CITY OF CRESCENT CITY AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETII\lG FLYNN CENTER 981 H STREET CRESCENT CITY, CA 95531 Monday NOVEMBER 17,2014 5:00 p.m. Notice Regarding Americans with Disabilities Act: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Ac( if you need special assistance to participate in the meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at (707)464-7483 ext. 223. Notification 48 hours before the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting [28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title III For TTYDD use for speech and hearing impaired, please dial 711. A full agenda packet may be reviewed at City Han 377 J Stree( during regular business hours, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m., or on-line at NOTE: THE CLOSED SESSION BEGINS AT 5:00 p.m. FOLLOWED BY THE OPEN SESSION MEETING AT 6:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSIOI\l ITEMS CLOSED SESSION • Conference with Legal Counsel: Existing Litigation (Gov't Code § 54956.9 subdivision (d)(1)) (three cases) ~ ~ City of Crescent City vs. lojerky, Inc., et aI., Dell'Jorte Superior court Case #CVUJ 14-102; City of Crescent City v. Elwood lee, et al., Del Norte County Case No. CVPT 14- 1108 ~ City of Crescent City v. Reddy., Del l'Jorte County Superior Court Case #CVUJ131245 • Conference with legal Counsel: Initiation of Litigation (Gov't Code § 54956.9. subd. (d)(4)) (ten cases) Reconvene in open session. Report pursuant to Government Code Section 94957.1 of actions taken in closed session and the vote thereon. OPEN SESSION City Council Agenda 11/17/14 Call to Order Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance ACKNOWLEDGEIVIENTS - l\Jone CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of the regular meeting minutes from the November 3, 2014 Council meeting. 2.. Receive and file the warrant claims list for the October 25, through November 7, 2014. 3. Receive and file the biweekly payroll report for the periods ending November 1, 2014, paid on November 7,2014. 4. Receive and file monthly budget-to-actual financial report of the City's major operating funds for the month of October 2.014. 5. Consider and approve an employment agreement for Interim Police Chief Floyd Stokes. REPORTS/PRESENTATIONS COMMUNICATIONS • PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD -Any member of the audience is invited to address the City Council on any matter that is within the jurisdiction of the City of Crescent City. Comments of public interest or on matters appearing on the agenda are accepted. Note, however, that the Council is not able to undertake extended discussion or act on non-agendized items. Such items can be referred to staff for appropriate action, which may include placement on a future agenda. Any comments that are not at the microphone are out of order and will not be a part of the public record. After receiving recognition from the Mayor, please state your name and city or county residency for the record. Public comment is limited to three (3) minutes. 6. ADJOURN TO THE HOUSING AUTHORITY (See attached agenda) 7. ADJOURN TO THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (See attached agenda) 2 City Council Agenda 11/17/14 PUBLIC HEARING(S) NOTE: If you challenge the decision of the City Council in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. (Gov't Code § 65009) CONTINUING BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS8. Swearing in of new Interim Police Chief Floyd Stokes by Deputy City Clerk. 9. Swearing in of new Police Sergeants Justin Gill and Joseph Sullivan by Deputy City Clerk. 10. Swearing in of new Police Officer Alex Pearson by Deputy City Clerk. ELECTION RESULTS 11. Consider for adoption Resolution No. 2014-43, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CRESCENT CITY, CALIFORNIA, RECITING THE FACT OF THE CITY OF CRESCENT CITY ELECTION WITH THE CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTlOI\l HELD ON I\lOVEMBER 4, 2014, CERTIFYING THE RESULT AND SUCH OTHER MAnERS AS PROVIDED BY LAW 12. Recognize outgoing Council Member Kelly Schellong. 13. Installation of Council Members Blake Inscore and Richard Enea - Deputy City Clerk to administer the Oath of Office. 14. Selection of the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore for the 2014-2015 year in accordance with City Council Resolution No. 1991-10. CITY COUNCIL ITEMS • Legislative Matters - Consider miscellaneous legislative matters pertinent to the City of Crescent City. Authorize the Mayor to sign the appropriate letters and/or positions with respect to such matters • City Manager Report and City Council Directives - Pursuant to Crescent City Municipal Code § 2.08.200, the City Council may instruct the city manager on matters of importance to the administrative services of the city, and provide direction with respect to subordinates of the city 3 City Council Agenda 11/17/14 manager. (Directives from individual Council Members that are not objected to by any member present shall be considered an order of the City CounciL) • Reports, Concerns, Referrals, Council travel and training reports - In accordance with Gov't Code § 54954.2(a), City Council Members may make brief announcements or brief reports on their own activities. They may ask questions for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor ** adjourned the meeting at <> to the next regular scheduled meeting on Monday, December 1st at 5:00 p.m. at the Flynn Center Board Chambers, 981 H Street. ATrEST: Kymmie Scott, Deputy City Clerk Vision: The City of Crescent City will continue to stand the test of time and promote quality of life and community pride for our residents, businesses and visitors through leadership, diversity, and teamwork. Mission: The purpose of our city is to promote a high quality of life, leadership and services to the residents, businesses, and visitors we serve. The City is dedicated to providing the most efficient, innovative and economically sound municipal services building on our diverse history, culture and unique natural resources. Values: Accountability Honesty & Integrity Excellent Customer Service Effective & Active Communication Teamwork Fiscally Responsible 4 City Council Agenda 11/17/14 CITY OF CRESCENT CITY MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCILIVIEETING FLYNN CENTER 981 H STREET CRESCENT CITY, CA 95531 Monday NOVEIVIBER 3, 2014 5:00 p.m. Call to Order Mayor Holley called the closed session to order at 5p.m. Roll Call All five Council Members were present to include Council Member Enea, Council Member Murray, Council Member Schellong, Mayor Pro Tem Gastineau and Mayor Holley and to include City Manager Eugene Palazzo and Deputy City Attorney Martha Rice. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ClOSED SESSION ITEMS- None CLOSED SESSIOI\l • Conference with Legal Counsel:Existing litigation (Gov't Code § 54956.9 subdivision (d)(l)) (three cases) >>>- City of Crescent City vs. Lojerky, Inc., et aI., Del Norte Superior court Case #CVUJ 14-102; City of Crescent aty v. Elwood Lee, et aL, Del l\Jorte County Case No. CVPT 141108 City of Crescent City v. Reddy., Del Norte County Superior Court Case #CVUJ131245 • Conference with Real Property Negotiator(Gov't Code § 54956.8) >- Property • The following streets and alleyways shown as the "Shaded Part" of Walton Docks Subdivision according to the Map thereof filed in the Office of the County Recorder of Del Norte County, California on July 13, 1915 in book 2 of Maps, page 15: • All of the 20 foot wide alleyway in Block 31; • All of the 60 foot wide street known as Rees Street, lying Northeasterly of Hwy 101 (formerly Second Street); • All of the 60 foot wide street known as Magruder Street (formerly Third Street), lying between Thompson Street and Rees Street; City Council Minute! \ • • • • ~ All of Thompson Street lying Northeasterly of the centerline of Magruder Street (formerly Third Street) Agency Negotiator: Eugene Palazzo Negotiating Parties: City of Crescent City and Jaya Investments Under l\legotiation: Terms of Transfer Property Pacific Shores Subdivision Lot (APN 107-211-13) • Agency Negotiator: Eugene Palazzo Negotiating Parties: City of Crescent City and Border Coast Regional Authority • Under l\legotiation: Terms of Transfer • Conference with Legal Counsel: Initiation of Litigation (Gov't Code § 54956.9. subd. (d)(4)) (ten cases) Reconvene in open session. Report pursuant to Government Code Section 94957.1 of actions taken in closed session and the vote thereon. Deputy City Attorney Rice reported no final actions were taken in closed session; the closed session was adjourned at 6p.m. OPEN SESSION Call to Order Mayor Holley called the regular meeting to order at 6p.m. Roll Call Council Members Present: Council Member Richard Enea, Council Member Kathryn Murray, Council Member Kelly Schellong, Mayor Pro Tem Ron Gastineau, and Mayor Rick Holley. Others Present: City Manager Gene Palazzo, Deputy City Attorney Martha Rice, Deputy City Clerk Kymmie Scott, Information Systems Administrator Fritz Ludemann, Public Works Director Eric Wier, Finance Director Emily Boyd, Interim Police Chief Scott Berry, Utilities Manager Tom Romesberg, Public Works Maintenance Manager Jason Wylie, and Pool Manager Matt Hildebrandt. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge was led by Council Member Murray. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS-None COI\lSENT CALEI\lDAR 1. Approval of the regular meeting minutes from the October 20, 2014 Council meeting. 2 City Council Minutes11/03/14 2. Approve the November 12, 2013 minutes and approve the November 18, 2013 recreated minutes. 3. Receive and file the warrant claims list for the October 13, 2014, through October 14,2014. 4. Receive and file the biweekly payroll report for the period ending October 18, 2014,paid on October 24,2014. 5. Approve and adopt Resolution No. 2014-41, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN A QUITCLAIM DEED TO JAYA INVESTMENTS CONVEYING THE FEE TITLE TO CERTAIN STREETS AND ALLEYWAYS LOCATED IN THE WALTON DOCKS SUBDIVISION. 6. Approve and adopt Resolution No. 2014-42, A RESOLUTIOI\J OF INTEI\JT TO SELL THE CITY'S FIFTY PERCENT INTEREST IN PACIFIC SHORES SUBDIVISION LOT (APN 107-211-13) TO THE BORDER COAST REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY AND SETTING A DATE FOR HEARING. Mayor Holley pulled item t/6 due to a possible conflict of interest with Council Member Murray. On a motion by Council Member Enea and seconded by Council Member Schellong and carried on a 5-0 polled vote the City Council of the City of Crescent City adopted the consent calendar items 1-5. Council Member Murray recused herself from item #6 as she sits on the board for the Border Coast Regional Airport Authority. On a motion by Council Member Enea and seconded by Council Member Schellong and carried on a 4-0 polled vote the City Council of the City of Crescent City moved to adopt item t/6. REPORTS/PRESENTATIONS 7. Facilities Dude (FD) - cloud-based work order and preventative maintenance application City Manager Palazzo introduced the Facilities Dude (FD) team to include Information Systems Administrator Fritz Ludemann, Public Works Maintenance Manager Jason Wiley, and Utilities Manager Tom Romesberg. Additionally, he described the need for a better system to track maintenance. The FD team gave a presentation describing Facilities Dude, a centralized and real-time work order system that allows for email and text notification status tracking and reporting. Mr. Ludemann went over several components that staff determined were needed and desired in such a system and spoke of the process that brought staff to find the FD program. 3 City Council Minutes11/03/14 The team went on to describe in detail various features of the system including, but not limited to ability to delegate work orders to appropriate department, ability to prioritize and assign status update to tasks, ability to provide an automated preventative maintenance schedule, and documentation of procedures. Some of the benefits that are expected to come from use of the software include better warranty tracking, greater efficiency, and a database of equipment history and knowledge. Council closed the discussion by asking several clarification questions to learn more from staff about the system. COIVIIVI UNICATIONS • PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD-the following citizens gave public comment: Jesse Salisbury, county resident, spoke as to the program retired Chief Plaque started to license bicycles and encouraged residents to license their bikes. He also asked that trees be planted on a lot at 5th and G. PUBLIC HEARING(S)- None COI\JTINUING BUSINESS 8. Authorize the City l\I1anager to sign a maintenance agreement with the Veterans Monument Committee and the United Veterans Council for the proposed Veterans Monument City Manager Palazzo introduced Public Works Directo r Wier. Mr. Wier brought a formalized agreement to the Council regarding the maintenance of the Veterans Monument. Mr. Wier stated that the correct the name of the party involved is the Del Norte County Veterans Council not the United Veterans Council. He went on to describe the nuances of the agreement including funding and actions. Harlan Ziegler spoke as to an issue the Del Norte County Veterans Council has with the agreement; specifically that the amended permit with the City asks the Veterans to pay for water and he feels this is unfair. maintenanc~ Roger Gitlen, resident of the City, spoke as to what ownership means and stated that water usage should be absorbed by the City as inconsequential costs. Jesse Salisbury, County resident, asked who would be paying for the electric bill. Sparky Countess, County resident, read a statement from Charles Siert about how the Point of Honor Monument Project should be and has been a joint adventure between many agencies as a community project, and asked for Council to support the Veterans in this civic project. Sparky stated that in previous discussions representatives of Pacific Power said that they would likely support the electricity component of maintenance. 4 City Council Minutes11/03/14 Craig Bradford, Hiouchi Resident, spoke to the history of the Veterans Council and various projects and events celebrating Veterans that the Veterans Council has accomplished. Mr. Bradford asked the Council to have the City absorb the connection fee and water bill for the monument. City Manager Palazzo discussed ownership of the monument and what that means for liability and the future. He further discussed what was included in the maintenance agreement and asked for Council direction. If the City absorbs the water hookup and bill it will come out of the General Fund and these are economically depressed times. Mr. Wier stated that the City did assume from prior discussion that electricity was being solved between the Veterans Council and Pacific Power. He further stated that a connection fee was not a concern since the area is already being irrigated, and that the monthly water bill is estimated to run around S18/mo. Discussion continued on a Council level and several questions were posed for clarification. A motion from Council Member Schellong and seconded by Council Member Enea and failed on a 2-3 polled vote with Council Member Murray, Mayor Pro Tem Gastineau, and Mayor Holley voting against, the City Council of the City of Crescent did not approve directing staff to come back with a finalized agreement changing the name of the Veterans Council to the Del Norte County Veterans Council, to waive fees associated with water, and to include verbage regarding power. A motion from Council Member Schellong to accept this maintenance agreement with the following changes: to correct the name to Del Norte County Veterans Council, to remove any charge for water, and to pay for the power up to SIOO/mo. failed on lack of a second . .. Mr. Holley stated that there seems to be more work to be done to reach an agreement and directed staff to come back with an agreement that addresses the concerns to an upcoming Council meeting. 9. Fred Endert Municipal Swimming Pool Exterior Accessibility Project a) Approve the plans and specifications for the Fred Endert Municipal Swimming Pool Exterior Accessibility Project. b) Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Hemmingsen Contracting Co., Inc. in the amount of $72, 837.50 to complete the base bid of the Fred Endert Municipal Swimming Pool Exterior Accessibility Project contract #2014-32, contingent upon City Attorney review and CDBG compliance. c) Authorize the City Manager to execute contract change orders in the amount of $10,000 or less. 5 City Council Minutes11/03/14 City Manager Palazzo introduced Public Works Director Wier. Mr. Wier described the bidding history of this project, and why the project was split into two projects. The project as described includes parking lot improvements, new ramp, new ADA accessible doors, and landscaping. He referred to the staff report which describes possible contingencies and strategies in paying any overages. He also stated that there will be a two week closure of the pool with little notice because it is weather dependant. On an amended motion by Council Member Schellong and seconded by Council Member Enea and approved on a 5-0 polled vote the City Council of the City of Crescent City authorized the City Manager to execute an agreement with Hemminsen Contracting Co. in the amount of $72,837.50 to complete the base bid of the Fred Endert Municipal Swimming Pool Exterior Accessibility Project contract # 2014-032, contingent upon City Attorney review and CDBG compliance; to authorize the City Manager to execute contract change orders in the amount of $10,000 or less; and to approve the plans and specifications. 10. FRED ENDERT MUNICIPAL SWIMMING POOL SKYLIGHT AND ROOF REPLACEMENT PROJECT a) Approve the plans and specifications for the Fred Endert Municipal Swimming Pool Skylight and Roof Replacement Project. b) Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Red Sky Roofing in the amount of $60,624 to complete the Fred Endert Municipal Swimming Pool Skylight and Roof Replacement Project contract #2014-31, contingent upon City Attorney review and COBG compliance. c) Authorize the City Manager to execute contract change orders in the amount of $10,000 or less. On a motion by Council Member Schellong and seconded by Council Member Gastineau the City Council of the City of Crescent City approved the plans and specifications for the Fred Endert Municipal Swimming Pool Skylight and Roof Replacement Project contract # 2014-031; authorized the City Manager to execute an agreement with Red Sky Roofing in the amount of $60,624 to complete the Fred Endert Municipal Swimming Pool Skylight and Roof Replacement Project contract # 2014-031, contingent upon City Attorney review and CDBG compliance; and authorized the City Manager to execute contract change orders in the amount of S10,OOO or less for the Fred Endert Municipal Swimming Pool Skylight and Roof Replacement Project. NEW BUSINESS 11. Resignation of City Clerk Robin Patch and filling of vacancy. 6 City Council Minutes11/03/14 City Manager Palazzo introduced Martha Rice to explain this item. Ms. Rice described that there is a 30 day allotment to fill the vacancy of city clerk from the October 20, 2014 resignation. On a motion by Council Member Enea and seconded by Council Member Murray and carried on a 5-0 polled vote the City Council of the City accepted the resignation of City Clerk Robin Patch and directed staff to advertise for applications for the position. Council Member lVIurray asked what percentage was needed to pass Measure C and Ms. Rice stated majority. CITY COUI\lCIL ITEMS • Legislative Matters - None • City Manager Report and City Council Directives - City Manager Palazzo updated the Council on the status of discussions with the State Water Board regarding the SRF loan. He described the City staff team that has been working on this issue and some of the history leading up to now and thanked the Council for providing staff with the resources they needed to get to the current situation. The City presented a state loan modification request including an ask to negate the 2.4% interest rate, a schedule to graduate payments, and funding for future improvements to the state. The State brought back an recommendation for an agreement with 0% interest but without the other two conditions. After more discussion by Mr. Palazzo the State proposal is now 0% and graduated payments increasing over 6 years. This is the recommendation not the finalization. This item goes to the State board on November 18, 2014, and the board will consider these two resolutions. If approved this will need about a 5% rate increase annually starting on July 1, 2015 for the next 4 years to make it work. Staff will be contacting members of the water board after they receive the staff report this Friday to communicate our need. The City w ill also send a team including Mr. Holley, Mr. Palazzo, Ms. Boyd, Mr. Wier, Mr. Black and Ms. Mayer to be at the meeting. This will save the ratepayers 15million dollars, but it requires community support. Council Member Schellong asked if we are going to send all of these people to Sacramento will they all need to speak. Palazzo hopes that it is approved without discussion but if the discussion happens we need all members of the team there to answer the questions as fully as possible. lVIayor Holley stated that he feels it is important for the Water Board to see the support the team will show by being there. Schellong asked if the city has reached out to congressmen and Palazzo stated not yet as we are waiting for the staff report due on Friday. Council Member Murray states her appreciation to the team for being tenacious and doing great work. 7 City Council Minutes11/03/14 • Reports, Concerns, Referrals, Council travel and training reports- Council Member Enea: attended chamber mixer last week; attended meeting with CalTrans with Mayor Holley to discuss impact of Last Chance Grade failure; Council Member Schellong: the Redwood Empire Division fundraiser was cancelled due to rain and will be rescheduled next year; would like to see Crescent City host next year; there is a Chamber mixer Thursday with College of the Redwoods; Big 5 ribbon cutting November 20, 2014; County against Cancer was an amazing success last Saturday and raised around 8k; please remember to vote on F to save the fairgrounds, and C to change the clerk to appointed; next meeting will be her last; good luck to Mr. Slagle in audience. Council Member Murray: did not attend any meetings; mail in ballots can be brought in to the county clerk's office; yay to the Giants; Council Member Schellong also mentioned the Warriors win, Council Member Murray concurs. Mayor Pro Tem Gastineau: Get out to vote open at 7 and closes at 8. Mayor Holley: Thanks for Pro Tem for being acting mayor at last meeting while a new grand child was born (boy); DNSWMA before last meeting; last chance grade economic impact meeting; band played at the food festival at the cultural center. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Holley adjourned the meeting at 7:47 to the next regular scheduled meeting on Monday, l'Jovember 17th at 5:00 p.m. at the Flynn Center Board Chambers, 981 H Street. ATTEST: Kymmie Scott, Deputy City Clerk Vision: The City of Crescent City will continue to stand the test of time and promote quality of life and community pride for our residents, businesses and visitors through leadership, diversity, and teamwork. Mission: The purpose of our city is to promote a high quality of life, leadership and services to the residents, businesses, and visitors we serve. The City is dedicated to providing the most efficient, innovative and economically sound municipal services building on our diverse history, culture and unique natural resources. Values: Accountability Honesty & Integrity Excellent Customer Service Effective & Active Communication Teamwork 8 City Council Minutes11/03/14 Fiscally Responsible 9 City Council Minutes11/03/14 Accounts Payable Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number User' Printed: Check No ACH ACH ACH 422402 422403 422404 422405 422406 422407 422408 422409 422410 422411 422412 422413 422414 422415 422416 422417 422418 422419 422420 422421 422422 422423 422424 422425 422426 422427 422428 422429 422430 422431 422432 422433 422434 422435 422436 422437 422438 422439 422440 422441 422442 422443 422444 422445 blaCey ~ 11 /10/20 140 AM Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date EDDTAX FITTAX PERS2 GARYBUcr WAMUTU CCPOLl ICMARE NCHEAL PARS SEAWOOD AT&T2 BATTSYS BBEST&KR BLARAE BLUEST CRENNE ZCAWTR3 CAMPTO CHARTEC COASTT COLBURN CUSTDES DNCOTA DNSOLl DELPHI DISPLAYS ENGLUN FARM GARClAGA GOLDBEAC GRAING GREENEHO HDFOWLEF HABITATH INDEPE [NSCOREB 18JORDAN MAILRJ\1 MENDES SEAWOOD MISSIO MUNIQUIP NORMAN NCLAB NCAGLOV OFFICEMA OTIS E State of California EDD TAX Auto Pay FIT Payroll Taxes Auto Pay Public Emp Retirement Sys Gary R. Buchholz Crescent City Employees Association Crescent City Police Officer's Association Icma Retirement TlUst-457 Northcoast Health Screen. PARS, Public Agency Retirement Walter Miller At&t Battery Systems Best Best & Krieger, Attorneys Rae Blasingame Blue Star Gas C Renner Petroleum Inc Calif Water Environment Campton Electric 111C Charter Communication Inc Coast TlUe Value Hardware Colburn Electric Cuslom Dezign Graphics ON Co Tax Collector Del Norle Solid Waste Delphi Enterprises Inc Display Sales Englund Marine Supply Co. Fernbridge Tractor & Equi Maria Garcia-Gamez Gold Beach Lumber Yard, Inc. Grainger Holly Greene H. 0, Fowler Habitat for Humanity Independent Bu siness Forms, In Blake Inscore 18 Jordan & Associates The Mail Room Mendes Supply Company Walter Miller Mission Uniform & Linen Muniquip Norman S Wright Mechanical Equipment ( North Coast Laboratories Northern Calif Gloves Offtce Max Inc. Otis Elevator Company Inc 1012712014 10127120]4 1012712014 0.00 4,460.09 0.00 21,101.63 0.00 33,86330 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 0.00 695.55 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 10/27/20 I4 10/31 /2014 10/31 / 2014 10131/20 14 10/3112014 10/31 /2014 10/3112014 10/31 /2014 10/31 /2014 AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number (J 1/10/20 14 8:12 AM) Void Checks Check Amount 0.00 105.00 000 350.00 0.00 4,984.69 000 400.00 000 300.00 0.00 1,800.00 0.00 1, 150.44 0.00 8063 0.00 4,32536 000 1,300.00 0.00 3,882 .72 0.00 4,279.50 0.00 79.00 10/31 /2014 0.00 1,904 .27 10/31 /2014 0.00 65 .00 10/31/2014 000 376. 23 427.50 10/3112014 0.00 10/3112014 0.00 52 .68 10/3112014 10/31/2014 0.00 86564 0.00 15 .65 1013112014 0.00 3,00000 10/31/2014 10/3112014 0.00 297.42 0.00 27437 10/3112014 10/31/2014 10131/2014 10/3 1/2014 10/3112014 10/3 112014 0.00 518.8 I 0.00 575 .00 0.00 28. 95 0.00 10932 0.00 75.00 0.00 882.24 1013112014 0.00 575.00 10/31 /2014 0.00 160.66 10/31 /2014 0.00 75.00 10/31 /2014 10/31 /2014 10131 /2014 10/31 /2 014 10131 /2 014 10/3112014 10/3112014 10131 /2 014 10/3112014 10/31 /2 014 10/31 /2 014 000 662.00 0.00 621.3 7 0.00 407.11 0.00 700.00 000 10121 0.00 2,0 12.0 1 0.00 2, 155.38 000 2,882. 00 000 185.56 0.00 44 7.50 0.00 285.49 Check No 422446 422447 422448 422449 422450 422451 422452 422453 422454 422455 422456 422457 422458 422459 422460 422461 422462 422463 422464 422465 422466 422467 422468 422469 422470 422471 422472 422473 422474 422475 422476 422477 422478 422479 422480 422481 422482 422483 422484 Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date PHENOVA PHILLIPS RENODA RURALH SHORTDA ZCATRA ZCAWTRI THRIFT UNIVAR VERIZ03 VWRINTER WAKEFMAI WESTCOP WILLJOHN A&BSTO ALLCRE BOYDEM CRENNE CHAMPII CHARTEC CITYTR CRESUNIF VERIZ02 UB*03455 HAPPY DIVERS KINGAARO UB*03453 UB*03454 NANMCK HASLER NCSMAL OFFICEMA PACPOW UB*03452 QUILLC ROOKRYAl' TAYLORE CALCARDS Phenova Tom Phillips Dana Reno Rural Human Services Darrin Short ST CA: Dept Of Transport. St WIr Resource CntrI Brd Thrifty Supply Univar USA Inc. Verizon Wireless VWR International Marc Wakefield West Coast Paper Co John Williams A & B Storage & Record All Creatures Animal Emily Boyd C Renner Petroleum Inc Champion Awards & Engraving Charter Communication Inc City Treasurer Crescent Uni formslSupply Frontier JUSTIN HALL Happy Software Inc Hub International Aaron C King JESSYKA-LI MAAS ANTHONY MORIN Nan Mckay & Assoc., Inc Neopost USA Inc. North Coast Small Busines Office Max Inc. Pacific Power HEATHER PILLfNG Quill Corporation Ryan Rook Eric Taylor US Bank Corporate Pmt Systems 10/31/2014 10/31/2014 10/3112014 10/31/2014 10/31/2014 10/31/2014 10/31/2014 10/31/2014 10/3112014 10/31/2014 10/31/2014 10/31/2014 10/31/2014 10/31/2014 11/07/2014 11/07/2014 11107/2014 11/07/2014 11/07/2014 11/0712014 11/07/2014 11/07/2014 11/0712014 11/07/2014 11/07/2014 11/07/2014 11/07/2014 11/07/2014 11/07/2014 11/07/2014 11/07/2014 11/07/2014 11/07/2014 11/07/2014 11/07/2014 11/07/2014 11107/2014 11/07/2014 11/07/2014 Report Total (86 checks): Ar Checks by Dale - Surrunary by Check Number (11/10/2014 8:12 AM) Void Checks 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 Check Amount 375.96 42.00 I J 7.00 58,98 I .00 75.00 97.98 150.00 536.04 4,374.01 206.93 64.82 42.00 951.38 75.00 540 163.18 69.04 1.23508 11.75 1.12001 23.00 9342 1,73039 405.00 6.503.00 329.36 311.10 97.84 108.75 222.41 2,88638 42,719.00 247.06 48,434.09 78.06 7932 42.00 102.95 2,259.43 0.00 279,262.42 Page 2 Accounts Payable Check Report - Council ~ User: blacey Printed IIIlO/20 U Check Num :13 AM Check Da Account Description 0 10/27/2014 (, 10-000-21S5-0000C PR Batch 00002.10.2014 State Income Tax 0 10/27/2014 (,10-000-21 S9-0000C PR Batch 00002.10.2014 Federal Income Tax 0 10/27/2014 (, I 0-000-2IS8-0000C 0 10/27/2014 0 Amount Selected for Vo 4,453.64 no 1(',950.15 no PR Batch 00002.10.2014 Medicare Employee Ponion 2,025.15 no (, I 0-000-2IS8-0000C PR Batch 00002.10.2014 Medicare Employer Portion 2,025.15 no 10/27/2014 61 0-000-2IS7 -OOOOC PR Batch 00002.10.2014 EE paid EE Contribution 8,494.15 no 44436 no 8.S8 no 31.09 no 24,41236 no 414.18 no 58.2S no 0 10/27/2014 610-000-2IS7-0000C PR Batch 00002.10.2014 ER paid EE Contribution 0 10/27/2014 (, 10-000-2IS7-0000C PR Batch 00002.10.2014 EPMC employees 0 10/27/2014 610-000-21 S7-0000C PR Batch 00002.10.2014 EE EPMC Contribution 0 10/27/2014 (, 10-000-2IS7-0000C PR Batch 00002.10.2014 ER Contribution 0 10/27/2014 (, 10-000-2IS7-0000C PR Batch 00002.10.2014 Service Credit Purchase 0 10/27/2014 (, 10-000-2 I S7-0000C PR Batch 00002.10.2014 Survivor Benefll 0 10/27/2014 G10-000-2IS8-0000C PR Batch 00111.10.2014 Medicare Employee Portion 0.S9 no 0 10/27/2014 (,10-000-2ISS-0000C PR Batch 00111.10.2014 Medicare Employer Portion no 0 10/27/2014 (, I 0-000-2 IS 5-0000C PR Batch 00911.102014 State Income Tax 0.89 (,.45 0 10/27/2014 (, 10-000-2IS9-0000C PR Batch 00911.10.2014 Federal Income Tax ('2.S4 no 0 10/27/2014 (, 10-000-2IS8-0000C PR Balch 00911.10.2014 Medicare Employee Ponion IS.2S no 0 10/27/2014 (, I 0-000-2 I SS-OOOOC PR Batch 00911.10.2014 Medicare Employer Portion IS.28 no 422402 10/27/2014 001-240-4407-0000C Pre-employment background investigations 695.55 no 422403 10/27/2014 (, 10-000-2 I S4-0000C PR Batch 00002.10.2014 Misc EE Association Fund 105.00 no 422404 10127/2014 ('1 0-000-2IS I-OOOOC PR Batch 00002.10.2014 CCPOA Dues 350.00 no 422405 10/27/2014 (, 10-000-2 I78-0000C Sub# 10 IS69091 Plan#300S78 2,958.00 no 422405 10/27/2014 (, 10-000-2 I 78-0000C Sub#101S69091 Plan#300S78 S19.S4 no 422405 10/27/2014 (, I0-000- 2 IS 8-0000C Sub#IOIS69117 Plan#306752 15330 no 422405 10/27/2014 (, 10-000-2 ISS-OOOOC Sub# 10 IS69117 Plan#306752 73 I. 1 I no 422405 10/27/2014 (, 10-000-2 I78-0000C Sub# 101869091 Plan#300878 230.S9 no 422405 10/27/2014 610-000-2 I SS-OOOOC Sub# 10 IS69117 Plan#306752 15.S8 no 422405 10127/2014 (, 10-000-2ISS-0000C Sub#IOIS69117 Plan#306752 75.(,7 no 422406 10/27/2014 00 1-4S0-4407 -OOOOC (7) pre-emp screenings 2S0.00 no 42240fi 10/27/20 [4 001-240-4407-0000C (I) pre-emp screening 40.00 no 422406 42240(, 10/27/2014 001-230-4407 -OOOOC (I) pre-emp screening 40.00 no 10/27/2014 001-4S0-4407-0000C (I) pre-emp screening 40.00 no 422407 10/27/2014 G30-111-4409-0000C Aug 14 admin fees 300.00 no 422408 10/3 1/2014 001-240-4407-0000C Housing for interim Chief of Police: rent and c leaning fee 422409 10/3112014 001-1 I 1-4230-0000C Phone use 9/22-10/211l4 422409 10/3112014 001-230-4230-0000C 422409 10/3112014 001-240-4230-0000C 422409 10/31/2014 422409 no 1,800.00 no 675.39 no Phone use 9/22-10/21 I 14 5.42 no Phone use 9/22-10/21114 1(,870 no 413-352-4230-0000C Phone use 9/22-1 0/21114 3(,05 10/31/2014 001-480-4230-0000C Phone use 9/22-1 0/21114 13.22 no no 422409 10/31/2014 419-120-4230-0000C Phone use 9/22-10/21 I 14 22.22 no 422409 10/3112014 419-371-4230-0000C Phone use 9/22-1 0/21114 13.25 no 422409 10/31/2014 50S-50S-4230-0000C Phone use 9/22-10/21114 7509 no 422410 10/3112014 50S-50S -4390-0000C batteries 80.63 no 422411 10/31/2014 00 I-I 30-441 O-OOOOC BBK legal services FY 1411 5 as budgeted 514.80 no 422411 10/3 [12014 00 1-1 30-44 10-0000C BBK legal services FY 1411 5 as budgeted 908.% no 422412 10/31/2014 412-100-4450-0000C Maintenance for Shoreline RV Park 1,300.00 no Accounts Payable - Check Report - Council (III I0/20 14 - S: 13 AM) Page I of 6 Amount Checl{ Num Check Da Account DesCI"iption 422413 10/31/2014 001-480-4 no-ooooe Propane 3,868.81 no 4224 J3 10/3112014 001-471-4220-0000C ?ro]l:lne 13.91 no 422414 10/3112014 508- 508-4 330-0000 C Fuel for equipment 4,279.50 no <122415 10131/2014 413- 3S 1-4S50-0000C Lab Analyst G I Cen Renewal for Regina Thill 79.00 no 422410 10/3J12014 413-356-4390-3S022 150 wart Mog 47.89 no 422416 ! 0/3 Jl20 I 4 413-350-4390-35022 cond body, Dex connector, adapter, wire 53.78 no 422416 10/3112014 413-356-4390-35022 conduit seal. liquidite, connector 50.04 no 42241() 10/31/2014 4 13-356-4390-35022 label lap.: 24.61 no 42241(i 10/3112014 001 -480-4390-0000C clear lamps 47.09 no 422410 10/3112014 001-480-4390-0000C exil sign, emergency light 123.20 no 422416 10131120 14 001-480-4390-0000C fluor lamp, ba lIast 19.47 no 422410 1013112014 5011-S06-4390-0000C lamp tracker, triguard box 107.07 no 412410 10/31/2014 413-357-4390-0000C nipple, pipe strap, entrance ell 12.55 no 422416 10/31/2014 00 1-364-4350-1 002~ Mod HPS lamp no 422416 JO/31/2014 413-357-4390-0000C electrical tools for Eelctrical Mechanical Operational Technicia 35.99 1190,(;9 422416 10/3112014 419-371-4390-0000C electrical tools for Eelctrical Mechanical Operational Technic!s 690,()9 no Selected fot' Vo no 422417 IO/J 112014 419-37J-4210-0000C broadband for security c1224 J 8 10131/2014 001-480-4390-0000C screws, washers 4224 \ 8 1013112014 00 I -480-4390-0000C hardware, nuts, bolts, compound 12.91 no 422418 10/3112014 001-480-4390-0000C crimp cup 20.09 no 422418 10/31/2014 413-357-4390-0000C shop lowels ().43 no 6.44 no 139.17 22.02 no no 2.89 no 65.00 no 0.(10 no 422418 10/31/2014 00 I -480-43 90-0000C cleaner 42241 g 10131/2014 001-480-4390-0000e muriatic acid 42241 & 10/3112014 001-480-4390-0000C lithium grease, grease gun 422418 10/3112014 00 1-240- 43 90-0000C masonr)' bil 422'-118 ]0/3112014 413-357-4390-0000e sprak plug, motor oil. mITile gloves 19 114 no 422418 10/3112014 508- 508 -4 390-0000C sllperlube 10.74 no 422418 10/3112014 508 -508 -43 90-0000e bi-hole saw 15.46 no 422418 10/3112014 50S-50S-4390-0000C RETURN: bi-hole saw -1.49 no 422418 10/31/2014 5OS -508 -4 390-0000e padlock keys 3.85 no 4224 J 8 10/31/2014 508-508-4390-0000e hardware, nu IS, bolts 5.38 no 422418 10/31/2014 508- 508 -4 390-0000C Cu!-of[wheel 5.35 no 42241 R IOJ31120J4 508 -508-4 39 o-ooooe hardware, nuts, bolts 15.67 no 422418 10/31/20 [4 S08-508-4390-0000e full box hard\Vare 12.S9 no -'122418 10/3112014 001-480-4390-0000C pleated a ir fillers 19.3J no 422418 10/3112014 508- 508 -4 390-0000e drill bit 8.58 no 422418 1013112014 413-357-4390-0000( hardware, nuts, boilS 2.90 no 422418 1013 J/20 14 4 J 3-356-4390-35022 tie wrap, anti-seize compound 4224\8 10/31/2014 419-371-4390-0000C padlock keys (122418 10/31/2014 506-506-4390 -ooooe 422418 10/31/2014 001-240-4390-0000C 422419 10/31/2014 413-352-4409-0000C Emergency electric work al WWTP. CLM03. 422420 10/31120[4 001-240-4390-0000e 422421 10/3112014 42 2421 14.72 no no flange rivet 3.85 5.0C) no latex caulk n.14 no 427.50 no set of 2 magnel signs lor VIPS vehicle 52.68 no 419-371-4680-0000e property tax: APN 105-042-10 59.00 no 10/31/2014 419-371-4680-0000C property tax: APN 106-02 1·12 36.80 no 42242\ 1013112014 419-371-4680-0000C property tax:: APN 105-260-1 l 403.16 no 422421 1013112014 419-37J-4fi80-0000C property lax.: APN 110-222-25 20.38 no In2421 10131/2014 419-371-41180-0000C properly tax: APN 117-050-01 83.50 no 422421 J 0131120 14 4 J 9-3 71-4080-0000C property tax: APN 120-280-17 97.12 no 422421 10131/2014 4 19-3 71-4080-0000C property tax: APN '05-100-02 18.42 no 422421 [013 1/2014 419-371-4680-0000C property tax: APN 120-135-01 60.40 no 42242 I 10/31/2014 419-371-4680-0000C property tax: APN 120-135-02 60.74 no 422421 10131/2014 419-371-4680-0000C property tax: APN 110-130-07 20.06 no 422422 1013112014 001-470-4225 -OOOOC refuse disposal 15.65 no 422421 10/3112014 001-240-4480-0000C Code 3 annual support contract 3,000.00 no A ccounts Payable - C heck Report - Council (JIll 0/20 [4 - 8: I 3 AM) Page 201'6 Check Num Check Da Account 422424 10/31/2014 506- 506-4 3 90 -OOOOC 12 US flags for City bldgs and Parks, 4 City flags for City Hall 422425 1013 ]/20 14 508-508-4390-0000C parts for shop 422425 1013112014 4 13- 357-4 390-0000C hooded long coat <122425 10131/2014 419-37 I -4390-0000C 422425 10/31/201 <I 413-353-<l390-0000C <122425 10/31/2014 508-508 -4 390-0000C <122<125 10/31/2014 422<125 10/31/2014 422<125 Description Amount 297.42 Selected fol' Vo no 19,35 no 149.(11 flO suction hose 59.07 nO suction hose 59.07 nO pairing knife 11.29 110 001-470-4390-0000C deck boot 79.10 110 413-357-4390-0000C south primal)' clarifier Cabbie rebulld 20.00 no 10/31/2014 4 19-371-4390-0000C parts 41,07 no 422425 10/31/2014 4 [3-353-4390-0000C parts 4 [,07 no 422425 1013112014 413-356-4390-35022 super sealing lape for emergency repair no 422425 10/31/2014 413-3S7-4390-0000C pipe, rubber 9.92 97.()0 422425 10/3112014 001-480-4390-0000C aircraft cable 24.08 422425 1013 112014 508-508 -43 90 -OOOOC CREDIT: convertalighl kit, hose nozzle no no ho~e -74.48 422425 10/31120 I 4 001-480-4390-0000C a ircraft cable 44.25 422425 10/3112014 00 1-480-4390 -OOOOC get, plastic Clip, blue color agent 24.M <122425 422425 10/3112014 508-508-43 90-0000C CREDIT: toggle switch, LED work light 1013 ]/20 14 001-480-4390-0000C a~tone 422425 10/31/2014 4 I 3-352-4390-0000C CREDIT: eye nut bolt, flat washer, hex nut 422425 10/3112014 508-508-43 90-0000C RETURN reversal: hose nozzle 422425 10/3112014 4 13-352-4390-0000C suction hose 422425 [0/3112014 413-352-4390-0000C 422425 10/31/2014 <122426 no no no -110.20 no 7.(18 110 -36.15 no 30.06 no 12,38 -120,<)0 no CREDIT: rain boots 413-352-4390-0000C CREDIT: rain boots -IOR,20 no I OJ31/20 14 00 1-470-4390 -OOOOC Clutch and hardware for John Deere mower 460.57 no 422426 10/3112014 001-470-4390-0000C seals, ball benrings 58.24 no <122427 10/31/2014 00 J -000-2230-0000C Cultural Center rental deposit refund: 10/181 J4 event date 575.00 no 422428 10/3112014 508-508 -4 390-0000C shipping charges for shop slIpplies 28.95 no 422429 10/3112014 001-230-4391-0000C battery pack #5 I 3].9 I no 422429 10/311201<1 508-508-4] 90 -OOOOC mud flaps 25.41 no 422430 10/3 [120 14 001-313-4560-0000C Planning Commission Stipend: July-Sept 2014 flO 422431 <1224_12 J 0/3\ 120 14 419-371-4390-0000C 12 Ford branch V's to split I" services 75.00 882,24 10/31/2014 001-000-2230-0000C Cliitural Center rental deposit refund: I 0/4114 event date 575.00 no 422434 10/3112014 OOI-313-4560-0000C Planning Commission Stipend: July-Sepl 2014 422435 [0/31120 [4 00 I -480-4390-0000C Swimming pool Jlooring repairs 422436 [OJ] 1/2014 422436 [0/31/2014 4 J 3-352-44 70-0000C 4 [3-352-4470-0000C 422436 10131/2014 -'122436 422436 no nO 75.00 no 002.00 no Lab sample delivery services 84.59 no Lab sample delivery services 112,85 no 413-352-44 70-0000C Lab sample delivery services I D.23 no 10131/2014 419-37 I -4470-0000C Lab sample delivelJ' services 113.24 no 4 I 9-3 7 I -44 70-0000C Lab sample delivery services 84.60 110 422436 10/3112014 1013 [/2014 419-37J-4470-0000C Lab sample delivery services 112.86 no 422437 1013 [/20 14 00 I -470-4370-0000C Janitorial supplies, invoices: M065422/G5896/66439 183.20 no <122437 10/3112014 001-230-4370-0000C Janitorial supplies, invoices: M065422/65896166439 IG.28 no 422417 10/3112014 001-240-4370-0000C Janitorial supplies, invoices: M0654221658%160439 16.28 no 422437 1013112014 001-47 J -4370-0000C Janitorial supplies, invoices: M0654221(i5896/6fi439 16.28 no 422437 10/31/2014 001-480-4370-0000C Jilnitorial supplies, invoices: M065422165896166419 <10.72 110 422437 [0/31/2014 412- 100-4370-0000C Janitorial supplies, ilwoices: M065422/65896/60439 16.28 no 422437 10/31/2014 4 13-352-4370-0000C Janitorial supplies, invoices: MOt;5422/65896/66439 1(i.28 422437 10131/2014 508-508-4370-0000C Janitorial supplies, invoices: M065422/(i58%/66439 20.311 no no 4224_17 10/31/2014 001-350-4370-0000C J;:mitorial supplies, invoices: MO(i54221(i58961(i6439 40.72 no 422437 \0/3 1!2014 00 I -I 11-43 70-0000C Janitorial supplies, invoices: M065422/658%/(16439 no 422438 10/3112014 001-240-4407 -OOOOC Housing for inlel'jm Chief of Police: refundable depo.~it 24.43 700_00 422439 422440 10131/2014 001- I 11-4370-0000C Laundry service 101.21 no [0/]1120[4 413-357-4390-0000C Influent pump impeller Weilr rings 2,01201 no 422441 1013 1/2014 413-J51-4390-0000C Replacement Greenheck Rooftop Exhausl Fan for Lab Cbemical Test 2,[55.38 no "122442 1013 1/2014 413-J52-4470-0000C General external regulator lab tests for water and sewer ul-iliti 2,882,00 no Accounts Payable - Check Report - Council (I II 10/2014 - 8: 13 AM) no Pllge 3 of 6 Check Num Check Da Account Description Amount 422443 J0/31120 14 419-371-4390-0000C sa fety glasses 10.16 no 422443 10/31/2014 4J 3-353-4390-0000C sa fety glasses 10.16 no -:1.22443 10/3112014 4 I 3-353-4390-0000C gloves 153.24 no 422445 422446 10/3112014 001-471-4450-0000C Elevator serv ice for NOV 285A0 no 10/31/2014 41 J-351-4685-0000C Annual QualilY Assllrance Program Pmficiency testing required to 375.% no 422447 1013[/2014 001-230-4530-0000C ARFF Live Fire Training: meal balance 42.00 no 422448 10/31/2014 001-3 13-4560-0000C Planning Commission Stipend: July-Sept 2014 75.00 no 422448 1013 (/2014 00 I -230-4530-0000C ARfF Live fire Training: meal balance 42.00 no -122'-149 10/3112014 00 I -I I 1-4400-000OC Food Bank Services 7-9/14 34,320.00 no 422449 J 0/3\/20)4 00 I-I 11-44 OO-OOOOC Harrington House Seevices 7-9/14 24,661.00 no 422450 I 0/3 \nO I 4 001-313-4560-0000C Planning Commission Stipend: Jl!ly-Sept 2014 75.00 110 422451 10/3112014 001-364-4390-1002 :: Jllly-Sept 2014 signals and lighting 97,98 no 422452 10/3 ]/2014 419-371-4550-0000C Water Dist Cen G2: Tom Romesberg 8000 no 422452 10/31120L4 419-37 [-4550-COOOC Water Dist Cen G 1: Regina Thi II 422453 10/3112014 413-353-4390-0000C coupling, caps, leflan tape 422453 10/3112014 413-357-4390-0000C PVC, primer, cement 422453 10/31/2014 413-357-4390-0000C a-rings 422453 10/3112014 413-357-4390-0000C 422453 10/3112014 422453 Selecte.d for Vo 7000 no 162.43 no 69.13 no 122.98 no bllshing, elbow 9.48 no 413-351-4390-0000C removable insert 83.75 no 10/3112014 413-357-4390-0000C saddle tee 88.27 no 422454 10/3112014 419-371-4340-0000C Annual PO for sodium hypochlorite for water utility. I 2. 5°/', He II 931.83 no 422454 10/31/2014 413-352-4340-0000C Annual PO for sodium hypochlorite for sewer lttility. 12.5% 3,442.18 no 422455 10/3112014 00 1- I 11-4230-0000C 0.77 no 422455 IOJ3 1/2014 001-230-4230-0000C eel phone use 9/13-10112/14 eel phone use 9/13-10/[2/14 0.57 no 422455 10/3112014 508-508-4230-0000C Cel phone lise 9/iJ-I0/12f14 0.44 no 422455 10/3112014 001-480-4230-0000C Cel phone lise 9/13-101 I 2/L4 no 422455 422455 10/31/2014 001-240-4230-0000C Cel phone use 9/13-10/12/14 0.38 I() 1.50 10/31/2014 001-350-4230-0DOOC Cel phone use 9/13-10/12/14 1.94 no 422455 r 013 ]/20 14 419-371-4230-0DOOC Cel phone use 9/13-10112114 2.75 no 422455 10/3 ]/20 I 4 413-352-4230-0000C Cel phone use 91 13~ 101 121 14 no 422455 10/3 Ll20}4 413-351-4230-0000C eel phone use 9/13-10/12/14 38.20 0,[9 422456 10/3112014 413-351-4390-0000C General lab supplies no no no He fi no no 422457 1013 lI20 14 001-230-4530-0000C ARFF Live Fire Training: meal balance 64.82 42,00 422458 [0/3 lI2014 001-111-43 10-0000C 8.5x 11" bright white paper 76, II '-122458 IO/3l12014 001-113-43 J O-OOOOC 8.5x I I" bright white paper '-122458 1013 1/2014 001-120-43 10-OOOOC 8.5x [ I" bright white paper 38.06 57,08 422458 10/31/2014 8.5x.1 [" bright white paper 10/3112014 8.5x [ 1" brighr wh lIe paper 209.30 57.08 no '-122458 00 1-350-43 10-0000C 4 [ 3 - L20-4 3 10-COOOC 422458 10/3]/2014 4 J9-120-431 O-OOOOC 8.5x I I" bright wh ite paper 57.08 no -122458 10/3112014 00 [- 240-431 O-OOOOC 8.5x I I" bright white paper 123.68 no 422458 10/3112014 413-352-4310-0000C 8.5x 1I" bright white paper 38.06 no no no 422458 1013 Jl20 14 413-351-4310-0000e 8.5x II" bright white paper 38.06 no no -122'-159 10/3112014 001-313-45(\0-OOOOC PlalU1ing Commission Stipend: July-Sept 201-'l 75.00 no 4224110 11107/2014 00 [ -I I I -4450-0000C SAO no 422461 11/07/2014 001-240-4380-0000C access 3 boxes (Payroll) Medical care as needed for 1(9 124.18 no 422'-161 1[/07/2014 001-240-4380-0000C Medical care as needed for K9 39.00 no 422462 IlI07/2014 001- [ 11-4400-0000C CDBG Training: meals/mileage balance (i9.04 no 422463 11107/2014 001-230-4330-0000C Fuel for tire fighting vehicles FY 14- J5 64.18 no 422463 1[107/2014 001-240-4330-0000C Fuel for parrol cars 1,120.90 no 422463 1 Ll07/20 14 508-508-4330-0000C Fuel for equipment 50.00 no 422464 11107/2014 00 1-240-4 320-0000e engraved nameplate for Officer Owen 11.75 no 422465 11/07/20[4 419-371-4230-0000C broadband for securicy 65.00 no 422465 11107/20 [4 412- [00-4230-0000C Cable Service - 1,322.54 no 422465 1I/07J2014 412-100-4230-0000C Cable Selvlce - -267,53 no '-122466 11/07/2014 001-120-4400-0000C DNCO Recorder: copies of deeds for auditol' 9,00 no Accollnts Payable - Check Report - Council (I )/10/2014 - 8: 13 AM) Page 4 of 6 Check Nurn Check Da Account Descrirtion 4224(i(} 11/07/2014 001-120-4400-0000e DNCO Recorder: copies of deeds for auditor -122467 1)/07/2014 001 -240-4J20-0000C Belts for Officer Gil! 422468 11/0712014 413-352-4230-0000C Trr PI! pbone line Amount Selected for Vo 14,00 no 93.42 126.81 no no 422468 11/07/2014 41 J-35J-4230-0000e Lab phone 464-5416 77.99 no 422468 lll07/2014 419-371-4230-0000e Water System Phone 4()4-2826 - 37.g2 no 422468 11107/2014 001-240-4230-0000e Radio to Sherriff - 27,73 no 4224()8 11/07/2014 001 -480-423 o-ooooe Pool Phone 465-5 7(}1 - 8~,99 no 422468 IlI0712014 412-100-4230-0000C Monthly Phone Bill 100.14 no 422468 11/0712014 00 I-I 1 1-4230-0000e City Hall Shared Phone - 202.3 I 422468 11/07/2014 413-120-4230-0000e City Hall Shared Phone - 425.76 no no 422468 1[/07/2014 4 J 9-120-423 o-ooooe City Hall ShMcd Phone- 425.75 no 422468 11107/2014 4 12-100-42 30-0000e City Hall Shared Phone - 63.55 no 4224()<) 11107/2014 419-000-2110-0000e Refund Check 405.00 no 422471 11/07/2014 001-000-223 I-ooooe Special Event Ins: M.Garcia 10/18/14 146.62 no t122t171 11/0712014 001-000-2231-0000e Special Event Ins: First 5 of DN 10125/14 182.74 no 422472 11/0712014 001- 240-4530-0000e ITO Training in Napa: meal advance no 422473 1I/07/20J4 4 19-000-21 lo-ooooe Refulid Check 311.10 97,84 422474 1I/07120J4 419-000-21 lO-OOOOC Refund Check 108.75 no 422476 11/07/2014 001-120-4312-0000e (I) IHWP5 (I) IH600AF - purchase new postage machine 110 422476 11/0712014 413-120-4312-0000e (I) {HWP5 (1) 1H600AF - purchase new postage machine 895,00 8<)5,00 422476 11/07/20\4 419-120-4312-0000e (I) frlWP5 (I) IH600AF - purchase new postage machine 8<)5,00 no 422476 11/0712014 001-120-4310-0000C sales tax for new postage machine 67.12 no 422476 11/0712014 413-120-4310-0000e sales tax for new postage machine 67.13 00 422476 1110712014 4 19- t 20-4 31 o-ooooe sales tax [or new postage machine IlI07/20 14 001-JII-4400-0000C I O-EDEF- 7253 Micro Enterprise: SEPT 67.13 27,1)()0,OO no 422477 422477 1110712014 001-JII-4400-0000e 10-EDEF-7253 Micro Enterprise: AUG J4,75<),00 no 422478 11/07/2014 001-120-43JO-OOOOe pens [or Finance Director 25.40 422473 11/0712014 413-120-4310-0000e Toner for utility dept printer 110.83 no no no 110 no 422473 11/07/2014 4J9-120-4310-0000e Toner for utiliI)' dept printer 110.83 no 422479 1I/07/20J4 001-1 I 1-4210-0000e Electriciry Oct 1-28.2014 185.30 no 422479 11/07/2014 001-230-4210-0000C ElectTlciry Oct 1-2g, 20l'l 169.64 no 422479 11/0712014 00 1-240-421 o-ooooe Electriciry OCI 1-28, 2014 534.76 no 422479 IJ/0712014 001-304-4210-10023 Electricity Oct 1-28,2014 6,341.26 no 422479 11/0712014 001-470-4210-0000e Electricity Oct 1-28, 2014 781.24 no 422470 11/07/2014 001-471-4210-0000e Electricity Oct J-28, 2014 1,156.21 no 422479 11/07/2014 001-480-4210-0000C Electricity Oct 1-28, 2014 2,533.67 no 422479 11/0712014 412-100-4210-0000C Electricity Oct 1-28, 2014 no 422479 11107/2014 413-120-4210-0000e Electricity Oct 1-28,2014 2, 109.74 16().2\ 422479 11/07/2014 413-351-4210-0000C Electricity Oct 1-28,2014 855.94 no 422479 11/0712014 413-352-4210-0000e Electricity Oct 1-28,2014 15,97fU5 no 422479 11/0712014 413-353-4210-0000e Electricity Oct 1-28, 2014 12.64 no 422479 11/0712014 413-353-4210-3501 S Electricity Oct 1-28, 2014 343.47 no 422470 11/0712014 419-120-4210-0000e EleCLricity Oct 1-28,2014 166.20 no 422479 11/0712014 419-371-42IO-0000e Electricity OCII-28. 2014 42247<) 11/07/2014 508-508-4210-0000e ElectTiciry Oct 1-28,2014 16,0t17.37 717.54 110 nO no 422480 11/07/2014 419-000-2110-0000e Refund Check 78.06 no 4224RI 11107/2014 001-120-4310-0000e printing calculator 26.44 no 422481 11/07/2014 4 13-120-431 o-ooooe printHlg ca Icularor 26A4 no "122481 11/07/2014 419- 120-43 10-0000e printiog calculator 2(i...l4 no 422482 11/07/2014 001-230-4530-0000e ARFF Training: meal balance 42.00 no 4224~3 11107/2014 001-251-45 10-0000e 2014 Annual Code Enf Seminar: meall>alance 102.95 no 422·184 4224i14 1110712014 001-2S1-4550-0000e ICC - 811 ild ing Inspector cen ificate renewa I for Chuck Wi Iliams 212.50 no 11/07/2014 420-115-43 J 2-0000e AMAZON - replacement UPSlbatteJY backup, budgeted item no 4224R4 11/07/2014 001-240-4240-0000e USPS; stamps 422484 11/07/2014 420-115-4450-0000e SPAMHERO: anti-spam service OCT S04.81 99,85 (\,95 Accounts Payable - Check Report- Council (11/[0/2014 - 8: 13 AM) no no Page 5 of 6 Check Num Check Da Account Descfi p tion 4224S4 11/07/2014 001-251-4510-0000C 20 I4 Code Enf Seminar: gas, E.Taylor 48.10 no 422434 11/07/2014 001-240-4390-0000C EVIDENT: evidence sealing tape 94.00 no 4224g4 I J/07/20\4 001-480-4377-0000C WALMART: inventory (towels) 11.25 no 4224R<4 11/0712014 4 J3-357-4390-0000C PA YFAL: Fllji Magnetic Contactor FC-IUL lot of7 228.98 no 422484 11/07/2014 001-480-4376-0000C MISC: snack bar inventory 27.56 no 422484 11/07/2014 001-1 I 1-4530-0000C LOCe: 2014 Legislative lVebinar, E.Palazzo 4224R4 11/07/2014 001-480-437 s-ooooe MISe: s}1ilck bar uwenlory 4224R4 11/07/2014 001-113-4510-0000e CSUHUMBOLDT: notary 4224fi4 11/0712014 00 1-350-42 30-0000C 4224R4 11/07/2014 4224R4 Amount Selected for Vo 25.00 no 265.15 no 149.00 no PA YPAL: cool' cal) serv ice 12.17 no 00 1-480-43 79-0000C MISC: snack bar inventory 2.07 no 11/07/2014 420-1IS-4390-0000e PA YPAL: replacement storage 99.94 no 4224f\4 11/0712014 001-1 I 1-4S30-0000C SAFE WAY: Strategic Planning Mtg. food 85.17 no 422484 [ 1/07/2014 001-480-4379-0000C WALMART: inventory (lowels) 0,99 no 4224~4 11107/2014 001-240-4390-0000C AMAZON: replacemenr battery for cordless phone 49.99 no '-122434 11107/2014 420-1 15-4450-0000C FUiUREQUEST: web hosting 33.95 no COHrse, K.Scon 268,214.72 Accounts Payable· Check Report - Council (I lit 012014 - 8'!3 AM) Page 6 of' 6 CITY OF CRESCENT CITY PAYROLL END DATE Novemb., " 2014 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL REPORT PAYROLL PAID DATE November 7, 2014 CHECK NUMBERS Regular Pay Dept #110 City Council Dept #111 Admin/City Manager Overtime 1,409.85 Gross Pay ~ CKS # 107573-107586 # Empl Notes 1,409.85 5 11,010.07 4 11,997.97 11,997.97 6 5,007.39 5,007.39 10,654.88 355.19 Dept #113 City Clerk Dept #120 Finance/Utility Billing Dept #230 Fire Department Dept #240 Police Department Dept #313 Planning Dept #350 Public Works-All Depts 26,691.35 2,099.99 4,633.46 52,576.65 28,791.34 2 + Volunteers 11+2 Part-time 4,633.46 4,500.77 57,077.42 2 28+ 3 Part-time Dept #360 Bldg Maint & Equipment Dept #480 Swimming Pool Fund Dept #490 Housing Authority TOTALS Merged with Dept 350 7,683.03 97.15 7,780.18 2+14 Part-time 7,535.16 128,189.74 7,053.10 7,535.16 135,242.84 63 + 20 Part-time 3 + 1 Part-time The payroll summarized above is listed where assigned. The actual costs of each employee are allocated each pay period to the department and/or fund where the actual work was performed. 3 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT TO: MAYOR HOLLEYAND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: EUGENE M. PALAZZO, CITY MANAGER(;..r' BY: EMILY BOYD, FINANCE DIRECTOR DATE: NOVEMBER 17, 2014 SUBJECT: RECEIVE AND FILE MONTHLY BUDGET-TO-ACTUAL FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE CITY'S MAJOR OPERATING FUNDS FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 2014; TAKE ACTION AS NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE P ~ RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file monthly Budget-to-Actual Financial Report of the City's major operating funds for the month of October 2014. BACKGROUND: In order to provide timely information to the City Council and to the public, the City's Finance Department has prepared the attached monthly budget-to-actual report which provides a summary overview of revenues and expenses of the City's major operating funds: General Fund, Housing Fund, Shoreline RV Park Fund, Sewer Fund and Water Fund. FISCAL ANALYSIS: Preparation of this report is informational in nature and has no direct fiscal impact. STRATEGIC PLAN ANALYSIS: This report is consistent with the 2014 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Objective 2, "Maintain responsible financial management and accountability" and Goal 3, Objective 2, "Develop and maintain responsible fiscal management and accountability". 4 City of Crescent City FY 2014-15 Generol Fund Operatjng Report As of October 31J 2014 % of Year Remaining: 66.-r/o Remaining De scription Notes Budget Actual Encumbered Budget % Remaining Non-Departmental Revenue Tax Revenue Licenses & Permits Interest Income Lease-Renlallncome Other Revenue Grants Insurance Reimbursement Charges for Service~ 2 3 4 5 6 3,014,914 257,036 1,664 25,380 281 17,000 60,000 261 712,856 40,973 549 11,515 883 23,780 437 2,302,058 216,063 1,115 13,865 (602) (6,780) 60,000 (176) 76.4% 84.1% 67.0% 54.6% -214.4% 0.0% 0.0% -67.3% 83,501 3,500 83,394 168,617 222,773 106,200 4,000 3,750 213,000 18,150 249,750 4,533,171 20,583 2,186 10,450 101,437 111,580 100,445 1,130 78 66,342 353 6,330 51,268 1,263,177 62,918 1,314 72,944 67,180 111,193 5,755 2,870 3,672 146,658 (353) 11,820 198,482 3,269,994 75.3% 37.5% 87.5% 39.8% 49.9% 5.4% 71.8% 97.9% 68.9% 0.0% 65.1% 79.5% 72.1% 170,200 121,355 98,691 106,207 120,929 103,019 81,500 1357,801 1,690,060 132,519 133,778 151,161 380,112 243,480 126,148 416,211 4,533,171 59,502 40,173 19,020 37,819 20,092 28,363 25,568 100,842 524,269 35,613 64,858 50,595 85,762 76,515 14,988 133,420 1,317,400 110,698 81,182 79,176 32,388 100,537 69,489 51,916 347,316 1,056,433 71,694 68,920 100,290 276,591 164,851 104,256 217,141 2,932,879 65.0% 66.9"/" 80.2% 30.5% 83,1% 67.5% 63.7% 75.9% 62.5% 54,1% 51.5% 66,3% 72.8% 67.7% 82,6% 52.2% Departmental Revenue City Council Community Support City Clerk Fire 7 8 9 10 Police Building & Code Enforcement 11 Planning PWAdmin 12 Streets 13 Parks Cultural Center Swimming Pool General Fund Revenue Total Non -De pan men t al Ex penditu res City Council Administration III Community Support 15 City Clerk 16 Finance City Attorney Fire Police Building & Code Enforcement Planning 17 18 Public Works - Admin Public Works - Streets Public Works ~ Parks Cultural Center Swimming Pool General Fund Expenditure Total 19 20 NET OPERATING RESULTS 495 36,000 300 5,167 4,015 9,643 109,358 25,213 276 17,759 2,114 6,903 65,651 282,893 64.7% (54,223) NOTES: 1 Licenses and Permits Includes bUSiness licemes and frMcllise fees; most of the year's bUSiness licemes have now been paid and franchise fees do not begin coming in until November 2 Some rental revenues are paid annually close to the beginning of the fiscal year, therefore rental revenues appear ahead of budget for the first few periods. 3 Other revenue includes CalCard Rebates Clnd scrap battery rei mbursements 4 Actual to date is CalOES Grant for Elk Creek Revetment from prior fiscal years 5 Insurance reimbursement for Cultural Center Floor pending project completion 6 Charges for services includes book/map sales, copiCS, elc. 7 810 Assess men t Revenue and TUPP contribution 8 Ch arges for serv'tces to other fun ds based upon a perc~ntage of actual costs in curred; therefore when the City CI erk expenses are under budget, the City Clerk revenue will also be under budget. 9 Fife revenues receIpts include prior fiscal year serviccs. 10 Police grants are higher than budget estimates due to an increase in the amount of State funding in the Budget Act of 2014 grants to local agencies (BSCC grantl and inclusion of some DO) grilnt funds from prior fiscal year in the current fiscal year, n Buildl ng permits and plan checks ar~ coming in higher t ha n budget estimates 12 Budget includes potent I al reimb urscmenlS for gener.'!1 public works repa Irs 13 Revenue is park fa(iltty lelllals F \0 perations\Month Iy Report s\FY14 ·15 Reports\FY 15 MOflthlv Reports_Opera tifle Fu nds OCTOBE R Genera I Fund Page 1 of 7 GENERAL FUND NOTES CONT.: 14 Administration budget includes a contingency amount that has not yet been needed; consequently, actual costs are lower than budget. 15 Actual and encumbered includes contribution to the Chamber for the entire year 16 17 18 19 20 Clerk costs are coming in lower than budgeted estimates Of the $35,000 budgeted for Abatement, all but $4,600 has been expended and/or encumbered. Annual LAFCo costs are paid at the beginning of the rrscal year Budget includes $60,000 expenditure for Cultural Center Ooor Encumbrances include propane for the entire year F:\Operatlons\Momhly Reports\FY14·15 Reports\FY15 Monthly Reports_Operating Funds OCTOBER General Fund Page 2 of 7 GENERAL FUND RESERVE SUMMARY As of October 31, 2014 General Fund Reserves as of 6-30-13 1,000,000 Reso 2014-37 RV Park Line of Credit RV Park LOC - Funds drawn to date Remaining LOC Funds Available 100,000 100,000 Advances of CDBG eligible cos ts as approved by Council 10-6-14 333,613 (107,659) 225,954 CDBG Advances to Date' Remaining Advance Fun ds Available 892,341 Net General Fund Reserve 'COBG Advances detail: RHS Food Bank Harrington House SBOC Adams Ashby Group GA costs regarding 2014 Grant Award (107,659) Svc Period : Jun - Sep Jun - Sep Jul Jul- Sep Oct 38,663 40,994 12,470 15,280 252 107,659 F:\Operations\Monthly ~eports\FY14-1S Reports\FY15 Monthly Reports_Operating Funds OCTOBER General Fund Page 3 of 7 City of Crescent City FY 2014-15 Housing Fund Operating Report As of October 31, 2014 % of Year Remaining: 66.7% Remaining Description Revenue Interest Recovery-Admin Fee 50% HUD Admin Revenue HU D Housing Assistance HAP Recovery & Owner Reimb Other PHA Housing Asst Payments Revenue Total Expense Housing Assistance Payments Personnel Housing Admin Finance City Attorney Utilities and telephone Materials and supplies Contracts and services Employee Support Interest remitted to HUD ISF Allocations Expense Total Notes 2 3 4 5 6 7 Budget Actual Encumbered Budget % Remaining 3,089,922 3 2,313 102,812 813,697 4,105 466 923,395 424 10,027 221,753 1,926,553 8,235 (466) n/a 2,166,527 70.1% 2,686,458 936,923 1,749,535 65.1% 306,859 9,884 13,245 1,000 7,140 26,178 22,068 2,842 92,964 2,884 3,629 213,895 7,000 9,616 1,000 5,220 9,194 7,975 644 396 6,676 2,011,150 69.7% 70.8% 72.6% 100.0% 73.1% 35.1% 36.1% 22.7% 100.0% 76.2% 65.2% 427 12,340 324,565 2,740,250 12,340 1,920 5,883 7,099 1,976 11,100 6,994 222 396 8,760 3,084,830 2,084 1,055,364 18,317 5,092 (131,968) NET - ADMINISTRATION 99.4% 81.3% 68.3% 70.3% 66.7% NOTES: 1 Actual includes interest earnings on HAP accoun! only. 2 Budget is an e,timate of the fraud recovery payments we will receive; actual results may vary. 3 Legal services have not been needed yet this year. 11 Office supplies, eqUipment and postage are encumbered in advance 5 Contracts and services are encumbered in advance 6 Professional dues are paid at the beginning of the fiscal year 7 Per HUO rules interest revenue, when earned, will be remitted to HUO HAP Reserve held by HUD 91,657 F:\Operallons\ Monthly Reoorts\ FY14 ·1 5 Reports\ FYl5 MO!ltnly Reports_Operating Funds OCTOBER HOUSIng Page 4 of 7 City of Crescent City FY 2014-15 RV Park Fund Operating Report As of October 31, 2014 % of Year Remaining: 66.7% Remaining Description Notes Revenue Interest 2 Expense Personnel RV Park 1,000 105,972 108,041 215,395 49,259 12,356 Admin Finance Utilities and telephone Matenals and supplies 4 Contracts and services Other operating uses 5 6 ISF Allocations Expense Total NET - ADMINISTRATION Actual 382 Misc sales Rental revenue non-TOT Rental revenue - subject to TOT Revenue Total Budget 15,358 68,961 7,030 29,390 825 28,855 212,034 3,361 Encumbered Budget 292 90 1,123 31,428 (123) 74,544 45,041 63,000 95,641 119,754 14,256 35,003 8,758 3,598 4,215 24,584 5,865 96 12,715 10,484 10,232 69,696 25,945 % Remaining 16,349 11,143 38,512 6,934 76.4% -12.3% 70.3% 41.7% 55.6% 71.1% 70.9% 72.6% 55.8% 98.6% 21.1% 6,191 825 100.0% 18,623 125,989 64.5% 59.4% NOTES: 1 Mise sales have done better than original budget estimates. 2 Visitors Increase during the summer months resulting in higher 1st quarter revenues than during other times of the year 3 Refuse disposal is encumbered for the entire fiscal year in advance 4 Materials and supplies are purchased on an as needed basis 5 Park manager contract is encumbered at the beginning of the fiscal year 6 Budget is for operating permits 7 All Internal Service Funds are recorded qual1erly, except insurance which is recorded at the beginning of the fiscal year Non- TOT =vIsitors stoYlng longer than 30 days Subject to TOT = visitors stoying less than 30 days F:\Operations\Monthly Reports\FY14-1S Reports\FYlS Monthly Reports_Operating Funds OCTOBER RV Park Page 5 of 7 City of Crescent City FY 2014-15 Sewer Fund Operating Report As of October 31, 2014 % of Year Remaining: 66.7% Remaining Description Notes Budget Actual Encumbered Budget % Remaining Revenue Interest Other Income Charges for services Sewer connections Sewer lab County collection systems 2 3 Revenue Total 1,167 3,350 550 4,344,885 53,487 105,515 88,236 4,596,023 1,593,166 86,498 338,052 10,000 336,929 1,225,632 253,503 115,756 572,492 2,938,862 28,841 97,961 1,081 100,842 320,464 :'7,024 28,541 74,478 709,232 2,139,716 1,127,663 1,566,370 17,428 8,200 2,183 548 2,778,515 36,059 97,315 88,236 3,002,857 65.2% 99.7% 63.9% 67.4% 92.2% 100.0% 65.3% 57,657 221,970 8,919 216,093 667,834 185,262 78,606 470,408 1,906,749 66.7% 65.7% 89.2% 64.1% 54.5% 73.1% 67.9% 82.2% 64.9"10 Expense Administration Finance City attorney Sewer lab WWTP operations 5 City collection systems County collection systems WWTP major maintenance 6 Expense Total Debt Service 7 18,121 19,994 237,334 11,217 8 . 608 27,606 322,881 ----~~~------~~~- NET - Revenues minus Expense 1482,555) 1243,729) NOTES: 1 Budget is a placeholder for other revenues 2 Internal service charges (to Water Fund) billing pending. 3 County Service Areas billing pending 4 Legal costs incurred on an as needed basis 5 Refuse disposal, WWTP chemicals, and external lab services are encumbered at the beginning of the fiscal year 6 Engineering and maintenance contracts for this fiscal year are pending 7 The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) applied the City's 8-1-14 payment as follows: $1,012,053 to interest and $115,610 to principal. F:\Operations\Momhly Reports\FY14-15 Reports\FY15 Monthly Reports_Operating Funds OCTOBER Sewer Page 6 of 7 City of Crescent City FY 2014-15 Water Fund Operating Report As of October 31,2014 % of Year Remaining: 66.7% Remaining Descri~tion Revenue Interest Rental revenue Charges for services Water connections Water CSO pass thru revenue Revenue Tota I Expense Administr ation Finance City Attorney Water o perations Water CSO Expense Total NET - Revenues minus Expense Debt Service Notes Budget Actual 2,357 19,869 2,147,732 32,000 3,596 2,205,554 445 6,623 765,528 10, 260 860 783,716 86,498 422,988 4,000 1,210,024 40,927 1,764,437 31,488 116,830 1,587 302,458 11,593 463,955 441 ,1 17 319,761 350,000 175,000 Encumbered 16,321 67,620 83,941 Budget % Remaining 1,912 13,246 1,382,204 21,740 2,736 1,421,838 81.1% 66.7% 64.4% 67.9% 76.1% 64,5% 55,010 289,837 2,413 839,947 29,334 1,216,541 63.6% 68.5% 60.3% 69.4% 71.7% 68 ,9"10 NOTES: 1 Actual interest earnin gs are falling short of bu dget estimates. 2 Debt service is due in 2 payments of $175,000 each on January 1 and July 1 of each year F:\O pera tions\Monthly Reports\FY14-15 Reports\FY15 Monthly Reports_Operating Funds OCTOBER Water Page 7 or 7 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT TO: MAYOR HOLLEY AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: EUGENE M. PALAZZO, CITY DATE: NOVEMBER 17, 2014 SUBJECT: CONSIDER AND APPROVE AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT FOR INTERIM POLICE CHIEF FLOYD STOKES MANAGER~P RECOMMENDATION Approve an employment agreement between the City of Crescent City and Floyd Stokes as Intelim Police Chief. BACKGROUND Fonner Chief Plack retired from the City of Crescent City on July 31, 2014. The recruitment process for the Chief of Police position has been ongoing and may still take several months to complete. Calvin Scott Berry has served the City as Interim Police Chief but is no longer able to do so, and has completed his last day with the City as of November 14, 2014. On a continued interim basis City Manager Palazzo recommends Floyd Stokes to fill the position until staff has recruited a permanent replacement. Floyd Stokes has 40 years of experience working as a police officer in the State of California. He retired as Chief of Police from the Trinidad Police Department in 2008 and is currently the Owner and Supervising Investigator of Stokes & Associates, a private investigation and law enforcement consulting firm. Additionally he teaches as an Associate Instructor in the AdmirListration of Justice Division at the College of the Redwoods. Mr. Stokes brings with him extensive knowledge of all aspects of criminal justice. As an at-will contract position reporting to the City Manager, the Chief of Police works under an employment agreement which sets forth the terms and conditions of employment for both parties. An employment agreement between the City and Mr. Stokes is attached, along with Mr. Stokes resume. FISCAL IMPACT The proposed salary and benefit package for the interim position is within the 2014/2015 budget amount for the Chief of Police. Employment Agreement for Interim Police Chief 12 November 17, 2014 ATTACHMENTS 1. Employment Agreement 2. Floyd Stokes Resume EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT This employment agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of the 1ih day of November 2014, by and between the City of Crescent City, a California municipal corporation ("City"), and Floyd T. Stokes, an individual ("Stokes"). RECITALS WHEREAS, the City's Police Chief retired as of July 31, 2014 and the City is in need of continued interim assistance as it conducts the recruitment and hiring process; WHEREAS, Stokes is specially trained, experienced and competent to perform the special services which will be required by this Agreement; and WHEREAS, Stokes poss8sses the skill, experience, ability, background, certification and knowledge to provide the services described in this Agreement on the terms and conditions described. AGREEMENT 1. Scope of Services. The City agrees to engage Stokes to perform services on an interim basis, as the Interim Chief of Police of the City of Crescent City, California. The duties and authorities of Stokes as the Chief of Police are more specifically described in Title 2, Section 2.41 of the Crescent City Municipal Code and in the attached job classification. The City and Stokes agree that the City may modify such duties subsequent to the effective date of this agreement. Stokes agrees to perform any additional or alternative duties as may be included in the Crescent City Municipal Code or that the City may request subsequent to the effective date of this agreement. Stokes will perform all services required hereunder in a manner consistent with generally accepted professional standards for the performance of the duties of Chief of Police. 2. Time and Place of Performance. Stokes will perform services under this Agreement starting November 17, 2014 until such time a permanent Police Chief is hired or this Agreement terminated as provided in Section 18. Stokes agrees to perform the services required by this Agreement on the City's premises during the City's regular business hours and such additional time as his duties may require, averaging forty (40) hours per week. 3. Compensation. As compensation for the services performed hereunder, the City will pay Stokes the sum of $40.00 per hour; not to exceed 40 hours per week. In no event will Stokes's work hours exceed 40 hours per week without additional authorization from the City Manager. The City will provide Stokes with a membership to the Del Norte Ambulance Service and the Cal-Ore Life Flight programs for the duration Interim Police Chief Employment Agreement of this Agreement (no substitution for other programs or companies allowed). No other employment benefits or compensation will be paid to Stokes other than as specifically set forth in this Agreement or required by law. Stokes will be a temporary, full-time employee of the City during the term of this Agreement. 4. Method of Payment. Payment will be made to Stokes on the normal pay dates and in the same manner as for other City employees. 5. Public Employees Retirement System Contributions. The City and Stokes agree that the City is not obligated to make any contributions to the Public Employees Retirement System, established by Government Code Section 20000 et seq., on behalf of Stokes for his services provided hereunder to the City. The City and Stokes further agree that Stokes will not be an active member of the Public Employees Retirement System during the term of this Agreement. 6. General Expenses. The City must reimburse Stokes for reasonable expenses arising out of and related to Stokes's performance of this Agreement. Such expenses must be submitted to the City Manager with expense receipts or other sufficient verification and will be audited and approved in a like manner as other demands against the City. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all expenses related to business travel will be paid in the manner provided by Section 7 of this Agreement. Unless specifically approved by the City lV1anager of Crescent City, Stokes is responsible for all expenses incurred for the convenience or personal benefit of Stokes in performing this Agreement, such as clothing and home office expenses. City will provide two (2) uniforms; one (1) pair of boots; one (1) bullet proof vest; one (1) duty belt; one (1) gun; and other equipment necessary to perform the duties of Interim Police Chief. Stokes will not receive an allowance for the use of his private automobile; however, a City police vehicle will be made available for business use. 7. Business Trips and Expenses. Stokes will undertake all necessary travel as directed and approved by the City Manager of the City to carry out his duties under this Agreement. The City will pay all reasonable costs associated with such travel, including, but not limited to, transportation, lodging, meals, and all other necessary and reasonable expenses. 8. Housing and Personal Travel Expenses. During the term of this Agreement, the City will provide Stokes with a temporary housing expense allowance for the cost of rental housing/hotel in the Crescent City area, not to exceed a cornbined total of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) per calendar month. No personal travel allowance will be included. 9. Indemnity. City agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Stokes harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, losses, damages, injuries, and liability, direct or indirect (including any and all related costs and expenses in connection therein), arising out of the performance of this Agreement, except for any such claim arising out of the sole negligence or willful misconduct of Stokes. Interim Police Chief Employment Agreement 2 10. Compliance with Laws. Stokes must apply the standard of care in his profession to all of his duties hereunder as well as comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, codes, ordinances and regulations. 11. Controlling Law / Venue. The laws of the State of California govern this Agreement and all matters relating to it and any action brought relating to this Agreement must be brought in state court in the County of Del Norte, California. 12. Written Notification. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval or communication that either party desires or is required to give to the other party must be in writing and either served personally or sent prepaid, first class mail. Any such notice, demand, etc. must be addressed to the other party at the address set forth herein below. Either party may change its address by notifying the other party of the change of address. Notice will be deemed communicated within 48 hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this section. If to City: Eugene M. Palazzo, City Manager City of Crescent City 377 J Street Crescent City, CA 95531 If to Stokes: Floyd T. Stokes P.O. Box 97 Blue Lake CA 95525 13. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of Agreement between the City and Stokes. All prior written and oral communications, including correspondence, drafts, memoranda, and representations, are superseded in total by this Agreement. 14. Amendments. This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a written document executed by both Stokes and City and approved as to form by the City Attorney. 15. Waiver. No failure on the part of either party to exercise any right or remedy hereunder will operate as a waiver of any other right or remedy that party may have hereunder. 16. Litigation Expenses and Attorney's Fees. If either party to this Agreement commences any legal action against the other party arising out of this Agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover its reasonable litigation expenses, including court costs, expert witness fees, discovery expenses, and attorney's fees. 17. Execution. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which is valid as an original becomes binding upon the parties when both parties sign at Interim Police Chief Employment Agreement 3 least one counterpart. In approving this Agreement, it is not necessary to produce or account for more than one such counterpart. 18. Termination. This Agreement will be effective as of November 17, 2014 and will terminate on February 15, 2015, unless terminated earlier by City. City may terminate this Agreement prior to the expiration date, without cause, by providing written notice to Stokes of the City's intent to terminate and the new termination date. Upon termination, Stokes is entitled to compensation for services performed up to the effective date of termination. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the date first written above. CITY OF CRESCENT CITY: FLOYD T. STOKES: Eugene M. Palazzo, City Manager Floyd . Stokes APPROVED AS TO FORM: Martha Rice, Deputy City Attorney Interim Police Chief Employment Agreement 4 Floyd T. Stokes STOKES & ASSOCIATES Consultants • Investigators Post Office Box 97, Blue Lake, CA 95525 • Phone: 707.826-9613 • Fax: 707.242.6598 Website: w\ • E-Mail: [email protected] ST"ArfEl\1ENT OF QUALIFICATION-S Education B.S. Uruversity of the State of New York (major: Lib. Studies, minor: Economics) A.A. College of the Redwoods (AdmInistration of Justice) Certifications & Professional Organizations California Peace Officer Standards & Training (POST) Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Management Certificates (General Law Enforcement) POST Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Ce11ificates (Specialized Investigator) Basic K-9 Handler Certificate (1990) POST K-9 Eva or Cerl i fica te (J 996) POST K-9 Management Certificate (2003) POST Certified Drug Detection Dog Handler (since J 995) USAF Certified Explosives Dog Handler (since 1996) OES Search & Rescue Maoagement Celiificate; OES/SEMS Disaster Management Certificate American Indian Cultural Awareness Training; Criminal Jurisdiction in Indian Country Ceniflcate BIA Federal Police Officer Commission Training Certificate POST Certi fied Taser M26 & X26 Instructor POST Certified FTO Instructor Fire Investigation I & II Certificates (Office ortlle Califom.ia State Fire Marshal) Various other advanced officer certificates, including: Emergency Responder's Terrorism Response Certificate, Interviewing & Interrogation, Computer Crimes In vestigation, Sexual Exploitation of Cl1ildren and th.e Internet, Criminal Intelligence for Executives, Narcotics Recognition, Juvenile Crime Investigation, Arson Investigation, Crime Scene Investigation, Drug Investigations, First Responder, CPR, Firsl Aid, OC, PR-24, etc. Permanent California Community College Credential No. 186996 (Subject Matter: Police Science) POST facilitation Skills for Law Enforcement Instructors Certificate (912006) California Private Investigator's License # PI 12545 Past president (two terms) and founding member, Humboldt County Fire/ Arson Investigation Unit (HCF AIU) Past president, Shelter Cove Volunteer FirelRescue Association Past Board of Directors member, Shelter Cove Resort Improvement District No. I (governing body of the commuruty of Shelter Cove and its uti Iities) Past president and founder, Blue Lake Youth Enterprise for Students, Inc. (YESCORP) Retired member of California Police Chiefs Association Past member and treasurer) Law Enforcement Chiefs' Association of Humboldt (LECAH) Past member, Hoopa Valley Indian Tribe Commission Vice-commander and past commander) Ylilitary Officers' Associc.tion of America (MOAA), Redwood Chapter Past member, The Salvation Army Advisory BON"d 1 Experience Trinidad Police Department (2001-2008); Chief of Police. Responsible for and i nvol ved in all aspects of the police department, including: personnel ruling, firing and evaluation; training; budget preparation; criminal investigation; and public relations. Accomplishments: Upon hire in 2001, rebuilt the police depanment, wruch had been non-operational for about two years while the city contracted witb other agencies to provide law enforcement services. Hired and trained new personnel; obtained new patrol vehicles and equipment; developed a new police facility; completed fiscally sound operating budgets; established excellent worki ng relations with tbe City Council and other ciry departments; developed Northern California's first electric patrol vehicle (EPV) program; improved department's credibility and relationship with other agencies and the community; developed new ordinances; Prepared and administered State and federal grant programs; regularly worked on patrol with a P.O.S.T. certified, dual-trained (patrol services and explosives detection) K-9. Trained the department's second patroJldl"llg detection K-9 team. Paved the way/trained the police department's second-tn-command sergeant to promote to Chief of Police to maintain department leadership continuity. Stepped down as chief of police in May 2003 to give second-tn- command the opportunity to promote, but continued working as lieutenant (part-time) to mentor the new chief and assist rum with K-9 patrol services, K-9 training, administrative issues, criminal investigations and background investigations. Trained the department's two explosives detection dogs, and worked with these dogs under agency contract with County of Humboldt at Arcata-Eureka Regional Airport until retired from active law enforcement on June 30,2008. Hoopa Valley Tribal Police Department (1999-2001); Chief of Police. Responsible for and involved in all aspects of a Tribal police department located on the largest Indian Reservation (144 square miles) in California, including: persormel hiring, firing and evaluation; training; budget preparation; criminal investigation; resource protection (timber and fisheries); Tribal ordinance enforcement; K-9 training; liaison with other Federal, State and local agencies; and public relations. Managed the activities of a 14 member depal1ment, including officers, supervisors and dispatchers. Accomplishments: Vastly improved the professional standing of the police department and its personnel. Instituted community-involved policing techniques; improved the department's relationship and credibility with the community and with other law enforcement agencies; developed a K-9 program that utilized two dual-trained drug detection and patrol services dogs, and trained the department's second K-9 patrol/drug detection team; developed a school resource officer program; standardized and improved the condition of patrol vehicles; acquired Federal excess-property emergency powel' generators and storage facilities; prepared and obtained Federal equipment and personnel funding grants totaling over $600,000; developed and implemented a new Department Manual that addressed both California law enforcement and Tribal police issues; developed and implemented a new computerized Tribal Police Case Management System (CMS); set up a Local Area Network (LAi"l") computer system for the department; worked with local citizen groups to conduct clean up campaigns 011 local roadways and a State highway. Held concurrent position as Blue Lake Chief of Police until new chief was hired in October 1999. Resigned in July 2001 to assume duties as Trinidad Chief of Police. Blue Lake Police Department (1993-1999); Chief of Police. Responsible for and involved in all aspects of the police department, including: persormel hiring, firing and evaluation; training; budget preparation; climinal investigation; and public relations. Accomplishments: Vastly improved the professional level of the sworn officers, who became well-trained in community-involved policing techniques and who were well-received by the citizens; decreased citizens' complaints to a negligible number; standardized and improved condition of patrol vehicles and equipment; implemented a P.O.S.T. certified FTO program for both regular and reserve officers; completed fiscally sound operating budgets; dramatically improved department's relations with the City Council and other city departments; developed bicycle patrol and downtown foot patrol programs; improved department's credibility and relationship with other agencies; developed new ordinances; instituted a new program of patrol and emergency response services to the Blue Lake Indian Rancheria through a Maintenance Service Agreement (MSA); developed a computerized case management system (CLECMS) currently in use in three local cities; developed a new manual of operations (policy and procedures manual) currently in use in Blue Lake and Trinidad Police Departments; obtained over $275,000 in Federal and state grant monies and equipment for the City of Blue Lake; improved the department's relations with area youth; founded a youth-run, non-profit corporation which operated a coffee shop and janitorial service (YESCORP); instituted the Blue Lake School Resource Officer program; worked on patrol with two P.O.S.T. certified, dual-trained (patrol services and dnlg detection) K-9's. Served as the Trinidad Police Department Deputy Chief of Police under a Blue Lake - Trinidad resource-sharing MOO. Regularly work patrol. Nominated for 1998 Humboldt County Peacemaker Award. Retired in October 1999. Trinidad Police Department (Feb-Aug 1996); Interim Chief of Police. Responsible for and involved in all administrative aspects of trus police department while continuing to fulfill duties as Blue Lake Police Chief. Accomplishments: assisted the Trinidad City Council by restructuring and administrating the police depal1ment during a transitional period while the council searched for a new permanent cruef of police; evaluated and revised the department's policies and general orders to minimize liability; prepared new ordinances, established a training program for reserve officers, prepared a transitional budget, and cross-trained supervisors and officers in both Blue Lake and Trinidad for mutual aid patrol and call-out services. Humboldt County Sheriffs Department (1988-1993); Resident Deputy Sheriff and K-9 Handler. Established new resident post in Southwestem Humboldt County (Shelter CovelKing Range area) and served in that position until retiring from county employment in 1993. Regularly worked alone as the only deputy on duty from the community of Redcrest south to the Mendocino County line. Retired in August 1993. Trinidad Police Department (1987-1988); Patrol Sergeant. Duties included day and night patrol, criminal and traffic investigatiol1s, supervision of reserve officers, preparation of general orders and departmental policies. Humboldt County District Attorney's Office (1977-1987); Criminal Investigator (major crimes). Experience includes: 110micide, robbelY, arson, rape, burglary and other felony investigations; Major Narcotics Vendor Program (MNVP) investigations; juvenile investigations; intemal affairs investigations (inter-agency); fraud investigations; crime charging; and liaison with other agencies. Developed new, simplified, county-wide search warrant system. 2 Founding member of Humboldt County Fire/Arson Investigation Unit (HCFAlU). Prepared successful grant requests for RCF AlU and Major Narcotics Vender Program (MNVP). Eureka Police Department (1979-1980); Reserve Police Officer, assigned charge of reserve force, during tenure. 10 patrol. Promoted to Captain, in San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office (1975-1977) Reserve Deputy Sheriff. assigned to vehicle patrol, boat patrol (waterways) and jail. CoJlege of the Redwoods (1979-l995) (2002-preseut); Associate Instructor. Courses instructed incl ude (past and present): lnvestigati ve Report Writing (LD-18)) Laws of Arrest (LD 15), Preliminary Investigation & Evidence Collection (LD-30) and other courses at tbe Red\.voods Lav,: Enforcement Training Center (Police Academy); and various curriculum courses in the AS division, including: Crimin(ll Evidence (AJ-6), Criminal Law (AJ-4), Current Issues in Administration of Justice (AJ-7), Introduction to Law Enforcement (AJ-2), Introduction to Investigations. (AJ-8), Introduction to Corrections (AJ-3), Introduction to Administration of Justice (AJ-I), and Written and Interpersonal Communications for Law Enforcement (AJ -9). H 11m bold t Sta te Universi ty (1999); Associa te Instructor (wri ti ng) in J uveni 1e Proba tio n Counselor Cou rse. Military Captain (0-6), USN-Retired (1956-l992); Enlisted in USAF) USN from 1956 to 1964; commissioned as Ensign, USNR in 1965; promoted to Lieutenant. USN prior to transfer to Naval Reserve in 1971; Navigator and Electronic 'Warfare Evaluator in prop and jet aircraft aboard various aircraft caniers in Southeast Asia during Vietnam War. Transferred to Naval Intelligence in 1969. Assigned to Naval Investigative Service as first West Coast Reserve Officer Agent in 1980. Served in numerous positions of leadership during active duty and reserve career, including Commanding Officer of a Naval Investigative Service Regional Unit. Decorations include: Air Medal (8 awards), Navy Unit Citation (3 awards), Vietnam Air Gallantry Cross, and other awards. Other Innovative Systems - Publishers (1984-1999); Founder and editor of publishing company speciali"Zi ng in law enforcement, fire service and public service trai njng texts and booklets which are currently used in colleges, law enforcement academies and agencies nationwide. Company was managed by spouse until it was sold in July 1999. Stokes & Associates (1987-Present); Owner and Supervising Investigator of private investigations and law enforcement conslilting firm specializing in background investigations, internal affairs invesligations, Tribal law enforcement operations, surveillance and security operations, general law enforcement organization and ad min istration. Integrated Systems (l987-Present); Developer/owner of law enforcement case management and property management systems, Search Warrant Writer© and associated software. Author, co-author or editor of the following nationally-known books: OUTLINE GUIDE for Low En/orcement, OUnINE GUIDE/or Corrections, OUlLlNE GUIDE/or Private Security, READING BETWEEN THE LjjVES: An Outline Guide for Intervie1-Ys and Interrogations, FOR THE RECORD: Report Wriling in Law EnJorcement, FOR THE RECORD: Report Writing Jar Fire Services, SPELLING FOR LA W ENFORCEMENT, PREPARING FOR PROlvJOTION: A GHide Jar Law EnJorcement Assessment Centers, and SEARCH WARRANT WRITER (computer software manual). Designer and co-developer of law enforcement computer software programs, including: Evidence COlllrol and Tracking System (ECATS), Law EnJorcement Case lV/al1agemenl System (LECMS) (lDd Search Warrant Writer (SWW). Extensive computer systems and software experience, including: Microsoft Windows operating systems through Windows 8.1® and Microsoft Office Professional® software. Operational experience setting up and maintaining Local Area Network (LAN) systems. Programmer and developer experience with Microsoft Visual Foxpro® and other database management systems. College faculty experience with Blackboard e-EdLlcatiol1 Internet Learning System (Release 6) and Sakai Collaborative Distance Education (College of the Redwood's MyCR) software. References avai lable upon request. 3 AGENDA Crescent City Housing Authority REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 2014 AT 6:00 P.M. FLYNN CENTER, 981 H STREET, CRESCENT CITY, CA 95531 OPEN SESSION Call to Order Roll Call Board Members present: Others present: COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of the regular meeting minutes from October 20, 2014. 2. Approval of the warrant claims from October 30, 2014 through November 7, 2014 HOUSING DIRECTOR'S REPORT BUSINESS ITEMS PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUING BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, <> adjourned the meeting at <time>. to the regular scheduled meeting of December 15, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. ArrEST: Kymmie Scott, Assistant Board Secretary November 17, 2014 HJ MINUTES Crescent City Housing Authority REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2014 AT 6:00 P.M. FLYNN CENTER, 981 H STREET, CRESCENT CITY, CA 95531 OPEN SESSION Call to Order Vice Chair Gastineau called the meeting to order at 6:53pm. Roll Call Board Members present: Vice Chair Gastineau, Board Member Murray, Board Member Enea, Board Member Schellong. Chair Holley was absent. Others present: City Manager Eugene Palazzo, Deputy City Attorney Martha Rice, Assistant City Clerk Kymmie Scott, IS Administrator Fritz Ludemann, Public Works Director Eric Wier, Interim Police Chief Scott Berry, Housing Authority Director Megan Miller COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD - I\lone CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of the regular meeting minutes from September 15, 2014. 2. Approval of the warrant claims from September 6, 2014 through September 29,2014. On a motion by Board Member Enea and seconded by Board Member Murray and carried on a 4-0 polled vote the Board of the City of Crescent City Housing Authority moved to adopt the consent calendar items 1-2 as presented. HOUSING DIRECTOR'S REPORT3. Budget update Vice Chair Gastineau introduced Housing Authority Director Miller. Director Miller stated that HUD received a little over $<'1.1,000 from HAP for housing assistance payments which will allow new families to join the program. This also assists in administrative funding. Lastly, this allows for families to be pulled beginning in December instead of spring. BUSINESS ITEMS- None 10/20/14 HA r &\ PUBLIC HEARING- None CONTINUING BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS- None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Vice Chair Gastineau adjourned the meeting at 6:57p.m. to the regular scheduled meeting of l\Jovember 17, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. ATTEST: Kymmie Scott, Assistant Board Secretary 10/20/14 HA Minutes Accounts Payable Check Report - Housing User: blacey ~ Printed: 1I/I0/2014{Y !3 AM Check Num Check Da Account Description 422409 10/3112014 110-490-4230-00000 Phone lise 9/22-10/211 14 141.10 DO 422433 10/3112014 110-490-43 10-00000 office supplies 160.06 110 422437 10/3[/2014 110-490-4370-00000 Janitorial supplies, invoices: M065422/65896/6M39 10.28 no 422444 10/3112014 110-490-43 10-00000 Office supplies 109.35 no 422444 10/31/2014 110-490-4310-00000 Office supplies 1.80 ]]0 422444 10/31/2014 110-490-4310-00000 Office supplies 3J035 no 422455 10/31/2014 I I 0-490-423 0-00000 Cel phone use 9/13-10/12114 0.19 no 422458 1013 1120 14 110-490-4310-00000 8.5xll" bright white paper 250.87 no 422468 11107/2014 110-490-4230-00000 City Hall Shared Phone - 63.54 no 422470 11107/2014 110-490-4480-00000 Computer contract services, procedures, documentation 6,503.00 no 422475 11/07/2014 110-490-4550-00000 Admin Plan Updates Sllbscription 222.41 no 422479 11/07/2014 110-490-4210-00000 Electricity Oct 334.55 no Amount 1-2~, 2014 8,146.10 Accounts Payable - Check Report - Housing (1111 0/20 14 - 8: I 3 AM) Selected for Void AGENDA Crescent City Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 2014 AT 6:00 P.M. FLYNN CENTER, 981 H STREET, CRESCENT CITY, CA 95531 OPEN SESSION Call to Order Roll Call Board Members present: Others present: COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD COI\lSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of the regular meeting minutes from October 20,2014. 2. Approval of the warrant claims from October 30, 2014 through November 7, 2014. PRESENTATIONS OLD BUSII\lESS ITEMS NEW BUSINESS ITEMS PUBLIC H EAR 11\1 G EXECUTIVE DI RECTOR'S REPORT 3. Actions taken during Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Crescent City at the November 5, 2014 meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, <> adjourned the meeting at <> to the regular scheduled meeting of December 15, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. ArrEST: Kymmie Scott, Assistant Board Secretary November 7 IVIINUTES Crescent City Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2014 AT 6:00 P.M. FLYNN CENTER, 981 H STREET, CRESCENT CITV, CA 95531 OPEN SESSION Call to Order Roll Call Vice Chair Gastineau called the meeting to 6:56 p.m. Board Members present: Vice Chair Ron Gastineau, Board Member Murray, Board Member Schellong, Board Member Enea. Chair Holley was absent. Others present: City Manager Eugene Palazzo, Deputy City Attorney Martha Rice, Assistant City Clerk I<ymmie Scott, IS Administrator Fritz Ludemann, Public Works Director Eric Wier, Interim Police Chief Scott Berry, Housing Authority Director Megan Miller. COIVIMUI\IICATlOI\lS PUBLIC COIVIIVIENT PERIOD - l\Jone. COI\lSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of the regular meeting minutes from September 15, 2014. 2. Approval of the warrant claims from September 06, 2014 through September 29,2014. 3. Consider for adoption Resolution No. SA2014-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF CRESCENT CITY APPROVING THE TERMINATION OF OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT (OPA) WITH RETREATS, INC. On a motion by Board Member Schellong and seconded by Board Member Enea and carried on a 4-0 polled vote the Board of the Crescent City Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency moved to adopt the consent calendar items 1-3 as presented. PRESENTATIONS - None OLD BUSINESS ITEMS -None 10/ 7-\ NEW BUSII\lESS ITEMS 4. Consider for adoption RESOLUTION NO. SA2014-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF CRESCENT CITY APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES TO THE CITY OF CRESCENT CITY FOR GOVERNMENTAL USE City Manager Palazzo introduced the item and stated that this item is also on the Council Agenda. It is a step in winding down the RDA. Three parcels owned by the RDA are government facilities, and this resolution transfers that property back into City hands. Pending approval tonight it goes for approval by the Oversight Board and the Department of Finance. Vice Chair Gastineau asked for public comment and found none. On a motion by Board Member Enea and seconded by Board Member Murray and carried on a 4-0 polled vote the Board of the City of Crescent City Housing Authority moved to adopt Resolution No. SA2014-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMEI\lT AGEI\lCY OF THE CITY OF CRESCENT CITY APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES TO THE CITY OF CRESCENT CITY FOR GOVERI\IIVIENTAL USE. PUBLIC HEARING- None EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT- None ADJOURNIVIENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Vice Chair Gastineau adjourned the meeting at 7:03 p.m. to the regular scheduled meeting of November 17, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. ATTEST: Kymmie Scott, Assistant Board Secretary 10/20/14 RDA Minutes Accounts Payable Check Report - RDA Successor User: bl~cey11/IO~~'~:14 ~ Printed: AM Account Description 991-130-4410-00000 BBK legal sen/ices FY 14/15 as budgeted Amount 2,901.60 2,901.60 Accollnts Payable - Check Report - RDA Successor (I 1110/2014 - 8:14 AM) Check Numbe Check Date Selected ror Void 422411 10/3]/2014 no SUCCESSOR AGENCY REPORT TO: CHAIR HOLLEY AND BOARD FROM: EUGENE M. PALAZZO, CITY MANAGER Cvv--P DATE: NOVEMBER 17, 2014 SUBJECT: ACTIONS TAKEN DURING OVERSIGHT BOARD OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF CRESCENT CITY AT THE NOVEMBER 5, 2014 MEETING SUlVIMARY OF ACTIONS TAKEN 1. On a motion by Board Member Phillips and seconded by Vice-Chair Olson and passed on a 5-0 polled vote the Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Crescent City approved the consent calendar item #1. (Approval of the regular minutes from September 16,2014) 2. On a motion by Board Member Palazzo and seconded by Vice Chair Olson and carried on a 5-0 polled vote the Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Crescent City approved Resolution l\lo. OB2014-05 APPROVII\lG RATIFICATION AND AIVIENDEI\lT TO LOAI\l AGREEIVlEI\lTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF CRESCEI\lT CITY AND THE FORIVIER REDEVELOPIVIENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF CRESCENT CITY. 3. On a motion by Vice Chair Olson and seconded by Board Member Phillips and carried on a 5-0 polled vote the Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Crescent City approved Resolution No. OB2014-06 APPROVING AN AGREEMENTTO REPAY LOAN FROM LOW-AND-MODERATE INCOME 2009-10 SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATIONAL REVENUE HOUSING FUND FOR AUGMENTATOIN FUND (SERAF) PAYMENT 4. On a motion by Board Member Phillips and seconded by Board Member Palazzo and carried on a 4-1 polled vote with Board Member Finigan voting against, the Oversight Board to the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency to the City of Crescent City approved Resolution l\lo. OB2014-16, A RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF CRESCEI\lT CITY APPROVING THE TRAI\lSFER OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES TO THE CITY OF CRESCENT CITY FOR GOVERNIVIEf\ITAL USE. 7-3 OVERSIGHT BOARD ACTIONS TAKEN ON NOVEMBER 5, 201412 NOVEMBER 17, 2014 5. On a motion by Vice-Chair Olson and seconded by Board Member Palazzo and carried on a 5-0 polled vote the Oversight Board to the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency to the City of Crescent City approved Resolution No. OB2014-17, A RESOLUTIOI\J OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD TO THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE REDEVELOPIVlEI\JT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF CRESCENT CITY APPROVII\JG THE TERIVIINATION OF THE OWI\JER PARTICIPATIOI\J AGREEMENT (OPA) WITH RETREATS, INC. OjlT.J[OP OPPI(YE (CRs:quirea 6y jlrtide 20, Section 3, Ca[ifornia Constitution ana Chapter 8, rDicuision 4, 'TzHe 1 of qovernment Coae) J, ([,[oya StoRss, ao so[emnfy swear (or affirm) tfiat J wi[[ support ana aefena the Constitution of the Vnitea States ana the Constitution of the State of Ca[ifornia against a[[ enemies, foreign ana aomestic; tfiat J wi[[ 6ear true faith ana a [[egiance to the Constitution of tfie Vnitea States ana the Constitution of the State of Ca[ifornia; that J taRs this o6[igation freefy, witfiout any menta[ reservation or purpose of evasion; ana that J wi[[ wef[ anafaithfu[fy aischarge the auties upon wfiich Jam a60ut to enter: Interim PoCice CliiefPfoyciSto~s City of Crescent City P[oycf Stok§s, Interim PoEice Cfiiif Su6scri6ea ana sworn to 6efore me this 17th aay ofWovem6er, 2014 1(ymmie Scott, rDeputy City C[erit OjITHOP OPPI(]E (~quirea 6y JIrtide 20, Section 3, Ca[ifomia Constitution ana Cfiapter 8, (j)ivision 4, rritfe 1 of (jovemment Coae) 1, Justin 9i[f, ao sofemnfy swear (or affirm) tfiat 1 wi[[ support ana aefena tfie Constitution of tfie 'Unitea States ana tfie Constitution of tfie State of Ca[ifomia a[Jainst a[[ enemies, forei[Jn ana aomestic; tfiat 1 wi[[ 6ear true faitfi ana a[fe[Jiance to the Constitution of the 'Unite a States ana tfie Constitution of tfie State of Ca[ifomia; tfiat 1 taRg tfiis o6fi[Jation freefy, witfiout any menta[ reservation or purpose of evasion; ana tfiat 1 wi[[ wef[ anafaitfiju[fy aiscfiar[Je tfie auties upon wfiicfi 1 am a60ut to enter: PoEice Sergeant Justin qi[[ City of Crescent City Justin Su6scri6ea ana sworn to 6efore me tfiis 17tfi aay of:Novem6er, 2014 1(;ymmie Scott, (j)eputy City C[er/( 9i{~ Pofice Sergeant O.JITJ{OP OPPI(YE (!f?§quired 6y jtrtide 20, Section 3, CaHfornia Constitution and Cfiapter 8, CDivision 4, 'Iit[e 1 of government Code) J, Josepfi Su[[ivan, do sofemnfy swear (or affirm) tfiat J wi[[ support and defend tfie Constitution of tfie Vnited States and tfie Constitution of tfie State of Ca[ifornia against a[[ enemies, foreign and domestic; tfiat J wi[[ 6ear true faitfi and a[[egiance to tfie Constitution of tfie Vnited States and tfie Constitution of tfie State of Ca[ifornia; tfiat J taRs tfiis o6[igation freefy, witnout any menta[ reservation or purpose of evasion; and tfiat J wi[[ we[[ andfaitfifu[fy discfiarge tfie duties upon wfiicfi J am a60ut to enter: (]JoEice Sergeant Josepli Su{Eivan City of Crescent City Joseph Su(fivan, Pofice Sergeant Su6scri6ed and sworn to 6efore me tnis 17tfi day of:Novem6er, 2014 1\ymmie Scott, CDeputy City C[erlt O./fqJ[ OP OPPI(!E (<Rfquired 6y jirtide 20, Section 3, Ca[jjornia Constitution and Cliapter 8, (J)ivision 4, 'litre 1 of qovernment Code) I, ji[e:( Pearson, do so[emnfy swear (or affirm) tliat I wi[[ support and difend tlie Constitution of tlie Vnited States and tlie Constitution of tlie State of Ca[jjornia against a[[ enemies, foreign and domestic; tliat I wi[[ 6ear true faitli and a [[egiance to tlie Constitution of tlie Vnited States and tlie Constitution of tlie State of Ca[jjornia; tliat I taRs tliis 06figation freefy, witliout any menta[ reservation or purpose of evasion; and tliat I wi[[ we[[ andfaitliju[fy discliarge tlie duties upon wliicli I am a60ut to enter: PoEice Officer./ffe~ Pearson City of Crescent City jIIeJ( Pearson, PoBce Officer Su6scri6ed am[ sworn to 6eJore me tliis 17tli day of Novem6er, 2014 1(ymmie Scott, (J)eputy City C[erit 10 RESOLUTION NO. 2014- 43 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CRESCENT CITY, CALIFORNIA RECITING THE FACT OF THE CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION HELD ON NOVEMBER 4, 2014, CERTIFYING THE RESULTS AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS PROVIDED BY LAW WHEREAS, A Consolidated General Election was held and conducted in the City of Crescent City, California on Tuesday, November 4,2014, as required by law; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution 2014-21, the Del Norte County Clerk-Recorder Department canvassed the returns of the election and the Deputy City Clerk has certified the results to this City Council, the results are received, attached and made apart hereof as "Exhibit A." NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFCRESCENT CITY, CALIFORNIA DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the whole number of ballots cast in the City precincts, except absent voter ballots, were 350. That the whole number of absent voter ballots cast in the City was 501, making a total of 851 ballots cast in the City. SECTION 2: That the names of persons voted for at the election for Member of the City Council are as follows: Joseph Aliotti, Richard Enea, Blake Inscore, David Slagle, and Dennis Sutton. That the following measure, Measure C, was voted on at the election for which the results are as listed in Exhibit A, attached. SECTION 3: That the number of votes given at each precinct and the number of votes given in the City to each of the persons above named for the respective offices for which the persons were candidates are as listed in Exhibit A, attached. SECTION 4: The City Council does declare and determine that Richard Enea was elected as a Member of the City Council for the full term of four years, Blake Inscore was elected as a Member of the City Council for the full term of four years, and Measure C passed. SECTION 5: That the City Clerk shall immediately make and deliver to each of the persons so elected a Certificate of Election signed by the City Clerk and authenticated. That the City Clerk shall also administer to each person elected the Oath of Office prescribed In the Constitution of the State of California. Each and all of the persons so elected shall be inducted into the respective office to which they have been elected. The above and foregoing Resolution 2014-43 was introduced by Council Member , was seconded by Council Member , and passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Crescent City held on the 17thday of November 2014, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Richard Holley, Mayor ATTEST: - Kymmie Scott, Deputy City Clerk CITY OF CRESCENT CITY RESOLUTION NO. 2014-43 J \ 11/12/143:17 PM 1 of 2 DEL NORTE COUNTY Statement of Vote November 4,2014 DEL_20141104_E -- .. -- NON·PARTISAN CRESCENT CITY ~ COUNCIL MErviBER 100032 ~ l /.lJ c:: 0 'D ~ II) '0, OJ r.:: 01 0001 01 • VOlo By .~all 0' . AlI·Mail Prec!ncls O~ 0004 r! Ui "'5 0 Cl :;; <= « Cl 14g 23(; 808 0 103 108 0 4 . Vo'" By Ma ll O~ . AII·Mall Precl""l, 61~ as 0006 06 . Vola 8y ~I.II 06 . AJ/·Mall Pr.clnel, 4~e tJI tJI « .'1 80a' 806 5H 51. ~ Iii ~ 0 98 18.44 29,21 0.00 20,0,\ 20.62 O,OQ 0 ~ ~ co ~ ~ ~ J ~ :z 0 ~ UJ Cl 40 i 8~! 01 :I: ~ cc 0 u UJ UJ tJI :I: ~ 0 -, ~ t:O :5 u 47 70 20 31 a 0 16 , tJI ~ « /l. Z :z 5 :J « ::J (IJ UJ lti ffi ~ 81. 116 0 61 61 t--- M .,... 5~ : 87 0 34 39 0 24' 3~ 29 33 01 0 0 32 13 4~ 31 44 27 60, lG a 458 460, 160 341:/ 36, 33' a 0,00 a 0 c 83 0 Pradncl Tolals 1780 350 19.66 . 100 106 6'\ 166 Vol, By' M~il Tel"" . 1700 501 20,1$ \56 147 73 25 AlIJ,Qlr'l"jj)f)l~ct$ Jcil~14 1780 0 0,00 0 0 6 a 0 G(ol)(j 1'ol1;ll~ 1780 HOn 85'1 85'1 851 47',01 47,01 266, ~::I 2S:.i 302 158 121 127 127 127 406 255 255 25Ji 408 406 40e 302 30Z 302 302 139 21,40 J I 2f1DCi;JNO*!lSIQN,,,,- 1iutB~AT~{IlEN;;;'i'E 2ND AS$EMB~V it,d Olsl,"aa~'(t) of Bl1'lInlizalion ~utlE' 6,sr\ . 1700 1780 1760 051 951 808 laG 972 166 17 60 IWPE' OJSr2 DEl.lf()'l-lre COVNTY·.UNIFIEO,i DEL NORf&CO'Jr-iT'f 1760 051 651 ~~c:eNT 01 rY 1760 061 47.81 47,B l 47, 61 266 255 117 40e 47.6 4l,94 126 117 56 176 131 232 256 138 255 7T 41.81 47. 01 1 47 ,81 127 400 256 755 127 127 40a 256 256 406 -'---~'--. 106 163 302 302 30:'> I 111121143;17 PM 2 of 2 DEL NORTE COUNTY Statement of Vote DEL_20141104_E November 4,2014 .- NON·PARnSAN MEASURE C 140045 c: ,~ ]! (/) '0, II> ~ 01 0001 By Moll -- , ~ ..... r/I rn U ::::I J!1 0 .£ E ro £Il ::::I llOa 149 J18.44 60B 236 29,21 01 - AlI·Msll P'ecjncls 600 0 04 0004 514 103 0.00 20.1')4 514 108 20.6~ 614 I} 0,00 458 gil 21,4Q 06 - Vole By Mull 461\ 159 31.72 06 • All· ;,Iell PI e~;noIG 468 0 1700 Volo 8y Moll Tdla13 ">\Ji;Mulf P'L,,:lneld O! • VDle 04 - Vole By Mall 04 - AII·Mall Proclncl~ 06 OOOG Pmclr.c1 Toli!l~ i~fu!6 uliHHJ T()lals :2t.~O cONG.m:SSIOI~1\L 111d !':\TA1£ SENI\lf 2ND ASSEMBLY ~IHS DI6(,.Bo~11I 01 E"qllblllOlioli SUPE'DIS'T I SUPEOIST2 os. NQRTEGOUNrvUNIFIED I O£L NdrrrE GOUI'l:(Y CREtlCt:NT ClrY ~"'-------' CI) w !'-- 0 >- M ..- Z 75 126 56 el 0,00 0 42 62 0 41 OG 0 C3 0 350 19.6S 158 146 nOD 601 20.15 27:1 ,96 '780 0 0.00 0 Q 861 47.BI H.81 .n,81 431 431 330 ~31 ~7.a1 431 330 330. 431 330 201 466 47,81 47,66 -1-7.94 230 1780 H80 1780 . 1780 861 861 851 0 ~4 41 Q 45 330 1700 600 972 17M 861 651 47,81 J\31 137 193 3:)0 17BO 1760 851 47.81 431 330 651 47,8.1 431 ' 330 JBS i....--~-'---. Statement of Vote Del Norte County DEL_20141104_E 11/12/2014 CRESCENT CITY. COUNCIL MEMBE8 Reglstored Turnout Percent 808 385 149 236 0 47.65% 18.44% 29.21 % 0.00% 209 103 108 0 257 01 Election Day Vote By Mall AII·Mall Precincts 04 514 Election Day Vote By Mall All-Mall Precincts 05 458 Election Day Vote By Mail All-Mall Preclncls 1,780 7 2 3 4 5 6 125 40 85 0 117 47 70 0 56 25 31 0 176 61 115 0 139 52 87 0 5 1 2 3 0 0 1 0 40.66% 20.04% 20.62% 0.00% 62 24 38 0 62 29 33 0 31 16 15 0 105 73 34 39 0 0 0 0 0 98 159 0 56.11% 21.40% 34.72% 0.00% 69 36 33 0 76 32 44 0 40 13 27 0 127 44 83 0 31 59 0 851 47.81% 256 255 127 408 302 51 54 0 0 0 90 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 ( Candidates 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DAVID SLAGLE DENNIS SUTTON JOSEPH ALiOTTI RICHARD ENEA SLAKE INSCORE Write-In Write-In November 12, 2014 3:16 PM Pago 1 of1 Stat~ment of Vote! De! Norto County DEL_20141104_E 11/1212014 MEASURE C Registered 01 Election Day Vote By Mall All-Mall Precincts BD8 04 514 ElecHon Day Vole By Man A! I-Mall Prec incts 05 Elecllon D~y Vole By Mall All-Mall Precincts 458 1,780 Turnout Percent 2 385 47.65% 201 137 1'19 236 18.44% 29.21% 81 0 0.00% 75 126 0 209 103 40.66% 106 20.04% 20.62% 104 42 62 85 44 41 a 0.00% 0 0 257 56.11% 21.40% 126 108 98 159 0 34.72% 0.00% 41 85 45 63 0 0 851 47.81% 431 3JO 56 0 Candidates 1 YES 2 NO November 12, 2014 3:16 PM Pavs 1 o( 1 KYMMIE SCOTT DEPUTY CITY CLERK 377 J Street Crescent City, CA 95531 (707) 464-7483, ext. 223 CITY OF CRESCENT CITY CITY CLERK ELECTIONS OFFICIAL CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK TO RESULTS OF THE COUNTY CLERK/RECORDER'S CANVASS OF THE CITY OF CRESCENT CITY ELECTION CONSOLIDATED WITH THE DEL NORTE COUNTY STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION HELD ON NOVEMBER 4,2014. STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF CRESCENT CITY I, KYlVlMIE SCOTT, Deputy City Clerk of said city, do hereby certify that, in pursuance of the provisions of the California Elections Code, the County Clerk/Recorder AHssia D, Northrup did canvass the returns of the votes cast in the City of Crescent City Election consolidated with the Del Norte County Statewide General Election held on November 4, 2014, for the elective offices and submitted to the vote of the City Voters, and that the Statement or Votes Cast, to which this certificate is attached, shows the total number of votes cast in said City and in each of the respective precincts therein, and the totals of the respective columns and the totals for each person are full, true and correct. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THIS 14th DAY OF November 2014 ,/"' ,.. \\1',' ,i I / ,,{:/,.,': , 'I ' '(" \.'-. ", "'\,~".", ."i ':, " " ',' : . \ ' ~ I ; ~/ ./(. II . .~( '. , \ '~,"" ' ~\'\' \. ' )'i' ,,"'\ ' ':; , '\ .\. ). .; .; ,' , '; I :I~ -', ',\ i \ \ KYMMIE SCOTT Deputy City Clerk/Elections Official OFFICIAL PROCLAl\1ATION CITY OF CRESCENT CITY WHEREAS, Kelly Schellong has served this community well for many years in nwnerous capacities, with eight years as a member of the City Council including two years serving as Mayor; and WHEREAS, these years of service have been marked by exemplary dedication to the best interest of the community as she has worked constantly for the betterment of its economic, cultural and aesthetic development; and WHEREAS, through her background and leadership she has served on and contributed significantly to a wide range of city related committees and commissions, including the Border Coast Regional Airport Authority, the City Audit Committee, the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors to include Sea Cruise co-Chair, Fourth ofJuly Chair, Crab Races Chair, BBQ Wars Chair, Economic Summit Chair, and the Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority, the Elk Valley Rancheria Infrastructure Committee, the Harbor Ad Hoc Committee, the Healthcare District 2x2 Committee, the InterGovernmental Relations Committee, the Local Agency Formation Commission, the Local Transportation Commission, the Pelican Bay State Prison Recycling Task Force, the Redwood Empire Division of the League of California Cities, the Redwood Coast Transit Authority, the Sutter Coast Strategic Options Committee, and the Tri-Agency Economic Development Authority; and WHEREAS, she has worked tirelessly to make our whole community a better place through her involvement in the Blue Ribbon Tourism and Marketing Committee, CASA Board of Directors, Country vs. Cancer, Crescent City and Del Norte Visitors Bureau Founding Member, The Del Norte High School Safe and Sober Committee,Jaycees Basketball Tournament Committee,Junior Miss Director, Redwood Coast Rodeo Committee, Rockin' at Rowdy; Rotary; and WHEREAS, she has earned the admiration and high regard of those with whom she has come into contact, and the affection of her fellow public servants, who are proud to call her "friend"; and vVHEREAS, her performance of the duties and responsibilities of a member of City Council has been characterized by excellent and constructive contributions to municipal goverrunent in our city; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council for the City of Crescent City, and on behalf of all our citizens, does hereby express our sincere appreciation and thanks to Kelly Schellong for her distinguished service to the community, and highly commend her for the manner in which she has carried out her duties and responsibilities; ADO PTED by unanimous vote of the City Council on N ovem ber 17, 2014. Richard Holley, Mayor Attest Kymmie Scott, Deputy City Clerk O.JITJ[OP OPPI(!E (<R§quired by Artide 20, Section 3, CaLifornia Constitution and Cfiapter 8, CDh)ision 4, Titre 1 of government Code) I, CBfaR,s Inscore, do soremnfy swear (or affirm) tfiat I wiLL support and defend tfie Constitution of tfie Vnitea States ana tfie Constitution of tfie State of CaLifornia against a[[ enemies, foreign and aomestic; tfiat I wiLL bear true faitfi a'na a [[egiance to tfie Constitution of tfie Vnitea States ana tfie Constitution of tfie State of CaLifornia; tfiat I taR,s tfiis o6[igation freefy, witfiout any mentaL reseroation or purpose of e'()asion; ana tfiat I wi[[ we[[ anafaitFifu[fy discfiarge tfie auties upon wfiich I am about to enter: Counci{ 9vtem6er (BCa~ Inscore City of Crescent City (]3{ak,§ Inscore, Counci{9l1em6er Subscribea and sworn to before me tfiis 17tfi aay of November, 2014 1(ymmie Scott, CDeputy City Crerlt 13 Ojl'1J[ OP OPPI(!E (1?tquired 6y Jlrtide 20, Section 3, Ca[ifornia Constitution and Chapter B, ([)h)ision 4, rrlt[e 1 of (Jovernment Code) I, CJ?jchard 'Enea, do so[emnfy swear (or affirm) that I wi[[ support and defend the Constitution of the Vnited States and the Constitution of the State of CaHfornia against a[[ enemies, foreign and domestic; that I wi[[ 6ear true faith and a[[egiance to the Constitution of the Vnited States and the Constitution of the State of Ca[ifornia; that I taR! this 06figation freefy, without any menta[ reser()ation or purpose of evasion; and that I wi[[ we[[ andfaitfiju[fy discharge the duties upon which I am a60ut to enter: Counci{ 9vtem6er (Rjcliarcf P.nea City of Crescent City 1\icfzard P,nea, Counci[ 1vtem6er Su6scri6ed ami sworn to 6efore me this 17th aay of'Novem6er, 2014 1(ymmie Scott, ([)eputy City C[er(
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