SILVER LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL CO-‐CHAIRS Amy Clarke Charles Herman-‐Wurmfeld VICE CHAIR Ted Adams TREASURER Georgene Smith-‐Goodin SECRETARY Teresa Sitz SILVER LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL CITY OF LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA Serving the Silver Lake Community Since 2003 EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE: (323) 413-‐SLNC (7562) URL: Executive Committee Meeting Agenda MAIL PO Box 26385, LA CA 90026 6:00pm-‐7:20pm Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Citibank Community Meeting Room, 2450 Glendale Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90039 Transit: Parking, Bike Parking, Metro Bus 9 Our meetings rely on input from the stakeholders of Silver Lake. Stakeholders are requested to fill out a “Speaker Card” to address the Board on any item of the agenda prior to the Board taking action on that item. Comments from the public on Agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the Agenda, but which are within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction, will be heard during the Public Comment period. Public comment is limited to 2 minutes per speaker, unless altered by the Co-‐chair(s). Agenda is posted for public review at, City Council District 13 Field Office and throughout Silver Lake. Internet users can sign up to receive agendas and minutes via the city’s Early Notification System at As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Report(s) related to an agenda item will be available for review at Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. Interpreters are also available in seven languages. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting the SLNC via email at [email protected]. Si necesita un interprete en español, favor de communicarse con o por correo electronico, tres dias antes de la junta que se lleva a cabo cada mes. SI REQUIERE SERVICIOS DE TRADUCCION, FAVOR DE NOTIFICAR A LA OFICINA 3 días de trabajo (72 horas) ANTES DEL EVENTO. SI NECESITA ASISTENCIA CON ESTA NOTIFICACION, POR FAVOR LLAME A NUESTRA OFICINA AL [email protected] In compliance with Government Code Section 54957.5, non-‐exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners in advance of their meetings may be viewed by clicking on the or at the board meeting. In addition, if you would like a copy of any record related to an item on the agenda, please contact [email protected] ITEMS MAY BE ADDRESSED OUT OF THE ORDER LISTED. TIMES ARE FOR REFERENCE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call & Welcome (2 min) 6:00PM 2. Approval of Minutes from meeting October 15, 2014 (SEE ATTACHMENT C) (3 min) 6:02PM 3. PUBLIC COMMENT (5 min) 6:05PM 4. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion & possible action with regard to amending Standing Rule 20 to make it possible for Committee Co-‐chairs to contact their members through their lists directly. (5 min) 6:10 B. Discussion & Possible Action with regard to the posting of draft version of missing SLNC Governing Board minutes for 2013. (5 min) 6:15 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion & possible action on adding text to the correspondence page and Consider-‐it page to ensure adherence to the Brown Act. (see attachment A) (5 min) 6:20 rd th B. Discussion & possible action with regard to scheduling agenda items and/or meeting parameters for December 3 and January 7 governing board agenda, the anniversary party including, but not limited to, discussing special commemorations, and the December Executive Committee meeting. (10 min) 6:25 C. Discussion & possible action on spending up to $100 ($75 refreshments & $25 room) for a December 4th consensus & collaborative group skills workshop from 6:30-‐8:30PM at the Holy Virgin Mary Cathedral for SLNC Board, community, extended community. (5 min) 6:35 D. Discussion & possible action with regard to potential town hall topics & meeting dates for the 2nd or 3rd week of January SLNC town hall meetings, as well as, CD 13 Councilman Mitch O'Farrell speaking on Affordable Housing at February Governing Board meeting. (10 min) 6:40 1 E. Discussion & possible action with regard to SLNC Letters on Official Board Positions, Committee Authority & Purview. (5 min) 6:50 F. Discussion & possible action with regard to SLNC committee schedules including, but not limited to, permanent meetings, joint meetings, special meetings, committee calendar and overall best practices. (10 min) 6:55 G. Discussion & possible action with regard to items documented on the Executive Committee poster created at the recent SLNC Visions & Goals meeting by participants. (see attachment B) (10 min) 7:05 6. Agenda Items for next executive meeting (5 min) 7:15PM 7. Adjourn 7:20PM 2 SLNC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA ITEMS FOR NOVEMBER 19, 2014 ATTACHMENT A 5. NEW BUSINESS – Agenda Item A Example of possible text to be added to the correspondence page and Consider-‐it page: "The SLNC is bound by the Brown Act which prevents us from commenting on letters from the public on this page. Each of these letters to the Board have been answered by an SLNC board member and some of the issues will be addressed in various committees." 3 ATTACHMENT B 5. NEW BUSINESS – Agenda Item F Poster from the recent SLNC Visions & Goals meeting created by participants for the Executive Committee to review. Minutes-‐ ATTACHMENT C 4 SLNC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DRAFT MINUTES 010-‐15-‐14 for approval at Executive Committee 11-‐19-‐14 SLNC Executive Committee Meeting, October 15, 2014, note taker, Teresa Sitz 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Call to order, 6:05, Ted Present: Ted, Georgene, Teresa, Amy, Charlie – Quorum; Nina Sorkin, Karina Andrade Approval of last month’s minutes, Add Carolina Jimenez (guest) Ted moved, Georgene seconded, no objections. Public comment Nina – I’ve tried to be thoughtful and involved, my desire to be involved is waning. The sandbox is not inclusive. For example in July 2014 I submitted a motion for CERT to Public Safety; In August it was not agendized; Public Safety said it was an oversight; In September Public Safety was cancelled and later linked with EYF which has its own agenda. Again it was not heard. I trusted it to Public Safety; Now it will be heard in another joint meeting with EYF; It has been rewritten. Public Safety has abdicated their roles. I remember the song Imagine, by the Beatles. Imagine that in Silver Lake diversity is honored. I also remember Einstein who said doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome is insanity. Ted – there’s a desire for the co-chairs to have more control, perhaps 1 minute per speaker on board, streamline the meetings, increase productivity Charlie – sitting silently to acknowledge Amy – talked about music box steps Old business – no old business New Business A. Shared Google Documents Amy – google docs, reports, etc. Taking too much time to send formatted documents. Georgene – loves the idea. The MER (monthly expenditure report) – can’t do until the month closes. Gets things to the cochair super late. Need to check on the legality of the collaborative nature of working on google docs. Amy – checks in with co-chairs after committee meetings to see what space she needs to hold for motions Georgene – doing old business consent and new business consent together is brilliant, clears things; if your motion is time sensitive it needs a date; letting a motion sit for months sometimes helps people do research, let’s the issue breathe Charlie – Anthony Crump had an issue with the Committee Reports being at the first of the agenda, but moved to the end. Amy – it’s important to have it at the beginning so newcomers to the agenda can see about the committees and what they do. Georgene – should be at the beginning, if we really believe the important work happens in committees Nina – Budget and Finance is really important. Work needs to happen in committee and then things will flow better. Some reports are not read and board members ask for clarification that they could have read. Teresa – I have an agenda notes page for GB notes, could send to the board Georgene – might be good for everyone B.Axiom Invoice Letter Amy – Gracye is waiting for more staff to weigh in. Will call Gracye tomorrow. Karina – what is this about? Amy – Translation services; no board member could approve translation Nina – in her former capacity, she was allowed to bring her own translator, but had to go pick up the equipment. Lisette gave me the fee. CERT has to have an approved translator. Charlie – 300-400 per day x 7 – do the math Georgene – 5 vendors for translation? Nina – I can forward you the email from Lisette. I got it in June when I was writing the CERT motion. [Nina left at 6:45] C. Consensus training Charlie – hearing from board and community that this is desired. Folks from Eco Village can provide training. Probably multiple training. Georgene – a great item for the retreat Charlie – love to see communities and committee chairs coming Georgene – a lot of resistance to the retreat, this might get people on board. If started at retreat, then picked up at committee, might go easier Teresa – Larry Lacombe wrote to us about conflict resolution, does that fit into this discussion? Charlie – he’s interested in consensus, too. Let’s pull him into the discussion? Teresa – I’ll respond to his email. 5 D. Anniversary holiday party Charlie – at our December meeting? Georgene – great idea Charlie – spillover from November and consent agenda only, then party at 7:00 p.m. Amy – will notify board and stakeholders in November Georgene – spoke about funding issues. What if everyone just brought their own treats. Amy – like a potluck Georgene – send an invitation to old board members, buy cookies and cake from Lark. Just a birthday party. If Amy and Charlie get quotes I’ll write the motion. E. Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee - skipped F. Ivanhoe Hoedown Georgene – Joe Ferrell facilitated the motion with Ivanhoe and Georgene. Their poster had our logo. We approved it. Paid something – was told I didn’t need preapproval, but did. In LF Ledger – our logo was removed from all artwork. Amy – talked with Los Feliz ledger with events, Ivanhoe questioned where I got the information Georgene – Ivanhoe said they had multiple forms of art; approved with the condition that our logo was on it – required, needs a copy for DONE; probably needs to ask for the money back – misappropriation of public funds. If we don’t get the money it will be bad. Karina – was there a conscious decision to omit the logo? G. Board Retreat - skipped H. Music Box Steps – brief update I. email policy Georgene – problem with popping a shared account, and standing by our decisions Karina – okay with IT email Charlie – when Karina leaves the committee she takes all the email addresses with her Teresa – I’m willing to withdraw the motion Charlie – we need to keep talking about it. Teresa, Ted, table until next month. J. SR 20 – committee lists - skipped K. GB minutes 2013- skipped 6. 6 (I apologize – I missed the name of the person who moved to adjourn, and the time.)
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