The Grundy County Herald, Thursday, November 13, 2014—11A PUBLICATIONS and Tennessee Limited 918.28 feet to an iron 7/21/85. AD DEADLINES Liability Company, pin and the corner of conveyed cer tain land and property in Grundy Co. Herald trust to STEPHEN T. GREER, Trustee, by Thursday: Tuesday, Deed of Trust dated December 20, 2006, 12:00 pm and being recorded at Record Book 43, Manchester Times Page 558, et. seq., Register’s Office of Wednesday: Grundy County, TenMonday, 3:00 pm nessee; and WHEREAS, the Deed of Herald Chronicle aforesaid Trust was amended Monday: Friday, 12:00 pm Thursday: Tuesday, 12:00 pm Elk Valley Times by Amended to Deed of Trust dated July 30, 2008, and being recorded at Record Book 1009, Page 344, et. seq., Register=s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee; and Wednesday: Monday, 12:00 pm WHEREAS, the aforesaid two Deeds of Trust and two Amendments to Tullahoma News Deeds of Trust were subsequently Sunday: Friday, amended by Amend12:00 pm ment to Deeds of Trust and Partial ReWednesday: lease dated DecemMonday, 4:00 pm ber 8, 2011, and reFriday: Wednesday, corded at Record Book 1033, Page 4:00 pm 741, et. seq., Register=s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee; and Abandoned Vechile Jeep Cherokee Vin # IJ4FJ685SXWL147444 Abandoned in Manchester. Will Sell in ten days from final date of this notice. Contact 423-645-4353 All residential real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and applicable state and local laws. The Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” We will not knowingly accept any advertising for residential real estate that appears to or violate federal and/or state and local law. CLASSIFIED ERROR RESPONSIBILITY We take great care to avoid typographical errors. However, in the event of an error, we are responsible only for the first incorrect insertion of an ad. We do not assume any responsibility, for any reason, for an error in an ad beyond the cost of the ad itself. Management reserves the right to reject, revise & properly classify all advertisements. Ad position has no bearing on the results you receive and cannot be guaranteed. TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE WHEREAS, GUNN FAMILY, LLC, a Tennessee Limited Liability Company, conveyed cer tain land and property in trust to STEPHEN T. GREER, Trustee, by Deed of Trust dated December 20, 2006, and being recorded at Record Book 43, Page 550, et. seq., Register’s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid Deed of Trust was amended by Amended to Deed of Trust dated July 30, 2008, and being recorded at Record Book 1009, Page 346, et. seq., Register=s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee; and WHEREAS, GUNN FAMILY, LLC, a WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said Deeds of Trust and Amendments thereto, and the holder thereof has called upon the undersigned Trustee to advertise and sell the lands hereinafter described, in the manner and method provided in said deed of trust for enforcement of the lien thereby created; and the Clark heirs property; thence with the Clark heirs line S 0 6 - 5 0 - 4 9 E , 2304.73 feet to an iron pin and the corner of the White property; thence with the White line S 0 6 - 1 7 - 5 4 E , 1432.04 feet to a point in the L & N right of way; thence with the L & N right of way N39-42-41E, 1703.53 feet; N35-44E, 392.61 fe e t ; N27-31E, 399.67 feet; N23-59E, 1345.31 feet; and N24-03E, 904.6 feet to a point at the intersection of the westerly edge of the L & N right of way and the northerly edge of an ingress-egress road; thence N49-38-14W, 210 feet; thence N36-33-29E, 253.49 feet; thence N64-03-06W, 2157.24 feet to the point of beginning, containing 210.55 acres more or less. Note: the reference bearing used in the above description has a 12 degree-12 minute East variance from the 7-15-71 local magnetic bearing. Together with a 50 foot access easement along a paved r o a d way across other property of the Grantor running parallel to the L & N Railroad, from a point where an existing public crossing granted by the L & N Railroad to the Town of Monteagle, as recorded in Deed Book 57, page 125, Register=s Office, Grundy County, TenNOW, THEREFORE, nessee, intersects I, STEPHEN T. said paved roadway GREER, TRUSTEE of Grantor. as aforesaid, on December 2, 2014, at This tract being the 10:15 a.m. (CST), at same property and the front of the legal description conCourthouse o f veyed to the GranGrundy County, Ten- tors by deed of recnessee, at Altamont, ord dated August 25, Tennessee, will offer 1977 and recorded in for sale at public WD Book 83, page auction, and sell to 333, Register=s Ofthe highest and best fice, Grundy County, bidder thereat, for Tennessee, and a cash in hand and in subsequent Quit bar of equity of re- Claim Deed dated demption, home- July 18, 1995 restead, dower, and all corded in Book 127, other exemptions of Pages 211-215. every kind, the following described real EXCEPTION: Inestate situated in the cluded in the above 4th Civil District of Tract A but expressly Grundy County, Ten- excluded from this nessee, and more conveyance are the particularly described following tracts in the as follows, to wit: Fourth Civil District of Grundy County, Real estate situated Tennessee: in the 4th Civil District of Grundy EXCLUDED PARCounty, Tennessee CEL 1 and being more par- Beginning at an iron ticularly described as rod set 25 feet from follows: center of Railroad and at the Southeast Tract A corner of the propBeginning at a point, er ty herein conthe same being the veyed; thence North intersection of a pow- 58 deg. 09.4 min. erline leading to the West 522.66 feet to Federal Aid Project a set iron rod corner I-24-2(24) 76 Recre- 2.0 feet from pipeline ation Area and in the R.O.W. post in fence easterly fence of said line; thence North 19 Recreation Area at a deg. 15.9 min. East reference bearing of 330 feet to an iron S36-30W and at a rod corner; thence distance of 287.2 South 58 deg. 39.0 feet from a concrete min. East 549.80 feet monument located in to an iron rod 35 feet the southerly bound- from center of railary of the I-24-2(3) road; thence South 76 ROW, thence with 24 deg. 03 min. West the reference bear- 330 feet to the point ing S36-30W, 92.95 of beginning, confeet to a point in said taining 4 acres, fence; t h e n c e taken from the Deed S24-11W, 137.75 of Correction Book feet to a point in said 104, Page 141, in fence; t h e n c e the Register=s OfS 5 8 - 1 2 - 1 7 W , fice of Gr undy 1091.07 feet to a County, TN. Depoint in said fence; scription from survey thence with Meeks by Robert N. Kanter, line S06-51-53E, RLS #995, dated EXCLUDED PARCEL 2 Beginning at an iron pin set at the southeast corner of Easement Number 1 as described in the deed from Bill Gunn to the Town of Monteagle Book 115, page 269, G.C.R.O. and the southwest corner of Easement Number 2 as described in said deed said pin lying northwest of Hwy. 41-A and in the northwest margin of the L & N Railway thence leaving said Railway and along the east boundary of the afore mentioned Easement No. 1 North 06 deg. 55 min. 24 sec. East 335.37 feet thence leaving said Easement No. 1 North 53 deg. 22 min. 05 sec. East 480.76 feet thence South 03 deg. 49 min. 17 sec. East 289.18 feet to an iron pin lying in the southeaster n boundary of the afore mentioned Easement No. 2 thence along said easement and parallel to the afore mentioned railway South 53 deg. 22 min. 05 sec. West 555.16 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 2.89 acres and is taken from Warranty Deed recorded in WD Deed Book 115, page 962. This property is subject to the Easement Number 2 described in the deed from Bill Gunn to the Town of Monteagle Book 115, page 269, G.C.R.O. said easement having a width of 20 feet and runs along and inside the southeast boundary of the above descr ibed property. EXCLUDED PARCEL 3 Starting at an iron pin set at the southeast corner of Easement Number 1 as described in the deed from Bill Gunn to the Town of Monteagle Book 115, page 269, G.C.R.O. and the southwest corner of Easement Number 2 as described in said deed; thence North 06 deg. 55 min. 24 sec. East 013.40 feet to an iron pin corner of the afore mentioned Town of Monteagle 20 acre tract said pin being the POINT OF BEGINNING of the property herein described thence along the southeast boundary of said 20 acre tract North 56 deg. 45 min. 12 sec. East 361.59 feet to an iron pin; thence leaving said boundary South 03 deg. 49 min. 17 sec. East 386.78 feet to the northeast corner of Tract 1; thence along the northwestern boundary of Tract 1 South 53 deg. 22 min. 05 sec. West 480.76 feet to the northwest cor ner of same thence along the east boundary of the afore mentioned Easement No. 1 in part and with the east boundary of afore mentioned Easement No. 1 in part and with east boundary of afore mentioned 20 acre tract along North 06 deg. 55 min. 24 sec. East 478.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 3.31 acres and is taken from Warranty Deed recorded in WD Deed Book 115, page 960. There is reserved out of this property a right of way having a width of 60 feet and described as in WD Book 115, page 960. EXCLUDED CEL 4 PAR- Beginning at the intersection of the West boundary of the Gunn property (as recorded in Deed Book 83, page 333, Register=s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee) and the Northern margin of a 50 foot East Tennessee Natural Gas Company easement, said intersection lying North 06 degrees 55 minutes 24 seconds East 620.30 feet from the Northwestern margin of the L & N Railway right-of-way, which lies adjacent to and Northwest of the right-of-way of the U. S. Highway 64/41-A. Running thence North 06 degrees 55 minutes 24 seconds East 2,109.48 feet along the fenceline to a point in the fence. Thence leaving the fence and running South 31 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds East 1,460.90 feet to a point; thence South 56 degrees 45 minutes 12 seconds West 1,113.98 feet to a point 50 feet East of the aforementioned fenceline and West boundary of Gunn. Thence parallel to said fenceline South 06 degrees 55 minutes 24 seconds West 212.13 feet to a point in the Northern margin of the aforementioned 50 foot East Tennessee Natural Gas Company easement. Thence with the Northern margin of said easement South 67 degrees 13 minutes 41 seconds West 57.56 feet to the beginning, containing 20 acres, more or less. Subject to permanent easements appur tenant to the above described. EXCLUDED PARCEL 5 Beginning at an iron rod set in the Northwest margin of State Route 15 on a projection of the Marlow=s Wine Cellars proper ty=s Northeast boundary line as described in Deed Book 104, page 141, R.O.G.C.; thence leaving said highway and along said line North 58 degrees, 39 minutes, 48 seconds West 625.00 feet to an iron rod at the Northern most corner of said Marlow=s Wine Cellars property, said rod being located very near the Northern most corner of the Winery fence; thence North 23 degrees, 53 minutes, 44 seconds East 400.00 feet to an iron rod lying in the Northwest margin of the aforementioned highway; thence along said highway and running parallel to and 25 feet from the center of same as it now exists South 23 degrees, 53 minutes, 44 seconds West 400.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING containing 5.69 acres and is a portion of the Bill Jack Gunn property Deed Book 83, page 333, R.O.G.C. Subject to any easements of record. EXCLUDED PARCEL 6 Commence at an iron rod lying the Northwest margin of State Route 15 on a projection of the Marlow Wine Cellars Northeast boundary line as described in Deed Book 104 page 141, Register=s Office of Gr undy County; thence along the Northwest margin of said highway and 25 feet from the center of same North 23 degrees, 53 minutes, 44 seconds East 400.00 feet to an iron rod, the POINT OF BEGINNING of the property herein described, thence leaving said highway North 58 degrees, 39 minutes, 48 seconds West 482.71 feet to an iron rod; thence North 23 degrees, 53 minutes, 44 seconds East 50.00 feet to an iron rod; thence South 58 degrees, 39 minutes, 48 seconds East 482.71 feet to an iron rod lying in the Northwest margin of the aforementioned highway; thence along said highway and 25 feet from the center of the same South 23 degrees, 53 minutes, 44 seconds West 50.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.55 acres, more or less. and being more par- of the aforementicularly described as t i o n e d Marlow; follows: thence along the South boundary of Commence at a same South 58 depoint in the West grees 09 minutes 22 margin of the U.S. seconds East 584.78 Highway 41A and 64, feet to the POINT OF same being the BEGINNING, conSoutheast corner of t a i n i n g 28,859 the Marlow=s Wine square feet 0.66 acCellars proper ty res. Deed Book 104, page 141 and Book EXCLUDED PAR120, page 714; CEL 9 thence along said A parcel of land lying highway South 23 in the Fourth Civil degrees 58 minutes District of Grundy 25 seconds West County, Tennessee, 50.00 feet to an iron and being more parrod and South 23 de- ticularly described as grees 58 minutes 25 follows: seconds West 60.57 feet to an iron rod, Beginning at an iron the Point of Beginn- rod set in the west ing of the property margin of the U.S. herein described; Highway 41A and 35 thence along said feet from the center highway South 23 of same as it now degrees 58 minutes exists, said rod being 25 seconds West located North 23 de150.00 feet to an iron grees, 59 minutes, rod; thence leaving 58 seconds East said highway North 50.00 feet from a 58 degrees 09 min- point where the north utes 22 seconds boundary of the Jim West 275.00 feet to Myers property as an iron rod; thence described in Deed North 23 degrees 58 Book 133, page 258 minutes 25 seconds intersects a line parEast 150.00 feet to allel to and 35 feet an iron rod; thence from the center of South 58 degrees 09 said highway; thence minutes 22 seconds leaving said highway East 275 feet to the and parallel to the point of beginning, north boundary of containing 40,861 said Myers North 58 square feet 0.91 ac- degrees, 39 minutes, res. 48 seconds West 277.82 feet to an iron EXCLUDED PAR- rod; thence leaving CEL 8 said boundary North A parcel of land lying 35 degrees, 46 minin the Fourth Civil utes, 17 seconds District of Grundy East 166.43 feet to County, Tennessee, an iron rod; thence and being more par- South 49 degrees, ticularly described as 42 minutes, 25 secfollows: onds East 162.34 feet to an iron rod, Beginning at a point and South 62 dein the West margin of grees, 29 minutes, U.S. Highway 41A 41 seconds East and 64, same being 845.94 feet to an iron the Southeast corner rod in the west marof the Marlow=s gin of the aforemenh i g h way ; Wine Cellars prop- t i o n e d erty Deed Book 104, thence along said page 141 and Book highway and 35 feet 120 page 714; from the center of thence along said same South 23 dehighway South 23 grees, 59 minutes, degrees 58 minutes 58 seconds West 25 seconds West 147.61 feet to the 50.00 feet to an iron POINT OF BEGINNcontaining rod; thence leaving I N G , said highway North 39,338 square feet, 58 degrees 09 min- 0.90 acres. utes 22 seconds West 580.57 feet to EXCLUDED PARan iron rod; thence CEL 10 North 19 degrees 15 A parcel of land lying minutes 54 seconds in the Fourth Civil East 50.75 feet to District of Grundy the Southwest corner County, Tennessee, Grundy Housing Authority Will be holding a regular quarterly meeƟng of the Board of Subject to any ease- Commissioners beginning at 6:00 ments of record. P.M. on November 18, 2014 in the Authority’s conference room. EXCLUDED PARCEL 7 A parcel of land lying in the Fourth Civil District of Grundy County, Tennessee, Derryl Graham ExecuƟve Director Grundy Housing Authority PUBLIC NOTICE The chairman of the Grundy County Board of Commissioners wishes to give noƟce of an immediate resignaƟon of a Grundy County School Board member. The resignaƟon of District 2 School Board member James D. Cooper will be presented and appointed at the regular monthly County Commission meeƟng November 24, 2014 at 6:30 pm at the Grundy County Courthouse. This noƟce will serve as T.C.A. 5-5-111, which statues a mandatory seven day noƟĮcaƟon to county legislaƟve body and county at large of the resignaƟon and appointment. The seat will be Įlled with the following procedure. First, any qualiĮed person from the 2nd district wishing to be considered should submit a leƩer of intent and willingness to accept the appointment to the Mayor’s oĸce by 5:00 pm Friday, November 22, 2014. Each leƩer and name will be submiƩed to the legislaƟve body. The resignaƟon will be presented at the commission meeƟng on the 24th. Once the resignaƟon is accepted, the chairman will accept nominaƟons. No second is required for such nominaƟons. Only nominaƟons from the commission will be voted on to Įll the appointment. A majority vote is required. The appointee will take immediate appointment. 12A—The Grundy County Herald, Thursday, November 13, 2014 and being more par- the Jim Myers prop- Conveyed also is a 1995, by Quit Claim ticularly described as erty Deed Book 136, non-exclusive per- Deed recorded in the follows: Page 305, said rod manent easement Register=s Office of lying in the northern appurtenant to the Grundy County, TenBeginning at an iron boundary of the Jim above descr ibed nessee, in Book 127, rod at the northwest Myers property Deed property for purposes Pages 211-215. corner of the Jim My- Book 136, Page 303; of water drainage on ers proper ty de- thence with said My- the following de- Tract C scribed in Deed ers (136/303) North scribed property: Real estate situated Book 133, page 258, 50 degrees, 39 minin the 4th Civil DisROGC; thence North utes, 49 seconds Commence at an trict of Grundy 51 degrees 37 min- West 178.54 feet to iron rod in the north- County, Tennessee, utes 24 seconds an iron rod at the west margin of U.S. and/or the 5th Civil East 27.90 feet to an northwest corner of Highway 41A/64 at District of Marion iron rod set in a said Myers (136/303) the easternmost cor- County, Tennessee, fence; thence with and the northeast ner of Lot 1 of the and the Corporate said fence South 69 corner of Tract 2 of Gunn to Valenzuela C i t y Limits of degrees, 10 minutes, the Jim Myers prop- Subdivision, plat of Monteagle, Ten35 seconds East erty Deed Book 136, record in Plat Book nessee, and being 128.30 feet to an iron Page 305; thence 1, page 287; thence more particularly derod; thence leaving with the north bound- leaving said highway scribed as follows, to said fence South 23 ary of said Myers and along the com- wit: degrees, 53 minutes, (136/305 Tr. 2) North mon boundary line of 44 seconds West 69 degrees, 10 min- Lot 1 and Lot 2 North PART ONE: 50.00 feet to an iron utes, 35 seconds 49 degrees, 48 min- To locate the beginnrod in the North West 120.30 feet to utes 10 seconds ing corner, start at boundary of the an iron rod at the West 31.29 feet to the intersection of aforementioned My- northwest corner of the POINT OF BE- the East boundary of ers; thence with said same; thence North GINNING of the area property owned by boundary North 58 32 degrees, 20 min- herein described; the Monteagle Windegrees, 39 minutes, utes, 15 seconds thence North 49 de- ery, and 50 feet 48 seconds West East 238.77 feet, grees, 48 minutes, North of the center143.29 feet to the thence South 49 de- 10 seconds West line previously known POINT OF BEGINN- grees, 42 minutes, 20.00 feet; thence as the CSX property. ING, c o n t a i n i n g 25 seconds East leaving said lot line Thence running par5,065 square feet, 317.25 feet to an iron North 85 degrees, 11 allel with the CSX 0.12 acres. rod at the northwest minutes, 50 seconds property to an entry corner of the afore- East 14.14 feet; leading to the Bill EXCLUDED PAR- mentioned Tract 1 of thence South 04 de- Jack Gunn and Bush CEL 11 the Jim Myers prop- grees, 48 minutes, properties. Thence LAND in Grundy erty Deed Book 136, 10 seconds East running South 50 County, Tennessee, Page 305; thence 14.14 feet to the feet to the centerline being Lot No. 4, on with the west bound- POINT OF BEGIN- of the CSX railroad the Plan of Minor ary of same South NING, containing and continuing an additional 50 feet S u b d i v i s i o n 35 degrees, 46 min- 100.00 square feet. (Commercial), as utes, 17 seconds therefore being a total of 100 feet. shown on plat of rec- West 166.43 feet to Tract B ord in Plat Book 1, the POINT OF BE- Property located and Thence running parpage 229, in the GINNING, containing situated in the Fourth allel with the centerRegister=s Office of 1.39 Acres Civil District of line of the CSX propGrundy County, TenGrundy County, Ten- erty to the extended nessee, to which plat The description is nessee, and being Winery property line; reference is hereby according to a survey more particularly de- thence 100 feet north to the point of beginmade and being by James E. Camp- scribed as follows: more particularly de- bell, II, Tennessee ning. scribed as follows: R.L.S. No. 1687 PART ONE: dated July 2, 2001. A tract located in the PART TWO: A tract of land in the extreme southeast To locate the beginn4th Civil District of EXCLUDED PAR- corner of the tract ing corner, start at Grundy County, Ten- CEL 14 described in and ex- the centerline of the nessee, b e i n g Beginning at an iron cluded from the CSX property and Bounded on the rod set in the north- Grantor=s prior con- continue 50 feet north by Lot 3, Minor west margin of U.S. veyance to Payne in north along the line S u b d i v i s i o n Highway 41A and 35 instrument recorded of the Anglican Epis(Commercial) re- feet from the center in Register=s Office copal Church propcorded in Plat Book of same, said rod ly- of Grundy County, erty; thence running 1, Page 229; on the ing on a projection of Tennessee, in Book parallel to the centereast by Highway the northeast bound- 73, page 201, and is line of CSX railroad 41A/64 and on the ary of the Christ described as excep- proper ty to the south and west by Church proper ty tion number 4 to said Monteagle Winery the remaining lands Deed Book 120, Payne conveyance. property. Thence of Bill R. Gunn, et ux, Page 730; thence South 50 feet to the (Book 83, Page 333) leaving said highway Property is further centerline of CSX and being more par- North 49 degrees, 48 described as approx- property continuing ticularly described as minutes, 10 seconds imately a 12 acre an additional 50 feet follows: West 2.06 feet to an tract, more or less, to a point. Thence iron rod at the east- located in the Fourth running parallel to Beginning at an ernmost corner of Civil District of the centerline of CSX existing iron pin in said Christ Church Grundy County, near railroad property to the westerly right of proper ty; thence Interstate 24 and an extended line of way of U.S. Highway along said northeast other proper ties the Church property. 41A/64, the south- boundary North 49 owned by Grantees Thence along the east corner of Lot 3, degrees, 48 minutes, and can be further Church line property Minor Subdivision 10 seconds West described as follows: 100 feet to the point ( C o m m e r c i a l ) ; 100.08 feet to an iron of beginning. thence, pipe at the northern- Bounded on the most corner of same South by Clark heirs Excepting any other 1. With said and the southeast property; on the west utility previously r i g h t corner of the Christ by Gunn (formerly R holding leases from of way, South 23 Church proper ty & B Corporation - CSX Transportation, deg. 58 min. 00 sec. Deed Book 115 See Deed in ROGC Inc. which were asWest, 150.00 feet to Page 962; thence Book 83 page333); signed to John Acuff a set iron pin; along the east on the East by Right by virtue of his deed, thence, boundary of said of Way of Interstate including but not lim2. Nor th 58 property (115/962) 24; and on the North ited to East Tennesd e g . North 17 degrees, 01 by State of Tennes- see Natural Gas Co., 09 min. 43 sec. minutes, 56 seconds see (Rest area), con- Sequatchie Valley West, 275.00 feet to West 184.12 feet to taining approximately Electric Cooperative, a set iron pin; an iron rod set; 12 acres, more or and Ben Lomand thence, thence leaving said less. Telephone. 3. Nor th 24 boundary North 39 d e g . degrees, 45 minutes, PART TWO: Subject to the restric00 min. 58 sec. East 29 seconds East Grantors hereby con- tions imposed on the 150.01 feet to an 155.34 feet to an iron vey to Grantees any Grantors herein in faexisting iron pin at rod set; thence and all easements, vor of Waffle House, the southwest corner South 49 degrees, right of ways, and Inc. of the aforemen- 48 minutes, 10 sec- other rights and privitioned Lot 3; thence, onds East 256.19 leges which could be Excepting also a per4. With the feet to an iron rod set termed either a petual easement for s o u t h in the northwest mar- grant, lease, or ease- existing water, sewline of Lot 3 and an gin of the afore- ment over any and age, and/or gas existing fence, South mentioned highway, all properties located lines, known or un58 deg. 09 min. 22 thence along said on or about the Town known, held by the sec. East, 274.87 highway and 35 feet of Monteagle, Ten- Town of Monteagle, feet to the Point of from the center of nessee, and located which easement has Beginning and con- same South 39 de- in the Fourth Civil b e e n p r ev i o u s l y taining 4 0 , 8 5 5 grees, 45 minutes, District of Grundy granted herein to the square feet or 0.938 29 seconds West County, Tennessee. Town of Monteagle acres, more or less, 255.00 feet in the by Instrument dated according to a survey POINT OF BEGINN- These two tracts be- February 4, 1992, by SEC, Inc. Thomas I N G , c o n t a i n i n g ing the same prop- and subject to the G. Rosenthal, TN 57,050 Square Feet, erty and legal de- terms and conditions R.L.S. #1805, 123 1.32 Acres. scription conveyed to of said Instrument. Samsonite Blvd., Grantor on July 18, Murfreesboro, TN 37129 dated March Tracy City Water Works will be taking sealed bids for a 9, 1999. 1988 Mays Brand Forest Lane Model Mobile Home. EXCLUDED PARCEL 12 Gunn II Commercial Subdivision lots two (2) and three (3) per plat of record in Plat Book 1, page 255 of the Register=s Office in Grundy County, Tennessee, to which reference is hereby made and incorporated herein. EXCLUDED CEL 13 PAR- Beginning at an iron rod at the southwest corner of Tract 1 of Its dimensions are 80 x 14. The trailer can be viewed by appointment only between the hours of 8:00 am to 2:30 pm Monday thru Friday. Each bidder will be responsible for the moving cost of the trailer and any cost with preparing the trailer to be moved tires, framing, etc. Trailer must be moved within 2 weeks of purchase. Trailer must be moved within 2 weeks of purchase. Each bidder will provide proof of liability insurance acceptable to the Utility. The property owner has given the purchaser permission to move the trailer from the property but requires any damages to the property to be paid for by the purchaser. All bids must be submitted by 4:00 pm on Monday November 17th. The bids will be opened during the Water Board Meeting on November 17, 2014 which starts at 6:00 pm. The Utility has the right to accept or reject any or all bids. For appointments to view the trailer call Tommy E. McFarland, Utility Manager at 592-2787. Tract D Real estate described in Exhibit AA@ and attached to above referenced Deed of Trust includes but is not limited to all lots known as Minor Subdivision of record at Plat Book 1, Page 229, and all lots known as Gunn II Commercial Subdivision of record at Plat Book 1, Page 255, both in the Register=s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee, LESS AND EXCEPT that property conveyed to Atlantic Financial Group, Ltd., by deed recorded at Book 136, pages 494, et. seq., Register=s Office of Gr undy County, Tennessee. LESS AND EXCEPT all property and lots shown on the Gunn Farm Phase I Plat recorded at Book 1, page 303, Register=s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee, and being lots 1-14 thereof. SUBJECT to any and all existing easements. SUBJECT to any governmental zoning and/or subdivision ordinances or regulations in effect thereon. For prior reference, see deed recorded at Record Book 9, pages1 and 10, et seq., in the Register’s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee. STREET ADDRESS: S. of I-24, Monteagle, TN 37356. INTERESTED PARTIES: G u n n F a m i l y , LLC, Mountain Valley Bank. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day and time certain, without further publication and in accordance with law, upon announcement of said adjournment on the day and time and place of sale set forth above. The failure of any high bidder to pay the purchase price and close the sale shall, at the option of the Trustee, be cause for rejection of the bid, and, if the bid is rejected, the Trustee shall have the option of making the sale to the next highest bidder who is ready, willing and able to comply with the terms thereof. The proceeds derived from the sale of the property will be applied as provided for in said Deeds of Trust and Amendments thereto. Said Deeds of Trust and Amendments thereto are made a part hereof as if copied verbatim herein. TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE WHEREAS, PAUL RAYMOND KANIA, executed a certain trust conveyance to L.Thomas Austin, Trustee, on the 12th day of October, 2004, to secure the payment of a certain note to Citizens Tri-County Bank of like date, said trust conveyance being of record in Book 18, page 92, et seq., Register’s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee, to which reference is made for full contents thereof; which was modified in Book 1051, page 161, Register’s Office of Gr undy County, Tennessee; and WHEREAS, said trust conveyance (deed of trust) provides for the sale of the property hereinafter described in the event of default in payment of the indebtedness secured; and WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said trust conveyances. NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Trustee, I will on Thursday the 18th day of December, 2014, at 10:00 o’clock a.m. (C.S.T.), at the front door of the Courthouse in Grundy County, Tennessee, offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, and in bar of the equity of redemption, the following described tract of land:MAP/PARCEL: 089-1.16 PRIOR AND LAST REFERENCE: Book 12, page 776, Register’s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee. ADDRESS: Adams Road, Altamont, TN The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day and time certain, without further publication and in accordance with law, upon announcement of said adjournment on the day and time and place of sale set forth above. The sale held pursuant to this Notice may be cancelled at the Trustee’s option at any time If the highest bidder cannot pay the bid within the time period established by the Citizens Tri-County Bank following the sale, then Trustee will accept the next highest bidder, at their highest bid, which will then be deemed the successful bidder. This sale is an attempt to collect a debt and any inforThis the 3rd day of mation obtained will be used for that November, 2014. purpose. s/Stephen T. Greer, Said sale is subject Trustee Stephen T. Greer, to any and all unpaid taxes, and any other Trustee claims, liens, leases, f o r e c l o s u r e \ g u n n easements, setback family, llc - trustee=s lines, restrictions or encumbrances notice of sale contained in any instrument in the chain of title thereto which would be superior to the Deed of Trust set forth herein. Other Interested Parties: HEIRS/ESTATE OF Paul Kania This 12th day of November, 2014. thence North 02 degrees 30 minutes East 1,236.1 feet to a 1/2 inch iron pipe in the apparent southern right-of-way boundary of New Highway 56; thence with said right-of-way, equivalent straight line South 38 degrees 22 L. THOMAS AUS- minutes East 367.5 feet to a 1/2 inch iron TIN, TRUSTEE pipe; thence South degrees 00 minTRUSTEE’S 03 utes West 1,188.6 SALE feet to the point of beginning, containing Default having been 6.6 acres, more or made in the terms, less. conditions and payments provided for in And being the same a Deed of Trust exe- property conveyed to cuted by John L. John L. Karr and Karr and wife, Sarah wife, Sarah Kathleen Kathleen Karr, to Karr, by Warranty Kenneth Kirby, Trus- Deed from The Dentee for Coffee nis and Tammy Sons County Bank, dated 2004 Revocable March 10, 2008 and Trust, dated Decemof record in Record ber 30, 2004, dated Book 1005, page 9, March 10, 2008 and and as modified by recorded on March Modification Agree- 18, 2008 at 11:46 ment dated March A.M. in Record Book 24, 2008, and of rec- 1005, page 6, ord in Record Book Register’s Office of 1009, Page 692, and Grundy County, Tenby M o d i f i c a t i o n nessee. Agreement dated March 9, 2011, and This property is loof record in Record cated at 192 Old Book 1030, Page 36, H i g h w a y 56, all in the Register’s Coalmont, TennesOffice of Grundy see, and shown as County, Tennessee, Map 045, Parcel to secure the indebt- 023.01 in the Propedness therein de- erty Assessor’s Ofscribed; and fice of Gr undy County, Tennessee. The holder of said in- Notice is also given debtedness having to Coffee County demanded payment, Bank, P.O. Box which is past due 1109, Manchester, and unpaid and said Tennessee, 37355, payment not having which filed a subsebeen made; and quent Deed of Trust holder having giving in Record Book required notice pur- 1031, page 633, suant to T.C.A. Register’s Office of 35-5-101, and Grundy County, Tennessee and of RecNow, therefore, I, ord in Trust Deed Kenneth Kirby, Trus- Book 833, page 58, tee, having been di- Register’s Office of rected to do so by Coffee County, Tenthe owner of said in- nessee; Tennessee debtedness and by Housing Developvirtue of the power ment Agency, 502 and authority vested Deaderick Street, in the Trustee in said Third Floor, NashDeed of Trust will on ville, Tennessee, the 20th day of No- 37243, which filed a vember, 2014, at subsequent Deed of 11:30 A.M. at the Trust in Record Book front door of the 1057, page 349, Courthouse i n Register’s Office of Altamont, Grundy Grundy County, TenCounty, Tennessee, nessee. sell to the highest bidder for cash, free The right is reserved from the equity and to adjourn the day of statutory rights of re- the sale to another demption and sub- day and time certain ject to all matters without further publishown on any re- cation and in accordcorded plan; any un- ance with the law paid taxes; any re- upon announcement strictive covenants, on the day and time easements o r and place of sale as set-back lines that set forth above. may be applicable; any prior liens or en- Dated this the 25th cumbrances as well day of September, as any priority cre- 2014. ated by a fixture filing; and any matter Kenneth Kirby, Trusthat an accurate sur- tee vey might disclose, the following de- Shawn C. Trail, Atscribed property lo- torney cated in the Second 117 South Spring Civil District of Street Grundy County, Ten- Manchester, Tennesnessee: see 37355 Beginning at a 1/2 inch iron pipe, DelSelina Cox mar T. Burk’s southLarrazolo west corner in the VS apparent Nor th right-of-way bound- Jamie Torres ary of Old Highway Larrazolo 56 in Cumberland Heights; thence with Circuit Case said right-of-way, No. 8671 equivalent straight line, North 42 deNon-Resident grees 27 minutes Notice West 325.7 feet to a 1 1/4 inch iron, the In this cause, it apsoutheast corner of pearing from the Doris C l a y t o n ; Complaint/Affidavit For Sale Business Van 2003 Ford Econoline E350 Super Duty Van (TN) Around 180,000 Miles 2000 $ Contact Deborah 931-455-4545 The Grundy County Herald, Thursday, November 13, 2014—13A which is sworn to that the defendant, Jamie To r r e s Larrazolo, whereabouts is unknown so the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him. It is therefore ORDERED that this notice be published for four (4) consecutive weeks in the Grundy County Herald, a newspaper published in Tracy City, Tennessee requiring the said defendant, Jamie Torres Larrazolo, to serve his answer upon Plaintiff’s attorney J. Harvey Cameron within 30 days after November 13, 2014 upon the defendant failing to do so, the same will be taken as confessed and judgement by default may be taken against him for relief demanded in the petition and the cause set for hearing ex parte. This the 23rd day of October, 2014 Melody Oliver Circuit Court Clerk IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF GRUNDY COUNTY, TENNESSE AT ALTAMONT NO: 6382 KENNETH LAW Plaintiff -vsUNKNOWN PROPERTY OWNER and HEIRS of ABANDONED MINERAL INTEREST, being more fully described in the deed of record in Record Book 1052,Page598-600 of the Register’s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee, Defendants NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Pursuant to TCA 66-5-108, notice is hereby given that a Mineral Interest reserved in favor of Defendants and Unknown Owners of Mineral Interest of Lands Located in Grundy County, Tennessee in a deed of record in Book 1052, pages 598-600 in the Register’s Office of Grundy County Tennessee, and shall lapse in sixty days if the mineral interest owner does not file with the Clerk and Master an answer alleging a claim to the mineral interest. In addition, any other person whose identity and whereabouts are unknown, claiming any interests in the mineral rights in the above captioned property are likewise notified that their rights shall also lapse in sixty days unless they file with the Clerk and Master an answer alleging a claim to the Mineral Interest. It is therefore, ORDERED that this notice bepublished for (3) three consecutive weeks in the Grundy County Herald, a newspaper of general circulation in Grundy County, Tennessee requiring the said defendants and Unknown Heirs as well as all other persons claiming a mineral interest in the above descr ibed property to file an answer alleging a claim to the mineral interest with the Clerk and Master, and to serve their answer upon Plaintiff ProSe, Kenneth Law, 2522 Quail Nest Cir., Chattanooga, TN 37421-1355 within sixty days after publication pursuant to TCA 66-6-108. Upon the defendant failing to do so, the same will be taken as confessed and a Judgment by Default may be taken against the defendants for the relief demanded in the Petition, the cause set for hearing ex-parte. This the 6th day of Nov., 2014 PHYLLIS DENT Clerk & Master Chancery Court TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE WHEREAS, heretofore, on the 20th day of March, 2009, LARRY R. NUNLEY and wife, KATHY N U N L E Y, and LARRY R. NUNLEY, Sole Proprietor of LRN PROPERTIES, c o nveye d lands hereinafter described in trust to STEPHEN T. GREER, Trustee, to secure an indebtedness therein described, and payable to the order of Mountain Valley Bank, and which deed of trust is of record in Trust Book 1014, pages 317, et seq., Register’s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee, and to which reference is made for a full and complete description of the lien therein created, and the powers, authorities and remedies therein provided; and WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, and the holder thereof has called upon the undersigned Trustee to advertise and sell the lands hereinafter described, in the manner and method provided in said deeds of trust and modifications thereof, for enforcement of the liens thereby created. NOW, THEREFORE, I, STEPHEN T. GREER, TRUSTEE as aforesaid, on December 2, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. (CDT), at the front of the Courthouse of Grundy County, Tennessee, at Altamont, Tennessee, will offer for sale at public auction, and sell to the highest and best bidder thereat, for cash in hand and in bar of equity of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions of every kind, the following described real estate situated in Grundy County, Tennessee, and more particularly described as follows, to wit: (Parcel 18.06, Map 63) BEGINNING on an iron pin on the south margin of Winter Road and being the northeast corner of Lamz and the northwest corner of the herein described tract, thence with Lamz South 21 deg. 35 min. East 66.83 feet to an existing iron pin, thence with J. Sweeton South 82 deg. 25 min. 20 sec. East 74.04 feet to an existing iron pin, thence South 22 deg. 52 min. 40 sec. East 300.14 feet to an iron pin set in a fence line, the southwest corner of this tract, thence with Leonard Sweeton South 82 deg. 42 min. 55 sec. East 30.00 feet to an iron pin set in the southeast corner of this tract, thence North 0 deg. 29 min. 00 sec. East 312.07 feet to an iron pin on the south margin of Winter Road, the northeast corner of this tract, thence with the road North 82 deg. 32 min. 00 sec. West 249.79 feet to an iron pin, the point of beginning and containing 0.82 acres, more or less, according to a survey by Gaylon W. Northcutt, TN RLS NO. 1529. BEING THE SAME PROPERTY conveyed to Larry R. Nunley and wife, Kathy Nunley by deed of record in Deed Book 145 Page 534 of the Grundy County Register=s Office. Street address of the subject property is: 10204 SR 56, Altamont, TN 37301. Interested parties: Larry R. Nunley, Kathy Nunley, LRN Proper ties and Mountain Va l l ey Bank. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day and time certain, without further publication and in accordance with law, upon announcement of said adjournment on the day and time and place of sale set forth above. The failure of any high bidder to pay the purchase price and close the sale shall, at the option of the Trustee, be cause for rejection of the bid, and, if the bid is rejected, the Trustee shall have the option of making the sale to the next highest bidder who is ready, willing and able to comply with the terms thereof. The proceeds derived from the sale of the property will be applied as provided for in said deeds of trust. Said deed of trusts are made a part hereof as if copied verbatim herein. This the 3rd day of November, 2014. s/Stephen T. Greer Stephen T. Greer, Trustee foreclosures\nunley, larry & kathy - trustees notice of sale TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE WHEREAS, ANDY W. NUNLEY, executed a certain trust conveyance to L. Thomas Au s t i n , Trustee, on the 16th day of May, 2012, to secure the payment of a certain note to Citizens Tri-County Bank of like date, said trust conveyance being of record in Book 1039, page 884, et seq., COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS CASE OFFICER The Southeast Tennessee Human Resource Agency has a Case Of¿cer position opening in their Franklin County Of¿ce. Community Corrections is an intensive supervision program for non-violent felony offenders and serves as an alternative to incarceration. The successful candidate should have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice, Social Services or related ¿eld, possess a valid TN. DL., and pass a criminal background check. Bene¿ts include health insurance, PTO, retirement and twelve (12) paid holidays. SETHRA is a Drug Free Workplace and an EOE. Send resume to: SETHRA/Community Corrections ATTN: Carol Roberson P.O. Box 909 Dunlap, TN 37327 Register’s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee, to which reference is made for full contents thereof; and WHEREAS, said trust conveyance (deed of trust) provides for the sale of the property hereinafter described in the event of default in payment of the indebtedness secured; and WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said trust conveyances. NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Trustee, I will on Thursday the 18th day of December, 2014, at 10:00 o’clock a.m. (C.S.T.), at the front door of the Courthouse in Grundy County, Tennessee, offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, and in bar of the equity of redemption, the following described tract of land:MAP/PARCEL: 102E-B-05.00 PRIOR AND LAST REFERENCE: Book 1039, page 882, Register’s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee. ADDRESS:126 24th St., Tracy City, TN The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day and time certain, without further publication and in accordance with law, upon announcement of said adjournment on the day and time and place of sale set forth above. The sale held pursuant to this Notice may be cancelled at the Trustee’s option at any time ANTHONY R. STEELE, Successor Trustee of a Deed of Trust executed on October 27, 2003, by JOSEPH A. SMARTT, and SANDRA C. SMARTT, which appears of record in the Register’s Office of Grundy County, Tennessee, at Book 7, Page 308 (“Deed of Trust”) will sell for cash at a foreclosure sale requested by the current holder of the Deed of Trust and underlying indebtedness, Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc., the property described below. Pursuant to T.C.A. §47-9-604 this sale shall also include the affixed manufactured home described as one (1) 2004 CMH Freedom Manufactured Home bearing Serial Numb e r CLH029231TNAB. Sale Date and Location: December 8, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. at the front steps of the Courthouse in Altamont, Grundy County, Tennessee. Property Description: Abbreviated description per TCA 35-5-104(a)(2) is the property referenced and described fully at Book 7, Page 306 and commonly known as a certain tract or parcel of land approximately 3 miles North of the Town of Altamont, West of Northcutts Cove Road and South of and adjacent to Old Hobbs Ridge Road. Property Address: 165 Myers Town Road, Beersheba Spr ings, Gr undy County, Tennessee Tax Map Identification No.: 0 1 9 - 0 1 2 . 0 2 (However, the property description shall control in the event of any inconsistencies between the description and address or tax identification number). If the highest bidder cannot pay the bid within the time period established by the Citizens Tri-County Bank following the sale, then Trustee will accept the next highest bidder, at their highest bid, which will then be Parties Interested: deemed the suc- Cavalry Portfolio Sercessful bidder. vices, LLC, c/o Garner & Conner, PLLC This sale is an at- (Book 1035, Page tempt to collect a 352) debt and any information obtained All sales of Property, will be used for that both real and perpurpose. sonal, are “AS IS” and “WHERE IS” Said sale is subject without representato any and all unpaid tion or warranty as to taxes, and any other merchantability or fitclaims, liens, leases, ness for a particular easements, setback purpose or of any lines, restrictions or kind, except as to tiencumbrances tle and authority to contained in any in- convey. strument in the chain The sale of the deof title thereto which scribed property is would be superior to subject to all matters the Deed of Trust set shown on any reforth herein. corded plan; any unOther Interested Par- paid taxes, any reties: HEIRS/ESTATE strictive covenants, OF A N DY W. easements, set-back NUNLEY lines, prior liens, enThis 12th day of No- cumbrances, if any, vember, 2014. and any other priority as may appear in the L. THOMAS AUS- public records. Title TIN, TRUSTEE to the manufactured home may be transferred by Bill of Sale SUCCESSOR or Certificate of Title, TRUSTEE’S the case may reNOTICE OF SALE as quire. OF REAL The right is preESTATE AND served to adjourn the AFFIXED day of the sale to another day, time and MANUFACplace certain without TURED HOME further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS TO COLLECT THE DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED AS A RESULT WILL BE USED FOR THAT EXPRESS PURPOSE ONLY. THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. This the 3rd day of November, 2014. Anthony R. Steele, Successor Trustee Winchester, Sellers, Foster & Steele, P.C. P. O. Box 2428 Knoxville, TN 37901 (865) 637-1980 1017 E. Lauderdale, Tullahoma 3 bedroom. 2 bath. Traditional brick 2-story Townhouse with tile & carpet interior. Unfurnished, no pets. Fridge & stove in kitchen. Wash & Dry hookups. $515/month. 615-924-7096 2 Br 1 Ba Apartment in Tracy City CHA Stove, Refridgerator, Washer and Dryer furnished. Water included. Very nice. $450 month $300 Deposit Absolutely No Pe t s (931)235-0257 or (931)235-5498 3 BR, 1 BA brick, den, family room, new CHA, 1734 sqft. $103,000. 25 Oak Dr. Campbell Subd. Tracy City. large lot. 931-692-3942 3 BR, 2 BA 1550 sq. ft, on 25 acres, large barn, electric & plumbing. $145,000 10412 SR56, Coalmont Tn 931-692-3942. 3 or 4 BR, 2 BA, brick, on large lot. Den, study, CHA, chained link fence, 1550 sqft. $113,000. 22 Oak Dr. Campbell Subd, Tracy City. 931-692-3942. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Jimmy Smith Late of Grundy County, Tenn. Nice 3 BR brick, new heating & air, tin roof, chain link fence, large lot. $79,900. 934 St. Clare St., Hwy 56, Tracy City. 931-692-3942 This 31st day of October, 2014 (signed) Cynthia E. Mowl Estate of Jimmy Smith Phyllis Dent, Clerk & Master Jeremy B. Bell, Attorney Immediate Opening Grading Foreman Minimum 5 years exp. Please call 931-455-4749 Fixer Upper! 3 BR, chain linked fence, outbuilding, on 1/2 acre, $18,500. 515 Beersheba Street, Tracy City. 931-692-3942. Notice is Herby Given that on the 31st day of October, 2014, Letters Testamentary, in respect to the estate of Jimmy Smith deceased, were issued to the undersigned by Phyllis Dent, Chancery Cour t Clerk & Master for Grundy County, Tennessee. All persons, resident and non-resident, having claims, matured or unmatured against his (or her) Estate are required to file the same in duplicate with the Clerk of the above named Court within 4 months from the date of the first publication (or of the posting, as the case may be) of this notice, otherwise their claim will be forever barred. All persons indebted to the above Estate must come forward and make proper settlement with the undersigned at once. 3 Rusty Nails, Inc looking to hire OTR drivers for regional/long haul. Solos-.36 Te a m s - . 4 5 weekly home time possible 931-259-6121 EEO/Drug-Free Workplace Mtn Auto Sales & Service 931-924-2886 ‘97 Ford Estcort, $1,600 ‘99 Plymouth Neon, $1,600 1999 Winstar van $2,900 1999 Montero $1900 2001 Century $1900 1999 Sable 73K/mi $3000 1998 VW Golf $1900 1999 Villager Van $2500 1998 Olds $1200 2001 Grand AM $1200 2001 Durango 4x4 $3900 1997 Explorer $2000 1999 Tracer 59k/mi $2200 2001 Neon $1200 18x21 Carport $695 “TIRE SALE” $30 Express Oil Change Mechanic on duty 6 days a week COME SEE US!! We Would Like to Thank all the Veterans for their Service! Palmer 3 bedroom. 1 bath. 3bed rm.,1 bath, 1200 sq. ft., 1.6 acre $40000 1615-223-8928 o r Divorce Services 423-949-7991 DIVORCE WITH OR WITHOUT children $125.00. Includes name change and property settlement agreement. SAVE Marketplace hundreds. Fast and easy. Consignment Sale! Open this week daily 10 Call 1-888-733-7165, 24/7 (TnScan) a.m. to 6 p.m. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday (last day). Two-day Clearance Sale, Friday and Saturday, 14th and 15th. Furniture, Home Furnishings & Décor, Holiday Decorations, Toys, Baby Equipment, Accessories, Electronics, Specialty Clothing, Garage & Shop, Lawn & Garden, ETC.! @ Monterey Station, 104 Monterey St., Cowan, TN. 9 3 1 - 3 0 8 - 7 3 2 4 . w w w . marketplaceconsignment. com Education MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES NEEDED! Begin a career in Billing, Coding & Insurance processing! No Experience Needed! Online training at Bryan University gets you ready! HS Diploma/GED & Computer/Internet needed. 1-877-259-3880 (TnScan) Help Wanted CAN YOU DIG IT? Heavy Equipment Operator Training! 3 Week Program. Bulldozers, Backhoes, Excavators. Lifetime Job Placement Assistance with Na“ The University of the tional Certifications. VA South seeks a Senior Elec- Benefits Eligible! (866) trician with 5 years electri- 887-3737 (TnScan) cal experience in industrial, commercial, and residential $1000 WEEKLY!! MAILING Fr o m wiring and trouble shooting. B R O C H U R E S Post-secondary education Home. Helping home workand/or specialized training ers since 2001. Genuine in the electrical field are Opportunity. No Experipreferred. See full posting ence Required. Start Ima t m e d i a t e l y . (TnScan) postings . Eligibility for employment is Help Wanted - Drivers contingent upon successful completion of a background F L AT B E D DRIVERS investigation and drug STARTING MILEAGE Pay screening.” up to .41 cpm, Health Ins., 401K, $59 daily Per Diem pay, Home Weekends. 800-648-9915 or CDL Driver Class A w w w. b oy d a n d s o n s. c o m Part-time or Full-Time, Die- (TnScan) sel Mechanic and Laborers, Welder, Fabricator 25 DRIVER TRAINEES and Machinist needed. Ap- NEEDED Learn to drive for ply in person: Silver Bait, Werner Enterprises! Earn LLC, C o a l m o n t . $750 per week! CDL & Job Ready in 3 weeks 9am-3pm. 1-888-407-5172 (TnScan) Job Openings TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED Class A CDL license required, local hauling, loader experience a plus. Please 2000 Sunshine Home contact Mid Tenn Turf at Located at Tree Line 931-728-0583, office hours Cour t in Monteagle. are M-F 7:00 am to 4:00 3BR/2BA pm. $52,000 Call 931-967-7884 or 931-924-3898 LOCAL C O M PA N Y N E E D S : DEDICATED/OTR/Casual Drivers $2,000 Sign-On Bonus, Paid Va c a t i o n / M e d i c a l / 4 0 1 k , Good Pay/Home Time 877-346-0997 (TnScan) NOTICE TOWN OF MONTEAGLE 2 BR, Gruetli Laager $340 month, $250 deposit. R e fe r e n c e s required. 931-779-3522. 3 Br 1 Ba and also a 2 Br 1 Ba Mobile Homes in Tracy City CHA Stove, Refridgerator and Washer/Dryer hookups. Water Included. $450 Month $300 Deposit Absolutely No Pe t s (931)235-0257 or (931)235-5498 Place your Classified ad in our newspaper directly from you computer. Visit Classifieds- Your Link to the World Around You! The Town of Monteagle is accepƟng applicaƟons for a Part-Ɵme Parks & RecreaƟon director. ApplicaƟons may be picked up at City Hall during regular business hours. All applicaƟons must be returned by December 1, 2014. THE TULLAHOMA NEWS Notice of Position Available 2014-2015 School Year Position Earth Science 7-12 Endorsements 212 or 418 Applicants must pass background checks, including T.B.I. /F.B.I. to qualify for all job positions with the Grundy County Board of Education. Applications are available on-line at www.grundycoschools. com, for more information call (931) 692-3467. Submit applications to Dr. David Dickerson, PO Box 97, Altamont, TN, 37301. Deadline for applying is 3:00 pm, November 19, 2014. Grundy County Board of Education is an Equal Opportunity Employer. is accepting applications for a highly motivated individual to work in a Quick Print Copy Shop with a PDF work Àow system. This full time position has health insurance, 401k, and paid vacations. Must be able to handle multiple tasks. Send resume to: [email protected]
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