with your application. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read the entire application package and do hereby certify that I understand the contents of the application package. Also, by signing below, I certify that the information provided in the application and each of the attachments submitted with the application are true and correct. If any of the information provided in the application or any of the attachments is found not to be true and correct, the applicant will be immediately disqualified. I agree, if selected as a winner of the Youth Tour To Washington, D.C. Essay Contest, to abide by the contest rules and represent my school, June 13-18, 2015, on the Youth Tour To Washington, D.C., sponsored by Peace River Electric Cooperative, Inc. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant Date My child, signed above, has my permission to participate in the Youth Tour To Washington, D.C. Essay Contest, and, if selected as a winner, to participate in the Youth Tour To Washington, D.C., June 13-18, 2015, sponsored by Peace River Electric Cooperative, Inc. I also grant my permission for Peace River Electric Cooperative, Inc. to publish my child’s photo in any of the cooperative’s publications or media releases. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Note: Incomplete applications will not be considered in the application process. Application must be submitted through your school’s guidance department. Washington, D.C. Youth Tour A pplication : 2 0 1 5 The application (and all attachments thereto) must be signed, completed and all attachments required thereunder must be complete and attached and submitted to Youth Tour, Peace River Electric Cooperative at P.O. Box 1310, Wauchula, Florida 33873-1310. If an applicant fails to complete the entire application or fails to submit all of the items in the format requested hereunder by the deadline date, the application will not be considered for any purposes or under any circumstances with respect to the Peace River Electric Cooperative Youth Tour program. Please note that the application must be signed by both the student applicant and the parent/guardian of the applicant and, if either of such signatures is not on the application, the application will be considered incomplete, and not considered in the application process. By submitting the application package and the attachments and submissions relating to the application, the applicant and his or her parent/guardian signing the application are certifying that the information submitted is true and correct. Completed application and essay must be submitted to Guidance Office by January 12, 2015. School selects one candidate and submits documents to PRECO by January 26, 2015. Initial: __________ (Applicant) __________ (Parent/Guardian) R ELE AS E O F INFORMATION We, the undersigned individuals, the applicant and a parent/guardian of the applicant, by signing below authorize the release of any and all academic information from ____________________________________________________________________________ (name of high school) and do hereby authorize the guidance counselor and principal of such high school to discuss such information with Peace River Electric Cooperative, Inc. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant Date ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date This institution does not, and will not discriminate, on the basis of race, color, sex, religion or national origin.
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