MARTIN GROVE UNITED CHURCH November 2014 MINISTER’S MESSAGE CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL Bob Stanley, Chair Carl Pinnock, Vice Chair Rev. Philip Rodgers, Minister Carol Burke, Secretary COMMITTEE CHAIRS Sheila Avery Pastoral Care Carl Pinnock Ministry and Personnel Shirley Irvine Trustees Roberta Purdie Worship Cerene Johnson Christian Education George Avery Stewardship & Finance Liz Gosse-Davidson Congregation Treasurer Judy Binns (Interim Chair) Outreach and Mission Shirley Irvine (Interim Chair) Property Joan Carr TSW Presbytery Representative Joan Carr and Shirley Irvine United Church Women In This Issue ► Minister's Message Co-ordinating Council Update ► United Church Women ► News & Events ► Prayer & Reflection Corner ► Looking Ahead ► 75 Pergola Road Etobicoke, ON M9W 5K4 416-745-6252 [email protected] Sunday Worship ~ 10:30am Office Hrs. Mon. - Thu. 9:00am - Noon The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem is where and how the story of Christianity begins. The Church has been in the Birthing Business ever since, in spite of the shifting tides of controversy and widespread negative attitudes around the church; of apathy and our failure to translate ourselves to a rapidly changing world; in spite of smart phones, iPods, tablets and computers; not to mention church scandals. Surprisingly, the church somehow survives. Go figure! I think it’s because the Church is in the Birthing Business. It’s what God wants us to be! Sure, some have given up on the Church and see it as a dying institution, but rigorously God disagrees with our critics – as long as we draw the world’s attention to the most significant demonstration of God’s love for the world (the birth of a child in a humble Bethlehem stable), and join the angels and chorus of the faithful and sing: “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing”. So when I listened to people speaking at our last Co-Coordinating Council Meeting of new initiatives to reach out to the wider community I think of birthing and I am their champion, their cheerleader – because we are, after all, in the birthing business. By no means a new initiative, but notable, is this Christmas edition of Martin Grove’s newsletter. It is a venture in rebirth and is an essential means of keeping everyone informed of the current activities, special services, interesting upcoming events, and general ‘Goings On’ of the congregation. All the research tells us, you know, that in the homes of our church families the local church newsletter is read more than The United Church Observer! Christmas is a huge reminder of what the church is all about - birth. Confused agendas and self-interest pursuits simply don’t fit. It’s about giving and sharing, it’s about loving and goodness. Let’s keep it simple, well focused, and clean. The Church is in the “Birthing Business”. That’s why on Christmas Eve Martin Grove United and the church universal, will join the global family of the faithful, as we sing for all to hear: “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing! Glory to the Newborn King”. “Merry Christmas, Everyone!” 1 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR A s I write this note I can’t resist the sense of pride and joy I feel bursting forth from the Congregation on our very successful year of celebration of our 20th Anniversary Year of Amalgamation. Beginning with the Congregational Dinner in May leading up to our Anniversary Worship Service and Luncheon on October 19, we were truly blessed by the participation and enjoyment had by all. Many thanks to all who joined in the celebration and special thanks to Shirley Irvine and her team for their dedication and leadership in making it come together. By now you all I hope have a chance to meet and greet with our new interim Minister – Rev Philip Rodgers. We are blessed to have such a dedicated and capable person fill the void while our Ministry and Personnel Committee completes their task and a new Search Committee finds a new Minister. It’s anticipated that this whole process will be completed by next June. The events of these past weeks in Ottawa and Montreal only serve to remind us of the sacrifice made by our brave men and women who are serving and have served in defense of freedom and deliverance from tyranny around the World. What a timely yet tragic reminder as we approach Remembrance Day – WE SHALL REMEMBER! On a more joyous note I hope everyone is looking forward to the coming Holiday Season of Christmas – May it bring Peace on Earth and Good Will amongst all. Bob Stanley, Chair Coordinating Council Financial Update to October 31, 2014 Pastoral Care As you can see by the numbers we are in a surplus position at this time due in large part to the amounts transferred from the Trustees and also a very generous donation from a member. We have some large bills coming up between now and year end, so we need to be diligent in order to meet our year end budget. We are also behind in our M&S objective. Year to Date Budget Revenue ---------- $154,922 -------$192,057 Expenses --------- $154,377 Surplus ------------------ $545 Objective M&S ----------------- $11,273 -------- $15,000 Our Pastoral Callers and Pastoral Care Visitors have been working out well. The annual Wishing Well BBQ held on June 11 was a great success again. It was held inside due to the rain that threatened, but we did not let that dampen our enthusiasm. Thanks to the cooks and all of those who helped make the day a success. We exceeded our objective and we thank everyone for their support. Our other fund raiser, "The Christmas Stocking" will conclude on December 14. Please put this contribution in your regular Sunday offering envelope under “other”, mark it “Christmas Stocking” and indicate the amount. Be sure it is submitted no later than December 28 so that your donation can be recorded in 2014 income tax totals. George Avery, Chair Stewardship and Finance 2 We have helped out with getting rides for some to appointments and made calls to members who have been ill or suffered recent bereavement. We will be making more calls to those who cannot get out to let them know about our upcoming Church Services. Please help to keep us informed by notifying the Minister or the Committee if you know of someone who needs a visit or a friendly call. Sheila Avery, Chair Pastoral Care Ministry Development Profile Update (MDPC) The MDPC is a team of congregation members including the Ministry and Personnel committee that is formed to represent MGUC in the development of a Ministry and Mission Profile. The committee members are: Carl Pinnock - Facilitator Don Wheeler George Avery Peggy McKee Juli Roslin Elmore McIntosh Stella George Cerene Johnson Roberta Purdie Norm Greene – Consultant Toronto conference has introduced and rolled out a new system that is to be used for a new call or appointment of a Minister. This process is very in depth, lengthy and thorough. It is a work in progress but has enough thought and intellectual information put into it to be effective. Once a vacancy has been declared by a United Church, the following forms are required to be completed in workshop settings: Request to Declare Vacancy provide Presbytery with the necessary document to consider the declaration of a vacancy Ministry Position Description provide a user-friendly template for use by local ministry unit, committees or governing body to develop solid position description Demographics, Financial and Community Profile provide information about Local Ministry Units to prospective applicants Ministry and Mission Profile enable local ministry unit to honestly and boldly “tell its story” The committee is currently working on the Ministry and Mission Profile because it is the most time consuming process. This profile has 8 categories which are: Discipleship Justice and Outreach Leadership Ministry Partnerships Pastoral and Spiritual Care Spirituality and Self Care within your local ministry unit Stewardship and Worship For each category we have to create 6 - 8 sentences that describe our current ministry, our goals and action plans for success. This section is critical because it will describe to potential ministers details about who we are, what we currently have in place and what we aspire to be in the future. Once we have completed all 8 categories, we will prioritize them in order of importance to our congregation. We will then present to council and subsequently schedule a congregational meeting where you will be able to provide feedback. To date we have had several workshops addressing the first 3 categories. The committee is working hard to complete the remainder of the categories by the beginning of the New Year. I will provide frequent updates to council and congregation each time a milestone is met. Carl Pinnock, Chair Ministry and Personnel 3 Outreach Council is pleased to welcome Judy Binns who has kindly agreed to lead the Outreach Committee. This committee sponsors the Youth Without Shelter Dinner, Ernestine’s Women’s Shelter, Out of the Cold, our local Food Bank, Robert Koil South India Outreach Project, Greenholme Breakfast Club, our Annual Mitten Tree, Rexdale Women’s Centre; among other various projects and fundraisers in the community. Thank you, Judy, for taking on this leadership role. We know you’ll do a great job! Greenholme Breakfast Club We wish Robert Koil a healthy and safe trip as he departs for India on November 25 to continue the annual tradition of service to people of South India who are in need. Thank you Robert, for all you do on behalf of Martin Grove United Church. Donations to this fund can be made anytime during the year. If you had planned to contribute to this outreach program this year, but missed the traditional October time frame appeal, you can still make a contribution. Mark your envelope “India Outreach” under “Other” and it will be applied to this project. Submitted by Liz Gosse-Davidson Memorial and Special Occasions On Friday, October 3, Tina KleinStanley attended the West Humber Collegiate Commencement Ceremonies on behalf of Martin Grove United Church to present the Pam Prinold Community Award Scholarship. This is awarded annually to a student chosen by the school who best represents the spirit of community service that Pam embodied. Congratulations to Daejuaun Hamilton who was presented with a cheque from the Pam Prinold Fund along with a certificate of congratulations. Special thanks to Tina for representing Martin Grove at this event. George Avery, Chair Memorial and Special Occasions South West Presbytery South West Presbytery is alive and well. Catherine Smith and Henry McLeod were commissioned last June to be co-chairs of the Presbytery for the 20142015 year. At the September meeting, Norm Greene gave a summary report on the viability work he has been doing the last two years with congregations in the Presbytery. He suggested between 12 and 16 churches are likely to close or amalgamate over the next decade. The report recommends that Presbytery can play an active role, including: to pray for congregations to develop supports for revitalization and focusing outward to provide loving support for congregations who decide to close Discussion of "Cultivating the Urban Forest Renewing Mission in South West Presbytery" continues. The court considered different aspects of how to build relationships, i.e.: sharing the workload, navigating conflict and finances. The discussion continues. Joan Carr, Presbytery Representative 4 Property The Property Committee, also known as our “handymen”, have been very busy over the summer and fall months looking after the repairs and maintenance of the church building and grounds. It is a 24 hour 365 days of the year job. They have many tasks to take care of such as repairing leaks, fixing furniture, painting where needed, trimming and pruning bushes and trees including fallen limbs from storms. The list is endless of the tasks these men take care of and we owe them a great deal of gratitude for keeping our church clean and our grounds and parking lot looking great so we have a comfortable, spiritual place to worship. Most of the work is carried out by the committee members as well as some volunteers in the congregation. Of course there are times when the work is beyond their skills and we must hire professionals. Thanks to Barry Porter for getting up on ladders to change the light fixtures. Thanks to Jack Bea, secretary of the committee and the sound man who operates the sound system and recording of the services. Bob Eastman, our long time flower gardener, has moved way and we will miss him and the work he did keeping the flower gardens looking so nice. If there is anyone who would enjoy doing a little gardening we would be pleased to have you tend the gardens. This committee has been without a chair for a very long time but they continue to work together and keep things ship shape. We give thanks to everyone on the committee who give so generously of their time and talents and in doing so also benefit the church financially. If you have a talent or skill to do this kind of work we would be only too glad to have you join the committee. Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from your Property Committee. Shirley Irvine, Interim Chair Property Have you ever wondered how the entrance windows stay so clean throughout the year? Thanks to Jim Hladin who cleans them on a regular basis. Thanks also to Marvin Smith who keeps the temperature in the building at a comfortable level summer or winter. Marvin is also in charge of the aging elevator that we sometimes get stuck in and he comes to our rescue. UNITED CHURCH WOMEN Operation Christmas Child ~ Thank you to all those who filled shoeboxes for “Operation Christmas Child”. This program is sponsored by “Samaritan’s Purse”. The boxes are taken to a drop off centre, where someone checks that they contain the correct materials. Boxes are then sent to countries where they are needed where children receive them at Christmas time. Kay Kelly first introduced this program to the U.C.W. When Kay was unable to look after the boxes, Joan Carr took over. The deadline for box return is November 16. Joan will update the congregation when all boxes are received. Thank you again for your concern and participation. Submitted by Joan Carr Note from Phil Rodgers: Christmas comes with mixed feelings, mostly glad, some sad. This poem speaks eloquently to my pastoral heart. I send it with my prayers and blessings of The Christmas Season to all. As Long as There's a Christmas The first few lights glow brightly, as you watch the season start. You know you should be happy, but don't feel it in your heart. "I promised in the manger and fulfilled it from the cross. I built a home that's filled with love for all those who are lost. So Christmas comes with sadness, and a yearning deep inside, a thirst for love and peace and hope that will not be denied. His words still echo through the years, a vow that He made true, "As long as there's a Christmas, I will be in love with you." Late one night you hear a voice, so soft, and without blame, and then, surprised, you realize, He's calling you by name. . . . . . Jack Zavada 5 NEWS & EVENTS October, 2014 was the 20th Anniversary of Martin Grove United Church and a time to celebrate the successful amalgamation of the two churches, with the congregations of Rexdale United Church and West Humber United Church joining together to become Martin Grove United Church. A Planning Committee was set up with, Bob Stanley, Joan Carr, Roberta Purdie, Vince Massey and Shirley Irvine to discuss ideas and suggestions for celebrating our 20th Anniversary. The Committee organized two special events to bring people together to celebrate. Our first event was held on May 3 at the Canadian Legion to celebrate a significant milestone date of May 2, 1994 for the approval of the building plans. We invited all members of the congregation to come and enjoy a delicious dinner and entertainment at the Legion. A good time was had by all. Our second event was a special Worship service and luncheon on Sunday, October 19. Invitations were sent out to former Ministers, past members and friends of the two churches. The worship service was well attended and thanks to the participation of former ministers, (Rev Bruce Misener, Rev Don Laing, Rev Charles Swan, and Rev Elwyn Hughes) in the worship service it was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Thanks to the worship committee and Rev Phil Rodgers for doing such a great job. It was wonderful to see Rev Tony Gazzard whose ministry at MGUC for 15 years definitely contributed to our success. We wish him well and are grateful that he could join us. We also give thanks to Rev Don Bell and Rev Rob Gillingham who unfortunately could not be with us but were remembered for their ministry in the life and work of Martin Grove United Church. Throughout the past 3 years our regular activities at MGUC continued with a renewed spirit to the future, thanks to the ministry of Rev Lorraine Hill. Following the service we enjoyed a delicious lunch downstairs where we had a pictorial display of the building under construction presented by Vince Massey. Rob Bartlett presented a power point presentation of pictures and events over the past 20 years. We all enjoyed reminiscing over the past 20 years. Thanks to Bob Stanley for doing such a great job as Master of Ceremonies and to all who helped in setting up the room, working in the kitchen and serving of cake to make this a wonderful celebration. Submitted by Shirley Irvine 6 Fundraising Project Marilyn Coombs has created greeting cards which are for sale, with all proceeds going to MGUC as a fund raiser. There are Christmas cards, both religious and nonreligious, birthday cards (male and female), and All Occasion cards available. Some of the 30 cards have verses that you can attach (have double sided tape that you peel off) or you may add your own message. Marilyn has hand embroidered the majority of the cards. Please have a look at these beautiful works of art. Speak to Marilyn to find out more about this project. PRAYER & REFLECTION CORNER Remembrance Service On Sunday, November 9, we shared a very meaningful Remembrance Day service. Veterans, spouses, Legion representatives, Coordinating Council members and others in the congregation were invited to place a poppy on our cross in memory and recognition of those who have served and who we honour. A Prayer of Remembrance Almighty and eternal God, from whose love in Christ we cannot be parted, either by death or life: hear our prayers and thanksgivings for all whom we remember this day; fulfill in them the purpose of your love; and bring us all, with them, to your eternal joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Saturday Morning Prayer Group The Saturday Morning Prayer Group meets regularly on Saturday mornings from 11:00am for about half an hour to an hour. We include prayer requests from the prayer book, from family, friends, and co-workers. Sometimes Cerene meets with people on the bus or subway and they put in prayer requests. We invite church members to submit prayer requests. Anyone is welcome to join the prayer group at any time. You can bring your requests in person to the prayer gathering. Requests can also be put in the collection tray and the ushers can forward it to Cerene or Stella. It is alright if the prayer request is anonymous. God knows who you are. Submitted by Stella George In Loving Memory With deep sadness we remember members who passed away in 2014 Mary Gane ~ July 5 We will keep you close in our hearts forever 7 LOOKING AHEAD Schedule of Worship Dates to Remember November Sun Nov 2 Worship Service ~ All Saints Sun Nov 9 Worship Service ~ Remembrance Sun Nov 16 Worship Service ~ Stewardship Sunday Praise Singing Sun Nov 23 Worship Service ~ Christ The King Sun Nov 30 Worship Service ~ 1st Sunday of Advent Chancel Communion Sun Dec 7 Sun Dec 14 2 Sun Dec 21 Wed Dec 24 Sun Dec 28 Mondays 1:00pm – Meditation Group Thursdays 7:00pm – Choir Rehearsal Saturdays 11:00am – Prayer Group Wed Dec 3 Sun Dec 7 Sun Dec 14 Wed Dec 17 Wed Dec 17 Wed Dec 24 Thu Dec 25 Fri Dec 26 Wed Dec 31 December 6:00pm MGUCW Christmas Potluck Supper White Gift Sunday Choir Cantata 1:00pm MGUCW Christmas Tea 6:30pm MDPC Mtg Christmas Eve Christmas Day Boxing Day New Years Eve Sun Nov 2 Sun Nov 9 December Worship Service ~ White Gift Worship Service Choir Cantata Worship Service Praise Singing Worship Service ~ Christmas Eve 7:00pm Candlelight Service Worship Service Hymn Sing “Elaine Weimer” January Sun Jan 4 Worship Service ~ Epiphany Robert Koil presents “South India Report” Sun Jan 11 Worship Service Chancel Communion Sun Jan 18 Worship Service Praise Singing Sun Jan 25 Worship Service Thu Jan 1 Sat Jan 3 Sun Jan 11 10:30am ~ Sunday Services Fellowship and Refreshments Following All are welcome Liz Gosse-Davidson Carol Burke Ryan McCullough Marilyn Coombs Liz Gosse-Davidson Sun Nov 16 Mon Nov 17 Wed Nov 19 Wed Nov 26 Sat Nov 29 November Youth Without Shelter Dinner Remembrance of Veterans and Spouses Outreach Committee Mtg Following Service Worship Committee Mtg following Service 7:30pm Finance Committee Mtg 6:30pm MDPC Mtg 7:00pm Co-ordinating Council Mtg 10:00am Decorating Chancel & Lunch Sun Jan 18 Wed Jan 21 Wed Jan. 21 Thu Jan 22 Wed Jan 28 Editor Format/Design Anniversary Images Card Images Poppy/Cross Image 8 January New Years Day Removal of Chancel Decorations Outreach Committee Mtg Following Service Youth Without Shelter Dinner Worship Committee Meeting 1:00pm UCW Meeting Following Service 6:30pm MDPC Mtg 2:00pm Redmen Concert 7:00pm Co-ordinating Council Mtg
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