Imagine Innovate Create 2014 Colorado Science Conference

2014 Colorado Science Conference
Your Conference Committee
Colorado Science Organizations
Our Appreciation
Conference Schedule
Conference Sessions
Keynote Speaker
Awards Recipients
Imagine. Innovate. Create.
The Colorado Science Conference Committee would like to
welcome you to the 2014 Colorado Science Conference. We
are pleased that you have decided to join us today in an effort
to continue to build your knowledge as science educators.
We have worked to bring you a day of learning filled with more
than 100 sessions on science education and a featured speaker
who will share his ideas in how our theme, “Imagine. Innovate.
Create” should shape the learning in science classrooms to
reach innovators of the future.
At the end of the day, please take time to provide feedback
about your experience at the conference. Your comments and
feedback are essential for helping us create beneficial and
worthwhile professional development opportunities in the future.
We hope that you find new and exciting ideas that make science work for you and your students. Again, we are honored
that you have chosen to spend your time at the conference
and hope that this professional development day reignites your
passion and excitement for the field of science education!
Conference Committee
Karen Hays
Conference Co-Chair
Program Development Manager
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Melissa Free
Conference Co-Chair
Kindergarten Teacher
Turnberry Elementary School
Brighton School District 27J
Program book photos courtesy
of Shutterstock.
Your Conference Planning Committee
Melissa Free & Karen Hays
Pete Modreski & Patricia Palko
Theresa Hemming
Katie Navin
Presenter Liaison
Jim Cronin
Program Book
Melissa Free & Reese Merrell
Melissa Free, Karen Hays, & Cherie Wyatt
Social Events
Elnore Grow
Steve Iona & Bobby Nathan
Tanya Breeling
Greta Glugoski-Sharp
Bobby Nathan
Science Organization Cherie Wyatt, DeLene Hoffner, Danielle
Snelson, Elnore Grow, Pete Modreski, Steve
Iona, Marilyn Schmidt, Sally Swartz, Mike
Sipes, Katie Navin, Greta Glugoski-Sharp
Your Colorado Science
American Association of
Physics Teachers
Section Rep.
Past President
President Elect
Vice President
At Large Member
At Large Member
At Large Member
Colorado Biology Teachers
Vincent Kuo
Christine Vadovszki
Brian Huang
Bethany Wilcox
Richard Krantz
Richard Krantz
Henry Weigel IV
Jared Krueger
Courtney Willis
Adam Pearlstein
Past Presidents
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
OBTA Director
Program Coordinator
NABT Region VIII Coord.
Web Page
Newsletter Editor
Colorado Association of
Science Teachers
Past President
President Elect
DeLene Hoffner
Saverio Greto
Glenn Peterson
Cherie Wyatt
Elnore Grow
Evan Gaffney
Sharon Stroud
Colorado Earth Science Network
Past President
CSC Representative
Colorado Chemistry Teachers
CSM Credit
Treasurer & Newsletter
ACS Exams
ACS Awards
Michelle Gallagher
Marilyn Schmidt
Cindy Gay
Tamara Pennington
Marguerite Yowell
Robin Walters
Cindy Gibson
Paul Strode
Will Mallory
Dori Walker
Vania Nameth
Mike Sipes
Marilyn Schmidt
Warren Buss
John Ghist
Kerry Adams
Jane Dianich
Sharon Stroud
Pete Modreski
Marti Maguire-Rosemas
Elnore Grow
Lisa Johnson
Tom Bindel
Greta Glugoski-Sharp
Association Meetings will occur during lunch this year.
Booth 418
No meeting
We would like to thank...
for sponsoring Mike Padilla and for their generous
donation to support the Wine and Cheese Reception.
The Colorado Science Conference Committee would also like to
acknowledge and thank the following sponsors for their support of the
2014 Colorado Science Conference
A+ Microscope
Butterfly Pavilion
Professional Association of Colorado
Educators (PACE)
Colorado State University Warner
Project Learning Tree
College of Natural Resources
Rocky Mountain BEST
CPO Science
Science Companion
Crow Canyon Archaeological Center
Science Curriculum Innovations
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration
Denver Zoo
The Aquaponic Source, Inc.
Environment for the Americas
University of Colorado Museum of
Global Travel Alliance
Natural History
Keystone Science School
University of Denver –Department of
Lab-Aids, Inc.
Physics & Astronomy
University of Northern Colorado—MAST
McREL International
National Geographic Learning/Cengage
US Geological Survey
Newbridge and Sundance Publishing
Usborne Books & More
Vernier Software & Technology
Your Conference Schedule
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Lunch & Networking
Session 4
Session 5
Keynote Speaker in the Plaza
Wine & Cheese Reception
Awards Ceremony
Free Wi-Fi
for today’s conference has been sponsored by:
Warner College of
Natural Resources
CDE Recertification Credit
5 Clock Hours of Professional Development Credit
will be available at the end of the conference day.
Participants MUST be present at the end of the Keynote to
receive a certificate of completion of 5 hours of
professional development credit. Certificates will not be
available before 3:30 p.m.
Certificates will not be mailed to
participants after the Conference.
Plan out your
Session 1: ____________________________________________________________
Room: _________________ Presenter: _________________________
Session 2: ____________________________________________________________
Room: _________________ Presenter: _________________________
Session 3: ____________________________________________________________
Room: _________________ Presenter: _________________________
Session 4: ____________________________________________________________
Room: _________________ Presenter: _________________________
Session 5: ____________________________________________________________
Room: _________________ Presenter: _________________________
Session 6: Teaching Creativity and Innovation through STEM and STREAM
Presenter: Ken Wesson
Room: The Plaza
Session 1
Air Quality Science Explorations
Lisa Gardiner
Focus: Earth/Space Sci
Description: Air pollution takes many
forms - from particles of soot large
enough to see, to individual molecules of ozone and nitrogen oxides.
Air quality measurements let people
know when the amounts of pollutants
pose a health risk. In this workshop,
teachers will learn about a suite of
educational resources that help students explore the science of, and
solutions to, air pollution and explore
a case study from the Colorado Front
Audience: MS
Room: H30-38
curriculum samples. The USDoE has
highlighted Colorado's sample curriculum project as an innovative professional development model for building capacity of teachers around new
Audience: General
Room: G47-53
Check Out What's New at the
Perimeter Institute
Christine Nichols
Focus: Phys Sci
Description: Come experience the
new Cosmology resource! Explore
activities that provide teachers with
the most up-to-date evidence and
instructions for analysis to support incorporating cosmology topics into
Bilingual Learners and Science:
your classroom, including the big
Collaborative Online Professional bang, expanding universe, cosmic
redshift, cosmic microwave backDevelopment
ground radiation, structure and evoChris Carson
lution of the universe, and dark enerFocus: General
gy. Find out how to acquire your
Description: Are your bilingual stuown copies of this and other Perimedents deeply engaged during sciter Institute resources.
ence instruction? Do the academic
language demands of science seem Audience: HS
out of reach for many of your emerg- Room: J41-47
ing bilingual students? In this presenEnergy Flow Through an
tation, we will share UC Denver's
eCALLMS project, e-Learning ComRyan Luby
munities for Academic Language
Focus: Life Sci/Bio
Learning in Math & Science. Participants will engage in example hands- Description: Participants use an interon activities designed to engage bi- active card sort of organism cards
lingual students and learn how to ac- and ecosystem events to predict the
cess free eCALLMs online staff devel- effect of different events on the food
web and the ecosystem. They then
opment modules for their schools.
construct an energy pyramid to exAudience: General
amine how much energy is stored at
Room: K41-47
each level of a food web.
Audience: HS
By Teachers for Teachers:
Engaging Colorado educators as Room: H48-52
uids, solids, density, polymers and energy. The scientific method will be
Audience: Gen Elem (K-6)
Room: J31-39
Fun and Games in Chemistry
Claudia Wallace
Focus: Chemistry
Description: Students sometimes find
chemistry to be a difficult subject. In
this session, you will get ideas for making teaching/learning more than just
a worksheet. Classroom activities like
review games, puzzles, card sorts,
true/false activities, and quick 5minute strategies will be shared.
These can all be adapted to any
content but will be shared using
chemistry topics.
Audience: General
Room: H39-45
Games & Simulations for Science
Randy Russell
Focus: Tech Ed
Description: We will demonstrate several games, simulations and virtual
labs for science education. The
games and simulations are from various sources and cover topics from a
range of science disciplines. Most of
the resources we will show are computer-based games and simulations,
but we'll also touch upon some nonelectronic items such as card games
and board games.
Audience: MS/HS
Room: F38-44
Got 5Es?
Vicki Massey
Focus: General
Description: Have you been hearing
the creators of 21st century
Exciting, Cheap and Easy!! Demos about the 5Es of inquiry-based teachscience curriculum
ing? Come see how this will help you
for your Classroom Science
Joanna Bruno
focus your science and math lessons
Focus: General
on the students to practice those
Sue Anne Berger
Description: The presentation will
math, science, and 21st Century skills!
Focus: Phys Sci
combine sharing of information and
Description: Enhance your curriculum This session models cooperative
small group/partner activities as a
group strategies.
with exciting, inexpensive, and easy
way to engage the audience in the
Audience: General
process teachers used to create their science demonstrations.
Room: F35-47
Demo topics will include gases, liq7
Session 1
Green STEM: What Is It and How
Do You Implement It??
Laura Arndt
Focus: Enviro.Sci
Description: Getting kids excited
about STEM is easy when you implement GREEN STEM programs. So what
is it? Learn about how one school has
implemented a GREEN STEM program
to connect students to the environment and global conservation efforts.
Learn how this approach encourages
students to engage in high-energy,
cross-disciplinary thinking as they implement earth-friendly projects. Professionals in the STEM fields are stepping forward to support community
based STEM programs. Learn how
you can get started!
Audience: General
Room: K35-39
how they solve
problems. Through scaffolding
and related children's literature a
problem will be defined,
solutions will be imagined,
plans will be designed,
created, tested and improved upon.
(Using the EIE design cycle) Connections to the standards will be highlighted as well as possible bibliographies and useful websites. Additional examples will be available.
Audience: Elem (K-2)
Room: J40-46
Integrating STEM into the
Secondary Science Classroom
Sherri Dennstedt
Focus: Other
Description: Participants will dig deep
into the NGSS Science and Engineering Practices and discover how to
plan a STEM lesson or project based
I Don't Negotiate With Terrorists:
on CAS or NGSS science standards. In
How To Stop Repeated Warnings
addition, participants will interact
and Multiple Requests
with a STEM activity to experience the
Karen Kennedy
"E" of STEM in a science classroom.
Focus: Other
Description: Every year it is more chal- There will be example lessons and
projects as well as access to online
lenging to keep student on-task. As
resources. Participants will begin to
teachers, we want to do our best to
use one or more of the NGSS science
help our students to succeed. Howand engineering practices to develever, we often lack the tools to acop a lesson or project.
complish this daunting task!
Audience: MS/HS
In this jam-packed session, you will
Room: G30-36
learn time-tested, research based
strategies and techniques designed
Integrating Your iPad with Vernier
to: decrease teacher and student
frustration, improve student focus,
systematically teach appropriate be- Angie Harr
Focus: General
havior, drastically reduce problem
Description: Using data-collection
behavior, increase instruction.
technology builds deeper student
Audience: General
understanding of critical concepts in
Room: J48-52
science and increases test scores.
See how Vernier sensors, including
Integrating FOSS K-2 Physical
our Go Wireless Temp, supports sciScience and the Engineering
ence inquiry in classrooms using IPad.
Design Process
This technology empowers students
Judy Bogart
to collaboratively collect and indeFocus: Phys Sci
pendently analyze their data.
Description: Using the knowledge
Audience: General
gained from the Physical Science
Primary Modules of FOSS participants Room: G38-44
will be introduced to engineers and
New at NASA: Inquiry-based
Activities and a Highlight of NASA
April Lanotte
Focus: Earth/Space Sci
Description: Try out a few of NASA's
Technology Demonstration Missions'
new inquiry-based, middle school
activities and find out more about
these missions and other ongoing
NASA projects in this hands-on workshop. You don't need to be a middle
school teacher to enjoy this workshop; there will be plenty of ideas
and inspiration for all ages.
Audience: General
Room: J49-53
Open Source Lab Equipment for
Teaching Physical Science
Brian Huang
Focus: Phys Sci
Description: Learn how to teach your
own students to program an Arduino
microcontroller to blink LEDs, read
sensor values, and display values
back to your computer.
We will demo a few
open-source lab equipment ideas built around
Arduino and low-cost
parts and materials that
you can use immediately in your class. Examples include: a reaction timer, a photogate timer, a voltmeter, a conductivity sensor, and a
digital thermometer. All the parts
necessary to build these projects will
be included.
Audience: MS/HS
Room: K49-53
Robot Rap to an Asteroid
Sandra Weeks
Focus: Earth/Space Sci
Description: Get up and move with
this active way to showcase engineering in your classroom. We'll program a robot spacecraft, get a feel
for gravity, and then fly our craft to
an asteroid. Learn an easy way to
insert engineering in your course and
Session 1
discover some of the most cuttingedge space science! Handouts provided!
Audience: MS/HS
Room: F46-52
toolkit of strategies to support the
Common Core and the Colorado
Academic Standards.
Audience: General
Room: H40-46
Science Chat with CAST President
Taking Advantage of our Urban
Setting: Leveraging Science
Institutions to Enhance Student
DeLene Hoffner
Focus: General
Description: Stop by for an open discussion about current trends and
needs of science in Colorado. Join
current and past presidents of your
state science organization to discuss
your questions and concerns. Also
learn about current state and national legislation from leaders working
with the National Science Teacher
Association, Colorado Department of
Education, and Colorado Alliance for
Environmental Education. We are all
here to support the science in our
Colorado classrooms. Sweets, treat,
and meets!
Audience: General
Room: G39-45
Eric Godoy
Focus: Life Sci/Bio
Description: Institutions of informal
science education have been shown
to serve as vital mechanisms for creating and maintaining a scientifically
informed, engaged and literate public. Join the Denver Botanic Gardens,
Denver Museum of Nature & Science,
and Denver Zoo (partners of Urban
Advantage Metro Denver) to acquire
inquiry learning tools and resources
that foster increased interest in science learning and promote the understanding of science processes
both in and out of the classroom.
Audience: MS/HS
Supporting Reading in the Science Room: G31-37
Erin Coker
Focus: General
Description: Looking to support reading and the development of academic language in your science
classroom? This session will introduce
Collaborative Strategic Reading, a
research-based approach to supporting students, especially English
language learners, in becoming
more proficient readers of content.
Participants will walk away with a
Teaching Human Evolution with
Free HHMI Resources
including short films, classroom activities, interactives, and animations--to
teach how humans originally
evolved, and how we continue to
evolve in changing environments.
Materials presented are appropriate
for MS - HS courses.
Audience: MS/HS
Room: H31-37
What Types of Science Teacher
Professional Development are
More Effective than Others?
Joseph Taylor
Focus: General
Description: In this presentation we
describe a study that compared the
year-long BSCS STeLLA PD program
that supports elementary teachers
with a unique videocase lesson analysis model, with PD that focused on
deepening teachers' science
knowledge, and measured impacts
on student and teacher learning.
Those attending this interactive session will experience STeLLA PD
firsthand, hear exciting project findings, and learn how to implement the
most effective PD in their schools.
Audience: Elem (3-6)
Room: J30-38
Cindy Gay
Focus: Life Sci/Bio
Description: The fossil record and the
human genome both contain a
wealth of evidence for human evolution. In this session we will explore a
variety of free resources available on
HHMI's BioInteractive website—
Share your Conference Experience!
Session 2
eNetLearning - Resources, Digital
Tools and Professional
Development Supporting
Colorado Educators
Emerging Technology and Water
Treatment - activities for the
Sandra Weeks
Focus: Life Sci/Bio
Dan Morris
Description: Join us to experience
Focus: Tech Ed
new activities that focus on nanoDescription: eNetLearning supports
Colorado educators accessing learn- technology and its use in determining
which water is safe to drink and
ing and instructional resources, conwhich isn't. Designed to meet the retent aligned to Colorado and Common Core Standards and high quality quirements of NGSS, these activities
professional development, including offer easy ways to integrate engionline graduate level courses aligned neering in your classroom. Handouts
with Colorado Teacher Effectiveness provided!
Standards. This session highlights how Audience: MS/HS
Room: F46-52
science teachers and their students
can access thouEverything You Ever Wanted to
sands of free,
Know About Hemp but Were
high quality learnAfraid to Ask
ing resources and
Caren Kershner
simulations from
Focus: Enviro.Sci
NASA, PhET, SciDescription: Industrial hemp was
ence NetLinks and
once the favored crop for much of
the US, and now it's growing in CO.
Audience: General
What are the uses of hemp? How is it
Room: F30-36
processed? Is it edible? How does it
differ from medical/recreational canBeyond the Science Kit:
nabis? Can hemp really help the
Engineering Lessons Aligned to
planet? Participants will learn about
and examine hemp products, and
Foss Kits
discuss the hemp research being carLaura Arndt
ried out across the state. They will
Focus: General
Description: According to NGSS, stu- leave the session better equipped to
answer student inquiries about indusdents need to develop an understanding of and be able to apply sci- trial hemp and its potential.
ence and engineering practices. Are Audience: MS/HS
Room: J48-52
you providing STEM lessons with an
engineering focus for your kids? Learn
Exciting, Cheap and Easy!! Demos
how to add engineering lessons
for your Classroom Science
aligned with Foss Kits to provide stuProgram
dents with opportunities to define
Sue Anne Berger
problems, make use of models and
simulations, test their models, collect Focus: Phys Sci
Description: Enhance your curriculum
and anlyze data, and then reason
with exciting, inexpensive, and easy
and argue about the best solutions.
science demonstrations. Demo topTry out a lesson and learn more.
ics will include gases, liquids, solids,
Handouts provided.
density, polymers and energy. The
Audience: Gen Elem (K-6)
scientific method will be incorpoRoom: K35-39
Audience: Gen Elem (K-6)
Room: J31-39
Formative Assessment Design
Cycle: Supporting collaboration
among science teachers
Sara Heredia
Focus: Life Sci/Bio
Description: In this presentation, we
will share our experiences working
with a professional development cycle that three groups of high school
biology teams used in partnership
with university researchers to design,
enact, and revise common formative
assessments for natural selection. Presenters will share their experiences
with this collaborative work through
stories about how their views and design of formative assessments
changed over the course of their participation in the professional development.
Audience: MS/HS
Room: G38-44
Full STE(A)M Ahead: Tinkering in
the Arts to promote Science,
Technology, Engineering, and
Brian Huang
Focus: Tech Ed
Description: Explore how light is bent,
shaped, and obscured using simple
objects like card stock, hot glue
sticks, and rock salt. Our teachers
have seen amazing results from their
classrooms. We use ART as the motivation for students to plan, build, design, engineer, and program new
and personally
We will
leverage a
new open-source
programming tool called
ArduBlock that allows
students to simply drag and
drop blocks to create programs
that interact directly with the physical
Audience: MS/HS
Room: K49-53
Session 2
Full STEAM Ahead!
Lisa Gardiner
Focus: General
Description: There's an A in my STEM!
Learn strategies for making art a
meaningful part of STEM education.
We will share exciting resources and
techniques for engaging students
with science through drawing, painting, acting, and storytelling. We will
also describe how the arts can be
used to assess student learning. From
investigating weather to understanding animals, there are so many science topics that can be combined
with art.
Audience: Elem (3-6)
Room: H30-38
increase student achievement and
inform instruction.
Audience: Elem (3-6)
Room: J49-53
Playing with Climate and Weather
Randy Russell
Focus: Earth/Space Sci
Description: Attendees will play various games covering climate, weathIntegrating FOSS 3-5 Physical
er, and related Earth science topics.
You will also have the opportunity to
Science and the Engineering
"test drive" several simulations and
Design Process
virtual labs related to climate, weathJudy Bogart
er, and Earth science
Focus: Phys Sci
topics. Most of the items
Description: Using the knowledge
are computer-based,
gained from the Grades 3- 5 Physibut some are traditional
cal Science Modules of FOSS parcard or board games
ticipants will be introduced to enand similar formats.
gineers and how they solve probSome of the items also
lems. Through scaffolding and retouch upon "computational thinking"
lated children's literature a problem
will be defined, solutions will be imag- and the use of computer models in
ined, plans will be designed, created, weather, climate, and Earth system
Improving Reading in Science
tested and improved upon. (Using
Through Annotation and Critical
the EIE design cycle) Connections to Audience: MS/HS
Room: F38-44
the standards will be highlighted as
well as possible bibliographies and
Melissa Toland
Presidential Award for Excellence
useful websites.
Focus: General
in Teaching Science
Description: Join us for an interactive Additional examples will be availaJoanna Bruno
workshop focusing on annotation in- ble.
Focus: General
Audience: Elem (3-6)
struction for non-fiction reading
Description: Do you know an EXEMRoom: J40-46
through the Gradual Release Model
PLARY science teacher?? Perhaps it's
and Google Apps for Education. We
Integrating the "M" (Math) in STEM YOU! Learn how to nominate him/
will demonstrate guided annotation
her/yourself for top national recognistops throughout the reading process into Science: An example lesson
tion! In this session, learn the traits of
of various scientific texts. Experience Sherri Dennstedt
a highly effective science teacher.
how incorporating annotation with
Focus: Other
Gain understanding of the nominaguided instruction will provide forma- Description: Participants will experition and application process. Whethtive and summative assessment opence a fully integrated STEM lesson
er you are a K-12 classroom teacher,
portunities for approaching critical
using CAS science standards, NGSS
science supervisor, principal or new
thinking, in-depth comprehension,
standards and appendixes, and
teacher. This session will give you
and specific, standards-based conmath Common Core standards
tent knowledge.
(Algebra 1). In addition, participants tools and traits of a highly effective
Audience: MS/HS
will present their final claim, evidence science teacher! The bonus may be
$10,000 as an awardee! Come learn
Room: J30-38
and reasoning to the group. After
experiencing the lesson, participants more!
Incorporating Common Core in
will have a chance to work with oth- Audience: General
ers in the group and/or the presenters Room: G39-45
Your Inquiry-based Science
to begin to develop their own lesson.
We will also discuss and develop solu- Rhythms of the Refuge
Jan Lanting
Amy Coleman
tions to issues around collaboration.
Focus: General
Focus: Enviro.Sci
Audience: MS/HS
Description: Experience an inquiryDescription: Come experience the
based, active science investigation
wonders of Denver's very own Rocky
that aligns with Common Core and
Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife
incorporates language development,
Refuge. We will explore a variety of
literacy strategies, science notethe Refuge's educational tools that
books, and formative assessment to
Session 2
can be used in the classroom or on
field trips. We will also examine
"Rhythms of the Refuge"; a webresource containing teacher-led activities, exploring the Refuges' past,
present, and future. We hope that
these tools will encourage teachers
to bring the RMANWR into their classrooms or their students to the Refuge.
Audience: General
Room: H40-46
Scientific Explanations Developing Student Writing in
Robin Walters
Focus: General
Description: Are you frustrated with
the level of your students' scientific
writing skills? As young scientists, we
want our students to use evidence to
construct clear scientific explanations. In this session we'll share some
ways to support our science students
in becoming better writers using
claim, evidence, and reasoning.
You'll leave with some specific tools
you can use to help your students
learn the process of writing a good,
evidence-based scientific explanation.
Audience: MS/HS
Room: H39-45
with a toolbox of strategies that apply
to a variety of topics, as well as a few
lessons in which you've already incorporated them.
Audience: MS/HS
Room: K41-47
Tie Up Your
Curriculum With Tie Dye
Elnore Grow & Greta Sharp
Focus: Chemistry
Description: Tie Dye can
be an exciting part of
your chemistry curricuTeaching Natural Selection and
lum. The chemistry inEvolution with Free HHMI
cludes equilibrium dyResources
namics and chemical
Cindy Gay
reactions. You will be
Focus: Life Sci/Bio
taught to present a lesDescription: In this
son to your students in a 45 minute
hands-on session,
period. You will leave with a 100%
explore free resources cotton t-shirt of your own and you
available on HHMI's
can bring other 100% cotton things to
BioInteractive website -- dye. There will be a charge of $25 for
including short films, classroom activi- the shirt, dyes, etc. You will be proties, interactives, animations and virvided with full instructions on how to
tual labs--to teach natural selection
do the different patterns and sources
and evolution using engaging exam- of dyes etc.
ples including Rock Pocket mice,
Audience: HS
Stickleback fish, and Galapagos
Room: G31-37
finches. Resources appropriate for
MS, HS and college courses will be
Using Climate Proxies to Learn
About Earth's Climate History
Audience: HS
Ryan Luby
Room: H31-37
Focus: Earth/Space Sci
Description: How can we tell what
Earth's climate was like thousands of
years before human measurements?
This activity simulates the use of fossil
Paul Numedahl
ocean foraminifera, tiny organisms
Focus: General
whose growth patterns are different
Speak Your Mind! Investigating
Description: Are your students quesin warm or cold water. Analyze and
Controversial Topics in the
tioning, reasoning with models, ana- graph samples of replicas of these
Science Classroom
lyzing data, using evidence to suporganisms, and use this information to
Brianne Chittenden
port explanations and arguing prodetermine relative warm and cold
Focus: General
ductively as they make sense of sciperiods in the past 200,000 years.
Description: Do you hesitate covering ence content in your classroom? In
From our new NSF-supported Earth
controversial topics for fear of back- this session we will examine research- science program using an active aplash from students or parents? Learn
based teaching strategies through an proach to the study of Earth science
strategies that keep personal bias in
in-depth lesson analysis experience!
and systems.
check and promote scientific reason- These teaching strategies are closely Audience: HS
ing. Explore techniques such as moral aligned with the NGSS Science Prac- Room: H48-52
dilemma discussions, structured con- tices, and a recent NSF sponsored
troversies and
study has shown that their use classUsing Data in the Classroom:
more, primarily
room significantly increases student
Arctic Climate Connections
through modeling.
Susan Buhr Sullivan
Have an opportuniAudience: General
Focus: Earth/Space Sci
ty to collaborate to
Room: J41-47
Description: Use data in the classimplement these
room with Arctic Climate Connectechniques. Leave
tions modules. Three modules focus
The Practices of Science: Student
Reasoning at the Core of Science
Session 2
on Arctic climate change and its relevance to student lives and the global climate. Students use Google Earth
and video resources, collect their
own climate data to learn the basics
of data collection, reporting, and
analysis and navigate real datasets
from the NOAA meteorological tower
in Canada.
Audience: MS/HS
Room: G47-53
Using Kinesthetic Activities to
Teach Abstract Concepts
Sheila Ferguson
Focus: Phys Sci
Description: Join the Little Shop of
Physics crew for this popular and exciting session using kinesthetic lessons
to teach abstract physics and atmospheric science concepts. New activities and old favorites will help you answer intriguing questions such as:
What makes a gas a greenhouse
gas?, How can warm water vapor
"hold" more moisture?, and How can
freezing make something warmer?
Act out gas
phase changes, circuits, &
more. Leave
with lesson
plans and a
Little Shop
Audience: General
Room: G46-52/H47-53
Things you want to remember:
Conference Materials
Available Online!
Miss a session that you wanted to attend?
Lose your handouts from a session?
Need the presentation PowerPoint? ons 13
Session 3
"Minute to Win It" in the Science
Stephan Graham
Focus: General
Description: Take part in TV's prime
time game show "Minute to Win It"
challenges and discover the ease in
which physics and chemistry principles become an unforgettable experience for your students!
Audience: MS/HS
Room: G31-37
30 demos in 50 minutes
Rob Reinsvold
Focus: General
Description: Teacher candidates from
UNC's SCED 441/541 Secondary Science Teaching Methods course will
present at least 30 science demonstrations. A brief explanation of supporting science concepts and instructions on how to do the demos
will also be given. This presentation is
a traditional favorite started by Dr.
Courtney Willis years ago.
Audience: General
Room: F35-47
A Practical Approach to
Formative Assessment Using
Student Work
how these studies can make a difference in the way you teach your students. We will use the mysterious orPeter Erb
gan we know as the brain to delve
Focus: Life Sci/Bio
Description: Society is abuzz with talk into activities that build critical thinking and inquiry. Exploring ways to
of bees and their plight. As part of
The Bees' Needs project, researchers make the practice of thinking like a
scientist more overt for students will
at CU-Boulder and citizen scientists
lead to making cognitive learning
are discovering what native bees
more meaningful in our daily teachneed to survive and thrive. This Sciing practice.
enceLIVE and Biological Sciences
Initiative course connects teachers to Audience: General
Room: F30-36
scientists and data through free
online lessons and videos, while also
Can you design the most efficient
sharing ways to participate in bee
citizen science. Teachers will explore Wind Turbine?
Jessie Herman
lesson plans first-hand, including
practice graphing and analyzing da- Focus: General
Description: Participants will engage
in the engineering
Audience: MS/HS
cycle to design,
Room: G30-36
construct, and test
a unique wind turBiologically Precious Metals
bine. Learn about
Robin Schneider
engineering and
Focus: Enviro.Sci
the Next GeneraDescription: People usually contion Science Standsider the elements used for the
ards. Tools for imframework of cells--carbon, nitroplementing the engen, phosphorus, hydrogen, and
gineering cycle
oxygen--as the building blocks of
and STEM in the
life. But life would not exist withclassroom are provided. Apply the
out certain trace metals, even
engineering cycle to design, conthough they are necessary only in
struct, and test a unique Wind Tursmall amounts. Through lecture and
hands-on demonstrations participants bine. Free drawing for a Wind Turbine
will learn how organisms acquire and kit!
Audience: MS/HS
use these micronutrients. Materials
will be provided to help teachers pre- Room: G38-44
sent this material in the classroom.
Classroom Inquiry to the MAX: A
Audience: MS/HS
Room: F38-44
little bit of POGIL, MORE and AVID
Bees in the Classroom: Real Data
from the Real World!
Anne Tweed
Focus: General
Description: Teachers often confuse
formative assessments with interim
assessment. Feedback is at the heart
of effective formative assessment.
One approach is to use teacher PLC
time to collect, create, discuss and
learn from authentic samples of formative assessment work gathered from
Brainiac Maniacs: Becoming
students. A group of teachers from
Colorado Springs are working to em- Brain-Based Learning Practitioners
bed formative assessment processes Jane Miller
Focus: General
into their everyday teacher pracDescription: Further
tice. Learn how this approach is
your understanding of
making a difference and improving
current research
student achievement.
about the mechanics
Audience: MS/HS
of how humans learn
Room: J30-38
and process information, and discover
Combined for Student
Chris Lee
Focus: Chemistry
Description: Mr. Chris Lee is a veteran
of the POGIL and MORE models of
teaching and learning, and is a very
strong proponent AVID strategies,
too. He believes that in order for students to learn they must form their
own knowledge and own it. He has
also used clickers in almost every
Session 3
class period to see if he is actually
teaching. In this session you
will both participate in his System
of Student Engagement and step
out of that role many times to talk
about the educational implications
of his techniques.
Audience: HS/College
Room: J49-53
Focus: General
Description: Participants will be introduced to the concepts of design
thinking while redesigning something
Laura Arndt
commonly used every day. They will
Focus: Enviro.Sci
Description: Empower walk away with a model that can be
changed and used for any subject or
your students to
grade level.
create positive
change in their school Audience: General
Room: K41-47
and community
Explore Environmental Science
through Green (environmental) STEM
Integrative STEM Learning
with Local History
projects. Choose projects that supLiz Cook
port grade level standards: Conduct- Alyce Albrecht-Dalzell
Focus: Enviro.Sci
ing a school-wide light/energy audit Focus: General
Description: Your community's history or school land assessment; designing Description: Engage in disciplinary
is an engaging entry point to explore data-based waste recycling or textile core ideas from the Next Generation
Science Standards and learn how to
environmental science. See how His- recycling programs; designing and
tory Colorado uses local stories to
building outdoor classrooms or learn- incorporate Science and Engineering
Practices and Crosscutting Concepts.
help students understand current ising gardens. Leave with curriculum
Learn how science, technology, engisues of water use and climate
models and grant contacts.
neering, and mathematics can be
change, then sample some of the 30 Audience: General
integrated as part of your STEM
STEM activities from the Keep it Clean Room: K35-39
school model.
-Neighborhood Environmental Trios
Audience: Elem (K-2)
(KIC-NET) activity guide connected to High Altitude Ballooning -- build
NGSS, CCSS and NAAEE Guidelines.
your own mobile weather station! Room: F46-52
We'll workshop an environmental isBrian Huang
Kids Teaching Kids
sue from your community and identify Focus: Earth/Space Sci
ways to inspire students in STEM learn- Description: Design and build a high- Nadene Kopff
Focus: General
altitude balloon with SparkFun ElecDescription: Join us as we share an
Audience: General
tronics. This engaging project introamazing project based learning opRoom: H40-46
duces tools for real-world science
portunity that you can offer your stuand data collection. Turn your earth
dents. This 21st Century project which
Fine-tuning Science Concepts
science unit into one that your stuUsing Six Literacy Skills
dents will never forget! Learn to build allows a student centered format
that is self-differentiated is steeped in
Carol Fortino
and launch your own weather balFocus: Enviro.Sci
loon - complete with a full instrumen- STEM and NGSS cross-cutting themes.
We'll show you how to provide an
Description: This session will highlight
tation package.
authentic audience through commusix literacy processes for science: lisWe will show renity collaboration. You'll be thoroughtening, visualizing, reading, thinking,
sults using a simly impressed by your students' creativwriting and speaking. Listen to the
ple temperature,
ity and problem-solving abilities.
story, "The Rain Shadow" then visualhumidity, and
You'll walk away with sample docuize and draw the rain moving from
pressure sensor
ments and be ready to start TOMORthe Pacific Ocean to our Rocky
to characterize
Mountains. Read the poem "Where
climate trends of
Audience: MS/HS
Does Winter Go?" and use scientific
the upper layers
Room: J48-52
thinking to write a new poem, "When of our atmosDoes Spring Come?" Write a story
called "How Did the Fire Come?" or
Audience: MS/
"Where Did the Fire Go?" Recite and HS
visualize science ideas.
Room: K49-53
Audience: Gen Elem (K-6)
Room: H30-38
Inquiry and Design Thinking
Pam Clark
Green STEM Projects:
Creating Purpose and
Passion for Learning
Session 3
Need a camera? - it's in your
Eileen Patrick
Focus: General
Description: If you have your
smartphone with you, you always
have a camera at hand. It is a great
tool to support science learning capture stills or videos of lab work or
demonstrations, document change
over time, record observations inside
or outdoors, remember and share
portions of a field trip or outdoors lab
work. In this session, we will play with
some free or very low cost apps and
techniques to best utilize your phone
camera. I will be demonstrating with
an iPhone.
Audience: General
Room: J41-47
with probeware and SPARKvue software.
Audience: HS
Room: J40-46
Reclaiming the Metal
Ryan Luby
Focus: Phys Sci
Description: In this activity from the
SEPUP middle level physical science
program, participants role play a scenario involving pre-treatment of copper containing liquid wastes from
computer circuit board manufacture.
They examine trade-offs of metal replacement and chemical precipitation, techniques actually used in industrial applications, and in so doing,
come to understand the science behind complex environmental issues.
Audience: MS
Room: H48-52
ties in chemistry. Safety and differentiation are built in. Teach core content while fostering problem solving,
creativity and invention. Students design original experiments not possible
with traditional methods. Many classroom tested experiments provided.
Audience: HS
Room: H39-45
Using Kinesthetic Activities to
Teach Abstract Concepts
Sheila Ferguson
Focus: Phys Sci
Description: Join the Little Shop of
Physics crew for this popular and exciting session using kinesthetic lessons
to teach abstract physics and atmospheric science concepts. New activities and old favorites will help you answer intriguing questions such as:
What makes a gas a greenhouse
Nuts About Nature!
gas?, How can warm water vapor
DeLene Hoffner
"hold" more moisture?, and How can
Focus: Enviro.Sci
Implications for English Learners: A freezing make something warmer?
Description: Turn your classroom inAct out gas molecules, phase changside...OUT! Learn strategies to take
Review of Recommendations
es, circuits, & more. Leave with lesson
your students into nature and nature Joanna Bruno
plans and a Little Shop surprise!
into your classroom. Go NUTS for na- Focus: Other
Audience: General
ture! Learn innovative ways to use
Description: This session will focus on
nature to meet standards too! Make two articles released with implications Room: G46-52/H47-53
a Mr Grasshead, start a microgarden, of the national standards for English
Using Models to
animal tracks and create a Nature
learners. Opportunity to engage in
"Log". In addition, participants will
dialogue about how these articles,
learn about local and national envi- the national standards, and the Colo- Understanding in
ronmental education programs and rado Academic Standards could im- Biology
area resources for their classroom!
pact English learners in Colorado will Cindy Gay
Audience: Gen Elem (K-6)
be provided.
Focus: Life Sci/Bio
Room: G39-45
Audience: General
Description: Using
Room: G47-53
physical models of
PASCO's SPARKvue for High
molecular strucSchool Science
STEM and NGS In- tures and processes can promote
Lance Mayhofer
quiry in Chemistry: student understanding of difficult
Focus: General
Effective, Efficient, concepts. In this session, use physical
Description: Learn how SPARKvue enmodels and visual representations to
gages students in Scientific and Engiexplore the structures of DNA and
Ed Waterman
neering Practices, affording a deeper
proteins, and a variety of cellular proFocus: Chemistry
understanding of scientific concepts.
cesses including DNA replication, proDescription: Learn
SPARKvue is an integrated learning
tein synthesis and transport across
how to transition to
environment that combines sensora STEM and NGS stu- membranes. Materials presented are
based data collection with an intuiappropriate for HS-college courses.
dent centered chemistry classroom
tive set of display and analytical
by implementing safe, simple, easy to Audience: HS/College
tools. Participate in investigations to
Room: H31-37
use, material-conserving, timeexperience real-time data collection efficient and effective inquiry activi16
Join us for lunch at the Mart!
Hot Items
Brisket Sandwich w/ chips
Pork Sandwich w/ chips
Footlong Hotdog w/ chips
Polish Sausage w/ chips
Cold Items
Turkey Sandwich w/ chips
Ham Sandwich w/ chips
Vegetarian Wrap w/ chips
Chef Salad
Soft Drinks
Bottled Water
Iced Tea
All stations will have chips, cookies,
brownies and beverages!
Association Meetings will occur
during lunch this year.
Booth 418
No meeting
Session 4
in Colorado on our
weather. The students
are walked through
the weather year, and
Eric Carpenter
I ask the students to
Focus: Tech Ed
predict a type of major weather
Description: In this fun, hands-on
event that has occurred for each
workshop teachers will learn about
month of the year. I share one maincorporating the design and creajor event that had occurred in that
tion of 3-D self-assembling structures
month, talking about the reasons for
into middle and high school STEM
the event, and the impacts from the
classes using Photo-Origami. We will
explore the relationships between the event. Students walk away with a
better understanding of Colorado
science inquiry and the engineering
design process; use the scientific
Audience: MS/HS
method to explore variables engiRoom: H31-37
neers can use to control photo/
thermal shape-memory polymers;
and use this new information to engi- Align Your Teaching with NGSS
Using PhET's Free Interactive
neer geometric and artistic shapes
using low-cost materials.
Patricia Loeblein
Audience: MS/HS
Focus: Tech Ed
Room: G47-53
Description: Participants will explore &
discuss how PhET's free open-source
A Technology-Rich Approach to
simulations integrate all three dimenEnvironmental Science
sions of the NGSS. Engage with exemRoger Felch
plar activities & share ideas with other
Focus: Enviro.Sci
participants about how to enable
Description: Spatial analysis of local
student-centered classrooms using
environmental issues in high school
PhET sims. Explore PhET's website to
science using ArcMap 10.x and
find what you need for your specific
ArcGIS Online greatly enhances students' critical thinking skills, empowers classes. Take away teaching guides,
editable activities, and sample curricthem to tackle relevant real-world
problems, and heightens rigor. Activi- ulum sequences. PhET has sims for
ties progress from scripted skill devel- Physics, Chemistry, Earth
Science, and Biology
opment to problem-based projects,
culminating in student-selected final spanning grades 3-12.
Audience: MS/HS
projects. Through an inquiry apRoom: J49-53
proach, our course successfully immerses students in analysis of water,
energy and climate issues in Colora- Art and the Cosmic
Whitney Cobb
Audience: HS
Focus: Earth/Space Sci
Room: G30-36
Description: Using the elements of
art--shape, line, color, texture
A Walk Through the Weather
Year - A Way to Bring Weather In- and value--become an astronomer in
minutes. Brought to you by NASA's
to the Classroom
Discovery Program, participants will
Robert Glancy
explore striking NASA images, create
Focus: Earth/Space Sci
Description: This interactive presenta- their own piece of astro-inspired art,
and tour on-line resources that reach
tion first discusses weather versus climate, and the influence of the terrain every learner. Learn how STEAM
21st Century Engineering: Energy,
Design and Change with
Photo-Origami from CU Boulder
(STEM + Arts) can help audiences,
especially underserved populations
and girls, access and connect to sophisticated STEM content.
Audience: General
Room: K41-47
Clean Air Projects (CAP)
Krysten Crews
Focus: Enviro.Sci
Description: This website is intended
to be a one-stop site for the delivery
of effective environmental education
related to air quality and health. It
provides useful and accurate resources to promote critical thinking
that addresses the link between air
quality and human health. The website includes lesson plan packets,
blueprinting tables for the Colorado
curriculum frameworks, supplemental
resources to support teaching, a
community of learning page, and
education opportunities available in
the region.
Audience: General
Room: H40-46
Crazy Traits and Adaptations:
Genetics Games for All
Jessie Herman
Focus: Life Sci/Bio
Description: Investigate a unique crazy creature to explore the role
chance plays in heredity and learn
engaging techniques for teaching
genetics! In this session, teachers will
apply concepts of genetics (traits,
alleles, dominance, and probability) by participating in
hands-on investigations using the
Crazy Traits creature. Teachers will
gain an understanding of the
principles of genetics as well as
earn inquiry-based methods
of teaching genetics and inheritance. Free drawing for Crazy
Traits kit!
Audience: MS/HS
Room: G38-44
Session 4
Digging into the Data: Using data
to push scientific thinking
Tim Blesse
Focus: General
Description: Looking for ways to address rigor in your classroom? Use
experimental data with your students
to actively challenge their thinking. In
this session, we'll showcase an activity
in which we will model and discuss
strategies that you can use to get
your students to enter more fully into
active discourse and argumentation
by using their data as evidence.
Audience: MS/HS
Room: J31-39
Effective Science Lessons: What
Works in Science Classrooms
Anne Tweed
Focus: General
Description: How can we
provide effective instruction
to diverse student learners?
Research into what works in
science classrooms can help
answer this question. Learn
effective strategies that help
teachers discern where improvements are needed and enables
you to take actions that are within
your control. While delivering highly
effective science lessons will be a lifetime professional quest, immediate
and steady improvements can be
made by teachers at all stages of
their careers. Handouts are provided.
Audience: General
Room: J30-38
Elementary Science Make and
Teresa Higgins
Focus: General
Description: Session involves UNC preservice teachers sharing ideas for
teaching science concepts for elementary learners. Participants will
have multiple opportunities to engage in an activity around particular
science concepts and leave with an
activity summary and the sample
materials to take home. This session
chemistry by exposing them to relevant, thought provoking demos, interesting mini-labs, and fun chemistry
humor. Through these activities, students will see connections between
the real world and chemical concepts. Increase engagement through
Expand your Science Network
a little mystery, laughter and hands
and Catalyze Learning
on learning, to keep students coming
Katie Navin
back for more and saying, "What?!
Focus: General
Class is over?" Students just had the
Description: Would you like to contime of their lives AND have learned
nect with science educators? Stay
up to date on science education?
Access resources and training? Join Audience: HS
us to explore the benefits of member- Room: H48-52
ship in Science associations and find
Making Critical Thinking more
out the latest developments in your
than just a cliché ©
science specialty. Find the network
Miguel Gil
for you- CO Association of Science
Teachers, CO Biology Teachers Asso- Focus: General
ciation, CO Chemistry Teachers Asso- Description: Come engage in a sequence of investigations where midciation, American Association of
dle-schoolers experience phenomePhysics Teachers, CO Earth and
na, construct explanations, and arSpace Network or CO Alliance for
gue from evidence. Teach students
Environmental Education.
to think like a scientist as they apply a
Audience: General
claim, evidence, reasoning frameRoom: F30-36
work to make sense of investigations.
Audience: MS
Getting On Board with Toshiba
Room: H30-38
Deborah Kasberg
Must Have AP Chemistry Teaching
Focus: Tech Ed
Description: Toshiba conducts a Toshi- Materials
Ed Waterman
ba/ExploraVision science competition every year for K - 12 grade. All of Focus: Chemistry
our 4/5 students entered the compe- Description: Receive free materials to
improve your teaching of the new AP
tition last year for the first time and
two of our groups earned Honorable Chemistry curriculum. Concise content summary of the 6 Big Ideas and
Mentions. Your students will learn
117 Learning Objectives. Exabout cooperation and
panded content for photoeteamwork, research, creativilectron spectroscopy (PES),
ty, competition, and presenmass spectrometry, chromatation throughout this very retography and UV-VIS. Hunwarding experience.
dreds of updated multiple
Audience: Gen Elem (K-6)
choice and free response
Room: G39-45
practice questions focus on
analysis of graphical and tabLike a Good Chemist, a
ular data and atomicDemo is Here
molecular particle represenMissy Marchino
Focus: Chemistry
Audience: HS
Description: Open the door to stuRoom: H39-45
dents falling in love with learning
involves 12-20 different activities
shared in small group settings
throughout the session.
Audience: Gen Elem (K-6)
Room: G46-52/H47-53
Session 4
ate a science notebook, all about
the science of trees! Project Learning
Tree for Early Childhood Education is
PASCO's SPARKvue for High
full of rich opportunities to help young
School Science
children explore and connect with
Lance Mayhofer
the natural world. This session will give
Focus: General
Description: Learn how SPARKvue en- you the chance to play with science
gages students in Scientific and Engi- for 3, 4, 5, and 6 year olds. Come
neering Practices, affording a deeper learn to teach and assess science
understanding of scientific concepts. learning while having fun with trees!
Audience: Pre/Early Child.
SPARKvue is an integrated learning
Room: F38-44
environment that combines sensorbased data collection with an intuiSTEM and Common Core
tive set of display and analytical
tools. Participate in investigations to
experience real-time data collection Alyce Albrecht-Dalzell
Focus: General
with probeware and SPARKvue softDescription: Provide your STEM inware.
structors with engaging, innovative
Audience: HS
ideas for integrative teaching. ExperiRoom: J40-46
ence the power of inquiry-based instruction infused with Common Core
Program or be programmed:
Standards that leads to an optimal
Integrating Code to the science
learning environment. Learn about
these essential components: Essential
Brian Huang
Questioning, Common Core StandFocus: Com Sci
ards, and Assessment
Description: Learning to program is
not easy for anyone. There has been Audience: Gen Elem (K-6)
Room: F46-52
a big push to introduce coding and
programming at early ages. We will
demonstrate ways of teaching computer science and programming using the Scratch programming environment for more than just games
with a "cat." We will create simple
models, data graphing / data visualization dashboards, and illustrate
ways of pulling in data from external
sensors. Come and learn how to
integrate programming into
your class!
Audience: Elem (3-6)
Room: K49-53
Project Learning Tree
Science for pre-school,
kindergarten, & 1st grade
Dorothy Shapland
Focus: Enviro.Sci
Description: Imagine and create
trees, and then use senses to explore
and refine ideas about trees. Sing,
move, read stories, eat snacks & cre-
The Metric System -- Its Hidden
History and Usage
Randy Bancroft
Focus: General
Description: Accurate measurement
and quantification is the basis of
modern science, yet often only a few
pages at the beginning of a text
book are devoted to a description of
the metric system. A discussion of its
best use to provide clarity, ease of
numerical comparison, and simplicity
Is generally absent. This presentation
addresses contemporary issues pertaining to the modern use of the metric system. Among these are the cm
versus mm problem, the whole number rule, and the prefix cluster around
Audience: General
Room: K35-39
The North Fork Valley Air
Monitoring Project: Citizen
Science Meets Project-Based
Learning Using Nex
Katya Hafich
Focus: Enviro.Sci
Description: Join us to learn about an
innovative citizen science project
that incorporates project-based
learning with curriculum on air quality,
energy development, and methods
for gathering data. Using stationary
air quality monitors provided by CU
Boulder, students conduct research
and present results to their community. We will share short demos to use in
the classroom, Colorado air quality
case studies, and lessons learned
from PBL. The project is looking to expand to other school districts soon.
Audience: HS/College
Room: G31-37
What's In Your Water?
Birgit Landin
Focus: Enviro.Sci
Description: Colorado Springs Utilities purifies 70 million gallons of water a day. This session will review
Colorado water
rights, where
many western cities obtain their water supply, and the complex engineering systems developed to
transport that water. During this session, teachers will conduct a water
treatment experiment and examine
how Colorado fires have affected run
-off and water quality. Teachers will
receive lesson plans and training to
immediately offer these projects to
their students.
Audience: MS/HS
Room: J48-52
Session 4
You have taught the lesson - so
now what?
Linda Block-Gandy
Focus: General
You have
planned and
delivered the
lesson or materials. But how
do you know if
and how well
your students
understand the
material? How
can you make
their thinking more visible? Using a
grades 3-5 FOSS kit and notebooks,
learn a variety of formative assessment techniques that you can use
tomorrow with any curriculum. Not
only will you know how well the students have understood the materials
but the students will know as well!
Audience: General
Room: J41-47
CDE Recertification
Just a reminder, certificates will
be available after 3:30 p.m.
Certificates will not be mailed to
participants after the Conference.
Things you want to remember:
Post Pics and Comments from the Conference!
Session 5
Aquatic Project WILD
Tabbi Kinion
Focus: Life Sci/Bio
Description: Water in all its forms is
one of the most dramatic of today's
arenas in which informed, responsible, and constructive actions are
needed. Aquatic WILD uses the simple, successful format of Project WILD
activities and professional training
workshops but with an emphasis on
aquatic wildlife and aquatic ecology. Join us for a hands-on, activitybased mini-workshop and take an
Aquatic WILD guide home with you.
Audience: Gen Elem (K-6)
Room: F35-47
er's theatre, a water drop path game
and a water availability demonstration. Teachers will receive lesson
plans and training to successfully present these activities to their students.
Audience: Elem (3-6)
Room: J48-52
Colorado Weather Awareness
Robert Glancy
Focus: Earth/Space Sci
Description: This presentation will discuss the hazardous weather we see
in Colorado and discuss safety considerations for the various hazards.
Teachers will leave this talk better
prepared to respond to hazardous
weather for the safety of the students.
Audience: Gen Elem (K-6)
Room: H31-37
ject based lesson planning. Using
construction of the "ideal" catapult as
a model, participants will investigate
key science concepts of force and
motion, observation, and engineering
design. Presenter and participants
will use the Integrated STEM Based
Activity to pair lesson objectives with
science standards.
Audience: Gen Elem (K-6)
Room: H40-46
Fabulous Hands on Science:
Learning with FDA sources
Kathryn McEntire
Focus: Life Sci/Bio
Description: The FDA has developed
an engaging science curriculum that
Authentic Science Investigations
brings science to life in the classroom.
Come experience some of the free
with Denver Zoo
activities from fellow teachers trained
Molly Maloy
at the FDA labs. We will look at nutriFocus: Enviro.Sci
ents like sugar and sodium, bacteriolDescription: Explore
ogy, outbreak analysis and other inAddress and Prevent Student
two Denver Zoo opquiry-based curriculum modules deportunities that feaMisconceptions
veloped for middle school and high
ture authentic sciMike Zawaski
school teachers. These modules are
entific investigation!
Focus: General
easily modified to any classroom and
The Young Scientist program will
Description: Understanding scale is
provide current infortransform students into researchers by essential for every science subject.
mation regarding the
collecting animal behavior data and Learn the single, simple equation for
science in our food
utilizing NGSS science and engineer- creating a custom scale model that
ing practices. Denver Zoo's Admatches your learning environment. supply.
vanced Inquiry Program allows edu- Discover the pedagogical benefits of Audience: General
cators to earn their Master's degree
addressing scale and learn the com- Room: H48-52
and build capacity to guide students mon misconceptions that can arise
Forum of Best Tips/
through their own meaningful investi- when students fail to understand
gations that will create stronger con- scale. Attendees will also participate Tricks for Intermediate Elementary
nections to science and the natural
in a few scale models to experience Deborah Kasberg
the types of inquiry generated ques- Focus: Other
Audience: General
Description: We don't get enough
tions that come from them. Bring a
Room: J49-53 time to share with each other! I will
provide my BEST ideas gleaned over
Audience: General
the past 7 years of teaching intermeRoom: F46-52
Bring the Water Cycle Alive
diate science all day and want you
Birgit Landin
to bring your favorite tip, experiment,
Curriculum with Catapults: STEM
Focus: Enviro.Sci
or idea that has worked for you. My
Description: Colorado Springs Utilities Lesson Planning
topics will include science notebooks,
relies on the benefits of the water cy- Chris DeKay
inquiry method, websites, great excle to supply water to our communi- Focus: Phys Sci
ty. In this session, teachers conduct
Description: Participants will construct periments, science assemblies, comexperiments and review learning tools catapults using repurposed materials petitions, and brain breaks! Questions
to reinforce the Water Cycle. Projects from RAFT. Through this hands-on ac- and open discussion also welcome!
Audience: Elem (3-6)
include creating the water cycle in a tivity, participants will explore how
Room: G39-45
balloon, a cloud in a bottle, a readintegrating STEM concepts into pro22
Session 5
Fossils in the Classroom Hands-on Teaching Materials
from the University of Colorado
Jim Hakala
Focus: Earth/Space Sci
Description: To address the State Academic Standard and meet the challenge of teaching fossils in the classroom, the University of Colorado Museum developed the "Fossils in the
Classroom" teaching kit - a handson unit in a box. This workshop will
focus on the fossils in the kit, fossil
lessons and activities you can easily adapt to your classroom, and
how teachers and school districts
can receive fossil kits at no cost to
the school or district, funded
through the museum and CU's Office of Outreach.
Audience: Elem (3-6)
Room: G31-37
Implementing Flipped LearningPractical Techniques and Tools
Shannon Wachowski
Focus: General
Description: This session will focus on
the implementation of Flipped Learning including setting up your classroom, designing units, utilizing standards based grading, creating and
distributing videos, and using formative and summative assessments.
Audience: MS/HS
Room: J30-38
Integrating Literacy and Science the Wow factor
Miguel Gil
Focus: General
Description: Come engage in a
hands on investigation where your
students explore, read, write and talk
science. Address reading, writing
and math through science investigations. Create data tables, argue from
evidence, they have a reason to
write that's not just "fill in the blank".
Audience: Gen Elem (K-6)
Room: H30-38
to infuse EE into your classroom are
growing. Find out how your students
can benefit, learn, and excel with EE.
Whitney Cobb
Participants will walk away with six
Focus: Earth/Space Sci
guidelines for incorporating EE in inDescription: NASA's Dawn spacecraft's stream of blue xenon ions fuels struction, 5 steps for investigating ena NASA first: a journey to not one, but vironmental issues and decisions, and
resources to connect engaging
two never-before-seen worlds up
learning opportunities to standards.
close and personal: giant asteroid
The environment is where we live- let's
Vesta and dwarf planet Ceres. Play
the ion propulsion interactive, explore learn more about it!
resources, develop Audience: General
an intuitive concept Room: F30-36
of how this unique,
efficient propulsion Making low-tech books from high
tech learning and research: A
system works--real
world engineering
hands on approach to student
technology in acpublishing
tion. NGSS aligned, Yelena Brachman
a real-world story of Focus: Enviro.Sci
science as human endeavor.
Description: Where does the electriciAudience: MS/HS
ty come from? When I asked my stuRoom: K41-47
dents this question they couldn't tell
me much more than "the outlet."
It's More than Just a Spoonful of
In this session, attendees will particiDirt!
pate in a hands-on activity making a
Kathleen Stemmler
book out of recycled materials that
Focus: Life Sci/Bio
will demonstrate how an energy
Description: Teachers will analyze a
form, like wind power, turns into elecspoonful of dirt from one of four artricity. Participants will walk away with
chaeological site locations. They will an interactive handmade book, and
develop an understanding of what
ideas on how to have students reciparchaeologists can learn from a site. rocal teach with this inquiry tool!
They will consider aspects of the sam- Audience: MS
ple that allow them to interpret the
Room: J31-39
geology, environment, site formation
processes, and human history at the Moving Geospatial Technology
site. Questions to be addressed are:
Into the Classroom
How do geology, chemistry, and biol- Steven Jennings
ogy contribute to archaeological
Focus: Earth/Space Sci
analysis? What is the role of classifica- Description: In order to facilitate the
tion in archaeological research?
use of geospatial technology in classAudience: MS/HS
rooms eight preservice and inservice
Room: F38-44
teacher participated in a week-long
workshop. The participants develMaking Environmental Education oped twenty-four lesson plans some
"Standard" Practice
of which were tested during a middle
Katie Navin
school science camp. The insights of
Focus: Enviro.Sci
the teacher and student participants
Description: With the 2012 adoption
will be discussed in this presentation
of a State Environmental Education
and the lesson plans will be present(EE) Plan opportunities and resources ed. Some of the lesson plans will be
Ion Propulsion: More than Star
Session 5
explored in more depth in order to
demonstrate the lesson plans.
Audience: MS/HS
Room: K49-53
oxide, but not oxygen for starch production? How do
we know that chlorophyll is a light responNOAA's Science On a Sphere Ex- sive molecule? How
can we help stuplorer: A new data visualization
dents master comtool for the classroom
plex biochemical
Hilary Peddicord
pathways? Students investigate
Focus: Earth/Space Sci
these claims/evidences through sevDescription: NOAA's Science On a
Sphere (SOS) can now be used in the eral labs, demonstrations, and activiclassroom! Until now, SOS, a data vis- ties. The shared activities are ready
for the classroom, provide flexibility
ualization tool has been accessible
for your instructional needs and may
only in museums. With SOS Explorer,
teachers now have free access to an provide platforms ideal for student
designed investigations.
interactive tool for demonstrating
NGSS - Disciplinary Core Ideas - Earth Audience: MS/HS
Room: H39-45
and Space Science (ESS) concepts
on a desktop application. We encourage teachers to bring a laptop, Spatial Inquiry: Revitalizing Data
download SOS Explorer and join us for Acquisition, Analysis and Display
in Science Classes
a journey through lesson plans that
focus on weather, climate, and plate Roger Felch
Focus: Other
Description: With free access to
Audience: MS/HS
ArcGIS Online (AGO) organization
Room: J41-47
accounts for all K-12 schools in the US,
all teachers can implement crowdPASCO's SPARKvue for Middle
sourcing of field data using students'
School Science
cell phones, incorporate spatial analLance Mayhofer
ysis of student-generated and InterFocus: General
Description: Learn how SPARKvue en- net-acquired data sets, perform stagages students in Scientific and Engi- tistical analyses on that data, allow
neering Practices, affording a deeper dynamic presentations of results with
understanding of scientific concepts. live maps, and encourage studentgenerated, content-relevant story
SPARKvue is an integrated learning
maps. Come see how it can be
environment that combines sensordone and find out how you can learn
based data collection with an intuimore!
tive set of display and analytical
Audience: HS
tools. Participate in investigations to
experience real-time data collection Room: G30-36
with probeware and SPARKvue softUsing Problem Based Learning to
up Your Game
Audience: MS
Mike Padilla
Room: J40-46
Focus: General
Photosynthesis: High School Labs, Description: One of the biggest shifts
involved with the implementation of
Demonstrations, Activities
new standards is the movement to
Cherie Wyatt
incorporate more scenario-based
Focus: Life Sci/Bio
and problem-based learning. To help
Description: How do we know that
prepare students for their next steps in
plants need sunlight and carbon di24
school and beyond, students need to
be doing science and seeing how it
fits into their daily lives. Join Pearson
author Mike Padilla as he brings Problem-Based Learning into the science
classroom to help prepare students
for science and technology careers
of the future.
Audience: General
Room: G38-44
Weather Forecasting
Marc Mueller
Focus: Earth/Space Sci
Description: From warm fronts to cold
fronts and from highs to lows, weather forecasting might seem complicated but this workshop will give you the
tools to help your students understand this relevant topic. We will present several hands-on activities, covering topics such as high and low
pressure, weather fronts, and cloud
formation. Teachers will walk away
with write-ups of standards-aligned
activities about weather forecasting
that can be used in the classroom
right away!
Audience: MS
Room: G47-53
What does the Greek "Xi" and Refrigerator Gearation Magnets
Have in Common?
Tom Bindel
Focus: Chemistry
Description: Do you want to be able
to incorporate new teaching methodology into your chemistry classroom? This workshop will introduce
you to a new teaching method "the
extent of reaction". The method will
be used to facilitate the teaching of
limiting reactants and "mol rxn" as applied to chemical thermodynamics
and chemical kinetics. Participants
will be actively engaged and be given classroom applications that can
be used immediately.
Audience: HS
Room: K35-39
Teaching Creativity
and Innovation through
Session 6
In the Plaza
Kenneth Wesson, Ph.D
Over the last millennium, the human species transitioned from the Agricultural Age
to the Industrial Age and to the Information Age. Today, we are entering a
new epoch known as the Innovation Age,
where interdisciplinary inventive problemsolving, creativity, and imagination are
the highest currencies. Researcher Jonathan Plucker at the Indiana University
found that one's Creativity Quotient (his/
her "CQ") is three times more accurate
than his/her IQ as a predictor of lifetime accomplishment. Creative
thinking has become so critical in our global economies that the European Union designated 2009 as the European Year of Creativity and Innovation. Their declaration was accompanied by conferences on the neuroscience of creativity and innovation with a sharp focus on learning
how to play with ideas in order to generate new ideas. Instead of teaching facts and memorization, shouldn't the focus of American education
shift to innovative thinking embedded in a STEM or STEAM curriculum?
The Colorado Science Conference Committee would
like to thank Delta Education/School Specialty Science
for their contribution to the Keynote Speaker.
Please join us at 3:45 following
Kenneth Wesson’s presentation
for the awards reception
2014 Awards
AVS Awards: Excellence in
Science Teaching
Corey Brueckner
Presidential Award for Excellence in
Mathematics and Science Teaching
Colorado Finalists 2014
(Elementary Level)
(High School Level)
Stephanie Kawamura
Dawn Bauer
CAST Pre-Service Award Winners
MaryAnne Budden
Jessica Fuchs
Rachel Weakland
CAST Excellence in
Science Education
Cindy Gay
(High School Level)
CAST Distinguished Service Award
Sandy Smith
Virginia Hill
(Elementary Level)
Outstanding Biology Teacher
Tamara Pennington
2014 Award Recipients
Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching: Colorado Science Finalists
Presented by: Joanna Bruno, Science Specialist, Colorado Department of Education (CDE)
Awarded by the National Science Foundation on behalf of the White House office of Science and Technology
Stephanie Kawamura, a teacher at Pine Lane Elementary, Parker, CO.
Stephanie Kawamura is a dedicated teacher, facilitating a ⅚ self-contained, gifted and talented class. During her 17 years as a teacher, Stephanie has continued her path as a lifelong learner gaining new skills and ideas for science, math, best teaching practices, and
mindfulness! Stephanie holds a Masters in Special Education: Gifted and Talented. Acting
as a Teacher Liaison for the Space Foundation, Stephanie has been able to attend unique
and inspiring trainings, as well as offering special opportunities to her students. Stephanie
participated in a study offered by the BSCS a few years back, and has since, been utilized as
a model teacher for BSCS professional development. Stephanie is proud to represent our
state as a finalist for the Presidential Award.
Dawn Bauer, a teacher at Carson Elementary, Denver Public Schools
Dawn Bauer is a Colorado native with a passion for STEM education and life-long learning. As a graduate of Colorado State University with a Bachelor’s of Science in Biology
and a secondary teaching license, her career began in 1998 teaching 8th grade science
and algebra. In 2006, she received her elementary teaching certificate from the University of Washington, Bothell. Now working in Denver Public Schools, she has spent seven
years teaching fourth and fifth grade at Carson Elementary School. She has been a
math and science lead teacher and has had several opportunities within her district to
participate in transformative professional development experiences. One example of
this was through the DPS – DU Science Note-booking grant. During these sessions, she
deepened her science content knowledge and learned the practice and importance
of writing claims, evidence, and reasoning. She saw amazing changes by implementing the claims, evidence, and
reasoning framework school-wide. In addition to this, she was a member of the Science and Math Leadership Cadre, also through a grant with DU. Dawn is honored to be representing Colorado.
Thank you to PAEMST for supporting
the Wine and Cheese Reception.
CAST Excellence in Science Education: High School
Presented by: Colorado Association of Science Teachers
Cindy Gay, a high school teacher at Steamboat High School
For the past 33 years, Cindy Gay has been teaching science to high school and college students. She currently teaches General Biology, AP biology and Human Anatomy & Physiology at
Steamboat Springs High School in Steamboat Springs, CO, where she has taught since 1998.
Cindy is a member of the inaugural BSCS/NABT AP Biology Leadership Academy, an HHMI Ambassador, and a consultant for Bio-Rad. In addition, she is currently serving on the advisory
board for the Center for Biomolecular Modeling and works with the College Board on the AP
Biology Insight Program. Cindy is the current President of the Colorado Biology Teachers Association. Cindy has received numerous awards from teacher of the year to the NABT Kim Foglia
AP Biology Service Award (2014), the Yampa Valley Sustainability Outstanding Educator Award
(2010), Boettcher Teacher Recognition Award (2009), Steamboat Springs High School Teacher
of the Year Award (2006), Amgen Award for Excellence in Science Education (2006), Outstanding Biology Teacher
Award (2002) and the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (2000).
2014 Award Recipients
AVS Award: Excellence in Science
Presented by: AVS
Corey Brueckner, a high school Chemistry teacher at Heritage HS in Littleton
Corey Brueckner has taught all levels of chemistry, physics and environmental science at Heritage HS in Littleton for 19 years. He uses technology in his teaching
including TI, Vernier and CBLs. He uses the "Flipped Classroom" approach where he
posts his own videos and uses POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning)
for students’ learning. He has been active in CCTA, TI Teachers Teaching With
Technology, Denver Area Physics Teachers, and more. He has been working with
the CDE Health Dept in revision of the restricted and prohibited chemicals for all schools in Colorado. The AP Chem
program at Heritage has tripled in the past few years. He received the 2014 Boettcher Scholar Teacher Recognition
Award from the Heritage High School Boettcher Scholar Marc Thomson. Marc is currently a Bio-Chemistry major at
the University of Colorado. Corey Brueckner is an inspiring teacher for his students and colleagues alike.
Preservice Teacher Award (photos not available)
Presented by: Colorado Association of Science Teachers
MaryAnne Budden
Jessica Fuchs
Rachel Weakland
2014 CAST Distinguished Service Award:
Presented by: Colorado Association of Science Teachers
Sandy Smith
Sandy Smith has taught chemistry in Colorado Springs for over 25 years. She has been a leader in Colorado Springs for teachers of all levels. She has taught through Colorado College
and STEP-uP grants as a Resource Teacher. She has presented many times at Colorado Science Conference, ChemEd, ACS, NSTA etc. She has won many grants for her schools including ACS-HACH, ChemClub Outreach Grant, Amgen Award, Teaching With Technology Grant
etc. She has also published in her field on Inquiry, Active Chemistry, etc. She has taught all
levels of chemistry from ChemCom to Organic Chemistry, Honors Chemistry etc. Sandy
Smith’s leadership in science throughout Colorado truly distinguishes her as the CAST Distinguished Service Award.
Conference Materials
Available Online!
Miss a session that you wanted to attend?
Lose your handouts from a session?
Need the presentation power point? ons 28
2014 Award Recipients
Colorado Outstanding Biology Teacher for 2014 Award:
Presented by: National Association of Biology Teachers and Colorado Association
of Biology Teachers
Tamara Pennington
Tamara Pennington has been teaching biology at many levels for 23 years. She will be
presented with $3000 worth of prizes. She will also be honored at the NABT conference in
November as well as here at CSC. She is an innovative, enthusiastic teacher who inspires
her students to make good career choices with many majoring in science. She organizes
and takes students to US and other countries. This summer she will be going to Peru. Her
AP Biology students have been successful and Windsor HS is one of the top five Colorado
HS to be on the AP Honor Roll. She has won many awards over her years in Jeffco and
2014 Colorado OBTA Wishes to Thank:
A+ Microscope Company
Keith Anderson
Carolina Biological Supply
The DNA Store
Colorado Biology Teachers Association
ThermoFisher Science Education
Flinn Scientific Inc.
Mrs. Ellie Isbill
Morton Publishing Company
National Association of Biology Teachers
Nebraska Scientific
Population Connection
Windsong Environmental Education Foundation
Windsor High School
Sessions Map
Exhibitor Map
for the
Rocky Mountain
of Colorado
CPO Science
CU Boulder,
College of
and Applied
Lab-Aids, Inc.
University of
Science Compan- McREL
Global Travel
The Aquaponic
Source, Inc.
NSTA Press
Learning Tree
Crow Canyon
and Sundance
Friends of
The Wildlife
Institute for
Research in
of Northern
ColoradoMAST Institute
University of
Museum of
Natural History
Wings Over
the Rockies
Air & Space
Colorado State
University CNS
Education and
Outreach Center
Sangari Active
Colorado State
Warner College
of Natural
Supply Co
Software &
CU Science
Usborne Books
& More
PASCO scientific Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory
US Geological
Museum of
Nature &
It’s About Time
Denver Zoo
Society for
Metallurgy and
Delta Education
Donor Alliance
Foundation for
Coffee Cart
CPO Science
A+ Microscope
Front of
Exhibitor Hall
Foundation for