Conference Program Monday, November 10 – Short Course 07:00-18:30 Registration / information desk hours 08:00-18:30 Short Course: Geotechnical and Civil Design of Heap Leach Pads* Presented by: Renzo Ayala, Anddes Asociados, Peru; Jonathan Bray, University of California at Berkeley, USA; Denys Parra, Anddes Asociados, Peru; and Mark Smith, RRD International Corp and Brazilian Nickel, USA *Short course is not included in the conference registration. To participate in this course you must complete a separate registration. Tuesday, November 11 08:00-08:30 Speakers’ and session chairs’ meeting 08:00-17:30 Registration / information desk hours 10:00-19:30 Trade show hours Opening Session Chair: Igor Gonzáles Galindo, Cia. Minas Buenaventura, Hudbay Minerals, and Sierra Metals, Peru 09:00-09:15 Welcome and Introduction Dirk van Zyl, University of British Columbia and InfoMine, Canada 09:15-09:30 Opening Address Raúl Benavides Ganoza, Compañía de Minas Buenaventura, Peru 09:30-10:30 KEYNOTE 1: Heap Leach Development: Achieving the Correct Conceptual Design Part II Randolph Scheffel, Consulting Metallurgical Engineer, USA 10:30-11:00 Coffee break Plenary Session 1: Heap Leach Projects Chair: Dirk van Zyl, University of British Columbia and InfoMine, Canada 11:00-11:30 New Developments in Heap Leaching Monitoring, Control and Modelling Tools and Techniques Yousef Ghorbani, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile 11:30-12:00 Kişladağ Gold Mine Heap Leach Facility Veli Gökdere, H. Nejat Utkucu, Jale Sakiyan Ates and Omer Kahraman, Tüprag Metal Madencilik San. Tic. A.Ş, Turkey 12:00-12:30 Coming in from the Cold: The Advancement of Heap Leach Projects in Northern Climates Mark Ayranto, Victoria Gold, Canada Lunch 12:30-13:30 Parallel Sessions Session 1: Leach Pad Costing and Ore Stacking Session 2: Modeling and Closure Chair: Jennifer Leinart, InfoMine, USA 13:30-13:55 Leach Pad Cost Benchmarking Mark Smith, RDD International, USA; Denys Parra, Anddes Asociados, Peru Chair: Michael Milczarek, GeoSystems Analysis, USA Utilizing CFD Technology to Capture Multidimensional Thermal-Fluid-Reactive Phenomena in a Heap Leach Operation Diane McBride, Swansea University, UK; Jim Gebhardt, FLSmidth, USA; Mark Cross, Swansea University, UK 13:55-14:20 A Procedure to Estimate the Differences in Heap Leaching Costs Brought about through Variations in Climate and Terrain Scott Stebbins, Aventurine Engineering, USA Conceptual Cover System Design for Heap Leach Closure Lindsay Tallon, Mike O'Kane, and Brian Ayres, O'Kane Consultants, Canada 14:20-14:45 Leach Pad Equipment for Greater Production Karl Ingmarsson, Sandvik Mining Systems, USA The Application of Unsaturated Soil Mechanics to Heap Leach Analysis Jason Stianson and Delwyn G. Fredlund, Golder Associates, Canada 14:45-15:10 Design Considerations for Mobile Stacking Conveyors for Challenging Terrain and Climate Conditions Grant Graber and Ron Kelly, Terra Nova Technologies, USA The Design and Water Balance of Precious Metal Heap Leach Projects under Extreme Rainfall Variation Using METSIM ® Calvin Morrison, Matjhabeng Management and Technology Consulting, South Africa; Ashraf Jaffer Tenova Bateman, South Africa and Alex Holtzapple, Proware, USA 15:10-15:40 Coffee break Parallel Sessions Session 3: Drain Systems under High Loads Session 4: Mineral Processing Chair: Mark Harris, GSE Environmental, USA 15:40-16:05 Geomembrane and Pipe Design Issues in Deeper Heap Leach Pads Denys Parra, Carlos César and Javier Mendoza, Anddes Asociados, Peru Chair: David Arcos, Amphos 21 Consulting, Spain Characterization of Ore Crushed by High Pressure Grinding Rolls (HPGR) and Cone Crusher for Heap Leaching Sanaz Moghadam-Zadeh and Dirk van Zyl, UBC, Canada 16:05-16:30 Performance of Heap Leach Drainage Pipes under High Loads Claudio Roman and Ignacio Atucha, AMEC, Chile. Presented by Humberto Preciado, AMEC, Peru Characterization of Gold Inventory and Impediments to Recovery at an Active Heap Leach Facility Jason Keller and Michael Milczarek, GeoSystems Analysis, USA; Scott Olsen and Isaac Amponsah, Barrick Gold, USA 16:30-16:55 3-D/2-D Comparative Flow Analysis in Heap Leach Drain Systems with two Different Overliner Materials Nicolas Echeverria and David Romo, Ausenco, Chile; Ivan Suazo, Heap Leach consultant, Chile Secondary Recovery of a Copper Heap Leach Dale Rucker and Shawn Calendine, hydroGEOPHYSICS, USA 16:55-17:20 Geotechnical Characterization of Ore Stacking in Andean Heap Leach Pads José Ale, John Dixon, Frank Pérez and Humberto Preciado, AMEC Environment and Infrastructure, Peru; Martín Rodriguez, Ausenco, Peru On-Line Control of Ferric Ion in SX-EW Circuits Using a Polarization Voltage Method Hugo Guevara and David Ramírez, Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde, Peru 17:30-19:30 Welcome reception in the trade show area 19:30 Close Day 1 Wednesday, November 12 08:00-08:30 08:00-16:40 Speakers’ and session chairs’ meeting Registration / information desk hours 09:00-16:40 Trade show hours Opening Session 08:45-09:00 Welcome Address Augusto Chung, Rio Alto Mining, Peru Plenary session 2: Keynote and Peruvian Case Study Chair: Augusto Chung, Rio Alto Mining, Peru 09:00-10:00 KEYNOTE 2: Why Heap Leach Nickel Laterites? Anne Oxley and Mark Smith, Alyssum Ventures and Brazilian Nickel, USA 10:00-10:30 Investigation, Monitoring and Assessment of a Valley-Fill Leach Pad Deformation Michael Shelbourn, Barrick Gold Corporation, USA 10:30-11:00 Coffee break Plenary session 3: Geotechnical and Peruvian Case Study Chair: Guillermo Barreda, Knight Piésold Consultores, Peru 11:00-11:30 3-D Slope Stability Analysis of Heap Leach Pads Using the Limit Equilibrium Method Andrés Reyes, Pilar Garma and Denys Parra, Anddes Asociados, Peru 11:30-12:00 Relevance of Hydro-Geomechanical-Geochemical Processes in the Design and Management of Copper Heap Leach Pads David Arcos, Albert Nardi, Gabriela Roman-Ross, Orlando Silva and Jorge Molinero, Amphos 21 Consulting, Spain; Jordi Guimerà, Amphos 21 Consulting, Chile; Eduardo Ruiz, Amphos 21 Consulting, Peru; Denys Parra, Anddes Asociados, Peru 12:00-12:30 Optimization and Costs Reduction of Heap Leaching at La Zanja Mine Freddy Motta Rodríguez and Eddy Rodríguez Gonzales, Compañía de Minas Buenaventura, Peru Lunch 12:30-13:30 Session 5: Liners Chair: Denys Parra, Anddes Asociados, Peru 13:30-13:55 Bituminous Geomembrane in Heap Leach Pads Juan Lazaro, Axter Coletanche, Chile; Bernard Breul, Axter Coletanche, France 13:55-14:20 Use of Premium HDPE Liners in Heap Leach Applications Mathieu Cornellier, Solmax International, Canada; Daniel Tan, Solmax International, Malaysia 14:20-14:45 Evaluation and Quality Control of Geosynthetic Clay Liners in Heap Leach Pads Hilda Garay, Javier Mendoza, Carlos Cesar and Ernesto Najar, Anddes Asociados, Peru 14:45-15:15 Coffee break Session 6: Regulatory and Products Chair: Dirk van Zyl, University of British Columbia and InfoMine, Canada 15:15-15:40 Heap Leaching Technique in Mining within the Context of Best Available Techniques (BATs) Caner Zanbak, Turkish Miners Association, Turkish Chemical Manufacturers Association, Turkey 15:40-15:55 New Applications of BASF Chemical Technologies in Gold Leaching Process, for Prevention and Remedial the Scale Processes, Mainly to Avoid the Crystallization of Calcareous Components Rommel Solis, BASF, Peru 15:55-16:10 Innovative Geosynthetic Solutions for Heap Leach Pads Mark Harris and Mauricio Ossa, GSE Environmental, USA 16:10-16:25 Smart Wireless Improves Lixiviation Performance Monitoring at Barrick Zaldivar Hugo Barrientos and José Antonio Larraín, Emerson Process Management, Chile 16:25-16:40 The Story of a Bituminous Geomembrane over 40 years Juan Lázaro and Ramon Rojas, Axter Coletanche, Chile; Natalie Daly, Axter Coletanche, USA; Bernard Breul, Axter Coletanche, France 18:00-21:00 Conference dinner at Casa Clark Note: Conference registration fee does not include the dinner function. You must purchase a separate ticket for the dinner. Buses will leave from JW Marriott Hotel at 18:00 sharp. 21:00 Close Day 2 Thursday, November 13 08:00-08:30 Speakers’ and session chairs’ meeting 08:00-17:40 09:00-17:40 Registration desk hours Trade show hours Plenary session 4: Keynote and Project De-Risking Chair: Guillermo Canchis, Sociedad Minera Cierro Verde, Peru 09:00-10:00 KEYNOTE 3: Stockpile Leaching at Freeport-McMoRan – Meeting the Challenges Larry Todd, Freeport-McMoRan, USA 10:00-10:30 De-Risking Heap Leach Projects Stephen Grocott, Rio Tinto, Australia 10:30-11:00 Coffee break Plenary session 5: Processing Chair: José Ale, AMEC Environment and Infrastructure, Peru 11:00-11:30 Integrated Process Control to Enhance Heap Leach Performance Amado Guzmán-Guzmán, HydroGeoSense, USA; Omar Cáceres Hernández, Rio Tinto, USA; Rajesh Srivastava, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India; Jay Jones, Environmental Navigation Services, USA 11:30-12:00 Optimization of the Permeability of Uranium Ores for Heap Leaching Nicolas Durupt, Jean-Jacques Blanvillain and Philippe Dubois, Areva Mines, France 12:00-12:30 Lagunas Norte: Process Optimization Efforts Pedro Bobadilla and Joe Pezo, Barrick, Peru 12:30-13:30 Lunch Session 7: Geotechnics Chair: Michael Shelbourn, Barrick Gold Corporation, USA 13:30-13:55 Elastic Characterization of Sandstone Run of Mine Ore Stacking in Heap Leach Pads Frank Pérez, José Ale and Humberto Preciado, AMEC Environment and Infrastructure, Peru; Claudio Roman, AMEC Environment and Infrastructure, Chile 13:55-14:20 Heap Leach Pads – The Importance of Proper Testing, Interpretation and Analysis of Soil Liner Geomembrane Interface Guillermo Barreda and Luis Chahua, Knight Piésold Consultores, Peru 14:20-14:45 Interface Shear Strength Non Linearity and its Effects on Heap Leach Pad Stability Analysis Renzo Ayala and Waldo Huallanca, Anddes Asociados, Peru 14:45-15:10 Seismic Response Analysis and Seismic Induced Permanent Displacement Calculation on Heap Leach Pads Renzo Ayala, Keith Pérez and Jesús Negrón, Anddes Asociados, Peru 15:10-15:40 Coffee break Session 8: Continuous Improvement Chair: Yousef Ghorbani, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile 15:40-16:05 Maximizing Productivity in Heap Leach Pads through Dipole Electrical Leak Location Silverio Prota, Anddes Argentina, Argentina; Denys Parra, Anddes Asociados, Peru; Abigail Beck, TRI Environmental, USA 16:05-16:30 Permanent Heap Leach Phreatic Level Characterization with the Aid of CPTu Soundings Arnaldo Saavedra, Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde, Peru 16:30-16:55 Heap Leach Irrigation Systems Automation in Lagunas Norte Mine Leoncio Chavez, Barrick, Peru 16:55-17:20 Gold Production: Kinetics Models and Applications Joe Pezo and Ricardo Guerrero, Barrick, Peru 17:20-17:30 Closing remarks and conference balance Dirk van Zyl, University of British Columbia and InfoMine, Canada and Igor Gonzáles Galindo, Cia. Minas Buenaventura, Hudbay Minerals, and Sierra Metals, Peru 17:30-17:40 Heap Leach 2015 presentation Dirk van Zyl, University of British Columbia and InfoMine, Canada POSTER PRESENTATION Column Leaching of Rare Earth Elements from a Black Shale Rory Cameron, Sean Langley, Yves Thibault and Rolando Rastra, CanmetMINING, Natural Resources Canada, Canada
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