PARROT’S CANTEEN MENU Tuesday – Nov. 11th Mixed Salad with Eggs Beef Stew Pasta or Rice Wednesday – Nov. 12th Mexican Salad Salsa Beef Fajitas Thursday – Nov. 13th Coleslaw Salad Grilled Chicken Fried Rice Friday – Nov. 14th Green Salad Tagliatelle Bolognaise Tagliatelle Pesto Tagliatelle Seafood Garlic Toast IN THIS ISSUE Director’s Corner pg. 1-2 Nurse’s Page pg. 3 Movie Night pg. 4 Zumba Master Class pg. 5 Art Classes pg. 6 Story Time pg. 7 Calendar pg. 10 ASOY Times V O L U M E 1 0 , I S S U E 6 N O V E M B E R Director’s Corner: Director’s Corner WELCOME BACK you OR WELCOME! We hope that found the parent It is my distinct pleasure to welcome conferences productive and informative our staff and students back for another year at and thatFor you away to with a sense ASOY. me,came it is exciting be doing so asnot only of how your childnow is being performing an ‘ASOY seasoned veteran’, in my 2nd year at but ASOY! enjoyed successful currently alsoASOY an idea of awhat he or year, 2010-2011, and I know that I speak for the a she can do to continue to grow as entire ASOY team in saying that we are looking learner. Please don’t feel you have to wait forward to a year of superlatives, where we will until thetonext parent conferences continue grow and mature as a school. to get feedback about your child! Our faculty is THINGS TAKING SHAPEto you about your always ready to speak While most of us were in different child’s progress should you off have concerns parts of the world, many of our ASOY team as are Mr. Bellomy, Mr. Bull, and myself. was here working hard to make the campus ready for this year, both in terms of new addiHopefully you left the conference tions and enhancements as well as the annualwith painting and restoration of the campus! some concrete goals for your child to ASOY enjoyed a successful summer implement in the coming months. Setting, camp, with over 70 students participating in striving towards, and celebrating goals is numerous activities. However, this has meant sothat important! The board, theuntil admin some projects could not start laterteam, in and our faculty are all busy finalizing the summer which means that not all our pro- the jects were completed by theimprovement. first day of school. annual goals for school The We have agoals number guide of new and things faculty ourexciting professional still to take place, here are some of them: improvement and the leadership team ASOY has purchased a fleet of new continuesbuses to be deeplybetter impressed the to provide safety andby comfaculty’sfort commitment towho collaborating to our students travel to and on continually our academic from strengthening school, with ASOY transportation. These buses were to have arrived and after-school programs. by now, but the events in Japan have slightly delayed their arrival. Our new A huge thank you to thetoNational Honor buses are scheduled arrive in the Society students coming months. and their faculty sponsors New building adjacentPondi to the artificialKelly Owens and Esther for their pitch. This will provide washrooms, efforts inchanging puttingfacilities, on the storage Fun Fair. Much space and a This is progressing planningcanteen went for intoevents. the event and I think completion at the end everyoneon schedule would foragree that a fun of August. (if spooky) time was enjoyed byElemenall who Refurbished Early Years and Youcongratulate will notice thatour attended.tary I playground. would also the playground has been renewed; the music teacher, Joanna Dempster, for a last aspect of this renewal will be a highly successful Friday Night new playground surface, whichLive. will It create both a safer playing space was a delightful evening and it was (continued on page 2) heartening 0 to see such strong attendance at the event. Continued, page 2…. 1 0 , 2 0 1 4 IN THIS ISSUE Director’s Corner—Pages 1—2 Nurses Corner—Page 3 ES/MS Movie Night—4 Calendar—10 ES/MS MOVIE NIGHT FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH TIME: 6:30 PM—8: 00 PM Our Mission By offering an enriched American curriculum in a challenging, secure, and diverse environment, the American School of Yaounde seeks to ensure that all students achieve academic success, demonstrate critical thinking skills, and become responsible and compassionate global citizens. ...Director’s Corner I look forward to seeing parents again at this week’s Director’s Coffee and sharing some of the exciting things that are happening at ASOY! We will meet at 8:15 in the library on Thursday, November 13th. Hope to see you there! Best regards, Sheena Le Coin du Directeur (La Traduction Française) Nous espérons que la conférence des parents a été à la fois productive et instructive et que vous y êtes sortis avec non seulement une lecture du rendement actuel de votre enfant, mais d’avantage une idée de ce qu’il/elle devrait faire pour améliorer ses performances académiques. Ne vous sentez surtout pas contraint d’attendre la prochaine conférence pour recevoir un feedback du travail de vos enfants ! Notre staff est toujours disposé à vous parler de leurs progrès, auriez-vous des préoccupations. Monsieur Bellomy, Monsieur Bull et moi-même, sommes également à votre disposition. Nous espérons qu’à l’issue de ces conférences, vous détenez des objectifs concrets que votre enfant devrait atteindre dans les prochains mois. Se fixer des objectifs, y ajouter des efforts pour les atteindre et les célébrer, sont des éléments cruciaux. Le conseil d’administration, L’équipe administrative, et le corps enseignant sont tous occupés dans la rédaction des objectifs annuels pour l’amélioration de notre école. Les objectifs des enseignants servent de guide pour notre plan d’amélioration professionnelle. Nous, l’équipe dirigeante, restons impressionnés par le dévouement et la collaboration des enseignants dans le renforcement permanent de nos programmes académiques et parascolaires. Nos vifs remerciements vont à l’endroit des élèves de la “ National Honor Society” ainsi que leurs superviseurs, Kelly Owens et Esther Pondi, pour tous les efforts consentis dans la célébration de la fête d’Halloween. Il y a eu beaucoup de planification et je crois que chacun s’accorderait qu'un moment de plaisir (si épeurant) a été apprécié par tous ceux qui y ont participé. Je saisis également l’occasion pour féliciter notre professeur de musique, Joanna Dempster, pour le grand succès de « Friday Night Live ». La soirée était très agréable et c’était d’avantage encourageant de noter une forte participation à l’événement. Je suis impatiente de revoir les parents à notre traditionnel « café du directeur » de cette semaine, et de partager quelques-unes des choses passionnantes qui se passent à ASOY! Nous nous retrouverons à 08h15 à la bibliothèque ce Jeudi, 13 novembre. Au plaisir de vous y voir! Cordialement, Sheena ASOY TIMES PAGE 2 NURSE’S CORNER IMMUNIZATION Immunization is a simple and effective way of protecting children and adults against certain diseases. Immunization is recommended for people at certain ages especially children attending preschool to high school. Immunization works by triggering the immune system to fight against certain diseases. If a vaccinated person comes in contact with these diseases, their immune system is able to respond more effectively. This either prevents the disease from developing, or reduces the severity of the disease. ASOY sends out a list of vaccination requirements as one of the requirements for admission. The list includes the following vaccines: DTP or DTAP (DTcoq) Diphtheria Tetanus and Pertussis Polio vaccine, oral or injectable Haemophilus b conjugate vaccine MMR or ROR measles mumps and rubella Varicella vaccine Hepatitis A vaccine Hepatitis B vaccine Typhoid vaccine Meningitis vaccine BCG or skin test for tuberculosis Yellow fever Corner Most parentsThe doNurse’s vaccinate their children but don’t submit the updated immunization records to school. When these records are revised using a scheduler we come out with missed and catch up doses of vaccines. In the days ahead, I will be sending out individual vaccination status to parents. Parents will identify those vaccines that their children have to complete, and since we all know the importance of vaccination, these vaccines should be completed and records sent to the school clinic. Christina Ngeshi Suwah, School nurse ASOY TIMES PA GE 3 MOVIE NIGHT The Jungle Book For Who: Elementary and Middle School Entrance Fee: 500CFA Date: November14, 2014 Time: 6.30 p.m. – 8 p.m. Snack sale starts at 6 p.m. Parents are welcome to join! ASOY TIMES PAGE 4 ZUMBA MASTER CLASS Zumba fitness is a program that creates an opportunity to work different muscles of the body with music and movements. The good part is you don’t have to be a dancer; all you need do is follow the lead of the Instructor. A master class offers two hours non-stop blast of fun fitness. EVENT NAME: ZUMBA MASTER CLASS VENUE: ASOY BASKETBALL COURT DATE: SUNDAY, 23RD NOVEMEBER 2014 TIME: 10:30AM TO 12:30AM FEE: 2500 FRANCS Fitness clothing, a towel and a bottle of water is all you need to bring with you. *** All staff members of ASOY and HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS are welcome to join us at a discounted fee of 1500 francs. HAVE A ZUMBALICIOUS THANKSGIVING !!!!! ASOY TIMES PAGE 5 Art Classes at Bastos for Children and Teenagers 5 students in every course of 1 hour a week : Mondays : 4:30 to 5:30 pm, children 5/7 years old Tuesdays 4:30 to 5:30 pm, teenagers Wednesdays 4 30 to 5:30 pm, children 7/10 years old Initiation to several techniques : drawing, painting, pastel… The arts training allows to develop imagination, to improve manual dexterity and concentration and to reduce stress. Fees : Children : 15000 frs CFA for 5 lessons Teenagers : 18000frs CFA for 5 lessons For information and admission, please contact me by phone 75-02-05-13 or by email [email protected] Cours d’arts plastiques à Bastos pour enfants et adolescents 5 élèves par cours d’une durée d’1heure/semaine : lundi de 16h30 à 17h30 enfants de 5 à 7ans mardi de 16h30 à 17h30 adolescents mercredi de 16h30 à17h30 enfants de 7à 10 ans Initiation à toutes les techniques : crayons, encre, lavis, peinture, pastels… La production artistique permet de développer son imagination, d’améliorer sa dextérité manuelle et sa concentration, d’exprimer sa sensibilité, de diminuer le stress. Tarifs : Enfants : 15000frs cfa pour 5 séances Adolescents : 18000frs cfa pour 5 séances. -Pour toute information et inscription, veuillez me contacter au 75-02-05-13 ou par Email : [email protected] ASOY TIMES PAGE 6 ASOY Saturday Story time Who: Children ages 3-6 Where: ASOY Library When: Saturday, November 15th 10:00am-11:30am Please sign up with Mrs. Ashu or Ms. Michelle as space is limited to the first 30 children. Deadline for registration Friday 14th at 8:00 AM *Please note – if your child is not registered and on the registration list, they will not be allowed to stay for Story Time. We will only have space and materials for the children who sign up and register! We look forward to seeing you there!! ASOY TIMES PAGE 7 AMERICAN SCHOOL OF YAOUNDE Calendar—November 2014 Sunday 2 Monday 3 Tuesday 4 Wednesday 5 Emergency Drill Thursday 6 Friday 7 MS/HS Faculty Meeting—7:15 AM 8 Early Dismissal (PD) Friday Night Live—18:00 9 10 Rec Center Men’s Invitational Soccer Tournament 16 11 12 13 14 Rec Center Men’s Invitational Soccer Tournament 15 School Photos ASOY TIMES 17 School Photos 18 2nd Quarter Progress Report Grades Due Director’s Coffee Service Learning MS Girls Soccer Morning—8:15 Tournament— Walk-a-Thon— AM ASOY Movie Night for 9:00 AM 3:15—4:30 PM Library ES/MS MS Boys BB School Photos Tournament— 9:00AM 19 MS/HS Faculty Meeting—7:15 AM 20 21 Early Dismissal Board Meet(PD) ing—5:30—7:00 PM Progress Reports Sent Home High School Drama Production—18:00 23 Saturday 24 Community ASOY TIMES Thanksgiving - 2:00 PM 25 26 27 Thanksgiving Break: NO SCHOOL 28 Thanksgiving Break—No SCHOOL 22 Children Swim Meet MS Girl’s BB Tournament— 9:00 AM MS Boys BB Tournament— 9:00 AM 29 Thanksgiving Break—No SCHOOL 30 Thanksgiving Break—No SCHOOL ASOY TIMES PAGE 8
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