Melder Cecilia, 660308-2907 Cecilia Melder [1966] List of publications. Peer-reviewed conference contributions Melder, C., (2012). The epidemiology of lost meaning − A study in psychology of religion and existential public health, 22.a symposiet Post-secular religious practices, i Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis. Donner Institutet: Åbo Akademi, p. 237−258. Monographs Melder, C., (2011), Vilsenhetens epidemiologi -en religionspsykologisk studie i existentiell folkhälsa [The epidemiology of lost meaning − A study in psychology of religion and existential public health in a Swedish context]. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Psychologia et Sociologia Religionum 25th [Doctoral dissertation] Uppsala, Sweden: Uppsala University (305 pp.). Uppsala, ISBN 978-91-554-7958-9. Review articles, book chapters, books Melder, C., (In press). Bättre och bättre dag för dag – Existentiell hälsa på äldre dar [Better and better day by day - Existential health in old age]. In (eds.) Suvanto, SA, Antologi − äldre och meltal hälsa [Anthology of elderly mental health]: Stockholm: Gothia. -. (2014), Livskartan - en väg till existentiell folkhälsa [Life Map - a path to existential Public Health]. In (eds.) Bojner Horwitz, E. Stillhetensbok [Tranquility Book] Kulturhälsoboxen [The Culture Health Box] ISBN 978-91-7205-9566. Stockholm: Gothia Fortbildning vol 5:43−61. -. (2011). Vilsenhetens epidemiologi -en religionspsykologisk studie i existentiell folkhälsa [The epidemiology of lost meaning − A study in psychology of religion and existential public health]. In Socialmedicinsk tidskrift [Socio-medical journal], 4, p 320. -. (2011). Vilsenhetens epidemiologi − en religionspsykologisk studie i existentiell folkhälsa [The epidemiology of lost meaning − A study in psychology of religion and existential public health]. Medlemstidning för Svensk Epidemiologisk Förening (SVEP) [Membership magazine of the Swedish Epidemiological Association], 3, p.12−13. -. (2011). Vilsenhetens epidemiologi [The epidemiology of lost meaning]. In Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift (SKT) [Swedish theological quarterly journal], 87:3, p.141. Popular science articles/presentations Melder, C. (2013), Frågor som avgör hur vi mår [Questions as determines how we feel. In Äldreomsorg − tidningen för kompetensutveckling: Tema Existentiell hälsa, [Aging − A magazine for professional development: Theme Existential Health], 30:1, pp. 24−26. -. (2012), Existentiell hälsa viktigt vid åldrande [Existential health − important in aging]. In Psykisk hälsa tema: Åldrande [Mental Health, theme: Aging], 53:1, p.46−51. -. (2011). Existentiell hälsa en hälsofaktor för vår tid [Existential Health is a health factor in our time]. In Årsboken för kristen humanism and samhällssyn [Annual book of the Association of Christian Humanism and Socially], p.91−98.
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