Stipendiemottagare / Grant holder Ändamål / Purpose

REKTORS BESLUT 23.4.2015 / RECTOR’S DECISION, April 23rd, 2015
Rektor beviljade stipendium till forskarstuderande ur Hankens fonder enligt tabellen nedan. Rektors beslut
skickas inom kort till alla som hör till målgruppen till den adress som sökande angav i ansökan. Beslutet
skickas till alla som sökt; både de som beviljats och de som inte beviljats stipendium.
Rector granted doctoral students funding from the Funds at Hanken according to the below table. Rector’s
decision will soon be sent to all applicants belonging to the target group to the address given by the applicant in
the application. The decision is sent to all applicants; to those granted funding and to those not granted.
Stipendiemottagare /
Grant holder
Ahlvik Catarina
Annala Linda
Ansari Louna
Buttler Pekka
Cleland Silva Tricia
Ehrnström-Fuentes Maria
Jongsma Daniël
Koskinen-Sandberg Paula
Kyyrönen Meri-Maaria
Laamanen Mikko
Liiri Tuomas
Lipkin Michaela Marie-Louise
Lundgren-Henriksson Eva-Lena
Medberg Gustav
Meriläinen Eija
Mohamadi Ashkan
Neganova Irina
Osmekhin Sergey
Pokidko Daniil
Ändamål / Purpose
Participation in 2015 Annual Meeting of the
Academy of Management Vancouver, Canada
Participation in the course "Reflexive and Creative
Methodology", held at Lund University 5.-8.5.2015
Participation in Academy of Management
Conference Vancouver, Canada , August 2015
Deltagande i konferensen "1st Danish Project
Management Research Conference"
Participation in 2015 European Group for
Organizational Studies, Athens, Greece.
Gästforskare vid Universidad Austral de Chile i
Participation in 2015 Summer School in European
Private Law of the University of Salzburg
Research visit to the University of New South Wales
Business School, Sydney Australia
Attending the doctoral course "Reflexive and
Creative Methodology" in Lund 5-8 May, 2015
Participation in 31st EGOS Colloquium
Doctoral studies in Lund University, spring 2015.
Deltagande i konferensen 23rd Nordic Academy of
Management Conference, Köpenhamn, Danmark
Forskarstudier utomlands vid University of
Montpellier, Management Institute (ISEM),
Frankrike, 2015
Deltagande i the 23rd Nordic Academy of
Management Conference 2015
Participation in Association of American
Geographers Annual Meeting 2015 in Chicago,
Two courses in a Summer School
Participation in the 8th Annual EuroMed Academy
of Business Conference 2015, Verona, Italy
Participation in European Financial Management
Association, 2015 Annual Meeting, Amsterdam
2015 Annual Meeting of the Academy of
Management in Vancouver, British Columbia,
villkorligt /
Beviljat /
1.700 €
1.000 €
1.700 €
620 €
1.000 €
4.200 €
1.000 €
5.200 €
936 €
1.000 €
1.000 €
1.000 €
2.780 €
1.000 €
1.700 €
1.000 €
1.000 €
1.500 €
1.700 €
Sandberg Maria
Sepp Marianne
Siekkinen Jimi
Sohn Minchul
Solja Eeva
Stanisauskaite Vaiva
Sundvik Dennis
Xie Yamin
Zhang Ling Eleanor
Zhang Mo
Deltagande i forskarkursen "Reflexive and Creative
Methodology", Lund universitet
Participation at Naples Forum on Service 2015
Deltagande i konferensen 13th Annual International
Conference on Accounting, Athens, Greece.
Seed suppliers in climate vulnerable society:
philanthropic social actor or profit-making economic
Deltagande i kursen Consumption, Markets and
Culture vid Bilkent University i Ankara, Turkiet
The participate and present paper in 2015 McGill
International Entrepreneurship Conference
Deltagande i European Accounting Association 31st
Doctoral Colloquium in Accounting, St. Andrews
Presentation on World Finance Conference 2015 Buenos Aires
Participation in 31st European Group of
Organisation Studies Colloquium Athens 2015/2015
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
Participation in 2015 Behavioural Finance Working
Group Conference: Financial Regulation, London
500 €
1.000 €
1.000 €
5.500 €
1.000 €
1.000 €
1.000 €
1.700 €
1.700 €
1.000 €