Newsletter RMSA Annual General Meeting November 2014 Diary Dates

Useful Contacts:
Rachael Fulford (co-Chair)
07807 397634
November 2014
Shirley Beal (co-Chair)
07906 029688
Sue Crittenden (second hand
07986 748161
Diary Dates
Christmas Raffle Draw
Saturday 20th December 2014
RMSA Annual General Meeting
The RMSA AGM was held on
Monday 20th October 2014
in the 6th Form Common
Room and the existing officers were re-elected for the
next 12 months.
Rachael Fulford
Shirley Beal
Sue Dryden
The Chairpersons’ report for
the last 12 months once
again showed how active
the RMSA are in raising
funds to support the school
and the Treasurer’s report
backed up this report by
detailing the total amount of
money which was raised.
The total profit made by the
RMSA was £4,400 and we
made donations to the
school amounting to £4,164
as follows:
Brian Burton
Christmas Raffle
Once again we will be sending raffle tickets home via
the students’ form tutors so
please keep an eye out for
books of tickets in your
son’s/daughter’s bag. There
are 3 tickets to a book,
priced at £1. We will also be
selling tickets at all the
school events which we
support. Our Events Coordinator, Sandra Mumford,
has secured some excellent
prizes including a £100 Bluewater Voucher, a £40 Pizza
Express voucher and a large
Help needed!
Quiz Night
Friday 6th February 2015
Apple iMac for the Music
Lunchtime Science Club:
Stage Dimmer Pack:
Low Temperature Moulding
System for the DT Dept:
Spanish & German Dictionaries for the MFL Dept:
Redecoration of the 6th
Form Study Room:
Most recently we donated £960
towards some new texts for the
English Dept (see below photo).
Please refer to the next page for a
testimonial from Miss Feeley
Quiz Night
wine and beer hamper. We
hope you will support us by
buying some tickets and
wish everyone good luck!
The draw will take place
during the school’s production of Robin Hood on Saturday 20th December. The
first 3 prizes will be drawn
during the interval by a
member of the cast. The
remaining prizes will be
drawn during the second
half of the performance and
winners will be notified as
soon as possible afterwards.
Following the phenomenal
success of this year’s Valentine-themed Quiz Night we
One of the texts for the English Department
will be holding another one purchased with funds from the RMSA
on 6th February 2015. Please
mark this in your diaries and
we will send out details
nearer the time.
Parent View
Lost Property
Please don’t forget to name all
your son’s/daughter’s items.
Our trusty band of Lost Property Heroes endeavour to get
as much lost property back to
its owner as possible but it is
impossible to do this for unnamed items.
We would like to encourage
every parent/carer to visit
and share their views on the
school by completing 12 simple
questions. This enables the
school to see how it is doing and
the leadership team can determine where they may need to
make improvements.
We are always extremely grateful for offers of help at school events. If you would like to add your name to our contact list, please
contact Rachael or Shirley. Rest assured you will never be on your own at an event, you will always be accompanied by at least
one experienced RMSA member
Testimonial from Miss Feeley (English)
English is the only subject in the school that faces simultaneous curriculum changes at Key Stages 3, 4 and 5 over the next year.
Aside from the large amount of work this involves in planning and resourcing new schemes of work at almost all levels, there is a
large impact on texts and the necessary costs attached to purchasing or replenishing supplies of these.
We face a range of challenges as a subject, not least the fact that within the Medway area an increasing number of students are
entering the school with lower than expected levels of literacy from our feeder primary schools, and as such there is an even
greater need for us to make rapid and accelerated progress with these students, something that it is challenging enough to do
before even taking costs of texts and resources into account. The RMSA were generous enough to fund a large scale reinvigoration of our texts at Key Stage 3, including the purchase of The Book Thief as a new text for Year 9 students, The Curious Incident of
the Dog in the Night-Time for Year 8, and also a range of additional Shakespeare texts for Key Stage 3 including Much Ado About
Nothing and Henry V. These invaluable texts have ensured a greater level of challenge is provided for pupils in Years 7 to 9, ensuring they are engaged well with a range of excellent texts, as well as being well prepared for the rigours of GCSE.
Having funds allocated towards such costs in English has already had a direct and positive impact on pupils and their progress in
this subject, ensured our curriculum is fit for purpose both in terms of national requirements and preparation for Key Stage 4 and,
in turn, as a core subject which teaches literacy and communication skills, any enhancement of these for students will obviously
have beneficial outcomes for all subjects across the school.
We would like to thank the RMSA for their continued fundraising endeavours and their generosity in supporting the work we do
within school.
Miss M Feeley
Head of English
Assistant Headteacher