Svenska Mekanikdagar 2015 Linköping 10-12 juni PROGRAM Tid Program Onsdag 10/6 10:30 11:40 13:00 13:15 14:05 15:05 15:25 16:15 17:00 xx Registrering Lunch Öppnande Karin Fält‐Magnusson, prorektor, Linköpings universitet Odquistföreläsning A coarse mesh of my finite element life Larsgunnar Nilsson Linköpings universitet Session 1 Kaffe Session 2 Busstransport till Visualiseringscenter i Norrköping Doktorand‐ och senioraktiviteter Busstransport till Linköping Torsdag 11/6 08:45 Biomechanics of bone: Is a multiscale approach needed to understand fracture? Hanna Isaksson Lunds universitet 09:35 10:35 10:55 11:55 13:15 Session 3 Kaffe Session 4 Lunch From inside cylinder to society Lars Nielsen Linköpings universitet Session 5 Kaffe Session 6 Busstransport till Flygvapenmuseum Visning Flygvapenmuseum Konferensmiddag på Flygvapenmuseum Fredag 12/6 14:05 15:05 15:25 16:30 17:00 18:00 09:00 09:50 10:50 11:10 12:10 12:20 Transient Vehicle Aerodynamics ‐ research that is here to stay Gunilla Efraimsson KTH Session 7 Kaffe Session 8 Avslutning Lunch Tid 13:15‐14:00 08:45‐09:30 13:15‐14:00 09:00‐09:45 Plenarföreläsningar Plenarföreläsningar. Sal A2 Onsdag 11/6 Odquistföreläsning A coarse mesh of my finite element life Larsgunnar Nilsson Linköpings universitet Torsdag 11/6 Biomechanics of bone: Is a multiscale approach needed to understand fracture? Hanna Isaksson Lunds universitet From inside cylinder to society Lars Nielsen Linköpings universitet Fredag 14/6 Transient Vehicle Aerodynamics ‐ research that is here to stay Gunilla Efraimsson KTH Tid 14:05 14:25 14:45 Session 1 (ons 10/6) Konstitutivmodel‐ Biomekanik 1 lering 1. Sal A2 Sal A37 A computational A finite element study of an formulation of Spencer´s incomplete atypical femoral theory for anisotropic finite fracture hyperelasticity A. Gustafsson A. Zdunek Lunds universitet FOI Effective properties of fluid‐ A Multiphysics Model for filled deformable porous Uterine Contraction media from computational J. Stålhand homogenization Linköpings universitet K. Runesson Chalmers Computational modeling issues of gradient‐extended viscoplasticity K. Carlsson Chalmers Patient‐specific Parameter Identification Using Intrauterine Pressure Measurement B. Sharifimajd Linköpings universitet Dynamik 1 Sal A38 Dynamic higher order functionally graded micropolar plate equations P. Folkow Chalmers Vibrationsreducering med avstämda vibrationsdämpare i icke resonant område H. Lindell Swerea IVF Dynamics of Tilting Pad Bearings for Vertical Rotors E. Synnegård Luleå universitet Tid 15:25 15:45 Session 2 (ons 10/6) Konstitutivmodel‐ Industriella tillämpningar 1 lering 2. Sal A2 Sal A37 A numerical investigation of Creating, Running and martensitic phase Sharing Multiphysics transformation in 304 Simulation Apps stainless steel during laser D. Ericsson shock peening COMSOL AB S. Issa Lunds universitet Model of dynamic Influence of cracks on the recrystallization at large formation of hydrides in a deformations by linking metallic structure vertex and crystal plasticity C.F Nigro models Malmö universitet Y. Mellbin Lunds universitet Dynamik 2 Sal A38 Vibration analysis of wind turbine structure using 10 DOF model S. Gantasala Lunds universitet Dynamics of a hydropower generator subjected to unbalance magnetic pull with mixed eccentricities F. Thiery Luleå universitet Tid 09:35 Session 3 (tor 11/6) Biomekanik 2 Brottmekanik Sal A2 Sal A37 Skiers´summer training ‐ to Cohesive laws for adhesive bike or not to bike layer loaded in a state close J. Holmberg to pure shear Linköpings universitet U. Stigh Skövde universitet Fluidmekanik 1 Sal A38 Instabilities of the rotating‐ disk boundary‐layer flow E. Appelquist KTH 09:55 Finite element models can predict strain and strength of human femurs L. Grassi Lunds universitet Termomekanisk sprickväxtmodellering av en Ni‐baserad superlegering utsatt för hålltidslaster E. Storgärds Linköpings universitet A comparison of the Double averaging method applied to Gaussian generated and natural rough surfaces L. Andersson Luleå universitet 10:15 A poro‐visco‐hyperelastic constitutive model for intact Achilles tendon biomechanics H. Khayyeri Lunds universitet Modelling of Crack Growth with Dwell Time for Aero Engine Spectra Loadings in a Ni‐based Superalloy S. Sjöström Linköpings universitet Fluid‐structure interaction simulation with relevance to snoring L. Schickhofer KTH Tid 10:55 11:15 11:35 Utmattning 1 Sal A2 First Principles Characterisation of Brittle Transgranular Fracture of Zirconium Hydrides P. Olsson Malmö högskola Lifetime Assessment Modelling of Combined Thermo‐Mechanical and High‐Cycle Fatigue V. Norman Linköpings universitet Crack initiation of railway wheels subjected to thermomechanical loading A. Esmaeili Chalmers Session 4 (tor 11/6) Farkost Sal A38 Improving aerodynamic performance of a truck: a numerical based analysis J. Malmberg KTH Aerodynamic Drag Reduction Study of a Light Truck by Use of CFD and Road Tests P. Ekman Linköpings universitet Potential aerodynamic benefits from adaptive nacelle inlet F. Majic KTH Tid 14:05 14:25 14:45 Session 5 (tor 11/6) Pedagogik Pappersmekanik 1 Sal A2 Sal A37 Systematisk samverkan för Characterization and styrning av modelling of the mechanical industridoktorandprojekt properties of high density L. Bråthe fibre board Retired from Volvo AB S. Östlund KTH 10 000 mechanics problems Normalization of in‐plane at the press of a button cohesive failure from short‐ S. Lindström span uniaxial tests of Linköpings universitet paperboard samples J. Tryding Tetra Pak och Lunds universitet Automatisk design och Correlating SCT and shear tillverkning av elastiska strength profiles by process mekanismer and numerical studies E. Holmberg A. Hagman Linköpings universitet KTH Fluidmekanik 2 Sal A38 Active fuel particles dispersion by an acoustic jet A. Saber Luleå universitet The impact of a fixed contact angle on a freezing water droplet L. Karlsson Luleå universitet A systematic study of the flow field in a rotary kiln S. Larsson Luleå universitet Tid 15:25 15:45 Session 6 (tors 11/6) Topologioptimering Konstitutivmodel‐ Sal A2 lering 3. Sal A37 Large‐scale robust topology Parametric study of optimization under load precipitation hardening uncertainty based on a SGP theory A. Klarbring M. Asgharzadeh Linköpings universitet KTH Game theory approach for topology optimization with uncertain loads E. Holmberg Saab AB Investigation of void morphologies in UO 2 by phase field modelling Y. Zhu Lunds universitet Fluidmekanik 3 Sal A38 CFD‐simulations and PIV‐ measurements of vortex shedding from semi‐circular cylinders A. Andersson Luleå universitet Flow control by means of plasma actuation ‐ a separation control and drag reduction study J. Vernet KTH Tid 09:50 10:10 10:30 Session 7 (fre 12/6) Pappersmekanik 2 Experimentella metoder Sal A2 Sal A38 Thermodynamically Study of powder filling using consistent coupled moisture digital speckle photography and heat model for and the smoothed particle paperboard using hybrid method mixture theory G. Gustafsson M. Alexandersson Luleå universitet Lunds universitet Simulation of folding and Modelling transport and creasing using a continuum deposition of non‐spherical model for paperboard micro‐ and nano‐particles in E. Borgqvist composites manufacturing Lunds universitet E. Holmstedt Luleå universitet A Robust Algorithm for Normal and Tangential Contact of Beams in 3D Space H. Motamedian KTH Cathodic Hydrogen Charging of IN718 N. Ehrlin Malmö Högskola Tid 11:10 11:30 11:50 Utmattning 2 Sal A2 The effect of overloads on the dwell time cracking behavior of a Ni‐based superalloy K. Simonsson Linköpings universitet Prediction of fatigue crack propagation in a gas turbine material using LEFM C. Busse Linköpings universitet Crack initiation prediction of a single‐crystal superalloy under thermomechanical fatigue loading condition D. Leidermark Linköpings universitet Session 8 (fre 12/6) Industriella tillämpningar 2 Sal A38 GKN Aerospace Engine System H. Runnemalm GKN Aerospace Modelling of IG‐SCC mechanism at LWR conditions M. Sedlak KTH FE‐Analysis of Refractory Brick Lining in Rotary Kilns D. Ramanenka Luleå universitet
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