HN2013 Appendix 1B, Schedule, Autumn 2015, version 2015-08-19 Activity; …..... (Teacher initials) Date, time, place (at KTH-Flemingsberg, Alfred Nobels Allé 10 [23]) Lecture I; A. Course introduction with subject overview and information of administrative matters and examination. (AD, MER) B. Introduction to patient safety and complex systems. (AD) Tuesday 1/9, kl 8.15-10.00, FL-3-221, ANA10 Lecture II; Cognitive and physical abilities of Humans at an individual level and at work, part I. (MER) Monday 7/9, kl 8.15-10.00, FL-3-221, ANA10 Lecture III; Safety Science and Patient Safety. (AD) Tuesday 8/9, kl 8.15-10.00, FL-3-221, ANA10 Seminar I (SEM1); Technology and Patient Safety. (AD, MER) Wednesday 9/9, kl 13.15-17.00, FL-3221, ANA10 Lecture IV; Cognitive and physical abilities of Friday 11/9, kl 13.15-15.00, FL-3-221, Humans at an individual level and at work, part II. ANA10 (MER) Lecture V; Analysing incidents. (AL) Monday 14/9, kl 8.15-10.00, FL-3221, ANA10 Lecture VI; Methods and tools for analysis, design and evaluation of work, workplaces and products. Human factors. (MER) Tuesday 15/9, kl 8.15-10.00, FL-3221, ANA10 Seminar II (SEM1); Different cases and system dynamics. (AD, MER) Wednesday 16/9, kl 13.15-17.00, FL3-221, ANA10 Lecture VII; Ergonomic Design. (MER) Monday 21/9, kl 8.15-10.00, FL-3221, ANA10 Lecture VIII; Work organization within health care. (AE) Tuesday 22/9, kl 8.15-10.00, H2 (Green), ANA23 (just above the street) Seminar III (SEM1); Psychosocial work related factors, organisation and management and its implications for patient and worker safety – interaction with medical technology. (MER) Wednesday 23/9, kl 13.15-17.00, FL3-221, ANA10 Lecture IX; Home care: future demands, risks and technology. (ME) Monday 28/9, kl 8.15-10.00, FL-3221, ANA10 Lecture X; Work hours, fatigue and cognition – implications for safety. (AD) Tuesday 29/9, kl 8.15-10.00, FL-3221, ANA10 Seminar IV (SEM1); Different perspectives on safety and accident investigation. (AD) Wednesday 30/9, kl 13.15-17.00, FL3-221, ANA10 Assignment examination hand in deadline (INL1) Sunday 4/10, no later than 11pm Lecture XI; Safety Management. (PU) Monday 5/10, kl 8.15-10.00, FL-3221, ANA10 Lecture XII; Medical technology, Ergonomics and Safety. (BEE) Thursday 8/10, kl 15.15-17.00, FL-3221, ANA10 Distribution of home exams Wednesday 7/10 Seminar V (not mandatory): Open question time Monday 12/10, kl 8.15-10.00, FL-3and supervision from course leaders. (MER) 221, ANA10 Home examination hand in deadline (TEN1) Sunday 25/10, no later than 11pm Teachers Anna Dahlgren (AD), Doctor of Philosophy, KTH Mirjam Ekstedt (ME), Associate Professor in Systems Safety within Healthcare Organizations, KTH Mats Ericson (MER), Professor in Industrial Work Science, KTH Andrea Eriksson (AE), Doctor of Philosophy, KTH Björn-Erik Erlandsson (BEE), Vice Dean, School of Technology & Health, KTH Anna Lundin (AL), Patient Safety Strategist, Stockholm County Council Pernilla Ulfvengren (PU), Associate Professor in Industrial Work Science, KTH
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