Grace E-Notes Our Vision: Living in the Grace of God’s love, we worship, learn and serve. A weekly publication for Grace Lutheran Church & Friends Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Please excuse any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Deadline for article submission is 3:00 p.m. on Mondays! First Communion Class Pastor Zimmerer will be organizing a first communion class for those who wish to receive the sacrament. Typically this can be done at first grade or older. If your child is beginning to ask questions about the sacrament and is taking part in various parts of the service, then he/she is probably ready. If you are interested or have questions, please speak to Pastor Zimmerer or e-mail him at: [email protected] (Pictured left to right—Rev. Jane Mar, Bishop Assistant NT/NL Mission Area, ELCA, Miles Holder, and Pastor Scott Zimmerer) Last Sunday we celebrated the installation of Miles Holder as a Synodicially Authorized Worship Leader. Readings & Psalm November 23, 2014 Christ The King We welcomed Aaron into the Church through The Sacrament of Holy Baptism this past Sunday. Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 Psalm 23 Ephesians 1:15-23 Matthew 25:31-46 -1- Weekly Calendars Tuesday 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Wednesday 7:00 PM Thursday 10:00 AM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Friday 6:30 PM Saturday 8:30 AM Sunday 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM Monday 5:45 PM 7:00 PM Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 12:15 PM 2:00 PM INSIDE THIS ISSUE 11/18/2014 Bible Study Disciple Life Fellowship Pack 114 Worship/Music 11/19/2014 Choir Practice 11/20/2014 Quilting Bible Study Via de Cristo 11/21/0014 Pack 115 Den 5 11/22/2014 Pack 749 11/23/2014 Blood Pressure Clinic Worship Sunday School Programs Worship 11/24/2014 Staff Meeting BSA 723 11/25/2014 11/26/2014 11/27/2014 Happy Thanksgiving! OFFICE CLOSED 11/28/2014 11/29/2014 11/30/2014 Worship Sunday School Programs Worship Internship Committee Pack 114 Committee Meeting Calendar 2 First Communion Class 1 Metrocrest Services 5 Mrs. Claus Cookie Sale 6 Musical Notes 4 NT-NL News links 13 Operation Christmas Child Pastor’s Advent Small Group— Experiencing Purpose & Meaning In Your Life 5 Prayer Concerns 11 Prayer Ventures 12 Recipe 14 Tenth Annual Community Nativity Celebration 13 9-10 Yellow Page 15 Thank You It is so hard to put into words the gratitude and love I feel for this wonderful congregation. You have provided our family with food, drinks, caring words, hugs, love and prayers. No one could ask for more. Dwane and I were truly blessed to be welcomed into the family of Grace. Thank you to everyone that attended his memorial . Thank you to Fellowship for a lovely meal and to Scott and Miles for the beautiful service. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Kathie Brown and Family -2- 3 Poinsettias WELCA Next week is a short work week. All articles for E-Notes & Bulletin must be submitted no later than noon Monday—No Exceptions! 3, 7-8 Experiencing Purpose and Meaning In Your Life Beginning this Advent on Sunday evenings at 5:30 Pastor Zimmerer will host a new small group discussion. We will use a video-based series titled: Experiencing Purpose and Meaning In Life. Through it we will look at very powerful true stories of how others have overcame adversity to make a difference in the world. In reflecting upon their unique stories we will explore ways that God might be leading us to new meaning and purpose in our lives. Some of the stories that we will discuss are: An armless man who found a career as a professional guitarist A refugee from Rwanda who was determined to make a difference A six-figure salary man who lost his job only to discover meaning in work he never would have considered Join us in the parlor for casual conversation, light refreshments, Scripture and prayer as we seek to find deeper meaning and God-given purpose in our lives. Our first group will begin the first Sunday of Advent, November 30th at 5:30pm. No sign up needed… just show up… and bring a friend. The office will be closed Thursday, November 27 In celebration of Thanksgiving. Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes Remember, your shoebox(s) is due by Nov. 23rd Please bring them to the church by noon on the 23rd and place them in the Sanctuary. We will check the shoeboxes and assemble any additional boxes after the late service on Nov. 23rd. We need a volunteer to take our shoeboxes to our drop off location (Prestonwood Baptist Church) by the 24th. If you would like to help check/assemble shoeboxes, join me in the Fellowship Hall after the late service, and if you’d like to deliver our shoeboxes, please contact Bev Wells at [email protected] Thank You ! -3- Grace Lutheran Nursery Care Do you enjoy spending time with the youngest members of our Grace family? Please consider volunteering in the nursery during late service. This is a great way to get to know our young families at Grace and give them a short break to enjoy worship service. Thanks for your prayerful consideration. To sign up, go to: go/20F0D4CA5A628A2FB6-nursery/11456520 Assisting With Worship 11/23/2014 8:30 AM Abi Tjosvold Acolyte Musical Notes 11:00 AM Olivia McClenaghan Acolyte Easter & Renuka Jeyasuthan Greeters Jim & Cheryl Lundgren Greeters Joan Swenson Lay Reader Adela Iezzi Lay Reader Daniel Haas & Vern Steinman Ushers David & Christa Blank Ushers Greg Streder Worship Assistant Karen Schmid Worship Assistant Musicians Gregg Schockman, Director of Music Ministries—Piano Tracey Flood, Judy Cheshier, & Sarah McClenaghan—Cantors Grace Lutheran Choir Scattered Seeds—11:00 AM Worship This past weekend was a busy one at Grace! The Youth Choir joined forces with the Adults at both services to sing the anthem "I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light" by Benjamin Harlan. It was great to see so many of our youth participating in this special way. A special thanks to Sarah McClenaghan for helping and orchestrating this special event. If you are not participating in the Youth Choir and would like to join, please see me after any service. Also this past weekend, our young Sunday School members "Flash Mobbed" the Congregational Meeting singing and playing various rhythm instruments. It was fun! Thanks to all who make the Music Ministry at Grace so special. Gregg Schockman, Director of Music Ministries Altar Guild Linda Sha & Susan Tjosvold Communion Set Up, Clean Up & Pour Dorothy Goodrum—Bread Miles Holder & Dave Tjosvold Counting Debra Campbell & Blake Cavagnaro Welcome Center -4- Caroll Scott Welcome Center Demonstrate your thankfulness this season Each holiday season, Grace Lutheran anticipates and relies on a seasonal increase in contributions. It is through the offerings and gifts of every individual and family in the congregation that we are able to carry on our ministries now and throughout the year. If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. Christmas Poinsettias to adorn the Sanctuary during the Christmas Season To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at and locate the Online Giving button. Or if it's easier, complete a paper authorization form available at the Welcome Center and return it to the church office. $9.00 each Sign up in the Welcome Center Thank you for your generosity and support! Orders taken thru December 14, 2014 Your Stewardship Committee Please use payment envelopes provided and make your checks payable to Grace Lutheran Church. Questions—contact the office 972.492.4474 Metrocrest Services November Donation Request Grace Lutheran will continue to support the Metrocrest Services in their endeavor to serve the communities in Denton county. Currently, they have a great need for the following: Cleaning Supplies – Laundry Detergent, Dawn, Comet Baked Goods – Corn Bread Mix, Muffin Mix, Flour, Sugar Hygiene Items – Toothpaste, Feminine Products, Please bring your donations, throughout the month of Nov., and place them in the shopping cart in the Narthex. We will deliver our donations on Sunday, Nov. 30th. to the Metrocrest. Any questions, please contact Bev Wells at [email protected] or Brigitte Holder at [email protected] Poinsettias may be taken home after late service on Christmas Eve. Thank you ! -5- Mrs. Claus Cookie Sale Saturday, Dec 13th 9:00am – 12 noon Need help with your Holiday baking? Help is on the way! WELCA is sponsoring an innovative cookie sale on Saturday, Dec. 13th in the Fellowship Hall from 9:00am – Noon. Upon arrival, you will receive a bakery box (or 2) and a plastic glove. Then you will fill your box with whichever kind of cookies, bars, fudge, brownies, candy, etc. you desire. You then go to the checkout table, weigh your box of goodies, and pay $4 per pound. This fund raiser is to help with the new kitchen, the soundproofing in the Fellowship Hall, WELCA expenses and other church needs. Now, if you’d like to donate a batch of goodies for this sale that would be great, and very much appreciated! Please sign up in the Welcome Center and start digging through your family recipes. You will receive a copy of the Mrs. Claus Cookie Cookbook as a Thank You. This cookbook will feature all of the items in the sale. Here’s what you need to do: Sign up by Nov. 30th in the Welcome Center if you want to bake something to donate Email your recipe to [email protected] by Dec. 5th Bake your cookies/goodies and put them on a festive Christmas platter. Don’t forget to put your name on the bottom of the platter Bring your cookies to the church on Friday, Dec. 12th between 5:00pm-7:00pm We will make a tent card identifying the baked item and who baked it. Any questions, please contact Sue Tjosvold, Jeanne Witte, Bev Wells, Theresa Ward, or Cindy Nietubicz. Hope to see you on Dec. 13th! Thank you for your support. -6- Here’s what to do: Operation Christmas Child Good News. Great Joy Get a standard size shoe box (cover it with Christmas paper if you like) or buy a plastic shoe box with a lid. Every shoebox gift you pack helps Samaritan’s Purse to reach children worldwide with the good news of God’s love and the true meaning of Christmas. The children are introduced to Jesus through the illustrated Greatest of All booklets during the shoe box distributions. Please bring your shoe box to Grace by Nov 23rd. We will check the shoeboxes and assemble any additional boxes on Nov 23rd. We need a volunteer to deliver our shoeboxes to our drop off location (Prestonwood Baptist Church). Our goal is for every shoebox to have the hygiene items suggested, as well as some school supplies. Then complete your box with some toys, hard candy, or items of clothing and include $7 to offset the cost of jet fuel to distribute the shoeboxes around the world. Please make your check payable to Grace Lutheran WELCA and include it inside your shoebox. A gift suggestion list is featured at the end of this article as well as in the Welcome Center. Each box can bring joy and the Good News of Jesus Christ to a child in need of hope. Any questions, 1. Pray for the child who will receive your special gift. 2. Now have fun filling the box with the hygiene items, school supplies, small toys, hard candy, gum, socks, sunglasses, flashlights, extra batteries, etc. (see suggestion shopping list) 3. Fill out the Boy or Girl label and tape it to the top of your box. 4. Include your cash or check (payable to Grace Lutheran WELCA) for $7.00 to cover shipping costs and place it inside your shoebox. 5. Place a rubber band around your shoebox when complete. 6. Return your shoebox by Nov. 23rd We are thankful for your participation in Operation Christmas Child. Yours in Christ, Bev Wells -7- Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Gift Suggestions Keep in mind the size of the shoebox when purchasing your items OTHER ITEMS Ball Cap Brush TOYS Cards: Go Fish, Old Maid Frisbee Comb Harmonica Extra Batteries Toothbrush Jacks Flashlight Toothpaste Jump Rope Flip Flops Wash Cloth Kazoo Gloves Light Up Toy Gum Marbles Hair Barrettes Colored Pencils Noise Maker Toy Hard Candy Coloring Books Play-doh Lifesavers Crayons Puzzle Book Lollipops Dictionary Slinky Mints Erasers Small Ball Scarves Ink Pad Sets Small Doll Socks Markers Small Etch-a-Sketch Sunglasses Pencil Sharpener Small Toy Tea Set Tootsie Roll Pops Pencils Stuffed Animal T-Shirt Pens Toy Jewelry Watches Picture Books Yo-Yo HYGIENE Bar of Mild Soap (place in a plastic bag) SCHOOL ITEMS DO NOT INCLUDE 1) Aerosol Cans Candy Canes 2) Breakable Items - such as (Snow Globes, Glass, Ceramic, etc) 3) Chocolate or Food Items (except Hard Candy) 4) Liquids or Lotions – such as (Nail Polish, Body Lotion, etc) 5) Medications or Vitamins 6) Out of Date Candy 7) Used or Damaged Items 8) War-Related Items – such as (Toy Guns, Knives, Tanks, Ruler or Military Figures) Solar Calculators Writing Pad/ Paper Next Book Club Wednesday, December 3rd at 9:30 AM Church Parlor We will begin reading . . . Still Alice By Lisa Genove Pick up a copy at your favorite book place and then join us for a lively discussion. (Refreshments provided) -8- Invite your friends!! Annual Wine and Cheese Party December 13 at 7 PM Terry Vaziri’s home -9- -10- PRAYER CONCERNS NOTE: Due to privacy concerns all persons on prayer list MUST give their permission to be listed. GRACE MEMBERS Blake Cavagnaro & Family Jan Ellis Amy Gulliksen (YAGM—Ministry) Miles Holder (TEEM Seminary Student) Scott McClenaghan Louise Norris Barbara Olson Buster Roop Jo An Stanley Bryan Swenson Rev. Nolan Sucher Richard Tjosvold Charlotte Weirich Ebola & Malaria Victims & Medical Personnel The Unemployed & their families FAMILY & FRIENDS Arik Darrel Abston Chris Adkins Nan Andrews Crystal Archer Mavis Barrow David Baxter Janet Brown Sandy Devine Brian Ellis Lynette Forbes Ulane Franklund Mary Beth Girowski Ruby Gorman Joan Gulliksen’s mother Rachel Jevaseely Beulah Jones Joseph Jones Tony Kenworthy Scott Nietubicz’ friend’s dad Brian Peterson Janet P. Megan Raley Joseph Reinert Vickie Roberts Mary Singley Dale Swenson Kerri Tamberelli’s parents Irene Thorson Adam Tjosvold Ethel Zimmerer GRACE MEMBERS in ASSISTED LIVING Joe Dzikonski Mary Frank Dorothy Hicks Mary Howard Cherrylin Langley Inez Moilan Kay Sembrick Peggy Smith MEN & WOMEN OF THE ARMED FORCES Richard Cox LT Chuck Cranston, US Navy Scott Gulliksen, US Marine Corps Jay Lundberg, Navy Amy Gulliksen – YAGM Ministry in Jerusalem Keep up with Amy's work by following her blog: and by receiving her newsletter by emailing her at [email protected]. Lord God, you alone are the source of all healing and so we give you thanks for all your gifts of strength and life, and above all we thank you for the gift of your Son, through whom we have faith and strength. Grant health to the ill, strength to the weak, comfort for the sad, patience to those with chronic infirmities, hope to the distressed and anxious, healing to the addicted, and peace to the dying; in your name we pray. Amen If you would also like to financially support the YAGM ministries, please call 800-638-3522 for credit card payment, or send a check to: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America PO Box 71764 Chicago, IL 60694-1764. Please write: "Amy Gulliksen GCS 3092" on the memo line. -11- PRAYER VENTURES —— November 2014 —— These petitions are offered as guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the church. November 24 We raise up the pastors of our church, the men and women of the ELCA who shepherd your people, and we give thanks for Justus Falckner, Jehu Jones, and William Passavant, early pastors in North America, whom we commemorate today. November 18 Creator God, you trusted us to protect the earth, to protect our future and the future of our children. We give thanks for this church’s global partnerships that work to offer a unique understanding of the impact climate change is having on the food security and livelihoods of vulnerable people and communities around the world. November 26 As we near the end of a church year and calendar year, we give thanks for the ELCA Foundation, whose gift planners assist this church with financial plans that address our questions concerning yearend charitable gifts. November 19 We give thanks for the men and women who work or who have worked to protect our nation and world. We especially pray for our veterans and the chaplains and volunteers of this church who bring them comfort. November 27 On this day of thanksgiving in the United States, we are grateful for the abundance of the good things of God's creation. Paul reminds us that our thanksgiving overflows into generosity. As the body of Christ in the world, we give ourselves away as bread for the hungry. November 20 Gracious God, we are a church that believes you are calling us into the world together. We give thanks for ELCA World Hunger and its work and mission of reaching communities in need with innovative solutions that get at the root causes of hunger. November 28 We give thanks for ELCA Good Gifts, and its mission to help grow the church, fight hunger and transform lives. We are a church that is freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. With our hands, we do God’s work of restoring and reconciling communities in Jesus Christ’s name throughout the world. November 21 We give thanks for Lutheran Campus Ministries and the 26 colleges and universities of the ELCA, rooted in the liberal arts and sciences and a Lutheran expression of the Christian faith and committed to global education. November 22 We give thanks for Lutheran World Relief, an ELCA partner, dedicated to ending poverty, injustice and human suffering around the world. November 29 We give thanks for the ELCA Mission Investment Fund, celebrating 100 years of strength and stability in offering investments and ministry loans to individuals and congregations. November 23 We raise up the faithful bishops of this church, especially Clement, Bishop of Rome, whom we commemorate today. Inspire us with the memory of Miguel Agustín Pro, martyr, whom we also commemorate on this day, and all men and women who have given their lives in witness to your love and truth. November 30 We give thanks for the apostles, especially Andrew, whom we celebrate on this day. The first of the disciples to be called by Jesus, give grace, oh God, to all who are called by your holy word. -12- NT-NL NEWS Grace Lutheran Church 1200 E. Hebron Parkway Carrollton, TX 75010 December 2014 Phone: (972)492-4474 Office Hours: Mondays – Thursdays 9:00–3:00 Website: Select an item below to view newsletter. Sunday Morning Schedule Worship 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM Sunday School Programs 9:45 AM Nursery Available at 11:00 AM Service NT-NL Briefings - December 2014 Briarwood Vine - December 2014 Pastor: Rev. Scott Zimmerer [email protected] Miles Holder, Vicar MEF Seeds that Change - December 2014 Aaron Colwick Director of Youth Ministries [email protected] Gregg Schockman Director of Music Ministries [email protected] Paula Parker Administrative Assistant [email protected] [email protected] -13- PEANUT BUTTER "BUCKEYE" PRETZEL BITES (Submitted by Pastor) Ingredients: 1 cup creamy peanut butter 3/4 cup brown sugar 2 Tbs softened butter 1/2 cup powdered sugar minature pretzels 1 bag of chocolate chips or Merkins Choc. wafers Instructions: Line a baking sheet with wax paper and set aside. In mixing bowl, beat peanut butter and butter until combined. Add sugars and mix well. You should be able to roll mixture into small balls without sticking to your hands. If needed, add more powdered sugar until it is easy to roll. Take each ball and sandwich between two pretzels. Place on wax paper. When done, stick in the freezer for a few minutes. Melt the chocolate (I used Merkins Choc. wafers - easier to work with). Dip each pretzel bite halfway into the chocolate and place on wax paper to set. -14- GRACE YELLOW PAGES Below are services and businesses that our members provide. We simply present them for your information. We are not able to officially endorse any of them for liability reasons. Please consider them when you are planning repairs, lessons, etc. If you would like to list your business or service please bring a business card by the office or send an electronic copy to: [email protected] -15-
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