ORDER OF SERVICE Red p.404; Blue p.410; Yellow p.436 8.00am Service OPENING HYMN WELCOME GATHERING 520 You servants of God SENTENCE Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1: 17 p. 404 (Red Marker) COLLECT God of all creation, you give us gifts and talents with which to serve you. Give us also, we pray, thankful hearts and burning desire to use your gracious gifts to live out your loving purpose in the service of others. FIRST TESTAMENT PSALM EPISTLE GOSPEL Judges 4: 1-7 Deborah and Barak Psalm 123 Supplications for Mercy 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11 The Coming of the Lord Matthew 25: 14-30 The Parable of the Talents SERMON Canon David Bindon: Using Our Gifts AFFIRMATION p. 481 (Blue Marker) INTERCESSIONS Leader: Response: LORD’S PRAYER PEACE p. 418 p. 419 OFFERTORY HYMN 554 Take my life GREAT THANKSGIVING p. 436 (Yellow Marker) FINAL PRAYER God of the journey, as you give us a new heart and a new spirit, help us invite others to share the gifts and talents you give them as we travel together on the road to faith. CLOSING HYMN 21 Immortal, invisible, God only wise DISMISSAL Go now to love and serve God. Go in peace. Amen. We go in the name of Christ. Weekly Newsletter 16th November, 2014 Giver of every gift we have we give you thanks and praise Vicar: Rev’d Stephen Baxter Ph / Fax. 528 6212 Parish Office: Ph. 528 5162 116 Selwyn Avenue Mob. 021 528 052 Fax. 528 1155 Kohimarama Email. [email protected] Email. [email protected] Auckland 1071 vicarsblogging.blogspot.com Web. www.standrewskohi.org.nz Assistant Priest: Rev’d Dr. Paul Yeomans Ph. 817 7280 Mob. 021 174 6752 email: [email protected] Peoples’ Warden: Mrs Leith Hamilton Ph. 528 9624 Vicar’s Warden: Mr Roger Seyb Ph. 585 0980 When today Gospel passage in the 25th chapter of Matthew is read not in isolation but in conjunction with the parable that follows it, that of the great judgment, we realise that doing good to those who are neglected by our society is what the wise use and multiplication of the talents means. Well done, good and trustworthy servant; you have been trustworthy in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your Lord. SERVICES TODAY TODAY 8:00 am Readers: A Special Welcome to anyone visiting with us this morning. If you are attending the 9:45 am service, we hope you will stay and join us for morning tea following our service. All Welcome! Prayers: Chalice: 9:45 am Readers: Gospel: Prayers: Server: Chalice: Ann Bone Helen Goodwin Margaret Baker Don Wormald Nancy Wormald Peter Jeffs Jill Thompson Margaret Bell Jaedra Elizabeth Jennifer Copeland Jennifer Copeland Margaret Bell Anglican Board of Missions You might be interested to know that our parish gives $400.00 per month to the ABM as part of our outreach programme. Rosters Next Week… Sunday, 23rd November Sunday Before Advent 8:00 am Sides Duty: First Testament: Epistle: Prayers: Chalice 9:45 am Welcomer: Sides Duty: Gathering: First Testament : Epistle: Gospel: Prayers: Server: Chalice: Organist: Data Projector: Morning Tea: Cleaning: Flowers: Sacristan: Creche: Don Wormald Nancy Wormald Angeline Song Jean Rheinfrank Kay Brightley Jean Rheinfrank Kay Brightley Cristina Minoza Warwick Langley Stephen Wilson Camilla Needham Brent Nicholson Jaedra Elizabeth Eileen Phipps Liz Smith Eileen Phipps Eileen Phipps Liz Smith Allan Minifie Etienne Strever Joshua family Leith Hamilton Jill Benton Week Commencing 23rd November - Hermione Phare, Colleen Roberts, & the Food Bank Remember: The Church that prays together, stays together! Today at 5:00 pm Evening Worship - In the Celtic Tradition Enjoy the simple style of worship from one of the earliest Christian traditions. All Welcome! THIS WEEK Tuesday, 18th November - 10:00 am Te Rongopai - Study Series Showing of the study series in one sitting followed by a discussion. Wednesday, 19th November - 10 am to 12 noon Selwyn Centre open for senior people. For further information, please contact Janet: 521 8993 or 027 262 9099 PEOPLE & things Wednesday 19th November - 7.30 pm All Comers Choir Practice in the church. Thursday, 20th November - 7:30 pm Musicians Meeting in the church. Friday, 21st November - 9:30 am Pre-School Music meets in the Parish Hall. All pre-schoolers and their parents are welcome! NEXT WEEK Wednesday 26th November - 7.30 pm Vestry meets in the Parish Lounge. Thrusday 27th November - 7.30 pm All Comers Choir Practice in the church. Advent Morning Prayers with the Sisters of St. Joseph at the Mary MacKillop Centre, 8:30 am 27th November, 4th, 11th and 18th December St. Andrew’s Kids’ Club Holiday, Before & After School Care Please encourage any parents who you think might be interested in our programmes to visit our website: www.standrewskidsclub.org or visit our parish website. Amanda Jeffs A combined services Morning Tea is held on the 1st Sunday of every month following the 8:00 am service. St Andrew’s Prayer Circle: We ask that you pray daily for: Week commencing 16th November - Janet and John McCallum, and the Vestry We have regular day time and evening Bible Study Groups Please see our website for further information. A BIG Thank you to everyone who participated in the Garage Sale yesterday. We made $3,000. The results of our fundraising are on the noticeboard in the church foyer. Thank you to Camilla who has led our Meditation Group over the past year. Meditation Group will start again in the new year. We need to paint the ceilings in the office through to the back room before we can put the new carpet down. If you can help with this or know of someone who can help, please talk to Stephen. Two days work is required. If you would like to be part of an All Comers Choir to help celebrate the life of composer John Yolland on the 30th November and be part of our Nine Lessons and Carols Service on 21st December, please contact Allan Minifie. Copies of the November - January Word for Today are available in the foyer. Don’t forget the food bank over the next few weeks as Christmas approaches. Your contribution, be it produce or monetary will be gratefully appreciated. This years Vicarage Christmas Party is being held on Wednesday, 17th December. Please add your name to the list at the back of the church if you are planning to come and indicate what you would like to bring. Donations to support the cost of this year’s Advent candles and Christmas trees would be greatly appreciated. The Diocese of Auckland is looking for a Children & Families Facilitator if you are interested in this position please talk to Stephen. Diocesan Services—Sunday 23rd November “Weaving in to the Future 1814 - 2014” - A service celebrating 200 years of the Ministry of Women in New Zealand will be held at Holy Trinity Cathedral commencing at 1.00pm A join service with Tai Tokerrau is being held at Holy Sepulchre commencing at 6.00pm, to make the partnership that we have shared over the past 200 years. During the service Bishop Ross will gift the Centenary Crozier to Bishop Kito as a bicentenary gift.
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