“Basic Cell Sorter Training using BD FACSAriaTM III” Workshop Agenda MultiPark, BMC B12, Lund University September 21 - 24, 2015 Day 1 - Introduction to flow cytometry & the cell sorter 9.00 -10.30 10.30 -10.45 This is the FACSAria cell sorter – Presentation & startup of the instrument 10.45 -12.00 Break Lecture: ”Flow cytometry – Basic concepts & technical solutions ” (Seminar room B1244b) 12.00 -12.45 Lunch 12.45 -14.15 Basic experiment design & data collection – Demo + hands-on (Group 1) 14.15 -14.30 Break 14.30 -16.00 Basic experiment design & data collection - Demo + hands-on (Group 2) 16.00 -16.15 Instrument shutdown procedure - Hands-on (Group 2) Day 2 - Multicolor flow cytometry 9.00 - 10.30 10.30 - 10.45 Instrument startup & sample preparation (Group 2) 10.45 -12.00 Break Lecture: ”Multicolor flow cytometry” (Seminar room B1244b) 12.00 -12.45 Lunch 12.45 -14.15 Seven color experiment set-up & optical spillover comp. - Demo + hands-on (Group 2) 14.15 -14.30 Break 14.30 -16.00 Seven color experiment set-up & optical spillover comp. - Demo + hands-on (Group 1) 16.00 -16.15 Instrument shutdown procedure - Hands-on (Group 1) Day 3 - Cell sorting 9.00 - 10.30 10.30 - 10.45 Instrument startup & sample preparation (Group 1) 10.45 -12.00 Break Lecture: ”Charged droplet cell sorting - theory & practice” (Seminar room B1244b) 12.00 -12.45 Lunch 12.45 -14.15 Sort setup & sorting - Demo + hands-on (Group 1) 14.15 -14.30 Break 14.30 -16.00 Sort setup & sorting - Demo + hands-on (Group 2) 16.00 -16.15 Instrument shutdown - Hands-on (Group 2) Day 4 - Flow cytometry data analysis 9.00 - 10.30 10.30 - 10.45 Instrument startup & sample preparation (Group 2) 10.45 -12.00 Break Lecture: ”Flow data - analysis, integrity & publication ” (Seminar room B1244b) 12.00 -12.45 Lunch 12.45 -14.15 Sorting into cell culture plates + Build your own sort project - Demo + hands-on (Group 2) 14.15 -14.30 Break 14.30 -16.00 Sorting into cell culture plates + Build your own sort project - Demo + hands-on (Group 1) 16.00 -16.15 Instrument shutdown - Hands-on (Group 1) Sverker Segrén – Segrén Flow Cytometry Support AB Org. Nr. 556851-9747
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