THE PUMP ROOM The Mare Island Base Newsletter

The Mare Island Base Newsletter
Our Creed: “To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their
lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their
dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of
motivation toward greater accomplishments. We pledge loyalty and patriotism
to the United States of America and its Constitution.”
Volume XVI Issue 11
November 2014
Commander’s Corner
November 2014
Please send in your base election ballots to Bill Dornik today, the results will be announced at the
November base meeting. For all of you that will be attending our November base meeting, please remember
that this is our annual Toys for Tots meeting. Please bring a new unwrapped gift for the local kids in need.
Our new base officers will be sworn in at the annual Christmas lunch. The lunch will be held at the Basque
Cultural Center in South San Francisco, on Saturday, December 13th. You will also find the registration form
for the Christmas lunch in this Pump Room. Send in the completed form, preferably with a check, to Ron
Gibson. His address is on the form. Lunch is always great at the Basque Center and everyone has a great
Our Annual Crab Feed will be Saturday, January 17th 2015. Since this is our regular meeting day, the crab
feed will take the place of the base meeting for January. This means that our new Base Commander will need
to wait until February before presiding over his first official meeting.
For all of you chomping at the bit to attend another USSVI Convention, registration is open for the 2015
Convention in Pittsburg, PA.
Veterans Day Service will be held Tuesday, November 11, on the Vallejo waterfront again this year.
Please take the time to come out and honor those men and women who have served and died for this great
country of ours.
Mare Island Base Officers
Steve Paganelli
2370 Rosewood Dr.
San Bruno, CA 94066
(650) 588-5696
[email protected]
Al Praeger
2164 Delpha Dr.
Napa, CA 94558
(707) 255-3005
[email protected]
Vice Commander/Base Photographer:
Allen Cole
(707) 554-2120
2555 Flosden Road SP9 [email protected]
American Canyon, CA 94503-3918
Brad Canutt
(510) 887-8111
35111 F Newark Blvd. #280 [email protected]
Newark, CA 94560-1219
William Dornik
(707) 644-4746
751 Rollingwood Rd.
[email protected]
Vallejo, CA 94591-5707
Ron Triplett
(510) 727-1489
19412 San Miguel Ave
[email protected]
Castro Valley, CA 94546-3425
Newsletter Editor/Pub & Web Master:
John C. North
(925) 676-5784
1779 Elm Rd
[email protected]
Concord, CA 94519
Web site:
Easy to use:
Contact Bill Dornik (707) 644-4746) or see him at the
meeting to obtain a Shares Card
Shop at any of the above stores
The stores listed above will give a check to the
Mare Island Base every quarter representing 3%
of your purchases
3% back to the Mare Island Base
At the self-check‐‐out:
Before you scan your items
Press the “Shares” button at the bottom of the
Swipe the Shares Card though the credit card
Continue with your check‐out
At the check‐‐out counter:
Before the checker starts mention the Shares Card
Swipe the Shares Card though the credit card
Continue with your check‐out
Meeting Minutes October18, 2014
Commander Paganelli opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by our Creed. John
Ellison and Al Cole tolled the boats for the lost boats for the Month of May.
A moment of silence for all our departed shipmates
Chaplain Canutt read the opening prayer
Thank you to the Ladies for the lunch
Introduction of all Members
Minutes of last meeting: Approved as published in the Pumproom
Treasurer’s report: Bill Dornik read the financial report for August and September. It was accepted.
Committee Reports:
2014 Convention – Steve gave an update on the Convention. We have several items left over from
the Convention and they are on sale at the Storekeepers table. Max Schell is offering more wine glasses
for sale on his website. Everyone had a good time. It was brought up that the drinks were expensive.
Steve stated that the Hyatt was a tier 1 hotel which means everything is expensive there. The Dinner
Cruise was great. The final dinner was well attended. Two of our members received the Silver Anchor
Award, Al Cole and Lenny Stefanelli.
Ron gave an update on the Holiday Party at the Basque Cultural Center on December 13. There is
plenty of free parking. Send your reservations to Ron so we can get a good head count.
Bill stated there will be a Veterans Day service at the Mare Island Cemetery at 9:00 on November
11. Then there will be a Veterans Day service at the Veterans Memorial on the waterfront at 11:00
followed by hamburgers and hot dogs at the Veterans Building.
Bill stated that there will be two Crabfeeds. The Subvets Crabfeed will be January 17, 2015. This
is due to the first Saturday being so close to New Year’s Day. We will not have a meeting in January.
There will be a Crabfeed in the Vallejo Veterans Building to support the Building on February 7, 2015.
Sick Call:
Old Business:
New Business:
Dues are due for 2015. Notices will be coming out soon. Pay your dues as soon as possible so we
can report 100% renewal.
November meeting will be the Toys for Tots meeting. Bring an unwrapped toy.
Meeting Minutes cont…
Base Elections are being held. The following are running for Base Officers: Base Commander Al
Cole, Vice Commander Steve Paganelli, Treasurer Bill Dornik, and Secretary Tim Carlisle. Ballots are
available at the front table. We need people to step up to become a Base Officer in two years when we
have the next election. The Officers are getting tired and need replacement at the next election.
We need nominations for the Woods Award that will be presented at the Christmas Lunch.
It was announced that Lynn Milas was celebrating her 97th Birthday. We all sang Happy Birthday
to her.
There will be a Memorial Service for Chet Bienkowski at 10:30 on November 1 at St. Peters
Chapel on Mare Island with refreshments at the Admiral’s Mansion after.
Good of the Order:
Al Cole brought up an idea to bring a WWII Shipmate out to lunch. If you wish to sponsor a
WWII member to lunch see Al and he will help make arrangements.
Al brought up that Shipmate Jack Lauer knows students from UC Davis who want to interview
Veterans for the Library of Congress.
Gary Smith brought up that the Veterans Memorial Park idea did not get enough votes in
Participatory Budgeting to get funded. At the Veterans Building Council meeting it was brought up that
each Veterans Group meeting at the building needs to write a letter to the City Council of Vallejo making
it known that we want the Veterans Memorial to be on display when the Waterfront is redeveloped and
not put in storage as many other memorials.
Gary identified that Vallejo will become a Purple Heart City by proclaiming November as Purple
Heart recognition month. The proclamation will be presented at the October 28 City Council meeting.
Our Guest Speaker David Gongalez gave a presentation on Veteran’s Burial Program. He gives
personal presentations to Veterans who want to plan for their final wishes. He can give information on
benefits for those who do not wish to be buried in a National Cemetery. For further information go to or contact David at 707-652-3355 or [email protected].
The 50/50 raffle was won by Joe Infanger.
Chaplain Canutt read the closing prayer.
There is a working party every third Wednesday at the building from 9-12. We need help on many
NOTE: Next meeting will be November 15, 2014 at the Veterans Building. This will be our Toys for
Tots meeting.
A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. The meeting was adjourned.
Coming Events
Mare Island Base Meeting: 1200 noon, November 15, 2014, Veteran’s Memorial Building Vallejo, CA.
Sub Vets WWII Chapter Meeting:12 noon, November 19, 2014 Vallejo Naval & Historical Museum 734 Marin St. Vallejo, CA.
Dolphin Base Meeting: 10:30 a.m., November 22, 2014 Harry’s Hofbrau, 390 Saratoga Ave. San Jose, CA.
To become a booster, a donation of $60 per
year or $5 per month is required
G. Houston
J. Infanger
J. North
R. Gibson
L. Stefanelli
A. Cole
D. Robinson
F. Johnson
R. Paulson
T. Foglesong
W. Campbell
D. Boncore
G. Patten
T. Ritch
R. Bernal
D. Brown Jr.
J. Fagereng
K. Fountain
P. Lary
C. Marden
M. McCoy
T. Moniz
A. Praeger
R. Staley
M. Swiney
Richard M. Kiely
6/14/1935 – 10/23/2014
G. Brown
D. Compton
H. Farmer
C. Heckman
D. Lively
R. Mattson
J. Miller Jr.
D. Pacilli
M. Rehmus
W. Sweigard
W. Williams
J. Hauser
Please Fly Your Flag On Lost Boats Days
Lost on Nov 7, 1944 with the loss of 85 men when she was sunk off northern
Hokkaido. Winner of two Presidential Unit Citations, Albacore was on her eleventh
war patrol and struck a mine while running submerged near a Japanese patrol craft
that had detected her.
Lost on Nov 8, 1944 with the loss of 85 men when she was sunk in the South China
Sea. Winner of two Navy Unit Commendations, Growler was on her 12th war
patrol, and was lost while attacking a convoy, probably as a result of a depth charge
attack or victim of a circular run by one of her own torpedoes.
Probably sunk on November 16, 1944 with the loss of 83 men near Tokyo Bay. On
her 8th war patrol, she may have been damaged by a mine and was trailing oil,
which helped Japanese coast defense vessels locate and destroy her with depth
Lost on Nov 16, 1943 with the loss of 82 men when she was sunk just south of
Truk. Corvina was on her 1st war patrol and appears she was lost to the torpedoes
of a Japanese submarine.
Lost on Nov 19, 1943 with the loss of 63 men near Truk. Severely damaged by
depth charges after attacking an enemy convoy, Sculpin continued to fight on the
surface. When the captain was killed, the crew abandoned ship and scuttled
Sculpin. 41 men were taken prisoner; only 21 survived the war. Among those not
abandoning ship was CAPT Cromwell,aboard as a potential wolfpack
commander, he rode the Sculpin down, fearing that vital information in his
possession might be compromised under torture. For this, CAPT Cromwell was
posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.
2014 Mare Island Base Elections
Please vote for one of the names listed by placing an X in the appropriate box, OR, write in your own
choice and place an X in the box.
The deadline for receiving the ballots is Nov. 8th and the results will be announced at the Nov. base
meeting on Nov. 15th.
Base Commander:
Write in:
Al Cole
Vice Commander:
Write in:
Steve Paganelli
Base Treasurer:
Write in:
Bill Dornik
Base Secretary:
Write in:
Tim Carlisle
Completed ballots can be either mailed or emailed to:
Bill Dornik
751 Rollingwood Rd.
Vallejo, CA 94591-5707
[email protected]
Mare Island Base 2014 Holiday Luncheon at the Basque Cultural Center
South San Francisco
Where: Basque Cultural Center,
599 Railroad Ave.,
South San Francisco CA. 94127-2333
Directions: From US 101, North or South, take the Grand
Ave. exit in SSF and go west on Grand to Magnolia; turn left
(South) at Magnolia and continue a couple of blocks right into
the parking lot of the Basque Cultural Center
Date: 13 December 2014
Time: 11 a.m. “No-host” cocktails
12 Noon: Luncheon served.
Luncheon Entree Selections:
(1) Breast Chicken $20
(2) Prime Rib $30
Price of luncheon includes:
Breast of Chicken Chasseur, served with rice and
Prime Rib aux jus, served with scalloped
potatoes and vegetables.
Gift Exchange: This year, as in past years, everyone bringing
a gift will go home with a gift. Gift should be approximately
$20 or more in value. Do not bring a gift worth less than $20.
In the spirit of the season, “It’s better to give than receive,”
but all would agree that it’s unfair for someone who brings a
$20 plus gift to have to receive one worth less.
There will also be a raffle of door prizes bought by the base
and/or donated by base and chapter members and a 50/50
All Entrees are served with soup, salad,
bread and butter; ice cream and coffee or tea
are included, as well.
Parking: Plentiful and FREE
Make your reservations early as seating may be limited. We
must give the club a headcount by December 9th .
Mare Island Base 2013 Holiday Luncheon at the Basque Cultural Center
South San Francisco December 13, 2014
Yes, I (we) _________________________________________ are planning to attend
Please make reservations for __ people.
Enclosed is my check made out to “USSVI M. I. Base” in the amount of $_______.
Entree Selection(s): Chicken Breast: $20.00 __ Prime Rib $30.00 _____
Mail the check—no later than December 1, 2014 Note: Reservations and pre-payment are a MUST!!
Members can give reservation forms to Ron with checks or cash at the November Meeting.
OR: Send your reservation and check to:
Ron Gibson
640 Gennessee St.
San Francisco, CA 94127-2333
(415) 239-5490
[email protected]
I hope this poem has the same effect on you as it did for me - then my
forwarding it will be worth the effort. Walk with me by the water - worth
the read...
Shit...I forgot the words.
Now hear this: "This Is No Bull-Shit"
An admiral visits one of the ships under his command.
While eating breakfast with the crew he was impressed to see the Naval
insignia stamped on every biscuit.
He went to the Chief cook to ask how this feat was done, so it could be used on other ships under his
The Chief replied, "Well Admiral, after each one is cut out I just slap it
here against my belt buckle which bears the insignia."
Horrified the Admiral exclaims, "That's very unhygienic!"
The Chief shrugs and replies, "If you feel that way sir, I suggest you avoid the donuts."
NO ( )
NO ( )
William Dornik
751 Rollingwood Dr.
Vallejo, CA 94591
Annual dues are $10. Base Dues and $20. National Dues. If you prefer you can renew for 3
yrs. at $27. Base and $55. National or 5 yrs. at $45. Base and $90. National. Life
Membership for National: Under 45=$500.00, age 46-55=$400.0, age 56-65=$300.00, age
66-75 =$200.00, age 76+ =$100.00. (Life Members must also pay Base Dues as stated
above.) Please send your check made out to Mare Island Base to:
Signature _____________________________ Date _______________
OTHER BOATS SERVED ON (Name/Hull#/Dates): __________________
RANK/RATE ATTAINED: _____________________________
BOAT QUALIFIED ON & DATE: _______________________
SPOUSE’S NAME: ____________________________________
BIRTHDATE: ________________________________________
E-MAIL: _____________________________________________
PHONE: _____________________________________________
CITY/STATE/ZIP: ____________________________________
ADDRESS: ___________________________________________
NAME: ______________________________________________
Our Creed: “To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the
pursuit of their duties while serving their Country. That their dedication, deeds and
supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward the greater accomplishments.
We pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States Government.”
Application For Membership