Someapplicationissues… Theremainingtopicsofthiscourseistointroducesomekeyideason howtodesigncontrolsystemsforsomepracticalproblemssuchas flightcontrolandharddiskdriveservosystems. Interestedreadersshouldrefertothefollowingmonographformore detailedmaterials… Cai,Chen,Lee UnmannedRotorcraftSystems Springer,NewYork,2011 Chen,Lee,Peng,Venkataramanan HardDiskDriveServoSystems(2nd ed.) Springer,NewYork,2006 LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 180 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE FlightControlSystems LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 181 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE Overallflightcontrolstructure A3layerautomaticflightcontrolstructure Guidance& Navigation Outer‐loop Control Inner‐loop Control Innerloop(H)controlistoguaranteethestabilityoftheaircraftattitude Outerloop(RPT)controlistocontroltheaircraftpositionandvelocity Guidanceandnavigation aretogeneratereferencesof flightmissionsforouter‐loop LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 182 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE Detailedstructureoftheflightcontrolsystem Winddisturbance H control LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 183 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE Inner‐loopcommandgenerator Theinner‐loopcommandgeneratorisgivenas r whereG isaconstantmatrix G a b,r r fornormalapplications… r Anonlineardynamicsinversionmightbenecessaryforhighperformancemaneuvers. LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 184 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE Outer‐loopcontrolstructure 道 Avirtualactuator withaknownbandwidth RPT control,whichiscapableoftrackingposition,velocityandacceleration references! LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 185 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE Frequencyresponseofthevirtualactuator…HeLion &SheLion XChannel ZChannel Frequencyresponseofthevirtualactuator… UnstableZeros! YChannel Frompracticalpointofview,itissafe toignorethemsolongastheouter‐ loopbandwidthiswithin1rad/sec… LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 186 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE CompositeNonlinearFeedbackControl LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 187 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE Keyidea… 1.5 Response with a small damping ratio fastrise time Magnitude 1 no overshoot Response with a large damping ratio 0.5 CNFControl 0 0 LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 188 1 2 3 4 5 Time 6 7 8 9 10 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE CNFControl CNFcontrolconsistsofalinearlawandanonlinearfeedbacklawwithanyswitching element.UnlikethePTOSandMSCcontrollaws,boththelinearandnonlinear controllersinCNFareinoperationallthetime.Thelinearpartisdesignedtoyielda closed‐loopsystemwithasmalldampingratioforaquickresponse.Ontheother hand,thenonlinearpartisusedtoincreasethedampingratiooftheclosed‐loop systemasthesystemoutputapproachesthetargetreferencetoreducetheovershoot causedbythelinearpart. Aswillbeseenshortly,CNFcontrolhasemergedasaneffectivetoolindesignmany controlsystemsthatrequirefasterdynamicalresponseandsmallovershootor undershoot. LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 189 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE CNFControlFormulation LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 190 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE PreliminarySetup We first follow the usual practice to augment an integrator into the system by defining LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 191 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE Step‐by‐StepDesignProcedureforStateFeedbackCase LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 192 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 193 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE MainResult LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 194 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE SelectionofNonlinearFeedbackParameters The closed-loop system comprising the augmented plant and the CNF control law can be expressed as It is clear that the closed-loop poles can be changed by the nonlinear function . Such a mechanism can be interpreted using the classical root locus theory where , whose zeros can be properly pre-selected by choosing an appropriate another design parameter W (this is related to the so-called zero placement problem). LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 195 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE Illustrationofclosed‐loopsystempolesvsthenonlinearfunction… Root Locus 1 0.945 0.974 0.9 0.82 0.66 0.4 0.66 0.4 0.8 0.99 0.6 0.4 0.997 Imaginary Axis 0.2 4 0 3 2 1 -0.2 -0.4 0.997 -0.6 0.99 -0.8 0.974 -1 -5 -4.5 -4 0.945 -3.5 -3 0.9 -2.5 -2 0.82 -1.5 -1 -0.5 道 0 Real Axis LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 196 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE Thefollowingisoneofthemanychoicesofthenonlinearfunction: ZongliLin LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 197 KemaoPeng GuoyangCheng WeiyaoLan BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE CNFControlToolkit– TheMainPanel LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 198 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 199 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 200 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 201 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 202 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 203 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE TheCNFControlLawtogetherwithanappropriatenotchfilter: LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 204 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 205 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 206 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 207 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE FinalNote:SystemsAdaptationFrameworkforStockModeling Whatisthemarketinput? actualstockprice externalinput Plant (S) r (n) markettrends (slowsub‐system) Ŝ InternalModel (I) + ‐ pˆ i ( n ) AdaptiveFilter (A) LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 208 identification error internal pˆ i ( n 1) stockprice pˆ ( n 1) z 1 ei ( n ) external force p (n) eˆi ( n 1) z 1 + e(n) ‐ pˆ (n) estimated stockprice exogenousinfluences(fastsubsystem) BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE Turningperiodforecasting 16,000 14,000 FFT 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Turning period identification LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 209 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE That’sall,folks! ThankYou! BugsBunny 1940– Lifeisabunchofintegratedchains!B.M.C. 生命无非就是一堆积分串! 有的自始至终,有的有始无终,有的无始有终,有的无始无终 LINEAR SYSTEMS &CONTROL ~PAGE 210 BEN M.CHEN,NUSECE
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