literaturlista PDA203_HT15

PDA203 Specialpedagogik i en föränderlig värld
Special Needs Education in a Changing Society
15 högskolepoäng/15 higher education credits
Avancerad nivå/Second cycle
Antagen 2015–06–22
Gäller fr.o.m. HT 2015
Armstrong, D., Armstrong, A. C., & Spandagou, I. (2011). Inclusion: by choice or by chance?
International journal of inclusive education, 15(1), 29-39. (10s.)
Artiles, J.A., Kozleski, E.B., & Waitoller, F.R. (Eds.). (2011). Inclusive education examining
equity on five countries. Cambridge: Harvard education press. (s.1-236). (236s.)
Bloch, M.N., Holmlund, K., Moqvist, I., & Popkewitz T.S. (Eds.). (2011). Governing
children, families and education restructuring the welfare State. New York: Palgrave. (s.3330). (328s.)
Bryman, A. (2011). Samhällsvetenskapliga metoder. Malmö: Liber. (uppl. 2). (200s.)
Ineland, J., Molin, M., & Sauer, L. (2009). Utvecklingsstörning, samhälle och välfärd.
Malmö: Gleerups. (s.9-221). (213s.)
Korsvold, T. (Eds.). (2011). Barndom barnehage inkludering. Bergen; Fagbokforlaget. (s.9100). (91s.)
Lund, S. (2002). Från tågresenär till bilist. Utbildning och demokrati, 11(3), 73-90. (17s.)
Norwich, B. (2007). Thinking through dilemmas. In Dilemmas of difference, inclusion and
disability: International perspectives and future directions. Oxon: Routledge (s.7-33). (27s.)
Popkewitz, T., & Lindblad, S. (2000). Educational governance and social inclusion and
exclusion: some conceptual difficulties and problematics in policy and research,
Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education, 21(1), 5-44. (39s.)
Taneja Johansson, S. (2014). A critical and contextual approach to inclusive education:
perspectives from an Indian context. International journal of inclusive education, 18(12),
1219-1236. (15s.)
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