Eden Café Group Health & Wellness Fair a Success!

Volume 5, Number 10
October/November 2014
Brent with his display of “The NTL
Happiness Project”
inspired by the book
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Ru-
Eden Café Group Health &
Wellness Fair a Success!
A large turn-out for the Health & Wellness Fair points to
an awareness of the need for and desire of our care
partners, families and residents to be healthy; physically,
mentally and emotionally. The goal was to introduce and
reinforce methods to do just that. The afternoon of
information included demonstrations of dancing
exercises, massage, reiki, healthy eating and drinking
choices, and the Employee & Family Assistance
Program. Information shared by Worksafe BC, Central
Drugs and Woodgrove Pines pointed to the importance of
physical health and safety, and body wellness through
chiropractic, massage therapy and kinesiology. The
afternoon was topped off with door prizes full of healthy
life options. Thank you to all the care partners and the
community who provided their services and information.
Kudo’s to the Eden Café Club for this valuable initiative.
bin. This new initiative of the Eden Café
Group aims to make
NTL the best place to
live and work. It is all
about concentrating
on the factors that
really matter in life
and implementing small changes that can make a big
difference. The Happiness Project will be introducing
fun and thought provoking challenges to help us all understand how we do make a difference to our own wellbeing and the well-being of those around us. We can
and do make a difference!
“What you do every day matters more than what you do
once in a while.”
Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Project
Physical exercise: good for mind, body and soul!
Influenza Season
by Carolyn DOC/Co-Administrator
I would like to remind all families and friends of our influenza policy regarding the
wearing of masks. As NTL is home to 90 frail residents whose health and wellbeing is our
mandate, I respectfully request that visitors comply with the Ministry of Health policy.
The Ministry of Health has ruled that anyone visiting at Nanaimo Travellers Lodge during
flu season, who has not received a flu shot, must wear a mask beginning December 1st,
2014 to March 31st, 2015. Masks will be located at Nurse's Station on the counter. You
can visit your nearest Health Clinic or drugstore to receive your flu shot.
We thank you for your cooperation and assistance in maintaining a healthy environment for our residents.
Staff Recognition Awards 2014
Our staff are key to ensuring a healthy, safe and happy environment for each other and our elders who make NTL
their home. At the event October 23rd, we had the opportunity to recognize 8 staff for reaching milestones of continuous services spanning 5 to 25 years. Congratulations to
Manjit D. and Beverly H. for 5 years service, Dolly M.,
Scheryl O. and Sheri B. for 10 years service, Debbie M. for
15, Renee A. for 20 and Pat F. for 25 years service. Thank
you all, for your dedication and hard work in making NTL
a better place to work and live.
Embracing the Eden Philosophy
Lorna M. makes sure her pumpkin is well prepared for
carving; those seeds will be delicious after roasting! Our
Elders were treated to a Halloween Pet Parade with 12
dogs and 1 cat participating. Below, care partner Hillary
and her pup share a moment with Viola K.
Thank you to our Wellness Fair sponsors:
Activities Calendar:
Click here to see our November Activities calendar.
Copies available at front desk.
Family Group News
Our Family Group is a forum for friends and families of
residents to share experiences, and learn and exchange
information. We meet the first Tuesday of every other
month, 3 pm to 4 pm in the Daybreak kitchen.
Ms. Peggy Hoult, Disability Tax Credit Facilitator, presented at the last meeting November 4th. Ms. Hoult provided our families with some excellent tax saving advice.
Our traditional Family Christmas party is scheduled for
Dec. 7th. 2 to 4 pm. As in previous years the party is a
“pot luck” style; families will bring an appetizer for the
party. Please call 250-760-2639 to reserve your spot.
Bob Wall - Six Year Volunteer with
Eden Gardens Building Project
Helpful Hints on Dementia:
featuring Tips for Visiting
“Regular visits can make a difference to you and your
relative or friend’s emotional well-being.“
5. Write cards and letters
Working together, write a letter to your mutual friends
or family. This can nourish and maintain important
links in their life.
6. Get to know the care staff by name
If visiting a residential care facility, introduce yourself
and explain your relationship to the person you are
7. Silence is not a negative thing
Instead, try to learn to enjoy quiet times.
We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Bob Wall
to talk about what has driven him to volunteer so much of
his time to NTL over the past 6 years. Bob has watched
NTL grow, he voiced respect for the level of care, quality of
staff NTL is famous for, excellent Board and management
team, and strong business model evident at NTL.
Bob was raised in a construction family, now a successful
5th generation business specializing in health care related
construction. He is proud of the people behind its success.
Bob said, when his daughter and business partner, Donna
Hais, was recently awarded the 2014 Community Leader of
the Year, “It felt better than any success I had for myself.”
Born in Mission, B.C., Bob came to Vancouver Island in
the early 60’s where he apprenticed under his father. When
his father was diagnosed with dementia, there was little
anyone could do to help. Bob states, “It was incredibly
frustrating. It is a huge difficult step to put a parent in
care.” (Bob’s mother-in-law also suffered from dementia).
“You know it’s dementia when the care home calls to have
you get your father off the table in the dining room where
he insists he’s taking measurements.”
Bob has an active interest in the well-being of the community, and has been behind our new home since day one.
Over the years his company, R.W.(Bob) Wall Construction
Ltd., has been involved in numerous charitable projects.
Bob and his team are definitely helping to make Nanaimo a
better place for everyone and their goal is to know they left
Nanaimo a better place than when they found it. Bob
states, “I have every intention of supporting NTL once the
project is done. I could not do anything for my father, now
I am doing something for dementia (for my Dad).”
Welcome New Elders
Gunnel L., Hamish H.
Jacqueline P., Ray W., Jean W.
8. Organise a drink
A cup of coffee, tea or glass of water will help your
friend or family member’s fluid intake, socialisation
and continue normal ‘old’ patterns of hospitality.
In Loving Memory
Don M.
Dorothy P.
Laura W.
Ruth W.
Family Involvement
Staff Birthdays
Elder Birthdays
Suzanne M.
Juliann P.
Lynn B.
Adrienne M.
Jae-Eun Y.
Linda R-C.
Sandra R.
Joemel B.
Tara S.
Jennifer L-B
Carol S.
Ernest R.
Dee C.
Mary S.
Hilda L.
Jacky H.
Nov 1
Nov 1
Nov 7
Nov 9
Nov 11
Nov 17
Nov 20
Nov 21
Nov 26
Nov 27
Nov 30
Nov 6
Nov 13
Nov. 14
Nov. 26
Nov. 30
Board of Directors 2014
Harold is a former family member who will always be part
of NTL. His wife lived with us for 7 years and he says, “they
(staff) treated her very well, that, I will never forget. They
are like family to me.” Harold visits NTL every week to bring
smiles, hugs and treats for staff. You are right Harold, you do
have a family here. Thank you for all that you do for us!
Staff Contacts
Mike Herold - Chair
Janeane Coutu - Vice Chair
Bob Wilson - Treasurer
Sheila Anderson - Past Chair
Robert Grose
John Grubb
Lee Venables
Dr Javaheri - Medical Director
General Inquiries/Reception
250-758-4676 [email protected]
Velma Bjorge, Activities Supervisor
250-760-2634 [email protected]
Carolyn Kavanagh, DOC-Co-Admin.
250-760-2630 [email protected]
Carolina Ponsford, Programs Mgr.
250-760-2639 [email protected]
Ken Bibby, Business Mgr-Co-Admin
250-760-2644 [email protected]
Carol Scott, Accounting
250-760-2632 [email protected]
Marybeth Wells, Daybreak Supervisor 250-760-2636 [email protected]
Susan Jura, Food Services Mgr./Dietitian 250-760-2638 [email protected]
Gerry Stern, Maintenance
250-760-2635 [email protected]
Sandy Parise, Development Officer
250-760-2646 [email protected]
I want to support vital programs at NTL and give Elders the life
they deserve.
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________
Email: ______________________________
Please make your cheque payable to Nanaimo Travellers Lodge, attach it to this form and return them to:
1298 Nelson St. Nanaimo, BC V9S 2K5
To make a gift on your credit card, please go to www.nanaimotravellerslodge.com and click on the Donate Now button.
 I want to learn how to make my gift more affordable with monthly payments. Please contact me about monthly giving.
 I want to receive substantial tax savings while making a gift to NTL. Please contact me about planned giving.