Proposal for NORDITA scientific program Turbulent Self-‐organization in Solar and Astrophysical Plasmas Organizers: Irina Kitiashvili (Stanford University), Henrik Lundstedt (Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Sweden) Abstract. Self-‐organization is spontaneous formation of coherent structures in turbulent medium. It is a key to solving many puzzling phenomena observed in solar, astrophysical and laboratory plasmas, and represents a fundamental problem of turbulence theory. Substantial progress has been made recently in observations, laboratory experiments, numerical simulations and nonlinear physics theory to describe and understand self-‐organization phenomena, such as the filamentary structure of cosmic magnetic fields, sunspots, erupting magnetic flux ropes, magnetized plasma jets etc. The main goal of this program is to establish links among observational data, experimental results, numerical simulations and theoretical non-‐linear physics and turbulence models. The program will be at a cross-‐section of several disciplines, including mathematical physics (integrable systems, topological invariants, stability theory, bifurcations, chaos), magnetohydrodynamics, plasma physics, turbulence modeling, large-‐eddy simulations, solar and astrophysical observations, and related laboratory plasma experiments. It will bring together experts from the different fields in a unique Nordita environment to discuss the recent advances and new approaches to solving the fundamental problem of the turbulence physics, and its applications. Scientific Rationale We propose a scientific program to discuss the recent advances in plasma self-‐organization with the primary focus on solar and astrophysical plasma. Self-‐organization is a fundamental of physics of non-‐linear systems. Substantial progress was made for understanding this phenomenon in simple dynamical systems. However, it is still a great puzzle how and why self-‐organized coherent structures are formed and maintained in chaotic turbulent media on the scales much larger than characteristic turbulent scales. Self-‐organization is abundant in astrophysical system where it plays primary roles in many observational phenomena on the Sun, stars, galaxies and other objects. In particular, new high-‐resolution observations of the Sun from the large ground-‐based telescopes, such as the Swedish Solar Telescope and space observatories, revealed new interesting properties of filamentary magnetic fields, sunspot structure and dynamics, tornado-‐like eruptions and other phenomena understanding of which is of primary importance for solar physics, astrophysics, and more general disciplines including mathematical physics (integrable systems, topological invariants, stability theory, bifurcations, chaos), magnetohydrodynamics, plasma physics turbulence modeling, large-‐eddy simulations. However, the current theories and models are far from explaining the observed phenomena. Specifically, there are several alternative theories for the explanation of formation of sunspot structures. For example, in the recent Stein & Nordlund paper they say their active regions form because of the deep downdrafts of their supergranulation pattern. Kitiashvili et al using radiative MHD simulations with LES turbulence models that the sunspot-‐like structures are formed in a transient process soon after emergence of diffuse magnetic flux due to vortex-‐tube interactions in the near-‐surface layers. Other ideas are that sunspot represent just rising flux tubes concentrated by dynamo at the bottom of the convection zone, and alternatively negative effective magnetic pressure instability (NEMPI) is being comprehensively investigated at NORDITA by the group of Prof Axel Brandenburg. Of course, the scope is much broader, but at the moment the role of these mechanisms in this specific spontaneous self-‐ organization phenomenon and from the point of view of the non-‐linear physics of self-‐organization is not clear. Therefore, it will be beneficial to invite experts in mathematical physics and turbulence theory (e.g. E.A. Kuznetsov, V.E. Zakharov, N. Mansour), who study the structure formation and turbulence effects from more general point of view (turbulent vortex dynamics, bifurcation of fluid mechanics and plasma physics solutions and their stability), and attempt to establish universal physical principles of self-‐organizations. The proposed program will greatly benefit to all these disciplines, establishing links among observation, simulations and theory, developing new unified approaches to self-‐organization problems, and encouraging new collaborations and further investigations. The program will include the following topics: 1) formation and dynamics of magnetic flux tubes; 2) turbulent MHD effects and links to local dynamo; 3) mechanisms of plasma jets and heating; 4) interaction and reconnection of magnetic flux tubes; 5) formation, stability and dynamics of large-‐ scale structures (sunspots etc); 6) physics of magnetoconvection in strong fields (traveling waves and filamentary structuring); 7) mechanisms of large-‐scale plasma eruptions. Significance for the Nordic research community Traditionally, the Nordic countries play a leading role in investigations of solar and stellar magnetic fields, and the dynamo problem. Nordic scientists obtained many pioneering observational and theoretical results on the solar and stellar magnetic fields, theoretical investigations of astrophysical dynamos, and numerical simulations. Recently, a substantial progress has been made in understanding of the origin of magnetic flux concentrations in active regions and sunspots was discussed. New work in Nordita in connection with the negative effective magnetic pressure instability has been initiated. A related issue concerns the location of the solar dynamo, and more work has been done to examine the idea that the solar dynamo is a distributed one, shaped by near-‐surface shear. Large-‐scale vortex instability and its applications to the starspots in rapidly rotating stars were studied in Nordita and University of Helsinki. The mechanisms of production of vorticity in the solar conditions were investigated and led to very interesting results, which needs to be connected to the new observational data and theoretical modeling by other groups. The magnetic self-‐organization effects were also investigated in realistic simulations of solar magnetoconvections, including spontaneous formation of magnetic structures and the filamentary structure of sunspots. The sunspot penumbra is a transition zone between the strong vertical magnetic field area (sunspot umbra) and the quiet Sun. The penumbra has a fine filamentary structure that is characterized by magnetic field lines inclined toward the surface. Numerical simulations of solar convection in inclined magnetic field regions have provided an explanation of the filamentary structure and the Evershed outflow in the penumbra. The radiative MHD simulations were used to investigate the influence of the magnetic field inclination on the power spectrum of vertical velocity oscillations. The results revealed a strong shift of the resonance mode peaks to higher frequencies in the case of a highly inclined magnetic field. The frequency shift for the inclined field is significantly greater than that in vertical-‐field regions of similar strength. This is consistent with the behavior of fast MHD waves. Program organization The proposed program will be organized in several discussion sessions, and will include tutorial on the MHD and turbulence theories, numerical simulations, non-‐linear dynamical systems and fluid dynamics. Most team discussions will be held in the morning, and the afternoons will be mostly devoted to collaborations and small-‐group discussions. The program will include a general 5-‐day workshop, which is expected to attract about 50 participants. Proposed dates We propose this program for one month in summer 2014, on 1-‐31 August. Participants The proposed team will consists of experts in fluid dynamics, MHD and plasma physics, astrophysical and laboratory applications, numerical simulations, dynamical systems and topological fluid dynamics. It includes invited scientists from Nordic countries, postdocs and PhD students. A highly successful NORDITA program on a related topic “Dynamo, Dynamical Systems and Topology” was organized in 2011. It formed several active collaboration groups, and we expect that some of the participants will apply for this program. Among the potential participants are: R. Arlt (Astrophysical Institute Potsdam, Germany), M. Cheung (LMSAL), M. Rempel (HAO/NCAR), E.A. Kuznetsov (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russia), V.E. Zakharov (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Russia; and Arizona State University) A. Brun (DSM/DAPNIA/SAp -‐ CEA Saclay, France) F. Busse (University of Bayreuth, Germany), B. Khesin (University of Toronto, Canada), I. Kitiashvili (Stanford Universty, USA), N. Kleeorin (Ben-‐Gurion University of Negev, Israel), A. Kosovichev (Stanford University, USA), K. Moffatt (University of Cambridge, UK) , I. Rogachevsky (Ben-‐Gurion University of Negev, Israel), D. Sokoloff (Moscow University, Russia), E. Spiegel (Columbia University, USA), R. Stein (Michigan State University, Russia), N.Mansour (NASA/Ames, USA), Alan Wray (NASA/Ames), T. Abel (Stanford University), J. Stenflo (Switzerland), S. Tobias (Leeds University, UK), K. Galsgaard (Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark) , M. Rypdal (University of Tromso, Norway). Scientists from Nordic countries: M. Benedicks (KTH, Sweden), A. Brandenburg (Nordita, Sweden), P. Kapyla (Univ. Helsinki, Finland), M. Korpi (University of Helsinki, Finland), H. Lundstedt (Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Sweden), D. Mitra (Nordita, Sweden), M. Natiello (Lund University, Sweden), A. Nordlund (Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark), S. Norsett (NTNU, Norway), N. Piskunov (Uppsala University, Sweden) Students and postdocs: S. Candelaresi, F. Del Sordo, K. Kemel, J. Warnecke, P. Chatterjee (Nordita) Budget We will use about SEK 300,000 for accommodation of the participants. SEK 150,000 for travel support. SEK 20,000 for informal weekly receptions, and SEK 30,000 to support the organization of conference at the beginning of the program. We will apply to the Swedish Research Council for another SEK 120,000 to support the conference. Proposal for a NORDITA Program Origin, Evolution, and Signatures of Cosmological Magnetic Fields Activity Period: Summer 2014 (one month) Coordinators: Tina Kahniashvili <[email protected]>, Tanmay Vachaspati <[email protected]> Additional Coordinators Axel Brandenburg <[email protected]>, Arthur Kosowsky <[email protected]>, Alexander Tevzadze <[email protected]>, Advisors: Philipp Kronberg <[email protected]>, Avi Loeb <[email protected]>, Larry Widrow <[email protected]> Abstract Large-scale magnetic fields pose a cosmological puzzle that may have resolution in astrophysical dynamics or via fundamental processes in the very early universe. An understanding of cosmological magnetic fields has become more urgent as observational tools have sharpened and there are claims of a lower bound on the strength of inter-galactic magnetic fields. The program will bring together researchers working on different facets of cosmological magnetic fields and will enable collaboration across subdisciplines. Motivations and Objectives Observations show that galaxies have magnetic fields with a component that is coherent over a large fraction of the galaxy with field strengths of order 10-6 Gauss. These fields are supposed to be the result of amplification of an initial weak seed magnetic field of unknown nature. A recent study, based on the correlation of Faraday rotation measures and MgII absorption lines (which trace halos of galaxies) indicates that coherent microGauss-strength magnetic fields were already in place in normal galaxies (like the Milky Way) when the Universe was less than half its present age. This places strong constraints both on the strength of the initial magnetic seed field and the timescale required for amplification. Understanding the origin and evolution of these fields is one of the challenging questions of modern astrophysics. Magnetic fields in the Milky Way and other galaxies are usually measured through the induced Faraday rotation effect and the field strength is on the order of a few microGauss on a typical coherence scale of a kiloparsec. Cosmological observations, such as the cosmic microwave background power spectrum and Faraday rotation, constrain extragalactic magnetic fields to be smaller than a few nanoGauss. Recently, by looking at gamma ray emission around blazars, several groups have also claimed a lower limit on the intergalactic magnetic field of order 10-16 Gauss, assuming correlation length larger than 1 Mpc. If such fields exist, they may be the result of the amplification of a primordial cosmological field, or they could be generated in localized regions and widely diffused. We propose an interdisciplinary research program at NORDITA which will focus on a number of related questions about cosmological magnetic fields: (1) What are the current and future observational constraints on large-scale correlated magnetic fields in the universe? (2) How and when was the primordial seed magnetic field generated, and what does its strength need to be? (3) How does a seed field evolve during the evolution of the universe, including during phase transitions and the formation of cosmic structure? (4) To what extent can cosmological data, such as cosmic microwave background and large-scale structure measurements, test models of the magnetic field evolution? Our proposed research program at NORDITA will help answer these fundamental questions. Various aspects of this program will be relevant to researchers in a wide range of astrophysical and cosmological areas, including plasma physics, numerical magnetohydrodynamics, magnetic dynamos, the generation and decay of turbulence, the evolution of large-scale structure on galactic and sub-galactic scales, and the cosmic microwave background radiation. One goal of our workshop is to bring together researchers in astrophysical plasmas, who traditionally have developed the most sophisticated understanding of magnetic field dynamics, with cosmologists, who have developed a detailed understanding of dynamical process in the universe ranging from inflation and phase transitions when the universe was a tiny fraction of a second old to the evolution of galaxies and Lyman-alpha clouds during the most recent epoch. We anticipate that the combined expertise of these communities may catalyze significant progress in understanding the formation and evolution of magnetic fields in the universe. Nordic Relevance: At the present time there are two potential participants from Nordic countries (Brandenburg, Kachelriess). Other Nordic groups that will be contacted for participation are Helsinki (Enquist), Copenhagen (Olesen), Aarhus (Hannestad), Umeaa (Marklund), Reykjavik (Bjornsson), ans Jyvaskyla (Kainulainen). Student and postdoctoral fellows from these groups may be interested in participating to enter this important, emerging research area. Budget Outline: Up to SEK 300,000 for accommodation of 25 participants for about 2 weeks each. SEK 150,000 for travel support. SEK 50,000 for organizing a conference at the beginning of the program. Axel Brandenburg has indicated that he will apply to the Swedish Research Council for another SEK 120,000 for the conference. The additional funds will enable us to partially cover conference participant costs. Overlapping Programs: A proposal is being submitted to hold a two month program at the KITP in Santa Barbara in the summer of 2015. Potential participant list: To gauge interest in a program on cosmological magnetic fields, in connection with the KITP proposal (Brandenburg, Kahniashvili, Kosowsky, Tevzadze, Vachaspati), we have contacted the list of researchers given below, of which highlighted names denote people who have expressed interest. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Tom Abel <[email protected]>, Marco Ajello <[email protected]>, Tigran Arshakian <[email protected]> . Nick Battaglia <[email protected]>, Robi Banerjee <[email protected]>, John Barrow <[email protected]>, Alexander Beck <[email protected]> , 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. Rainer Beck <[email protected]>, Juan Garcia Bellido <[email protected]>, Andrey Beresnyak <[email protected]>, Avery Broderick <[email protected]>, Jo-Anne Brown <[email protected]>, Iain Brown <[email protected]>, Robert R. Caldwell <[email protected]>, Chiara Caprini <[email protected]>, Phil Chang <[email protected]>, Kristof Chyzy <[email protected]>, Rupert Croft <[email protected]>, Anne-Christine Davis <[email protected]>, Tiziana DiMatteo < [email protected]>, Alexander Dolgov <[email protected]>, Klaus Dolag <[email protected]>, Ruth Durrer <[email protected]>, Andrii Elyiv <[email protected]>, Torsten Ensslin <[email protected]>, Glennys Farrar <[email protected]>, Andrea Ferrara <[email protected]>, Francesc Ferrer <[email protected]>, Luigina Feretti <[email protected]>, Fabio Finelli <[email protected]>, Andrew Fletcher <[email protected]>, Steve Furlanetto <[email protected]>, Gabriele Giovannini <[email protected]>, Grigol Gogoberidze <[email protected]>, Dario Grasso <[email protected]>, Andrii Gruzinov <[email protected]>, George Heald <[email protected]>, Mark Hindmarsh <[email protected]>, Karsten Jedamzik <[email protected]>, Michael Kachelrie{\ss} <[email protected]>, Marc Kamionkowski <[email protected]>, Leonard Kisslinger <[email protected]>, Ralf S. Klessen <[email protected]>, Kerstin E. Kunze <[email protected]>, Russel Kulsrud <[email protected]>, Alexander Kusenko <[email protected]>, Jumber Lominadze <[email protected]>, Roy Maartens < [email protected]>, Mikhail Malkov <[email protected]>, George Mamatsashvili <[email protected]>, Yurii Maravin [email protected], 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. Grant J. Mathews <[email protected]>, Mikhail Medvedev <[email protected]>, Giorgi Melikidze <[email protected]>, Francesco Miniati <[email protected]>, Igor Moskalenko <[email protected]>, Andrii Neronov <[email protected]>, Angela Olinto <[email protected]>, Daniela Paoletti <[email protected]>, Christoph Pfrommer <[email protected]> Levon Pogosian <[email protected]>, Bharat Ratra <[email protected]>, Oleg Ruchayskiy <[email protected]>, Dongsu Ryu <[email protected]>, Evan Scannapieco <[email protected]>, Dominik Schleicher <[email protected] >, Bidzina Shergelashvili <[email protected]>, T. R Seshadri <[email protected]>, Ravi Sheth <[email protected]>, Shiv Sethi <[email protected]>, Richard Shaw <[email protected]>, Rodion Stepanov <[email protected]>, Dmitri Semikoz <[email protected]>, Victor Semikoz <[email protected]>, Reinhard Schlickeiser <[email protected]>, Guenter Sigl <[email protected]>, Alexander A. Schekochihin <[email protected]>, Anvar Shukurov <[email protected]>, Kandu Subramanian <[email protected]>, Hiroyuki Tashiro <[email protected]>, Fabrizio Tavecchio <[email protected]>, Christos Tsagas <[email protected]>, Ievgen Vovk <[email protected]>, Ariel Zhitnitsky <[email protected]>, Ellen Zweibel <[email protected]> A proposal for a scientific program at Nordita Advanced school on Observational signatures of the fundamental properties of astrophysical black holes Stockholm, 3-14 November, 2014 Marek Abramowicz, G¨ oteborg University George Ellis, Cape Town University 1. Program title and suggested dates Observational signatures of the fundamental properties of astrophysical black holes, 3-15, November, 2014 (two weeks from Monday to Friday). Advanced school at Nordita. 2. Organizers Marek Abramowicz (3-15 November, 2014; contact person) Physics Department, G¨ oteborg University, 412-96 G¨ oteborg Phone: +46(0)31-772 32 60 [email protected] George F.R. Ellis (3-9 November, 2014) Mathematics Department, University of Cape Town Rondebosch 7701, Cape Town, South Africa Phone: (27) 021-650-2339 [email protected] 3. Abstract The proposed advanced school on Observational signatures of the fundamental properties of astrophysical black holes will give the Nordic physicists and astrophysicists first-hand overview of one of the most interesting and challenging topics in modern science — testing fundamentals of the black hole theory by observations. The new observational techniques, developed most recently, offer unprecedented time and angular resolutions which allow to probe regions in the immediate vicinity of black holes. In particular, we may soon be able to search for the signatures of the super-strong gravity that is characteristic to black holes: the event horizon, the ergosphere, the innermost circular orbit, and the photon circle. A few fundamental issues concerning these developments are still a matter of a debate. There are conflicting opinions of the world’s 1 leading experts on how to properly describe behavior of matter near a black hole and therefore how the above mentioned black hole signatures (horizon, ergosphere, ISCO, light circle) would show up in the observational data. We will invite to Nordita the major protagonists of the debate. They will give full and comprehensible account of their different standpoints. These controversies will be discussed by them and the participants of the Nordita advanced school. 4. The scientific case In the latter part of the twentieth century robust detections were made of several astrophysical black hole candidates within our Galaxy and in many others galaxies. However, it is still a matter of debate whether unambiguous observational signatures of the fundamental black hole properties have indeed been found. The most important of these fundamental properties are: 1. Event horizon: This is a sphere of radius ∼ GM/c2 surrounding the black hole singularity, from within which nothing may emerge — a one-way membrane. Note that this means that black holes have no rigid surfaces. This is a unique signature of black holes; other relativistic features may be observable around non-black hole objects, specifically sufficiently compact neutron stars, but the event horizon is a defining property of black holes. 2. Ergosphere: This is a region around a rotating black hole where spacetime itself is dragged along in the direction of rotation at a speed greater than the local speed of light in relation to the rest of the universe. In this region, negative energy states are possible, which means that the rotational energy of the black hole can be tapped through various manifestations of the “Penrose process”. 3. Innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO): This is the smallest circle (r = rms ) along which free particles may stably orbit around a black hole. No stable circular motion is possible for r < rms . Strictly speaking, ISCO is not a unique feature of strong gravity, as a Newtonian body with a sufficiently strong octupole moment may exhibit ISCO. However, the presence of ISCO in the black hole case is one of the most important features of the black hole accretion. 4. Circular photon orbit: At a specific radius, often called “the light circle”, photons may circle freely around a black hole. A presence of the horizon is most often argued from observational estimates of the “compactness parameter” ξ ∼ RG /R. Here R is the measured size of the black hole candidate, and the gravitational radius RG is known from a mass measurement. Mass measurements are very accurate in a few cases (based on Kepler’s laws and precise orbit measurements), but in most cases they are not accurate (orbits are unobserved directly). Size measurements are not yet accurate, and in addition the measured size is only an upper limit. In most of 2 the considered cases, one estimates not the size of the horizon, but the size of ISCO or the size of the light circle radius. Ramesh Narayan presented arguments that point to the horizon presence more directly. They are based on the fact that the black hole horizon is not a rigid surface. All other types of astronomical objects do have rigid surfaces which may shine or reflect radiation. The absence of this (extra) radiation is the evidence of the black hole horizon. Although Narayan’s arguments are cleverly developed in details and are obviously correct in the case when the only alternative to black holes are neutron stars, they are subject to criticism in the case when the alternatives are exotic stars. For various reasons the rigid surfaces of strange stars may absorb without trace all radiation. This was pointed out by several authors. There is a strong Nordic competence in issues relevant to this controversy (e.g. Chris Pethic and his collaborators who work on very compact objects). The presence of ergosphere is today discussed mostly in two contexts: (1) the origin of relativistic jets and (2) super-energetic collisions of particles deep inside the ergosphere. In the jet context, Alexander Tchekhovskoy, Ramesh Narayan and their collaborators have found that the famous Blandford-Znajek mechanism works for “magnetically arrested disks”, i.e. a special type of magnetized black hole accretion. Nota bene the first idea on the arrested disks was formulated during Narayan’s visit to G¨oteborg University — by him, Igor Igumeshchev and Marek Abramowicz. There are several issues here that need to be studied and explained. A particularly strong competence in the subject of magnetized accretion exists in the Nordic countries (e.g. MHD simulations by Axel Brandenburg, Aake Nordlund, Ulf Torkelsson and others). In the context of the super-energetic collisions there is a disagreement between two opinions, based on recently obtained results. (1) Joe Silk and his collaborators claim that in the center-of-mass frame, the energy of particular types of collisions may be arbitrary large and that this may lead to astrophysically important and interesting consequences. (2) Marek Abramowicz, Frida H˚ akanson (student at Chalmers), Tsvi Piran and Michal Bejger claim that consequences of such collisions are unobservable. Both results have been published in PRL and attracted a considerable attention. There is a vigorous follow-up going on. The relevance of ISCO is probably the single most important controversy in the black hole accretion disk theory. According to one view, for small accretion rates, location of ISCO determines the “inner edge” of the disk which separates the part of the disk where matter rotates on almost Keplerian, almost circular orbits, from the plunging-in region. where matter falls in into the black hole almost freely. There is no (significant) radiation coming from the plunging-in region, and stresses there are negligible. Numerous well-known and widely used 3 results in accretion theory depend on the assumption that ISCO is the sharp boundary between the two different accretion regimes. According to the opposite view, most recently stressed and summarized in an important paper by Steve Balbus (2012), ISCO is not an important feature of black hole accretion even for small accretion rates, because the magnetohydrodynamical MRI instability makes the flow unstable and turbulent on both sides of ISCO. There is a strong Nordic interest and competence in the MRI instability (the already mentioned MHD simulations). The light circle issue is an emerging topic that is connected to improving observational potentials in the sub-milliarcsecond radio imaging of the black hole sources, in particular SgrA*, i.e. the black hole in the center of our Galaxy. The Onsala Space Observatory is a world’s leading institution in this observational technique. 5. The Nordic relevance The proposed Nordita advanced school will bring home top world’s experts who will describe in detail their often conflicting ideas and opinions concerning one of the most intriguing topics in modern physics — observational constraints on black holes. The program is purposely set up in such a way that all lecturers (in the case of theoretical topics) are foreign, i.e. not-Nordic, scientists. We will be listening to competent colleagues from outside of our community. This will be, hoverer, very active listening. Purposely, all moderators will be senior Nordic scientists. The role of moderators will be to lead discussions and expose reasons for existing controversies and differences in opinions. The role of moderators will also be to make references and connections to relevant Nordic research (already mentioned in several places previously). This principle is reversed for the observational issues — Nordic scientists will present plans for performing accurate observations here in the Nordic countries. 6. A budget outline The budget outline reflects the following principles: on average there will be about 40 participants staying one week. I estimate the one day cost of accommodation plus perdiem per one participant will be around SEK 1,000, i.e. SEK 7,000 per week per participant. Therefore, for 40 participants, this gives SEK 280,000. About half of the participants will need travel support (in average SEK 8,000 per person), which gives SEK 160,000. The total is therefore SEK 440,000. I estimate that I could receive support from other sources of about SEK 50,000. Therefore, I apply for the Nordita grant of SEK 400,000. 4 7. Tentative program schedule The suggested program will be an advanced Nordita school, focused on lectures given by top world’s experts. There will be 17 lectures during the first week of the school (5 working days). Two or three lectures will be given before lunch, and one or none after lunch. Afternoons will be devoted to discussions, ad hoc presentations etc., organized by moderators. The second week will be devoted to individual work in smaller groups: discussions, research, and follow-up lectures, describing some issues indepth. It is hoped that research project involving Nordic and foreign scientist will be started. 1st day HORIZON — Moderator: Kjell Rosquist, Stockholm University 1. The concept of the isolated horizon: Eric Gourgoulhon, Observatoire Paris-Meudon 2. The shortcomings of the mathematical description of the horizon George Ellis, Cape Town 3. Observational signatures of the horizon Ramesh Narayan, Harvard University 4. No possibility of an observational proof for the horizon WÃlodek Klu´zniak, Copernicus Center, Warsaw 2nd day ERGOSPHERE — Moderator: Marek Abramowicz, G¨oteborg University 5. The black hole ergosphere Serguei Komissarov, University of Leeds 6. Limits for the Penrose process for particles Tsvi Piran, Hebrew University, Jerusalem 7. Relativistic jets Roger Blandford, Stanford University 8. Magnetically arrested disks Alexander Tchekhovskoy, Princeton University 3rd day ISCO — Moderator: Axel Brandenburg, Nordita 9. Radiation within ISCO Mitch Begelman, University of Colorado 10. MHD effects within ISCO Steve Balbus, Oxford University 11. MHD effects within ISCO Jiri Horak, Institute of Astronomy, Prague 5 12. QPOs signature of ISCO Didier Barett, CNRS and Universit de Toulouse 4th day LIGHT CIRCLE — Moderator: Jouri Putanen, University of Oulu 13. Light circle and SgrA* Frederic Vincent, Copernicus Center, Warsaw 14. Light circle induced variability Michal Bursa, Institute of Astronomy, Prague 5th day OBSERVATIONS — Moderator: Andrzej Zdziarski, Copernicus Center, Warsaw 15. X-ray spectra of microquasars Chris Done, Durham University 16. Sub-milliarcsecond radio imaging at Onsala Space Observatory Hans Olofsson, Onsala Space Observatory 17. Large Observatory for X-ray Timing (LOFT) Carl Budtz-Jørgensen, Technical University of Denmark 8. Participants 22 senior Nordic and foreign participants have been already listed as lecturers and moderators in the previous section. Not all of them have been approached, but there is still two years to fix the final list and make a few replacements, if such replacements would be necessary. I assume that all lecturers and moderators will come for the first week. I expect that about half will stay for two weeks. I plan that about 20 Nordic students and young Nordic researchers will participate during the first week, and about 10 Nordic researchers (including students), in the second week. 9. Other programs at Nordita and elsewhere To my knowledge, there was no previously a similar activity in the Nordic countries. 6 Protoplanetary disks and their interaction with central stars Proposal for a Nordita Scientific Programme in 2014 or 2015 Organizers: Anders Johansen, Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics, Lund University (main organizer) Bengt Gustafsson, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, and Nordita Garrelt Mellema, Department of Astronomy, Stockholm University The organizers will be present at Nordita during the full programme. Abstract The programme aims at modelling the disks around stars where planets form and their interactions with the stars. This interaction is of great significance for the structure and processes in the disks, as well as for the evolution of the central stars. After an introductory workshop, where the adequate observations and coming observational opportunities are presented, along with a summary of the physical processes at play, a systematic study of the problems in modelling the processes and the disks in detail numerically is performed. In a final wrap-‐up workshop the results are discussed, and recommendations are presented. Popular short presentation Planets form in disks of gas and dust that surround stars in their early evolution. The planetary formation process is still not well understood. This is partly because the disks themselves, their dynamical behaviour and their structure, are not well known. These properties are much controlled by the central stars, which affect the motions in the disks by their magnetic fields and heats the disks by their radiation. Conversely, the disks affect the stars, by regulating the mass flow from a disk onto the star, and by braking the rotation of the star via the magnetic field of the star which is threaded through the disk. Observationally, these phenomena are difficult to study directly since the stars with disks are far away and not very extended – therefore such observations require very high angular resolution. With the present plans of new space telescopes and gigantic earth-‐based telescopes this situation will be drastically improved. The new observations coming during the following decade will, however, require comparison with detailed models of the objects in order to optimally increase our understanding. The proposed Nordita Science Programme aims at developing such models beyond their present state of the art. Scientfic case and time line The structure of proto-‐planetary disks is of key significance for the modelling of planetary formation, as well as for understanding the accretion history of stars and their early evolution. In particular, the interaction between the disks and the stars is of great significance. Thus, the dynamical coupling of the star to the disk, presumably through the magnetic field, determines the transport of angular momentum from the star to the disk, of vital importance for the evolution of both parts and not the least for the formation of planets in the disk, and may efficiently brake the rotation of the star. Observations of the polarization of lines of ionized He from the shocked gas in accretion spots suggest that strong magnetic fields are present. The system may also lose angular momentum by winds from the disk. The radiation from the star heats the disk and is thus of significance for its thermal structure, which affects disk winds and also has strong impact on the planetary formation. The ionization due to this radiation also affects the diffusion of the magnetic field and the turbulence in the disk. The disk, on the other hand, contributes mass to the star, and this mass flow and its properties such as its entropy determine the stellar evolution in fundamental respects. An early formation of a radiative equilibrium core of the star may thus result from episodic accretion of low-‐ entropy gas. The accretion rate and its variations is highly dependent on the instabilities in the disk as well as the structure of its inner part. The structure of the proto-‐planetary disks, and in particular their inner regions, are not easily accessible through observation today. However, next generation of instruments, e.g. at the VLTI, at JWST and at E-‐ELT and TMT, as well as ALMA and SKA1, will provide new promising possibilities to approach the disks observationally in grossly improved spatial resolution during the following decade. As a consequence of these possibilities, with the need to prepare for the planning of the observations and the analysis of them, the interest in modelling the disks in detail is expected to increase strongly. The proposed Nordita Science Programme aims at raising the modelling to a physical realism that makes comparisons with real observations possible. The starting point of the Programme will be a three-‐day workshop where the observational situation and the physical problems are to be surveyed. Topics to discuss will be observations of protostellar and protoplanetary disks as well as debris disks, in terms of structures, evolution and life times, with a focus on the observations of various objects where disk-‐star interaction is supposed to be important. The physical problems to be surveyed include the modelling of turbulence and magnetic field instabilities, transport of mass and angular momentum, radiative transfer, dust coagulation and planetesimal formation, and planet migration. During the following three weeks the focus will be on the numerical modelling of proto-‐ stellar and proto-‐planetary disks including their inner regions and their interaction with the central stars. Results from different approaches and codes will be scrutinized, and the possibilities to reach further in towards the star, with improved physical consistency and numerical accuracy will be analysed. The Programme will end with an additional workshop where the results of the work will be summarized, and the needs in the theory and the detailed modelling in order to benefit the most from the new observational opportunities will be explored. 1 VLTI is the interferometer at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) Very Large Telescope in Chile for which new instrumentation is being commissioned or planned, JWST the James Webb Space Telescope with a planned lauching date in 2018, E-‐ELT the ESO next generation giant optical/IR ground-‐based telescope with a segmented mirror 39 m in diameter, TMT the corresponding American (Caltech, UCL, Canadian universities) 28 m telescope planned for Hawaii, ALMA the ESO/American/Japaneese Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array in the Atacama desert in northern Chile which now is about to be finished, and SKA the Square Kilometre Array, a big radio telescope with world-‐wide participation to be located in South Africa and Australia, with a collecting area of a square kilometre and a planned completion date for the first phase in 2024. We have addressed a number of international scientists in the area and met a very wide interest. Those expressing a strong wish to come the programme and contribute are listed in the enclosed table, where those who claimed that they probably would be able to stay for the full programme of 4 weeks are noted. Nordic relevance A number of Nordic scientists and groups are active in relevant neighbouring fields, both observationally and theoretically, e.g. in studies of extra-‐solar planetary systems, star formation, stars in early evolutionary stages, solar physics, studies of the early solar system, space plasmas, radiative transfer in stellar atmospheres, numerical magneto-‐ hydrodynamics, etc. The potential is therefore considerable for Nordic collaboration to contribute significantly to the area. However, few are as yet focussed towards the key problems of the interaction between the stars under formation and the surrounding proto-‐planetary disks. Yet, Denmark, Finland and Sweden are active members of ESO, and astronomers from these countries will no doubt be engaged in observational projects of great significance for this area. A strengthening of the corresponding theoretical activity is thus important and motivated both by the potential in skills and observational resources, as well as the significance of the area as such. Suggested time The time slots for the programme that have been strongly favoured by the suggested possible participants whom we have approached are either in August-‐September 2014 or in late June-‐July 2015. The alternative April-‐early June 2015 might also be possible, although it is less favoured. A time in October 2014 or February 2015 would attract less than half of the number of interested participants, essentially because of their teaching commitments. Budget outline We estimate that 25 international scientists with strong interests to take part in the programme will be able to be present. With an estimated travel cost at a mean of 5000 SEK per participant, we find totally a need of 125 000 SEK to cover travels. The mean time for the participants in Stockholm is estimated to be 2 weeks (some will come just for one week, others will stay for the full four weeks), and with a cost of about 1000 SEK per day and participant the total sum will be 25 x 14 x 1000 = 350 000 SEK. Sponsoring of two conference dinners, one for each workshop, will require 20 000 SEK, coffee breaks during the conferences: 10 000 SEK, and 3 BBQs during the Programme: 6 000 SEK. The total budget of the Programme will then be 511 000 SEK. However, parts of the accommodation and travel costs should be possible to finance for the participants from their own research grants. Similarly, we shall approach VR, the Nobel foundation and other private funding bodies and estimate that about 160 000 SEK should be possible to obtain from those. We thus estimate that a sum of 350 000 from Nordita should be enough. International participants We have approached about 40 international active researches in the area of the Programme and asked about their interest and possibilities to take part. Almost all of them have responded positively, many indeed enthusiastically. As alternative answers to our question whether they were interested to participate, the alternatives “yes”, “probably”; “possibly” and “no” were given by us. Listed below are only persons that have answered “yes” instead of “probably”. Several alternatives were also given by us concerning the length of their intended stay. “**” means that they would plan to stay for the full Programme (4 weeks), “*” that they would plan to stay for 1-‐2 weeks. Many of the latter have indicated “probably” for the full Programme alternative. In addition to these, about 20 people who have been addressed have indicated willingness to come for a shorter period than one week, or to come to one of the 3-‐day workshops planned. Participants from the Nordic countries have not yet been included in the list. Some of these latter should certainly be invited – the final decision on participants will be taken later in the planning. In this and the detailed outlining of the programme and in particular the workshops, an informal international science advisory group will be consulted. Isabelle Baraffe**, University of Exeter Til Birnstiel*, MPIA, Heidelberg Gilles Chabrier**, ENS, Lyon Clement Baruteau*, University of Cambridge Thomas Henning*, MPIA, Heidelberg Shigenobu Hirose**, JAMSTEC, Japan Shu-‐ichiro Inutsuka**, Nagoya University, Japan Wilhelm Kley**, University of Tübingen Rolf Kuiper*, Bonn University Wladimir Lyra*, JPL, Caltech Richard P Nelson**, Queen Mary University of London Jeff Oishi**, KIPAC, Stanford University Chris Ormel*, UC Berkeley Sijme-‐Jan Paardekooper*, DAMTB, Cambridge Hanno Rein*, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton Ken Rice*, University of Edinburgh Takayoshi Sano*, Osaka University Eduard Vorobyov*, University of Vienna Anthony Whitworth*, Cardiff University David Wilner*, Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge Ma Andrew Youdin*, Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge Ma NORDITA PROGRAM PROPOSAL Title: QUANTUM FOUNDATIONS Suggested dates: The best for our purposes is August 2014. The second best is late May --- early June 2014. The envisaged length of the program is 3 weeks. Organizers: Prof. Ingemar Bengtsson (contact person), Stockholms Universitet, [email protected] Prof. Gunnar Björk, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Stockholm, [email protected] Doc. Pekka Lahti, Turun Yliopisto, Turku, [email protected] Abstract: Over the past 15 years experiments have made a significant impact on the foundations of quantum mechanics, and have given rise to quantum information theory. Many questions are in the balance, and the impact on other fields of physics is growing. This workshop will try to take stock of the situation. Scientific case: As should be clear from the abstract we think of quantum foundations from the point of view of quantum information, which makes it an interdisciplinary branch of physics interacting strongly with quantum optics, condensed matter physics, thermodynamics and with applications. At the same time it addresses questions that are of considerable interest to the general public as witnessed by the public interest in this year’s Nobel prize in physics. It benefits from contributions by physicists, mathematicians, philosophers, and computer scientists. It focuses on the fundamentally new forms of information processing, communication, and computation offered by quantum mechanics---and on how these affect our understanding of quantum mechanics itself. Theoretical and experimental developments are closely related. The program will start from the very foundations and scrutinize several new information theory based ideas that have been proposed to facilitate an axiomatic reconstruction of quantum mechanics, and then go on to discuss positive operator measures. They are the appropriate tool for analysing quantum information processes as well as realistic quantum measurements. This widening of the mathematical framework of quantum mechanics has allowed one to reconsider fundamental question like the joint measurability of noncommuting observables, measurement limitations, including the accuracy-disturbance trade off relations in measuring conjugate quantities, the role of the weak measurements in such context, as well as the determination of the state of a quantum system. The recent experimental advances on these questions will be discussed and analysed in the light of the current theoretical understanding of the subject matter. One such advance is the demonstration of non-contextuality of quantum mechanics, first for particular states, later generalized to any qubit state. It is still unclear what limitations and what opportunities this characteristics brings with it. Entanglement, that for a long time was just considered an annoyance in the quantum theory has been shown to be an essential resource in quantum information technology, e.g., in quantum key distribution. An open question is if non-contextuality also has direct applications in quantum technology. A recent topic is the impact entanglement has on thermodynamics. Here, the quantum discord measure has been shown to have a direct coupling to the internal energy, specific heat, or magnetic susceptibility of a spin chain. Hence, quantum mechanics, and specifically entanglement, is gradually married with thermodynamics. We feel we are only at the beginning of what one could expect be an important interdisciplinary evolution akin to the one we have witnessed (but not yet seen the end of) between quantum mechanics and information theory, computing, and communication technology. Some more specific topics we also want to highlight deal with quantum measurement theopy and experimental measurement implementations. Here, concepts like mutually unbiased bases (MUB), symmetric, informationally complete, positive operator measures (SIC- POM), tomographic measurements, and measurements of permutationally symmetric qubit states are central. In this field some subjects, like MUBs, only slowly yield to the current theoretical attacks, whereas e.g., the experimental advances in tomographic measurements are impressive. A recent development in tomography is “partial tomography”, sets of measurement that reveal all about a certain state characteristics without revealing the full information about the measured state. The benefit of these latter measurements is that the measurement complexity is decreased exponentially with the decrease in obtained information. If certain information is not sought, then a measurement of that information, excluding other unwanted information, is much simpler and faster to perform. As can be seen, there are a plethora of current research question that we are interested to discuss and work on. While we have listed some above, we are confident that some topics that are going to be “hot” in 2014 are only in their infancy today. The development is rapid in this field, both on the theory and on the experimental side. This is really the reason we wish to bring a program on the topic to NORDITA. We finally observe that this year’s Nobel Prize lies within this field as we interpret it, and that one of the two prize winners participated in the conference Quantum Information and Computation that was part of the Quantum Information and Computation program hosted by NORDITA in 2010. Nordic relevance: The previous program in 2010, certainly served the purpose of bringing Nordic physicists interested in the topic together. We trust that this will happen also in 2014. Budget outline: In total 475 kSEK, of which we will seek 375 kSEK from Nordita and 100 kSEK from other sources. Below is a tentative budget in kSEK. Travel Accommodation Local travel Lunches 2 informal receptions 2 social dinners Unexpected SUM 125 225 24 37 6 33 25 475 Program schedule: We plan to have two talks a day, including a few keynote talks but no special focus event. The talks will be open for anyone to attend on a first come, first served basis. (This model worked well in 2010.) A couple of the keynote talks will be synchronized with the AlbaNova colloquium series and will hence be open to all. The schedule will leave ample time for informal discussions and collaborations. A slow drift from theory to experiment is envisaged. Expected participants: We aim for a total of around 30 visitors staying for an average of 2 weeks each, and we also expect some local people to attend the talks. The following colleagues have already expressed interest in the workshop. International: Antonio Acin, Barcelona Dagmar Bruss, Düsseldorf Paul Busch, York B.-G. Englert, Singapore Chris Fuchs, Perimeter Institute Nicolas Gisin, Geneve Beatrix Hiesmayr, Wien/Brno Pawel Horodecki, Gdansk Gert Leuchs, Erlangen Paolo Perinotti, Pavia Sandu Popescu, Bristol Anna Sanpera, Barcelona Michael Wolf, München Mario Ziman, Brno Nordic: Erika Andersson, Edinburgh Teiko Heinosaari, Turku Tom Kusela, Turku Sorin Paraoanu, Aalto Klaus Mölmer, Århus Eugene Polzik, Köpenhamn Marie Ericsson, Uppsala Andrei Khrennikov, Växjö Jan-Åke Larsson, Linköping Lars-Eirik Danielsen, Bergen Jon Magne Leinaas, Oslo Jan Myrheim, Trondheim Our experience from 2010 suggests that there will be a large number of applicants, and for this reason we do not wish to make this list longer at the present moment. Overlap with other programs: The 2010 program on Quantum Information apart, Nordita has not arranged any programs clearly overlapping with the present ones. It is not part of an established network activity, but of course it is in some sense a continuation of the 2010 workshop. Another relevant Nordita program is the 2013 one on Cold Atoms. At the moment the only temporal conflict we are aware of in Scandinavia is a possible, not necessarily negative, overlap with a conference on Quantum Foundations in Växjö, Sweden, in mid June 2014. Novel directions in frustrated and critical magnetism Proposal for a scientific programme at Nordita Organisers Eddy Ardonne (Stockholm University) Stephen Powell∗ (Nordita) Anders Sandvik (Boston University) ∗ contact person ([email protected]), present at Nordita throughout programme Abstract The field of frustrated magnetism, dealing with systems where ordering is inhibited by competition between interactions, is of broad and growing interest. It continues to turn up novel, remarkable, and unexpected phenomena in a range of systems, with examples including quantum spin liquids, magnetic monopoles, and unconventional phase transitions. The proposed programme will bring together Nordic researchers in this area with the world’s leading experts, to discuss recent developments and advance our understanding. It will also provide a stimulating environment to explore connections both between different areas of research within frustrated magnetism and with other fields of physics. Dates Our preferred starting date for the programme would be in July 2014, directly after the International Conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism, scheduled 2014-07-07–2014-07-11 in Cambridge, United Kingdom. This would enable participants from outside Europe to coordinate their travel and enhance the attraction of the programme to leading researchers from around the world. Other dates can of course also be considered. The programme would run for 4 weeks. Scientific motivation Background In a frustrated system, competition between interactions hinders the tendency towards forming an ordered state at low temperature. The classic example is an antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice, in which interactions favor antiparallel alignment of magnetic moments but the spatial structure prevents such an arrangement for all neighbouring pairs. Below the Curie temperature, the scale set by the dominant interactions, local correlations are strong but large fluctuations remain, allowing for the emergence of new physics. These observations have motivated a quest for materials and models that realise such phenomena, and for an understanding of the novel states of matter to which they lead. Examples include: spin glasses, where frustration results from disorder; the spin- 21 kagome antiferromagnet, and its (approximate) material realisations; magnetic pyrochlore oxides, including the classical and quantum spin-ice materials; systems such as the Majumdar–Ghosh chain and the “JQ” model, where frustration results from further-neighbour and plaquette interactions; artificial realisations of frustration using nanomagnet arrays or ultracold atoms and molecules; and mathematical problems such as colouring, dimer, and loop models. Because of the competition inherent in frustrated materials, they can be particularly sensitive to the small perturbations present in all real systems. This leads furthermore to a large number of potentially relevant actors—such as further-neighbour interactions, lattice distortions and quenched disorder, quantum and thermal “order-by-disorder” effects, and coupling to orbital and charge degrees of freedom—and a corresponding diversity of phenomena. Spin liquids A particularly novel phase is the spin liquid, a fluctuating state with long-range manybody correlations, exhibiting topological order and fractionalized excitations. In particular, quantum 1 spin liquids (QSLs), resulting from quantum fluctuations in the zero-temperature limit, have long been anticipated to occur in frustrated antiferromagnets. Only in the last few years has it been possible to state (i) conclusively that QSLs occur as the ground states of certain simple Hamiltonians, and (ii) with some confidence that QSLs are experimentally observed in a handful of magnetic materials. Despite these successes, the problem of detecting spin-liquid behavior in real materials and of moving from theoretical classifications to experimental and numerical diagnostics remains of critical importance, and will surely remain at the forefront of the field for the foreseeable future. The physics of the spin-liquid phase is described by an emergent gauge theory, and its fractionalized quasiparticles carry effective gauge charge. The cooperative paramagnetic phase at low temperatures in spin ice is an example of a classical spin liquid, in which the fluctuations of the gauge theory can be probed directly in neutron-scattering experiments. Since the spins in the classical spin-ice materials carry large magnetic moments, the charges of the gauge theory in fact act as sources for the physical magnetic field. Considerable interest has focused on the behaviour of these magnetic monopoles, especially their dynamics and coupling to external probes. Constrained models and transitions Well below the Curie temperature, the system is effectively restricted to the manifold of “compromise” states that minimise the dominant interactions to the extent allowed by the frustration. This restriction takes the form of a local constraint on the degrees of freedom, giving a realisation of a particular constrained model. The statistical mechanics of such systems, has been studied for some time, both as models for a range of physical phenomena and because of their instrinsic interest. Techniques and concepts developed for these models (such as duality mappings, topological invariants, and spanning statistics) are beginning to be productively applied to magnetic systems. This connection has also motivated the study of such statistical mechanics problems using new approaches and in new regimes. Among the intriguing phenomena exhibited by systems with nontrivial local constraints are ordering transitions that transcend the conventional Landau paradigm, which can be understood as confinement transitions within a gauge-theoretical description. Examples are known in dimer models and in spin ice, and close connections have been shown to unconventional transitions in other contexts, such as quantum antiferromagnets. While our understanding of this family of transitions continues to develop, experimental realisations remain elusive. Numerical simulations of the quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and dynamics of frustrated magnets have been crucial to the development of this field. Such studies present their own particular challenges, which have been met with significant advances in the last decade or so, particularly in coping efficiently with constrained systems. Nordic relevance While relatively few Nordic physicists currently work in the field of frustrated and critical magnetism, a number are active in areas having significant overlap with the ideas and techniques involved, and would consequently benefit greatly from this programme. The level of interest in this subject within Europe and worldwide suggests that there is scope for it to grow in prominence within the Nordic countries. By showcasing current research of Nordic groups and by attracting some of the world’s leading theorists, this programme will encourage Nordic activity within this exciting and productive field. Budget outline The total number of participants will be around 60, with a maximum of 25 external participants at any given time. We plan to cap the accommodation budget at 320 kSEK, prioritizing students, who will be provided with shared two-bed apartments. The remaining accommodation budget, which we expect to be around 200 kSEK, will be allocated on a first-come–first-served basis to others. We will provide lunch coupons for all participants and organize one dinner per week. Some of the budget will also be used to support travel for about 20 junior scientists participating in the programme. 2 • Shared accommodation: 20 × 858 SEK ÷ 2 × 2 × 7 ' 120 kSEK • Other accommodation: 275 × 728 SEK ' 200 kSEK • Lunches: 25 × 77 SEK × 4 × 5 ' 40 kSEK • Dinners: 25 × 500 SEK × 4 = 50 kSEK • Travel support: 20 × 3 kSEK = 60 kSEK • Miscellaneous costs: 10 kSEK The total budget for 4 weeks amounts to approximately 480 kSEK, of which 320 kSEK is for accommodation. We intend to apply for additional funding from external sources, including Vetenskapsr˚ adet and the ERC, which would also allow us to schedule a week-long workshop at the end of the programme. Tentative schedule To aid in maintaining focus and maximizing the scientific output of the programme, we propose to have (overlapping) topics of focus for each week. The precise schedule for the programme and the focus of individual weeks will of course depend on the participants present at each stage. We suggest the following possible topics for the schedule: • Quantum spin liquids in theory and experiment • Spin ice: classical, quantum, and artificial • Criticality in magnetic and constrained systems • Frustration in context: multiferroicity, charge degrees of freedom, and disorder Related events The 7th International Conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism (HFM 2014) will be held 2014-0707–2014-07-11 in Cambridge, United Kingdom. The ideal date for the proposed Nordita programme would be directly afterwards, allowing non-European participants in the earlier weeks of the programme to coordinate their travel. We have contacted the organisers of HFM 2014, who have expressed support for this arrangement. We are unaware of any other closely related programmes planned around the time in question. A KITP programme on “Frustrated Magnetism and Quantum Spin Liquids: From theory and models to experiments” was held from August to November 2012. Potential participants In the following we list some potential participants, who are expected to be interested in the programme. At this early stage, we have not contacted these people, but we have reason to expect that the vast majority will find such the planned programme highly attractive. (Of the participants from outside Europe, the majority are expected to attend HFM 2014.) International participants Fabien Alet, CNRS, Toulouse, France Leon Balents, KITP, Santa Barbara, USA Benjamin Canals, CNRS, Grenoble, France Claudio Castelnovo, University of Cambridge, UK John Chalker, University of Oxford, UK 3 Michel Gingras, University of Waterloo, Canada Christopher Henley, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA Michael Hermele, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA Peter Holdsworth, ENS, Lyons, France Sergei Isakov, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Ludovic Jaubert, OIST, Okinawa, Japan Ribhu Kaul, University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA Hae-Young Kee, University of Toronto, Canada Yong Baek Kim, University of Toronto, Canada Claire Lhuillier, CNRS, Paris, France Roger Melko, University of Waterloo, Canada Fr´ed´eric Mila, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland Gregoire Misguich, IPhT/CEA-Saclay, France Roderich Moessner, MPI-PKS, Dresden, Germany Olexei Motrunich, CalTech, Pasadena, USA Zohar Nussinov, Washington University, St. Louis, USA Shigeki Onoda, RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan Pierre Pujol, CNRS, Toulouse, France Lucile Savary, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA Nic Shannon, OIST, Okinawa, Japan Shivaji Sondhi, Princeton University, USA Oleg Tchernyshyov, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA Senthil Todadri, MIT, Cambridge, USA Ashvin Vishwanath, University of California, Berkeley, USA Steven White, University of California, Irvine, USA Nordic participants Egor Babaev, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden Emil Bergholtz, Freie Universit¨ at Berlin, Germany T. Hans Hansson, Stockholm University, Sweden Patrik Henelius, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden John Hertz, Nordita/NBI, Copenhagen, Denmark Jesper Lykke Jacobsen, ENS, Paris, France Henrik Johannesson, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Jon-Magne Leinaas, University of Oslo, Norway Emil Lundh, Ume˚ a University, Sweden Olav Sylju˚ asen, University of Oslo, Norway Mats Wallin, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden 4 Proposal for a NORDITA program 2014 Quantum Engineering of States and Devices Program organizers Sougato Bose, University College London, UK Reinhold Egger, Heinrich-Heine Universit¨at, D¨ usseldorf, Germany Henrik Johannesson∗ , University of Gothenburg, Sweden (entire program) Pasquale Sodano, International Institute of Physics, Natal, Brazil (entire program) ∗ contact person Abstract The proposed NORDITA program Quantum Engineering of States and Devices will bring together active researchers to discuss recent experimental and theoretical results concerning the engineering of quantum states in condensed matter and cold-atom systems, with a special eye on realizations in devices and novel materials for quantum information processing. Part of the program will focus also on related issues, such as the study of entanglement spectra, entanglement measurements from quantum quenches, theory of quantum simulators, and more. The first week of the program will consist of an Advanced School for PhD and second-year Masters students, where 5-6 mini courses (3-4 lectures each) are delivered together with a few invited research seminars. This is to be followed by two and a half weeks of an informal workshop with at most 1-2 research seminars/day, providing ample time for discussions and collaborations. The last two days of the program will be a mini-conference with invited and contributed talks. Scientific motivation Experimental research on engineered quantum states in condensed matter and cold-atom systems is progressing rapidly, providing special opportunities and challenges for the theorist. While the basic motivation draws from the wish to understand the intriguing coherence and correlation effects featured by many of these states, the prospects to use them for processing and storing quantum information has given the field an additional boost. Examples span proposals for protected qubits in hybrid systems containing Dirac materials (e.g. topological insulators in the proximity of a superconductor) to novel designs for quantum simulators using laser-manipulated trapped ions. Vigorous research efforts are pushing the frontier relentlessly, however, much of the activity in the field is fragmented and often narrowly focused on a particular design, idea, or type of system. The present proposal aims at furthering interactions among theorists working in different subfields of quantum engineered systems, offering an ”interdisciplinary” forum where people can come together, learn, and start collaborating across boundaries. The proposed program follows two highly successful meetings organized by one of us (Pasquale Sodano), the first in Obergurgl, Austria, June 2010 (Quantum Engineering of States and Devices: Theory and Experiments)1 , the second in Natal, Brazil, August 2012 (Advances in Quantum Technology: From Quantum Information to Quantum Devices)2 . 1 2 Given the large and sprawling character of the field, some selection of topics is necessary so as to have a common denominator among participants, with overlapping circles of research problems open to interdisciplinary efforts. As backbones of the program we propose four themes: • Quantum entanglement in many-particle systems − The study of entanglement in many-particle systems and its exploitation for implementing specific quantum protocols is an extremely active field of research, requiring a diverse expertise and the use of a variety of computational and theoretical techniques, ranging from numerical approaches based on the density matrix renormalization group and tensor network states to the use of nonperturbative tools of quantum field theory (conformal field theories and the AdS/CFT correspondence). The study of entanglement in many-particle systems has not only contributed to a better understanding of entanglement measures and witnesses but has also provided new and interesting characterizations of quantum critical systems. Of particular relevance are recent investigations of the scaling of entanglement with distance, entanglement measures from quantum quenches, and efforts to connect entanglement measures to observables. • Quantum state and device engineering in atomic physics and quantum optics − As testified by this year’s Nobel prize, the most significant progress in the field of engineered states for quantum information and simulation has arguably been in the field of atomic physics and quantum optics. Efficient quantum gates have already been realized in ion traps, and their utility have also been demonstrated for control and measurement of three-qubit entangled states, efficient simulations of quantum magnets, and more. Optics-based schemes which have seen major recent progress include circuit QED, linear optics quantum computation, and quantum optomechanics devices. Of particular interest for the proposed NORDITA program is the exploration of future hybrid technologies where these schemes are exploited for use together with solid-state systems, like superconducting Cooper pair boxes or single-electron spins in coupled quantum dots. • Devices for topological quantum computation and topological field theories − A profound interplay between quantum information techniques and nonperturbative field theory techniques is seen in the theory of topological quantum computation; here the building blocks are non-abelian anyons, which naturally emerge in topological field theories. Since topological quantum computation schemes are less affected by decoherence, intense experimental activities are currently focusing on the detection of non-abelian statistics in ν = 5/2 quantum Hall systems, topological insulators proximity coupled to superconductors, and hybrid systems of superconductors coupled to semiconductors with strong spin-orbit interactions. Ongoing efforts to enlarge this class with ultracold atoms in synthetic gauge fields add to the theorist’s agenda of contributing interpretations and new models. • Quantum protocols using quantum impurities − A high entanglement between separated qubits is a central resource for quantum communication. Recently a dynamical mechanism has been proposed by which long-range distance-independent entanglement is generated by a quantum quench whereby two spin chains containing Kondo impurities get suddenly connected, in principle enabling efficient routing of entanglement between distant parts of a spin-based architecture. This opens a new vista for implementing more powerful quantum protocols, and also, importantly, for attacking the long-standing problem of detecting the predicted Kondo screening clouds in quantum impurity systems. The intriguing mix of ”applied” and ”fundamentals” makes this line of research particularly fascinating, and we expect it to serve as a productive thread in the proposed NORDITA program. Relevance for the Nordic research community An important aspect of the proposed program is to boost fundamental theoretical research on engineered quantum states and devices in the Nordic countries. While experimental and technologyoriented research in quantum device physics is well funded in the Nordic countries − with several international competitive laboratories − the situation is dismal for fundamental theory. There is a serious lack of funding for theoretical work, and few opportunities for young people. The proposed program is expected to enhance the visibility of this important field of research and benefit its future development in the Nordic countries. Budget outline Accommodation (4 weeks): 22 NORDITA guest apartments (individual/shared/family) Hotel for short-term visitors (”experimentalists of the week”) SEK 480.000 30.000 Travel support for Advanced School lecturers and selected invitees 70.000 Junior Travel Grants for PhDs and postdocs (to be advertised) 50.000 Lunch coupons (20 weekdays, 25 coupons/day) 40.000 Afternoon coffee & tea 10.000 Conference organization, miscellaneous,... 20.000 GRAND TOTAL SEK 700.000 Funding applied for from NORDITA: SEK 500.000 Additional funding to be applied for: SEK 200.000∗ ∗ Funding to be applied for from the Swedish Research Council, NORDFORSK, the Wenner-Gren Foundation, and private donors (Ericson, TeliaSonera,...). In case that no supplementary funding is coming in, the number of participants will be reduced accordingly so as to accommodate the program within a budget of SEK 500.000 (NORDITA funding only). Tentative program schedule [week 1] Focus event: Advanced School for PhD students and postdocs (tentative lecturers: Ian Affleck, Roman Jackiw, Paolo Zanardi, Peter Zoller, and one or two more lecturers to be decided upon). 1 additional research seminar/day. [week 2 - 4] 1-2 research seminars/day, including talks from short-term visiting ”experimentalists of the week”; 1 ”round-table discussion”/week. Focus event week 4: a two-day concluding ”mini-conference” with 10-12 invited talks + poster session. We would like to have some 25 participants present each day, the first week mostly postdocs and PhD students attending the Advanced School. For the remaining weeks we plan for 10-15 invitees/week (not counting short-term visiting experimentalists), in addition to 10-15 PhD students, postdocs, and senior participants from the Nordic countries. The number of registrants in the concluding mini-conference (not budgeted for beyond the 25 program participants already present) will depend on the interest from the research community. We expect that some additional 5-10 locals from Stockholm University and the Royal Institute of Technology will attend seminars, lectures, and discussions (not budgeted for). Since many of the prospective invitees that we have been in contact with have expressed interest to participate provided that the program is scheduled for August 2014, this is our preferred time slot. September 2014 may also be a possibility, however, the number of high-profile participants will then be significantly lower. Tentative list of people to be invited (including experimentalists visiting for 1-2 days) Ian Affleck∗∗ (Vancouver, Canada), Markus Aspelmeyer (Vienna, Austria), Jens Bardarson (Berkeley, USA), Peter Barker (London, UK), Abolfazl Bayat∗∗ (Ulm, Germany), Rainer Blatt (Innsbruck, Austria), Piet Brouwer (Berlin, Germany), Pasquale Calabrese (Pisa, Italy), Ignacio Cirac (Garching, Germany), Nigel Cooper (Cambridge, UK), Per Delsing (Gothenburg, Sweden), Michel Devoret (New Haven, USA), Cristina Diamantini (CERN, Switzerland), David DiVincenzo (Aachen, Germany), Fabian Essler (Oxford, UK), Karsten Flensberg (Copenhagen, Denmark), Eduardo Fradkin (Illinois, USA), Michael Freedman∗ (Santa Barbara, USA), Vladimir Gritsev (Fribourg, Switzerland), Duncan Haldane∗ (Princeton, USA), Alioscia Hamma∗ (Waterloo, Canada), Taylor Hughes (Illinois, USA), Karyn Le Hur∗ (Paris, France), Roman Jackiw∗∗ (Cambridge, USA), Charlie Kane∗ (Philadelphia, USA), Vladimir Korepin∗ (Stony Brook, USA), Peter Kr¨ uger∗ (Nottingham, UK), Stefan Kuhr (Garching, Germany), Leonid Levitov (Cambridge, USA), Charles Marcus (Copenhagen, Denmark), Chetan Nayak (Santa Barbara, USA), Jeremy O’Brien (Bristol, UK), Michael Pepper (London, UK), Hubert Saleur (Paris, France), Gordon Semenoff∗ (Vancouver, Canada), Cristiane Morais Smith∗∗ (Utrecht, the Netherlands), Tadashi Takayanagi (Kyoto, Japan), Sumanta Tewari (Clemson, USA), Andrea Trombettoni∗∗ (Trieste, Italy), USA), Alexei Tsvelik (Brookhaven, USA), Andreas Wallraff (Z¨ urich, Switzerland), Xiao-Gang Wen (Cambridge, USA), Frank Verstraete (Vienna, Austria), Guifre Vidal (Waterloo, Canada), Paolo Zanardi∗∗ (Los Angeles, USA), Peter Zoller∗∗ (Innsbruck, Austria). ∗ The person has already been contacted and expressed interest in participating in the proposed program. The person has already been contacted and expressed interest in participating in the proposed program and deliver a set of lectures in the Advanced School planned for its first week. ∗∗ A preliminary list of potential applicants from the Nordic countries Eddy Ardonne (Stockholm, Sweden), Annica Black-Schaffer (Uppsala, Sweden), Arne Brataas (Trondheim, Norway), Marie Ericson (Uppsala, Sweden), Hans Hansson (Stockholm, Sweden), G¨oran Johansson (Gothenburg, Sweden), Anders Karlhede (Stockholm, Sweden), Edvin Langmann (Stockholm, Sweden), Jonas Larson (Stockholm, Sweden), Jon Magne Leinaas (Oslo, Norway), Carsten L¨ utken (Oslo, Norway), Matti Manninen (Jyv¨askyl¨a, Finland), Jan Myrheim (Trondheim, Norway), Johan Nilsson (Gothenburg, Sweden), Teemu Ojanen (Aalto, Finland), Jens Paaske (Copenhagen, Denmark), Chris Pethick (Copenhagen, Denmark), Stephanie Reimann (Lund, Sweden), Erik Sj¨oqvist (Uppsala, Sweden), Olav Sylju˚ asen (Oslo, Norway), Mats Wallin (Stockholm, Sweden), Susanne Viefers (Oslo, Norway), Grigori Volovik (Aalto, Finland), Hongqi Xu (Lund, ¨ Sweden), Stellan Ostlund (Gothenburg, Sweden), and more... Overlaps with recent and future NORDITA programs 2010 The proposed program overlaps partially with the following recent and future NORDITA events: Pushing the boundaries with cold atoms, 21 January - 13 February 2013 Spin-related phenomena in mesoscopic transport, 3 - 28 September 2012 Topological states of matter, 30 July - 25 August 2012 Exact results in gauge-string dualities, 23 January - 17 February 2012 Symposium on topological quantum computation, June 4 - 5 2011 Frontiers of condensed matter physics, January 3 - 8 2011 Quantum information, 27 September - 29 October 2010 Quantum matter in low dimensions: opportunities and challenges, 30 August - 24 September 2010 As mentioned above, the proposed program is a follow-up on two international research conferences organized by one of us (Pasquale Sodano), the first in Obergurgl, Austria, June 2010 (Quantum Engineering of States and Devices: Theory and Experiments, with funding from ESF and FWF (Austria)), the second in Natal, Brazil, August 2012 (Advances in Quantum Technology: From Quantum Information to Quantum Devices, with funding from CAPES and CNPq (Brazil)). In keeping with the spirit of these very successful meetings, an explicit mission of our proposal is to push an interdisciplinary effort, with the participants bringing different and unique viewpoints. In this, the proposed program is similar in spirit also to a few of the past and future NORDITA programs in the list above, but different from others which have had a somewhat more narrow focus. NORDITA Program Proposal Control of Ultrafast Quantum Phenomena Kaj Stenvall, “Total Control”, Oil on canvas, 2005. Abstract Rapid development of novel light sources such as free-electron lasers, as well as those based on highharmonic generation, has led to ultrafast science, where properties of matter can be investigated and controlled in the electronic timescale. The recently obtained attosecond resolution enables real-time access to the electronic motion and molecular-orbital imaging. This ability does not only provide us with a better understanding of fundamental quantum mechanics, but opens up a path into high-fidelity experiments and applications in material science, nanotechnology, and medical research. Within this NORDITA Program we aim at strengthening the Nordic and European impact at the forefront of the theory of ultrafast physics, in an active collaboration with the cutting-edge light-source technology. Suggested dates May 19 – June 13, 2014 or earlier in May/April in 2014 or late May / early June in 2015 Organizers Prof. Esa R¨ as¨ anen (contact) Department of Physics Tampere University of Technology Finland E-Mail: [email protected] Prof. Eva Lindroth Department of Physics Stockholm University Sweden Prof. Jan Petter Hansen Department of Physics University of Bergen Norway Regarding the first option (May 19 – June 13, 2014), Esa R¨ as¨anen and Eva Lindroth are committed to be present during the whole program. Jan Petter Hansen is committed to be present in June 1 – June 13. 1 1 1.1 Scientific case Novel light sources Strong-field and ultrafast physics are new research fields resulting form remarkable developments in lightsource technology during the past 10-20 years. According to a common definition, a “strong” field corresponds to a the field strength experienced by an electron in a hydrogen atom (> 1 a.u.). On the other hand, “ultrafast” time scales typically refer to pulse lengths of the order of femtoseconds. The European research infrastructure has had a prominent role in the realization of such fields, either by tabletop devices exploiting high-harmonic generation to produce attosecond pulses, or by large-scale facilities such as free-electron lasers (FEL). Figure 2 shows some of the leading European FEL sources. For example, The European XFEL at DESY in Hamburg ( is a 3.4-kilometer-long facility that, starting in 2015, will be able to produce X-ray photons with an energy exceeding 10 keV below the duration of 100 fs and with an unprecedented peak brilliance (5 × 1033 photons / second / mm2 / mrad2 ) – thus overcoming the challenge of SASE-based (self-amplified stimulated emission) FELs to maintain temporal coherence. Outside Europe, The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center started operation in 2009 and has recently (2012) produced unprecedented intensity and monochromaticity for an X-ray beam. MAX IV, Lund, Sweden FLASH & European XFEL, Hamburg CLIO−LCP, Orsay FERMI@Elettra, Trieste Figure 1: Some of the leading European free-electron laser laboratories. 1.2 Control of ultrafast quantum phenomena For applications in ultrafast physics, powerful light sources as such are not enough. What is needed is a control scheme of extreme speed and fidelity in the electronic timescale, which poses both an experimental and theoretical challenge. Recently it was demonstrated that few-femtosecond pulses can be synthesized using several control knobs such as beam sizes, chirps, and time delays in respective frequency ranges – leading to a tailored pulse (see Fig. 3). Eventually, we are entering a step beyond the observation and control of photochemical reactions, which led to 1999 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Namely, the present step takes us into the observation and control of electronic motion in the attosecond regime. Real-time monitoring of processes such as ionization, charge transfer, or dissociation leads to new insights into fundamental many-particle quantum mechanics. 2 Step 2: Controlled synthesis Step 1: Input radiation field Step 3: Tailored femtosecond pulse Figure 2: Synthesis of tailored femtosecond pulses. Modified from Fig. 1 in Wirth et al., Science 334, 195 (2011). 1.3 Goals of the program Our NORDITA Program carries out and catalyzes theoretical studies on timely challenges in ultrafast physics. The theoretical viewpoint is twofold in this respect: Firstly, our aim is to bring theoretical understanding into experiments carried out using novel light sources such as FELs. Secondly, the goal is to produce predictive insights into present and forthcoming experiments. Both approaches are supplied with extensive developments of state-of-the-art theoretical methods and numerical techniques. The work packages of the program are listed in the following. • Experimental status Especial attention is laid on integrating the theoretical capabilities of the participants with topical experiments. This is supported by a kick-off meeting (see below) in the beginning of the program, where particular emphasis is given to the experimental viewpoint. Some of the leading European experimentalists in strong-field physics give keynote talks during the first week (e.g. Marc Vrakking, Olga Smirnova, Anne L’Huillier). • Method development Theoretical and numerical approaches to few-particle quantum dynamics are discussed. Both explicit and ab initio solutions of the time-dependent Schr¨odinger equation are employed. Approaches include, but are not limited to, coupled-cluster methods, time-dependent density-functional theory, R-matrix formalism, complex-scaled Hamiltonians, etc. The inverse approach to design pulses for desired processes is developed within quantum optimal control theory. • Strong-field phenomena Special topics to be discussed throughout the program include (i) attosecond delays in photoionization, (ii) atomic-core effects, (iii) multiphoton and multielectron processes in FEL experiments, (iv) highlyexcited Auger resonances, (v) core-hole strong driving, and (vi) control of the decay mechanism, (vii) control of Rydberg states. • Outreach to molecules, clusters, and solid-state devices Interdisciplinary efforts are made in order to expand the applicability of the developed methods to, e.g., condensed matter physics and quantum chemistry. On the other hand, specialized knowledge from these areas is brought to the program by inviting selected experts in those fields (e.g., Eberhard Gross and Angel Rubio). A general goal of this NORDITA Program is to strengthen the position of European researchers in ultrafast physics. This is done by bringing senior experts and young researchers together to a pleasant working atmosphere in a long-term fashion. Furthermore, the interaction with experimentalists is maximized in order to find high-impact research projects and determine new research directions. The Nordic impact is underlined in the following. 3 2 Nordic relevance The program is organized by three Nordic researchers that have a strong theoretical position in the field and are well-connected internationally. As demonstrated by a similar program in 2011, world-class experimental and theoretical experts can be attracted to the program, which has a major impact on the Nordic influence in the research field. The program will also help the Nordic participants to work towards common research goals. The Nordic participation is estimated to be very active – approximately around 30% of all the participants. We underline that the excellent personal relations between the participating Nordic groups will generate a friendly and enthusiastic community at NORDITA during the program. This was very positively remarked by the participants also in 2011. 3 Budget outline • Accommodation for, on the average, 20 participants for 28 days: 20 × 28 × 600 SEK = 336 000 SEK. Double rooms are used for younger participants; hence the average nightly cost is estimated to be 600 SEK. • Travel costs within Nordic countries for 15 people: 15 × 2000 SEK = 30 000 SEK • Travel costs within the rest of Europe for 20 people: 20 × 3000 SEK = 60 000 SEK • Dinner during the kick-off meeting: 15 000 SEK • Lunch tickets: 28 000 SEK (20 participants on the average for 20 days with a unit price 70 SEK). • Social program (boat trip, Wasa Museum, barbeques): 20 000 SEK • TOTAL: 496 000 SEK Supplementary funding is actively searched and applied from other sources, including a COST Network in 2013-2016 (see below). 4 Tentative program The program takes four full weeks and it is split into three parts: • Week 1: Kick-off meeting: Keynote and contributed talks with a particular emphasis on recent experiments. Round-table discussions and initialization of the program. • Weeks 2-3: Workshops: Informal talks to stimulate the discussions; extensive working in groups for specific problems; social events. • Week 4: Focus week: Conference summarizing the efforts of the program; establishment of future research collaboration and networks. 5 List of expected participants The list below includes 24 senior participants to be invited to the program. Of the invitees, 8 are from the Nordic countries and 16 from the other parts of Europe. The list is a carefully selected mix of leading experimental experts and well-known theorists in atomic physics and related fields. In the Nordic list all the five Nordic countries are represented. Many of the participants are known to enjoy long-term visits, e.g., Lambropoulos, Maquet, and Taylor stayed for 3-4 weeks in our previous NORDITA program in 2011, which was extremely valuable for the goals of the program. Preference for long-term visits has been emphasized in the pre-invitation letter also this time. All the people listed below have been contacted in the beginning of November 2012 and all of them have expressed their interest. The list below will be supplemented by postdocs and students from the respective groups, and from elsewhere within an application process. We expect that the number of people present at a time, on the average, will be around 20 with a small fluctuation. This number has been taken into account in the budget estimation above. 4 • Nordic participants: Lars Madsen, Aarhus University, Denmark (contacted, interested) Anne L’Huillier, Lund University, Sweden (contacted, interested) Morten Forre, University of Bergen, Norway (contacted, interested) Niels Engholm Henriksen, Technical University of Denmark (contacted, interested) Vidar Gudmundsson, University of Iceland (contacted, interested) Edwin Kukk, University of Turku, Finland (contacted, interested) Per Johnsson, Lund University, Sweden (contacted, interested) Solve Selsto, Oslo University College, Norway (contacted, interested) • Other participants: Olga Smirnova, MBI Berlin, Germany (contacted, interested) Misha Ivanov, IC London, Great Britain (contacted, interested) Thomas Pfeiffer, MPI Heidelberg, Germany (contacted, interested) Franck L´epine, LASIM - Lyon, France (contacted, interested) Robin Santra, DESY, Hamburg, Germany (contacted, interested) Marc Vrakking, FU Berlin, Germany (contacted, interested) Reinhard D¨orner, Goethe Universit¨at, Frankfurt, Germany (contacted, interested) Peter Lambropoulos, Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, Heraklion (contacted, interested) Luca Argenti, Universidad Aut´ onoma de Madrid (contacted, interested) Bernard Piraux, Universit´e Catholique de Louvain (contacted, interested) Alfred Maquet, Universite P. et M. Curie, France (contacted, interested) Jan-Michael Rost, Max-Planck-Institut f¨ ur Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden (contacted, interested) Ulf Saalmann, Max-Planck-Institut f¨ ur Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden (contacted, interested) Eberhard Gross, MPI Halle, Germany (contacted, interested) Angel Rubio, University of Basque Country, Spain (contacted, interested) Ken Taylor, Queen’s University Belfast (contacted, interested) 6 Related programs and networks The proposed NORDITA Program is similar to the previous program, Studying Quantum Mechanics in the Time Domain, organized at NORDITA on 22 August – 16 September 2011. The program was found successful by the organizers as well as the participants, which was demonstrated by a positive evaluation as well as several requests to organize a similar program in the future. The program is thematically related with the COST Action, XUV/X-ray light and fast ions for ultrafast chemistry (XLIC), beginning in 2013. It is possible that there will be cooperation between the proposed NORDITA Program and this COST Action. The organizers of the proposed program coordinate, together with Prof. Lars Madsen, a NORDFORSK network Time-domain quantum processes studied by ultrafast radiation pulses in 2010-2013. Continuation / replacement for this network is applied in 2013. 5 Nordita Program proposal for 2014 Title: Computational Challenges in Nuclear and Many-‐Body Physics Date: August 2014 Organizers (in alphabetic order) : Alexander Balatsky (Nordita, Stockholm) (contact person, [email protected]) Dmitri Fedorov (Aarhus University, [email protected]) Christian Forssén (Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Christian Forssen <[email protected]>) Vidar Gudmundsson (University of Iceland, Reykjavik, [email protected]) Morten Hjorth-Jensen (University of Oslo, morten.hjorth-‐[email protected]) Roberto Liotta (KTH, Stockholm) (present at Nordita the whole period, [email protected]) Chong Qi (KTH, Stockholm) (contact person, present at Nordita the whole period, [email protected]) Jouni Suhonen (University of Jyväskylä, [email protected]) Ramon Wyss (KTH, Stockholm, [email protected]) Abstract: To relate the stability of matter to the underlying fundamental forces and particles of nature as manifested in nuclear matter, is central to present and planned rare isotope facilities. Important properties of nuclear systems that can reveal information about these topics are for example masses and binding energies, and density distributions of nuclei. These are quantities that convey important information on the shell structure of nuclei, with their pertinent magic numbers and shell closures or the eventual disappearance of the latter away from the valley of stability. To relate the stability of nuclear matter from these quantities, quantities which span many energy and length scales to the underlying fundamental forces poses a severe challenge to first principle descriptions of nuclear systems. The theoretical modeling of nuclear matter requires thus a multiscale approach, where different degrees of freedom are included at the relevant length and energy scales. There are several theoretical approaches, which aim at the above, with strong methodological links to other fields in science, from quantum chemistry to solid-‐state physics, materials science and life science. The Program we propose intends to be a forum of active and prominent physicists as well as advanced students to discuss challenges and possible solutions to present computational and theoretical many-‐body Physics. Motivation Advanced theoretical methods play a central role in answering the key questions of many-‐body physics. We intend in this Program to discuss and compare such methods as are being applied at present in nuclear physics, condensed matter, cold atoms and quantum chemistry. A central challenge in present-‐day nuclear structure physics is the understanding of exotic nuclei very far from stability, where the nuclear behavior is expected to be significantly altered. Some of the key questions today are (from the NuPECC long range plan): How can we describe the rich variety of low-‐energy structure and reactions of nuclei in terms of the fundamental interactions between individual particles? How can we predict the evolution of nuclear collective and single-‐particle properties as functions of mass, isospin, angular momentum and temperature? How do regular and simple patterns emerge in the structure of complex nuclei? What are the key variables governing the dynamics between colliding composite systems of nucleons? Time-‐evolution of open or closed nanosystems described within formalism built on configuration interactions or mean-‐fields. The advent of radioactive ion beam facilities has opened up new possibilities to investigate highly unstable nuclei as well as to probe existing formalisms trying to describe those nuclei. Recent investments in new or upgraded facilities such as FAIR at GSI, Darmstadt, HIE-‐ISOLDE at CERN, Geneva, SPIRAL2 at GANIL, Caen, FRIB at MSU or RIBF at RIKEN, in conjunction with new detector systems, in particular gamma ray tracking devices like AGATA, will produce unprecedented data on exotic nuclei and nuclear matter in decades to come. FAIR-‐NUSTAR and AGATA are receiving a strong support from VR. These new developments in experimental techniques may challenge significantly our standard understanding of nuclear physics, semiconductors and to the field of cold atoms. The configuration interaction and energy density functional approaches play a crucial role in the description of many-‐body systems. This is particularly important in atomic and molecular systems, as well as in condensed matter and atomic nuclei. In nuclear physics, these approaches are mainly known as nuclear shell model and mean field theories, respectively. The proposed program will cover the latest development in nuclear theory. But we will also pay special attention to the status of other fields of many-‐body research. The interaction between different many-‐body studies has a long and glorious history of success. In particular, one can mention the famous application of the BCS approximation of superconductivity in nuclear systems in Copenhagen and the implementation of the nuclear coupled-‐cluster theory in quantum chemistry. The Löwdin’s angular momentum projection algorithm is intensively applied in many fields of many-‐body research, including nuclear physics and quantum chemistry. In the fields of semiconductor and cold atoms, models relying on configuration interactions and various mean field theories have been used for bosons or fermions. Although the problems one has to deal with in these fields are similar to the ones in nuclear physics, there is the important difference that the systems to be studied may be far from equilibrium. This leads to theoretical as well as computational difficulties, especially in the study of the time evolution of such systems, both within the configuration interaction and the mean field approach. Therefore it is an urgent need at present to get together experts in the field to discuss alternative solutions to this problem as well as strategies to pursue the most promising paths, e. g. models and unproven methods and approaches, which could lead to new and perhaps unexpected solutions to the many-body problem in stable as well as open systems. In this program we will confront these challenges by communicating the latest development and future plans of the configuration interaction shell model and relativistic and non-‐relativistic energy density functional approaches. In particular, we will focus on: The status and challenges of large-‐scale configuration interaction and energy density functional calculations; The development of truncation approaches in large-‐scale calculations; Status of pairing studies; Microscopic description of nuclear clustering; Status of continuum studies and open quantum system; Nuclear interaction studies, in particular the tensor component of the two-‐body interaction and the three-‐body interaction; The exotic shell structure of drip line nuclei; Status of nuclear reaction studies. We will also cover recent developments in: The application of Monte Carlo and density matrix approaches in many-‐ body systems; Novel ways of solving the eigenvalue problem; Developments in dynamic mean-‐field theory and dynamic symmetry studies; CPU-‐GPU parallelisms. We hope the proposed Program will help in: Communicating the latest developments in many-‐body theories and the challenges and opportunities one meets; Prompting the further application of large-‐scale configuration interaction and energy density functional approaches in explaining the latest experiments; Prompting the understanding between researchers from different fields of many-‐body study; Prompting the understanding between configuration interaction and energy density functional practitioners. The later may serve as a good starting point or reference in configuration interaction calculations, giving the opportunity for a unified description of all nuclei over the whole nuclei chart; Prompting the undertaken of transnational as well as interdisciplinary collaborations among theoreticians, especially within Nordic groups. The FIDIPRO (Finland) and ANSR (Sweden) programs are successful projects within individual institutions. The UNEDF (and the future NUCLEI) project within the US SciDAC project has shown to be a successful and fruitful trans-institutional collaboration. The Swedish e-science project is a successful interdisciplinary project. Nordic relevance The Nordic nuclear physics community has played a leading role in the development of nuclear structure theories, which can never be overstated. The Nilsson model, proposed in the 1950s, is the most successful nuclear model. The paper where this model was presented is, as B. Mottelson put it, ‘found on the desk of every nuclear physicist’. The seminal work of Nilsson was carried out on a Swedish made computer called BESK, which was the largest one in Sweden available for scientific computation at that time. Shell model studies started in Sweden already in the 1950’s with the pioneering work of Jan Blomqvist. In 1980-‐90s, another model which explicitly includes collective degrees of freedom, called TRS, was developed within a collaboration between Lund and Stockholm on VAX and CRAY computers available in Sweden at that time. This model is still widely applied by the international community. It is to be emphasized that historically Nordita was the center of nuclear theory even though it faded from there. The Nordic groups working on systems on the nanoscale in semiconductors and cold atoms are dealing with related problems in few-‐ and many-‐body description of their systems as have been met in nuclear theory. Nowadays, thanks to the wide availability of supercomputing systems, our view on nuclear structure has changed dramatically. The configuration interaction (ab initio as well as empirical) and energy density functional approaches are the most successful implementations. The Nordic physicists at Gothenburg, Jyväskylä, Lund, Oslo, Reykjavik and Stockholm are actively involved in the development of both these models in different many-‐body systems. The Aarhus group is a key player in few-‐body studies. We hope the proposed program will consolidate the high profile position of Nordic groups in interdisciplinary studies. Budget outline: We estimate that the accommodation expense will be around 7kSEK/person/week. We ask from Nordita for support to cover the accommodation of 15 speakers/week. The total cost will be 15*4*7=420k. We plan to request additional support of 250kSEK from the Swedish research council and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to cover the travel expenses of 20-‐30 invited speakers. The estimated average travel expense will be around 10k/person. We plan to request from KTH support to cover the expenses on conference room, abstract books, administration, Lunch and conference dinner that may not be covered by the Nordita program. Tentative program schedule The program will be composed of a one-‐week conference and a three-‐week focus workshop. The conference will give an overview on the new developments in the field of many-‐body studies and the computational and theoretical challenges. It will contain 10 sessions: 1) Status of on-‐going and planed large experimental projects and the theoretical challenge; 2) Status of the Swedish e-‐science project and supercomputing in the terascale era; 3) Ab initio models in nuclear physics; 4) Nuclear shell model and configuration interaction approaches 5) Nuclear mean field models and energy density functional theory; 6) Coupled-‐cluster theory in quantum chemistry and nuclear physics; 7) Clustering in many-‐body systems; 8) Continuum and open quantum systems; 9) Application of Monte Carlo and density matrix techniques; 10)New approaches/implementations and the use of novel and future hardware: CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs. The advanced workshop will last for three weeks. Each of these three weeks will be focused on a specific topic: 1) Configuration interaction and stochastic approaches and their application in nuclear physics and quantum chemistry; 2) Energy density functional methods and the link between microscopic (ab initio) and mesoscopic models; 3) Continuum and open quantum systems. Moreover, during the workshop, we plan to leave enough time for discussions and presentations of new topics raised during the program. List of key expected participants The following leading researchers in the subject of the Program will join the program for at least one week Nordic: Jacek Dobaczewski (Jyväskylä) Sigurdur I Erlingsson, Reykjavik University ([email protected]) Ikuko Hamamoto (RIKEN/Lund) Trygve Helgaker (University of Oslo) Hannes Jonsson, University of Iceland ([email protected]) Karl Anker Jørgensen (Aarhus University) Andrei Manolescu, Reykjavik University ([email protected]) Jimmy Rotureau(Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg) Olof Runborg (The Swedish e-‐science project, KTH, Stockholm) Sven Åberg (Lund) International invited speakers: Yoram Alhassid (Yale) Sonia Bacca(TRIUMF, Vancouver) G.F. Bertsch (Univ. of Washington) C. Bertulani (Texas A&M Commerce) B.A. Brown (MSU, Michigan) Aurel Bulgac (Univ. of Washington) D.J. Dean (Oak Ridge & U.S. Department of Energy) D.S. Delion (Bucharest) J. Dukelsky (nuclear and condensed matter physicist, Madrid) Gaute Hagen (Oak Ridge) Wick Haxton (Univ. of Washington) P.H. Heenen (Université Libre de Bruxelles) K. Heyde (Gent) M. Horoi (Michigan) C. Johnson (San Diego) Dean Lee (North Carolina State University) B.A. Li (Texas A&M Commerce) Wen-‐Jian Liu (quantum chemist, Beijing, China) Z.Y. Ma (nuclear physicist, Beijing, China) Pieter Maris (Iowa State University) Gabriel Martinez-‐Pinedo (GSI, Darmstadt) M. Matsuo (nuclear physicist, Niigata, Japan) Takashi Nakatsukasa (nuclear physicist, RIKEN, Japan) Petr Navratil (TRIUMF, Vancouver) W. Nazarewicz (University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge) Thomas Neff (GSI, Darmstadt) T. Otsuka (nuclear physicist, Head of department, Tokyo, Japan) F. Pan (nuclear physicist, Dalian, China) George Papadimitriou (University of Arizona) T. Papenbrock (Oak Ridge) Daniela Pfannkuche (Hamburg) S. Pieper (Argonne) Stuart Pittel (University of Delaware) Marek Płoszajczak (GANIL, Caen) Sofia Quaglioni (LLNL) P. Ring (Munich) R. Roth (Darmstadt) H. Sagawa (nuclear physicist, Aizu, Japan) W. Satula (Warsawa) P. Schuck (Orsay) Llorens Serra (Balearic Islands, Spain) Y. Sun (nuclear physicist, Shanghai, China) Piet Van Isacker (GANIL, Caen) Nicolas Schunck (Livermore) J. Vary (Iowa State University) Alexander Volya (Florida State University) R. Wiringa (Argonne) Furong Xu (nuclear physicist, Head of department, Beijing, China) YanLin Ye (nuclear physicist, Dean of school, Chairman of the Aisian Nuclear Physics Association, Beijing, China) Y.M. Zhao (nuclear physicist, Shanghai, China) List of related recent or future programs The following proposed conferences stress the timing and importance of our program. The first one is a comprehensive conference devoted to new developments in all fields of many-‐body theories. The latter two are INT programs focused only on the computational aspects of ab initio and Monte Carlo approaches. The subjects we are going to cover are only partially represented in these programs. But we will adjust our program to take into account the future development stimulated by these programs. 1) XVII International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-‐Body Theories September 2013, Rostock, Germany, 2) Computational and Theoretical Advances for Exotic Isotopes in the Medium Mass Region‐1a/ INT Program INT-‐13-‐1a, March 25 -‐ April 19, 2013, INT, Washington 3) Advances in Quantum Monte Carlo Techniques for Non-‐Relativistic Many-‐ Body Systems‐2a/ INT Program INT-‐13-‐2a, June 24 -‐ August 2, 2013, INT, Washington 1 NORDITA PROGRAM PROPOSAL Complex systems in biology and economy: theoretical aspects and applications Pierpaolo Vivo (Orsay), Eleni Katifori (Gottingen), Yasser Roudi (Trondheim) Preferred date: June 2014 Abtsract Systems with nontrivial interaction patterns and disorder are ubiquitous in biology and economy. The presence of randomness at different time and length scales, as well as the importance of emergent dynamics in characterizing the behavior of complex biological and economical networks, are important common features of these systems. Not surprisingly then, many of the theoretical tools developed in the physics of disordered materials have been of great use for studying of these systems as well. This program will provide a platform for presenting recent advances in the study of complex systems in biology and economy, focusing on how tools from the physics of disordered systems can be used in studying them, and what the common themes and key steps forward are. 1. Scientific Case Complex systems can be loosely defined as systems comprised of many elements in which the typical interactions between elements differ from the common scenarios studied in other branches of physics. Typically, the interaction patterns in complex systems do not admit simple geometries, such as nearest neighbor or a clean decay with time and space. They rather exhibit rich spatio-temporal structures and in many cases involve strong disorders and heterogeneities. Examples of such systems are ubiquitous, ranging from the physical systems such as spin glasses, to biological, economical and data processing networks. The study of complex systems has generated a large repertoire of techniques and applications. Systems as different as spin glasses, gene regulatory, neural, and economical networks have been studied using similar methods. This has lead to the discovery of many common or similar principles in the operation and analysis of these systems, thanks to fundamental similarities in the mathematical description of their effective dynamics. In the past few years, the interaction between people working on these different systems and techniques has been crucial for understanding such fundamental principles and common approaches and has led to applications that have extended beyond the academic circle. The aim of this program is to provide a platform for presenting recent advances in the methods used in analyzing complex systems as well as the applications of these methods to biological and economical networks. We will focus on a number of themes that we consider to be the key areas of research in this direction as described below: 2 (a) Spin glass physics and statistical inference: some of the earliest achievements in the study of complex systems have been gained form the study of models of material with strong disorder and frustration. Methods for averaging over the disorder developed primarily for the study of the typical behavior of spin glass systems have found applications in many other areas of complex systems. Most recently, statistical inference and its applications to high-throughput data analysis have also led to a significant body of work focusing on the use of spin glass models in building statistical inference techniques that can be used for the analysis of biological as well as economical data. (b) Random matrix theory: From its origins in nuclear physics, random matrix theory now encompasses a powerful set of techniques with widespread applications in the study of complex biological and economical data. Ranging from tools for analyzing dynamical properties of biological networks, predicting stock markets to the study of dynamical modes of proteins, random matrix theory is an invaluable area for the study of complex systems. (c) Applications to biological and economical networks: probably as the first examples of complex systems outside the immediate range of classical spin glass models, the study of biological networks has seen an unprecedented boom in recent years thanks to the applications of both random matrix theory and spin glass physics. For instance, analysis of neural network models, and learning and optimization algorithms, heavily rely on spin glass techniques. The same is true for economical networks where similar methods have been used for predicting market behavior. In recent years, both these areas have seen the development of new approaches primarily based on the analysis of high-throughput data using the network reconstruction approaches developed in spin glasses. The aforementioned themes have become more and more interwoven in the past few years, primarily due to the application of methods developed in the first two themes, and the importance of analyzing data with unprecedented complexity in biology and economy. In our program, we will aim to identify the common physical principles as well as differences in the study of these systems, and discuss recent developments in the applications of spin glasses, statistical inference and random matric theory in the study of biological and economical networks. We will aim to identify the key steps that have to be taken forward both in the methods and empirical frontiers of the study of these systems. We believe that, in the long run, programs like this will be crucial to the formation of homogeneous and standard frameworks for the study of complex systems. 2. Program schedule To achieve our goals, during the program, and in particular in the first week, we will organize pedagogical lectures. We will have lectures on (a) basic spin glass techniques and (b) random matrix theory, each for approximately 8 total hours, covering classical techniques used in these subjects for non-experts. We hope that such lectures will encourage the participation of graduate students from the Nordic area and we expect them to help the interdisciplinary transfer of knowledge. 3 The following weeks will be devoted to more research oriented seminars, focusing on applications to understanding processes in biological networks and physics of economical systems, with a particular emphasis on non-equilibrium phenomena in these systems. We will also have a focused week devoted to a workshop on “Statistical physics of network reconstruction in biology and economy”. This is a very active field of research in statistical physics and many of the people have expressed interests in such a workshop. 3. Nordic Relevance The study of complex systems has been present through the years at various levels in the Nordic region. Amongst the areas covered by complex systems, the study of biological networks, both theoretically and experimentally, has been particularly well represented in the Nordic area. To random matrix theory as well as econophysics on the other hand, less attention has been given in recent years, and the interaction between these fields has not been extensive. Spin glass physics, also, to a large extent has been only represented at Nordita with few others outside it. By inviting the key people in the less represented areas from the Nordic region together with people outside the Nordic area, the program can be useful for establishing scientific collaboration networks between Nordic scientists working on these areas with those outside the region. The most important influence that we believe our program will have on the study of complex systems and remedy the existing caveats in the Nordic region is our plan to have pedagogical lectures aimed at graduate students or those with research background outside the physics of complex systems. We have allocated 45000 SEK of our budget to help the participation of Nordic graduate students and other junior researchers. The pedagogical lectures will encourage and help junior scientists to familiarize themselves with the techniques, better follow the rest of the program and eventually move to doing first class research in the long run on the related topics. 4. Participants We have received 31 confirmations from people who have expressed their interest in participating in the program. These people include internationally recognized experts in the areas covered by the program, and many of them have worked on more than one of these area This, we believe, will enhance the cross disciplinary transfer of knowledge in the program. The list of their names can be found on the next page. 5. Recent related programs at Nordita Biology and physics of information processing 16.04- 11.05 2012 Applications of network theory: from mechanisms to large scale structures 28.03- 20.04 2011 4 Nordic Non-Nordic Mogens Høgh Jensen, NBI Curtis Callan, Princeton U Joachim Mathiesen, NBI Matteo Marsili, ICTP Ingve Simmonsen, NTNU Luca Dall’Asta, Pol. Troino Rune Berg, Copenhagen U Henrik Jensen, Imperial College Gaute Einevoll, UMB Sara Solla, Northwestern Supriya Krishnamurthy, Stockholm U Fabio Caccioli, Santa Fe Inst John Hertz, Nordita Zdzislaw Burda, Jagielloninan U Joanna Tyrcha, Stockholm U Satya Majumdar, Paris-Sud Bernhard Mehlig, Gothenburg U Luciano Pietronero, La Sapienza Tatyana Turova, Lund Manfred Opper, TUB Ole Winther, DTU Elena Agliari, La Sapienza Alexander Balatsky, Nordita Thilo Gross, Max Planck Dresden Kurt Johansson, KTH Orly Alter, Utah Maciej Nowak, Jagielloninan U Yan Fyodorov, Queen’s Mary Gregory Scher, U Paris-Sud Zohar Nussinov, Washington State Univ Thomas Guhr, University of Essen 5 6. Budget Here we give a rough estimate of the amount of money that we need for the program. Assuming travel support of 2000 SEK for Nordic participants, 3500 SEK for EU participants and 5000 SEK for participants outside Europe, we estimate 85000 SEK will be spent on travel support based on our list of invited participants. We will provide lunch for people during the program. The below estimate is given based on a rate of 80 SEK assuming that each day 15 participants will be present for 25 days. We would also like to reserve 30000 SEK to support the participation of PhD students and postdocs. This will sum to 170000 SEK and does not include the accommodation costs. Item Estimate Cost (SEK) Reception BBQ, coffee and cookies 10000 Lunch 30000 Travel support for invited participants 85000 Travel support for postdocs and students 45000 Total 170000
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