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Articles in refereed journals
Brännström, K.J. & Grenner J. 2008. Long-term measurement of binaural intensity and pitch matches.
I. Normal hearing. Int J Audiol 47:59-66.
Brännström, K.J. & Grenner J. 2008. Clinical application of long-term intensity and pitch matches in
fluctuating low-frequency hearing loss. Int J Audiol 47:412-419.
Brännström, K.J. & Grenner J. 2008. Long-term measurement of binaural intensity and pitch matches.
II. Fluctuating low-frequency hearing loss. Int J Audiol 47:675-687.
Brännström, K.J. & Grenner J. 2009. Effects on cochlear frequency selectivity after hypobaric
pressure exposure in fluctuating low-frequency hearing loss. J Laryngol Otol 123:710-717.
Brännström, K.J. & Lantz J. 2010. Interaural attenuation with the Sennheiser HDA 200 circumaural
earphones. Int J Audiol. 49:467-471.
Brännström, K.J. & Wennerström, I. 2010. Hearing aid fitting outcome: clinical application and
psychometric properties of a Swedish translation of the International Outcome Inventory for Hearing
Aids (IOI-HA). J Am Acad Audiol. 21:512-521.
Brännström, K. J. & Nilsson, P. 2011. Octave illusion elicited by narrowband noises. J Acoust Soc Am
Brännström, K.J., Lantz, J., Holme Nielsen, L., & Østergaard Olsen, S. 2011. Acceptable Noise Level
with Danish, Swedish and non-semantic speech materials. Int J Audiol. 51: 146-156
Brännström, K.J., Borovac, A., Zunic, E., & Ibertsson, T. 2012. Acceptance of background noise,
working memory capacity, and auditory evoked potentials in subjects with normal hearing. J Am Acad
Audiol 23:542-552.
Østergaard Olsen, S., Lantz, J., Holme Nielsen, L., & Brännström, K.J., 2012. The Acceptable Noise
Level: Repeatability with Danish and non-semantic speech materials for adults with normal hearing. Int
J Audiol 51:557-563.
Laplante-Lévesque, A., Brännström, K.J., Lunner, T. & Andersson, G. 2012. Adults with hearing
impairment and their significant others searching for information on the Internet: Quality and
readability of English-language websites. Int J Audiol 51:618-626.
Hjalte, F., Brännström, K.J. & Gerdtham, U. 2012. Societal costs of hearing disorders- a systematic
and critical review of literature. Int J Audiol 51:655-662.
Østergaard Olsen, S., Lantz, J., Holme Nielsen, L., & Brännström, K.J., 2012. Acceptable Noise Level
(ANL) with Danish and non-semantic speech materials in adult hearing aid users. Int J Audiol 51:678688.
Brännström, K.J., Båsjö, S., Larsson, J., Lood, S., Lundå, S., Notsten-Widman, M. & Turunen-Taheri,
S. 2013. Psychosocial work environment among Swedish audiologists. Int J Audiol 52:151-161.
Østergaard Olsen, S., Lantz, J., Brännström, K.J., & Holme Nielsen, L. 2013. Acceptable Noise Level
with Danish and non-semantic speech materials in adult subjects diagnosed with unilateral Ménière’s
disease. Hearing, Balance and Communication 11:17-23.
Heggdal, P., Lind, O. & Brännström, K. J. 2013. Frequency discrimination in ears with and without
contralateral cochlear dead regions. Int J Audiol 52:553-557.
Thuring, A., Brännström K. J., Ewerlöf, M., Hernandez-Andrade, E., Ley, D., Lingman, G., Liuba, K.,
& Karel Maršál, Tomas Jansson. 2013. Operator auditory perception and spectral quantification of
umbilical artery Doppler ultrasound signals. PLoS ONE 8: e64033
Brännström, K.J., Lantz, J., Holme Nielsen, L., & Østergaard Olsen, S. 2013. Prediction of IOI-HA
scores using speech reception threshold and speech discrimination scores in quiet. J Am Acad Audiol
Østergaard Olsen, S. & Brännström, K.J. 2013. Does the acceptable noise level (ANL) predict hearing
aid use patterns? Int J Audiol 53:2-20.
Brännström, K.J., Holm, L., Kastberg, T., & Østergaard Olsen, S. 2013. The acceptable noise level:
The effect of repeated measurements. Int J Audiol 53:21-29.
Lyberg-Åhlander, V., Haake, M., Brännström, K. J., Schötts, S., & Sahlén, B. 2013. Does speaker’s
voice quality influence children’s performance on a language comprehension test? Int J Speech Pathol
Brännström, K.J., Ludvigsson, J., Morris, D. & Ibertsson, T. 2014. Clinical note: Validation of the
Swedish version of the Parents’ Evaluation of Aural/Oral Performance of Children (PEACH) Rating
Scale for normal-hearing infants and children. Hear Bal Commun 12:88-93.
Laplante-Lévesque, A., Brännström, K.J., Ingo, E., Lunner, T. & Andersson, G. 2014. Stages of
change in adults who have failed an online hearing screening. Ear Hear 36:92-101.
24. Brännström, K.J., Olsen, S.Ø., Holm, L., Kastberg, T., & Ibertsson, T. 2013. The effect of repeated
measurements and working memory on the most comfortable level in the ANL test. Int J Audiol
25. Østergaard Olsen, S., Lantz, J., Holme Nielsen, L., & Brännström, K.J., 2013. Intertester reliability of
the acceptable noise level. J Am Acad Audiol 24:241-243.
26. Thuring, A., Brännström K. J., Jansson, T., Maršál, K. 2014 Audio spectrum analysis of umbilical
artery Doppler ultrasound signals applied to a clinical material. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica
Scandinavica 93:1320-1324.
27. Olsen, U. S., Lello, E., Nagaraj, V., Reimer, Å., Ibertsson, T., & Brännström, K.J. 2013. Factors
affecting tinnitus severity over time – a follow-up study at an Ear, Nose and Throat clinic in Sweden.
International Tinnitus Journal 18:115-121.
28. Brännström, K. J., Holm, L., Lyberg-Åhlander, V., Haake, M., Kastberg, T., &. Sahlén, B. 2014.
Children’s subjective ratings and opinions of typical and dysphonic voice after performing a language
comprehension task in background noise. Journal of Voice E-pub ahead of print.
29. Lyberg-Åhlander, V., Holm, L., Kastberg, T., Haake, M., Brännström, K. J., &. Sahlén, B. 2014. Are
children with stronger cognitive capacity more or less disturbed by classroom noise and dysphonic
teachers? Accepted for publication in International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
30. Thuring, A., Brännström K. J., Jansson, T., Maršál, K. 2015. Doppler audio signal analysis as an
additional tool in evaluation of umbilical artery circulation. Accepted for publication in European
Journal of Ultrasound.
31. Brännström, K.J., Öberg, M., Ingo, E., Månsson, K.N.T., Andersson, G., Lunner, T. & LaplanteLévesque, A., 2014. The process of developing an internet-based support system for audiologists and
first-time hearing aid clients. Accepted for publication in American Journal of Audiology.
32. Morris, D., Christensen, L., Uglebjerg, C., Brännström, K. J., & Falkenberg, E.-S. 2015. Parental
comparisons of the prosodic and communication ability of children with a cochlear implant and their
normal hearing sibling. Accepted for publication in Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics.
33. Waechter, S., & Brännström, K. J. 2015. The impact of tinnitus on cognitive performance in normal
hearing individuals. International Journal of Audiology E-pub ahead of print:1-7.
34. Lyberg-Åhlander, V., Brännström, K.J. & Sahlén, B. 2015. On the interaction of speaker’s voice
quality, ambient noise and task complexity with children’s listening comprehension and cognition.
Front Psychol 6: 871.
35. Månsson, F., Roll, M., Lindgren, M., Brännström K. J., & Horne, M. Lexical specificity and emotional
arousal modulate response times differently depending on ear of presentation in a dichotic listening
task. Accepted for publication in Mental Lexicon.
36. Strukelj, A., Brännström, K. J., Holmberg, N., Mossberg, F., & Holmqvist, K.. 2013. The impact of
sound presentations on executive control. Evidence from eye movements Accepted for publication in
Psychology of Music.
Brännström, J. 1997. Svensk nyårsdiktning på latin under stormaktstiden. Bachelor thesis in Latin,
Department of Classical Languages, Lund University.
Brännström, J. 1998. Magnus Rönnow och Karl XII. Master thesis in Latin, Department of Classical
Languages, Lund University.
Brännström J. 1999. Hiatus över ordgränser i svenskan. Bachelor thesis in Phonetics, Department of
Linguistics, Lund University.
Brännström, J. 2002 Underlying factors in speech intelligibility; rationale, construction, and
evaluation of a serie of tests. Master thesis in Audiologi, Department of Logopedics, Phoniatrics, and
Audiology, Clinical Sciences Lund, Lund University.
Brännström, K.J. 2009. Pitch, loudness and frequency selectivity in low-frequency hearing loss. Ph.D.
thesis. Faculty of Medicine Doctoral Dissertation Series 2009:35. Media-Tryck: Lund, Sweden.
Other scientific publications
Brännström, J. & J. Lantz. 2001. On the physiological location of otoacoustic emissions. Working
papers 49. Papers from Fonetik 2001 held at Örenäs, May 30-June 1, 2001. Eds. A. Karlsson och Joost
van de Weijer. Dept. of Linguistics, Lund University.
Ching, T. Y. C., H. Dillon, F. Lockhart, E. van Wanrooy, C. Brew, L. La, J. Newall, and J.
Brännström. 2003. Factors affecting speech intelligibility of hearing impaired people. National
Acoustic Laboratories. Research and Development Annual Report 2002/2003. Australian Hearing,
Sydney, Australia.
Articles: Professional and Popular Science
Brännström, J. & J. Grenner. 2006. Långtidsmätning av fluktuerande hörselnedsättning.
Audionomtidningen 1/2006.
Brännström, J. & J. Grenner. 2007. Binaural diplacusis och psykoakustik. Audionytt 1/2007.
Brännström, J. 2007. Om tonhöjdsuppfattning. Audionomtidningen 3/2007.
Brännström, J. 2009. Audiologisk rehabilitering med patienten i fokus – några tankar kring framtidens
audionomroll. Audionomtidningen 2/2009.
Brännström, J. 2009. Audiologisk rehabilitering med patienten i fokus – några tankar kring framtidens
audionomroll. Audionytt 2/2009.
Brännström, J. 2009. Avhandlingssammanfattning: Pitch, loudness and frequency selectivity in lowfrequency hearing loss. Audionomtidningen 3/2009.
Brännström, J. 2009. Pitch, loudness and frequency selectivity in low-frequency hearing loss. Svensk
ÖNH-tidskrift 4/2009.
Brännström, J, Båsjö, S., Larsson, J., Lood, S. och Notsten-Widman, M. 2010. Vad är en god vård –
och hur vill vi audionomer bedriva den? Audionomtidningen 1/2010.
Brännström, J. 2010. Hur stimulerar vi audionomstudenter till kritiskt tänkande? Audionomtidningen
Brännström, J. 2010. Vad menar vi med rehabilitering, egentligen? Audionomtidningen 3/2010.
Brännström, J, Båsjö, S., Larsson, J., Lood, S., Lundå, S., Notsten-Widman och Turunen-Taheri, S.
2010. Audionombarometern 2010. Audionomtidningen 4/2010.
Brännström, J, Båsjö, S., Larsson, J., Lood, S., Lundå, S., Notsten-Widman och Turunen-Taheri, S.
2010. Välmående och inflytande hos audionomerna inom Region Skånes auktorisation.
Audionomtidningen 4/2010.
Brännström, J. 2010. Frågan om praktikårskrav. Audionomtidningen 4/2010.
Uhlén, I., Brännström, J., Stenfelt, S. 2012. Fritt vårdval av hjälpmedel – utredning på remiss.
Audionytt 1-2/2012.
Brännström, J., Hjalte, F., Gerdtham, U-G. 2012. Samhällskostander för hörselnedsättningar.
Audionytt 3/2012.
Brännström, J., Båsjö, S., Holm, L., Larsson, J., Lood, S., Lundå, S., Notsten, M., Turunen Taheri, S.
2013. Audionombarometern 2012 – Psykosocial arbetsmiljö. Audionomtidningen 1/2013:8-13.
Brännström, J., Båsjö, S., Holm, L., Larsson, J., Lood, S., Lundå, S., Notsten, M., Turunen Taheri, S.
2013. Audionombarometern 2012 – Kvalitetssäkring vid hörapparatutprovning. Audionomtidningen
Brännström, J., Båsjö, S., Holm, L., Larsson, J., Lood, S., Lundå, S., Notsten, M., Turunen Taheri, S.
2013. Audionombarometern 2012 – Kvalitetssäkring vid hörapparatutprovning. Audionomtidningen
Brännström, J., Holm, L., Larsson, J., Lood, S., Lundå, S., Notsten, M., Turunen Taheri, S. Med sikte
på framtidens audionomer. Audiografen 4/2014:33-34.
Ibertsson, T., Brännström, J., Andersson, P. 2015. Kommer min hörselnedsättning att växa bort?
Audionomtidningen 2/2015: 12-13.
Brännström, K.J., Jansson, T., Marsal, K. & Thuring, A. 2012. Akustisk analys och kvantifiering av
Dopplerflödessignaler från det kardiovaskulära systemet. SE 1200357-0.
Conference abstracts
Brännström, J. & Grenner J. 2005. Endolymphatic hydrops and diplacusis – a case report. The
Icelandic Medical Journal 51; 38-39.
Brännström, J. & Grenner J. 2006. Low-frequency hearing loss: Long-term measurements of binaural
diplacusis. Program and abstracts from the XXVIIIth International Congress of Audiology, 3-7
September 2006, Innsbruck, Austria.
Brännström, K.J. & Grenner J. 2008. Effects on cochlear frequency selectivity after hypobaric
pressure exposure (A). J Acoust Soc Am 123; 3458.
Brännström, K.J., Lantz, J. & Östergaard Olsen, S. 2009. Undersökning av Acceptable Noise Levelmetoden i Öresundsregionen. Program and Abstracts from Tema Hörsel, 13-15 May 2009, Jönköping,
Brännström, K.J. 2009. Tonhöjd, hörstryrka och frekvensselektivitet vid bashörselnedsättning – en
avhandlingssammanfattning. Program and Abstracts from Tema Hörsel, 13-15 May 2009, Jönköping,
Brännström, K.J. 2010. Utvärdering av audiologisk rehabilitering vid olika typer av hörselnedsättning.
Program och Abstracts from Audionomdagarna, 26-28 May 2010, Västerås, Sweden,
Löwgren, K., Brännström, J., Grenner, J., Sahlén, B. 2011. In pursuit of auditory correlates to
linguistic percepts: Gap detection and stop consonant production in children with cochlear implants.
First International Conference on Cognitive Hearing Science for Communication, 19-22 June 2011,
Linköping, Sweden.
Laplante-Lévesque, A., Brännström, J., Lunner, T. Andersson, G. 2011. Adults with hearing
impairment and their significant others searching for hearing impairment information on the Internet:
Quality and Readability of English-language websites. First International Conference on Cognitive
Hearing Science for Communication, 19-22 June 2011, Linköping, Sweden.
Wilson, W., Searchfield, G., Thome, P., Sanders, M., & Brännström K.J. 2011. Acceptable Noise
Level (ANL) as a predictor of hearing aid success. Keynote lecture. Australian College of Audiology
National Congress, 18-20 August 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
Lindström, P., Holmberg, N., Mossberg, F., Brännström, J., Holmqvist, K. 2011. Text reading during
noise exposure: Effects on eye movements and galvanic skin responses. The 16 th European Conference
on Eye Movements, 21-25 August 2011, Marseille, France.
Østergaard Olsen, S., Lantz, J., Holme Nielsen, L., & Brännström, K.J., 2012. Acceptable Noise
Levels Dansk Teknisk Audiologisk Selskab, Annual Meeting September 9-10, 2011, Stouby, Denmark.
Scottsdale, Arizona, US.
Østergaard Olsen, S., Lantz, J., Holme Nielsen, L., & Brännström, K.J., 2012. The Acceptable Noise
Level test: Poor Repeatability American Auditory Society, Annual Meeting March 8-10, 2012
Scottsdale, Arizona, US.
Öberg, M., Brännström, K.J., Laplante-Levésque, A., Lunner, T. & Andersson, G. 2012.
Hörselrehabilitering och internet. Program and Abstracts from Tema Hörsel, 28-30 March 2012,
Linköping, Sweden.
Østergaard Olsen, S., Lantz, J., Holme Nielsen, L., & Brännström, K.J., 2012. The Acceptable Noise
Level test: Reproducerbarhet med danske og ikke-semantiske talmaterial. Program and Abstracts from
Tema Hörsel, 28-30 March 2012, Linköping, Sweden.
Brännström, K.J., Lantz, J., Holme Nielsen, L., & Østergaard Olsen, S. 2012. Acceptable Noise Level
test med danskt, svenskt och ickesemantiskt talmaterial. Program and Abstracts from Tema Hörsel, 2830 March 2012, Linköping, Sweden.
Brännström, K.J., Borovac, A., Zunic, E., Østergaard Olsen, S., & Ibertsson, T.. 2012. Acceptans av
bakgrundsbrus och arbetsminneskapacitet. Program and Abstracts from Tema Hörsel, 28-30 March
2012, Linköping, Sweden.
Brännström, K.J. & Jönsson, A. 2012. Kvalitetssäkring vid hörapparatutprovning. Feature lecture.
Program and Abstracts from Tema Hörsel, 28-30 March 2012, Linköping, Sweden.
Strukelj, A., Holmberg, N., Lindström, P., Mossberg, F., Brännström, K.J., & Holmqvist, K. 2012.
Text comprehension during noise exposure: Effects on eye movements, galvanic skin responses and
subjective performance. Extended abstract. Scandinavian workshop of eye tracking, May 2-4 in
Stockholm, Sweden.
Laplante-Lévesque, A., Brännström, K.J., Lunner, T. Andersson, G. 2012. Dr Google: Quality and
readability of English-language Internet information on hearing impairment and hearing aids. Adult
Hearing Screening Conference, 7-9 June 2012, Lake Como, Italy.
Barrock, E., Lodberg Olsen, H., Holmberg, M. & Brännström, K.J. 2012. Listening effort: Comparison
of self-reported effort and dual-task methods based on speech materials with both high and low context.
International Hearing Aid Research Conference, 08-12 August 2012, Lake Tahoe, California.
Østergaard Olsen, S., Lantz, J., Holme Nielsen, L., & Brännström, K.J., 2012. The Acceptable Noise
Level: Erfaringer med dansk, svensk og ikke-semantisk talematerial blandt normalthørande og
personer med hørnedsaettelse. Invited lecture. Nationellt möte för Föreningen af Universitetsuddannade
Audiologopeder (FUA), 28 September 2012, Odense, Danmark.
Østergaard Olsen, S., Lantz, J., Brännström, K.J., & Holme Nielsen, L. 2012. The Acceptable Noise
Level with Danish and non-semantic speech materials in adult subjects diagnosed with unilateral
Ménière’s disease. British Academy of Audiology Annual Conference, 12-13 November 2012,
Manchester, United Kingdom.
Laplante-Lévesque, A., Brännström, K.J., Lunner, T. Andersson, G. 2012. Quality and readability of
English-language internet information for adults with hearing impairment and their significant others.
Advances in Audiology Conference, 2-5 December 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Lyberg Åhlander, V., Haake, M., Brännström, J., Schötz, S., Johansson, M., Sahlén, B. 2012. Spelar
logopedens röst roll för barns språkförståelse. Nationell konferens i Logopedi, 15-16 November,
Jönköping, Sweden.
25. Olsen, S.Ø., Brännström, K.J. 2013. Can the acceptable noise level (ANL) predict hearing aid use
patterns? 11th congress of the European Federation of Audiological Societies (EFAS), June 20-22,
2013, Budapest, Hungary.
26. Strukelj, A., Mossberg, F., Brännström, J., Holmberg, N., Holmqvist, K. 2013. The Effect of Sound
Environments on Oculomotor Control, Stress, and Performance. 17th European Conference on Eye
Movements, 11-16 August 2013, Lund, Sweden.
27. Holm, L., Larsson, J., Brännström, J., Båsjö, S., Lood, S., Lundå, S., Notsten, M., Turunen Taheri, S.
2013. Psykosocial arbetsmiljö bland svenska audionomer. Program and Abstracts from
Audionomdagarna, 22-24 May 2013, Luleå, Sweden,
28. Østergaard Olsen, S., Holme Nielsen, L., Lantz, J., Brännström, K.J. Holm, L., & Kastberg, T. 2013.
Acceptable noise level hos voksne diagnostiserede med Mb Ménière. Program and Abstracts from
Audionomdagarna, 22-24 May 2013, Luleå, Sweden.
29. Østergaard Olsen, S. & Brännström, K.J. En model for hvordan den enkelte lytter fastlægger sit
Acceptable Noise Level (ANL). Dansk Teknisk Audiologisk Selskab, Annual Meeting September 9-10,
2011, Vejle, Denmark.
30. Laplante-Lévesque, A., Brännström, K.J., & Lunner, T. Stages of change in adults who failed an
online hearing screening. Canadian Academy of Audiology conference, 16-19 October 2013, St. John’s,
31. Grenner, J. & Brännström, K. Home audiometry in the evaluation of fluctuating hearing loss. Prosper
Ménière Society, 15-22 March 2014, Zell im Zillertal, Austria.
32. Laplante-Lévesque, A., Brännström, K.J., Öberg, M., Ingo, E., Andersson, G. & Lunner, T. 2014. An
online support system for audiologists and their first-time hearing aid clients. World Congress of
Audiology, 3-7 May 2014, Brisbane, Australia.
33. Lyberg Åhlander, Haake, M., Brännström, K.J., Schötz, S. & Sahlen, B. 2014. How does the teacher’s
voice and background noise in the classroom affect children’s comprehension and learning. ICPLA,
June 11-13 2014, Stockholm, Sweden.
34. Mårtensson, F., Roll, M., Lindgren, M., Brännström, J, & Horne, M. 2014 Dichotic listening with
specific, general, abstract and emotional words – semantic judgements and reaction times. Ninth
International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, September 30-October 2 2014, Niagara-on-the-Lake,