relish ® NOVEMBER 2014 DINNER IS SERVED... 14 recipes for Thanksgiving HOLIDAY MEAL SOLUTIONS STOCK UP AT SAM’S CLUB AND SAVE SEE PAGE 2 FOR DELICIOUS COMFORT FOOD RECIPES AND TIPS STOCK UP THIS HOLIDAY SEASON and give thanks for saving money and more time to relax. ‘Tis the season for pumpkin pie, turkey and visitors—lots of visitors. Entertaining the masses can be daunting, but Sam’s Club makes it easy to stock up on value-added comfort foods for warm family gatherings. And, don’t forget some ready-to-serve gourmet appetizers and desserts for surprise guests. Knowing you have plentiful comfort foods for holiday entertaining is truly reason to feel thankful. COMFORT FOOD SOLUTIONS Creamy Mashed Potatoes PHGLXPSRWDWRHVDERXWOEVSHHOHGDQGFXWLQWRFKXQNV 1/4 cup Country Crock® Spread FXSPLON 1/4 tsp. salt SLQFKJURXQGEODFNSHSSHU FKRSSHGFKLYHVRSWLRQDO &RYHUSRWDWRHVZLWKZDWHULQTXDUWVDXFHSDQ%ULQJWRDERLORYHUKLJKKHDW5HGXFHKHDWWRORZDQGVLPPHUXQFRYHUHG XQWLOSRWDWRHVDUHYHU\WHQGHUDERXWPLQXWHVGUDLQ5HWXUQSRWDWRHVWRVDXFHSDQPDVK6WLULQUHPDLQLQJLQJUHGLHQWV Turkey Wraps 6SUHDGHellmann’s® or Best Foods® Real Mayonnaise RQWRUWLOOD)LOOZLWKOHIWRYHUWXUNH\GULHGFUDQEHUULHVDQG VSLQDFKOHDYHV5ROOVOLFHDQGVHUYH LEFTOVER TURKEY TIP ,PPHGLDWHO\UHIULJHUDWHOHIWRYHUVDQGIUHH]HLQ SRUWLRQVIRUDWKDQNVJLYLQJWUHDWDZHHNODWHU Creamy Turkey Casserole FXSVOHIWRYHUSUHSDUHGVWX QJGLYLGHG 4 cups coarsely chopped leftover cooked turkey (about 1 lb.) 3/4 cup Hellmann’s® or Best Foods® Real MayonnaiseGLYLGHG FXSZKROHEHUU\FUDQEHUU\VDXFH 2 cups leftover mashed potatoes 1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese 3UHKHDWRYHQWR6SUD\LQFKEDNLQJGLVKZLWKQRQVWLFNFRRNLQJVSUD\6SRRQLQFXSVVWX QJWKHQWRSZLWKWXUNH\ ® ® &RPELQHFXSHellmann’s or Best Foods Real MayonnaiseZLWKFUDQEHUU\VDXFHHYHQO\VSUHDGRYHUWXUNH\&RPELQH UHPDLQLQJFXSPD\RQQDLVHSRWDWRHVDQGFKHHVHLQODUJHERZO(YHQO\VSUHDGRQWXUNH\WKHQWRSZLWKUHPDLQLQJFXSV VWX QJ%DNHPLQXWHVRUXQWLOKHDWHGWKURXJK/HWVWDQGPLQXWHVEHIRUHVHUYLQJ*DUQLVKLIGHVLUHGZLWKGULHGFUDQEHUULHV Peanut Butter-Oatmeal Cookies FXSVTXLFNFRRNLQJRDWV FXSVDOOSXUSRVHÁRXU WVSEDNLQJSRZGHU WVSEDNLQJVRGD 1/4 tsp. salt 1 cup Country Crock® Spread FXSSHDQXWEXWWHU FXSJUDQXODWHGVXJDU FXSÀUPO\SDFNHGEURZQVXJDU ODUJHHJJV WVSYDQLOODH[WUDFW SDFNDJHR]VHPLVZHHW FKRFRODWHFKLSVRSWLRQDO 3UHKHDWRYHQWR&RPELQHRDWVÁRXUEDNLQJSRZGHUEDNLQJVRGDDQGVDOWLQVPDOOERZOVHWDVLGH%HDWVSUHDGZLWKSHDQXW EXWWHULQODUJHERZOZLWKHOHFWULFPL[HURQPHGLXPVSHHGXQWLOVPRRWK%HDWLQVXJDUVWKHQHJJVDQGYDQLOODXQWLOEOHQGHG%HDW LQÁRXUPL[WXUHMXVWXQWLOEOHQGHGWKHQVWLULQFKRFRODWHFKLSV'URSGRXJKE\URXQGHGWDEOHVSRRQIXOVRQXQJUHDVHGEDNLQJVKHHWV LQFKHVDSDUW%DNHPLQXWHVRUXQWLOJROGHQ7UDQVIHUFRRNLHVWRZLUHUDFNDQGFRROFRPSOHWHO\ THE HOST WITH THE MOST %HLQJSUHSDUHGFDQJRDORQJZD\LQPDNLQJKROLGD\JDWKHULQJVPHPRUDEOH UHOD[HGDQGIXQ %HVXUHWRVWRFNXSRQKRWFXSVDQGLipton® Tea bags to welcome JXHVWVLQIURPWKHEOXVWHU\RXWGRRUV $OVRNHHS\RXUSLWFKHUSUHSSHGWKLVKROLGD\VHDVRQZLWKVRPHGHOLFLRXV Lipton® Iced Tea, WKHSHUIHFWEHYHUDJHZLWKDQ\PHDO This &That NOVEMBER 2014 thanksgiving menu spinach & gruyere gratin smashed potatoes (page 14) (page 7) Pumpkin Pie Smoothie ½ cup fresh orange juice 1 cup vanilla yogurt 3 tablespoons honey brussels sprout salad with parmesan and walnuts (page 14) stuffed turkey breast or cranberry r turkey r EDITOR Jill Melton MANAGING EDITOR Candace Floyd ART DIRECTOR E.R. Elliott PHOTOS BY: Mark Boughton Photography PROP AND FOOD STYLING BY: Teresa Blackburn COVER PHOTOS BY Teresa Blackburn, Mark Boughton, Karry Hosford, Kyle Drier and Kimberly Hasselbrink Relish is published by: Athlon Media Group, 2451 Atrium Way, Suite 320, Nashville, TN 37214. Phone: 800-284-5668. Mail editorial queries and contributions to Editor, Relish, 2451 Atrium Way, Suite 320, Nashville, TN 37214. Athlon Media Group will not be responsible for unsolicited materials, and cannot guarantee the return of any materials submitted to it. ©2014 Athlon Media Group, Relish™ is a trademark of Publishing Group of America, Inc., exclusively licensed to Athlon Media Group. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any article, photograph, or other portion of this magazine without the express written permission of Athlon Media Group, is prohibited. 4 C E LE B R ATI NG AMERI CA'S LOVE OF FOOD Leftover mashed potatoes? We love this clever trick from blogger Matt Robinson ( that uses a waffle iron and leftover potatoes. 4 cups cold leftover mashed potatoes N cup all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons each chopped green onions and red bell peppers K cup grated Cheddar or Parmesan cheese 1 egg, lightly beaten (page 10) twice-bakedd sw sweet potatoes (page 6) pear crumble (page 22) pumpkin molasses pie (page 20) POTAFFLE Cranberry Turkey Here’s a quickand-easy way to prepare your turkey. Combine 1 cup fresh cranberries with 1 stick butter and a couple of green onions. Pulse in the food processor. Press under and over skin of turkey before roasting. 1. Coat waffle iron with cooking spray. Preheat according to manufacturer’s directions. Combine potatoes and remaining ingredients. Mix well. Spoon N cup mixture onto center of waffle iron and cook until golden brown. Repeat with remaining mixture. Makes 16; serves 8. Per serving: 139 calories, 5g fat, 35mg chol., 5g prot., 18g carbs., 2g fiber, 190mg sodium Fresh Nutmeg We like to cook with freshly ground nutmeg, using whole nutmeg from the supermarket and a grinder like this one (Williams Sonoma, Kohl’s). The grinder makes a great gift for the foodie on your list. Naomi Robinson ½ cup canned pumpkin purée More 5-star online reviews than any other vacuum brand.* MORE Suction Power & Cleaner Carpets ** vs Dyson’s® Best Vacuum (Proven by independent lab testing!) GOES WHERE THE DYSON BALL™ CAN’T † CONVERTS TO POWERED LIFT-AWAY * Based on an aggregate of online reviews at major retailers of leading uprights per NPD over $149.99, 6/2014. Based on NV650 vs. Dyson DC65: **ASTM F608 (embedded dirt in carpet), ‡ASTM F558 measured at the hose, †ASTM F420 (Access Depth Under Furniture measured with POD in hand using floor nozzle). Dyson® and Dyson Ball™ are registered trademarks of Dyson, Inc. ® ‡ thanksgiving side dishes Twice-Baked Sweet Potatoes From soup to salad, 7 festive dishes to serve alongside the bird S Y A W e d i S With our sweet potatoes, we’ll take feta over marshmallows any day. 2 1 ½ ¾ ¼ ¼ 2 ½ ½ sweet potatoes (about 12 ounces each) tablespoon olive oil yellow onion, diced cup stemmed and chopped Tuscan kale cup plain Greek yogurt cup grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese teaspoons chopped fresh thyme teaspoon salt cup crumbled feta cheese 1. Preheat oven to 400F. 2. Prick sweet potatoes with a fork. Roast in a baking pan until tender, 45 to 60 minutes. Let cool about 20 minutes. 3. Heat a skillet over medium- low heat. Add olive oil. Add diced onion; sauté until soft. Add kale; sauté until wilted. 4. Slice sweet potatoes into halves lengthwise, hollow each half with a spoon, and place cooked flesh in a large mixing bowl. Add kale mixture, yogurt, Parmigiano Reggiano, thyme and salt; mix well. 5. Divide filling among sweet Kimberly Hasselbrink potato skins. Top with feta and return to roasting pan. Bake 15 to 20 minutes, until cheese is golden and sweet potatoes are warmed. Let cool 5 minutes, then serve. Serves 4. Use parchment U o or wax paper t line lli baking pans to for easy clean-up. 6 C E L E B R ATI NG AMERI CA'S LOVE OF FOOD Per serving: 270 calories, 9g fat, 20mg chol., 9g prot., 39g carbs., 6g fiber, 680mg sodium Reprinted with permission from Vibrant Food, written and photographed by Kimberley Hasselbrink (Ten Speed Press, © 2014). Smashed Potatoes We love chunky smashed potatoes, especially since there’s no peeling involved. 2 pounds thin-skinned potatoes (red skin or Yukon Gold), cubed 4 tablespoons butter 1 cup whole milk ½ teaspoon salt 1. In a large saucepan, cover potatoes with water. Cook until tender, about 20 minutes. Drain. Heat butter and milk in pan. Return potatoes to hot milk mixture and stir until smashed and mixed well. Stir in salt. Serves 8. Per serving: 160 calories, 7g fat, 20mg chol., 4g prot., 21g carbs., 1g fiber, 220mg sodium Teresa Blackburn Recipe by Karry Hosford Easy Cheddar Sage Biscuits If you don’t have self-rising flour, use 2 cups allpurpose flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder and ½ teaspoon salt. 2 ½ ¼ ½ 1 cups self-rising flour cup plain, low-fat Greek yogurt cup whole milk cup shredded Cheddar cheese tablespoon chopped fresh sage 1. Preheat oven to 400F. 2. Place self-rising flour in a mixing bowl, making a “well” in the center with a fork. 3. Whisk together yogurt and milk. Gently pour into flour well. Add cheese and sage. Blend with a fork. Dough should be a bit wet and sticky. Add a bit more milk if necessary. 4. Turn dough out onto a floured work surface. Shake flour over the top and gently pat out dough to about ½-inch thick. Cut into rounds with a 3-inch cutter that’s been dipped in flour. Place rounds on a baking sheet or greased cast-iron skillet with sides touching. 5. Bake 15 to 20 minutes, until biscuits are golden brown. Makes about 10 biscuits. Per serving: 110 calories, 2g fat, 5mg chol., 5g prot., 19g carbs., 1g fiber, 360mg sodium Recipe by Teresa Blackburn 7 (Continued on page 14) thanksgiving desserts Oh Pear Pear Streusel Cake Bartlett or Anjou pears or a combination of both are good choices for this cake. Make sure they’re ripe and soft. Streusel: L cup all-purpose flour N cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons butter L cup chopped pecans Two fruit desserts to brighten up your Thanksgiving celebration Cake: 3 cups thinly sliced, peeled ripe pears (about 1N pounds) O cup plus 2 tablespoons granulated sugar, divided 2 tablespoons lemon juice K teaspoon ground ginger N teaspoon ground nutmeg 2 teaspoons baking powder 1K cups all-purpose flour Only McCormick has ITT\PMPWTQLIaÆI^WZ[ and aromas you trust to delight your guests this holiday season. 2 K K 2 1 O teaspoons baking powder teaspoon salt cup (1 stick) butter eggs teaspoon vanilla extract cup milk Nonstick cooking spray 2 teaspoons powdered sugar 1. Preheat oven to 350F. 2. To prepare streusel, Teresa Blackburn combine flour and brown sugar in a medium bowl. Cut in butter with two knives or your fingers until crumbly. Mix in pecans. 3. To prepare cake, combine HO H OW T TO O pears, 2 tablespoons sugar, lemon juice, ginger and nutmeg in a large bowl. RIPEN PEARS 4. Combine flour, baking Buy your pears ahead of time, as powder and salt in a they’re often hard in the grocery bowl. Combine butter and remaining O cup sugar; beat store. To ripen quickly, put them in a brown paper bag; the with an electric mixer until ethylene gas they produce will well blended. Add eggs, soften them. If they’re super ripe one at a time, beating well when you buy them, store in the after each addition. Beat in refrigerator. vanilla. Add flour mixture and milk alternately, beginning and ending with flour mixture and mixing until just combined. Spread about two-thirds of the batter in a 9-inch springform pan that’s been sprayed with cooking spray. Arrange pear mixture on top. Pour remaining batter over top; spread with a spatula. Some fruit will not be covered. Sprinkle with streusel. 5. Bake 55 minutes or until a tester inserted in middle comes 1 2 3 (1) Thinly slice peeled ripe pears. (2) Place two-thirds of the batter in the pan and top with pears. (3) Cover with remaining batter and streusel. out clean. Let cool in pan on wire rack. Sift powdered sugar over top before serving. Serves 10. Per serving: 350 calories, 15g fat, 70g chol., 5g prot., 49g carbs., 2g fiber, 250mg sodium Recipe by Jean Kressy 8 C E LE B R ATI NG AMERI CA'S LOVE OF FOOD (Continued on page 22) 1/4 cup plus 2 Tbsp. caramel ice cream topping, divided 1 ready-to-use graham cracker crust (6 oz.) 1/2 cup plus 2 Tbsp. chopped PLANTERS Pecans, divided 2 pkg. (3.4 oz. each) JELL-O Vanilla Flavor Instant Pudding 1 cup cold milk PREP: 15 min. MAKES: 10 servings 1 cup canned pumpkin 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg 1 tub (8 oz.) COOL WHIP Whipped Topping, thawed 1 POUR 1/4 cup caramel topping onto bottom of pie crust; sprinkle with 1/2 cup nuts. 2 BEAT next 5 ingredients in large bowl with whisk until blended. Stir in 1-1/2 cups COOL WHIP; spoon into crust. 3 REFRIGERATE 1 hour. Top with remaining COOL WHIP, caramel topping and nuts just before serving. Special Extra: Carefully transfer crust from pie pan to a festive plate before using to prepare pie as directed. thanksgiving entrée How To: No Bones About It When you don’t want to wrestle a big bird, make a turkey breast instead. 1 With a thin, sharp knife, CUT a pocket into the thickest part of the turkey breast. 2 Turkey Breast Stuffed with Sausage, Garlic and Spinach Pick up a boneless turkey breast half (with the skin on), cut a pocket into it, and pile in the stuffing. You’ll have enough stuffing for two turkey breasts. If making just one, bake the remaining stuffing in a pan. 1 pound sweet Italian sausage, removed from casings 1 medium onion, chopped 1 tablespoon fennel seeds 4 garlic cloves, minced 3 cups K-inch bread cubes 1 (10-ounce) box frozen spinach, thawed and squeezed dry K to 1 cup reduced-sodium chicken broth 1 egg 2 boneless turkey breast halves, about 2 pounds each 1 teaspoon salt Freshly ground black pepper Olive oil 10 STUFF the spinachsausage mixture into pocket. PRESS gently. 1. Preheat oven to 350F. 2. In a large skillet, cook sausage, onion, fennel and garlic until sausage is no longer pink, about 10 minutes. Toss with bread cubes, spinach, broth and egg, mixing well. Let cool. 3. Make a large pocket-like slit in turkey breast half. Spoon in about half the spinach mixture. Tie with kitchen twine. Brush with oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place in a roasting pan. Repeat with remaining turkey and stuffing or place remaining spinach mixture in a greased baking dish. 4. Bake turkey breasts (or extra stuffing) 35 to 45 minutes or until a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the breast registers 160F. Let stand 10 minutes. Remove twine, slice turkey and serve hot or room temperature. Spoon pan juices over sliced turkey. Serve extra stuffing on the side. Serves 16. Per serving: 360 calories, 16g fat, 135mg chol., 38g prot., 12g carbs., 1g fiber, 770mg sodium C E LE B RATI NG AMERI CA'S LOVE OF FOOD 3 TIE with kitchen twine and BAKE. ENERGIZE YOUR MORNING YOUR WAY DISCOVER MORE OPTIONS THAT FIT YOUR LIFE ©QOC 2014 The 2014 Bosch kitchen. Perfektion in every detail. You’ve admired the slide-in range with the truly flush, built-in look. You’ve yearned for the third rack and ultra-quiet dishwasher. You’ve craved the soft-close oven door design. This is the new Bosch kitchen. Unrivaled European design, with every detail thoughtfully considered to make it the kitchen designed around your life. Including, for a limited time, the cost. See the 2014 Bosch kitchen at © 2014 BSH Home Appliances. *Via Bosch VISA® prepaid card. Cards are issued by MetaBank®, Member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. This card does not have cash access and can be used anywhere Visa debit cards are accepted within the U.S. only. You’ve followed, posted and pinned it. Isn’t it time you owned it? Step Up to Bosch Now through Nov. 30, 2014 10% Rebate With the purchase of 3 or more Bosch kitchen appliances.* Card valid through expiration date shown on front of card. Cardholders are subject to terms and conditions of the card as set forth by the issuing bank. Lowe’s, the gable design, and Never Stop Improving are trademarks of LF, LLC. All are used with permission. 14BKL39-04-114148-7 thanksgiving side dishes (Continued from page 7) Brussels Sprout Salad with Parmesan and Walnuts You can find thinly sliced Brussels sprouts in bags in most supermarket produce sections. 1 1 1 ¼ pound Brussels sprouts, thinly sliced apple, shredded cup toasted walnuts, chopped cup grated Parmigiano Reggiano or Pecorino Romano cheese ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil ¼ cup lemon juice ½ teaspoon coarse salt Freshly ground black pepper 1. Place Brussels sprouts and apple in a mixing bowl and toss lightly to separate the layers of sprouts. Add walnuts and cheese. Macaroni Pie Chef Tony Scotto, formerly of Del Posto Restaurant in New York City, makes this family recipe for Thanksgiving dinner. Burrata cheese comes in tubs like fresh mozarella. If you like, grate a little extra cheese—Parmigiano Reggiano, Pecorino or Provolone—and sprinkle on top of baked pie, along with a drizzle of extravirgin olive oil. 2. Combine olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper, whisking well. Drizzle over sprout mixture. Toss well. Serve immediately. Serves 8. Per serving: 210 calories 17g fat, 0mg chol., 5g prot., 11g carbs., 4g fiber, 170mg sodium Recipe by Maria C. Hunt Spinach and Gruyère Gratin Creamy spinach under a crunchy blanket of cheese-coated breadcrumbs. Yum. 1 ¼ 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 3 1½ 1 1½ ¾ 4 tablespoons butter, divided large onion, finely chopped large garlic cloves, minced tablespoons all-purpose flour teaspoon salt cups whole milk cup shredded Gruyère cheese (10-ounce) packages frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry 1 cup panko breadcrumbs ¼ cup grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese pound dry linguine, broken in half cup (½ stick) butter small white onion, diced (8-ounce) tub burrata cheese, chopped cups whole-milk ricotta cup grated Parmigiano Reggiano cup chopped parsley tablespoons chopped chives eggs teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1. Preheat oven to 350F. Butter a 2-quart baking dish or deep 9-inch ovenproof skillet. 2. Cook pasta according to package directions shallow 6-cup baking dish. until al dente. Drain and place pasta in a large bowl. Toss with butter and let cool to almost room temperature. 2. Melt 1 tablespoon butter in a large 3. Add remaining ingredients, except pepper. 1. Preheat oven to 400F. Butter a 3. Melt remaining 1 tablespoon butter in skillet over medium heat. Add panko and cook, stirring, until golden, 3 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in Parmigiano Reggiano. Sprinkle over 14 Teresa Blackburn skillet over medium heat. Add onion and garlic; sauté 5 minutes. Add flour and salt; cook, stirring, 1 minute. Add milk. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook until slightly thickened. Stir in Gruyère and spinach. Transfer to prepared baking dish. spinach. Bake 25 minutes. Serves 8. Per serving: 200 calories, 8g fat, 25mg chol., 10g prot., 18g carbs., 2g fiber, 623mg sodium Recipe by Laraine Perri C E LE BRATI NG AMERI CA'S LOVE OF FOOD Stir well. Place in prepared pan. Bake about 20 minutes, until golden brown. Pie will be crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Remove from oven and sprinkle pepper on top. 4. Let rest about 30 minutes and then cut into wedges to serve. Serves 10. Per serving: 406 calories, 19g fat, 88mg chol., 21g prot., 38g carbs., 2g fiber, 313mg sodium Recipe adapted from (Continued on page 16) You may have to start taking reservations Roast Adobo Pork Loin 2 tbsp. chili powder 1 tbsp. GOYA® Adobo All-Purpose Seasoning with Pepper 1 tsp. ground cumin 1 tsp. packed dark brown sugar 1/8 tsp. ground cinnamon 2 tbsp. GOYA® Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 (2 lb.) boneless pork loin roast 1. Heat oven to 450°F. In small bowl, mix together chili powder, Adobo, cumin, dark brown sugar and cinnamon until well combined. Stir olive oil into Adobo mixture until completely saturated. 2. Using paper towels, pat pork loin dry. Rub pork all over with Adobo mixture. Transfer pork to foil-lined roasting pan. Cook until pork is dark golden brown and instant-read thermometer registers 145°F when inserted into center of loin, about 35 minutes. 3. Transfer pork to platter; tent with foil to keep warm. Let rest 10-15 minutes before slicing. Serve with accumulated juices. With the perfect blend of salt, pepper and Latin spices, Goya® Adobo is a great QHZZD\WRHQKDQFH\RXUPHDWSRXOWU\DQGÀVKUHFLSHV)RUPRUHJUHDWUHFLSHV and coupons, visit © 2014 Goya Foods, Inc. Serves 4 • Prep time: 5 min. • Total time: 40 min., plus resting time Directions: Ingredients: thanksgiving “TV Ears saved our marriage!” side dishes New and Improved (Continued from page 14) - Darlene and Jack B., CA The Voice Clarifying TV Ears Headset is specifically designed for clear, distinct, TV listening, without turning up the volume. With TV Ears wireless technology, you set your own headset volume and tone, while other TV listeners hear the television at a volume level that’s comfortable for them. You can even listen through the headset only and put the TV on mute if the situation calls for a quiet environment…maybe the baby is sleeping in the next room. Or perhaps you are the only one who is interested in listening to the ballgame. The New and Improved 5.0 System, with our proprietary Voice Clarifying Circuitry®, makes words easier to discern so television dialog is understandable and background noise is reduced. With 125 Decibels of unparalleled volume, even the most demanding customer will hear television dialog clearly. Now with more power, angled foam ear-tips, a Snap-Fit headset charging mechanism, improved tone adjustment, stronger bow arms, and improved styling, the TV Ears 5.0 is our best system ever, and in turn, TV Ears has earned the trust of audiologists and doctors nationwide. TV Ears is Easy to Use! The transmitter attaches to the audio ports on your television and sends a signal to the wireless headset. The transmitter also charges the headset while it’s not in use. There is no complicated technology to understand and no expensive batteries to replace…just sit down and enjoy the show! ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Over 2 Million Satisfied Users Volume up to 125 decibels 5 Year Limited Warranty TV dialog is clear and understandable “Now my husband can have the volume as loud as he needs and I can have the TV at my hearing level. “TV Ears” are so comfortable that Jack forgets he has them on! He can once again hear and understand the dialog.” - Darlene & Jack B., CA Headset Weighs Only 2 oz. 5 Year Limited Warranty Rechargeable Battery Risk Free Trial. TV Ears 5.0 Analog comes with a 30-day risk free trial. If \RX¶UHQRWFRPSOHWHO\VDWLV¿HGUHWXUQLWIRU a full refund of the purchase price. Here’s a Thanksgiving soup that you can make ahead. At serving time, reheat and add cream and sherry. To roast butternut squash or pumpkin, preheat oven to 400F. Toss cubed, peeled squash with olive oil, salt and pepper. Spread in a single layer on a baking sheet. Roast 20 minutes, until very tender and golden brown. 2 ½ 2 1 2 125dB Volume TV Listening System Delivers Clearest Dialog. “My wife and I have used TV Ears almost daily for the past ten years and Transmitter/Charger find them an invaluable help in our enjoyment of television—we would not be without them. As a retired otologist, I heartily recommend TV Ears to people with normal hearing as well as those with hearing loss.” - Robert Forbes, M.D., California Voice Clarifying TV Ears Headset Curried Squash Soup Hear television dialog clearly without disturbing others with loud TV volume! Adjustable Tone TV Ears 5.0............$129.95 Special Offer.......Save $50 Now $79.95 + s&h For fastest service, call toll-free between 6am and 6pm PST Monday through Friday. 1½ V 3 1 1 tablespoons olive oil cup chopped onion garlic cloves, minced ripe pear, peeled and chopped cups butternut squash or pumpkin cubes, roasted teaspoons curry powder teaspoon salt cups reduced-sodium chicken broth or vegetable broth cup cream tablespoon sherry 1. Heat oil in large saucepan over 1-800-379-7832 or visit Please mention Promotion Code 35395 medium heat. Add onion and sauté until soft. Stir in garlic, pear, squash, curry and salt. Sauté 5 minutes. Place in a food processor and pulse until smooth. Return to pan and add broth. Bring to a simmer and cook 15 minutes. Stir in cream and sherry and heat through. Makes about 6 cups; serves 6. Per serving: 150 calories, 20g fat, 55mg chol., 3g prot., 17g carbs., 4g fiber, 380mg sodium Recipe by Melissa Corbin TV Ears is a trademark of TV Ears, Inc. © 2014 TV Ears, Inc. All Rights Reserved 16 1-866-768-6517 Too Doggone Cute for Words... Playful Pup YOUR CHOICE OF 30 BREEDS Basset Hound Bulldog Diamond Pendant Beagle Bichon Frise Collie Dalmatian Boston Terrier Boxer Chihuahua Cocker Spaniel Rottweiler Corgi Dachshund German Shepherd Golden Retriever King Charles Spaniel Black Lab Yellow Lab Maltese Miniature Pinscher Pomeranian Genuine diamond Movable legs and tail Hand-painted enamel Yorkie Siberian Husky I Wag and Wiggle! Shown actual size Jack Russell Terrier Poodle Pug Schnauzer Sheltie Shih Tzu They call it puppy love! From the moment you saw that tilt of the head and those loving eyes, your puppy captured your heart forever! Show how much you love your favorite friend with our “Playful Pup” Diamond Pendant, an exclusive new jewelry design from The Bradford Exchange. 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Simple tasks for kids: • Tearing up lettuce for a salad apples, potatoes, • Peeling carrots or oranges cheese and • Arranging crackers • Folding napkins • Setting the table out piecrust dough and • Rolling cutting into fun shapes to place on top of pies tartlets by cutting piecrust dough, placing in • Making mini muffin tins, then filling with pecan, pumpkin or Get the kids to peel apples and veggies. cherry pie filling . . . and don’t forget manners. Remind kids to: CALL CONSUMER CELLULAR AT ALSO AVAILABLE AT (888) 427-3512 OR VISIT US ONLINE AT © 2014 Consumer Cellular, Inc. New service activation on approved credit. Cellular service is not available in all areas and is subject to system limitations. Terms and Conditions subject to change. Readers Choice Award 2014 for #1 Mobile Carrier, March 12, 2014. Trademark of Ziff Davis, Inc. Used under license. Reprinted with permission. © 2014 Ziff Davis, LLC. All Rights Reserved. AARP member benefits are provided by third parties, not by AARP or its affiliates. Providers pay a royalty fee to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. Some provider offers are subject to change and may have restrictions. Please contact the provider directly for details. themselves to anyone they don’t know, look • Introduce them in the eye, smile and shake their hand firmly • Thank the host of the dinner for having them a smaller kid, engage them in an activity and give the • Find parents a little break By Katie Workman, author of The Mom 100 Cookbook and creator of the blog 18 C E L E B RAT I NG AME RI C A' S L O V E O F FO O D A Spiritual Tribute to Those Affected by Alzheimer’s An angel of support inspired by the art of Thomas Kinkade Featherly light pearlescent wings with hand-applied glitter • Limited hand-numbered edition with a Certificate of Authenticity Everyone needs a little inspiration, so we’re proud and pleased to share with you “Caring” — an angelic messenger of hope for those battling Alzheimer’s. Her brilliant Swarovski crystal is hand-cut in the shape of a heart to reflect her gift of “caring.” Dazzling Swarovski Crystal Looking as if she just stepped out of one of Thomas’ paintings, “Caring” bears a heart-shaped Swarovski crystal as a token of her compassion. Every detail is impeccably crafted by hand, including her handpainted lavender gown and pearlescent wings sparkling with glitter. There’s even a golden lantern nestled among the forget-me-not flowers, assuring you this is a genuine Thomas Kinkade original. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to help fund Alzheimer’s research, and your satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back. Order today. ©2012 HC. All Rights Reserved. Detail from The Garden of Hope © 2004 Thomas Kinkade. Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc. Shown larger than approximate size of 7¼" tall A portion of the proceeds is donated to benefit Alzheimer’s research. 09-04794-001-MD MAIL TO: Name__________________________________________________________________________ (Please print clearly.) 9204 Center For The Arts Drive, Niles, Illinois 60714-1300 Address________________________________________________________________________ MAIL TODAY! City___________________________________________State___________Zip______________ YES! Please accept my order for “Caring” for two low installments of $19.99*. I need send no money now. I will be billed my first installment with shipment. Signature_______________________________________________________________________ 09-04794-001-E10551 *Add a total of $8.99 for shipping and service. Deliveries to FL and IL will be billed appropriate sales tax. Edition limited to only 95 casting days. Allow 6 to 8 weeks for shipment. thanksgiving dessert Get Delicious, Healthy Meals UP TO 70% FASTER Than Conventional Cooking Whips Up Succulent, Wholesome Meals With One Touch of a Button 6-Quart One-Touch C OKING t %JHJUBMQSFTTVSFDPPLFS TBWFTUJNFFOFSHZ BOENPOFZ Perfect for the Holidays t $PPLTFWFOUIFNPTU JOFYQFOTJWFDVUTPG NFBUUPKVJDZQFSGFDUJPO t 3FNPWBCMFJOOFSQPUJT EJTIXBTIFSTBGFGPS FBTZDMFBOVQKVTU POFPGUIFNBOZQSFTTVSF DPPLFSCFOFGJUT Makes a Great Gift t *EFBMGPSDBOOJOHGSVJUT WFHFUBCMFTNPSF 3 4 PAYMENTS OF 33 $ 33 Pumpkin Molasses Pie 1 2 O 2 1N 1 K 1 1M K 2 unbaked 9-inch piecrust eggs cup sugar tablespoons molasses teaspoons ground cinnamon teaspoon ground ginger teaspoon ground nutmeg (15-ounce) can pumpkin purée cups heavy cream, divided cup milk tablespoons powdered sugar 1. Preheat oven to 375F. 2. Line piecrust with foil and +S&H! Perfect for meat, fish, vegetables, beans, rice, soup and stews fill with pie weights or dried beans. Bake 15 minutes. Remove foil and weights and bake another 3 to 5 minutes, until the pastry is just beginning to color. Remove from oven and place on wire rack to cool. 3. Beat eggs, sugar, molasses, The Secret is Power Cooking 5IF1PXFS1SFTTVSF$PPLFS 9-USBQTTVQFSIFBUFE TUFBNJOTJEFUIFQPU 5IJTIJHIQSFTTVSF FOWJSPONFOUGPSDFTMJRVJE BOENPJTUVSFJOUPZPVS GPPEMPDLJOHJOJOUFOTF GMBWPSBOEOVUSJFOUT $PPL8JOHTJO 10 MINUTES! $PPL-BTBHOBJO 20 MINUTES! SPECIAL BONUSES 7"-6& :PVST5P,FFQ +VTU'PS5SZJOH $PPLB3PBTU 25 MINUTES! t 108&3$)011&3 t 108&3$00,&33&$*1�, t 108&3$"//*/(3&$*1�, 1-800-611-2939 PS7JTJU XXX#VZ1SFTTVSF$PPLFSDPN Call: cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg in a mixing bowl until blended. Turn to low speed and add pumpkin, M cup cream and milk. 4. Pour mixture into piecrust and bake 35 minutes or until filling is set. (A knife inserted about 1-inch from the edge will come out clean.) Cover crust edges with foil or a piecrust shield if browning too quickly. Transfer to wire rack to cool. 5. Whip remaining 1 cup cream and powdered sugar until soft peaks form. Serve pie with whipped cream. Makes one 9-inch pie; serves 8. Per serving: 390 calories, 24g fat, 115mg chol., 5g prot., 40g carbs., 2g fiber, 120mg sodium Recipe by Jean Kressy 20 THERAPY, SAFETY AND INDEPENDENCE How a Safe Step Walk-In Tub can change your life Remember when… Think about the things you loved to do that are difficult today — going for a walk or just sitting comfortably while reading a book. And remember the last time you got a great night’s sleep? As we get older, health issues or even everyday aches, pains and stress can prevent us from enjoying life. So what’s keeping you from having a better quality of life? Check all the conditions that apply to you. Then read on to learn how a Safe Step Walk-In Tub can help. Personal Checklist: Arthritis Lower Back Pain Insomnia Anxiety Diabetes Headaches Asthma High Blood Pressure Feel better, sleep better, live better A Safe Step Walk-In Tub lets you indulge in a warm, relaxing bath that can relieve life’s aches, pains and worries. Safe Step includes more standard therapeutic and safety features than any other tub on the market, plus the best warranty in the industry: Heated Seat and Back Hydro-Jet Water Therapy — 10 Built-In Variable-Speed Massaging Water Jets Complete Lifetime Warranty on the Tub Personal Hygiene Therapy System and Bidet Gel-Coat, Easy-Clean Finish MicroSoothe Air Therapy System A Safe Step Tub can help increase mobility, boost energy and improve sleep. It’s got everything you should look for in a walk-in tub: • New Heated Seat – Providing soothing warmth from start to finish. • New air system, MicroSoothe – Oxygenates water leaving skin ultrasoft and silky. • Pain-relieving therapy – Hydro massage jets target sore muscles and joints. • Safety features – Low step-in, grab bars and more allow you to bathe safely and maintain your independence. • Quality and value – Safe Step Tubs are made in the USA, and proudly American and family owned and operated, offering the best lifetime warranty of the entire tub. Call now toll free 1-800-315-0093 Foot Massaging Jets for more information and for our Senior Discounts. Financing available with approved credit. Anti-Slip Tub Floor Wider Door, The Industry’s Leading Low Step-In UNBELIEVABLE LUXURIOUS COMFORT (Continued from page 8) Keep Your Feet Warm & Cozy Indoor/Outdoor Comfort Moccasins Teresa Blackburn Whether you’re relaxing indoors or making a trip out to the mailbox, these ankle high, fleece lined moccasins will keep you warm and comfortable. These fashionable faux suede moccasins have a thick fleece lining and memory foam insole that hugs your feet, making them so comfortable, you’ll feel like you’re walking on clouds. Fashion import made with a nonslip tread is great for indoors and out. Hurry, order today and your shipping is FREE plus a FREE surprise gift! Satisfaction Guaranteed or Return For Your Money Back Pear Crumble MEMORY FOAM INSOLES YOUR FEET HAVE NEVER FELT SO GOOD! Dept 69830 © 2014 Dream Products, Inc. (Prices valid for 1yr.) FOR MEN & WOMEN Memory Foam Insoles and Thick Fleecy Lining Caress Your Feet 1. Preheat oven to 375F. 2. To prepare crumble, combine FREE ONLY INDICATE NUMBER OF PAIRS ORDERED UNDER SIZE FREE Surprise Gift with Every Order 0HQ·V /DGLHV· #96040 S (5-61ç2) #96041 M (7-81ç2) #96042 L (9-101ç2) #96043 XL (11-12) ______ ______ ______ ______ #96611 XS (5-6) #96045 S (61ç2-7) 96046 M (71ç2-81ç2) #96047 L (9-101ç2) ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ Pr(s) Comfort Moccasins @ $9.99 pr. $ (website offers may vary) 999 Add $2.00 Handling (No matter how many you order) $ FOR EXPEDITED SHIPPING (optional) Add An Additional $2.95 (receive your order 5-7 days from shipment) $ T Please print clearly TOTAL $ FLEECY LINING T VISA T MasterCard T Discover®/NOVUSSMCards Dept. 69830 flour and sugars in a large bowl. Cut in butter with two knives or your fingers until crumbly. Stir in walnuts. 3. To prepare filling, Off Original Price Card# Exp. Date / combine pears, cider, lemon juice and flour in a large bowl. Spoon into an 8-inch square baking dish. Dot with marmalade. Sprinkle with crumble mixture. 4. Bake 40 minutes or until fruit is bubbling at edges and top is golden brown. Serves 8. Name Address CA residents must add 7.5% sales tax $ FREE Regular Shipping $ FREE $ SAVE $7.00 Shipping 1.800.530.2689 Crumble: M cup all-purpose flour N cup granulated sugar N cup packed brown sugar N cup butter, chilled, cut into small pieces L cup chopped walnuts Filling: 6 cups firm, peeled pears, cut into small chunks (about 2K pounds) L cup apple cider or juice 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 teaspoons all-purpose flour N cup orange marmalade WEAR INDOORS OR OUT! ORDER NOW TOLL-FREE Firm pears, such as Bartlett, work well for this crumble. 2.00 Daytime Phone # Per serving: 260 calories, 9g fat, 15g chol., 2g prot., 48g carbs., 4g fiber, 5mg sodium 2.95 Email Address Recipe by Jean Kressy City ST Zip Check or money order payable to: Dream Products, Inc. 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You enjoy an audio system like no other, an improvement on what was already the most highly acclaimed system in its class. A roomful of premium sound…not wires. With the Wave® music system III, you’ll experience the pleasures of Bose quality sound moments after you open the box. Everything you need is built in, including the radio tuner and a CD/MP3 CD player. You control them all with a convenient, credit card-style remote. You can also add the optional Multi-CD Changer to enjoy your music uninterrupted for hours on end. Try it for 30 days, risk-free. Choose your favorite color: Platinum White, Graphite Gray or Titanium Silver. And experience the Wave® music system III in your own home risk-free for 30 days. We’ll even pay for shipping to your door. Order it by December 31, 2014, and you’ll save $50. And ask about making 6 easy payments, with no interest charges from Bose.* Compare the performance side by side with much larger, more complicated, more expensive stereo systems. You’ll soon discover how delightfully simple it is to enjoy Bose sound. SAVE $50 when you order the Wave® music system III by December 31, 2014. To order or learn more: 1-800-291-2073 *Bose payment plan available on orders of $299-$1500 paid by major credit card. Separate financing offers may be available for select products. See website for details. Down payment is 1/6 the product price plus applicable tax and shipping charges, charged when your order is shipped. Then, your credit card will be billed for 5 equal monthly installments beginning approximately one month from the date your order is shipped, with 0% APR and no interest charges from Bose. Credit card rules and interest may apply. U.S. residents only. Limit one active financing program per customer. ©2014 Bose Corporation. The distinctive design of the Wave ® music system is a registered trademark of Bose Corporation. Financing and savings offers not to be combined with other offers or applied to previous purchases, and subject to change without notice. Offer valid 11/1/14-12/31/14 and is limited to purchases made from Bose and participating authorized dealers. Risk-free refers to 30-day trial only, requires product purchase and does not include return shipping. Delivery is subject to product availability. CC015084
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