Ukra=ns;ka Katolyc;ka Cerkva Sv. Arxystratyha Myxa=la St. Michael The Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church 125-135 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford, CT 06114 Rectory (860)-525-7823; School (860)-547-0858; E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] Online Bulletins: Very Rev. Pawlo Martyniuk o. Pavlo Martynqk Trustees : Julie Nesteruk and Adrian Mishtal SLAVA ISUSU XRYSTU! PRAISED BE JESUS CHRIST! November 16, 2014 23-t\ NEDIL| PO ZISLANNI SV|TOHO DUXA 23RD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST The Holy Apostleand Evangelist Matthew Tone 6 Ap./Ep. Ef./Ephesians. 2:4-10; Wv./Gospel Lk./Luke. – 10:25-37. SERVICE SCHEDULE WEEKDAYS: MONDAY–FRIDAY 9:00AM or 7:00PM TBA SATURDAY: 9:00AM; 4:00PM (Vigil Sunday-Eng) SUNDAY: 8:30 AM; 10:30 AM (Ukrainian) CONFESSIONS are heard before each Divine Liturgy by req. Baptism – Arrangement for baptism to be made Personally at the Parish Office. Please call rectory for an appointment. Marriage – Arrangements for marriage are to be made at least 6 months prior to the Wedding date. Please call rectory for an appointment. Sick Calls – To arrange for Sacraments for the elderly and sick at home, please call Parish Office. Please advise the rectory of any hospitalization. Bulletin Notices – Notices for the bulletin must be e-mailed or in writing by Wednesday @8PM to be included in that week’s bulletin. Stewardship – Remember St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in your will. Office hours – by Appointment Only! Please Call 860-525-7823 Special Share in the Eucharist *– bread & wine offered for a day, week, month, or year. Donations: one week - $20. Donors/intentions will be listed. Eternal Light *– offered to light for a week $10.00. Bulletin Sponsorship* - $5 per week *See Father Pawlo Martyniuk 23t\ NEDIL| PO ZISLANNI SV|TOHO DUXA 23RD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST The Holy Apostleand Evangelist Matthew Sv\toho Apostola i Wvanhelysta Mate\ Tone 6 Ap./Ep. Ef./Ephesians. 2:4-10; Wv./Gospel Lk./Luke. – 10:25-37. Sat. 11/15 4:00PM Samuel GROGOZA – req. by Maria Ciupka Sun. 11/16 8:30AM Za parafi\n * Pro Populo 10:30AM Eustaxij & Stefa FEDYK – req. by Myroslawa Kusio 11/17 11/18 11/19 11/20 11/21 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 11/22 Saturday Sat. 11/22 Sun. 11/23 8:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM Ivan, Maria, Kateryna & Fedora – req. by Yaroslav Kushlak Michael VENNETT – req. by Edward Witaszek Semen & Iwanna KRAWEC – req. by Krawec Family Ann VENNETT – req. by Edward Witaszek VXID u XRAM PRESV. BOHORODYCI * ENTRANCE of the MOTHER of GOD 9:00AM Private Intention 6:00PM Maksym KOCUR,(40th Day Memorial) – req. by wife Olesia Kocur 9:00AM Henry MARTIN – req. by Julia Nesteruk 24ta NEDIL| PO ZISLANNI SV|TOHO DUXA 24TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Tone 6 Ap./Ep. Ef./Ephesians. 2:4-10; Wv./Gospel Lk./Luke. – 10:25-37. 4:00PM Petro SZAHAJ,(2nd Anniversary) – req. by Zenon Szahaj and Family 8:30AM Za parafi\n * Pro Populo Pomynal;na panaxyda za ]ertvy henocydu v sumni 81-'i rokovyny Holodomoru Ukra[ns;ko[ naci[. 10:30AM Ward KEEGAN – req. by Des Plaines E. Jr. WELCOME to Our Visitors and Guests We, welcome you to our community. We are honored and pleased for your participation at the Divine Liturgies. We invite you to raise your hearts, mind and bodies in praise to God. All Catholics may receive Holy Communion. Infants and children of the Eastern Churches(Canon 710) who have received Communion at the time of their Baptism and Chrismation may receive Communion through the faith of their parent(s). Orthodox Faithful may also receive Holy Communion (Canon 671). If you have any question or would like to be part of our community, please kindly see Fr. Pawlo Martyniuk. SERDE?NO VITAWMO vsix naшyx parafi\n, `o sv\tkuvatymut; u lystopadi mis\ci svo[ imenyny, urodyny ta qvile[. ~yro ba]awmo usim Vam `edryx Bo]yx lask, `astt\, zdorov#\ ta blahopolu//\ na Mnohi[ ta Blahi[ Lita! OUR SINCERE PRAYERS AND WISHES To our parishioners who celebrate their Birthday, Name Day and Anniversary in the month of November. May Our Lord Jesus Christ bestow his blessings of Good Health, Happiness, Peace and Grant You Many Blessed Years to Come! VI?NA LAMPA ETERNAL LIGHT An offering has been made for the Eternal Light to be lit for two (2) weeks, beginning Sunday, November 16th 2014, through November 30th 2014, in memory of Maria Jakymiw by Adam Platosz ~YROSERDE?NO D|KUWMO }INKAM SESTRYCTVA ta osoblyvo na'omu kuxarq KONST|NTYNOVI USTIMENKO za nadzvy/ajno sma/nyj obid, pryhotovanyj na naш parafial;nyj praznyk, za [xnw vminn\, va]ku pracq ta ]ertvennist; dl\ naшo[ hromady. Rivno] serde/no d\kuwmo usim prysutnim parafi\nam i host\m, xto rozdilyv z namy molytvu ta trapezu. PRAZNYK THANK YOU: I, extend my heartfelt gratitude to our Sestrytsvo, Pan Konstatin Ustimenko for their volunteered time in purchasing foods, preparing the annual parish dinner. I thank our parishioners and guests who continually support the traditional annual dinner of our St. Michael's parish. May God Bless each and everyone of you! Fr. Pawlo CEMETERY REMINDER: A reminder to our parishioners and guests who have loved ones buried at our parish cemetery to clean their graves as the trash bin will be removed as of December 1st. Please utilize the bin and do not leave trash by the road. Thank you for your cooperation! Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA); Connecticut Holodomor Awareness Committee; Greater Hartford Council of Ukrainian American Organizations; Connecticut District of Ukrainian National Association (UNA) Branches are organizing a Bus Trip to Saint Patrick Cathedral in New York City for the 81st Anniversary of Holodomor Commemoration on Saturday, November 22, 2014. Tickets can be reserved with the following persons: Myron Kolinsky [email protected] 860-563-4072; Ihor Rudko [email protected] 860-705-1849; Maria Antonyshyn [email protected] 203-795-6959; Christine Kowinko [email protected] 203-380-2892 Donation: Adults-$30.00 per person Students-$15.00 per person Bus will pick up passengers at the following locations: 9:00AM at Corpus Christi parking lot (Silas Deane Hwy Wethersfield CT) 9:45AM at Ikea parking lot (Exit 46 off I95 Long Wharf Dr New Haven CT) 10:30AM at Senior Center-(Exit 32 off I95 Stratford CT) to arrive in New York City before the 1:00PM Memorial Service at St Patrick Cathedral NYC Bus will transport passengers from St Patrick Cathedral to the lower East Side (NYC Ukrainian Village) at 3PM. Bus will leave for home at 5:00PM. Please wear your Ukrainian embroidered shirt or blouse for the Holodomor Commemoration. First Anniversary of Maidan-Sunday, November 30, 2014. We will hold a Ukrainian American Community Meeting commemorating the First Anniversary of Maidan on Sunday, November 30, 2014 after 8:30AM and 10:30AM masses at St Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church 125 Wethersfield Avenue Hartford CT 06114-3137. We ask members to bring a dessert to share to the meeting. RIZDV|NYJ BAZAR CHRISTMAS BAZAAR SOQZ UKRA+NOK AMERYKY (VIDDIL 106) ZAPRO"UW VAS na RIZDV|NYJ BAZAR u subotu 6-ho hrudn\ vid 10 do 4 hodyny po poludnq u nedilq 7-ho hrudn\ vid 9 do 1 hodyny po poludnq u ‘k'il;nomu zali Cerkvy Sv. Myxa=la Prykrasy na \lynku, podarunky, obrazy, vy`yvka, bi]uteri\, kny]ky, kartky, ru/na robota i in`e. Sma/nyj obid, Pe/yvo, Kava U.N.W.L. of America cordially invites you to a Christmas Bazaar Saturday 12/6 (10-4pm) and Sunday 12/7 (9-1pm) in our School Hall. Ornaments, Embroidery, Jewelry, Paintings, Handmade Items, ets. Tasty Lunch, Pastries, Coffee… VXID U XRAM PRESV|TO+ BOHORODYCI Praznyky v /est; Presv. Bohorodyci v na’omu cerkovnomu kalendari zajmaqt; per’e misce po praznykax Hospodnix. Holovne zavdann\ Bohorody/nyx praznykiv ce stavyty nam pered o/i vely/, hidnist; i sv\tist; Pre/. Divy Mari=, += rolq u vidkuplenni lqds;koho rodu ta zaoxotyty nas do += po/ytann\ i nasliduvann\. Najbil;’i Bohorody/ni praznyky, \k += Rizdvo j Uspinn\, hovoryt; nam, abo pro per’i xvylyny += isnuvann\ na zemli, abo pro += vidxid do vi/nosty. Odynokyj praznyk, `o joho temoq w dyt\/i i qni lita Presv. Bohomateri, ce praznyk Vvedenn\ v xram, `o joho sv\tkuwmo 21 lystopada. Praznyk Vvedenn\ xo/e nam vidslonyty de\ki tawmnyci z dyt\/oho j molode/oho ]ytt\ Presv. Divy Mari=, kynuty de`o svitla na += bat;kiv, += vyxovann\ u sv\tyni ta += pryhotuvann\ do najvy`o= hidnosty> buty Matir#q Bo]oho Syna. ENTRANCE of the MOST HOLY MOTHER of GOD in the TEMPLE The festivals of the Most Holy Mother of God occupy first place in our Church calendar after the feasts of our Lord. The chief aim of the Marian feasts is to set before us the majesty, dignity and holiness of the Most Pure Virgin Mary, and her role in the redemption of the human race, so that we may be inspired to venerate and imitate her. The greatest Marian feasts, such as her Nativity and Dormition, speak to us either of the very first moments of her existence on earth or of her departure into eternity. The only feast that has for its theme the childhood and youthful years of the Mother of God is the feast of the Presentation in the Temple, which we celebrate on November 21. The purpose of this feast is to remove the veil of certain mysteries from the childhood and youthful years of the Blessed Mother, and to throw some light on the mystery of her parents, her education in the temple, and her preparation for the supreme dignity of being the Mother of God. 81 РОКОВИНИ ГОЛОДОМОРУ УКРАЇНА ПРИСВЯТИТЬ ПАМ’ЯТІ ТИХ, ХТО ЧИНИВ СПРОТИВ ГЕНОЦИДУ Геноциду українців передувало 5000 повстань, — розповідають історики, спростовуючи міф про відсутність спротиву українських селян більшовицьким грабіжникам. Щорічно у четверту суботу листопада Україна згадує жертв Голодомору. Цього року Український інститут національної пам’яті підтримав традицію, започатковануГромадським комітетом із вшанування пам’яті жертв Голодомору-геноциду 1932-1933 років в Україні. Відповідно заходи з нагоди 81-х роковин Голодоморубудуть присвячені зокрема пам’яті тих, хто чинив спротив геноциду. Про це ідеться у методичних матеріалах, підготовлених цим урядовим органом. Національні пам’яті заходи пройдуть під гаслом «Голодом вбивали нашу свободу. Не підкорені у ‘33-му – непереможні сьогодні!». Голова Українського інституту національної пам’яті к. і. н. Володимир В’ятрович пояснює: «Побутує міф про відсутність спротиву українських селян більшовицьким грабіжникам напередодні та під час Голодомору. Але навіть в ті страшні часи тисячі українців боролися, зокрема зі зброєю в руках, відстоювали своє право на свободу та життя». Українські селянські повстання 1930-1932 років поставили під загрозу реалізацію планів Сталіна. Режим боявся, що український спротив призведе до його падіння: адже у першому півріччі 1932 року 56% протестних виступів у СРСР припадали на Україну. Тому диктатор завдав страшного удару у відповідь, яким став штучно організований голод. «Згадуючи мільйони жертв цього страшного злочину, слід особливо пом’янути тих, хто до останнього чинив спротив. Завдяки кожному із цих людей, нас не знищили як народ у 33-му. А пам’ять про них робить нас непереможними сьогодні», – говорить Володимир В’ятрович. November 16, 2014 23RD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Tone 6 THE HOLY APOSTLE AND EVANGELIST MATTHEW TROPAR (Tone 6): Angelic powers were upon Your tomb and the guards became like dead men; Mary stood before Your tomb seeking Your most pure body. You captured Hades without being overcome by it. You met the Virgin and granted life O Lord, risen from the dead, glory be to You! TROPAR (Tone 3) : You abandoned tax-collecting at the call of Christ the Master when he graciously made his appearance on the earth among people. As a chosen apostle you showed yourself to be a great expounder of the gospel to all the world. And so Matthew, preacher divine, in honoring your sacred memory, we entreat you to pray the God of mercies to forgive us our sins. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, ... KONDAK (Tone 4): You cast off the yoke of collecting taxes and assumed the yoke of righteousness. You fared well as a merchant for you acquired the riches of that wisdom from on high. Henceforth you preached the word of truth. You gave us an account of the final judgment. You raised the spirits of despondent souls. now and for ever and ever. Amen KONDAK (Tone 6): With His life-giving hand Christ our God, the Giver of life, raised all the dead from the murky abyss and bestowed resurrection upon humanity. He is for all the Savior, the resurrection and the life, and the God of all. PROKIMEN (Tone 6): Save Your people, O Lord, and bless Your inheritance. Verse: Unto You I will cry, O Lord my God, lest You turn from me in silence. Verse: The heavens declare the glory of God; the firmament proclaims the work of his hands. A reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Ephesians (2:4-10) ALLELUIA He who lives in the aid of the Most High, shall dwell under the protection of the God of heaven. Alleluia. (3) Verse: He says to the Lord: You are my protector and my refuge, my God, in Whom I hope. Alleluia. (3) Verse: God is glorified in the community of holy ones; he is great and awesome beyond all round about him. Alleluia. (3) COMMUNION HYMN: Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in the highest. Alleluia. (3) Their voice has resounded all over the earth, and their message to the utmost bounds of the world. Alleluia. (3) How Christians Should Celebrate Advent And Christmas Did you ever notice that dessert is the first dish in line at many buffet restaurants? Yes, you could eat dinner backwards, starting with dessert, then moving on to the appetizer and main course. In the end you eat all the food, but it's nowhere near as fulfilling as enjoying each part of the meal in its proper place. Or worse, dessert could fill you up before you eat a balanced meal. Sometimes we suffer the same temptation with Christmas. Our culture tends to skip Advent and start celebrating Christmas after Thanksgiving, if we're lucky to make it that far! Then it's all packed up and stored away by New Year's. This year, consider returning to the ancient practice of seeing the whole Christmas "cycle", the period that embraces both the Time of saint Philips Fast, Advent and Christmas seasons, as one unit of joyous celebration. Preparation comes first, then comes celebration extending a few weeks after Christmas Day. The focal point of the Christmas cycle is obvious: God becoming one of us in Jesus, the Incarnation. All three phases of the cycle, Advent, Christmas and Epiphany, hinge on and celebrate that point. These celebrations help us to name the ways our lives are caught up in the "big story" of Christ. And these feasts tie our lives to Christians throughout history. The tradition of the Church, the living gospel, is the real-life experience of Christians like you and like me, and those who have gone before us. During Advent, which began this year on Saturday November 16, we emphasize the joy that some would compare to the months before a child is born: excitement, wonder, joy, expectation, even exhilaration at the life that is in our midst right now, yet also a hope and longing, and a carefulness to get things into order. During the Christmas season we celebrate the wonder of the Incarnation. How wondrously we are made that the Word of God would become one of us! God shows us how to live fully: by pouring out our lives for others. That is what the days of Christmas are all about. On Christmas Day in our Ukrainian Byzantine Tradition we hear from the Gospel of that day about the three Wise Men symbolizing the many races for whom Christ was born. Epiphany/Theophany the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, January 6, we celebrate Christ becoming manifest, that is, present, to all peoples. The baptism of Jesus marks the beginning of his public ministry. God's "Christmas gift" of the Incarnation is a gift for everyone! 23-а НЕДІЛЯ ПО ЗІСЛАННІ СВ. ДУХА СВЯТОГО ЄВАНГЕЛИСТА МАТЕЯ Тропар (6): Ангельські сили на гробі Твоїм, і сторожі омертвіли; Марія ж стояла при гробі, шукаючи пречистого тіла Твого. Полонив Ти ад і непереможений від нього, зустрів Ти Діву, даруючи життя. Воскреслий з мертвих, Господи, слава Тобі! Тропар (3): Ти щиро від митниці пішов слідом за Владикою Христом, що з-за доброти з’явився людям на землі і покликав тебе. Як вибраний апостол і голосний благовісник євангелія вселенній з’явився ти. Ради того почитаємо чесну пам’ять твою, Матею богогласний. Моли Христа Бога, щоб відпущення гріхів подав душам нашим. Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові. Кондак (4): Митарства ярмо відкинувши, запряг ти себе в ярмо правди і з’явився ти, як купець найособливіший, принісши багатство — з висоти премудрість. Від тоді-то проповідував ти слово істини і воздвиг єси душі млявих, написавши час суду. І нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь. Кондак (6): Животворною рукою Життєдавець, Христос Бог, воскресив з темних безодень всіх померлих і подав воскресіння людському родові: Він бо всіх Спаситель, воскресіння, життя і Бог усіх. Прокімен Прокімен (6): Спаси, Господи, людей Твоїх і благослови спадкоємство Твоє. Стих: До Тебе, Господи, взиватиму; Боже мій, не відвертайсь мовчки від мене. Прокімен (8): На всю землю вийшло вістування їх і до кінців вселенної глаголи їх. Стих: Небеса повідають славу божу, творіння ж рук його сповіщає твердь. Апостол: До Ефесян послання св. апостола Павла читання. (Еф 2,4-10) Браття, Бог, багатий милосердям, з-за великої своєї любови, якою полюбив нас, мертвих нашими гріхами, оживив нас разом із Христом - благодаттю ви спасені! І разом з ним воскресив нас, і разом посадовив на небі у Христі Ісусі; щоб у наступних віках він міг показати надзвичайне багатство своєї благодаті у своїй доброті до нас у Христі Ісусі. Бо ви спасені благодаттю через віру. І це не від нас: воно дар Божий. Воно не від діл, щоб ніхто не міг хвалитися. Бо ми його створіння, створені у Христі Ісусі. Бо ви спасені благодаттю через віру. І це не від нас: воно дар Божий. Воно не від діл, щоб ніхто не міг хвалитися. Бо ми його створіння, створені у Христі Ісусі для добрих діл, які Бог уже наперед був приготував, щоб ми їх чинили. Апостольські Стих (Алилуя): Стих (6): Хто живе під охороною Всевишнього, під покровом Бога небесного оселиться. Алилуя, алилуя, алилуя. Стих (6): Скажи до Господа: Ти заступник мій і пристановище моє, Бог мій, на котрого я надіюся. Алилуя, алилуя, алилуя. Стих: Ісповідять небеса чуда твої, Господи, і істину твою в церкві святих. Алилуя, алилуя, алилуя. Стих: Бог прославлюваний на раді святих. Алилуя, алилуя, алилуя. Причасний Стих: Хваліте Господа з небес, хваліте Його на висотах. На всю землю вийшло вістування їх і до кінців вселенної глаголи їх. Алилуя, алилуя, алилуя Ukrainian National Information Service 311 Massachusetts Ave., N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 28, 2014 Tel.: (202) 547-0018 Fax: (202) 543-5502 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Michael Sawkiw, Jr. tel: 202 547-0018 SAVE THE DATE “UKRAINIAN DAYS” – AN ADVOCACY EVENT TO BRIEF CONGRESS ON MILITARY AID TO UKRAINE Washington, DC (UNIS) - The Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS), the Washington publicaffairs bureau of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), has sponsored three “Ukrainian Day” advocacy events this year – one at the height of the Maidan protests in early February, one in midJuly (a day prior to the downing of MH17), and the most recent one in mid-September with the arrival of President Poroshenko in Washington to meet President Obama. All three events brought dozens of participants to Washington, DC to meet with government agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) involved in formulating and monitoring U.S. policy toward Ukraine, as well as to interact with Members of Congress to discuss the community’s concerns of additional, desperately needed assistance to Ukraine. In mid-November, UNIS will once again sponsor “Ukrainian Days” advocacy event on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 18-19, 2014. This endeavor is especially critical considering the war being waged in eastern Ukraine against the foreign-borne Russian-supplied terrorists. The goal of “Ukrainian Days” is to encourage Members of Congress to support military assistance to Ukraine to fend off Russian military invaders and the terrorists, as well as to preserve Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence. The “Ukrainian Days” event will also feature a briefing session on the importance of military assistance to Ukraine, as well as honor individuals who have contributed to the betterment of U.S.-Ukraine relations with a reception and presentation of the “Friend of UNIS Award”. The two-day advocacy program is supported by the Central and East European Coalition (CEEC). As a founding member of the CEEC, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America works in tandem with the CEEC to advance U.S. foreign policy issues in Central and East Europe. The CEEC represents over 22 million Americans of Central and East European heritage. “Ukrainian Days” advocacy event will provide members of the Ukrainian America community an opportunity to meet with other ethnic community members and advocate issues of mutual interest. Founded by the UCCA during the height of the Cold War in 1977, UNIS has been instrumental in advocating the community’s concerns for almost four decades. Its unwavering commitment in bringing about independence for Ukraine and, since 1991 enhancing the bilateral relations between Ukraine and the United States, has earned it much respect throughout Washington. SAVE THE DATE: NOVEMBER 18-19, 2014! Join us in advancing our community’s concerns in Washington. Further information will be forthcoming on the UNIS Facebook page and the UCCA website at National Headquarters: Ukrainian Congress Committee of America 203 Second Avenue New York, NY 10003 (212) 228-6840 [email protected] St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church November 16, 2014 SPILKA UKR+NS:KO+ MOLODI OSEREDOK HARTFORD PLAST UKRA{NS:KA SKAVTS:KA ORHANIZACI| u HARTFORDI Ukrainian National Home 961 Wethersfield Avenue, Hartford New England’s Premier Ukrainian Cultural Center WEDDINGS●ANNIVERSARIES BANQUETS●SHOWERS●MEETINGS Tel. Andrew Salak Financial Advisor Client Relationship Manager Smith Barney 185 Asylum Street Hartford, CT 06103 433 South Main Street, Suite 100 West Hartford, CT 06110 (860) 313-7110 [email protected] 860-296-5702 or 860-296-4661 [email protected] Welcomes New Members Come and meet your fellow Ukrainians! Gatherings on Fridays @ 8pm Serde/no vsix zapro'uwmo! Ddff Hovorymo ukra=ns;koq movoq Hovorymo po ukra=ns;ky Maria Gluch Briggs MD Obstetrics & Gynecology 39 E. Cedar St. Newington, CT 06111 (860) 874-2239 [email protected] REALTOR Alexandra Terlesky Connecticut Multispecialty Group [Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Drawing Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.] Cars are not the only things recalled by their maker. UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Inc. Br. 277 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated UKRA+NS:KYJ NARODNYJ SOQZ, Ink. Viddil 277 Hartford, CT MYRON KUZIO (860) 633 –1172 UNSOQZ - ce Va’a orhanizaci\, Korystajte z ne=! LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITIES AND MORE….. Support those who advertise in our bulletin! God isn’t politically correct He’s just correct. 533 Cottage Grove Road Coincidence is when God Bloomfield (860) 769-6820 85 Seymour Street (Suite 1019) chooses to remain anonymous. (860) 246-4029 For Hartford your AD info, message 1260 Silas Deane Highway (Suiteor 102A) Call 860-525-7823 Wethersfield (860) 258-3440 [email protected] Hlux rada Vam dopomohty ! St. Michael’s Ukrainian Church
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