New Baltimore Conservancy 2014 in Review J. Angelis, 11.12.14 Highlights • • • • Taste of History Management Plan for HCP/HRIT Celebration to open Long View Park Concerts at Home Goals for 2014 • Increase paid memberships to 80 o We were at 77 as of Oct. 30 (60 in 2013) • Increase participation and volunteerism o A few people gave a lot more, but the barn staining brought out others and generated additional offers. Organized work parties Date Purpose Turn out 11/8 HCP-HRIT cleaning 9/6 4 Barn work, paint party – 6/21 Barn work 20+ 8-10 4/26 Earth Day – 144, HCP/HRIT 5-6 ?? Ron, Bob, Katie, others we don’t know – HCP/HRIT/SHLVP We submitted a 5-year management plan to OSI Programs • January: no meeting (firehouse renovation) • February: So. Africa and Botswana, Lynda and Bob Knighton • March: ice storm cancelled • April: Design for Diversity: Building a Resilient Garden, Leslie Reed • May: The Hudson River from the Waterline, Alan Mapes • June – August: no meetings • September: From Acorns to Wild Rice, Justin VergottiniWexler (postponed from March) • October: Reminiscences of the Founding of the Conservancy and the Early Years (the GWC, NB Beautification Committee) • November: Annual Meeting • December: Holiday Gathering Events Concerts • Feb.23: Sonny & Perly; Mar. 30: Aureole Trio Fundraiser • Taste of History (with a Twist), June 14 Social • Wine & Cheese in the Park: July 18 (scholarship award) Outreach • Newsletter, January • AgFest, May 31-Jun 1 • Park Opening Celebration, Sep 20 Paddles • Class, Jul 30 Grants Won, Applied for Won: Greenway Grant to design and purchase 3 informational signs for the Park Applied for: Capacity Building Grant from Parks & Trails NY to design and professionally print a tri-fold membership brochure We Opened the Park But first, we had to fix the barn 1. Tear out the north wall 2. Remove the hay 3. Rebuild that wall and repair others 4. Make the floor secure enough to hold a crowd 5. Clean it The barn with the north wall replaced but awaiting the structural work under the floor. And then we decided to hold a “paint party.” 20+ people showed up in the heat and humidity to give the west wall a face lift. Bob, Ron, and Wayne did some serious prep work, and the activity of nearly 20 painters attracted the attention we had hoped. The Heart of the Planning Committee • • • • • • • • Carol Melewski Eileen Vosburgh Chris Frey Susan McCuen Lynda Knighton Jenna Melewski Bonnie Mion Janet Angelis The Volunteers Who in September weed whacked, brush cut, pruned, and mowed paths, meadows, and around the barn: • Ron Locke • Ted Hilscher • Jack Hilscher • Patrice Kuzniak • Lucky Miller working for Velma Armstrong • Janet Angelis • Deb Richards The Volunteers Who designed and built the kiosk • • • • • Ron Locke Alta Turner John Cannon Doug Deyoe Bob Knighton Who mapped trails and produced maps • John Cannon • Alta Turner The Volunteers Who took care of most recent round of barn repairs -- removing the hay, stabilizing and replacing part of the foundation and rebuilding the north wall PLUS adding supports under the main floor so that we could dance: Ron Locke, Bob Knighton, (Jeff Bak of Springline Design, Wayne Kniffen). Plus many, many hours by Ron, Bob, Ted, Wayne, John, and others (e.g., Roger in 2013) The Volunteers Who stained the north and west facades plus the front of the pig house and cleaned house: Wayne Kniffen, Ron Locke, Bob Knighton, Lynda Knighton, Alta Turner, Patrice Kuzniak, Eileen Vosburgh, KC Vosburgh, Chris Frey, Deb Richards, Richard Moneymaker, Rich Guthrie, Barbara Heinzen, Dave Bova, Maeve Tooher, Ted Hilscher, Carol Melewski. Janet Angelis Contributors who helped make it possible • Ellen Kozak and Scott Miller • Anonymous • Springline Design Who solicited support from businesses: • Bonnie Mion, Eileen Vosburgh Greene County Savings Bank Shop n Save Pegasus Sister Salvage Persico Oil Stewarts Price Chopper Walmart And who gave generously to help secure the future: • John and Betty Nickles The Volunteers Logo design: Leigh Ann Smith Publicity/PR -- Chris Frey, Carol Melewski, Barbara Heinzen, Arlene McKeon, Janet Angelis -- and everyone who distributed fliers The Volunteers Who organized the kids activities: Jenna Melewski, Chris Frey The Volunteers Who lit up the barn and provided generator power: • John Cashin • Susan O'Rorke • Bob Knighton The Volunteers Who brought a dish to share Who set up, cooked, cleaned up: Eileen & KC Vosburgh Lynda & Bob Knighton, Chris Frey George Richards, Janet Angelis Alta Turner, John Cannon Susan O’Rorke, John Cashin Jenna & Carol Melewski Patrice Kuzniak, Erica Potrzeba. The Volunteers Who stood ready to offer guided tours of field or farm: • Leroy Suess, • Alta Turner, • Betty Nickles The Volunteers Who shared their knowledge of the history of the farm and buildings • Jean Bush • Ted Hilscher • Eleanor Moon The Volunteers Who decorated (and provided seating) • • • • • • • Alta Turner Susan O'Rorke John Cannon Jeff Flack Carol Melewski Jenna Melewski Kriel Farm The Volunteers Who cut the “ribbon” or supplied the tools : Rita Shaheen, Director of Parks for SHLT Ruth Pierpont, NYS Deputy Commissioner of Historic Preservation Nick Delisanti, Town Supervisor And Chris Frey and Rob van Etten who supplied the saw and baler twine. The Volunteers Who directed traffic and organized parking, or offered their lawns: • John Cannon • Jeff Flack • Lauren LeClair • Michael and Maura Carroll • Richard and Pat Monks • Rene and Rick Ryder • John and Nicole Anatriello. The Volunteers Who recorded the event on tape or in photos and/or shared photos on facebook • Janet Brooks • John Wallner • Cristina Peixoto • Mary Moneymaker In Store for 2015 • Build on momentum; increase membership • Use kiosks to promote the Conservancy and solicit membership and volunteerism • A better brochure distributed widely • Another barn party • Interesting and informative programs • Install the Greenway-sponsored signs • Develop management plan for SHLVP spelling out priorities for wish list • Plan what grants to apply for • More Concerts at Home Amendment to the Bylaws AMENDMENT 3 The board of the New Baltimore Conservancy shall include the officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer), the Land Management Officer (added by Amendment in March 2010), and as many as four additional members without predetermined portfolio, each to serve a one-year term eligible for renewal. The immediate past president may serve at will. Proposed Slate of Officers for 2015 • • • • • • President: Carol Melewski Vice President: Peter Melewski Secretary: Susan Martin-Maffei Treasurer: Alta Turner Land Management Officer: Patrice Kuzniak At-Large: David Bova, Katie Brandow, Ron Locke, Eileen Vosburgh Unanimously voted into office, Nov. 12, 2014 December Meetings/Holiday Gatherings Susan O’Rorke will host the “meeting” Wednesday, December 10, 7:30 pm Bring a sweet or savory to share + a beverage of choice 1139 Route 144 Caroling in the (Cornell) Park: Fri Dec. 12, 6:30. Foul weather date: Sat Dec. 13, 6:30
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