Immigration Procedure for Non-EU students (Except for Australia, Canada, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, South Korea, USA and Vatican City.) To be able to study in the Netherlands for a period over three (3) months, you need an entry visa (MVV) and a residence permit (VVR). Saxion will arrange this for you. In order for Saxion to apply for these documents you need to submit -as soon as possible- the following: 1. Payment of the total package fee (including housing, visa and insurance). 2. Proof of Financial Means (Appendix 1) 3. A clear copy of your valid passport (the personal data page + all stamped pages) 4. Immigration Application Form (Appendix 2) 5. Antecedents Certificate (Appendix 3) 6. For Chinese students only: Original NUFFIC (former NESO) certificate (you can apply through: Important Notice: without the above, Saxion cannot apply for your entry visa, nor for your residence permit. Please read the forms carefully, print them on separate pages, then complete and sign them yourself with a black pen. You can upload the documents in the applicationportal If you will proof your financial means by bank statement we need you to send the original bank statement by postal mail to: Saxion University of Applied Sciences International Office In case you would like to use express mail (e.g. DHL): P.O. Box 70000 Handelskade 75 7500 KB Enschede 7417 DH Deventer The Netherlands The Netherlands The Dutch Embassy will contact you concerning the pickup of your entry visa. Please check beforehand with the Embassy (either by phone or on the website) which documents you need to submit, as this may differ per country. Please check our Biometrics document on our website for the residence permit photo guidelines, as you need to hand in 2 passport pictures at the Embassy for your residence permit. The entry visa sticker will be put in your passport. It is mentioned that after arrival in the Netherlands, you have to report to the Aliens Police within 3 days. Please ignore this, as Saxion has special arrangements with the local authorities for this matter. Appendix 1: Proof of financial means Saxion will take care of your visa application after receiving payment of your total package fee (including tuition fee). In the procedure for the visa application, Saxion will send all the paperwork to the Dutch Immigration Service (IND). For this procedure we also need a proof that you have sufficient financial means for the living costs for the period of study. The payment of the package fee (excluding the tuition fee) for a full course year is not sufficient to proof your financial means. In order to be able to apply for your visa Saxion will need two actions from your side: 1. Payment of the package fee as mentioned in the invoice 2. Proof of sufficient financial means for your study period Your proof of sufficient financial means must at least be equal to the minimum monthly amounts set by the Dutch Immigration Services, the IND. The minimum amount to be proven from January 2011 onwards to the IND, is €850.- per month for study purpose. How much do you need to proof? You need to calculate the monthly amount (€850.-) times the period of months you will stay. You may deduct the housing and insurance fee if you have done or will do the full payment of package fee as mentioned in your invoice. For example: ** If you are applying for a full year Bachelor Course (12 months) you need to show you have: 12 x €850.- = €10,200.- minimum amount to proof to IND for MVV for costs of living. Through payment of the full package fee you have already paid part of this amount for your costs of living, the accommodation and insurance fee. This part may be deducted from the amount to be proven so: €10,200.- minus €5,450.- paid for accommodation + insurance fee = €4.750.- still to proof We hope this procedure is clear to you, if not, please do not hesitate to contact us. Options to proof your Financial Means In order to get an approval for your entry visa and residence permit, you need to prove that you have sufficient financial means for the living costs for your period of study as mentioned in the previous page. There are 4 options to proof your financial means: 1. If you are a self-supporting student: you need a bank statement from an account in your name from a Dutch bank or an internationally known bank, which shows that you have sufficient financial means for the living costs in your account. Note: in case you have a deposit account, it needs to mention the period that the money is freely at your disposal during your period of study in the Netherlands. Please be aware that a ‘Certificate of Deposit’ is NOT allowed. 2. If you are a self-supporting student: you can also transfer the amount of sufficient financial means to Saxion’s bank account together with your requested package fee. Saxion will refund you this amount when you are in the Netherlands. 3. If you receive a student grant/scholarship: a document from the organization from whom you receive the grant/scholarship and its duration. 4. If you have a sponsor abroad (e.g. your parents): a written statement by your sponsor which states the amount and the duration of the sponsorship, plus a bank statement of sufficient financial means for the living costs. See below the requirements + the financial statement. Note: Saxion International Office acts as an intermediary and has no influence whatsoever on the outcome. In case the submitted documents do not meet the requirements you may be asked to prove your financial means in a different manner. Option 4. Requirements if someone else abroad is sponsoring you (e.g. one of your parents): Please complete the financial statement (see next page) and have your sponsor sign it. Furthermore we need a copy of his/her passport or identity card together with one of the following documents: A. Original official letter from the bank or B. Copy of a recent bank statement: - the name of the sponsor - his/her account number - the current bank balance - the name, address and contact details of the bank - not older than 3 months - the current bank balance freely available to him/her In case sponsor only has an internet account without bank statements: For this option you must enclose the following 2 documents: 1. Print of the internet account & 2. Original official letter from the bank, both stating: - the name of the sponsor - his/her account number - the current bank balance - the current bank balance freely available to him/her FINANCIAL STATEMENT I, the undersigned, Name:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. First name:………………………………………………………………………………………………..…. Born on: Day…………………..……/ Month…………………………/ Year…………………………. Place of Birth:………….……………………………………………………..………………………..…… Nationality:……………………………………………………………………..…………………….…….. Passport number or number of identity card…………………………………………………......... (please send copy of passport or identity card with this statement) Telephone number:……………………………………………………………………..…………………. Address:……………………………………………………………………………….…….……………….. Zip code:…………………………………………Place:…………………………………..……………….. Country:……………………………………………………………………………………………….…...... hereby declare that I will financially support the following student: Name:………………………………………………………………………………………………….……… First name:…………………………………………………………………………………….…………….. Born on: Day………………..……/ Month…………………………/ Year……….……………………. Place of Birth:…………………….…………………………………………………………………………. Nationality:…………………………………………………………………………….…………………….. Passport number:…………………………………………………………………….…………………….. during his/her studies in the Netherlands. I hereby guarantee that I will transfer a minimum monthly allowance of € ………..……….. from (Start date): Day…….………….. /Month:………………/ Year…………………..….. until (End date): Day ….……/Month:………..../Year………………………….. I hereby enclose a recent bank statement (not older than three months) proving that I have enough funds to transfer the amount in the period mentioned. Date:…………/………………/………………..Place:………………………………………………….… Signature:…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Appendix 2 Immigration Application Form PLEASE TYPE OR USE CAPITALS: Family name (surname) First name(s) Date of birth (dd-mm-yyyy)………………….Place of birth ……………………………… Nationality ……………………………………...Marital status: Single/Married Passport number ………………………..…….Valid from …………… until……….……… Permanent residence (your address outside the Netherlands): Street……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Postal code and City …………………………………………………………………………….. Country…………………………………………………………….……………………………….. E-mail address ……………………………………………………………………….………….. Mobile phone nr…….…………………………………………………………………………….. Location or place of the Dutch Embassy/Consulate where you want to pick up your MVV (closest to your residence). Place: _________________________________ Country:_______________________________ (Please note that if you want to pick up your MVV in another country you must have a valid residence permit for that country) By signing this form I authorize Saxion University of Applied Sciences: - to be my contact person for applying for my residence permit at the Immigration Authorities and to act on my behalf. All correspondence concerning my stay in the Netherlands should be sent to Saxion University of Applied Sciences International Office Postbus 70000 7500 KB Enschede, The Netherlands - to withdraw my registration with the Immigration Authorities if I do not start the study programme, if I cancel/quit my studies or in case I do not pass at least 50% of the nominal study workload for (the part) of the academic period. Date: _________________ Signature student Appendix Antecedents Certificate This certificate only needs to be completed if the foreign national is 12 years of age or older. 1 Certificate ■ ■ > Please tick the applicable situation I certify that: =\UjYbYjYfVYYbgYbhYbWYXhc]adf]gcbaYbhcfUWighcX]U`aYUgifYZcfWcaa]ɛ]b[UWf]aY/ =\UjYbYjYfVYYbgYbhYbWYXhcdYfZcfaWcaaib]hmgYfj]WYZcfWcaa]ɛ]b[UWf]aY/ =\UjYbYjYfVYYb]adcgYXUbibWcbX]h]cbU`ɕbYZcfWcaa]ɛ]b[UWf]aY/ =\UjYbYjYfUWWYdhYXUbcih!cZ!WcifhgYɛ`YaYbhZcfWcaa]ɛ]b[UWf]aY/ =\UjYbYjYfVYYb]adcgYXUdYbU`hmcfXYfVmUdiV`]WdfcgYWihcfZcfWcaa]ɛ]b[UWf]aY/ =UaWiffYbh`mbchgiV^YWhhcdfcgYWih]cbZcfWcaa]ɛ]b[UWf]aY/ =\UjYbYjYfVYYbfYgdcbg]V`YZcfcbYcZh\YZc``ck]b[WUhY[cf]YgcZUWhgUgfYZYffYXhc]b5fh]W`Yƅ:cZ h\YƅƍƉƅFYZi[YY7cbjYbh]cb.UWf]aYU[U]bghdYUWY UkUfWf]aY UWf]aYU[U]bgh\iaUb]hm UgYf]cig bcb!dc`]h]WU`Wf]aYZcfYlUad`YaifXYfcfhYffcf]ga cfUWhgWcbhfUfmhch\YdifdcgYgUbXdf]bW]d`YgcZ h\YIb]hYXBUh]cbgZcfYlUad`YhYffcf]ghUWhg/UbX =UaUkUfYcZh\YZUWhh\UhUgYbhYbWYZcfWcaa]ɛ]b[UWf]aYaUmfYgi`h]bUfYZigU`cfhYfa]bUh]cbcZh\Y f][\hcZfYg]XYbWY" =\UjYbchgiVa]ɛYXUbm]bWcffYWhXUhUXif]b[YUf`]YffYg]XYbWYdfcWYXifYg/ =X]XbchfYg]XY]bh\YBYh\Yf`UbXg]``Y[U``m]bh\YdUgh/ =UabchgiV^YWhhcUbmYbhfmVUb" ■ =UaibUV`YhcWYfh]Zmh\YUVcjYZcfh\YZc``ck]b[fYUgcbg. | 2 Signing (by the foreign national) =\UjYWcad`YhYXh\]gZcfahfih\Zi``m" 2.1 Name | D`UWY 2.2 Place and date | 2.3 Signature | 8Um Acbh\ MYUf Please note! If this antecedents certificate has not been completed truthfully, this will have consequences for your right of residence. b01
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