DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD WN APPLIANCE PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP a. '. 1,354,861 . Patented Oct. 5, 1920‘ 2 EEEEEEEEEEEE 1 l 65' ' .c 626 I / . y 52 v \ . f 000 ni-w , mmqs . a’ d ‘[11 ~ 6 a k W Lia-WW J'. TONGE. _ HYDRAULIC BREAKING DOWN APPLIANCE. APPLICATION FILED SEPT-16,1918. 1,354,861 . Patented 0%. 5,1920; 2 SHEETS-SHEET 2. . E17 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JAMES TONGE, OF TVESTHOUGHTON, NEAR BOLTON, ENGLAND. HYDRAULIC BREAKING-DilWN APFLIANCE. Speci?cation of Letters Patent. 1,354,861. Application ?led. September 16, 1918. To aZZ whom it may concern: _ lie it known that I, JAMES ToNsn, a sub Patented Oct. 5, 1920. Serial No. 254,344. ' ' ton affords a longer travel than heretofore, while the simple or single travel type of pis dent of YVesthoughton, near Bolton, in the ton. may be formed in one piece. _ In the accompanying drawings, which 60 county of Lancaster, England, have invent illustrate my invention :— ed a certain new and useful Improvement Figure l is a sectional end elevation of a hydraulic press and one of the rams, this ject of the King of Great Britain, and resi in l'lydraulic Breaking-Down Appliances, of which the following description, having latter being of simple form. reference to the accompanyingdrawings, is a speci?cation. lily invention relates to hydraulic presses, particularly for use in the breaking down of coal or other minerals, in breaking up con crete blocks such as engine beds, and for other similar purposes. This class of hy draulic press comprises a body part for in sertion in an opening previously formed by boring or the like. ‘Vithin said body part Fig. 2 is a similar view to Fig. 1 but shows the ram in section and in its extended position. _ Fig. 3 is a side sectional elevation show ingthree of said rams, two in their closed positions with one in section, and the other when extended, although in actual practice these rams of course occupy approximately the same positions within the body of the press. The channels for supplying water to the cylinders are not shown, as they do tons or rams. These latter, on water being not form part of my invention. is or are mounted one or more series of pis Fig. -l is a plan of my improved press. forced into said main or body part, travel Fig. 5 is a cross sectional elevation of the in directions somewhat radially thereof, surh pistons being either simple or single body-of the hydraulic press before the rams travel pistons, or those of multiple form are placed in position therein, showing one 80 which are arranged in two or more parts each of which has a traverse separate from that or those to which it is connected. Here~ of the openings into which a ram has to be nttec . Fig. 6 is an elevation of the body of the ‘ tofore in connection with these hydraulic hydraulic press. Fig. 7 is a plan thereof. presses it has been customary to limit the travel outwardly of each of the single pis~ - tons or each of the main pistons (or that cover hereinafter described. Fig. 9 is a sectional elevation thereof. which has least travel) by inserting in the Similar letters and ?gures of reference in body part a sliding plate or plates the inner surface of which is of the same diameter as dicate like parts throughout the several " that of the main part of the piston or ram. A flange mounted on such piston comes into contact with said plate thus to effect the limiting of its movement outwardly as de sired. It has been found that these devices 40 are somewhat diliicult to manufacture and assemble, in addition to which the amount of the travel of the piston is to some extent restricted. It is also necessary, in order to 85 Fig. 8 is a plan of an additional plate or views. 90 - In carrying my invention into effect I form the body part a of the press somewhat in the usual manner, that is, it has a series of cylinders 7) extending on one side of said body part (as shown by the drawings) or if desired it may have one series extending in one direction and another series extending in the opposite direction, this alternative effect the assembling of the parts, to form form not being illustrated as it is common the piston, when such has only a single and well known. Usually each cylinder b travel, in two portions, one of which has to is of the same diameter throughout its depth, 100 be screwed into the other after the latter however I now form these cylinders b of has been placed in position within its cylin two diameters the body portion being of der. The object of my present invention is larger diameter than the upper or outer 50 to produce a hydraulic press of an improved part b2 which latter forms an inwardly ex construction, such improved construction tending ?ange around a portion of the outer consisting‘in forming the stop plate for end of said cylinder 1). It is this flange 62 limiting the piston’s travel integrally with which forms the stop or limits the travel of the body part of the press, beneath or in the piston or ram 0 the ?ange c1 on which 55 proximity to which the single piston or com pound piston may easily be slid. The pis ?ts against said ?ange b2 when said piston has reached the extent of its travel. A hori 110 '2. 1,354,861 zontally disposed slot or opening 713 extends the bottom of the cylinder to the lower sur 60 from beneath said ?ange b2 to the outside ‘face of the stop plate. This causes the ram of the body part a, this opening being of ' or piston to have to be placed in position the same diameter or width as the larger within the cylinder before said plate was diameter 61 of the cylinder 1) and also of the slid into its slot or opening, hence said pis same diameter as the ?ange c1 on the piston ton had to be formed in two parts, one part or-ramv'c. Said slot or opening 63 is of a being screwed upon the other after the lat l0 l5 depth approximately that of the thickness ter had been assembled in position, whereas of said ?ange 01. Another opening 6* (ad with my present invention the length or joining the slot 53) is formed through the depth of the piston or ram does not inter body part a this being of the same width fere with the assembling of the several parts, as'the diameter of thebody part of the pis thus it can be formedin one piece as illus ton a, It will be seen that the piston 0 may trated. Further than this, by the ?ange ‘or readily be slid into its position within or stop 62 being at the periphery of the hy above the cylinder 1) by the ?ange c1 passing draulic press a longer traverse is given to through the slot 63 and the body part the piston or rams than has heretofore been through the opening btand when it reaches the case._ a positionwithin or above the cylinder 1) it may then pass downwardly or toward the 65 70 75 I have ,onlyillustrated a single or simple ram 01' one having a single traverse, but it 1 will readily be understood that duplex rams The hydraulic leathers (Z may have'plain or those having a greater number of sepa surfaces for contact with the lower surfaces rate traverses maybe employed, although I center of the press. of the pistons or rams c and they may be do not illustrate these latter as they are well pressed into the cylinders Z2 through the known and the traverse of the main portion '2 5 ends thereof or passed through the grooves of such pistons or rams'is similar to that 63 prior to the insertion otsaid rams. c of a‘ piston of ‘single travel. 85 ‘which will afterward press them ?rmly “Such being the nature and object of my against the bases of the cylinders b; , Or I said invention, what I claim is :4— may fasten said leathers d to the rams 0 1. In a hydraulic breaking down appli 3 0. for which purpose I form openingspcen ance,. a body part, a series of cylinders trally therein through which may pass, the formed therein, pistons operating in said 90 cylinders, ?anges on said pistons, stop pieces cure said leathers? in position upon said pis~ for said ?anges formed integrally with. said 'tons'after having-been placed within said body part, and openings and grooves formed cylinders b I form openings 65 in the bases in said body part through which the pistons screwed projections 02 on said rams.‘ To se 40 of the cylinders Z) for the reception of the nuts it, said openings being of the same shape as said nuts, thus after the pistons 0 have been placed in position within said cylinders Z) they may be rotated for the purpose of causing the projecting screwed parts 02 to be screwed within saidonuts h which latter thus will then hold the said leathers ?rmly in position. are slid when being assembled in position. 2. ‘In a hydraulic breaking-down appli ance, a body part, cylinders formed therein, pistons operating in said cylinders, screwed projections on said cylinders, hydraulic packing leathers, nuts for ?tting’ over said screwed projections, and openings formed in ‘said body party at the lower ends’ of the cyl 100 inders to prevent rotation of said nuts. I mount plates 70 having shoulders 701 each _ 3. In a hydraulic breakingjdown appli~ plate being used to. fill both the slots 63 and ance, a body part, cylinders formed therein, openings 1)4 after the parts, have been .as pistons operating in said cylinders, integral 105 sembled, they being retained in position by ?anges or stop pieces for said pistons, open refuse are prevented fromentering the cyl ings formed in said body part to allow the assembling of said pistons, and plates for inders?) and leakage of the pressure water covering said, openings. nuts 7:2‘ or the like, thus borings or other 50 ‘ ' l in the cylinders b is effectually prevented. These plates 70 also guide the pistons (2 in their movements and effectually prevent them from tilting in the cylinders b. , Hereto'fore‘ where sliding plates have been employed to limit the motion of the pistons formed integrally withthe body part at the outer ends of said cylinders and plates pro! vided with‘ ?anges corresponding to those or rams, the amount of such motion or trav formed at the outer ends of the ‘cylinders. erse has been regulated by the distance from 110 4. In. a hydraulic breaking-clown appli ance, a body part, cylinders formedv therein, pistons operating in said cylinders, ?anges < JAMES TONGE. 115
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