^OUDAYDEADUNBS @ Register To Win tent WFWS:Th^:sday, Dec 23; NOON ADS: Thursday, Dec. 23; 3 PM for the December 29:h Issue The PRESS office will close a\ ; NOON on Fridav. Dec. 2*! or Santa Bear BLOOD DRIVE CONTEST CONTINUES Saturday. December 18th (Old Firehouse 8;30am -lpm) Monday, December 20th (United Meth. Church 3:30pm-8pm) See Page 32 44th Year, No. 7 December 15,1993 a f^lKSES^ i S ^ ^ ^ t S ^ - ESfflSSSF*!? ^ ^ s 0 ^ -fi^?*??! & S ^ P ^ ^ffit^fiS^ $jSSM0 '%fe*.' W . ^ ' 1 ^ " " ••"'••""• AVON LAKE PUailC i ' j 3 2 K 9 ELECIIllC tLECIUlC C • KT2H UttE. O H I0H1 O-.. • *™ w^ ° •••->-.^^-^-'-^w*^ Serving Avon • Avon Lake » Sheffield • Sheffield Lake Copyright 01993 • • > „ ' • : * Geon seeks home, tax abatement from Avon Lake Community Pulse .. And More RJH-Jr. fly Michdcl Gx«o Kant more. So sei the City of Avon Lako rogurdiug mcreational fees to builders for each constructed dwelling. Jumping the fee from $200.00 to £1.000.00 por unit is expected to ;{«( tho attention of area builders. Duvelopurs in Wostlaku wo:c hit aqualiy hard with Ihu same kind of fee and sued the city. Tho cuso is still pciufmy and could have somu impn<:t on Avon Lake's decision. Rugardles.s, should Ihi; fee iuci«iis<e be approved you can bctthn cojl will be passed an to the consumer. (Soo related story.) 1; "/ Avon and Avon , oka students currently in collwgo catch this'note. If you arc working on an UNDERGRADUATE degree or othor training program lauding to a certificate of graduation (associate . dogrne or pre-professional status), and if you are • in NEED of SCHOLARSHIP assistance now is the tlmo to act. Thn AVON LAKE KIWANIS SCHOLARSHIP LOAN PROGRAM is accuptiag LETTERS OF APPLICATION with official transcripts (college level). Applicant* mutt have completed at loast ono quarter/semester . of accradlted coltegs, level aculomic work with a projected completion dato. Submit lottur of requoal to; . Mr. Fniiik Hot-He, , SocroUry/Tfoasurer , / Avon Lako Scholarship Loan Program 321 BO Hampton Court Avon Lako, Ohio 44012 Continued on pttge 18 COVERtoCOVER 0mmq license Revoked ties • • - t • : • ! . . - > • . ; . ; « • Steven gets a computer Five-yoar-old S^von Roberts oJ Avon Lake will receive a stato-oMho-art compuler designed to enhance his learning ability in a regular kindergarten class, thanks to gran! money that was recently awarded to Avon Lake. At left is Anna llg, founder of RASAP (Recognillon, Acceptance and Support ol All PeopiQ), and Steven's mother, Joan Roberts A model of the computer is set up in the background. See related story inside. PRESS phcto - MurevIlM Grand* AVON LAKE - The Coon Company made a pilch to council on Monduy in «n efforf to liring ils hnadqutrturs to Iho city of Avrjn Uiku. Gcon is asking an obatomunt of tho S!)!,200 in now rf.'wl and personal properly taxes. Tito abnteniurii Would bii each ytjar for 10 years. In addition, they will brins S90.000 in taxes on personal property ta bu moved to Avon Lute: this is not pubi«ct to tax abatement. . By combining tho S91.200 and $90,000 f»r i\ lotnl o( $101,200, Donald Knechtgcs, Senior Vice Pr«aulont of CommtTCiol. described it as SO percent abatement; Currently, Coon pays ' Si,329.000 in r«al ustati and pci-sonnl property tnxos to the city. Thn extra S90.000 would • rnisu that airount to St.419,000. The schools would bonofit most if Gtfon lorntos its huudquurtur.i heru. gaininn $6B.0O0. The county would get S14.7OO; the cily S9,3i)0, Presently, Cuon-amploys 240 people nt" tho Chemical Plant and 171 at the Tucli Cor.tiuued on page 23 Insurance costs to be cut nearly in V2 By Jim Petraxsl SHEFFIELD - Council convened in a •pvcial meeting on Dec. 7 to talk I7ith two companies who offertjd bids on health insurance for vitloge etnptoyces. Sheffield is currently spending ove£153,000 a year tor h»tilth Insurance. The highest of the bids considered would cost around $20,000 a yoar. ': "I ihiiik this b a prime opportunity for .saving money." Blalko said. "We're talking about cutting our pruruiuras almost in half." ;. Though the insurance piano vary, hero aro a few of the minimum bonefite evnry program offers: • Maximum .nudlcnl bonefits of $5 million per person over a lifetime (village, employees\<:urr«m]y have S2 million). .'. • $30,000 'lifo insurancn- (village employees prcsctuly have $15,000). • " Preferred Proyidor Organization Similar to prusani health coverage, omployofH net maximum benf^Lts from using a network doctor or hospital. -Thoy can choose one that is not'on Ihe nutwork, but the coverage is less. • Prescription curds. Af*a!n similar to current coverage. Ac with doctors ->nd hospitals, umployoos save iho most when using a pharmacy on the network. The companies represent tho bids: under consideration. Encit agem is able lo enter a bid from ouch of the different insurance provider* ihoy deal with. Council. Mayor Jerry Hialko and Villugu Administrator Leo Sheets asked each agent questions about the respective insurance plans they submitted. Dave Kleth, of Rioth Insurance in Lorain, had submitted six different bids. Council wah interested in two of them: Principal Mutual and Fortis, At Iho beginning of the meeting, Rioth said he had made u mistake in the Prirtcipat Mutuol bid. Ho has the monthly prerafum listed as S2.444.03. He clalma the estimates aro correct and only tho premium figure is wrong. Mayor Jerry Bialko pointed out 'Sat figures cannc'. be changed after a bm is made, and *aid he would chuck with Law Director Michael Szoksly to sea if this correction is allowable. Bruce Nebin. of Todd & Associates in Cleveland, said, "1 command my competition on tho groups be wont to; I wont ;• Continued on page 16 3-2-1 Camera! Action! Julie Sobol of Avon Lake plays floor director during a ciass for adults with disaDiSities. The adults are learning how to produce and direct a cable^elevision show. See rotated story. PRESS photo - Mareelta Grande IS" II i 1 i1 m G s&Sf i ® 11 I11 11 mm W 1m m m mat Us* i1 Si HE II in 1 i1 m I i1i 1 1 i I ii R 1 11 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 Ii 1 i 1 1 i 11I 11 1 i 111 81 1m M M fflP11ffl iV tom1 I111 m iIm Pi 111 1H 1 § til ii 1m i i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 I sii mimI 1m1 111 i 1 *6 ml & EfdB with a Custom Made i 1m 11 1I a m m in! i IH i JOtth m h IIi ffl ffl ffl i m Food Marc jpccials available Wednesday Doc 15fti to midnight Tuesday Oec 21st SLICED FARMLAND DAK Imported joxiers or roast potato or :nacaroni salad or cole slaw LB89* ?.*•'•'%>, Rotisserie r o a s t e d " WondeHoart Framed and Ready to Hang ^ 1 KEEBLER BUTTER KNOT or BUTTER BRAID PRETZE1S OFFER GOOD WITH COUPON • LIMIT OWE BOX PER COUPON COWVEHIEHT HH)0 KURT COUPOS [ EXPIRES MIDNIGHT I Z / Z l g ) k at any Coriv^ton)Focd M«rt In Ert«, lotmn. CcmtMrt Food Um m &W, Lpntn. ktmir*, Wtyn*. SumnW, Parana or Stalk Courtfv M • on any 12 pc or larger bucket of or Cherry Seven "l|P oz. bag SANDWICH ! * "s f r' e r t o r PARTY WHEELS |& . £ S O*TER fiOOO ONQTWim COUPON u w owe oyatCT POI COUPON UOOD WUH COUPON -LIMIT ONE P/WTY WHEEL PER COUPON • KMM * 9 " * •* " ' * " " OL^fMlflbfeok t 12 /12 oz cans of regular or die Coca-CoSa Great k. Gift Idea! 6onond Cinema eiffl Boobs available at all stores Set a Free Movie Pass with purchase en eve AVON U K I SHEFF1CU5 LAKE 137 Lear Rd. • 933-2718 4786 Lake Rd. • 949-7631 rood Marc m 1 !i 1 Hiiiliii 1n m m 1 sp»ap8MJ$JiM ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^mm^^m^^^^^^m^^M ABSOLLTTELY WO COUPONS NEEDED UEY Gvrsi S33I A 12 inch Large With One item Costs Every Day Of The Week At 933-4224 • 933-4477 * 933-5708 BBQ Ribs BBQ Chicken THERE IS NO PRICE LIKE OUR PRICE, Decorating Dan © WALL-TO-WALL, ROOR-TO-CEIUNG & CORNER-TO-CORNER SALE! Letters Letters Policy Have an opinion to express? lUfito a letter to tho dJitor. ( Letters should be submitted TYPED,' DOUBLE-SPACED • complete with, name, address and tetcphm'ta'number. Tho phone number MUST be included for purposes of verification. ^Att loiters must haw the writer's .signature and daytime telephone nun\ber, Tho PRESS t^ervos 'the- right to edit for brevity and &$rity. Mail to "Letters to the gditcr;; Tht^PKESS, P.O. Box JOO. Avon Lake. Ohio *2$12. ..'. Deadline for letters'(tc» ajljiear in the following Wednesday's papor}\is Thursday. 5 p.m. However, letters aro published based on OIQ amount of space > •••', : "available. v . ? - v • ••/ ' ' •••"..;••.•::.'/•'.••• • cd to Mrs. Nownk's salary. 1 was. Her discrimination lawsuit must hove been very costly lo woof Avon. All she had lo do if sho was nut satisfied with the proposed salary was to resign and find a position with a Salary to her liking that fit her fine creutmtitils that.you quoted. I again quote your figurus: Salary fur m Mr. Hyde • S^.500. Salary of Mrs. Nowak - $43,000. This shuv.-s a salary saving of 33.500 in 19IH. My hustiamJ find I highly ruconuiioml fitll Hyde • proposed finnncn dirt'clor. • Custom "Window Treatments • Blinds & Shades •'• Wallcoverings • Furnituie Lastly, best of luck to Mayor-elect Jumos Smith.and all hia administration for tho oncoming twrm. Thu opinions expressed herein aro filiicUy my own. [ussie M. Root Editor's Note: Mr. Hydu's salary during bis employment in 1983-tl4 was approximately $23,000. Thanks for donations TolheEditon ,. . ,;• I would like to thank the following bunlnessra of Sheffield Lake.and Sheffield Village For contributing door prizes for our Family Moth program at-TenTo tho Editor: nyson Elementary School: Shoreway Lanes far frao',bowling games coupons; '- I recently had to appear in Avon Mayor's Court because I was Issued a Lnkdside Pot Contor for en S3 gift certlckirt for having an "animal at large." tificate; Big Lots for $10 worth of prizes, This typo of ticket is not walvtirablo. such as pencils, markers, crayons, e t c : Hardooft for frca hamburger coupons;. That was my first complaint. I as at court at the time atntofc on tho ticket (10 Ften Hut for Froo . , : . a.m.). Tho mayor showed up after 10:30. modlum pizza coupons;' McDonelds for That was my second complaint. I Ml free hamburger,: coupons; Earlono'a thorn waiting for my turn while a person Hillmark for a $5 gift certificate; end arrested For possession of marijuana Subway; for froo sandwich and drink, was fined $100; people Who had bven arcoupons. .....'.•-• ' • • . . . rested for contempt of court for not payTho managers of these establishments " Ing Finos from previous court, apwure kind and courteous in donating pearances wore ftnwi less that, and a throw prizes. Tholr generosity helped to. moke nut FnmuVMath progranva big : few people who wore thero because they were involved in.car accidents and had success for our students and parents. no insurance were HIIO fined-less than Again, thnnk you! Your generosity la . , tho First person. Then it was my turn. I greatly appreciated. • '; got a fine of $120 ($100 tor the dog and '••:•••, •••.'•' M r s .Victoria Fishor , S20 court costs] because my dog got 'TeacherftFamily Math Coordinator, loose. I would llke'to know what nonso that mokes. I find this totally ridiculous. I had to lose two hours of time from. . work lo go to court for a tickot for a dog ' and I got tho. highest fine, for Ihu TDthfc'Editbi: .:' . . '" . amallesl offense ••'•,' ['quota..your oditorteL dated Doc. 1, " I had hoard from a fow pen^lo that 993. &*. ; y , . ; , , . they had gone to court for tickets for ".Ex finance director. William .Hyde, tholr dogs and were lot go with much will bo recycled."' • . J lower Fines than tho one I got'and in I am tun) Mi'-' Hyde' folt Ilka a used 'c»amu cases, no fine at all. just a warning..'/ aluminum cnn].' • : , They must hravo been Friends of.the Bill Hydo Is our friend of many years. m a y o r . ••'•'•' ; WB. and his parents worn both tn the I am glad-Avon has voted, in a now greenhouse business. Ho is kind, lioncat, mayor, and I hope ho can. mako somo a)if]:dependahlo..I do not remember any changes in the procodurea In the Avon criticism when ho wasiflnnnco director "Mayor's" Court. ^ fay yoii T)T anyone also so ho must have Name wlthhulct-b; request beensatisfactory.: ( ••'• • , Continued on page 5 Mr. Hydo was not the only one oppas- Changes needed in rtiayor's court ^de is kind, dependable i -K •;,;'.i tfuis special pricing on selected Carpet! l' Complim tntarV ^cotuu tlationi. Hurry*. Hits Mir .fiit^Jan. IS, 19941 T JJ Rosalie Houk 933-2308 p atEarohfo CxuuMcmd A wide assortment of the popular variefios - French Chocolatej, Cordlab, Nuts, Butter Cream, Nougats, Myrtles. All dipped In ; mfflc or dark chocotato. lor/i of Christmas Novelties and Stuffed Toy3. OPEN QAILY 10-8 PM SUNDAY 1 -6 PM Everybody toves ccnd/'expectaiy <*hen if.comet from FAROH'S Candies THE F M E S T « HOMEMADE CANDIES RT. 83 & WALKER AD. AT "THE LANDINGS" &JJeax*s 'lossom's NEWS ITEMS: Thursday - S P.M. ADVERTISING: Friday - 1.0ON CLASSIFIEDS: Fwday - 5 P.M. t V" 4 ' ^ ^ T h u Ffwi! Houw> In CXd* Avon t t i_,O.-J 3ea40 D*tmii Rd.. Avon, C v'Ja Cmiuiif, iVfu flam. Afeti'j Juan Kuchlc. S 51* Ttinix AxarJL Ovprtt Scud. Ofniito*. fhd Stft««fl. Cat* Rivttrs Pottary (Snowman) GaR.s* Clotheo m l •rtjch, to; THE IVEXt fO. Itx Xt> Lake. OH 44011 Avon Lake •ityU: of ;in invan'-uinmr.i; author. At.tuilii-s inrltni-.-il ii review tit' map skills l)w, identification nt the Mitirlimlitfs.iiiut (liffiTirrii.i-s u[ I lie plains ri^iiins of tin; United Stiiti"i4 cliaractuT studies. .Jtnl mnin idiws of tho ntury.Tint ctiiliiri'n also iduntini.'cl tho- vi!f>eiutiim in !li« ariMs, i;S|'n;(;ia!ly wild flowers which tht'y studied iinti roporlutl on it; flicir Ll;j««itii.irt:s. Mrs. [jekson ;md Mrs. 1 Whiluht'iid Irttin th« Lorair* County Histuritis! Socinty visited the classes lo sliart1 piunt>ur litoof Ohio us u [i<irt of their unit. A cunipurftori study'was also *iri;ntnptishod throujth the viuivin£ of the myvit*. Sarah Plain and T.iihantl the hook. A <ttiill wus stitchud a% a culminating activity for the unit. The si;(|uunt:i!!> of the stor>- wore reviewed and presented in a "Wrdding" quilt for Sarah. Stitch by stitch, tint children renwmburud the details of ihe book and fondly ciiresst-d tht; lasting mumoritis that Patricia MacLachlan created with her writing. City Schools SCHOOL CALENDAR Thurs.. Doc- ^16. 7:30 p.m. - Avon Lake High School Vocal Music Concert - Auditorium Mon.. Doc. 20 - Eastvicw Holiday Concert TUBS.. Dec. 21 - FIRST DAY OF WINTER ;••? if? i 934-1357 EHANDMADE COUttTHV & COLLECTIBLES NEW CRAFTS ITEMS FIFTH GRADE. Mrs. Cwraci's, Mrs. GnundtV. and Mrs. Jcrmstad's Classt-a. Tim fifth grade has been very busy fjcploring new knowledge. We've been studying the different explorers since tho Ice Age using the CO ROM for a reference tool. Everyoiiu has hud an opportunity to utilize tho CD ROM to gather information. Wo created life-size, paper-doll explorers to accompany our "research. We've recently completed u unit on spiders and wrote spider stop-book reports. This was certainly a creepy-crawly experience. Did you know thero urn more than 50,000 different species? WO'VQ just finished a wonderfully, L-aptivating book entitled Tho View From the Cherry Tree by WiHo Davis Roberts. If you enjoy u good mystery. Ihe fifth grade encourages yori to read thb selection. We're involved in cooperative learning, especially teams/games/tournament. This gives us a chance to review for tests and quizzes in a fun and meaningful way. , Student Council is off the ground nt Westvtuw end the plans include helping with Classical lunch, stilling school supplies on Wednesday morning, and a Poinsettia Sale as a fundraiser, Tho Wesiview staff wishes .i Mnrry Christmas to the entire A.*on Luke learning coimnuniiy. WESTVIEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. The staff at Westview continues to implement a whole language program- We havo purchased multiplu copies of many social studies and science titles to correlate with units teachers have developed,. KINDERGARTEN. M.-s. Simmons Class. We know that we are writers because we completed a five day journal about reelings. And, we know that we are readors because wo can read The Three Little Pigs and It Looked Liko Spilt Milk. We hear that our families are enjoying our class book. Children. What Do You See? Watch for our second class book to float in liko a cloud. Our daily Dooklook gives ua an opportunity to choosu tm-icturosling book to read in class each day. FIRST GRADE. Mrs. Fairchild's. Mrs. May's and CAREER SHADOWING AT LEARWOOD. LearMrs. Paddock's Classes. As first grade was jiondi'ring pumpkins, we discovered many interesting things wood Middle School had its annual nighih gradu Career through experimentation. Pumpkins have many mom Shadowing Day on Nov. 22-24. Students were given an •- seeds than we estimated, and they tasted butter fried opportunity to ohadow a purson with a career in which than wo thought they would. Wo enjoyed reading Pum- they wore interested or wanted to exploro. They spent pkin* Pumpkin, as well as other pumpkin stories and sc- (ho day observing tho kind of work their adult did. Thiy ! quencod how pumpkins grow, and we road Buzz. Said also conducted an interview with their adult. the Ben. and we saw a real bed hiv-e and studied bee 1 spent the day shadowing Avon Lake's Larry Mumhabits. ford, a fifth grade teacher at Moislur Elementary in ' SECOND GRADE. Mrs. Deasy's. Mrs. Dragony'o, Loruin. It was a day I'll never forgot. Spending a day and Ms. Prickctfd Classes. Bean have been the Ihorrm with hildron from all different backgrounds is for tho second grade classes. We identified the problem something 1 think overyono should experience. It was and solution, setting, characters, and main events in the also fun to shadow Mr. Mumford because hu is a books Irn Sleeps Over, A Birthday Blko for Brimhall. wonderful teacher and really enjoys his students. Blueberries For Sal, and Big Bad Bruco. Wo learned I hope next year's eighth grado has as much fun as.I about bear* In science and made and read a chart to did! . , compare them. We used a key to interpret a map of Kylene Thomas . whom bean livo In North America. The second graders Learwood Middle School Eighth Grader . enjoyed doing sorao "beary" good writings in response to tbo literature. ! '•.,•'• THIRD GRADE. Mrs. Janko and Mrs. Hermensky. Ward 3 Councilman. Mr. Yurmanovich, visited Mrs. )a.tko's claasroora as part of our dry government study. . Ha explained the ganorat function of various levels of ' the Avon. Lake government, and tho role of a councilman. Wo complofod reading Mouse and the Motorcy•cJe and Humana the Pest, and have bogun Ralph S. [Mouse, and Matilda. Jamea and tho Giant Peach Is our "foot Tor fun* book mad together. We're also writing and Illustrating short paragraphs entitled "My Special Pot* to be sent to Scholastic Magazine with the hope that one class will btr selected for publication. Oral . reports will be presented on endangered animals in science. Mr»..Hernionsky*s class read James and tho Giant Pooch'. The bogk is a fantasy about a boy who lives . . with bis two mean /ints because bis parents were killed ••' by tin enormous rhino from the London Zoo. He goes on an adventure Inslae tin enormous peach and meets *omo giant insect! Inside the peach. We lu&rned about iniocti, Bnglund, nnjTweather. We also work together in tribos of Tour students on many prefects. We learned Nicolo Sando and Am-ida Jenkins pose with . nbuut map skills W/created paper macho globes in our '•t tribe*. Working together is a secret to success. - Amanda's fa'her, Charldb Jenkins, who is employed at Providence Hospital in Sandusky. FOURTH GRAOE. Ms. Rlcotta's. .... „. Ms. .„„ ,, Wilsons 113uns .Fourth Grade Clares. Tho wagons rolled Westward in the fourth erode.TiNp children hopped aboard a pioneer SCHOOL LUNCH MENU (Subject to Chanjp) wagon ana travelediram the coastal plains of Maine to Due. 20 • Hot Hoagy w/Choeso-Lettuce-Tomato, Chicken the cmtral plains of Ohio :o tho interior plains of Kan- Noodle Soup. Choice of Fruit, Milk. . sas through Ihe pages of the book. Sarah. Plain mid Tall by Patrlcifl:MacLachlan. This literature unit providod -Dec. 21 - Pizza. Mixed Vegutolbes. Fruit Salad. Popper: tho children tho opportunity to explore the settlement of mint Patty. Dove BUo, Milk, tho plains region, as well as identify the unique writing Doc. 22 - NO SCHOOL - HAFPV HOLIDAYS!. Many Ono Of A Kind Hand Grafted Ornamonts... Lctwost Pricos Possible On Wroaths & C<*nro/j?f&c&s s* wiedth? • swags • arr angements - jewelry -boors • , Toe..- S a t 11-5_- Ctgfiod Man.:; Sunday 12-5 FAMILY VISION CARE CONTACT LENSES • TINTED • DISPOSABLE • ASTIGMATIC DR. SCOTT H. SEIPEL OPTOMETRIST [(216)933-8300 EVENINGS AND SAT. AWILABUE 32730 Walker Rd. J AT THE'LANDINGS AVON LAKE, OH 44012 hink (Ehristmas SPORTS CARD and COMiC BOOK SHOW Sheffield Lake Communfty Center 4575 Lake Rd.r Sheffield Lake SATURDAY. DECEMBER 18TH 70 A M - 4 PMV FREE ADMISSION Coll l-21cV&39-2737 OLD PHOTOS R E S T O R E D OOPS! Yovftound an old ptctuie oi you and "your51stot takon wh«n you wma chtldion Wouldn't It mako a lovoly Christmas gilt lor old Aunt Hylen? Joo bacl Its got watoi - spots and stain;; on It Not Ni>c<?ti5attly' Call Michawl Kial . " ° « d'oeuvre* * P H ' T i l ' Dinner ; JAM VILLAQE POLICE BLOTTER Thanks for support Deliniticm of scnio ol the ^bieviaiions lou'tc In the Police Logs. . O O A - G C M Oti A/rivi UTL-Unafcfo to Locale MVA-Mctnr Verucie .Vcidtnt W'v ivuiiM [iko lo tuku this uppuctutiity to lli.ink t'voryom; who iit-lpmi us uiirn our Girt Scuut Silvur Aw art!. Our Silvur Award i'rojt'ct indudt-d [tl.intnin ai (-•vernret'n ireu at thi* Slicfliuld ..._„.. Kirc LU'p;jr'mmt with th« liopts thiit it will one day xrow into u community CUSTOM FRAMING Iruii. BOLO-fle on trie Loo*o t Pro-Field Intofrooatodi; • DWhOrivmg Wrote Intort 'tod HCC-No Cause Icr Comi1-1 bit Blip. Unlt-Otswtaricd Ufi 1 DUt-Orntrtf; Undor the IHMUWKI? NOV. 2B. : ! fX)55 • A traffic atoo on Rt. 111 west ot East River •i Rd. lor expired olattsaiso fotjndft.o'ownef'drive* torav«an acttvo war inn! out t ' l o n m Polio? Dept Warrant was confirmed and m;ik> subset release! to Lorain Police • i, 0 3 3 * • A traffic atop on Colorado AV*. rourxl a . male suspect lo Bo *tvina undw the influence and was wrostod. Oondod out same . 203£ - A pdtro) officer rvparbng u i MVA witrt no • injuries on Rt. 2 S J . 1 '• 1 NOV. 2 9 • • •- . \, • • , . . - t73O - The R s i c w Squad r\ -,ipnded tu a residence on Afcco Rd. tor a male »*' i was hunting and now fedown paaaXto Ntart nti.• * . One male 9uti»-1 trsnsoortwl to Syria M^nod 'Hospital far , treatment • 1• 2 0 5 0 - An alarm company reporting i . alarm drop al a local bv^rzn on Oat/ort Rd. Ol \ « f » found Itw bufcfcniwxired. .' • \ ; • 2 2 4 0 - A l r t f f c K o p o . T A b 6 o R d . a o d i •', 254 for araitvd ptetra abo found » mate BubfdcT b turw a warrant out of OOomod PoBce O«pt. Wl;'tint was conAmed and subtcct was placed und^'l'iBSt and bonded ou! aarne.", ,, • • \. 0. - First, we would like lo tiiimk our s (also our mums) fur thufr support ap.d for dtiviiij; us alt nroitmi. Wu wuuld ulw like to thitnk Mayor Hialko for lib seal of approv.it and the Slw(fii>Id Villiiijc Firufiighlurs for holpinji ut chau^t! :1IL> •situ. Li-itty. wo wov-(d like tu give an uxtru BI(J tliank you lo Mr. Richard Kunary of Kanur>" Ui:ubciipiti]t Fur donating llin (too iind giving us instructions on proper planting. Without all of you our project would •-lot have bean possible. We 'iiupu you "will continue to support Cirl Scouts. Thank you again. Stnfanic Ncuman & Janot Stout Cadettc Troop #345 Feels an apology is in order To the Editor: The following letter is a response to T.M. Riak's letter that appeared in last week's Press. NOV. 3 0 . • , . • ' . ••\ 1 • 0243 • Lorain PoBce OnpL conhminfl a \«-.vrant • I could not road your letter to ;ho editor of The Avon Lake Press titled out of our Po8c« OepL on a mato subject W' \\had "Not broke? Don't fix II" (12/8/93) stopped. Warrant confirmed and mnto s.^fect reloased to our FMSce Dopt. \ V. without informing the citizens of Avon 1009 - Pato.' Officers raeoonded to reports t'.i en the truth. MVA mm n' Ir^urlea on R l ^54 and Gutt Rrl. U\'.» Your comment that tho Avon School omcers arrival they roquested the RoscusS<ii,^ Board, especially Jim Smith, wanted to tor onn suCject. No transport at this Oms. W -\ soli thu Middle School property is 100 oec. t • •-/:•••. •• \-v. ,0005 - ^ loot btisir>u ori £v«ror«en ParkwayA.:: percent incorrect. qutaOnO t h * Roscim Squad for a female with t i \ A committee of about 12 citizens of poulbto broken ' tog. Ono female subJocV' transported to EJyrta Memorial Hospital ,for, \ Avon mot 15 evenings to Rcnuratc J \\ recommendations on the besi' aptrvstment, ; ,\\p roaches to providing long range DEC. a; 1130 * A resident on French Creofc Bd. reguosfino \ i facilities far the Avon School system, t the Rcscuo Squad for an etterty fomale who hits \ Lvas chnirntan of the committee. M e n and unette lo QH up. C m temale subject \\ The commltts* offored Lho recommentransported to St. Joe's Hospital for tmtmenl. 1924-OurPoac«D«pL received a 9-1-1 hano-u? \\ Intlon lo soil tho Mlddl« School to tho cif.-i. Neither the zity fathers nor the Avon cal from a rssktonco on Abbe Rd. Everything was 'toard of Education (Jim Smith- Pre-fi, 2 0 4 8 - A trtffic stop or. East R h w Rd. and Arbor (innt) felt that it was prudent. , Rd. tor waiving: Also found the drivertob« C+ring - VVr think jam'owe tho mayor-elect an under the Wloenc* and was placed undsr wroat ap-tlogy. for wsaVng. tXJI and consumlno.ti a motor ;• i •. T.J. Schmltz •v#«cte. . " • " " • 'DEC.4 .' ' ,::•' '. ' ; • 0 2 4 2 • Lorabi PoUc* Deoe. conflrmed a warrant out of our Poftca Dtpt. on a mato subject thoy had • stopped. Warrant confVmtd and subiect retoased toourPoBceOtpi. and bondad out same. • 0S5S - A local buaJneso on Detroit Rd. requesting th« Rtscue Souod for,« mato who has fainted and la exportoncina dfflcufDOt bnothlng. One mate suUect tnmapCTtrtto Eryria Momorial Hospital for t r e a t m e n t • • - ' ^ r - • . - . • • • ' '. ' 1203 -Omc«r»»spond«d to • vehicle rollover on . l-90.MBibound. No bi|urk» «t this time 1419 • Our PoBca Dopt. rvcfltvod A Q-1 • 1 can from n resktont on HarnK Rd. requesting tho Rescue Jqrjad tor a tomato with a possible stroke. One •fenioto lrwwported'to St. Joe's Hospital for . tnvaUmonL, : . 14S9 - A tocst buainew on Cokvndo Av*. r»aunBtlna a patrol ofi^or for a female displaying a wwwen. Ons femot* sublflct arrested for corrytttt) a conosaled weapon and bonded out same. all frtinicd art select framed art MTRONGSVILLE • 15255 Vtmil KdJ 2W93 Cectrr nf IVail &-Shutm*r Acrcaa &uo 2:lS-(M0fl LEND US 2500 SECONDS and we'll LEND YOU.> •(Or at least S2500 of It) \lf\k\ I AlfT Catholic Credit ,VUN LAKE Appreciates honesty Union, Inc. of Holy Soirtt A St. STOP IN OR C+dL FOR MORE DETAILS ,933-2524 Laura Pandy, D.D.S. FAMILY DENTISTRY NEW PAT1EOTS WELCOME! 7th year of practice GENERAL DENTISTOY P^»;i?Iease help the now administration (mo'| tW and council) build a greot Avon roth^lhan destroy It with false or uninformed statements. ' - ' To the Editor:. ,. I would like to thank the porson turning in tho money I inadvertently droppod at Rini-Rogo*(t on Nov. 18. You lose,; sight, of humanity and rob thorn of Irusl , until you find someono so honorable. Cod blew! -v ' •'. y q} Roto Credit Cards When You Can SAVE With Our LOW RATES & Speedy Application Time. COSMETIC DENTISTRY- Bleaching, bonding and porcelain veneers Most Insurances Accepted Laura Pandy, DDS Children are always welcome! For Appointment Call 933-2710 Evening & Saturday Hours Available •'- • j^gg Walker Commons North 33398 Walker Rd. Unit F Avon Lake 25% OFF A GIFT FOR HER OR HIM 2S% OFF Froib Qiar Collection &CO. Leanvood Square •. Comer of Lear & Walker Ras. Avon Lake, Oh Study on raising city's impact fees complete • eOV OUR QUALITY TREE!.. i WEfiflUPUT mm. HOURS; , Man. ihtmrfii frL tJ-« p>m. **t. & Sun. 10 «jn- la B p.m. FREE!' a u f; .1^ nd s caping AVON l.AKK - A study on reasons fur tin; rccr-.uiliun.il i:u[J.u:t ( w . !i;is d in thi: recommendation tu incruurw thi; current S200 Fee per dwelling, tu Sl.OUd pur each sin«lu family unit. <ind S~35 par oauh inultJ- family or mullil unit. A recreational impact fu« b n fea charged to developers for f.ach rwsiJcnli.il unit built. The Cue is di'ucuted limurd a special recruiilia:i;il irtist fund that can bt: used fur the purchase of par*. !aivi drui fur impravL-mi.'iit of (idditionul public rue tea lion facilities I'rrueiitly, there is more (hop 5200.000 iti the fund. The purpose of the fund is lo •iltow the city to ktiyp up with recreational demands us more people tnovo into th*t city and further oxcit local park resources. The sludy was completed by Professor Alan Welnstein of Clevbland, Siat-t University. Weinstein said thurc is a significant und increasing shortfall in recrvjtiona! facilities in Avon Lake. "It will worsen us develop mo nt inc r e a s e in the southeast portion of the cii}-." he said. "Having nine acres per every 1.000 peopla would bring us up to >nuff." The population in Avon Utico this year is estimated to be 10.1S6. und is pro- ?rlOOMerchinU N E W merchandise arrives weeklyfrommanufacturers * Area's Largest selection of OAKfnrnihue , Yccr BEST niw forbeifrwai, siLicg rocro, tj^fcec, pfis tables, cunos, daL 1 r:ort "* "Video Game Systems Bay New or Trade your old games. All major brandi * Jewelry - area's LOWEST Gold prices; costume, serai-precious and Plus Silver and Marcasitc jewelry. [jveQnsbaIi •ftfeblBltaf -iiitwiFto •VinciUm) | Collectibles •Bnanra •Ctfj* AtiudMi *iiBm* I .^« . IB 'twits 38Z-0022 > • • • ; • • v Spadal Holiday Hours; ' Fri.,D«c 17 through TJiur., ' 10om*6pm O««. 34-10 am to 4 pm 36-10 am to 6 pm CWMM t tinl.ib«ir:itt> Tin-1 itv tljy tn't..iusf r.ii>;i.'«l •iti.'i! i>y lifvlujHTS uln.'ii Mini Us rcciiMtioti.il iin|J.i<t ft'vs I 'Yiw i:asi_- luii liri-n [>4>!ii!iii« !tjr ypvi-r.il month*. Avon UiWt! tTity l.:\w I)iri.i:Utr Russell I'riivi-n/.i saiil hi' wouldn't !>«. Hurprisi-il tu so- Wi;\tl.ikr'* Cijs»t pn>ciH!<l ;ill thf wuy in (In1 Ohio Supreme Court. Witm.'ssiiij' %vhiit i*i !i>ipi><-ii!ii|4 !o WL'Sttalkv. A vim l-iiki.' was mi vised to compile proper ducumt'initlioM JMKI rvsiMriih ii: ordt-r to justify nusinK il.t fit--*, before doing MI. Mayor Vincent Urbin s<tid noun of the local tlfvelofjcfs were in atlt;ntianutt to lnr.ir thw presetituliu' Tuostlay, Due. 9. .dthough they vvonj ii(iti[i»^!, except for Bucky Kopf who camu hoforu tho comniissiun jn regiird to anwthcr project. llowt'vr... Urbin said ifevclopcrs have iihvays ruspoiulcd with the aa-iit: ruaction whui) told iho city is uondcring anr incr«ast; in rtmrualionnl impact fees: " I you want to increaue thw rt'cru^lional feu. Finn:.show nan plcn."hesuid. rctatlcummunl.v City Council hired Professor •• tc^r^uprjn the recomirientldtion from prelims city piannitr and the law djfM>'-s? tor. Council budgeted between %$Xm"'&, uiui Sfi.ooc1 for Weinstein to compile t h s ^ stutly, . '<ji% Weiastein said the sad truth ia that'B? Avun LaWu didn't raise its fee a number*^ of years ago when the building b. >m':'" ivus in full force. •• r The draftfld ordir-nce Wetnsteinr uutborud calli for the ee schedule to b«' rijvicmxJ *t least every tun years. • •:'.'•* r h e -i- . uission will review the draft'ij Hud share th*> study with City Ccuncfl.'•#•" Jn other business • C h r i s t m a s c a m e early BFGoodrich and The Cent] Coi Planning Commission approved ~ split rvtiuested by Goodrich. Tbo . was necessary to foster the wparationTL, the Geon Division of Goodrich ieta'ttfli own. individual company-asVpajBtfoii^is which took place this past 3prlng.'Tl»^ request had been tabled trumaprevij^t nieoting. Tho property is located on t W south side of Walker Koad *rtftpf• Moore. ' ; .. ..-. '••"-''•'lyM* Kopfs rcspon«« was similar. "I can bo the b«st supporter In the world if I know there*» a business plan," he said. "?-Vhat ure we going to get? When arc we going to set it?" fc-tasked.' "The priciTof lond will «o up quicker than the time it take.* to ROI the money ' - . .V?S ^ T I J (to finance more recreational fciciliticsj,'* • After a few go-rouniHs with nwtti^S Kopf painted out. Planning Commission munibors asked proper submission requlrementv;ilrt;| Kopf if .his homo buyers are aware th« commission approved the issuance cftiS! developer must pay $200 toward the zoning ponriit for Realty Ono to'eracTit?' 5.568 square-foot building on the ioiBK§*city's tccroationnl trust fund. side of Walker Road, just acrass frenrffl^ "The buyer'is aware in our case." present location in the Landlnat,'//'-';* Kopf said. "Other builders do not _, , K, , disclose. Most sales peoplo probably try variance had buant Board of Appeals, so the reqtuwt wolg* to hide it." he replied. back to tho Planning Cominisslatrwliojf Kopf noted the downturn in the was pleased'with subsequent,n uccnnmy and the huyurs' market thiit currently exists, tic pointed out the to tho plan. Revisions included. the driveway so it curved behind U» .»^-;, other impact fees that builders must pay back, and leaving enough spade tartfttfE such as stuvur and water Impact fees, truck to have access lo tho JfrontofT" and how those fees have increuscd. Last year, at lun.it orm of those foes churged building. . , ;i^p by the. Utilities .Department increased • The commission approved the significantly. piat plan and zoning 1 He Indicated the foas make tho priess Construction to build of humes evun higher, resulting In fur* .units in Westwlnds thcr market shrinkage. In addressing Tho. homes will bo located _ Kopfs concerns and (hoso of other 1 Drive. Maritime Court and Co uevclupurs. Mayor Urbin emphasized Court. that tho city's Recreation Commission is • Tho finai plat plan and working fovorishly to zero in on plans fora multi-purpose (oenmtiono! facility. the improvemont pinna for The R of Avon I-ako Subdivision, (phawlj The commission merits twict- A month approvod. • Phasa one • consists now. Urbin snid. Ho suggested devolopcrs attend the Rec. Commission sublots nlong p meetings to provide input on tho types-' Crestwood Urivo and of mcreation new home- buyers are clo. Thoi main entrance to"the.; sloa is locaind on tho north seeking. FoIIowiog Kopf's remarks,, commis-. Walkor Road wost of Avon Boldwi Karen Mihalik, M.D., accepting new patients Specializing in OB/BYN: infertiWy IncontlMnce Care .Dr. Mihalik received hcrimedical .degree from'Wrlght State University and recently completed her internship-and residency at MacDbnald Hospital for^JComcn, University Hospitals of Cleveland. Her affiliations include thi Ohio •; State and American Medical Associations and the American College of Obstetrics and , ' Gynccology. Suite 201, Gates Medical Center 125 East Broad St., Elyria , EMII ftrgiomit Mniletit r;*,U*r lor appointment call 329-7375 • • -/Al : i • andi fevoro-i'« rt.ir tuimplctiun and update of the cil'/t'nj cjinpruhtmsivi; plan which would-*— '• th:'r satisfy some of the Co., LPA ATTORNEY • PERSONAL INJURY :, •PROBATE •DIVORCE MEDIATIQN ANEW ^APPROACH CERTIRED MEDIATOR 32730 WALKER RD..#I4 AVON LAKE Sheffield/Sheffield Lake News !' KLINGSHIRN FINE GIFT IDEAS choose from By Jo Ann McFall Phase sum! ail itums for this column to |o Ann McPiill. 552'J F.. Uke Kooil. Shiifiiuld I.aU*. 0 ; . 4-105: or call 949-5531 and leave a rw.'ssajju. Thu item must be ruuvivthi boFori> naon on ihu Wednesday befbrti'it is to bo. in the paper. Volunteers Ntcded. Tim Hrookside High School/S huff it'll] Mkldiu School Athletic Boosters arc in (he protest of beginning a major fundraiser. We would Ilko to start a bingo game to benefit thu athlatus of the district. To do (his. wo need an experienced person or persons knowledgeable in ihr. set-up of bingo. IF you aro interested In volunteering some time to bonufit tho sports pro- nf both scluioN. call Pat Holiday Rccoss. ShuiKelil/LuUSdiuots will In.' out for holiday rucess from l>:c. 22 through Jan. 2. School will »..'Ki[i again on Jan. :\, iyS4. Have a <j*fe and happy vairatioiiCoratnunity Civic Council. Tiitrre will be MO Community Civic Council mueting during the month of Uucumlxr due to thu holidays. Mfiulings will resume in January. Cookie Sale. The Sheffield Lake United Church of Christ will havu a Cookie 'Jalo on Dec. 18 at 9 a.m. The church is located at 603 Sunset. Call Mildred Cook. 5M9-5546 for any further information. . Avon Police Log iti Varieties of Wine 3 Champagne Custom Holiday Labels with your personalized greeting Attractive Gift Packaging for one, two or three bottles . S Novelty Bottle Racks, Wine \3 lasses, and more. WINERY INC. UPS Packaging and Delivery 33050 Webber Road A'/on Lake, Oh. 44012 Phone: (?.I6) 933-6666 (tn Oliio only) Store Hours: 10 to 15 daily, cfoseti Sunday* uxl Holiday* 1.6 mi. north 1-90 orf RLB3 . ' • • • > • Master Card and Visa welcome 0634 -DMVEBJ-9C U 154 1J2 mm 0905 - 0MV Mite Rd. al VFW 0924 • Vandalism on KVuel QOA-Gooa OnArrtvnl \JTL-Ur.dtt» to Locate • 028 - Domestic on Bramfclewood , HViWWotoi Vohicto AccUmt 2057 - Car vs D«jr ViB I-W at courty Mno. ' BtE-Brsaklng & Enrtrtr^ 2139- DMV ^BQ a! county ino , .BOLO-B* on Cx Lookout 2149 - Hunting complaint Jaycox botwe«n Rt. 254 a Tracks. UTL. n t V f W d Werrogiiied 2 l 49 - Hunting complalitt Matfe be!ween CTteator DW)-0nving YMto kWoxlcaled NCONo Cause for Complaint *ftt254. UT1_ 2230 - DMV 1-90 «a3I Ol Ftt 611. 2351 • TrsHir. slop on MiKsr Drnor arrested for DUHMvkig Under Sw Influence DEC. 3 . -:. DUI. • :. , 0638. - Semi bt ttw ditch Sfl 83. south of the DEC.6 • trucks: 0025 - Dew struck on Rt. 6 ' 1 iioHh ol BP 0t53 - Susoldcus vflNde on Detroit by SR 83 0712-DMVSR S3 overpass : Checked OK. D949 - Squad run "o Moon Rd. 0907 - 0MV EB 1-90 owl of 5P. 83 1009 • Lockout o.-iEK&iDelh (,•-. -• 1023 • Lockout al French Creek Tavern 1121 - Oomeitbc on ScrmvU Rd. Choc^«<J OK. *832 - Largo Smb n roadway al Rt. 254 & Mom 1845 - DMV Rt. 2S4. wost ol tracks Rd. 10M-OMV(-S0SFrl. QM 1843 - DMV WB i 90 at IS5rrm t B57 - Largv partv on Parkview DEC. 7 2030 • C«T In the nett SR 83 across from Bob-O1352 • MVA Jaycox A Crmstw Vr.K • • • 1609- Alarm drop Ol LU3h Lawf Choc^d OK 1 f)10 - MVA Hi. 754 a M«Jdto School 0t56 • Traffic stop Ri- 254 Just \c.ta Lie Village. 2019 - Qir vo deer MVA Fit 254 we ixt#at arrwted for DUI. DUG. 8 " , .0243 • Sound run to CctorjcM Ave J I, 0339 • BP reporttnu u ouapttioca vcfucie at tfw 1344 • MVA SR 83 & Rt 254 1758 - Van in median 1/2 rnilo weal of Rt. 611 staUon. Ctw<f»aOK. . •• 2056 -Squad run to Detect Rd..residence, 092 a • LaroSfetoca or pintle ir. me ditch ort Sfl 83 2348 • Co- vs door MiHer scutn ol trucks by EngMi CrneM blockjno ttw water. DEC. 9 , 0942 - Oomeslc on Candtewoud. Criecked OK. 0820 Car va daer Rt. 611 3 1-90 , , 1421 - MVA Rt 254 & French CfMk w.'ln|urk>9. 1029 • Scuad run to St. Mory'a 1S35 - MVA on Schwartz Rd. 1616 - Lockout on Jayco* , 1849-MVA on Scrrwnrtznd. 1«10-OMVonD«foi: ••DEC. 5 • ' • . • , ' • • • ' # Doflniticna of some of the eWmwiawons found to the Polfce Logs. i iRenflw a Christmas Tradition... Put a Train tnnJar the Tree. G«t^teItKetlytaTr3inSetreg.l350 NML; Train S8t by Ma^«g. «215 now t 9 4 * Kg? PUSS over 30 mot* Train SetstochocM ttom i faotura Tho Bait S«l«ction in Radio Control O«i p«w«i«a1 •araaifi 1M UU_ - 'Wat Tataants - Chains "Earrings -%zementz&More! - 00 Days Sam* Aa Caah or Easy Monthly InstaHrrwnls MASTERCARD UYAWAYS *i7h# LANDINGS- O p o n DaSy l O t H B 933-3159 VISA Open Sunday 12 tfl 5 Chris Mayer Graduate Senior Appraiser 933-7700 871-8880* Realty One Thank You for your friendship, your business, and the opportunity to serve you. v>iu«) strongsvilie Hobby Shop ; !$ Your Business Lost In A Um Of Competition? f^€^v '« .-•J: "ii ; [ ConnU &r >• !nth«bimiWTOWOWYp0pfooram.»b., h»k> you itand oul from tr» crowd, rooeh a »l#ct •:., rwW marlwt and'mbto a l j t i r ^ w o t o r t May Your Spirit Be Bright this Holiday Season and Throughout the ft Com/ng Year. f ' ' : - ' ' " .• ' V i CVEN'NQ & SATUR o".J4Cjar3c!6.,* JJ .-,, Homeowner picks bone with ZBA A ' t ' U N L-'\K1-; •- !{i>ritiir*i )• V i i k . Oil I H u n r i l y V V a y . i ; ; i n ' t l i . i v e l i i s [ . Prwcrphgn FJi«), Le-M it, W«M 3 (iji> ' Vilk jHi.-nili;ii j rri.t.'tii (.!)Kv C o u n c i l iin;«t:ti^ irj p o i ; ; ! out u h . i t h e L ifi|iiiiii:i-.. VilJi, was rtjcynlly nMuH'd a v a r i - i n c e b y thi; Z o n i n g Uo.ird of t S 5 " MOORE ROAD - SUITS III • AVON LAKE "I'!u>> . i ) tin* f)tin:ii. it Ijy . to .'s ,i niuni. l! i«. IKII a room." ML' s;tni [;,,. wili i.fjt run utility's uut to tht? porch, bu! simply wjnl-s to t-iiclose it, uni)..iil'.tf(l th.it his porch t?\ti>nd<. Jinir foul ii»t.v iht: suttMcV.. "Tilt1 SjutKlur hits aright io build thecundo llui! wny. bul tin* poor OWIH.T is stuck ** •Vilk said. . • . ' • ' Ho iiddrd lluit \x\ similar cas,f». -uine humtMiwriuni art- jmrmitk'd to enciuje their purdi.-;. uhilu utliurs art; not. dupumiittK o n how the hume is. situated. ' ' \ i\V. said tui put down $UUU un HIL- undosurn in Stptembur. but sinctt tho Zoning Uourd ur AppoaU has rufusfd his vuriancu. hu is out S100 bucauso the enclosure' company would unly rudind S7P0. Stiim* City CouncilinL-mbers symjiatliizud wllhVilk.. uml snid thu codes need to be reviewed, but tot now. ihu only rt'cuurso hti has U to pursue small claims court. ar> rnrrtint} to tho law.director. fle//e/ for families in need Day of Betnlj Gift Certificates AnlUUe THE HAIL AMD BODY STA" AVON LAKE - Mayor Vincent Urbili is asking local families who are axporteacing economic hardships tiver Ihe holidays to call the city. 933-.6S41. The famllici wiH t)c rprorred to the Community Resource Services organization anrL'or Northeast Uirain bounty Social Servicos. who will aiisUt them. CBDOSE R3D5 01WK4 CKAGE COMBIHA37OJVS I » OJTujiAftntftoKe^w/ Casio PtAiqe of tSO or more Sewer rate hike, not water IK3?~,~" "I?3^^1.. -Makeovers « nS1"5 " HeroaTBody Wrap • •Hinnlnjl J P • Nail ExtcnUons -Facials • FacWSBody ^ Waxing Phone In Your GItt CERTIFICATE Orfer.« Tb Scfect The Combo i^cio^e For That Special Someone ond We'll Mali It Directly 7b YOUl AVON LAKE - Sewer Committee Chairman Michael Yurir.anovlch wanted to clarify hat >he utility hike Avon I-iko residents will see in January is tn sewer raton. • no' waier rates as many residents believe. . . "nV Utilities Director John Kniepper will mako a special presentation at an itPcamlnR " ' S session to explain why the increaw, is needed. Kniepper has said manj r K JV s ' n M . ^ " c W C o o n closod its PVC production lino earlier this year, tho w£? lu ?yu b s t na n tai » ! "V 0 ""? b o c a u s e l h ° PVC line was a nw|or water user. . .' i. M 7 f « . b « r b the loss in nnrnnue Trom water - since its customer tuuo • ss dnersiriixl and widcaprcad - it cannot absorb (he loss in sewer rovenuu. COUNTKTSmE PLAZA 3 7 4 8 0 H*rr«afc Dri T e, A*on • Ju*t South of 1-90 AVON LAKE MEDICLINIC Urgent Care & Family Practice Occupational Health Ssrvices - No Appointment Necessary For Business/Industry Most insurances Accepted • Physicals Off SIto X-ftay & Lab Facilities New Patients Welcome 'rOPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK l Han: '' - ' ' •"' V Snow removal for elderly/disabled 934-6994 tLf. 030 ?M -930 PM Sit 8:30 AM -930 PM . to X Waiter fid.. 933-2929 33398 Walker Rd,, Avon lake (Next To Drug Mart) Sun.llM|*SPM •"•.•? .•AVON LAKE - Snow will bo removed from driveway aprons, the part of the dnvmvay located on ciiyright-of-way,as a result of paving city strata. To sign uii for th, S5 ervic^call Avon LakoCity Hal at 033-Gi41. Information will bo fomHB'* io tne service director who mil compile a master list -ry J3idl nt m l C oId(lr u n d havo R 0 wt!h fii, '/H" L "t *? T \ r " o«I>or resident living ,n«r ft? M I'" Wl i° ' S Phy»ic,aKV c ? b I e nf shoveling snow. If vouoger than Bs!t ing unable to ihove! s.iow. Please a i 8 . : up as flQon as possible for this service.: Sheffield Lake Meetings S H E F F : E L D LAKE-The fallow- . ing local government mecMnga will bo hold . in City Counr.H chumb«rs unloss otherwise specified: • Wednesday. Doc. 15 - Northoast Lorain County Social Services, meets at the Civic Center. 7:3(1 p.m.: -Zoning Board of Appeals - 8 p.m. • Monday. Ooc^20 - Board cf Trustees meets at Civic Center, 7:30 pjn.. • Tuesday, Dc-c.21 - Finance CommKtec, 7 p.m.: City.Council work session, 8 p.m.; Board of Control. 9 p-m. ' '' . - ' '.> l • Tuesday. Dec. 2(1 - City Council, 8 p.m.: Board of Control, 9 p.m. !• : •MI Area food distribution CRYSTAL SALE! Financing 90 Days Same As Cash Available SHEFFIELD LAKE - Northeast 7>orafn County Social Services reports for the, month of October; 70 peoplu received home-delivered meals. In total. 1,270 meals worn d.diverud in Avon Loktf: 497 In ShofHeld Lafco; and 58 in Sheffield. The U.S. Department of ARrieuIturu supplied 198 arou households with govnrn->. mont commodities: 31 hotm-holds In Avon. 79 in Avon Lake, 83 in Sheffield Lako ; und Rvo in Sheffield Thirty-1 wo emorgency food boxes were also doKvorod: five In •• Avon, six in Avon Laju^. rhrefi in SliBffi»jId ond 18 in Sheffield LaVo. • • Northeast thanks all tin' churchoa. schools nnd civic organizations which donated;., Tood and othur items over the Thanksgiving, holiday. . 7 '&?' Holiday celebration^ for people with disabilities "" v SHEFFIELD LAKE - Th« local chMpWof the National Hoad Injury Foundation'\y will host a holiday party on Saturday. Dec. 18 from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. at Shorewny; Lnnes. Them wilt be bowling, a gift drawing, Christmas cnrolers and free', refrnshments. The event Is a joint celebration with the local Walkln* and Whoelles'j., peer recreation and support group.'. ... . . . . . _ . . . . Traffic study grant approved For Uhawtion Only! WITH THIS COUPON •T OFF ALL CRYSTAL, PRICED.FROM , .'".it' WITH EACH CRYSTALPUn^ASE^ECBVEA BEAUTiFUL CRYSTAL BUTTERFLY JEWELRY BOX 253 EAST ERIE AVE. . L0RA1N, OHIO 288-8898 ; ^ b l d t t L i O i Opon Dilly 6:30 am • S:3O pm. Sat. 9 mm - 3 pm Opon Evanlnq»_By Appointment I i • " " ' ' • ' • , : " . ' . » . ' i/: AVON LAKE - Mayor Vinc« Urbln announced that the NOACA (Northeast Ohio;. Area-wide Coordinating Agency) will provide 00 percent of tho cost for a traffic.c. ' study at the corner of Rudwooti and SR 83. Tho city is trying to find out if it meats' ' tho utate standards lo warrant a rod/yeltow/green traffic light at tills intersection. The study has beonjlorie onco beforo. but the standard could not bo met. ' - , . : Foot and auto traffic havo increased In this urea since (ho previous study took . ..4 place, and officials believe tho n^indard to warrant o traffic signal may now bo met. Thocost of the study is $1,500 with NOACA footini! 5t,350 of the bill. :p •'•#. Rose abatement hearing set AVON - A. public hearing on the 10 year, 75 percent t&x ubutoment requostorl by A.J. Roso Company Is scheduled for Doc. 20 at 7:00 p.m. The company plans (o build a metal stomping plnnt at thy northeast corner or Mcuro and Chester Koads. Public Bike Auction SHEFFIELD LAKE - There will bo a public bike auction on Saturday, Dec. 18. at 0 a.m. Losrt blcyclos will bo nuclionpd. Plonse call City Hall, 04y-fl590 • " for place of tho uucliun. Sheffield Sheffield Lake City Schools ;?'hi- i:!ii!iin:n i>ri|»iy luulung Hit- p a r t «<f ('•Uiriiii-* J ' I I I iiii.nis .is thi-v n'tull tht: slury of o u r v r r v lirsi- Fourtli Grade Pilgrims. Standing (led to right) Moi"y Jones. Rosemary Soeder. Marlyrta Scarv^Ui. Jessica Trlgg. Brittany Taylor. Seated: Miko Carter. DarreH Bryant. 1 TENNYSON POETRY HRZAK. Thi* week** "Po«fry Wreak" is done by Miranda N^hls and Sluphanie Allison. They're in Mrs. StotwinsklS third grade class. They dressed up like twins and tuld whul it was like to be twins for a day. Mrs. Szaz's A.M. & P.M. classes. The annual Knollwood parly childhood T h a g fwit was a big success. The last two weeks of Novumbor tho 'children baied and cooked many delicious dishe* in preparation for'the big cvtmt. Tho menu included itovo soup, cheasy corn muffin*, homemade butter, cranberry bread, corn pudding and pumpkin cookies. ' When the invited guests arrivod they were untertblned with a variety of Thanksgiving songs and finger plays. They w e n then treated to food and drink. Upon leaving they took with thorn full tummies, good memories and a recipe book of all the wonderful food we prepared. . CORRECTION. It was'rupoiiud in lust week's Press that Krioilwood'* .Gingiu bread Christmn* program would tM» held on Dec. 18 ut 2 p.m. Tho correct date is Dec. ID, 2 p.m. in Knoilwood's Multi-Furposo Room. Tho Press regrets tho error. LOOKING FOR GREAT AUTO, HOME, BUSINESS AND UFE SERVICE? YOITVE FOUND™ penfound insurance THE FIRST THANKSGIVING AT FORESTLAWN. Mrs. Ford's fourth grade class at Forestlawn Elementary presented their annual p!ay entltlted, "Tho First Thanktalvicg." ^ The ploy tolls thw*. Vry of the Pilgrims and (hoir'ifoin the Now World. The first Thanksgiving foartt Is colobratt-d with Governor Bradford speaking. Pilgrims. and Indians and even the audionco joining in with Thanlugivtng songu. • ,. , 36765 DEJZOITSOAD, AVON ARIES (Mir. Il-Apr.21) vou w I'JJ to you Yl« wciJd be'a uooo1 iwnl il iro'jii! upci up d AtwjW f1^ atfiOf ih.ir Oivioatocy bucau-i* time lo 3o icmePw y Uancii, trv not to attfc on »cw partner's fool TAURUS (A;W. S2-«»y 22) An irwoatrror,! CCKu/vl (My oft berc-o i Cnfistjna.sandgiv->^ualit»e«'tiomonev Voti^JIcetttrew vts^cn of wMt it s all ifceut b«f=fp ^ » rn)« yuaf Ev«ryff>>rtfl nwy 30cm to t » i ,ju>ri\] ATOKU new C*J* 'l vau'l! rarg m mere, trvngs wD turn around and * fju wli tut !t tvew twflcn Delore yow bwtfidv. • GEVlNt (May 23-Jun* 71> You wH) b« attracted to sonMrane who c ;wrrr.aliy wooWni loch a! you ttnee. Cc! >< youil Kooo your PCMW,1 sar-iStHing cooJd ilevflteo. Voo trwy ha*« 'o wbitrato a dispute wnen you aro unwiUy ttwj on« c,3u**iQ touWo Your irauol cuic^c IBCOB may. abandon you UHS wceK^od CANCER fJun« 22-Julj 20J Yoo and your nwl-*r rrtr/ finolfy agroe or. son^trung aitour Ine horn* Watch out lor an Aquarius (of wOwr >*») and expect to uoosp«c»<l - y w momw rtw.w warned you atoul tfia You may be traveling tor a *«ry"st»am reason and you may no( want anyooo to hrww It LEO (July 21-Aufl. 20) You 3h0uVt Co leoling umxuiaRy good. «v«n for TNs twTxi of tTw> y w , and you are ap<to>oo« around lea a r w * i«nc<3omloconou«. You w« Oft tf* chance to ilo a flood d « d but tr<« folk* a! hcm« may question your mottws. A new romance It comtng and Ihero a no way to stop rt. ~ • • VBK1O (Aug. 11-S«pU22) You may t » iKllng aomothing from tho famtfy and It could r«v»todo wtm travel or traraoortatton. Sceod morB trrw with faraty tna Chratrr«». « wi« o«t h«d«f and hardw M I trwy KN«wd tnetf vmnos. You may feel the hitwratm; m» w w k t f t l and avoiding all tne sfowfls. • ' " ,; U8RA (S«pt. 23-OCL 25) You w * De both p i w i a ^ and «!**vSr>g narPes and you may h»*f. w soend aomo money on your home to rrvAo it -prwwfaWe-* Your ego may ttke a bmBng » you're out and •Bout, but B»t doesn't mean yoo won't get wnrtf you w«nl tn ttis end. HeighDtxhood parbn wiB M getting itarted. SCORPIO (OcL 26^ov. 23) You wfl hnv» to arjand ealra money to kwtp uo with the rwtghbors. You may not t » as comfortable a) home a j you uaea to M . has thor ffamily gotten worse or hov* you "ojtcrown" them7 A chungo * l • * * • w &• I n a d « h • hoBday g«itogemer for at t unusual reason; but» may h m out K> be a good tt*ig. SAOrrTARlOS ( H « . 2«-Oac 31) Soroaonn may influence you to matut a b«rwfldat physical cfttnoo. You wU t* wwxttng tme atd/or money on the Arts and B wtf man* you I m i good and nttmulatB you mentalTy. You co*Jd sutler ateUownovof the weekend but o n » you Mart smtng «d your ok) fnends II wil be gora CAPfltCORTi (Oec *2-Jan. 17) Somotning un«p«cted * * come UD trwt wOT coat yo>j, but you won't mind it It Lj tor « good (MUM. Start making your ptora lor 1894 now .It's going to be a great one although you may not got«»» as much money as you would Ike You may got invoNed * * * some weird people or acitviMa. AQUARIUS (J*n. 18-Pflb. 18} The boas couk) pud a slick one on you and you nay tave to go owr her/his heed to oet acfialacfion. An ofr«e p«f ly could easily gel otrt 0? hand and someoo* may neod n now jot Monday iromma Oeams KtyJH wane buo tha Crtrtetmns and be onty ff» t>ec<r>nlr>g. many enciwig change* aru m th« injO. PtSClcS (Feb. 1 T-Mmr. 20) An Aouartua coulil teach you a lot about (he real wond. but you couW teach the Water Bearer atotabout the athur wo»td. You may b* to Bomo quwttonabl* companv but somehow you'll turn rl into a vaJuaWe experience-. Yc« could at*o loam • cold, hard lacl that tWU rum you upaido down. L','1 UMBURANCI nurpartner *i pcatmt tton JUST FACE.IT*l. Salads Pizza > Ca1xon«« Sandwlchvs • CtaWvi IWsrt*4 • •&****••" Top *Co*Wi • Ita* f j - " 4 1 " * fpwwoorti Creative Kitchens 1MOOMB—•«ttHrt..W—Mafca. RAFTERS Showroom 1000 Old Ca««tt, Wwttatar Flru CntUr 1U MMLT • 24 Hoi* Fax Service •frBudnonCardi 4-Ptmtkxi >Po«urnos + Rubtw»5t • CurtomArtftOgtan • PooooaBwd Crrttrnga COKSI by Cauon CrofT WE SHIP PACKAGES FREE PACKAGING! . You Just Buy The Box 933-2881 IN THE LANDINGS Vina Cutter Cart Rd. XS9 Otrt O S«ntinf C»rry Out O«ly IH Copies SBCus Jt 'WfutU JLot S\Core X For'IfkMqCidays! £ SHEET PIZZA X UWW20 OOP /PLUS BTTER (O3-OM lit the NOW Santa Fe Express aMtltSp of8«.MrMr1tf> (XifltaMtGMctai Q p ^ HOLIDAY GOLF SPECIALS »£jifcri*ffltnt'wB3*c flocks SntAHGER a m U f t *3S Slng1« f CaO tueKniwUBntodat £ *************** i , . . ' . . „ \W £XP«JS lunch M«w Friday, Dae 17lh h Km **K Happy Houri: • Mon.-Thur.4.7 rri.&Sot.4-9 • North R I d B t v l ) ! » ^ iUiafvntlomSvQaMtad BIG BERTHAS, KING COBRAS and PING irons priced to sell. SPECIAL SAVINGS on TAYLORMADE - the # 1 i.tetalwood in golf. SPALDlNGXolf Package 3 woods, 8 irons, nutter and golf bag ONtff $ 2 1 9 . 0 0 Fully stocked with 1994 Footwear styles from FOOTJOY and ETONIC |; WILSON Goro-Tex rainsuits priced to sell at S I 99.95 Selection of ETONIC Goro-tox "windstapper" sweaters and vests SAVE ON GOLF FASHIONS FOR MEN AND WOMEN : GIFTWRAPPED GOLF BALLS IN DOZENS AND SPECIAL PACKS _ Titlaist DT/SpaidingTop Fllle and Magna, and Wilson Ultra Compotiiion Sweetbriar Gift CerirHcates CREAT for fho golfer who bos everything * • ; . • • . ' . ; . . ' • . ' : • • . • . - ( ; "' S w e e t b r i a r Golf Couise & Pro Shop 750 Jaycox Rd. Avon Lake 033:9001/B92-0822 Op«r. 8--00 am to 0:00 piv\ everyday 'WJ •j\"u Joixi us for a visit with. Santa! PLACE: McDonald's Avon Lake Police Log » ito • f l t v u : S4>-J'! i-iCincnig to PflKrcw*-. _"-: OOA-Gon- Or- Afr.vHl UTt-U*iitrin tfj [/^o'.y Dot] Wjri3**n sdVMM) Cp' »-^-k fnccocnfc,'. --' A'.im l.jkc DATE: TIME: VIK'J 311 Tl(tit)*.Yl-lTW Sunday, December 19ih 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. FREE GIFTS FOR THE KIDS! BOLO-B? on imj DEC I • ..' . ' . s 'JOJS - N O'if'K'O r<?^ Bunlijt ha njnog»v " : r iq Wrww Into meat v<i NCC-No CSOSn* '•_'( Coffipiijtnt DEC ? C'^iWdjod Or ! 32 A • Property tfwurjw to Walker Rd ftJ O w w advised. t ->' 5 - Vt'fwcto locfceMt at Drug Mart. Erllr V &a"»«i! 1320 • OMV on Jiyco* R<J Nwtt* ol WaJkCf Hd 'J>«o«r advised 13-*S- 9-1-1 hang-up call from SwwotFW Clmci*dCK C 2 4 6 ollwrpte<J lo atop a voNcto on (nwcod, MVA tar \n me difcfi e! C l 10-19 w i l 5 fo ; DWI VohcwtD«*d DEC 3 0003 • Out oJ The Lan«i^» condoi wsutotccf !f S h r t W UUvt PO Has an nebv* mufrvil W Br,-e<JtoSLPO 0323 • Several calls to( a maf«t m I M miJdlo ol ttw r-Jad at Lake,Moore Taken to friends on Oa>t:o» Rd 0541 • S&i?ct and snap t i g m damogad nl Bcrttsfbre. Electric. Sor^ictf Oept notified 0853 • Comotomt of N.otws on Wttkc fld propent. UTL. 1138 • ComoMnt of a OMV on Hunter's RKIQO Pnvau> tow cafted t 3 0 e - Susyiclous vehicki'occi»ted complamton AanvKOOd. ChecKeo OK. . 4 t 2 - M V A c f t y truck vs poetal vohicW Report. 1545 • Lai*n damao« comptiint Ipom Camsoc Lane Ro*. So«Ja) attenten 1631 • Vorw*» lockout at McDonaWa. Entry 0*n»d 1S17 • Vohidw locVottf «t BP StaBon Entry f Under- i !35 • Thell ol i'rtnely (Tom1 Maple CU1 rw!, ' ( J : i '••'1. '£> l\ rrpt»nt M ^ - ^ | /-;^ Ptwlly <•••,'" - i ; i • Vetucle lockout on B«»«wr Blvtf.. &*»;.*;;>, i 1528 - Residwsat atwm on etfQK.PAfl . • -:.-.!.rVrJj 73» - MVA on Leaf Rd- at EST. Ftopcrt. . :.S-1;(! r J 5 - MVA at toaf.V/i*L(K nos. Vetiicta tt « j ^ | f | 2010 • 9-1-1 hang-up caH ttom Sttnsy &oolCJ OwckeOCK. ^ ,• - . ;-: 22Q2 '• VwviJwTi and theft CO< -tiinl from AQJI % H<^nCJuii Repoit - . :2309 - Suspicious coo-40on atroa.on Bekixrit OEC 5 • .•••', - 0427 -9-1-1 cafl tor ttw ROSOJB Squad An I M - 1 *oooBlvd. -:.'.••• •' 084 7 • Rescue SQU*J respondno to Om\ti*t. 0850 • F#e Dept rMpotxHng to Llks Rd. mwi otvm 1213 • ComptaffrtQf lawn turfing by J H w C«clo CMS. r• . • • • : ; 1310 - RmUoonlial alarm on Bayvfew Dr.. Ch»rt*J OK, FAR. .• " " "~ r"./J-j' SatuHo to manage Smylhe, Cramer 11 GT onct Dvno Dicvdes nf on nn/yno'> o " " * ' Irxiy'ro ' OXO-tooiung. cwoote and run ?v> «Je. Aryl right no-*. GT and Dvno WeveSo* ars p K o d lo «a/«. See Ifw M m» tooay U087 Etactrfc O N * . Avon U*» Comar of LMT t E)M«tc Han - Uoa-Tim.-Tnurs. - 1 M ' W t l J FrtftSOL 10* -Son. 13-4 it 'if Smytho, Crumur Co. announces tha nppointment of Kathleen Safullo, a well* respected realtor stnen 1987, as manager of the company's Avon Lake officn. , "Wo aro very fortunate in select'ng samconu with such outstanding crcdon(Sals, who shares our philosophy about quulity, professionalism und pcrfor-, ma nee. We look forward lo many years of mutual gr-^vtb and (achievement in working with Kothy," states Lucius B. McKclvey. President. Smylhe. Cramer Co. Satullo, who has been a successful realtor since entering the Hold I.i 19S7. has ciarned recoenilian for her numerous accomplishments within tho indusiry.Sho was named "Rookieof the Vear" at har former firm. Realty One. at tho end of hur first year in tha business. D:iring her career. Satullo also has boen a recipient of the President's Sales Club Award from the Ohio Association of Realtors and.has boon honored as'.Pro^ • fossional of tho Year by tho Lorata Ccunty Association of Riialtors. She also has attained status as a $2 million pales producer and has been recognizud as a National Association ' cf Home Builder. Million Dollar Circle. Bronze Award Winner. ID addition, tho Avon Laku resident served on the Realty Ono.Sales Associate Advisory Board, and as a committee chnirpor&on for tho Loraln : .. ;.: County Association of Roatlon. V Smjihe, Cranier Co. has 31 ^htai locations Mirving tho real eatnto noon northeastern Ohio. Tho Avon LaJw o.-t-. fico Is located at 32020 Walker Rd r T J '•t . i - CKOOSB AUNIQUB GIFT THIS TEAR Get Fit O1R Kit 1 Month Trial Membership. T-Shlrt,& More ! $30 (Save $20) < . offer expires 12-31-93 >..,- IfEAi? I T AGAZIV •.: .Coiuignmcnt Shop. Massage Gift Kit ' 1 Hour Massage, Faroha Chocolates, and Sauna I $ 3 3 (Save $12) \v ^ •••;," offer expires 12-31-93 Goiden Tan Gift Kit 1-Month Tanning, Lotion & More! $35 (Save $20) \ •'a: offer expires 12-31-93 Use your Visa" card here... you could win $ 1,000 for your holiday purchases! , North Coast Nautilus & Tanning. The Landings. Avon Lake, 933-8075 ^ HAPPY HOLIDAYS! GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVING | Shop Early for that Perfect Gift. Mon. - Sat. 10 am - 5:30 pm m 9 im i11s i i in 1 1 1 i 1ml IPN Ml pi P Ii •i i if i m 1 81 B 1•m Sac m II 1 I r • 1 s ^ is 1 1 i 11i | j | i 1H 8 H mi i ii p ! I 1 in' !|!H im 1 1 1 H 1 IBS i 1 H hi 1 i in ii P 1 1 a8 I Mi § • i IBnBt 8 STANDING FRESH JUMBO f FLOUR BUTTER 1 1 1 . LIMIT • 3 "WATCIt OUR WEEKLY FLY ; ' . ••«*•» •'* 'TIS THE SEASON, WHEN A HOME HAS MEANING sW Tkd Holidays! Warm fireplace ghu:. Festive decore in every room. Am/, ttu- aranm of just baked goodness caning frcm the kitchen. What better way is there to capture the int • meaning of the ifGd, ifGrd"hr?iitr?" I" si Many peapU arc re''jcta'it fop/^rt their properties on the market during this iirne of the ^t I'XfXcttrff i-.ry little to occur. Hut, that's not ah-ays tht <.-ase. There are thnte looking fur hom during tV hcluiays and the br-st ti\:y to capture, their attention just may be io focus on what ownership truly can mean, particularly for c. family. Investment and shelter wnsidrtxitionx aside, a home is uhsrj a ferity's hvjxrt beat-.: strangest. This is afrvmenduus time to get the "feet" of a home, rather than the rocm sizes and amenity.? of a huuse. Ws a time when cookies and bread are baking and a snappy pine scf.rtffillsthe itir. For details on ether ways to suscv**futlvprv.*?:it vour home, oi ts view prapMrtws presently on the market, call a Smythe, Cramer Cu'REALTOR at $33-3733. 641244. Stalely elegawe gearsd to entertaining. f,tj«ble foyer. Indoor pool w.'-jolnriurn. 7 oedrcoms. C1,*; baths. Apartment has separate enlry & kitcnenettti. Backs, to parh. Lg. lot. 54J&.300. 933-3733. Baft PAlier. irU975-l. Jeautilijl 2 b-^S'oanv2 bat.i sail" A d dipa.ii. Fa-p.ily roc.-n w/wobg. fireplaco. Formal ami::; room, irppeccabte condition. SIC6.900 Va;«ne A Waadoll. 933" BJ5239. Great commercial opportunity! Excellent location lor thai small tx rass or oiTice situation. Gas hat water heat:'' Call for -Jelaits and personal showings. $69,500. Susan Schtlimg. 933-3733. 6482S0. Stunning 3 bediuom, 2 bath contunipofary condo witn screened in patio & additional patio facing golf course, in-suite launi^y. fully equipped kit., central air. Kar^n Jesensky, 933-3733. 933-6647. $72,900. I i j windows. Custom niafjto ciic'nni3 l First tioar bfldroom su-!e and 1st lioor uMity rm. k««p you from having lo ciirtitt sla-r;. N-.iv. .-IODJ SWftO Sch.ll.iK]. 933-3733. I 6*1953. Alttnctivx WostwuitJt rftncfi foatur.nq 'J boa. . « r a . 2W bath? ,ir>d tatg-j (omily room with woodtnj:mng firnpl-tci. Thoro n -4 lirti?li*VJ rec room In basmnont with wet bart W J , S 0 0 - call Sua pichon,' 933-3733. i 645636. Charming coionU -n Lake Road with 3 bedrooms and 1 Vi baths! Tastefully decorated & ntulra! throughout! This home includes: hardwood floors & all appliances! $109,900 Linda Homrn. 933-3733. G43745. Trus grocKUS Fronch manor rests on a woodod a a e cul-de-sac lot in Bri'mnnia Estate*, tst floor Cluster suite, handsome library, 4 bedrooms, 27»11 bonus room, J car garage S amenit.es, S439.O0Q. Janis Garr:ef. 933-3 733J933-9240. j t i a On« r«.(W offTHa tokig w/parfc & lotio prtvt- . Iwges. t.»:f.. ^ , w i mom with wonderful take views, 4 4 b d ' - ^ u b , 2 pordies oweriocM inks, hafdwood Roort; J giuflt ntorago & unkiuo toniaret. $179,000 Lorelta Kate. 933-3733/033-0621. •• 645767. Uttlo W country.. Just 0(1 GraKon Rd. Youti find tWs nico 3 BR ranen withto.family rm. and master Bu<t«. 2 tutl baths and attached garago. Priced nt only S78.000. Can a n d : ^ * ^ J r B*y- Aufdenkampe, 9334319 c* 933-3733. ^ 647607. Brick 3 bedroom ranch. Oak fcitchun and updatod oak bath. Fenced beck yard with pa'jo. tleck and gazebo. Contra! air and 2 year old furnace- Roducod just 572,900. Ben Geronday. 933-3733/365-2587. 6209rj. Bunimns opoortunHy! Bttck office building wflj rooms plus storage area and half bath. Htoh Ditfio attin, nrnple pnrklng. 575,000. CaT Susan ScnilBngJ dotaih,ind appointment. B3i-3733. VACANT LAND '.' •, r 630072. Great buskins opportunity! Nearly r»w office condo hat 1000 »q. ft, of spas* - w(th gas neat 5 electric air condOforting - tuny carpetM. w bath A parking for 23-60 vehtetes. S93.000 Buddy Qlovor. 933-3733/ 933-6099. . . . 297756. Groat new price for these 43 acres -'•partially wooded on the outsorts of Oborlin. Residential zoning. BuikJ now & enjoy combining culture with the country! Ca!t now to see. S89.9Q0 Buddy Gtover, 933-3733/ &33-6099. 650961. Groat ShaftieW Luke mncJrse&sy flvmg floor plan. Froshly painted & docrrawd - feacV 4 walteig Ueric you! 3 badrooms, ceramic We Vitchon. tot^wl Mna » S dining & famiry room. S105.COO Laurie K 0 3 7 f V 933-3733. I I 1 I I *• v 045117. Thte 3 bedroom brick bungalow has received many updates in the las!tawy«*nj| 2 bedrooms down A i up. Mntolwd knotty pine r e t room in basement. Backs to woods. Lake A beach privileges. S77.900. Carol J . Qrasco. 933-3733. . 933-3733 634753. New construction - cute : ip« Cod wi3i 3 bedrooms. 1st floor master. 2'A ouths, largo great room 4 18x13 kitchen, bawment divided for rec room, central-air, C car garage A a deck. Open f ,nday 2-5. S127.900. Carol J. Gresco, 933-3733 871-0488 (i • •'•urn i T — 638441. pne ol a kind - fotaliy renovated & docomlod'7 proloscijftaily - an qualiiy materials - a droam home In the Lagoons. 3 bedrooms. 3 full baths. 77 tt.-tkx*j»g», privato boach. brick patio; S564;OCO Laude 3rili;fi3> 3733/933-7055. , .• ,--.^ 365-2587 32020 Walker .'—ttux. . i . - ; . • • — , .—...-. • . —- 635893. SuallflrU Village condo, Avon. 5V2.0C0. You'll lovo iho now h:cko<7 kilchen.and family room - new palio and 3 bedrooms. A lifestyle youil truly love, low maintenance lea too. Ask for Bev. AUMenkarope. 9334319 Of 933-3733. . ' 631671.'.. Brand rtiw center tiatl colonial in Wyn^ernere ia ready lor cwvc in' Spacious master suite nas whirl-' pool Itib. Wa!k-ir> closet plus *J»tfa front pofcfi witn southern exposure. Call to view. St89.90G Kathe Slanden, S33-3733. .6025-19. H^ng tfio stockings on your own C02y placo w/ratsod marbla heartn. Enjoy your country kitchen overlooking a treed back yard. 4 plus bdrrrts., uogrades A s*tra*i make this a real home (or Ihe holid.iys. 933-3733. Barb Miller. 647237. Groat buy. immaculate aluminum skied colonial 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, great family room w/ijrick wall and woodburning fireplace, wa!k to schools, pool, library, beach. Nancy McGhee, 933-3733. 933-1078. 65)756. Westwinds colonial has quality upgrades & additions. Very tastefully decorated. 4 bedrooms, extra storage, upgraded carpeting & flooring. All on wonder. fully landscaped corner lot. S346.900 Jams Gamer, 64396e. Gorgeous Cdpo Cod. BeautimlV/ updated! 2 bedrooms w/expunsion spare for 2 more. Lovely wooded lot S79.900 Valerie A. Waddeit. 933-3733/ 9497396. m v < e w . ™ . . luting in Westwinds on nict* lot - fully landscaped. Wonderful floor plan - open & airy. 1st floor master rptraat, kitchen open to family rm.. 3 b«trootns * tarrupjtaifs. Nice! S245.900 Jants Gamer, 833-373&933-BZ40. •J3B305; Westwinds custom colonial w/onlaryed floor plan & extras. Terrific decoraiir.g w/neutral carpeting, countertops & doors, bleachod oak cabinetry. 4 beorooms, family rm. w/gas fireplace, & much more. A must 3ee! $283.900 Janis Garner. 933-3733/533-9240. m iff'—r1 ,639170. Large** than It appears bungalow, nautraj deipar, kiuhen nwone with newer oak cabinets & counter jtop. Hardwood 1'oors In bedrooms, full basement, large comor tot. S72.000. Call JoAnna Demon, 933-3733. '643696. YouK fall In love with this ono. Cathooral CfrRfngs grace trie Irving & dining rooms. Split level .flwfgn adds to your privacy. Newly decorated & has many amenities. Come teku a po«M 578,900 Carol J. Greaco. 933-3733. lfG487«J. cnamiing oldar colonial witn 2 extra lots. 4 \ bodrooma, butler* pantry,. walknip attic, enclosed dv aonMOim oak woodwork & more. This homo lot! o'possibllitieiit S175,000 Janis Gamer. 933- d. AvonLake • )•— i..i i 648975. Located'at OoatJ end on private double lot. This ranch has a great finished tenement wftitchen R bath - could be tn-Iaw suite. 3 bedrooms S newor oak kitchen up. Terrific 2 cur garage. $116,900 Loreltu Kalis. 933-3733^3-0621. 643890. Groat listing has lola of loom lor tamt^ & guests w/a country kitchen, tontial dining room, partlully Tinlshod basement & deck. 3 bedrooms & all on spacious 120x119 treed tot! $110,900 Carol J. Gresco, 933-3733. • • ' 0 • - s -; - • • 643856. Large rooms await you In this 122x230 lot. Dogbld garage, unclosed divided basement. An excellent value only S105.000. Can now: and ask fdenkp.mpe, 933-4319 or 933-3733. 933-3733 ranch on largo porch and lull and priced at lor Bev. Au- ^871-0488 "Tii^ 649080. Quaint ranch on comer tot with fenced yard. 3 bedrooms, largo 20x15 living room, kitchen has a dining area w/window, fun baaemRnt & 2 car garago. Located close to Lake Erie. $114,900. Lorctta Kalis, 933-3733/ 933-062 r 643980. This great 3 bedroom spiit-tevot haa I0I3 of room for family activity & entertaining. Great 29x23 family rm. plus 22x17 rec. room too. 3luU baths, 2 car larage & rear patio. SI 16,900 Lorelta Kalis, 933-3733/ 533-0621. 635353. Enjoy your holidays 'n this cozy gas heatod. 2 bdrn. ranch. Neutral colors. FHA approvod, move-in condition. New front deck/ porch, shed, toncod yard backs to woods. Call tor apptt £62.500! 933-3733, Barb Miller. 637650. Wonderful large colonial In Wesllake witn / bedrooms ft 3 full bathst Qeautifut wooded acre lot with above ground pool & detached 4 t a r garago/shop. Also, first floor bedroom with private entrance! S185.900. Unda Homm, 933-3733. .365-2587 On Your Local Court Dockets AVON MAYOR'S COURT w.ii (Inill $55 nit ii iluji siKii viuluUi.ui Kuith W. Murftniin. HUtili1 Wiwtfield. Niirlh Kini-d S5:i for s(K!vdiMK v*r-' Quintin K. ArmRi.ll, vtllo. ivdi fintil JH25 am! wnlnticifi to W alronit. 13 Park An?.. Hinnhu.nton. NY; Carnivn day* tti|3i!un n cli4iK<--uf UU1. u'th £!UU ui the M.ililcuud.h 1«U2 Kind, Ijiraiii; DJiiit'l |. SiniiJi. flni! mul lh« -11111 It;ticu ilufurri*d upon receipt ol 2f>l Mi»jci! Rd.. Avon UIIIJ: Vijay L. Wailirsiy. uviiluuiinn and compliunte [rum F.esiiom 2H;iI Soulliwuud Ur.. WostlaU'; and Kldwnl |. iloutu willild 110 iloy\. Hu ww, fined $100 Tor ! r'udtuni. 180 Nurmundy Dr.. Hiumwick. OfM'r. ciint/titiitr In e motor viihklii und 5100 un an »p«rator'* licvnw reijuirwl viulnlton. Hu tviii AVON LAKE MUNICIPAL COURT uljo finwi $00 fur a left of center violation. IJriun I1. Shebvitiik. 13J Lafayutto. Elyrio. wui Jennifer R. Hurt hull. i3.i{j Narrutijtansi'lt. fimnl SIM and wntenceil'tu U0 duyn in jail on ;i Loraln. w i t fined $023 und sentenci.'d lu lOdflyi charge of (issmvated nmn^cintt. milh thu in jail on a reduced chargu uf physical control, nuntejictt dufuriKd on the bust* of no rupvut witli the son!onto deferred upon completion of violation* witMn two yean- He was al«o Pined DIM c U u within ttO days. Sho M M also fined $150 and vjntenced to !J0 days in juil for $~0 for a violation uf reasonable control. telvphonu harasumenl. with thit sentxnee Dorothy Y- Rioraenschnultler, 22751 HillUrd scHpended. Brent M. Brown. 77 Buss C r t . Ulvd., Rocky River, was fined SG25 and son ten tUagmngo, wus fined 550(1 and sentunced m) to 10 days in fail nn a reducud charge of lo 1BU days in jail on a chargo of domeslic physical control, with, the sentence duforted violencn. with the sentence deforrud on the upon compilation of DUI doss within 60 days. bnsis of no repeat violations for one year. Ske was also fined $60 for a left of enntor Lorry N. Carduna, BQ25 Cornell. Tuylor, Ml. violation. was fiued $75 for speeding. Roman S. Lundgren. 13210 Fraloy. Berlin Fined $60 on charge? uf spueding wore MarHofghu. was fined $250 and sentenced to 30 vin K. Shrock. 13J34 Stulner Rd.. Akron, and ddys t:i |all on a charge ol falsi flail ion, with the Ronald L. I'hillips. Rd 4 Box 11. Clear field. PA: sentence deferred on the basis of no similar FSnod $50 on charges of Bpoedlnn •"on Larry violations within one year. Ho was also fined D. Henderson. 3051 Bauelt Rd.'. LWtroit. MI. $100 for no operators license and 585 for and Frank C Cumlna. 193 Foreat HU1 Dr.. Avon squealing h b tirts. Lake, Michael Spanoi, 41942 Ethel Dr.. Elyria, was Fined $35 for speedtag were Chariend M. fined $100 on a charge of drug abuse. Batcarcel. 508 Ctewlond Rd.. Huron; Christino Shall* R. WUSOD. 3S100 Efctroit. Avon, wa* Hall. 1073 W. 12th. Lorain; Wilfredo Pent*. lined $100 on a charge o! dug at targe. 33B7 Dayton Ava.. Loraln; and Michael W< WinFl&«d $100forcontempt of court were Dennis - nen. 1313 Missouri. Lcraln. • R. GUI. 33802 Chester Rd-, Avon, and Kevin E. Noraen E. McCarthy. 31714 Leeward Crt.. Richardson. 890 E. 12Stb St.. Cleveland. Avon Lake, was fittiM $35 for a stop sign Earl R. WMUey. lBSa Reid Ave.. Loraln, was ' violation. flnod $83 on * violation of right-of-way when Gail C. Haller. 31004 Nonlu^ket Row. Bay c Village, was fined $35 for failure lo yield. FInsd $85 on d u n e * of assured d e a r Allan Leroy Elves. 121 CavsU Avo., Hamilton. ' dUtanco war* V. Mkhaai Harris, 21708 Avaloru ON. was fln«d $20 for a medical certificate Rocky Rivttr. and Cheryl L- NUrez. 3.2 Cove violation. Baach. Sheffield Lai.. Angela M. logs. ISO College Park. Elyria, wus •}A»tk Ailea Ttlfniy, 30833 BAuerdale. Avon. fined $21 for a seat belt violation. was fined $70 for a violation of rBosooable Idmes A. Esbelmon, 4712 Ciunden. Lorain, control. . w u fined $600 and sentenced to 'J3O dcys In |ail Thomas U Adidas, IDS N. Main. N« / Lonon n charge of no operator's licens*. with $300 don, wia fined $70 for (peodlra. of the fine and tha sentence suspended. Ha was Fined S85 on charsea of speeding wura Laurie also fined $3CQ on a charge i f fictitious plates. K. Brill 32100 T w s d Crt.. Avon Lake; Kelli A. Lydia Kay« Volok. 405 Euclid Ave.. Lorain. Kildala. (MM Baumhart Amfcerat Shirloy B. was fined $300 oo a violation of physical coa, COttn. 1307 N a r r a n i ^ t e t t . Loralo; and K a n J. troL She was also fined $50 on a chnrjw of left of Afrates. SON) Spaldtng Crt.. t-oreln. enntsr. i Pln*d$AO for NpMdfng w»r» Rowdy C Aubrey D. Smith. 215 Brtce. Elyria, was fined Tucier. 4000 Carrfo Dr., Lorn in: Chalroer I. $200 and sentenced to 30 days in |al! on a , Mtson.SSBOtlv«rSI.. Sh.fTlald Lako; Ronald P. charge of no operator'* license, with the "hUbon. 5029 B. Lnla Rd.. Sheniold U k r . Lawis sentence deferred on the basis of no rvpaet . D. Johnson, J34W Shaknr Blvd.. Cleveland; violations. She was also fined $50 for sitomllna. Robert F. 5*itty, 417 Oakhlll. A m h m t : Tina M. McHanry. 777 West Shorn Blvd.. Vyaefaealav Saiktn, 0 « l l Meyflald Rd.. Shoffield Lake, was fined $100 on a charge of fclayHaldHeight^'and LsnoyvM. B«Uo. 1230 fpmtdina. ; Koawmlt Dn, Fotloria. • ' Tamara S. Marron, 64 Landings Way, Avon - Dtvid W. C a m t t . 388 Evergreen, Avon Laics. Lrfki1. MM fined SI5U mi.! icnleiictjd. lu Jfjddvt in jait un n LlmfK" «'f irwti.u.inK. with tlm v i i l m o ' Ut'fnrtud "II iii" h.i-.'^ of ixi hidnlu.vint.ilioris ivUl.in mm year. Ay nun M. Aluim.ilhktHir. JOil-Ut l.or.nn. K.i'rvu:np. HJ^i tini'ij S'^i l«f '.pei'fimn. l-*iiifd SH» HU i.ti.irit.". uf vjn'cdniK wim S< nil W Siiltn. Kii. il«" ion. £1UM)UI. MintititfvHa. JU-il |«wiili I IIUFHL.'J-!.T. 3171 IV 114th. Ctmi-land Sfi.iin* E Kfnnl.'lirinnjl. 2U4^ UJtiildli. l.nniln. WJJ fined S3U for " li<fl uf ci-ntttr vluUiion. Jrfson M. Varn«iii:h. 3HS Uurfield HKd.. l.or;iiri. w:i\ fltu^t 5'iU fur ijn-o-JinK. Tln»iia* J. StuwicLi, 359 Oxford Aviv, Elyfl.l. win filled S'S un n:i iiitUfii clcdr diiNintv viululion. Ujnny H. Wyatt. IH07 K. :)yth St.. t^irain, « a i fidfd $53 fur a ul>!<y viulution. Fined 535 on ciiurui-i of ip<-pi]ins( wi?tu luyce M. Afrutt-t. 50f>a SputditiK Crt.. Luriiln: Clutnt>nt I. llaniuff. AliU Mildii Ave., Amhonl; IfiMsnin raraii. 737 J.iycux Hii,, Avon Lake: Cr«){ury K. Citiboni. 33I7U Cumuriiis" Clr., Avon Lake: Robert • ; Ker'hndr. IMi Edgcwuod, Avon Lake; Daun E. Milam. 1U05 Robinwood. Lakewood: Clunn C. Mortimtir. 3060 W. Pleasant Valley, Purmu; and Mary K. RusselL 33113 EJuctnc Blvd.. Avun Lnku. ' Shnun P. Allen. JOG Williaiusburg. Avon Lake, was fined S30 on a rt-d light violotion. Dennis E. Bart el [r.. 220 Croat wood Dr.. Avon Lake, was flnod $30 far failure to stop. Douglas ). Harper. 4008 27th St.. Newburgh Heights, was '.ned $28 on a PUCO tux decol violation. Fined S25 for seal belt violations w»ru Sloven C. Richard. 4C Basket St.. Huntiu ton. Massachusutts, and John [. Whelan. 3600 Dayton Ave.. Lorain. . Darin A. Zlegler. 32741 Belle Rd.. Avon LakH. was fined $20 on a charge of nxpired plates. SHEFFIELD LAKE MAYOR'S COURT Esic O. Slusher. 5115 Lake Rd. Apt. 1019. Sheffield Lake, was fined $750 and sentenced to 90 days In jail on a charge of possession of drug paraphernalia, with $100 of the fine and the scntance suspended. Ho was also fined 3100 for drug abuse and $40 for expired plates. Fined $1,000 and sentauced to six months In Jail on charges of assault, with $500 of the fine and the sentence suspended, were Roy L. Stanley. 4306 Willow Ave.. Lorain, and Robert I- Burke. 905 W. 10th S t . Lorain. Fined 51.000 and sentenced to six months In jail on viul.ilioni uf thu ki-H l.iw. ii<-rmlttinn unduriiKt' consumption, with ViO0 "I lli'-' l | l | t ; '<"d th« wiiieiK-'i! suijiend' rd. wi;ri' Jtn-1 N lluw.'fi. 5111 Lite RJ. Apl. Z2i. Slifffii'lii i.ukn, Richard U. Oli|nr. 5115 Uki- Kd. Apt. ^2J. Shi-fficlil Laki;; und ToiM W. SrhilliriK. l i r i U i l " K<i. Apl 2'i.X Sin.-fli-.lii City K. ilrortilur. H7(i Comniunily. ShulfielJ L.iki'. w,it fi|>»d SZ5U und s«*ittei|cud lo :J0 rJnys fti )JII un a th UK1^ of criminal (n^pjuin^. with SI jUuf Shu fini' iiniJ thf lunlence imju'mli.-d. Hn wai a!«i fined SbU fr»r disorderly cuniluct. Rwl G. Kilward*. 2KJ4 i> St.. l.nruin. »us finol S-ISU mill •n-'itoticeti (u JO iij>s In juil on a dmrKi? of ditorderly conduct-j'ct'ik-.ting. with SI 10 of the fiiiiiiind lhtis»nluni:o su^pimd'.-d. He wu.t .iNi> fiuud S5O for diwiredrly conductinloikiition. Heclur A, Rudrittu^. I7JGK. 34th St.. Lurain. H U fined $250 and sonlenced lo 30 day* in jail u n a minor's ci'rfuw violation, with 5200 of the fictt and the sentence suspended. Knlhteen K. Knller. 370 Irving Pnrk. Sheffield Lukr. was fined $25O and senteitcnd to 30 days in jail on a charge of noise disturbance, with the flue and sentence duferred an the b*»ii of no atniil»r vioUtions wfthin one year, Frederick. DivlrRlilo, 5115 Lake Rd.. Sheffield Lake, was fined $50 on « charge of disorderly conduct, with $25 of the sentence suspended. Fined $40 on charges of speeding were Mary I- Thomas. 1134 W. 10th Si.. Lorain: Sean M. Malone. IDS Shakespeare Ln- Avon: Joseph R. Kinder. 460 Naiituc tet. Vermilion; and Cregory S. Mullins. 3325 Dtfrussey Rd^ Collins. OlLa M. Miller, 3118 Grant St.. Lorain. was fined $45 for speeding. ^ Fined $35 for speeding worn Andrew D. Contrens. 4231 Hull Ave., Sheffield Lake: Rosanna M. Hintz. 33721 Lako Rd., Avon Lake; Kae L. Shaw. 154 Wlndbrook CrL, Elyria; Joseph C. Kanitra. 4283 Lake Rd.. Sheffield Lake: Timothy E. Pnrks, 007 W. 9th St.. Lorain:.Sandra {. Winston. 1310 W. lOtb St.. Lorain: Catherine H. Friday, 178 Beaver Crt.. Araherat; Bonnie L. Tucker. 12604 York Blvd.. Carfield Heights; Jaffary D. Long. 3040 Cromwell Dr.. Lorain: and Marybeth Brailer, 4019 Comdan, Lorain. - Lowill 0. Neol Jr.. 4840 Southwood Dr n Sheffield Lake, was fined $30 c\ a reasonable cantrol violation. Charles D. Shea l r , 223 SVisafrBs Dr.. Var- . mllion. was flnod $30 for failure lo control |ame* W. Coggins, 2315 Surf Are., Loraln.' . was fined $30 for speeding. William P, Lang Civil md Criminal THif, lawyer IVnonaJ Iiijuiv & Oeallt Qnint Auto Acddeiie O P u t e f o o i Produ MaJpncticai Bankniptnr O Criminal O DU1 F Initil P l Rack up BIG Savings at our Brunswick Slate Table Sale 20% Off M U C K O W n 1734-9340 Special 1994 Geo Tracker 2 Wheel Drive ,> COMPLETE CATERING Convertible - 5 Speed - Rear Scat $11,610.00 ; HotldsySnvlruu . ; GM Rebate Stock IR104 Good Tm 12-31-93 - 120.09 11,490.00 - 1.000.00 $10,49.0.00* •Also quatyUaJix IrtTbnw Buyer or College Crndftoprom. Coiljor deUtSs. Your Homo Town Dealer iSINCB1959 Across from FORD-NISSAN Plant 607 Miller Rd,, Avon Lake 933-6151 •CLWEUND835-3533 LORAIN 3442 Stoney Ridge Road Avon, Ohio Celebrate New Year's Eve WithVs. Party Includes: • Complete Buffet Dinner • Continuous Music 9 pm-CIose • Two Bands and Keyboard ,> • Reserved Tables ONLY • Hats, Balloons. Noisemakers . • B.Y.O.B. Mix & Ice Provided " • $34.00 per person-all this & 0101*6 1 CALL FOR f RESERVATIONS: 1(216) 934-4553 1(216) 333-8804 LOUNGE SP Sun. Afternoon FOO pen Ip Dining Room Open'til 9 New Ytan Ev< Two Large ' Am Two Dinners Puzos Only $7.90 Onbf$9.fJ5 Lounge Open All 'Wrung V4llrf "fen* UI-31-U . Sat.Nigtit Entertainment TIM& FRANK (ZD CZJ • Italian Restaurant &• Lourxg? THE LANDINGS WE OFFER PROFESSIONAL & COURTEOUS SERVICE • Carpet • Vinyl • Ceramic • Quarry Tile • Wood Parquet • WaHcoverings • Draperies • Window Treatments ALPS Appreciation PRESS News Editor Marcella Grande and Rick Hemmer accept an ALPS certificate of Appreciation (rom ALPS Committee member Ruth Bohrar (middle), (or the contributions made by The PRESS lot the children's playground which is to be built next ki'iw^ Member of Z*orain County Residential &? Commercial Products i (216) 933-3069 4 4 9 Avon B c l d e n Avon Give Dad a brick this Christmas It's already the middle of December and you don't know what in the world to get Tor your dad. or your sUtur or bust friend. Give them a brick! What kind of brick are we talking about, anyway? Who would give somebody n brick for a holiday presont? Theso brick? will pave the walkway to the Avon Lake Play Space (the ALPS) at Ble*er Park. This 12.000 square Toot : creative wooden play structure will be built April 27-Moy t by local volunteers. When you buy a brick for someone) special, it says that this person is so• meane worth remembering. Your so* ' meane special, and many others, will onjoy thai brick for years to come. '• - Your purchase of a brick also Identifies YOU as a community-minded Individual. Cngraved brick sales are a key fundraiser for the new playground. A brick Is the Wool gift for anyone that U bard to buy for. A grown son who now knows what it takes to be a good father might wont to honor his father by buying an ongravod brick in his name. Grandklds may get together and buy a brick for, grandma' or grandpa! A brick . could also be bought in honor of a new baby. ' . • • • You' might honor someone , special who has passed away. You could honor ' a.deceased parent [or In-law) with u brick bought In memory of thorn. • Bricks con be • purchased for a minimum donation of $30 per famity or $100 for a corporation. Personalized gift . certificates arc available for a $2 service I feo.. All gift certificate forms receivwl by Dec, 20 con bo picked up bofore Christmas. Brick Coordinator Dick Jonca can also mail your gift certificate for you. ' 933-3SO1 (216) 967-8775 1 5 0 8 St. R t . 6 0 Vermilion AVON LAKE POWER EQUIPMENT, Inc. WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL AND MORE Lawn < Garden • R«er«atlonii! - Gas Grills - Kerosene Heataro - Propane • Trailers - Tool Sharpening 690 Avon Belden Rd. (Rt 83) 9334400 M-ifl^F, S a t &6 Tues. & Thure. 9-9 ALPS Fans - Vincent and John and their dad. Joe KowalsH, chock out a creative playground In East FishkiU. New. York. This playground, also designed by Leathers and Associates, was built In 1968 at a cost of $48,000 by the Brinkerholf Elementary PTA. For your convenient, tin ordor form is in this week's PRESS. Additional order forms are available at the Old Firehousc or at the Avon Lake Library. , Mail brick form and paymont to The ALPS, P.O. Box 55, Avon Lake. OH 44012. For more information, contact Brick Coordinator Dick Jones at 033-8777. i.i RYANKTZ1U0M I 1 serr.34.in9 GIVE A LASTING GIFT : YOUR INSCRIPTION : j: 2 lines -14 characters each line. " Minimum contribution, $30.00 per brick for Individuals * •": $100.00 per brick Corporate donation. Personalized gift certificates $2.00 L 933-3253 • 1-800-367-0018 Address, • Phone_ Mak* chocks p«yabta to The ALPS, P. O. Box 55. Avon Uk». OH 44012. Sponsored by Community Rwoure* S«fvtc<rt —.• * . ,. ' 690 Avon Belden Rd. (Rt. 83) Avon t a k e ORDKR EARLY .-QUALHCT UMTTED
© Copyright 2025