capsule N OVEMB ER-DEC EM B ER 2 0 1 4 C E L E BRAT I N G A C E N T URY ST RO N G | 1 91 4- 2 0 1 4 Tuomey staff prepares for Ebola, but our experts in infection control say the flu is far more worrisome INSIDE: TUOMEY’S GOT TALENT GOLF TOURNAMENT CHAPLAINCY WALK BABY FAIR CANCER CAMPAIGN :KLOHKHDOWKRIÀFLDOV GHFODUHWKDW(ERODSRVHV YHU\OLWWOHULVNWRSHRSOHLQ WKH8QLWHG6WDWHVKRVSLWDOV KDYHWREHGLOLJHQWLQWKHLU SUHSDUDWLRQV7XRPH\LVQR GLIIHUHQW 0RUHWKDQ7XRPH\ HPSOR\HHVUHSUHVHQWLQJ HYHU\DUHDRIWKHKRVSLWDO MRLQHGIRUFHVLQ2FWREHUWR GLVFXVVWKHELJ´ZKDWLIVµRI WKLVGHDGO\GLVHDVH:KDW LIZHKDYHDSDWLHQWZKR VKRZVXSZLWK(ERODOLNH V\PSWRPV":KHUHZLOOKH JR":KRZLOOWDNHFDUHRI KLPZKRZLOOEHSRWHQWLDOO\ H[SRVHGDQGKRZZLOOZH KDQGOHLW" 7KHWDEOHWRSGLVFXVVLRQ OHGE\DGPLQLVWUDWRU/HWLWLD 3ULQJOH0LOOHU51ORRNHG DWFRXQWOHVVVFHQDULRVDQG KRZHYHU\RQHSOD\VDUROH )URPQXUVHVDQGGRFWRUV WR3DWLHQW5HJLVWUDWLRQDQG 0DWHULHO0DQDJHPHQWIURP (96HPSOR\HHVWR3XEOLF5HODWLRQVHYHU\RQH QHHGVWREHWUDLQHGDQGSURWHFWHG+DYLQJWKH ULJKWSURWHFWLYHJHDULQSODFH²MXVWLQFDVH ²DQGNQRZLQJKRZWRXVHLWLVDVLPSRUWDQW DVNQRZLQJKRZWRHIIHFWLYHO\FOHDQWKHDUHDV WKDWKDYHEHHQH[SRVHG 6WDIIPHPEHUVKDYHEHHQWUDLQLQJEDVHG RQVWULQJHQWJXLGHOLQHVIURPWKH&HQWHUV IRU'LVHDVH&RQWURODQG3UHYHQWLRQZKLFK LQFOXGHVDUHFRPPHQGDWLRQWRWHVWRQO\WKRVH SDWLHQWVZKRERWKKDYHWKHV\PSWRPV$1' KDYHEHHQGLUHFWO\H[SRVHGWRWKHGLVHDVH 7XRPH\LVWDNLQJWKHSUHSDUDWLRQVYHU\ VHULRXVO\EXWORFDODQGQDWLRQDOKHDOWKFDUH H[SHUWVVD\WKDWZHQHHGWREHMXVWDVGLOLJHQW DERXWLQÁXHQ]DZKLFKNLOOVIDUPRUHSHRSOH WKDQ(ERODGRHVLQWKLVFRXQWU\ $QGDVWKHÁXVHDVRQFUDQNVXSWKHUH DUHZRUULHVWKDWSHRSOHZKRKDYHWKHÁXEXW WKLQNWKH\KDYHWKHGHDGO\YLUXVLQVWHDG PD\ÁRRGHPHUJHQF\URRPVDVNLQJWREH WHVWHG´(DFK\HDUPRUHWKDQSHRSOH GLHRIÁXUHODWHGFDXVHVµ3ULQJOH0LOOHUVDLG LQ2FWREHU,QIDFWVKHVDLG´WKH0LGODQGV H[SHULHQFHGLWVÀUVWÁXUHODWHGGHDWKMXVWODVW ZHHNµ X CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 A NEWSLETTER FOR AND ABOUT THE EMPLOYEES OF TUOMEY HEALTHCARE SYSTEM THE TUOMEY FELLOWS CLASS XV BEGINS WITH A TOUR OF THE OPERATING ROOM The Tuomey Fellows program is the vehicle that enables our community leaders to see state-of-theart equipment at Tuomey, meet with physicians, view a surgery and have direct dialogue with the administrative team about what is taking place in their local hospital. Our hope is that upon graduation, they will have a much better understanding of the ever-changing healthcare environment. There are 15 men and women in Class XV, which began in September. They tour Surgical Services, Radiology, Orthopaedics and Pain Management, Cancer Treatment Center, Hospice, Plastic Surgery, the Wound Treatment Center, the Emergency Room, Pharmacy and Lab, OB/GYN services and the Women & Infants Pavilion and Primary Care. They also get to ask questions of the Tuomey CEO. THE 2014 TUOMEY FOUNDATION GOLF CLASSIC RAISED $62,000 FOR CHARITABLE SERVICES! PAGE 2 | NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 | THE TUOMEY CAPSULE PATRICIA E. GRAHAM is Tuomey’s new Distribution/Assistant Materiel Manager. Pat lives in Florence and brings to our team over 16 years of healthcare supply chain experience, LQFOXGLQJ¿YH\HDUVRIIURQWOLQH management. Her education background includes a bachelor’s degree in business administration, Lean Six Sigma Green %HOWFHUWL¿FDWLRQDQGQXPHURXV)(0$ emergency management courses. Pat’s primary responsibility will be the distribution of the goods and supplies needed to take care of our patients. She will directly supervise our warehouse and inventory operations as well as our supply techs and will also assist in the day-to-day operations of Materiel Management, Laundry and Mailroom. Pat can be reached at ext. 9618 or [email protected]. Meet LYNWOOD “LYN” WHITE, our QHZ&KLHI)LQDQFLDO2I¿FHU/\QLVD&3$ and has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from West Virginia State University. He also completed the Executive Graduate Program of Healthcare Financial Management at the University of South Carolina. He is a Fellow of the Healthcare Financial Management Association and is currently the Assistant Treasurer of the HFMA, North Carolina Chapter. Lyn has worked LQKRVSLWDO¿QDQFHIRU\HDUVRI WKRVH\HDUVDVD&KLHI)LQDQFLDO2I¿FHU +LVODVWSHUPDQHQWSRVLWLRQZDVDVD9LFH3UHVLGHQW DQG&)2DW5DQGROSK+RVSLWDODEHGQRQSUR¿WKRVSLWDO in Asheboro, N.C. Previously, he held CFO positions at Beckley +RVSLWDODEHGIRUSUR¿WKRVSLWDODQG6W)UDQFLV+RVSLWDOD EHGQRQSUR¿WKRVSLWDOEHGVNLOOHGQXUVLQJXQLWERWKLQ West Virginia. Congratulations to SPD Manager JESSICA GEDDINGS for passing her 63'FHUWL¿FDWLRQWHVW+HU$GPLQLVWUDWLYH Director, Betsy Cain, called it a huge accomplishment, noting that the pass UDWHLVRQO\DQGDOVRWKDW-HVVLFDKDV been in SPD for only one year! The SPD FHUWL¿FDWLRQLVDOOHQFRPSDVVLQJIURP cleaning and sterilizing instruments to inventory management, microbiology DQGLQIHFWLRQFRQWUROSUDFWLFHV-HVVLFD has been at Tuomey eight years. She has her RN and is working on her BSN. Tuomey said goodbye to long-time Chief Information 2I¿FHU&KHU\O0DUWLQWKLVIDOODIWHUVKHDFFHSWHGD&,2 position in Arizona. Cheryl is credited with moving 7XRPH\WKURXJKPDQ\GLI¿FXOWWHFKQRORJLFDOFKDQJHV and extensive growth in healthcare information exchange and leaving us well-placed in medical informatics. Clinical Informatics Administrator MATT WITT DERYHULJKWZLOOWDNHRYHUOHDGHUVKLSRIWKH Information Services Department. He’s been named CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER and a Tuomey Administrative Director. Matt has been at Tuomey since 1997. RYAN FOWLER, who currently serves as the Technology Administrator, has been named CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER. Ryan and Shannon Boykin, the Document Imaging Administrator, will work closely with Matt to ensure a smooth transition. Do you have a HOLIDAY STORY you’d like to share? Are you working Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day? Do you typically volunteer to work those days? If so, why? Have you had a special moment in the past working on one of those holidays? Do you do something charitable that’s unique or interesting? Contact Traci at Ext. 8663. THE TUOMEY CAPSULE | NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 | PAGE 3 QUALITY CONTROL HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Tuomey Medical Professionals (TMP) has a tradition of making their staff wear this crazy hat on their birthday -- whether they’re over the hill or not! Doctors aren’t allowed to escape the tradition. Dr. Phillip Jansen of Carolina Family Medicine celebrated his birthday recently. Does your department have a cool tradition you’d like to share? Call Traci at Ext. 8663. Quality professionals are concerned with quality, cost, access to and safety of healthcare. We know improved healthcare outcomes result in better quality of life. The staff in our exceptional Quality Service Department at Tuomey makes a positive contribution daily to improve quality measures by: providing education; monitoring processes and outcomes; analyzing data to facilitate system improvements; helping integrate new evidencebased practices; maintaining high ethical standards; and leading continual improvement initiatives here at the hospital. Our Quality department celebrated its profession this fall, including the fact that it provides our hospital with outstanding service, from core measures to special studies. WHAT IS S.P.D.? SUPER POWERFUL DEPARTMENT The Sterile Processing Department is often seen as a mystery. The truth is that SPD plays a vital role in the care of our patients. From cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing surgical instruments to stocking crash carts and many other duties, the men and women in this department touch almost every aspect of care in our hospital. So when you pass the SPD “green-scrub crew” in the hallways, thank them for all their hard work. PAGE 4 | NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 | THE TUOMEY CAPSULE THE TOLL OF VIOLENCE. A DAY OF REMEMBRANCE. HOPE FOR THE FUTURE. The Tuomey Chaplaincy Department was one of the sponsors of this year’s “Stop the Violence” events in Sumter. A local chapter of Parents of Murdered Children hosted the Day of Remembrance -- a vigil for family and friends to gather and remember loved ones who were victims of murder. After a brief march down Main Street from Central Carolina Technical College’s downtown campus to the old Sumter County Courthouse, UG&LUFXLW6ROLFLWRU&KLS)LQQH\ UHDGWKHQDPHVRIPRUHWKDQ local victims of deadly violence. 1HDUO\SHRSOHFDPHRXWWR ¿QGVWUHQJWKLQWKHSRZHURIXQLW\ during the event, dubbed “From Heartache to Hope.” Sept. 25 is the national day of observance for the thousands of people murdered each year in the U.S. Rev. Franklin Colclough Sr., a Tuomey chaplain, told the group how he was still impacted by the death of his oldest brother -- who was murdered on his own doorstep on Mother’s Day in 1972. “The pain never leaves,” he said. “Even though it’s been many, many years, to me it seems like just yesterday. You never quite get beyond it. ... In order to get past our brokenness, our pain, our hurt, we must recognize it for what it is and set aside the need for a quick ¿[:HKDYHWRWUXVW*RG´ PHARMACY ROCKS! Did you know that the Pharmacy dispensed nearly 2 million medical doses last year? As we celebrated National Pharmacy Week this fall, we learned that of the 22 pharmacy technicians at Tuomey, 10 are VWDWHFHUWL¿HGHLJKWDUHQDWLRQDOO\FHUWL¿HG and one is a student. Our Technician Supervisor, Automation Specialist and Inventory Control Specialist support and maintain our resources exceptionally well so that the entire staff can focus directly on patient care. Our Pharmacists are constantly strengthening their knowledge base and clinical monitoring skills, most notably in antimicrobial stewardship. Several have helped to create and pilot a successful decentralized Pharmacy service in the ICU. Our teamwork in the main Pharmacy has enabled us to expand RXUFOLQLFDOVHUYLFHVDQGÀRRUSUHVHQFH closer to the point of care. Our Clinical Coordinator and Clinical Specialist drill down to the core of clinical monitoring every day to make sure that we are providing safe, evidence-based practices. THE TUOMEY CAPSULE | NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 | PAGE 5 TUOMEY’S WALL OF FAME HONORS EMPLOYEES WITH A GREAT SERVICE RECORD! The WALL OF FAME honors those employees in the HeartBeat database who have received the most service recognitions since we re-started the new database in SharePoint 4 years ago: PAM WILLIAMS, RN – Flex/Day Surgery (she has a jillion!) STEVE BOYKIN, RN – ONC (the recipient of by far the most cards, letters, emails and phone calls – in addition to the HB cards!) ROBERT FORD, EVS MATT NOWAK, PT – ARU QUINCEY ROUSE, EVS AJ HALL, RN – TELE JUDY BUTLER, RN – ARU ANTOINETTE MURRAY, CT – TELE JUSTIN SMITH, RN – TELE JUSTIN ARNOLD, RN – SIP MARILYN DAVIS, CT – CCTR These employees hit milestones of 20, 50 or more HeartBeats. 20 TOTAL HB ARU: Gary West and Tammy Burdick; IMW: Betsy Conner; CCTR: Denise Richardson, Hillary Bordeaux, Jennifer Barber, Jordan Stack, Linda Schroeder and Lisa Farmer. Day Surg: Dianne Simon. ED: Gloria Pendergrass. ENDO: Mildred Peet. EVS: Alfreda McLeod, Eric Dupont, Jamie Clemmons and Sammie Spann. FLEX: Adrian Sims, Kimberly Samperi and Candi McLeod. FNS: James Richardson. Care Mgt: Nancy Geddings. 3South: Brandie White, Ginger Neville, Pat Chestnut and William Whitehouse. MED5: Judy McElroy, Kassandra Shannon, Rosemary Richardson. ONC: Alfrita Brown, Carolyn Jackson, Elizabeth Samuel, Emma McBride, Jennifer Ramsey, Kathy Blanchard, Kristen Feagin and Rosalind Boone. OSC: Loretta Prescott and Samantha Coulter. RAD ONC: Lorraine Zwicker. SIP: Amanda Richbourg, Jessica Dunlap, Justin Arnold, Lisa Shelley, Pat Holloway, Shirley Peeples and Siew Ng. TELE: Courtney Ives, Lakeisha Hampton, Rose Yeadon, Vonisha Howard and Angela Mahoney. ICU: Janet Moore. WCTR: Brittany Haithcock, Elizabeth Durant, Margaret Jones and Tammy Hendricks. 50 TOTAL HB ARU: Judy Butler. EVS: QuinceyRouse and Robert Ford. TELE: Allen Hall, Antoinette Murray and Justin Smith. 350+ TOTAL HB Day Surg: Pamela Williams. PAGE 6 | NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 | THE TUOMEY CAPSULE FROM PAPER CLIPS TO CT SCANS: A WEEK IN MATERIEL MANAGEMENT It’s the week Formerly Known As Materiel Management Week -- and though its name has changed, the hard work these employees do has not. Tuomey celebrated National Healthcare Supply Chain Week in October. It was an opportunity to recognize the integral role supply chain professionals play in delivering high-quality patient care throughout the healthcare industry. We salute our Materiel Management Department and the warehouse manager, supply techs, mailman and buyers. Thanks for keeping us supplied with all the things we need to run a healthcare system! CHICK-FIL-A’S PINK RIBBON SPIRIT DAY RAISES MONEY AND AWARENESS &KLFN¿O$KHOGD Pink Ribbon Spirit Day in October in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. They decided to donate 20% of all the sales made to people who said “pink ribbon” when they came in -- and the Tuomey Wig Boutique was the recipient! The event raised about $500+, but the most valuable aspect was the awareness it raised about the importance of breast self-exams and mammograms. The CFA cow came to visit us and present a stuffed cow to Susan Parnell, Tuomey’s Breast Care Coordinator and an advocate of the Cancer Support Group. THE TUOMEY CAPSULE | NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 | PAGE 7 MAKE THE MOST OF HEALTHY FALL FOODS BY HEATHER BLAZIER, Clinical Dietitian Halloween to &KULVWPDVLV¿OOHG with holiday and H E A LT H G U I D E S seasonal treats. Many of these are sugar- and fat-laden and not going to do any favors for your waistline. However, several seasonal foods are both nutritious and delicious. Winter squashes such as butternut squash, acorn squash and pumpkin are nutrient powerhouses. Packed with Vitamin A and a good source of Vitamin C, these can help ward off cold season. 7KH\DOVRKDYHELJÀDYRUWKDWFDQEHXVHG LQDYDULHW\RIZD\V7U\VWXI¿QJKDOYHG acorn squash with a mixture of wild rice, cranberries and walnuts. This makes for a pretty and impressive side dish or vegetarian meal. Puree cooked butternut squash with vegetable stock and coconut milk for a creamy, comforting soup. Pumpkin puree FDQEHXVHGLQEDNHGJRRGVVXFKDVPXI¿QV to replace butter or oil. This creates a moist product with an added nutrient boost. So don’t forget to add these healthy additions to your diet in between the turkey and pecan pie. The March of Dimes MARCH FOR BABIES is a great way to raise money to prevent premature births and other fetal health issues. The money raised for March of Dimes goes toward research in preventing problems that cause premature births and to provide education and support to the families. The March for Babies was held this year at Sunset Country Club. About 15 walkers represented Tuomey, and Team Tuomey raised RYHUMXVWVK\RIFRPLQJLQ¿UVWSODFHDPRQJ&RPSDQ\WHDPV Overall, Sumter raised $37,350 for stronger, healthier babies. HEALTHY MINUTE is brought to you by 7XRPH\+HDOWK*XLGHV7KHRI¿FHLVORFDWHG LQ02%LQWKHRI¿FHVRI&DUROLQD)DPLO\ Medicine. Tuomey employees who suffer from DVWKPDGLDEHWHVDFLGUHÀX[RUKLJK cholesterol or blood pressure may participate in Health Guides. You can save money on your medications and get a free regular health checkup with one of the HG QXUVHV&DOO+5DW([WWRVLJQXS PAGE 8 | NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 | THE TUOMEY CAPSULE LET TUOMEY BABY YOU! ANNUAL BABY FAIR A GREAT SUCCESS Lots of expecting moms and their families turned up at the Tuomey Baby Fair this fall to see what’s available in Sumter. They got information on services, choices for prenatal and infant care, advocacy and community support. Amanda Tindal, an RN and one of Tuomey’s internaWLRQDOO\ERDUGFHUWL¿HG lactation consultants, says the fair is important because prenatal care and breastfeeding are so helpful for babies and their mothers, and it’s good for families to know they have choices. “Without prenatal care, you may not know that you have underlying health issues, and that can affect you and your baby,” Tindal said. “And we know how important breastfeeding is.” Sometimes mothers need encouragement, support and education. The fair offered tours of the Tuomey Women and Infants Pavilion, the Labor & Delivery facilities and the birthing rooms. Sumter OB/GYN held a mock “Centering” program to show what the sessions are like for moms-to-be. Carolina Women’s Health held talks on contraception, exercise and nutrition; and there were free neck and shoulder massages. THE TUOMEY CAPSULE | NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 | PAGE 9 W CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE 6RPH(ERODV\PSWRPV PLUURUWKHÁXIHYHU PXVFOHDFKHVQDXVHDDQG JHQHUDOZHDNQHVV%XW PRVWÁXVXIIHUHUVDUHDOVR YHU\FRQJHVWHGDQGKDYHD FRXJKDUXQQ\QRVHDQG DVFUDWFK\WKURDWZKLFK FDQKHOSGLIIHUHQWLDWHWKH WZR(PHUJHQF\URRPVDOVR KDYHD5DSLG)OX7HVWWKDW FDQFRQÀUPWKHÁXTXLFNO\ ZKLFKVKRXOGDOOD\PRVW SHRSOH·VIHDUV ´,WLVVRLPSRUWDQWWR UHFHLYHDÁXYDFFLQDWLRQµ 3ULQJOH0LOOHUVDLG´:H KDYHDJUHDWHUOLNHOLKRRG RIEHLQJH[SRVHGWRDQG WUDQVPLWWLQJÁXWKDQZHGR (EROD$VLQJOHVQHH]HRQ H[SXOVLRQFDQWUDYHODWD VSHHGRIPLOHVSHUKRXU XQGHUWKHULJKWFRQGLWLRQV DQGFDQUHOHDVHDWOHDVW GURSOHWV$GURSOHW IURPRQHVQHH]HFDQFRYHU WKHGLVWDQFHRIIHHW H[SRVLQJWKRVHZLWKLQWKDW DUHD%XWWRFRQWUDFW(EROD \RXPXVWKDYHGLUHFWFRQWDFW ZLWKFRQWDPLQDWHGVXUIDFHV RUEORRGRUERG\ÁXLGVµ $QGWKHPRVWLPSRUWDQW WKLQJWRUHPHPEHUVKHVDLG LVWKDWZHFDQYDFFLQDWH DJDLQVWWKHPRVWFRPPRQW\SHV RIÁX6RLI\RXKDYHQ·WKDG\RXU ÁXVKRW\HWFDOO(PSOR\HH+HDOWK DW([WRUKHDGRQGRZQWR WKHLURIÀFHRQ7XHVGD\VRU)ULGD\V DPDQGSP 7KH\KDYHWKHQDVDOVSUD\DQGWKH LQMHFWDEOH )OXVHDVRQW\SLFDOO\EHJLQVLQ 2FWREHUDQGSHDNVLQ-DQXDU\ RU)HEUXDU\7KH&'&VD\VWKDW PRUHWKDQSHRSOHDUH KRVSLWDOL]HGRQDYHUDJHIRUÁX UHODWHGFRPSOLFDWLRQVHDFK\HDU DQGWKDWLQVRPH\HDUVWKHGHDWK WROOIURPWKHÁXKDVEHHQDVKLJK DV The way you take off safety equipment is just as important as how you put it on. Various clinical staff underwent training in October to learn the best safety practices for protective gear they don’t typically wear. PAGE 10 | NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 | THE TUOMEY CAPSULE Members of the HazMat Team and a Plant Services crew put together the PICS (Portable Isolation Containment System) tent that would be used in the event we had to quarantine patients or staff. Tuomey also has an ECU2 Corridor Flange to FUHDWHDQLVRODWLRQÀRRULQWKHKRVSLWDOLIWKHQHHGDULVHV:KLOHZHFRQWLQXHWRWUDLQDQGKRQHWKHVNLOOVZHZRXOGQHHGLQ the event of exposure to Ebola, contagion experts at Tuomey say we have far greater need to protect ourselves from the ÀXWKDQ(EROD,I\RXKDYHQ¶WKDGDÀXVKRW\HWKHDGGRZQWR(PSOR\HH+HDOWKWRGD\ THE TUOMEY CAPSULE | NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 | PAGE 11 HOW DO WE WORK TOGETHER TO MAKE PATIENT TRANSITION SAFE AND COMFORTABLE? Clinicians and administrators from more than a dozen healthcare providers have been meeting to discuss patient care coordination. The goal of the group is to prevent avoidable hospital readmissions for patients and to work as a more FROODERUDWLYHWHDPWRPRUHHI¿FLHQWO\ and safely transition patients from one care setting to another. Participants represented the hospital, home health and hospice groups, medical equipment suppliers, care managers, the local family health center, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, pharmacies, geriatric care specialists and physician practices. They selected a name -- SPAR, the Sumter Partnership for Avoidable Readmissions DQGDJUHHGWRFRPHXSZLWKVSHFL¿F THE DOGS ARE IN THE HOUSE! We have a few new Pet Therapy dogs! Dior (Corgie), Doe (mixed), Sassy (poodle mix) and Brody (a cocker spaniel who comes with BRIAN HUSKEY of Radiology). At a recent class, all the current handlers got to meet the new handlers. Woof! PAGE 12 | NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 | THE TUOMEY CAPSULE goals and actions to uncover barriers to success and improve communication. The meetings aren’t mandatory, but as one participant said, every healthcare entity is looking for ways to improve quality and coordinate care, so working together is the smartest choice. If you have ideas to share with the group, FRQWDFW0LFKHOOH'RQQDOGDW([W LOIS McCRACKEN’S Blew won “Best in Show” at the American Water Spaniel Specialty in Wisconsin. He also won “Best of Breed” at Eukanuba last December. His mother before him, “Bunny,” was “Best of Breed” at Westminster and Eukanuba, and his grandmother “Gurley” won “Best of Breed” at Eukanuba as well. All three are or were Pet Therapy dogs here at Tuomey! RESPIRATORY THERAPY BAKE SALE: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE LEAD WITH OUR HEARTS! The loving staff of Respiratory Care holds a bake sale every year with proceeds donated to a charitable cause that they choose. This year, they decided to help the family of one of our own who’s going through a tough time: Amy McDill’s grandson Nathan has ALL-acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Amy is a longtime Tuomey employee and a respiratory therapist. Nathan’s treatments will be extensive, from chemo and bone marrow aspiration to blood transfusions and lumbar punctures. The department put out the word to other departments to ask for help baking goods, and Manager Sonya McDaniel said she was “absolutely overwhelmed” by the response. So thanks, Team Tuomey, for being there when we need you! THE TUOMEY CAPSULE | NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 | PAGE 13 KIPPER ACKERMAN: TUOMEY VOLUNTEER, HARPIST AND ... TAMMY WYNETTE IMPERSONATOR! /()7:KHQSDWLHQW$GGLH5XVKWXUQHGGXULQJDVWD\DW7XRPH\KHUIDPLO\WKHQXUVHVRQWKHÀRRU&XVWRPHU Service reps and harpist Kipper Ackerman were there to help her celebrate and sing “Happy Birthday.” (RIGHT) After Kipper found out that patient Reedy Herring liked Tammy Wynette, she came in dressed and ready to sing “Stand By Your Man.” (Yes ... on the harp. Tammy would’ve been proud.) THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED WITH ALL OUR “THINK PINK” EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES! PAGE 14 | MAY-JUNE 2014 | THE TUOMEY CAPSULE DESSERT WARS: CHOCOLATE THUNDER The pharmacists won WKH¿UVWHYHU3KDUPDF\ Dessert Wars competition this year! Automation specialist Brenda Mobley organized the event to build morale and have a little fun -- and show their great sense of teamwork. ROY JONESZRQ¿UVW place with his chocolate, kahlua and Bailey’s Irish Creme cupcakes, and LIZ HADZICK came in second with her keylime bars. (Yep. That’s Liz at top left trying to eavesdrop on the judges during the tasting SRUWLRQRIWKHHYHQW (Psst: Yo, Pharmacy. If y’all do this dessert deployment again and you need any more judges, the Capsule editors would love to apply for the job ...) WE REMEMBER SAFE SCHOOLS Safe Kids got to talk about bike safety with the students at Oakland Primary School. Afterward, the whole student body walked around the school to promote health and safety. Tuomey observed the Day of Service and Remembrance on 9-11 with a quiet ceremony on the Hill. When this day was so-named, the emphasis was on service -- in tribute to the many people who were moved to acts of generosity in the days following the terrorist attacks. If you’re LQWHUHVWHGLQ¿QGLQJ ideas about how to serve, check out You can also use this site to organize a service project in your area, with toolkits and other resources. THE TUOMEY CAPSULE | NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 | PAGE 15 EVS: “CONSISTENTLY GREAT. OCCASIONALLY GOOD. ALWAYS RELIABLE!” EVS IN THE SPOTLIGHT Sometimes we take for granted WKHIDFWWKDWRXURI¿FHDUHDLVFOHDQWKH wastepaper basket is empty and the bathroom is sanitized when we come to work each morning. This wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated staff of Environmental Services. The EVS Department is on the front lines of infection control throughout the entire healthcare system. Our Tuomey EVS manpower strength totals FRPELQLQJIXOOWLPHDQG351SHUVRQQHO Patient care starts and ends with EVS; they do their job before any patient is seen, then again after the patient departs. Some staff members may receive more recognition than others, but their boss says HYHU\RQHFRQWULEXWHVVLJQL¿FDQWO\WRPLVVLRQ accomplishment during each shift. 6HSWZDV1DWLRQDO+HDOWKFDUH Environmental Services Week. When you see an EVS employee, thank them for their hard work on the front lines! PAGE 16 | NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 | THE TUOMEY CAPSULE WE ALL HAVE TO BE SKILLED IN PATIENT SAFETY -- CLINICAL OR NOT Tuomey requires its entire staff to go through Competency Training once a year. This training, coordinated by LINDA BRICE of Education with the help of all the department managers, focuses primarily on patient safety areas. From those of us in Public Relations and Accounting to OR techs and RNs -- we all have to demonstrate that ZH¶UHDEOHWRWUHDWYLVLWRUVVDIHO\DQGKDQGOHD¿UHRURWKHUHPHUJHQF\ Clinical employees -- those who take direct care of a patient -- are tested on a dozen+ skills that include things like the use of various pieces of equipment, accessing a central line safely, how (and when) to restrain a patient and proper ways to move patients. Linda said they saw more than 1,800 people over a span of three days. The training isn’t federally required. “We do it to go above and beyond,” Linda said. “We’re always learning, and every year something new comes up in clinical care. We don’t ever want anyone to feel awkward about a particular skill area. We want everyone to know that it’s OK to ask questions.” THE TUOMEY CAPSULE | NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 | PAGE 17 The winner of our 2014 TUOMEY’S GOT TALENT show was EDDIE LEMON (ENDO), who sang a crowd-rousing version of Prince’s “Purple Rain” (above). Eddie tied with LYNDSAY BAILEY (above right) of CAROLINA FAMILY MEDICINE, who sang a beautiful version of “How Great Thou Art” and also got a perfect score of 40 (four 10’s)! We had to invoke the Applause-O-Meter TWICE to break the tie! If you missed the show, check out the link to the video on the Tuomey Intranet. Above, Michelle Breaux-Smith (Chaplaincy) hugs performer Waukeisha New (EVS). At left are Lee Pitt (Guest Services) and Allen Boykin (FNS). This year’s judges were Brenda Chase, Danielle Pleasant, Chris Moore, Kenneth Smith and Brian Huskey. PAGE 18 | NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 | THE TUOMEY CAPSULE Tuomey’s Got Talent! Other performers were Amy Graves (Print Shop) at top, and (above) Letitia Pringle-Miller (Admin), Ashley Cox (HR) and Kimberly Geddings (Sumter Surgical). Left, Kenneth Shaw (Security) also acted as emcee and sang a little to get the crowd warmed up. You do not have to be able to sing to participate in the talent show! If you have other performing arts skills, consider sharing them with your co-workers next year! The show is held during Customer Service Week in October. Come play the piano, the guitar or the bongos. Dance. Recite a dramatic PRQRORJXHRUDFWRXWDVFHQHIURPDSOD\*HW\RXURI¿FHPDWHVWRGRDPXVLFYLGHRVSRRI THE TUOMEY CAPSULE | NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2014 | PAGE 19 capsule . NO 6 VOLUME 54 | Capsule is published six times a year by the Public Relations Department for the medical staff, employees, volunteers and friends of Tuomey Healthcare System. Public Relations @ Tuomey Healthcare System 129 N. Washington St., Sumter, SC 29150 803.774.8663 Michael Schwartz Interim CEO, Tuomey Healthcare System Brenda P. Chase P.R. Manager Traci Quinn Capsule Editor Writer | Designer Chris Moore Photographer Amy Graves Proofer
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