Looking for A... creative fresh bilingual mind who loves t ypography Photography & illustration and can work & HEre I am Want to see more? » matter » seeing is believing » » facts matter » » facts Résumé I have widely skills in Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator as well as MS Office. I have several experiences in creating corporate designs, signage sytems and learning systems as well as designing different print products such as books and brochures, but I am also open for new technologies. I have an eye for good typography and functional but still good looking design. I am a hard working , highly motivated, thoughtful, creative team player and open for developing new software and design skills with a keen interest in photography and illustrations. » » Profile Young Graphic Designer with a lot of freelance experience is seeking new job opportunities in Canada's creative market. » seeing » is believing Portfolio print media Corporate Advertising Signage Visual Work bachelor thesis 4th term assignment solution »transformation« topic: »musical world of emotions« The main theme is »transformation«. Create a brochure and it's content in any format, also include some parts of a book such as a table of content or an imprint. I chose to make a brochure about the transformation of feelings by this publication stands for the emotion the test person felt, when music. I selected six main emotions as well as two proper colors he or she is listening to a certain song. The reader of the brochure and formats for them. My brochure has seven different formats, each is invited to a journey to discover the emotions, which are released of them is sewed and connected with the others through a book by music. sewing on the back of each brochure. Each of the colored parts of print media Corporate Advertising 6th term assignment solution »free topic« »Jocy's world « During my exchange term in Sweden I attended a class where I was able to choose my own assignment, therefore I chose to make an orbis pictus for children to learn English, Swedish or German on their vacation in Sweden. I conceptualized a picture book in three different languages, mainly for tourists coming to Sweden, since most of the tourists coming from either English or German speaking countries. The first four double pages the reader follows Jocy through the four seasons and then through four different places Signage Visual Work bachelor thesis print media Corporate Advertising Signage freelance work ACH Aussenhandel assignment »create a logo« Create a logo for company that sells seeds in big amounts. solution >ach aussenhandel< My co-workers had already designed a website where they mainly used pictures of linseed plants. So I designed a logo which is build up with the tiny linseeds to one linseed flower. Visual Work bachelor thesis print media Corvporate Advertising freelance work assignment »create a corporate design including logo & website« Create a logo for a building project, which connects three generations. solution >mehrgenerationen wohnen < The client wanted a lot of things to be implied in the logo. Including that the living project is centred close to a river and that it is for three generations to live in. The three flowers represent the three generations and the blue stripe of course the nearby creek. The client also requested a website, where they could easily implement new data. Signage Visual Work bachelor thesis Fair antwortung tragen Das unabhängige FAIRTRADE-Siegel gibt Ihnen die Sicherheit, dass dieses Produkt die internationalen Standards für Fairen Handel erfüllt. Mit dem Kauf dieses Produkts leisten Sie einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen der Kleinbauern und Plantagenarbeiter aus den Anbauländern und zur Förderung des Umweltschutzes. print media Corporate Signage advertising Visual Work bachelor thesis 4th term Fairantwortung tragen assignment »fair trade« Create an advert for the »Fair trade – certified cotton« campaign and a matching hang tag. Das unabhängige FAIRTRADE-Siegel gibt Ihnen die Sicherheit, dass dieses Produkt die internationalen Standards für Fairen Handel erfüllt. Mit dem Kauf dieses Produkts leisten Sie einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen der Kleinbauern und Plantagenarbeiter aus den Anbauländern und zur Förderung des Umweltschutzes. solution » connecting the people « My second campaign is a little more classical version. I wanted to show, that clothes made out of fairtrade-cotton is modern and like fair. I changed this part of the word, to make a little wordplay. „Fairantwortung tragen“ means „take charge“. In German take and that there is a big variety. Also that fairtrade-clothes connect the wear have the same expression which is „tragen“. These adverts tell world. The claim is „Fairantwortung tragen“. In German you write the people that they also have to take charge for people in the „Fairantwortung“normally with „Ver-“ in the beginning, which sounds third world. closest location to the pole 2nd closest 3rd closest 150 cm print media Corporate Advertising Signage Visual Work bachelor thesis 6th term Basic pictograms for places Variation of the pictograms Basic pictograms for places (Only used on maps) assignment solution »signage system « »Vara silos« Pictograms Through our research I found out that the inhabitants were missing I created two sets of pictograms. One set contains symbols for places. things they partly already had – such as a cinema. So I created a The other one is made of pictograms for each age groups. Create a signage system for Vara, a town in middle Sweden. What can you do to encourage people to move there and what to strengthen the »We«-feeling amongst the inhabitants of Vara. signage system, which should lead people to places in their leisure time. The silos are the tallest landmark in Vara – you can see them from everywhere in the town. So I created mini-silos as poles for the signs. The smaller silos can be found anywhere in the city and the taller ones only where it is the closest to one of the displayed locations. print media Corporate Advertising Signage Visual Work bachelor thesis 6th term 200 cm 250 cm outside tourist information inside 31,5 cm x 14,8 cm solution »Vara silos« information stands & tourist information« To complete the signage system I also planned a tourist information, which should be placed on the main point in Vara – the central square. As well as an information stand, which should be placed at two different places – the train station and the concert house – which are places visitors arrive. information stands Longgatan n ta eg a nd Bo La g rkareg an sg tan n Hantve gm ga atan Sm ed jeg Turistinformation Tourist N Information Touristeninformation n n an at ga Badhusgatan g us dh Ba Kyrka Church Kirche N Rö nn ga tan tan Bad Indoorswimmingpool Hallenbad Bibliotek Library Bücherei ata ata tan Tor g Vårdcentral Hospital Krankenhaus gat Vällk o an tan rga nde n til Cyli Rin dra Sö tan ga bin r Tu gle den mme Järnvägsstation Centralstation Bahnhof l Var a ko mmu Solrosvägen Violvägen an at sg än ps v Kä p atan ga tan tan g Karla Torget atan Lin Skolg Alléb atan Läro n n ata eg Vid sgata verk Sö n Hantv an g tan gare rega la Hovs an t usga atan Badh Söderg gat Alm erka tan ata ég All atan ansg Lagm atan g Torg tan ga nn Rö at nég sg. Badhu Picture by Helena Hedenström djeg n rs Ko n a Torgg tan sga n adet n dra em Od ta ga en Od ata terg Tea Solh Sme ata n Ku ta ga n Bangår dsgatan Nygatan Olovsgatan an gat tan gga tnin t Dro atan am an ga S n Ku at g gs rs To tora ata Påvelsg Kv olg Sk St tan Torggata n n ea Sv atan a gat n atan Elisg Assars gat a ksg Söderg atan Järnvä gsg Olas gr änd Västergat an s shu Ting n ta ga or ote atan Tingsh usgatan an ta ga ds år g äd Tr Ap Åseg gen Notarievägen an A telg Ho ta ga sta Fro at ng la el M an at g rs a ss Sveagatan Kyrkogatan Rådmansg. Notarievä n vägen Härads Arkivväge n Tingshusgata Kanslivägen svägen deman Namn 31,5 cm x 14,8 cm an rgat K Kykr ogår d Barnegatan Västra Ringle den small foldable map Trädesvägen en Gärd esvä gen Akerv ägen Odalvägen Markvägen ullen väg en sväg Ang Apoteksgatan en n Lagerhusgata ste Vä Betesvägen gled in ra R Väst No Silon Västergatan an at sg em h rd gata l vä gen red nf se Ro s hem Frid V io Västra Sk olgatan n! n n Pan . ata svä ata ga ån g n eg Ed us g n atan Sp ata öt reg n To rg jeg Vä stg n ge Baldersg ata ad s- reg svä Trå v rka rag n ta ga Alm dh ed n ve ga Ba Sm g Bad Ourdoorpool Freibad Utomshusbad ta Al lég at an vsla are Larv Sö an at Ro Listg. an at ig on l Ko Vårdcentral ata ga ta n gg nt Kv n ga n By n ta T ta Sjukhem ata Ho an ga an de rg a ks at Ha lég an in elg . olg n dg sg Sk ata Park Parks Park Br L n ta jeg Lin erk Al tan n ha ga an né ga t ed dr aV ide at an Te at er g sga an at vsg ta Jo n Sm Lin St or a at an Ho te lg in g tn Dr ot ård n ga Bio Cinema Kino n ta an an Al lég at an an at n Grad at g Ban ta Sö an Ringleden g rg To n rov at an at sg Café Coffeehouse Café at Ram ga ata Lä us g gat s shu ing ta Allébadet . m ig n ata tan To rg g he str To rsg n ta en ga ga ta n dh l So du Torsvallen idrottsplats t n am ds ga Ba In Östra erg tan ga t jga ata Ka rla To rg e ata lsg ve På Fre Od jeg Oden gata n Kun gsga tan atan tan Söd en an gat us gsh Olo Hä äg ga ra sv Ny an rie Nota . n em ge ä dsv s hu gs Tin nsg äge en nd ma riev Tin äg den gle Rin m Råd Nota n sliv gen n Ka ivvä Ark tra Väs Na en väg Kors g aga nd grä sga väg gen Akervä tan ega Barn O s n Ola ata erg Väst tan Järn tan svägen Åsega Gärde gen atan tan Sve aga Sve oga ägen atan atan teksg rrå Skolg Storg Apo Kyrk Markv ed ga ta n svägen Träde Fö Ve ll n ngata Mella Träd gård sgat an n n Kykrogård en dalväg Assar sgat an ata n ge vä gs An nvä Kulle n de gle in aR str Vä rga ta ars A ss Väst e en sväg Bete gs n Ku Sm gat an ksg ote Ap Väst tan erga n ata usg erh Lag Silon tan To rsg Ro em rdh sga Kungsgatan an t ga . Eli als Lars Rättares väg ga tan adsg No ä n Konsert Hus Concert Hall Konzerthaus sgatan Kung eld gata Käppsvängarli. n tan Ek Long sga tan fre d ga sga sen Viol v ge ms st Verk n ata kolg ra S Väst tan gen lvä Vio he Fro sta ga tan N Frid ga on rli g . n äge osv Solr Vällkommen till Vara kommun! Ba Corporate print media Advertising bachelor thesis Visual Work Signage 6th term Events in Vara oct - Dez 08 Events in Vara OktOber v. Events in Vara Måndag Tisdag Onsdag NOvember Tordog Fridag Lördag Söndag v. Måndag Tisdag Onsdag Tordog Dezember Fridag Lördag Söndag v. Måndag Tisdag Onsdag Tordog Fridag Lördag Söndag 40 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 44 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 49 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 41 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 45 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 50 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 42 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 46 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 51 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 43 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 47 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 52 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 44 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 48 25 26 29 30 31 1 2 53 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 oct - De z 08 Photocontest this seasons contest is about la amet, volorem dionse modipsusci te con euguera estrud molor se faccum iure dolore mincidunt aliquisim iriure tisit ut autem incinis non hent nit nonsenit, quam ea facilla orpero dit loreril lumsandio euismolor sequisl utat. delisl iriliqu amcommy nummy nulla feum init lore el in elit wisit dolobore magnism odipsum doloreet wis nonsecte veliquamcon ut pratue velit wis nos nonsecte exerostisim digna consequisi bla faci tet utem veraessent num num volor si.. velenim vulla feugue con henibh etuer sequisci blam quisciduis nullum dolor sum et augiamconse dolesto dolor se magnism odolese tisi blandreratum veleniam volorer irit, vel irit onsed dolumsan hendiatin ullandiam augiamcortis non velit venis ad molorting ea cor ad ex euisisim zzril utatuer iusto dolore magnisis atem niate. logo from the store, company, which donats the prize of the photocontest Winner of the lASt PhotoConteSt Carolina fredriksson 18 Student Vara‘s local businesses AD-Space AD-Space AD-Space AD-Space AD-Space Vara‘s local businesses AD-Space AD-Space AD-Space solution »map & event calendar« The information stand needed to be filled with informations, so I designed a matching map and an event calendar – paper based and online. 42 cm x 59,4 cm foldable event calendar Events < > OktOber Må Ti Ons Tor Fri Lör Sö 29 6 13 20 27 30 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 1 5 12 19 26 2 Events < > OktOber Må Ti Ons Tor Fri Lör Sö 29 6 13 20 27 30 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 1 5 12 19 26 2 Who are you? What do you want to do? print media Corporate Advertising Visual Work Signage 6th term Events Torsdag 23 okTobEr Eva Eastwood Flyttad Till den 30 November < OktOber Events > Må Ti Ons Tor Fri Lör Sö 29 6 13 20 27 30 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 1 5 12 19 26 2 Lördag 25 okTobEr Upplevelse + beethoven: Mannen, Musiken kursdag inför konserten med Northern sinfonia Jan Ling, professor emeritus i musikvetenskap och ledamot av kungliga Musikaliska akademin, förbereder dig inför eftermiddagens konsert med en djupdykning i beethovens liv och musik. boka din plats i konserthusets biljettkassa. I samarbete med Vara Folkhögskola, Vara lärcentrum och Folkuniversitetet Tid: 10.00-14.00 Vara Folkhögskola Avgift: 125 kr inkl. lunch & fika Lördag 25 okTobEr Introduktion Introduktion inför eftermiddagens konsert med Northern web based event calendar assignment »website« Keep the current look of the client's website, without changing to much. Integrate a web based event calendar. solution »map & event calendar« The only change I did on the website of Vara Kommun was to integrate a calender. As well as some icons for language selection, which you could only find before when scrolling down the website. When you click on the integrated calender you getting forwarded to a event calender where you could find events regarding to your interest as well as to your person. bachelor thesis »Vara Stones & Silos« in practice print media Corporate Advertising Signage 6th term solution »Vara Stones« The use of the Vara Stones is to either guide or display a personal note of an inhabitant. The blue stones are reserved for the inhabitants, so they always feel connected to their town. Inhabitants can design their own stone after living around 1 year in Vara – to also appeal new inhabitants to move to Vara and to strengthen the desired »We«feeling by the client.. Visual Work bachelor thesis print media Corporate Advertising Signage Visual work 3rd term assignment »calendar pictures« Take pictures of a display or a box from the client. The client produces displays and boxes, he wanted some pictures for a calendar. The pictures should include the display or box. Also the end format has to be a square. It shouldn‘t be like a normal pack shot. solution »living in the box« Nowadays we are surrounded from boxes in our daily life. It starts in the morning when we eat our cereals and ends in the evening when our pizza for dinner also gets delivered in a box. So I took that case to another level. First I took photos of fronts of houses and then projected them on the box. bachelor thesis print media assignment »learning system for baby sign language« For my Bachelor Thesis I've chosen to develop a learning system for baby sign language which isn't widely known in Germany, yet. Corporate Advertising solution »Ein Tag mit Looki – A day with Looki« Due to my market research I found out that in Germany there are only around 5 books about baby sign language, so far. They are mainly for the parents – so nothing really for the kids. My learning system consists out of two parts – a picture book and a textand handbook. Signage Visual Work bachelor thesis print media Corporate Advertising Signage Visual Work bachelor thesis solution »Ein Tag mit Looki – A day with Looki« There are so far two different kinds of „Looki“-books – „A day with Looki at home“ and „A day with Looki in the zoo“. The red one „A day with Looki at home“ includes the basic and starter signs for the baby sign language. The special clue on these books is that the parents can choose from up to three different cards - to make an individual book for their loved ones and to consider the needs of their kids, as well as their stage of development and their preferences. print media Corporate Advertising Signage Visual Work bachelor thesis solution »Babygebärden – durch Kinderhände eine neue Welt entdecken« The text- and handbook is called „Baby signs – discover a new world The other part, the handbook, is full of more and more gestures through the hands of children“ consist of two parts. The textbook subdivided in six different categories. part explains everything about baby signs – how they developed, how to use them, trouble shooting, games, songs and rhymes. Want to see more? Then let's meet! Désirée Eser 1323 Woodbine Ave Toronto, M4C 4E9, Ontario t 647.863 . 3275 [email protected] www.desireeeser.com
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