PROBUS Ladysmith Mail: 10856 Stuart Rd Ladysmith, BC V9G 1Z9 November 2014 Volume 20, Issue 11 Chartered October 25, 1995 as #54 Monthly Meetings are held at the Ladysmith Seniors’ Centre at 630 2nd Ave at 10 AM, the 3rd Wednesday of every month. Doors open, coffee on at 9.30 AM. Luncheons start at 11.40 AM on the 1st Wednesday of every month. None in August and December when we have our Summer Picnic and Christmas Luncheon. Club’s website and newsletter: PROBUS International website: e-mail: [email protected] Management Committee 2013-2014 President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Membership Newsletter Social (250) Rob Johnson 245-5001 Lynda Evans 245-1332 Bonnie Sasley 245-9842 Doris Popplestone 245-3900 Grant Bridgeman 246-1496 Lynn Cowie 245-5077 Elizabeth Murphy 754-5687 Activity Chairs Annual Picnic Books Bridge Coffee Golf Historian Investm. Club Luncheons Phoning Gay Armstrong 245-7032 Volunteers Marilyn Johnson 245-5001 Anne Hill 618-1283 Rob Johnson 245-5001 Wilma Wickham 245-3135 Larry Trahan 924-4993 Gay Armstrong 245-7032 Jackie Ross 245-2916 Gay Armstrong 245-7032 Sunshine Wilma Wickham 245-3135 Cottonwood Golf Course Nanaimo, BC.url Walking Grant Bridgeman 246-1496 Xmas Party Elizabeth Murphy 754-5687 Lorrain Jordan 245-8872 Happy Birthday to the November babies!!!!!! Irene Fair David Mitchell Joyce Platt Ken Weeks Participate and find new friends! Coming Events Wed. November 5th Wed. November 19th Wed. November 26th Fri. November 28th Wed. December 10th Monthly Luncheon General Meeting Bridge Evening Investment Club Christmas Lunch On-going events Walking Group Saturday’s at 9.30 AM Meet at Transfer Beach, check with Grant Bridgeman for details. Golf 2nd & 4th Wednesday 1 PM Confirm with Rob Johnson. Bridge Check with Marilyn Johnson for information. Read this newsletter for details on above events. For further questions on activities or to sign up or to get on e-mail advance-notice lists, check with the organizer(s) listed in the left column. Monthly Luncheon Gay Armstrong – Coordinator Tel: 250-245-7032 email: [email protected] PROBUS LUNCHEON Wednesday November 5th, 2014 Bold Knight Restaurant 114O Island Hwy S. Nanaimo (Just north of RONA) Choices: 1. Mushroom Swiss Burger a) With fries or b) With salad $13.95 2. Fish & Chips: 2 pcs of cod $13.95 3. Grilled Chicken Penne with Garlic Bread $15.95 4. Steak Sandwich with Garlic Bread, Green Salad & Fries $18.95 1 Note: taxes & gratuity not included Golf Rob Johnson 250-245-5001 [email protected] Call Rob Wednesdays for an afternoon golf date Lunch at the Cottonwood Golf Club on October 1st Thanks Gay for organizing another great lunch! And thanks to all the members who participated! Ladysmith PROBUS Christmas Lunch WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 10th Eagles Hall 11:30 Social 12:15 Lunch $20 per person for members $22 for guests Tickets will still be available at the November 19th meeting For more information or to reserve your tickets contact Elizabeth Murphy 250-754-5687 Membership Appreciation Draw Congratulations to our guest speaker Brian Cromp who won the draw and kindly donated his winnings to PROBUS. Nice!!! November Guest Speaker Sheral McCann Sheral McCann is a physiotherapist at Ladysmith Community Health Centre. She will be speaking about the physiotherapy services available at the Health Centre which include physiotherapy following surgeries such as joint replacements, as well as physiotherapy for balance problems and neurological conditions. Newsletter Reminder Please remember to send any pictures, articles, or information to Lynn Cowie no later than the week following the monthly general meeting. [email protected] 2 Probus Walking Group Guest Speakers Pass on any suggestions to Lynda Evans: Vice-President Tel: 250-245-1332 E-mail: [email protected] October Guest Speakers Coordinator: Grant Bridgeman Hike Leader: Volunteers Tel: 250-246-1496 E-mail: [email protected] Ladysmith’s dedicated and tenacious walkers at Eve’s Park in Crofton on October 4th Many thanks to the representatives of the various search and rescue groups who took the time to present the many facets of their work. Their dedication to the safety of the citizens of Ladysmith is greatly appreciated! and at Rotary Lookout on October 11th PROBUS member Bob Mair thanking our guest speakers from l. to r. Dan Marble (Ladysmith Ground Search and Rescue) Doug Wakefield (Civil Air Search and Rescue Association) and Brian Cromp (Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue) Sw Sweethearts on a walk! Bannon Falls Oct. 18th 3 PROBUS Social Outing Thank you Elizabeth for organizing an amazing outing at the Raptors Centre! The pictures say it all! 4 PROBUS CLUB OF LADYSMITH Minutes of Wednesday, October 15, 2014 General Meeting The meeting was brought to order at 10:00 am with President Rob Johnson in the Chair. There were two guests in attendance: Joe Friesenham, who advised he was attending to give support to today's speakers and Anne Illing,a new resident of Ladysmith. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of September 17th had been circulated. An error was reported as Judy and Earl Storey, and not Grant, would be leading the walking group in October and as yet there was no leader for November. On motion made and seconded the amended minutes were adopted . Speakers: Vice President Lynda Evans advised that we have three speakers today: Doug Wakefield of Civil Air Search and Rescue, Brian Comp of the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue and Dan Marble of Ladysmith Search and Rescue and that in November our speaker would be Physiotherapist, Sheral McCann. She requested the members to advise if they have any suggestions for speakers. Walking: We still need leaders for the walking group. There is no leader for November. Financial Report: Treasurer Doris Popplestone reported as follows: Balance forward: $2755.52 Receipts YTD 498.00 Expenses YTD 0.00 Balance end of Sept. $3253.52 The President advised the meeting that we have an amount in the Bank to cover one year's budget as is recommended practice and we are also able to subsidize events such as the picnic, the Christmas lunch and the Golf outing. Luncheons: Gay Armstrong has selected the Bold Night in Nanaimo for our luncheon on November 5 th and requested those interested to sign up and select from four lunch choices. Social: - Christmas Lunch: Elizabeth Murphy and Judy Storey gave an entertaining preview of what we will be enjoying at the Christmas lunch. The lunch will be held at Aggie Hall on Wednesday, December 10th at 11:30. Tickets will be $20.00 per person for members and $22.00 for guests. Raptors outing: Elizabeth reminded us of the outing on Thursday, October 23rd to visit the Raptors followed by lunch at the Station Pub and that members can sign up at coffee break and volunteer for driving. So far 14 are signed up. Items from floor: The meeting was advised that flu shots are now available free of charge at Super Store in Nanaimo and that they also will be available at the Health Fair at Aggie Hall on November 7th from 2:00 to 4:30 pm. The meeting was also advised about a sound design training program that would be available at the Ladysmith Little Theatre starting Saturday, October 18th 10:00 am to Noon. Members Recognition (50/50) The winner was our guest, Joe Friesenham, who generously donated his share back to the club. Speakers Presentations: After the coffee break the speakers were introduced by Bob Maier and we were impressed with informative and interesting presentations and slides respecting each organization, after which each speaker was presented with a copy of the Centennial book from the Ladysmith Archives and our Probus pen. Recorded by Bonnie Sasley, Secretary Membership: Grant Bridgeman advised he has a couple of applications and will report next month. We have a number of colorful pamphlets displaying our Club for insertion in Take 5 and distribution at the Health Fair. Newsletter: Lynn Cowie reported that she is enjoying compiling the newsletter. She would appreciate receiving photos for inclusion in the newsletter. Susan Wakefield reported that on her visit to the Probus Club in St. Catherines Ontario she gave them a copy of our Newsletter and they were impressed. Sunshine/Coffee: Wilma Wickham advised that she had no reports of illnesses but that unfortunately, Darlene Nepp had suffered a bicycle accident. She reminded the members to please let her know of anyone who is ill. The President advised that our coffee urn has gone missing. Susan Wakefield offered to give us one that they have not been using. Investment Club: Meeting the 4th Friday of the month at 10:00 a.m. 5
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